• Published 1st Apr 2013
  • 2,215 Views, 16 Comments

Big Mac on the Daily Show - Daily Show Ponies

Jon Stewart interviews Big Mac at the end of an episode of 'The Daily Show'

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Intro: "..."

One misconception about how Jon selects guests for his program, the Daily Show, is that he does so with only the sole intention of projecting well in the ratings, but this is simply not true.

While the idea of a big name celebrity attracting more viewership was an enticing prospect to Jon, he always felt that the interview portion of his show could be used for so much more.

Not just a few minutes of funny back and forth with a fellow comedian or a lengthy debate with a politician he didn’t see eye to eye with and would guarantee an extra five minutes to show online... but as a conduit for real discussions and open ideas. As an open forum where those without the means to have their voices heard get a chance to spark real change and discuss topical issues on an intellectual level.

This sacred idea of Jon’s also applied to his most watched series on the show, Equestrian Interviews. For the most part, he tried to seek out guests he knew would be the best pony to have for whatever present situation happened to be at the forefront of most people’s minds. Getting a guest from Equestria was easy, it was making their appearance relevant with what was going on in his world that was the hard part.

As of late, this idea seemed more and more impossible of a task. For the past few months, Jon has had to cover issues such as: A presidential inauguration, North Korea threatening other countries with war, Congress failing to stop the Sequester from taking effect, the rise and fall of a new Pope, school shootings causing the issues of gun control to resurface, and even a cartel of maple syrup being illegally transported up in Canada.

These were truly troubling times in the world of humans and it would take nothing short of the perfect guest to help make sense of it all.

As luck would have it, Jon already knew exactly who he needed to have on his show to talk about these issues and so much more. Someone with charisma beyond that of any normal pony and a sharp intelligence to go with it. For it was this pony, and only this pony that even remotely qualified to appear on the Daily Show during one of the darkest days of human history.

Jon was in his study where he had retired for the night. He was leaning back in his chair and staring at the strewn about mess that eclipsed his desk, but never had his own mind been made so clear. He had plans to make his next guest Equestrian and he had long ago decided who it would be.

With a hand that seemed to be operating on it’s own, he reached for the nearby phone on his desk and immediately began to type a number by memory. To say he was a man on a mission was a gross understatement. As the phone began to ring, Jon thought of himself, not as person, but as the final piece of a puzzle in the grand scheme that was his greatest interview to date.

A voice suddenly filled his ears. It was now time.

“Hello?” Celestia asked.

“Big Mac.” Jon said.

“Okay.” She responded.