• Member Since 24th Jun, 2012
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Talon and Thorn


Corona, The Tyrant Sun, the vary name strikes fear into the hearts of Ponies throughout Equestria.

However, while spending a quiet afternoon alone she seems almost normal. When her rest is disturbed by a group of hunters sent by her sister she decides to have a little fun with them which leads to the release of a beast, but who truly is the monster?

Part of RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse.

An entry for the Lunaverse March Alicorn Challenge.

If you don't know who this Corona pony is come see the Lunaverse

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

I really do enjoy a look into Corona's thoughts, and how she looks back fondly on the good old days.

And how she completely misinterprets lots of things. Really adds to the madness. Well done.

Comment posted by Blackbelt deleted Mar 14th, 2013

Awesome. This story is great.

Ah, my. I almost hear Marina Sirtis voicing her.........that's because she's Demona bleating about what everyone else but HER has done.

Very nice. You handled Corona very well here.

Poor Celestia. Poor, mad, hopelessly deluded Celestia. Well done.


Thank you all for your kind comments


It honestly didn't occur to me to make them civilians.

However, I think it would have made Corona a bit nastier than I planned her to be, turning a hydra on 'enemy combatants' is one thing but just random ponies makes it crueler as she considers herself the protector of ponykind. Although earlier versions did have ether the Hydra just turn up by itself or Corona know about it but didn't specifically wake it up.


I agree, the look into the mind of a crazy alicorn was interesting.
Going from the good old days, to wanting to watch/protect the 3 ponies, to blaming Luna for everything.

I liked that. Gave her a little more depth. And shows how she rejects any responsibility for her actions.

Granted, most of what happened was an accidental. But it was still interesting to see her find away to blame someone else.

I'm not sure there's anyway you could reason with someone like her. Is there?
Or is Luna going to have to either lock her up, minus the horn.
Turn her to stone.
Or send her back to the sun?

“It shouldn’t be this way” She screamed “I protect ponies, I don’t kill them, I don’t do that. Not me!”

Luna, she thought desperately, this was all her fault, she was the monster, not me, not me. She’d known that I would be here, she had arranged for the Hydra to be nesting in the water and then sent her ponies here primed with lies to hate and fear me. She had known that the beast would attack and that I would have to protect them and that her lies would lead to their death, that had to be it, it just had to be. She’d killed them not me, not me.

Breathing heavily, and trying to pull herself together, Corona looked at the desolation around her and the charred skeleton at her feet. Spoiled it was all spoiled now, her place of peace, Luna had ruined it all to spite her, just like the rest of Equestria.


I think being unable to accept that she's ever done anything wrong is Corona'a biggest flaw (and there are a lot). The problem is that as soon as she admits she might be wrong about something (accidentally killing a single pony) it leave open that she's not infallable and thus some previous decission's (say forcably relocating a sizable proportion of Equestria population) might not have been the best thing and then the whole edifis falls appart. In my story the only thing she's willing to admit might have been a mistake is stealing one of her old sets of shoes.

Luna is not entirely without blame in matters just no where near as much as Corona thinks, neither princess dealt with stress well. Luna cut herself off and Celestia became a workaholic, if they had stayed together then they might have balanced one another out but instead one or the other had to give and in this universe it was Corona. Given her 20 year breakdown/bender after she abandoned Cadence Luna wasn't exactly stable at the end either. I guess its just as well for Ponykind that they didn't both just crumble although perhaps mutual distruction might have been a better long term chance for the few survivors :fluttercry:

Not a clue for a long term solution to Corona. Locking her away or exciling her again runs into the problem of finite crime vs eternal punishment on an immortal, if she kills 1 million ponies do you lock her away for 100 years? By that time anyone who knew any of her victims would be dead, 1000 years? Any one who even remembered any of them or their decendents would be gone. 1 million years? 1 year per victim, she'll still be around, when has she been punished enough?
All I could think of would be lock her in a sort of lotus eater machine where she can halucinate that she's the glorious ruler of Equestria worshiped by the masses for all eternity? Let her have a final clarifying breakdown (realise she was actually wrong as mentioned above), seriously depower her and have her spend the next 10 thousand years in therapy? The fact that Luna though she could make Cadence a mortal (although that apparently didn't stick) seems to offer the only real way out.

Or maybe the power of friendship will really turn out to be magic.


I think being unable to accept that she's ever done anything wrong is Corona'a biggest flaw (and there are a lot). The problem is that as soon as she admits she might be wrong about something (accidentally killing a single pony) it leave open that she's not infallable and thus. .. the whole edifiss falls appart.

Its all just a house of cards isn't it? Like you pointed out. Some people, and ponies, just can't accept the fact they can be wrong. Vanity and Ego push out any humility they may have had. (For good examples look at DC or Hollywood.)

In my story the only thing she's willing to admit might have been a mistake is stealing on of her old sets of shoes.

I thought how indigent she was over the comments about her shoe size was not only funny, but a nice touch. Just a bit of vanity.

Luna is not entirely without blame in matters just no where near as much as Corona thinks, neither princess dealt with stress well. Luna cut herself off and Celestia became a workaholic, if they had stayed together then their might have balanced one another but instead one of the other had to give and in this universe it was Corona. Given her 20 year breakdown/bender after she abandoned Cadence Luna wasn't exactly stable at the end either.

Yeh, they both kind of got caught up in things, or themselves, leading them to actually harming the very ponies they tried to protect. Irony at its finest.

This is just another reason I like the Lunaverse stories. You authors add a depth to the characters that 22 minutes a week can't. And some stories refuse to try. Pointing out no one is perfect can be a good thing. Maybe Corona needed someone to ride behind her, telling her she too is mortal. Or whatever they'd say to an immortal alicorn. :twilightsheepish:

I guess its just as well for Ponykind that they didn't both just crumble although prehaps mutual distruction might have been a better long term chance for the few survivors

True. Anyone caught between the two of them will be vaporized. Two beings with their power fighting each other...Equestria could have ended up looking like Mars.

PT II ( I didn't want to choke your comment section. :twilightblush: )

Not a clue for a long term solution to Corona. Locking her away or exciling her again runs into the problem of finite crime vs eternal punishment on an immortal, if she kills 1 million ponies do you lock her away for 100 years? By that time anyone who knew any of her victims would be dead, 1000 years? Any one who even remembered any of them or their decendents would be gone. 1 million years? 1 year per victim, she'll still be around, when has she been punished enough?

This is a good question. Stalin said "The lose of 1 life is a tragedy. But the loss of 1 million is a statistic" I'm not even sure what the ballpark would be for the lose of life during their fight. And like you said, by now, it's just stories handed (hoofed?) down in families. So would a 1000 years be enough? Would a truly reformed pony think that was enough for all the harm they caused?

All I could think of would be lock her in a sort of lotus eater machine where she can halucinate that she's the glorious ruler of Equestria worshiped by the masses for all eternity?

I think that would probably be the most humane thing that could be done. Can you really hold someone that crazy accountable for their actions? And what happens if you can't cure them? Of course, having her escape after the jello pudding pop part of lunch. (Much like the Joker does) Would give a 1st rate villain always on stand by.

Let her have a final clarifying breakdown (realise she was actually wrong as mentioned above), seriously depower her and have her spend the next 10 thousand years in therapy?

:rainbowlaugh: If it comes down to Dr Phil being our only hope, I'm checking out.

The fact that Luna though she could make Cadence a mortal (although that apparently didn't stick) seems to offer the only real way out.

If she did that to me, assuming for the moment I'm a pony, (but not a hippie looking one) I think I'd be annoyed she tried to limit my options, future and lifespan.
I'm not even sure Luna could handle it, emotionally, doing that to her own sister. Cadence, was a different case. She didn't raise her, or grow up with her. So, I would assume that would be easier to do.

Or maybe the power of friendship will really turn out to be magic.

I'm torn here, on the one hand I cant wait to see what does happen. But on the other hand, having someone that can be a real threat to Luna and everyone else is interesting.

But then, if she teamed up with Discord...

Anyhow, great story. :pinkiehappy:

This was a lovely story. My only complaint is that it seems to lack punctuation a lot, which lead to a lot of run-on sentences and makes the story confusing to read and lack some of the punch it could have. Still loves the look into Corona's mind and her motivations.

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