• Published 1st Feb 2012
  • 1,756 Views, 8 Comments

Whatever Happened to Captain Cloudsdale? - Tumbleweed

A masked and mysterious pony has come to Ponyville!

  • ...

Chapter 2

"And then he just flew off!" Rainbow Dash said. "I could've gone after him, totally- not like some weirdo in red spandex is gonna be faster than me." She grinned at the other ponies in Twilight's library, and then winced a little as Fluttershy wrapped a bandage around the board-shaped bruise on her head. "But I was tired after beating up that tornado, is all."

"I reckon you were." said Applejack.

"Red tights?" Rarity said. "Why, that sounds absolutely gauche. Didn't anyone tell him green is the new red this year?"

"I doubt Captain Cloudsdale keeps up to date on fashion trends, Rarity." said Twilight Sparkle, frowning. "Especially since he died over sixty years ago."

"Oh no!" Pinkie Pie said, "He's a ghost pony!" she quivered, and hid behind Fluttershy.

"Nah, not a ghost." Rainbow Dash said. "He poked me in the side to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Ghosts can't do that, can they? They're like, inconsequential or something, right?"

"Insubstantial." Twilight said. "Or they would be, if they existed. Which they don't."

"So he's not a ghost, but he's already dead- maybe he's a vampony!" Pinkie Pie said.

"What." Fluttershy said, narrowing her eyes.

"Eheh, don't worry, he can't be a vampony!" Twilight Sparkle said, somewhat quickly. "I mean, even if there was a tornado, vamponies can't go out during the day."

"Oh, good." Fluttershy said, quietly.

"Sooooo...that means he's a zombie! Oh no! Did he try to eat your brains, Rainbow Dash?" Pinkie Pie shook the slightly-concussed Rainbow Dash. Hard.

As one could expect, this was not the best of things to do to a slightly concussed pegasus. "Bwuh?" Rainbow Dash said. Even that was an effort.

"HE DID! HE ATE HER BRAINS! NOOOOOO!" Pinkie Pie began to sob.

"Now just wait a gosh-dern minute!" Applejack said, and yanked Pinkie Pie away from Rainbow Dash. "Ain't nobody eatin' brains in ponyville!"

"Gah," Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Stop shaking me! I'm fine, Pinkie. He didn't eat my brains."

"Are you sure?"


"Oh, okay!" Pinkie Pie's tears stopped as quick as someone turning a faucet. "But...if he's not undead or anything, how come this guy's flying around all this time later?"

"That," Twilight Sparkle said, "is a very good question. As best I can remember, Captain Cloudsdale died towards the end of the Second Wyvern War, shortly after he helped found the Wonderbolts."

"WHAT." Rainbow Dash lunged across the room and grabbed Twilight by the shoulders. "Say that again!"

"Captain Cloudsdale died-"

"No, the other part! About the Wonderbolts!"

"Oh, right. Captain Cloudsdale was one of the founding members of the Wonderbolts, along with the Horsey Torch, and Neigh-mor the Sea Pony. The Wonderbolts were originally an elite military unit, you know."

"I knew his name sounded familiar! Oh, this is so cool!" Rainbow Dash said. "And he was looking for me. Awesome!" Rainbow Dash's voice pitched upwards into 'fangirl squeal' territory.

"Hey now," Applejack said, leaning in, "Ain't this whole 'dead guy who ain't really dead' thing more 'portant?"

"Actually, Rainbow Dash might have a point." said Twilight. "I don't know what's going on, but it might be better if some of us kept an eye on Captain Cloudsdale, in case anything odd happens."

"And then, when I impress him with how totally sweet my moves are, he can make me a Wonderbolt! It's not like they can tell him 'no,' right?"

"I don't think it works that way." Fluttershy murmured.

"Well, it should." Rainbow Dash said.

"Fine, fine." Applejack sighed. "Guess it's a lucky thing I held onto them purple pajamas."

"They're not pajamas!" Rarity said, "It's an action-cut body stocking, and you know it."

"Uh, sure." Applejack said.

"Right- Applejack, Rainbow Dash, you two can investigate firsthand, while the rest of us stay here and do research."

"Sweet!" Rainbow Dash pumped her hoof, "I'm gonna be a superhero! Oh man, I'm gonna need the coolest outfit ever."

"Oh my." Rarity said, "This is rather short notice, but- Fluttershy, would you mind terribly if I just altered your action-cut body stocking for Rainbow Dash? Those wing-gloves take an inordinate amount of time to stitch, even for me-"

"Don't worry, Rarity-" Rainbow Dash said, and patted the unicorn on the shoulder, "I've already got something in mind."

"Welp, I'm glad Rarity ain't here." Applejack's voice was muffled by her mask. She titled the brim of her hat upward and scanned the skies of her farm for incoming ponies.

"Oh, come on!" Rainbow Dash said. "This totally works as a super suit! It's got a helmet, and a cape, and that's all you need, right?" she posed, throwing her wings back to show off the first gala dress (to use the term loosely) Rarity had made for her. "Or, wait, I know- I need goggles! Shoot, I should've brought my goggles. Tell you what, wait here, and I'll-"

"Nuh-uh." Applejack put her hoof down on Rainbow Dash's tail before she could take off. "You're stayin' here."

"Spoilsport." Rainbow Dash said.

"Hey, don't forget why we're here in the first place." Applejack said.

"Shh!" Rainbow Dash said, suddenly looking upward, "He's coming! Now remember the plan, you stay quiet and mysterious, and I'll do all the talking."

Above, a red blur zipped out of a large cloud. Captain Cloudsdale beat his wings to slow his descent. He landed next to them, hard enough to dig four hoof-shaped furrows in the grass next to them. He smiled broadly to the two fillies present.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, ladies-"

"No problem!' Rainbow Dash said. "I'm like the most patient pony you'll ever meet."

"And this must be the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well." Captain Cloudsdale grinned. Applejack nodded silently, and shook the super-pony's offered hoof.

"She doesn't talk much." Rainbow Dash said.

Applejack glared through her mask at Rainbow Dash.

"That's alright- I'm not really much of a talker myself." Captain Cloudsdale said.

"So what's the plan?" Rainbow Dash took to the air in anticipation. "Are we gonna go after a dragon? 'cause we've totally dealt with dragons before. Or, ooh, are we going to chase down some spies? Rescue a princess? Fight ninjas? Oh please, tell me it's ninjas, 'cause that would be totally cool."

"Er, no." Captain Cloudsdale said. "I need your help finding something-"

"That's it?" Rainbow Dash said, "We're superheroes. That doesn't sound very super."

"-in the Everfree forest." Captain Cloudsdale turned to look off into the treeline.

"Oh, well, I guess that's different." Rainbow Dash said.

"I'd go on my own, but I really don't know the area that well, so I thought I'd get a local guide. You know the Everfree forest, right?" said the red-suited pegasus.

Applejack nodded, and shared a quizzical look with Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah, I've gone in there a coupla times." Rainbow dash pushed her helmet back.

"Somepony important to me disappeared in the Everfree forest, a long time ago. I've decided it's time to find out what happened." Captain Cloudsdale

"You can count on us, C.C.!" Rainbow Dash grinned, and shot off into the forest. A short distance later, she spiraled upwards in the air and turned to look back at Captain Cloudsdale and Applejack. "Try to keep up!"

"Is she always like that?" Captain Cloudsdale asked.

Applejack nodded.

"I figured as much."

As the vegetation got thicker, Rainbow Dash was forced to slow her pace. The two pegasi weaved slowly through the air, while Applejack made her way nimbly over the rough terrain below.

"You know, Rainbow Dash-" Captain Cloudsdale said as they sailed through the air, some distance above the masked mare. "-this is, ah...a bit unprofessional of me, but...what do you know about Mare Do Well?"

"What, like her secret identity and junk?"

"No, not that. More like the stuff she likes. Favorite foods. Music. That kind of thing."

"Why do you wanna know?"

"No reason." Captain Cloudsdale said, quite suddenly.

"Wait a second-" Rainbow Dash eyed Captain Cloudsdale carefully. "Even I can cover up better than that. Are you a spy?"

"That's not it!" the masked pegasus said. "It's just, well...I hadn't planned on this, but your friend's kind of cute."

Rainbow Dash blinked at the revelation, and looked down at the violet shadow trotting through the forest. "She is?" she blurted. On the one hoof, Rainbow Dash realized, helping Captain Cloudsdale get a date could help her get a spot in the Wonderbolts. On the other hoof, she wasn't about to use her friends as mere stepping-stones, even to achieve her lifelong dream. "I mean, uh, no she isn't. She's wearing a mask, dude." Inspiration struck Rainbow Dash. "-and there's a reason for it." she leaned in and murmured conspiratorially, "Don't tell anypony, but Mare Do Well's face got all messed up awhile back. Freak, uh...freak badger accident. Yeah. So now she wears a mask and helps everypony else, so that'll never happen again!"

"Wow." Captain Cloudsdale's eyes went wide, "That...is impressive."

"You don't know the half of it, dude." Rainbow Dash said. "So yeah, just my friendly advice, don't try anything all smoochy-woochy, 'cause seriously, her face would probably make you barf."

"I'll...keep that in mind." Captain Cloudsdale said.

On the forest floor, Applejack pressed on, blissfully unaware of the conversation above her. She very carefully walked around a patch of poison joke, then hopped onto a large dark boulder in order to get a better view. As soon as her hooves touched down, Applejack knew something was wrong. The boulder was too warm, too smooth...and, Applejack realized with a sinking feeling in her stomach, it was breathing.

Applejack leaped away, moments before a mouth the size of a haycart snapped at her. The boulder uncoiled, revealing a long, serpentine body and a set of draconian wings.

"Whoa!" Rainbow Dash said, "What is that, some kinda dragon?"

"Wyvern, actually!" Captain Cloudsdale said, and dove into action. He swooped down at the back of the reptile's head, hitting it with all four hooves at once. Rainbow Dash followed suit, hitting even harder than the superhero pony had.

The wyvern snarled as it fell forward, landing hard upon its chin. Applejack reached beneath her cape and pulled out a recent addition to her Mare Do Well attire: a long, purple-dyed lariat. She twirled the rope over her head and closed the loop around the wyvern's snout, tying it closed.

"Huh." Rainbow Dash said, "It looks like a dragon. What's the difference?"

The wyvern shook its head, dislodging the two pegasi there. It strained its jaws against the rope holding them closed. The lariat began to sizzle and smoke, and finally snapped into two pieces as the wyvern's broad jaws snapped open.

"Dragons spit fire-" Captain Cloudsdale said, voice shaky, "Wyverns spit acid."

The wyvern swung its head around and spat at Rainbow Dash. She rolled out of the way, and the snot-green glob struck a tree and began to sizzle, melting the hardwood away as sure as a sugarcube dissolving in water.

A wet, guttural sound echoed from the not-dragon's mouth as it reared back to hock another vitriolic loogie. It zeroed in on Rainbow Dash again, but a purple blur struck the wyvern on the chin, just at the moment it spat. Its jaws snapped shut, and flecks of acid sprayed in all directions.

Applejack sucked in a quick breath as she felt the drops of acid hit her foreleg. She crumpled to the ground and tore off the acid-burnt remnants of her sleeve as quickly as she could. She gritted her teeth against the pain, then thrust her leg into a muddy puddle, hoping to wash the worst of the acid off before it could do any more damage.

Above the disguised pony, the wyvern pulled its lips back in something halfway between a snarl and a smile.

"Over here!" Captain Cloudsdale said, and flew right over the wyvern's nose. The huge reptile stopped, and turned its head to stare at the red-clad pegasus. A look of surprise crossed its saurian features, and the wyvern made a confused sound.

"That's right, remember me?" the Captain glared at the giant reptile. "Bet I'm the last pony you expected to see, aren't I?"

"What're you doing?" Rainbow Dash said, circling around.

"-what I came here for." Captain Cloudsdale said. "Take your friend and go!"

"What? No way! I'm not leaving you here!"

"You've got to! You're faster than I am, and Mare Do Well needs help. I'll handle the wyvern."

At this, the wyvern gave a derisive snort. Captain Cloudsdale smiled, then tapped the wyvern on the nose. "You never could catch me, could you?" The red-clad pony turned around and shot off into the everfree forest. The wyvern snorted again and beat its wings. It took to the air after Captain Cloudsdale, and even its serpentine bulk disappeared in the darkness of the Everfree forest.

"Whatcha waitin' for?" Applejack said, pulling off her mask. "Go on after 'im! I'll be fine!" She cradled her left hoof in her right.

Rainbow Dash shook her head, and hauled Applejack out of the puddle. "You just had to say that, didn't you?"