• Published 6th Mar 2013
  • 1,888 Views, 53 Comments

Twists and Turns - Fox-Sama

Once sheltered in her life of seclusion and education, Twilight Sparkle’s comfortably mundane life is shattered as she is thrown into a new town and a new school, complete with new ponies.

  • ...

Chapter 2. The Worst Day

Chapter Two.

The Worst Day

“Saddlebags, check. Parchment, quill and ink, check. Complete list of my teachers’ names and their favorite snack, check.”

“Twilight, give it a rest already, it’s four in the morning. School doesn't even start for another three hours.” Spike groaned from his bed, covering his head with the blanket. “And just so you know, it’s super creepy that you got your teachers’ favorite snack.”

“For your information Spike, we are leaving in an hour and a half so I can meet my new teachers and get the layout of my new school. I do need a new reading spot, you know.”

“And let’s not forget you want to avoid Pinkie,” Spike added through his grogginess.

Twilight’s expression twisted at the thought of the intrusive mare. “I don't know what it is, but there’s something off about that pony.”

“And making a checklist at four in the morning is so normal.” Spike pulled his pillow over his head, muffling the rest of his words. When realisation sank in, Spike shot up from where he was. “What do you mean ‘we’?” he asked, his tone accusatory.

Twilight simply offered a nonchalant shrug in response. “Spike, you’ve always gone to class with me in the past, and even though we’re in a new school this is no different. Now get up and get some breakfast. We do have a very busy day today.” Her tone let Spike know there was no room for negotiations.

Spike threw off his blanket and marched out of the room, grumbling past Twilight who was now going back over her checklist.

An hour later Twilight and Spike left the house into the crisp morning air. But unfortunately for the unicorn, Pinkie was already up and waiting for her right outside the door, thus killing Twilight’s nice, quiet walk to school. However trying the pony’s company could be, Twilight could not deny that it was not without its benefits - Pinkie’s knowledge of the town was remarkable. With every shop, and every building Pinkie seemed to know everything about it and spoke of ponies that worked there with an intimate fondness.

As they wandered through town the building that caught Twilight’s attention most was a large tree that Pinkie said was the library, and upon hearing this the unicorn zipped over quickly and peeped through the window, letting out squeals of delight as she spotted the shelves stock full of various books and tomes. She knew exactly where she was going after class today. The thought of signing up for a new library card made Twilight giggle with excitement, but she settled down as she reminded herself that first she had to finish her day.

Soon the trio had arrived in front of the school. Despite telling herself that it was unfair, Twilight couldn’t help but be thoroughly unimpressed. It wasn’t that the school looked bad, it looked like a decent school, but still... it paled in comparison. Not every school was Rising Sun Academy, she thought with only the barest hint of murderous resentment. Her enthusiasm had died down to almost nothing as she remembered what she lost back in Canterlot. For a couple seconds her mind entertained the traitorous notion of skipping school for the day.

Sensing something was wrong, Pinkie proceeded to tell Twilight all about the school hoping that would help.

“... And around the back side of the gym is a pond where a lot of ponies like to eat their lunches, and on Thursdays the cafeteria serves the best dandelion and pineapple smoothies you've ever had! And don't forget the hay fries. Over there is the office and teachers lounge, and over there is a-”

Twilight managed her best apologetic smile. “I’m so sorry, Pinkie Pie, but I really need to go. I wanted to go down and meet the principal before class starts and introduce myself. Thank you for the tour. We’ll talk to you later, okay?”

“Oki-doki-loki.” Pinkie bobbed her head cheerfully as she watched Twilight and Spike walk off across the grass, only to immediately stop and look around, already lost. “The principal’s office is that way, Twilight.” Pinkie giggled as she pointed in the opposite direction. Twilight blushed and walked over to where Pinkie had designated.


The office was exactly what Twilight had expected, worn, thin gray carpet with a trophy case along the left wall and a bulletin board detailing upcoming events on the right.

The receptionist was a unicorn with a dark blue coat and a yellow mane, absently sorting through the morning’s paperwork. “Can I help you?” she asked through her floating paperwork.

“Yes, my name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is Spike.Were just starting here today, I was hoping I could have a word with the principal to introduce myself.”

The receptionist looked up, it was clear she was confused by the sheer eagerness in Twilight's voice. “You want to meet the principal? Since when does a student, let alone a new one want to have anything to do with the principal?”

“What do you mean? The principal is the keystone to any fundamental learning environment; what student wouldn’t want to meet them?” The concern in Twilight's voice was starting to grow.

The receptionist was starting to get a little nervous now. “Um, almost all the students could really care less for the principal, or the rest of the staff for that matter. They just want to go to class, talk with their friends and go home.” Spike spared her a sympathetic grimace.

Twilight gaped at her, aghast. “What? Bu-but that’s not right! A strong student-teacher relationship is needed to maximize the enthusiasm in the classroom. It’s a proven fact that if both the student and the teacher are both enjoying their time in the classroom that they can effectively increase their potential to both respectively teach and learn.” By now Twilight was pacing back and forth across the already-worn carpet.

Luckily for the now-scared receptionist, the principal chose this time to round the hallway. Her coat was a dull sandy color while her mane was a mix of dark gray with white streaks, and her cutie mark was of a quill entwined with a piece of parchment. “Is there a problem here?”

“Miss Principal, this is Twilight Sparkle. She is a new transfer student fro...”

An exasperated sigh cut the receptionist off. “The day has not even started yet.” The older mare shook her head and walked back into her office. “What can I do for you, Miss Sparkle? I have a lot to do today.”

“Oh! I’m sorry, I just wanted introduce myself. I’m Twilight Sparkle, and I was hoping I could become an active member of the student body. I would very much like to offer my assistance to you in any way; I can help with any administrative issues you may be having, or even any problems with overextending the budget, and I will even go over the solutions with you and any of the staff!”

A pained expression flashed across the principal’s face. “Look, miss Sparkle, I know you come from a school with far more elegance, class, and funding,” she almost spat the last word, “but here we do not have such luxuries. Most of the teachers and staff, myself included, can’t wait for the day to end just so we can go home like your fellow students. Now I don’t know what you hoped to accomplish with your little visit but I feel that we're done here.”

Twilight sat in a stunned stupor, she had never been dismissed by an educator before, nor had she ever felt so lost. “What? No, I just want... No, this isn't right, you're supposed to help the students and staff create a learning environment to help young minds grow!”

“We do our jobs to the best of our abilities, miss Sparkle, now if some of the staff want to go that extra mile that is up to them. Now the bell is going to ring in about an hour, I suggest you make you way and say goodbye-,” the mare regarded Spike for a moment, “-to your friend.”

Twilight looked at Spike and smiled fondly “Well he is more of a little brother really.” The young dragon made a gagging motion. “Actually, he was going to accompany me through my classes like he’s always done, he always gets good grades, so you don't have to worry about him.”

“Oh, I think not. You are enrolled in this school, not him,” The principal smiled a bit more now, making the young unicorn nervous. ”I think I am starting to see things more clearly. I was wondering why the top student from the prestigious Rising Sun Academy would transfer here. And before you say it, yes I have read the notes in your record, but quite frankly I don’t buy it. Going to a ‘lower class’ school so you can increase your social skills?”

“But it is the truth! The princess wrote that letter herself!” Twilight was starting to raise her voice a little as her frustrations grew towards this mare who wore the label of an educator.

“I doubt that very much, Miss Sparkle, and I will not be lied to in my own office.”

“I am no-” Twilight began to protest.

“Now,” the principal cut her off, “let me tell you what I really think. You rode on the coattails of your parents who used their money to buy your little friend here into the school, who started using his wandering eyes to help you cheat. When you were caught your parents bought off the teachers, but to save face you still had to leave. Am I getting warmer?”

Twilight stood there, her mouth moving but no sound coming forth. She might as well have been slapped in the face for all that the principal had accused her of. Being a prissy little rich girl, a liar, and a cheat. “But, if what you say is true, then you can enroll him in the grade school next door tomorrow, unless your parents want to use their money to get him into class with you again,” she said, her tone hinting at almost hopeful at the thought of a bribe. “Until then, little Spike here will have to go home.”

“But I, I mean, how…” Twilight sputtered in anger. “Graa, why are you being such a bitch?” She clasped her mouth with her hooves. Never in her life had she called anypony that, and to a principal no less. “I-I’m... ”

The principal gave a tittering noise of disapproval. “Well, Miss Sparkle, I hope you have said all that what you wanted to say. Now I suggest you take him home now, and do remember that you will be serving detention this afternoon.”

“No please, I’m so sorry, I... I don’t know what came over me, I've never done anything like that before really!” Twilight begged as she was now, edge of having a panic attack.

“Well that’s too bad, you asked for a bitch and you are going to get one. Now get out of my office before you earn yourself a suspension.”

With the threat made Twilight bolted from the office and right out the school yard ignoring the pleas of a concerned Pinkie Pie.

Twilight galloped home trying to hold back the tears that were already graces her cheeks. She had never ran so hard in her life, nor had she ever felt like a failure.

Shining Armor was ready to leave for work when the front door was kicked in and a purple blur ran past the hallway, followed by the sound of a slamming door. “Twilight?” The only reply he got was the sound of open sobbing.

“Shining Armor. We have a problem.”

The white stallion looked back to the open front door and saw Spike picking up Twilight’s discarded saddlebags. “Spike, what the hay happened?”

“I'm not entirely sure. Twilight went to the office so she could introduce herself to the principal, only...” Spike rubbed his arm and looked down the hall at Twilight's closed door. “Only the principal started accusing her, saying things like Twilight was forced out of Canterlot because she couldn’t handle the stress of school, or how she used me to cheat on her tests. Then she said that I wasn’t allowed on school grounds and said I had to go to grade school again.”

“She what? But why would she say all that to Twilight?” Shining looked at his sister's door. “I know that Princess Celestia would never put anything like that into Twilight's record .”

“Thats not the end of it. You see, Twilight sorta lost her temper.”

“This is not going to help matters is it?” Shining Armor groaned.

Spike shrugged. “She sort of... called the principal a bitch and got detention.”

Shining slowly turned around with a look of bewilderment. “Twilight? As in my little sister Twilight Sparkle?” Spike nodded and the stallion’s mouth fell further open. “Wow...just wow. Okay, I am going to let the precinct know I’m going to be late. Spike, could you make some tea for us while I’ll see what I can do.”

“Sure thing, Armor.” Spike saluted and walked towards the kitchen while Shining Armor made his way out the door. “Ok, where does Shining armor keep the tea?”

“Well normally he keeps it on the third shelf on the first cabinet next to the sink,” said a voice, calm and soothing and unexpected.

Looking over his shoulder Spike saw a somepony he knew quite well, but was more than a little surprised to find her in the house. “Cadance? What are you doing here?”

“What? Can’t a mare come over and make her favorite filly and dragon my famous peanut butter pancakes before their first day at a new school?” A familiar pink alicorn smiled as she cantered past Spike, pulling out what she needed for the meal.

“Wow, thanks Cadance, that sounds great!” Spike smiled before remembering what had already transpired that morning. “But you see Twilight and I had already left before, and you… did you hear what I said to Shining?”

“I heard you two talking, though I didn’t hear the actual words.” Cadance levitated a box of teabags into Spike’s claws.

He took a deep breath, and related the morning’s events. Once he had explained what had happened Cadance’s genial demeanor vanished, replaced by thinly veiled anger. “Well, it would seem my plans this morning will need to be changed. Spike, please have the tea ready. Twilight will be out in a moment.”

Walking down the hall, Cadance found Shining Armor sitting on his haunches, while throwing a look of pure hate at the door. “I don't know how, but she has erected a barrier I can't even scratch, let alone break, and I’m a guard.”

His horn shone with power as he blasted the door with everything he had, only to have his spell crackled and spark as the door shimmered, leaving simply a faint burn mark on the wood.

“Shining, really?”

The alabaster stallion looked up at his marefriend with a confused look on his face. Cadance just shook her head as she lit her horn, making part of the wall glow in a light shimmer .

“Stallions,” she muttered as she walked through the wall and into Twilight’s room, leaving a stunned guard sitting in the hall.

The sight in the room was almost enough to break the Alicorn’s heart. there were crumpled pieces of parchment lay scattered about the room, many with the words, ’Princess’, ‘failed you’, ‘sorry’ and even ‘help’. In the far corner of the room with her back to the door laid the young unicorn, quietly sobbing away as she attempted to write another letter, only to stop and throw it away half-formed with a cry. Walking over, the alicorn folded her legs and sat down beside the distraught unicorn.

The younger mare looked up with eyes wrought red, even now a tear was streaming down the matted fur of her face. “Ca...Cadance? What are you doing here?”

“Well I originally came over this morning to make you breakfast and wish you luck at school. But now I think you need more than just a good meal,” she smiled and nuzzled her smaller friend. And that little gesture was all it took. Twilight threw herself into the embrace of her former foalsitter and cried even more into the princess’ neck. “Shhh, shhh... It’s okay, Ladybug, let it all out.

“Its not fair! I was happy back at home, back at ‘my’ school, with ‘my’ teachers!” She cried louder and haltingly continued. ”Why did they make me move? Why... why did the princess send me away... what did I... what did I do wrong?” She was pleading with Cadance to get answers to her questions.

The look she was receiving was heart wrenching for her - Cadance knew Twilight was upset, but she never imagined things could be this bad for the young unicorn.

“Twilight, sweetie, you know that your parents did not just send you away. With Shining already gone it must have been very hard for them. You and I both know they love you and only want what's best for you.” She draped her wing over Twilight and pulled her closer and, nuzzling her cheek with her own. “As for Auntie ‘Tia, she is more proud of you than you know. She loves you like a daughter, and I know she has spent months worrying about you. She and Luna had come up with so many ideas and plans, eventually settling on this one. And you have to admit, living with your brother is not that bad, isn’t it?”

A hint of a smile formed over Twilight’s lips, and she shook her head. “No, it’s not, and the town seems nice and quiet.” Then all traces of the smile vanished. “But the principal said such horrible things, it was like she hates me and the school.”

“That’s because she does.” Twilight’s head shot up in surprise. “Well not you, personally. You see Twilight, three months ago she ran for mayor, she was so sure she would win, she never gave her opponent any thought. She spent her campaign bits on herself. So, when the polls closed, she was furious that she had lost. She wasn’t too bad before that, but now I suspect that she just takes out her anger on the school, and its students.”

“So she just does what she wants, just because she's unhappy? What about the young ponies that cross her?” Gone was Twilight's fear and sorrow as her demeanor changed to one of rage. “Why hasn't anypony reported her to the board of education?”

“Twilight, you have nothing to worry about, she will not be doing anything to your permanent record.” Seeing Twilight's confused look, Cadance smiled and continued on. “There had been other complaints about her, and there has been an investigation, and it would seem that her threats are just that, threats.“

“So... My life isn't over?”

With a roll of her eyes Cadance kissed the younger mare on top of the head before standing. “No, ladybug, your life is still on track, right where you left it. But I suspect that the Principal will have you in her sights for some time.”

Twilight stood up with her friend and walked towards the door. “But why? What did I do wrong other then trying to help her?”

“Because your brother wouldn’t go out with her.” And with that bit of news and a smirk the pink alicorn left the room and a stunned Twilight.


“She really said all that?” Twilight nodded to Pinkie’s question as she walked alongside her friend. “Wow, I know the principal was a meanie pants, but to go and say that! Are you okay, Twilight?”

“Yes, I will be fine, I still have detention this afternoon. But it’s not really that bad in the long run, it’s just like study hall.” She lowered her head and drooped her ears. “With delinquents...”

“Don't worry, Twilight, I’m sure it will all work out for the best.” Pinke walked along before pointing to a new building to the right, it was large building standing three stories tall with the front of it being made of tinted glass. It almost resembled a large soda can. “And that’s the library over there.”

Twilight gave a longing look as she started for her sanctuary when Pinkie Pie clamped down on the unicorn's tail and pulled her back. ”Pinkie? What was that for?” Twilight asked as she pulled her tail free from her friend’s mouth.

“That’s easy.” Pinkie pointed to the grass where the ground was muddy due to a faulty sprinkler. “You were about to walk through the mud, and you would get dirty, then ponies will think you're some kind of mud monster, and if they think that they will think the mud monsters are trying to steal all our candy, and if we don't have any cand...” Before Pinke could get going with her rant and looked down at her hoof. “Oh, my hoof is itchy,” she mentioned, matter-of-factly.

Twilight stared at the mare. “What does your hoof have to do with anythi...”

A foreign voice interrupted her. “Get outta my way, losers!”

Turning towards the direction of the shout, Twilight had a split-second glance of a hoofball sailing right at her, but that was not what worried her. What did was the blue blob running at breakneck speed right at her. Before the unicorn knew what was happening it plowed right into her, sending her right into the mud with a splash.

“Ah’ha! Got it! I told I didn't need my wings, Thunderlane!” said the same voice, triumphant.

The mud surrendered Twilight’s head with a wet sucking sound as she looked up. When still the speeding object had resolved into a pony, lying on the ground clutching a sports ball. As the individual got up she flicked her head, sending some of the mud in her rainbow-spectrumed mane splattering right into Twilight's already mud-ridden face.

“Oh my neck... I told you to move, what was the big idea standing there anyway?” asked the pegasus as she rubbed her neck. She threw the ball back towards the way she came.

“Bu... I, you... What?! You ran into me!” Twilight Shouted at the pony.

“Only ‘cause you didn't move when I told you to.”

Getting up to her hooves and trying to ignore the mud clinging to her, Twilight glared into the eyes of the pegasus in front of her. Pinkie was off to the side, making warning motions to Twilight that went unseen. “You could have hurt somepony!”

The pony made a rude, dismissive gesture. “Yeah.. Whatever, hornhead, I have better things to do than be lectured by you.” The pegasus flared open her wings flicking even more mud onto Twilight before beginning flying off.

“What's your problem, jerk?” Twilight shouted. The pegasus stop to a hover.

“What did you call me? Do you know who you are talking to to?”

“Oh, you heard me? I was starting to think your ears were as bad as your attitude.”

The multi spectrum maned pony flew back over to Twilight. “Well either you're new here or just as stupid as you look.” Twilight's glare grew even more intense, but the other pony paid it no mind. “So, I’m going to give you a friendly warning. I’m Rainbow Dash, the best athlete this school has ever had and will have, and I am not going to let anypony, not a teacher, not the principal, and not some lame little unicorn stop me from being the best or from having my fun. So do yourself a favor and get lost.” With a final flick of her tail, once more flinging mud into Twilight's face, she flew back over to her friend who started laughing along with her.

Twilight saw red. her morning was already a horrible one, and now this pegasus had not only knocked her into the mud, but called her names and through even more mud into her face and then laughed about it. For the first time in her light Twilight sparkle was truly pissed off. she pawned her hoof at the ground as her horn started to glow ready to charge.

Pinkie saw what was happening and looked around for something, anything to defuse the situation but only saw Twilight's muddy saddle packs, then an Idea struck her as she started running. “Twilight, look out behind you!”

The light around Twilight's horn faded as she heard Pinkie’s yell and looked behind herself just in time to see the crazy pink pony jumping into the mud and sliding across her belly. “Hey, that was more fun than I thought it would be,” she snorted as she rolled around a bit more.

“Pinkie? What in the world are you doing?”

Pinkie stopped playing in the mud and lowered her head, as though she was ashamed. “Well, I saw how angry you were getting and you looked like you were about to charge at Rainbow Dash, and I didn't want to see you hurt or in trouble, so I did what I do when my cousins are crying, but I didn't have any flour so I threw myself into the mud to distract you. You're not mad are you?” She asked with a small smile. Then she sat back and stretched her front legs open towards Twilight. “You want a hug?”

“But I’m covered in mud,” said Twilight.

“So? Me too!” Pinkie splashed her chest with a bit more to illustrate her point.

Twilight stood there for a moment to gather her thoughts, before long she had walked up to Pinkie and gave her a hug. “Thank you, Pinkie, I don't think I could make it through this day without you. But what are we going to do now? We’re both covered from head to tail in mud.”

“No problemo, Twilight, just follow me, the fashion club has some showers we can use.” Pinkie began to move off in another direction.

“Fashions club? Wait!” Grabbing her bags with her magic and shaking the worst of the grime off them, Twilight ran after the bouncing pony. “ Shower? How can a non-sports club have a shower in a public school?”

“Wow, Twilight, you sure do ask a lot of easy questions.” Twilight sent her friend a look of suppressed exasperation. “But last year the school did some renovating and built a new locker room, so my friend Rarity managed to convince the school board into converting it into the fashion club room! They have everything; a runway, makeup tables, showers, and you can even have custom dresses made as well!”

“Wow, I never would have thought this school would go to such lengths for a club.” Twilight commented as she walked alongside Pinke. It was then she noted some of the other students laughing at them as they moved along, and for the first time she was glad the mud covered her face.

“Yep, PVH takes a lot of pride in its clubs and afterschool activities, it’s great! I’m the head of the planning committee and we throw all sorts of parties!”

Twilight smiled as she thought about this. Maybe this school would be alright. Maybe she could make make more friends. “So long as that pegasus stays away from me.”


“Dash, I don't know why you’re so mad. You shut her up and got the last laugh, what's the big deal?” asked a mint green unicorn while leaning on a tiled wall.

Rainbow stuck her wet head out of the shower stall and glowered at the unicorn. “The big deal is she called me out in front of everypony out there! My reputation just took a hit! That’s what’s wrong, Lyra!” Rainbow stepped out of the shower and walked over to her locker to towel off. “Did you get my money from Thunderlane yet?”

“Not yet, he said he needs to get it from the kids next door,” she said with a shrug.

Dash rolled her eyes as dried off. “So he’s stealing money from little fillies again? Big stallion,” she said sarcastically. “Tell him to knock that off or I am kicking his ass, got it?” she growled.

Lyra flinched at the sudden sharpness in Dash’s voice. “Umm, sure thing, Dash. But why do you even care? They're just brats.”

Rainbow smiled and gave a quick nod of her head. “I have my reasons, babe.” She kissed Lyra lightly on the lips. “Now go tell him. I’ll see ya at lunch.” Dash left to head to class, leaving a grinning green unicorn in her wake.

And remember writer's feed on favorites and comments so be sure to comment on any story you have read!

Okay everypony I am back home now and started writing. sorry for the wait, but I had a lot of stuff going on. everything from a fire, broken cell phone, and a busted up ribs! wow, when I say it like that it like I am fishing for get well cards. (Hint hint) Well I hope you like this chapter of Twist and Turns! please leave a comment down below! But first I really need to thank a few people for their help, I want to Thank Bat's and Timaeus for their insight and advice, it was a great help! and My proof readers as well

Mr. No name
The Abyss

Comments ( 23 )

It's not dead! :pinkiehappy:
Twilight calling the principal a bitch? :pinkiegasp: :twilightblush:

it's alive! so, when's the next update due?

Nice, hope there's more soon.

A very pleasant surprise to wake up to on a Saturday morning :twilightsmile:

And poor Twilight, I can only imagine how much that must suck. You pulled off the confusion, desperation, and anger at basically being sent away from everything she knew and loved quite well. And yes, that principal is a bitch.

EDIT: Suck it Skeeter.

Nice! Though I really would've liked if Twilight pulled Rainbow through the mud with her magic. At least twice. And maybe slam her into the puddle a couple of times... I really like Rainbow usually but I just feel like she kinda deserves it for being a bitch. In the show she hadn't been a jerk when they first met but here... Make her pay!:flutterrage:


I am truly happy that some one caught on to the similarity of this and Episode one of Rainbow's and Twilight's first meeting.
I thought long and hard on this and I am glad it was for nothing.

Thank you for reading. and don't worry Twilight can only take so much before she snaps. But then again how can Twi stay mad at such a cute pony?


Fear not the Evil mar....principal will have.. ops. I see, to ave forgotten what I had planed for her LOL.

you you know what that means. I will need some Ideas. what should I do with her?

For some reason, this isn't showing up in my list for updated chapters I have not read. Luckily I was doing random searching online for something unrelated, and saw the pic, which linked me to here. Not sure what would cause it to not show up. Added email updates just so I can track this if the site isn't going to for me.


It did finally show up.

I also finally got around to reading it, looking forward to more :).

odd, this didn't show in my updates. Good thing I check my favorites semi-regularly. Anyway, look's interesting so far, looking forward to more.

So, Rainbow's with Lyra... :duck: Is this going to be a TwiDash or no? ~.- :twilightsheepish: just curious

... Chapter 3? Are you still alive? If yes, please update! If no... Well... Don't update? Not that you would be able to anyway...
Edit: I just realised that was a bit morbid and that kind of humour is perhaps unsuitable. Please forgive me! Unless you are dead. In which case I'm entirely justified.


Yes I am alive, and I am getting ready to start writing again , Sorry for being gone had a little problem wit ha fire.

But I live!! and will beback writing soon. on that note, I will need a new beta'test reader. if anyone wants the job you let me know!!!

Well, I suspect many if not all of my friends are out judging from the state of their writing. However, if you'd have me, I'd love to help where I can! I'm far from a good writer myself but I'm fairly adept at spotting errors. If you can put up with my sense of humour, that is.
P.S. I'm glad you are indeed alive. Otherwise we'd have had to miss out on more chapters. And we can't have that now, can we?

Oh god I drew that? GAH I have improved since then...

5202795 so is this story dead...or what?

5202795 so is this story dead...or what?

5202795 seriously, is this story ever going to be continued?

Writing again noW!!!!!

Please update soon!
This story is awesome!

This seems like it could be good...too bad you seem to have abandoned it, I would love to see where you take this.

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