• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 1,946 Views, 116 Comments

Spitfires Mission: Babysitting at HQ - cantil

When Spitfire invites Rainbow Dash to the Wonderbolts HQ, what is supposed to be paying a crash bill, turns into much more wild events of this Friday night.

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“Who in Equestria would call at three in the morning?” Thunder cursed. “Hello?”

The call was a recording.

“Mr. Strike, we have detected a disturbance on floor three of the Wonderbolts Headquarters. The disturbance has been confirmed as a smoke detector in the lounge. For more information please call 1-800-fur-fire. To cancel the emergency call please press one.” The recording stated but cutoff by Thunder pressing one. “Thank you, and have a great night!” The recording finally finished.

“Well. Better call Spitfire.” Thunder said while pressing send.

On the other side of the line

“CELESTIA HELP US!” Rainbow, Spitfire, Rapidfire, and Soarin screamed.

When the smoke detectors went off Spitfire went down the hall and grabbed Soarin and Rapidfire by their manes and brought them down the hall. Rapidfire now has a bruise on his stomach, and Soarin has a hoof mark across his flank.


“OH COME ON! NOT RIGHT NOW!” An irritated Spitfire screamed.

“WHO IS IT?” Rapidfire asked in a scream.

“OH CELESTIA! IT’S THUNDER STRIKE!” Spitfire terrifyingly replied.

Spitfire pressed answer and put the phone on speaker. “HEYYYY! WASSUP STRIKEY?” Spitfire managed to get out.

“What are you all DOING?!” Thunder strike asked trying to stay calm.

“………………..COOKING!” Spitfire made up.

“At three in the morning. IN THE LOUNGE!” Thunders calm voice broke.

“W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP AT THREE?!” Soarin tried to stall for a minute.

“We are still on the train for Manehattan.” Thunder calmly answered. “What were you cooking?” Thunder asked.

“UH, A POP tart.” Spitfires voice went back to normal when Soarin, Rainbow, and Rapidfire managed to shutoff the smoke detector.

“Well I see you got the smoke detector off, finally.” Thunder mocked. “How many Wonderbolts does it take to turn off a smoke detector, FOUR!”

“I’m not a Wonderbolt.” Rainbow corrected.

“Close enough.” Rapidfire said with a wink as he put a wing around Rainbows back.

‘What the hay’ Rainbow thought while looking at Rapidfire with a smile.

“AWWWW! HOW CUTE!!!” Soarin said in a high pitch voice.


“OH YOU WANNA GO? THEN LETS GO!” Soarin started.

“Uh Thunder we got to go. Uh TTYL byee!” Spitfire ended.

“DON’T HANG U-!” Thunder was cut off because of Spitfire pressing end.

On the train

“What in the world was that about?” Fleetfoot asked.

“Oh, the boys are giving Rainbow and Spitfire trouble. They started something that caused the smoke detectors to go off. Spitfire was crying and Rapidfire likes Rainbow.” Thunder said flatly and calmly.

“Oh, so I’m guessing everything is ok then?” Misty implied.

“No, probably not. I have a feeling that, that was just the beginning.” Thunder guessed.

Back at HQ

“Well let’s at least try to get some sleep since it’s already four in the morning.” Rainbow suggested.

“Yea. I’m with Rainbow on that idea.” Spitfire stated.

“Yea same here” Soarin agreed.

“We’ll sleep in my room. I have to queen beds in my room. Two ponies in each be-.” Spitfire was cutoff by Rapidifre.

“I CALL SLEEPING WITH RAINBOW!” Rapidfire blurted.

‘OH FOR CELESTIAS SAKE!!!’ Rainbow screamed in her head.

“Ok, Soarin, you’ll be with me then.” Spitfie smiled at her friend.

“Kk.” Soarin smiled back.

“Does any pony have to use the bathroom before we get to my room?” Spitfire asked.

A series of no came from the three ponies in front of her.

“Well then. Let’s start walking back, shall we?” Spitfire suggested.

The four ponies started walking back. Soarin and Rapidfire were in the back. Spitfire and Rainbow were in the front.

Soarin and Rapidfire were obviously talking about the little sleeping arrangement that we made up just a few minutes ago.

“Um Spitfire?” Rainbow asked in a voice even lower than a whisper, making sure the boys behind them couldn’t hear.

“Yea. What’s wrong?” Spitfire asked lowering her voice the same but with a worried look on her face.

“Well, it’s about the sleeping arrangement. Why does Rapidfire want to sleep with me?” Rainbow slowly asked.

“Well he likes you!” Spitfire chuckled, drawing the attention of the two boys behind them. “Ever since the best young flier competition, he’s been dying to meet you!” Spitfire joyfully answered.

Rainbow’s heart skipped a beat as she smiled back at him and a faint red blush crept along his face.

“Well then in this case, we better get a move on! We need to get some rest to take those other boys down to the ground!” Rainbow cheered.

Spitfire smiled while raising an eyebrow at Rainbow.

“Now that’s the spirit! With enthusiasm like that, this is sure to be easy!" Spitfire remarked.

“Hay yea! When we are done with them, all they will ever do is respect you!” Rainbow challenged.

Spitfire smiled at the thought. Soarin and Rapidfire then sped up in between the two mares, who, were now talking loudly.

“Settle down gals. We can’t get too worked up before we go to sleep or else we won’t go to sleep.” Rapidfire assured.

“Yea GALS. He has a point.” When Soarin finished his sentence they were in Spitfire’s room. They each got into their beds and got settled. Rainbow felt Rapifire push up against her. Rainbow smiled and relaxingly leaned back making Rapidfire also smile.

In the air duct outside Spitfires room

“HAH! Those bitc-“ Lightning Streak started but was cutoff by Wave Chill.

“Hey.” Wave Chill corrected flatly.

“Fine. Those three idiots and that bitc-“ Lightning tried to finish but again was cut off.

“Really.” Wave Chill said.

“Oh come on. Spitfires a bitch.” Lightning stated.

“If you actually listen to her and follow directions then she’s not.” Wave Chill smartly replied.

“You know who’s a bitch now.” Lightning said.

“Who?” Wave Chill asked.

“You.” Lightning answered.

“We have to get back to Silver Lining and Fire Streak to report about their unexpected enthusiasm.” Wave Chill suggested, changing the topic.

“Yea. If this all works out, this is going to be gold. We totally have to record it.” Lightning Streak laughed.

“I’m one step ahead of you.” Wave Chill answered with an evil smirk.

Author's Note:

Yay another chapter! Enjoy and please leave a comment!

I obviously changed my name from DiamondPop to Cantil. Different name, same person. Until next chapter!