• Published 21st Apr 2013
  • 25,296 Views, 1,980 Comments

An Affliction of the Heart Volume Three: Hybrid - Anonymous Pegasus

The first hybrid child ever, Swarm, child of Warden and Kuno, grows up in a strange and sometimes unaccepting world.

  • ...

Beginning's End

“So…” Threadbare started cautiously, as she peered down at the fabric she was sewing. “Care to tell me… well er, clarify what you meant as to this other foal?”

“Warden had a foal with an earth pony named ‘Green Hoof’. She was his farmhand, for want of a better term,” Kuno explained, picking through various sheets of fabric.

“And…?” Threadbare asked, pricking her ears forwards, looking up from her fabric.

Kuno shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know that either of us have met him, to be honest. Warden only found out about it last night, actually. He had… somewhat of a crisis.”

Threadbare frowned deeply at that, rubbing a hoof through her mane. “Understandable. But… how did it happen?”

Kuno wrinkled her nose, her wings giving a nervous little buzz. “Do you really want to ask that question?”

“I do,” Threadbare stated.

Kuno stared down at her forehooves for a long moment, and then sat down on her rump, pursing her lips. “Well… I left him. For a year.”

“Why did you leave him? You two seem inseparable,” Threadbare pointed out.

“Well… I always told Warden that it was the fact that I didn’t really know what love was at that point. It was always just… sustenance to me. And no pony could ever understand what it is like for a changeling to fall in love with somepony. To put it in terms you could understand, it would be like one of you hoping that your salad would eat you. It’s just bizarre, but it happened!” Kuno nodded earnestly to herself, frowning again, licking her lips anxiously. “But really… That was only half the problem. I had him under a love spell. And for the first time ever, out of all the hundreds of stallions and mares that I’ve put under the same spells… I felt guilty.”

“Guilty?” Threadbare asked, confused.

“Guilty,” Kuno confirmed. “I… I was basically taking his life for my own. I was changing it radically to interpose myself into it. And I just… I wanted him to be happy. Happy and well… normal I guess?” Kuno gave a helpless smile and a shrug. “I don’t really know what I was thinking, to be honest.”

“You were thinking about his happiness,” Threadbare said quietly.

“Yeah, I was,” Kuno admitted, giving a faint smile. “But after being away so long… I felt a kind of… yearning for him. And it wasn’t even all about hunger, either. I decided that the happiest he would ever be is if I was there to keep him happy, so I came back. But in that period of time, he had hooked up with his farmhand. Warden didn’t know it… but she was pregnant. But then the Crystal Empire came back, and Warden, romantic fool that he is, gave up his farm for a displaced family of crystal ponies.”

“Just gave it up?” Threadbare asked, raising a brow curiously.

“They owned it, way back when,” Kuno explained with a wave of a hoof. “Warden originally had them just tending the fields. But… they took all the work for themselves. They literally left nothing for us to do. I don’t know that Warden is so good at sitting still for any reason.”

“He got that from his father,” Threadbare said with a faint smile. “After Gale injured his wing, he went into crisis mode. Started chasing younger mares, acting macho, smoking terrible cigars, disrespecting the trainee Wonderbolts. He even caused some of them to wash out. Even hit me, once,” Threadbare admitted, lifting a hoof to her cheek in remembrance.

Kuno wrinkled her nose, recoiling slightly. “He hit you?”

“He sure did,” Threadbare admitted with a frown. “We were arguing pretty heatedly, and I started insulting him, maybe said one or two things I shouldn’t have, and he hit me.”

“How can you… accept that?” Kuno asked, shaking her head slowly.

“Why wouldn’t I accept that?” Threadbare asked, raising a brow, even as she sewed a new line into a suit.

“Well… he hit you,” Kuno said, shifting uneasily. “Warden hit me a few times that one time, but that was because I’d just removed the love spell from him and the previous two years of his life were a spell-induced lie. That I can understand. But just… hitting you?”

“What is hitting me, even?” Threadbare asked simply, looking up at Kuno. “The basic act of the motion is just physical force. He lifted his hoof, and it hit my face. I know in this day and age that that is usually a deal-breaker. But… Gale isn’t perfect. I accepted that when I decided to marry him, honestly. It was only one hit. And I know, I know, whoever I tell this story to claims I have ‘battered wife syndrome’ or some banal garbage like that. But have you ever seen a pony punch some other pony in the face, and then those two end up best friends afterwards?”

Kuno blinked once, giving a cautious nod.

“That.” Threadbare shrugged her shoulders, stitching another seam idly. “I know what Gale and I have. We have a healthy relationship. And I personally don’t think that all the years we’ve been together should be thrown away because of a few moments where one of us lot control. Plus, it was rather cute to see Gale sobbing like a baby, crawling back to me asking for forgiveness.”

“I hope you held it over his head for a while?” Kuno asked with a faint smile.

“I knocked him unconscious,” Threadbare said shortly, giving a thin smile.

Kuno blinked.

Threadbare shrugged and hummed a happy little tune to herself, checking her next suit for rips.

“So,” Threadbare continued after a few moments of silence. “Did you erm…” She looked up from the suit, giving Kuno an up-and-down glance. “Swarm… was she… you know, hatched from an egg?”

Kuno stared at the mare for several long, long moments, before facehoofing.

Warden stretched out lazily on his old bed. It was just as he remembered it, from all those years ago.

A curt knock at the door made him look up, and he blinked once. Spitfire was standing in the doorway, watching him.

“Er… hi?” Warden asked, ears perking.

“Hi!” Spitfire chirped, smiling warmly. She leaned in a little, looking around the edge of the door and casting her gaze into each corner of the room.

“Looking for someone?” Warden asked.

Spitfire recoiled slightly and shook her head. “Oh no. Just making sure that… erm… you got those goggles!”

“My daughter is quite enjoying them, thanks,” Warden said with a faint smile.

Spitfire bit her bottom lip, looking back and forth. “I was err… in here earlier! And I found a bit. I think it belongs to Kuno, you don’t th-”

“-No.” Warden pursed his lips.

“But it-”

“-No,” Warden repeated flatly.

“Not even-”


Spitfire lowered her head, looking crestfallen, muttering darkly to herself as she turned away and stalked down the hallway.

Several long minutes later, Spitfire returned, prancing slightly and licking her lips, grinning to herself. “Hey Warden.”

“Kuno?” Warden asked blankly, staring at her.

The wonderbolt shivered slightly in place as a flash of green light engulfed her, and then Kuno was stepping towards the bed. “I just… had to do something in the hall,” she said with a naughty giggle.

Warden stared at his wife for several long moments as she licked her fangs innocently. “How is that funny?”

Swarm stirred lazily, eyes fluttering open before she gave a mighty, drawn-out yawn, forehooves reaching forwards and grasping at the mattress and wings giving a slight little flutter.

“I’m hungry,” Swarm stated, rubbing a hoof against her cheek slowly. “What’s for dinner?”

Kuno lifted her head from under Warden’s wing, giving a soft yawn of her own. “I dunno. Your grandmother is cooking something or other. Wouldn’t even let me help.”

Swarm grumbled to herself, rising to her hooves and stretching again, before bounding towards the door and peering outside. “Can I go?”

Kuno looked up, sternly shaking her head. “You may not.”

Swarm gave a faint whine.

Warden stirred finally, giving a slow stretch, arching his forehooves forwards before wincing and shaking his bad hoof slightly. “What’s happening?”

“Your daughter is asking permission to get lost in the maze-like structure of this complex,” Kuno said tersely.

Warden waved his good hoof lazily, not even lifting his head. “Have fun and don’t leave the building.”

“Thanks dad!” Swarm squeaked, bolting out the door before Kuno could level a protest.

Kuno growled, nudging Warden’s chest firmly. “What in tartarus was that?”

“It the Wonderbolt Headquarters,” Warden stated bluntly, lifting his head to peer at his wife. “So long as she doesn’t leave the building, there’ll be a pegasus within screaming distance that can direct her to any other point in the building.”

“But she could… She could get hurt!” Kuno said, brows furrowing deeply.

“She could get hurt, yes,” Warden said levelly. “She could also have a brain aneurism or die of boredom being cooped up. Anyway, I was having a perfectly lovely afternoon nap with an even more lovely dream, which is now interrupted.”

Kuno scowled faintly, before brightening at the mention of the dream. “Ohhh? And what were you dreaming of, hmm?”

“You, covered in honey and needing me to clean it off my tongue,” Warden said immediately.

“What, really?” Kuno gushed, purring and kissing his nose.

“No,” Warden admitted with a faint smirk. “I was actually dreaming of… you know, mushy stuff.”

“Mushy stuff? Who with?” Kuno asked, frowning slightly.

“Well you, obviously,” Warden said with a roll of his eyes.

“So tell me, what were these mushy moments?” Kuno queried, nudging his nose with her own.

“I can’t,” Warden said with a shake of his head. “It’s all mushy and I’d have to punch a wall afterwards to regain my manliness.”

Kuno rolled her eyes at that. “Manliness, you?”

“I can be very manly!” Warden protested.

“You grow vines for a living, Warden. I’ve even heard you sing to them,” Kuno accused.

Warden’s cheeks flushed with warmth. “W-well it helps them to grow!”

“And now you’re blushing, Mr Manly,” Kuno crooned, leaning in to kiss his warmed cheeks with a low purr.

“Well since we’re completely off the subject of my dream, I find it prudent to remind you that Swarm is busy getting lost in the complex. We’re alone…” Warden trailed off suggestively.

Kuno blinked once. “And?”

“Are you seriously not getting this?” Warden asked, exasperated.

“Of course not, silly,” Kuno giggled, leaning in to kiss him heatedly.

Kuno and Warden walked side-by-side down the hallway to one of the private Wonderbolt quarters. It was meant for senior Wonderbolt staff members, and was a fully-equipped suite. A sleeping room, spacious exercise room, and bathroom.

Threadbare was in the process of carrying a covered plate to a table set up in the middle of the exercise area, which seemed to be more of a living room than an exercise room now.

Kuno stepped inside, and immediately dropped her pegasus form to assume her normal changeling guise, her wings giving an irritated buzz. “Ponies should just get over the whole fear of changelings thing,” she complained, as Warden stepped inside and closed the door behind her. “All that wasted energy swapping back and forth between pony and normal me… I could be spending that energy taking over the world!”

Warden rolled his eyes.

Threadbare tutted as she placed the plate down.

“Have you seen Swarm?” Kuno asked anxiously after a moment.

“She’s in the bath,” Threadbare said, motioning with her nose towards one of the doors leading away. “When as she saw the size of the bath, she immediately ‘accidentally’ spilled gravy all over her hooves, forcing her to have to take a bath.”

Kuno rolled her eyes at that. “That’s my Swarm.”

“So… Gale isn’t coming to dinner?” Warden asked, peering about the room.

“He’s off drowning himself in alcohol at the bar still, I assume,” Threadbare said, pursing her lips with distaste.

Warden gave a shrug, and Kuno frowned deeply, rubbing a hoof against her fins. “Well that’s… I thought he’d be coming to dinner.”

“Did you go and see him?” Warden asked bluntly.

Kuno looked up, affecting an innocent expression. “I most certainly did not.”

Warden stared at her, unblinking.

Kuno’s ears splayed back, and she lowered her head under the force of his gaze. “I didn’t!” she protested again, turning away and mumbling, “You did.”

Warden gave a long sigh and then facehoofed slowly and repeatedly. “You didn’t do anything… terribly wrong, did you?”

“Like what?!” Kuno asked, affronted.

“Like something that will cause an entirely awkward moment in the near future?” Warden accused.

Kuno frowned and then shook her head. “I handled it with tact and finesse.”

Warden gave a long sigh. “So... ‘yes’, then.”

Kuno smiled brightly. “Well at least you’re not yelling!”

Warden sighed again, and then leaned in to kiss her nose gently. “I love that you want to help. But you can such a manipulative bitch.”

“Man-ip-u-la-tive bitch,” Swarm repeated from the doorway, her mane sleek and wet from the bath.

Kuno narrowed her eyes at Warden slowly. “You are going to pay for this, Warden.”

“I know,” Warden said with a slightly strained smile, inching away from his wife. “Ahhh… need any help in there mom?”

“You can help me set the table,” Threadbare responded.

“Gotta go!” Warden said, slipping past Kuno and bolting for the kitchen.

Swarm yawned mightily from between Kuno’s pegasus wings, nuzzling down into the soft feathers there.

The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon, and they had already been walking for quite a while. They had caught a very early train back to Ponyville so that they would get home in time for Swarm to get to school that morning.

Threadbare had been there to see them off, but Gale had been passed out, sleeping off his hangover.

“I like your mother,” Kuno said, as they walked down the long path towards their cottage. “But your father… well…”

“Yeah, he’s my father,” Warden said with a wrinkled nose. “It’s not like I could choose a good one.”

Kuno nodded, giving a faint sigh, and then entwining the feathers of her wing with Warden’s own. “But at least Swarm got to meet her grandparents. And we have a standing invitation to come back and visit whenever we want.”

“I know, I know,” Warden said, squeezing Kuno’s feathers with his own. “Just Gale isn’t very good at… well, the whole fatherhood thing. I hear he’s pretty good at training the new guys. But that’s about it.”

“He’s also good at drinking,” Kuno said with a faint giggle.

Warden nodded once. “That he is.”

Kuno strode forwards, unlocking the front door of the cottage and pushing her way inside. “Can you put the kettle on?”

Warden nodded to himself, heading for the kitchen to put the kettle on the stove, while Kuno deposited Swarm in her bed to enjoy the hour or so she had before she would have to get up to go to school.

Kuno slid in behind Warden, hugging around his middle with her hooves.

“You know that hugging me from behind is entirely awkward?” Warden asked, his wings fluttering just slightly, brushing against her underside.

Kuno nodded, burying her nose against the base of his neck. “I know. But I enjoy the intimacy and it makes you squirm.”

“Because you’re heavy!” Warden protested, as he placed the kettle on the stove.

“So whatcha got planned for today?” Kuno asked, nudging his neck lightly.

“An afternoon nap, I hope. Probably some eating. Some walking…” Warden trailed off thoughtfully.

“Seriously,” Kuno said, nibbling at the back of his neck slowly.

“Well, I’ve gotta show Green Hoof around the place, get her acclimatised and teach her how to tend to aurora. She should be here soon,” Warden said, frowning slightly.

“It’s not going to be awkward working with her?” Kuno queried.

“Maybe? Probably,” Warden admitted, frowning and biting his bottom lip. “We’ll just have to talk it out, I guess.”

“Well, if you need an excuse to axe her, I can act all jealous and possessive and scare her off,” Kuno offered with a smile.

“Act?” Warden asked with a faint smirk.

Kuno nipped him.

There was a firm knock at the door, and Warden looked up with a blink.

“Green hoof?” Kuno asked.

“Not this early,” Warden said, slipping out from underneath his wife and starting for the door. He opened the door, to find Gale Force standing there with a timing clock around his neck and a water bottle in one hoof.

“C’mon, your new training regime starts today,” Gale Force said bluntly, holding out the water bottle.

“But… what?” Warden asked blankly.

Gale Force waved the water bottle back and forth slightly. “I’m hungover, sleep-deprived, I have a headache and I can feel my heartbeat in my temples, and so help me boy, if you don’t move your sorry ass and get out here…”

Warden’s ears splayed back, and he looked back over his shoulder at his wife, mouthing the words ‘save me’.

Kuno shook her head, pushing on his rump with her forehooves. “You have a training session to get to,” she said with a faint smile.

“I’m going to get you back for this,” Warden stated flatly over his shoulder.

Kuno waved a hoof airily as her husband was dragged out the door. “Don’t mess him up too much, Gale Force, I need him for husbandish things tonight!”

“No promises!” Gale Force shot back.

Warden sighed and shook his head, wondering if he would even have a normal life.

Comments ( 214 )

Warden-sama.... you have a hybrid foal, grow a incredibly toxic anesthetic, and throw a fuck into a cockroach on a semi-regular basis. Normal, for you old top, got thrown out the window a long time ago

Ha, I freaking knew it was Kuno at the bar, all of us did!!!

Wait... Gale Force is going to train Warden... what, to fly again? Well... can't say I was expecting that, but it's a nice way to end it.

HAHAHAHAHA, the KunoFire dream made it!

I enjoy this story too much at times:twilightsheepish:

Okay, LOTS of confusion in this chapter, but this looks like it's gonna be getting good next time! Though I do hope we'll get to see some of the earlier issues still touched upon in the next volume perhaps: about Warden's wing surgery, more with Daggertail as I think is eventually planned, etc. Not sure what's with Gale Force coming all the way to his son's home, but hopefully, that'll be figured out in the sequel... hope to see it soon, but even if we can't, I look forward to it! :twilightsmile:

Warden sighed and shook his head, wondering if he would even have a normal life.

Of course not! Where is the fun in being normal? :pinkiecrazy: :heart:



On the other hoof, since this is by no means a suitable ending point, that means seeeequeeeeeel!:raritystarry:

The beginning of the end.....sweet

Hooray, Antecedent will be beginning to update again.

Don't get me long, I love this fic, but I just cannot wait for Antecedent to update.


Well I am assuming more sequels then.

If there isn't any continuation. I WILL SKULLFUCK YOU, ROUGHLY!
(Read in Drill Instructor Hartman's voice)

Yes new chapter!


that seems a tad excessive dont you think? :twilightoops:

“So,” Threadbare continued after a few moments of silence. “Did you erm…” She looked up from the suit, giving Kuno an up-and-down glance. “Swarm… was she… you know, hatched from an egg?”

And now I have to write a review (this one ain't gonna be easy)

Typo listing time!

one of us lot control

lost control.

“It the Wonderbolt Headquarters

"It's" or "It is", I'm assuming.

“You, covered in honey and needing me to clean it off my tongue,

Wait, what? Did you mean to say "clean it off with my tongue"?

Mr Manly,”

Forgot the . on the Mr.

“When as she saw the size of the bath

I'm assuming the "as" shouldn't be there.

That was a great chapter, and a reasonable place to end the story, but it's screaming for a sequel. Teenage Swarm would be an absolute nightmare.


Expect a comment with more content or substance later on. For now, I have to go punch something.

3180531 I can hear this in my head! Aaaaah!

Complete? ...Mmmokay then...:applejackunsure:

Comment posted by thereareonly2genders deleted Sep 9th, 2013

3180531 Gunny Ermy is a POG bitch

*haven't read, 1st reaction*
It's compleeeeete! Noooooooo! D:

Okay, now let's actually read it and hope there is a sequel promise at the end.

The beginning of the end, or so Warden thinks it will be for him.


Gunnery Sergeant R. Lee Ermey is a Person Other than Grunt bitch, is the translation I think.

3180748 I'm retarded, lecture me about the POG and why he is so.

It's over? I can't have my periodic dose of Kuno any more? :raritycry:

Hoping for a sequel threequel fourquel.

Warden sighed and shook his head, wondering if he would even have a normal life.

Three stories in, we can be fairly sure that the answer is hell no.

why are they such an awesome family?????

Hah! A nice end to the story. :pinkiehappy:

“Understandable. But… how did it happen?”

Well, when two ponies spend a lot of time together in the arctic tunda with only themselves for company...

3180703 He is a POG meaning he was not a grunt. He pushed papers in the marine corps. he wasn't infantry.

It's complete.

Where do we get our changeling fix now?
On the plus side, Integration updated with 14k+ words of badass.

and then kuno was pregnant... again :trollestia:

Warden sighed and shook his head, wondering if he would even have a normal life.

No. No he won't

“Man-ip-u-la-tive bitch,” Swarm repeated from the doorway, her mane sleek and wet from the bath.

Well, at least it wasn't her first word.

3181335Where does it say that?

Moooooooooooooooore... to come in the next story. Hopefully. Please, Anonymous Pegasus, don't make our lives empty without the every-now-and-then dose of Kuno shenanigans. :3

Hilarious, except that I'm the angry trainer with the watch beating up my old man most of the time. Hoo-rah.

warden you poor poor guy:ajsmug:

I am loving spitfire right now

More chapters!!!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Did you mean "ever have a normal life"? I feel like if he would even have a normal life sounds odd.
Can't wait to read more of whatever you end up writing next!

Training Regime. From a wonderbolt. Totally what a cripple with cronic pain issues needs.

This family is hilariously dysfunctional. All of it.

Can we hope for another story? Please.

Spitfire, you dirty, kinky mare XD :pinkiegasp::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

inb4 another sequel.

Good shit though. :pinkiehappy:

it's so dysfunctional it managed to hop right to the other side of the scale.

me to clean it off my tongue,”

*with my

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