• Published 27th Feb 2013
  • 4,056 Views, 90 Comments

A Chance Encounter (Continued) - InsertAuthorHere

(Continuation of Hendy853's A Chance Encounter.) Lunaverse Story. Spike runs into a rather crazed purple unicorn and must escape.

  • ...

Chapter Four

“You know, Twilight, there's a quicker way to start a fire,” Spike grumbled.

A few feet away from him stood Twilight Sparkle, still working to try and tie the rope around the bowed branch. And beneath her was the still-unburning pile of wood and kindling she had tossed together, none of which Spike was certain would burn anywhere near as long as the ones Z used to set up. So far this day, she had not only managed to prove herself totally incapable of starting a simple wood fire, but also demonstrated her clear lack of survival skills in any capacity. It was frankly a miracle to the little dragon that she hadn't been stoned by a cockatrice by this point.

“Like I told you, Spike, this is going to work!” the mare grunted as the rope once again refused to cooperate. “Milestone's Guide to Outdoor Survival clearly states that you can start a fire by using a bow to twist a stick. It creates kinetic energy and ignites the burnable material, thus slowly starting the fire and giving us the warmth and heat we need to not freeze our flanks off you stupid stupid piece of manure I will damn you to the foulest bowels of Tartarus if you don't cooperate!”

The universe's ultimate response, however, was to mock her once again. Just as she was about to tie the other end of the rope to the bow, the branch bent itself rigid once again. The sudden motion sent the rope hurtling out of her hooves and slamming its end straight into her left eye. The resulting scream rustled the very heavens, nearly dislodging even the phoenix that was spying overhead.

Spike groaned and shook his head, totally ignoring Twilight sending the offending chord and sticks into sub-orbit with a massive bolt of telekinesis. “Well, wonderful! Looks like we'll be freezing tonight! Forget a hot meal and...and...GAH! Why can't anything...?”

She was about to scream some more when she heard something like a loud belch, followed the roaring and crackling of flame on good kindling. The mare slowly turned about to find herself staring at a roaring fire, the source of which became apparent as she noticed the wisps of smoke emitting from Spike's nostrils. In an instant, Twilight's anger lessened to simply mild embarrassment. “Heh...sorry. Forgot dragons could do that.”

The dragon rolled his eyes and walked back to the log. “Seriously, if you don't know any of this stuff, then why are you even out here?”

“Like I told you, I can't go home,” Twilight muttered. “Not until I've proven that I'm right, anyway.” A stick levitated next to the fire pit, poking the burning wood and pinecones to ensure the fire's sustainability. “Once I show you to Luna, she'll have no choice but to drop the charges! I'll be able to go home to my brother and parents as a real hero! And that'll show Trixie who's the real Element of Magic!”

Spike rolled his eyes and let out a small groan. Trixie was another name he wasn't quite looking forward to hearing, right up there with Corona. But at least she wasn't a total psychopath like the deranged pony sitting on the other side of the campfire. “So...what's this about Trixie?”

Twilight's horn lit up for a few seconds, followed by a bright flash of purple light emerging from thin air just to her right. A small burlap sack floated down, and from Spike's vantage point, the opening was lifted just enough to make out some crackers and part of an apple. If anything, the crazy pony was loaded with grub.

“You must have some idea who she is. You are one of Corona's minions, after all.” The mare levitated out one of the crackers and started biting into it, the bread letting out a loud crunch as her teeth made contact. Spike shuddered just for a moment, in case any predators happened to be wandering about, but fortunately none of them seemed to hear the incredibly loud chewing of this hopeless pony. “She was trying to fool a bunch of ponies with fake magic. You know, light shows, sawing ponies in half, that kind of thing.”

Spike nodded, a small smile on his lips. He hadn't actually been to one of those shows officially, but he had spied on them from a distance whenever he and Z happened to be near one. He couldn't say he was a fan of the ones who shot their mouths off like Trixie tended to do, but there were still plenty who were amazing to watch.

“Anyway, I try to tell everypony that it isn't real magic, and what does she do? She makes them think I'm a tribalist and humiliates me in front of the whole town! But then I figured that she was just testing me, so I bring an Ursa Minor into town and...”

“AN URSA MINOR?!” Spike's voice rattled the very trees, while his eyes bulged so wide that they almost knocked lose the scales that surrounded them. Twilight herself almost fell back from the sheer volume. “B-But those things are a billion feet tall and made of stars! Why would you do that?!”

“B-Becuase I thought Trixie was just being humble,” Twilight muttered as she picked herself back up. “That had to be why she was wasting her time being a stage magician when she could be an archmage or a court magician. But then...things went south, I had to banish the Ursa away, a-and then she made me admit the whole thing in front of everypony! I was lucky to get out of there without tar and feathers!”

There was a small moment in the narrative where Spike had felt a slight twinge of sympathy for the mare before him, but it had died the minute the Ursa was mentioned. All he could think of was that feeling he got whenever Corona zapped him and turned him into a rampaging adult dragon. The feeling of having any control stripped away, forced to fight and kill when all you want is to enjoy a nice gem cake and a lazy life with your best friend, and then getting kicked into the lava for your troubles was something he was intimately familiar with.

This mare was just as bad as she was.

“But then Trixie did something unforgivable,” Twilight said in a whispered growl, completely oblivious to Spike's rising frustration with her very existence. “She not only admitted that she isn't the most powerful magic user in Equestria, but said that the Element of Magic was about friendship, not a pony's magical ability!” She paused to spit into the fire. “Friendship...Who needs anything like that? Especially with the ponies she hangs out with.”

Spike's body slacked over just a little bit, his eyes scanning for some way out of this nightmare. Unfortunately, his captor could just teleport him back into that force field prison if he stepped a claw out of line, so for the time being, he had to humor her. “So you got a problem with her friends now, too?”

“Of course I do,” Twilight said. “Just think about it. The Element of Honesty went to a mare who's willing to beat you down if you just look at her the wrong way. That isn't honesty, that's barbarism. Somepony who was really honest wouldn't feel the need to beat others into the ground to make their point.

“The Element of Kindness went to a single mother post office worker. Nothing wrong with that, but think about that foal she has. Where's the father? I even managed to find her hometown, and guess what? Turns out she ruined some stallion's marriage and destroyed his entire family. Real kindness should be about making everypony feel nice and wonderful, not ruining their lives with your own stupid mistakes.

“And Generosity goes to a farmer? She's a businesspony and nothing else. My father had to deal with the Apple Trust all the time, and they're not exactly a generous bunch of ponies. And I saw her during the Eventime, and how she used her fame to sell her product. How can you expect a carrot farmer to be any better? No, it should have gone to a charity worker or somepony who truly gives from the heart.

“And Loyalty...ugh! It goes to a musician? That's the Element that should go to a gallant knight or a determined friend, not a lazy musician who spends more time playing in the park than actually trying to practice loyalty towards her friends and Equestria. No, real loyalty is sticking to your principles, regardless of how much trouble it might make for you.

“And the Element of Laughter is a teacher? Teachers are supposed to teach you history, science, math, languages, magic, all those things! If a pony wanted to laugh, they'd turn to a comedian, not an elementary school teacher from a small town nopony would even care about if the six most powerful ponies in Equestria weren't all living there!”

Twilight let out a deep breath, seemingly calming her nerves back down to “slightly on edge.” Spike, meanwhile, just folded his knees to his arms and bundled himself into a purple bump on the log. He had met those six ponies, and while he didn't know a whole lot about them outside of when Z had tricked them, as well as when that crazy goddess pony kept raging about them being imposters and thieves, there was no way they could have been as bad as Twilight's ramblings made them out to be. After all, they were just trying to save other ponies, not themselves.

“Ever since I've been on the run, I've been trying to find some way to expose them.” Twilight's frown intensified into a scowl of defeat. “I thought I had figured out how to replicate the Elements by using a magical amplifier and five other ponies who matched the same virtues, but I...” She closed her eyes and gave her head a small shake. “Something went wrong. One of them had lied to me, and...they ruined the ritual. We were going to do what Trixie and her little gang of thugs couldn't, but it failed so badly and...”

The mare let out a few dry sobs before becoming utterly motionless, and for just a moment, Spike could feel that twinge of sympathy returning. He didn't know quite why, but there was something about this pony. When she wasn't trying to capture him in force fields or haul him off to be executed by another crazy alicorn, he could feel...something pulling him towards her.

But then the moment passed, he remembered all the awful things she had said and done just this day, and knew that whatever she had in store for him, it wouldn't be very preferable to returning as Corona's stress ball.

Twilight's silence finally ended as she opened her eyes and looked at Spike. “Once I deliver you to the proper authorities, I can make Princess Luna really listen. My dad's actually a very important pony, you know. Not everypony gets to be a Viceroy with the Night Court. And my brother's got some real responsibilities, too. They don't just make anypony the Captain of the Royal Guard.”

Spike's eyes almost exploded twice. He may not have known much about ponies and their military, but he knew of one Captain of the Royal Guard in particular. “I-Is his name...oh, what was it...Shining Armor?”

Twilight's eyes lit up like a firecracker at the name, her legs poised like she was just barely fighting the urge to glomp Spike in response. “Yes, that's him! The pony who valiantly defended Canterlot from Corona! The greatest guardpony of the last thousand years! My BBBFF!” She paused as Spike shrugged in confusion, then sighed “Big Brother, Best Friend Forever.”

Spike sighed. “That's the one. It took me a while to remember his name, though. Corona just called him 'That imbecilic, arrogant fool!' There's a few things after that, but Z always covered my ears. Something about it not being for baby dragons.” He shook his head. “But if you're such a big shot, then why were you in Ponyville to begin with? What's so important about learning from some other pony?”

Twilight smiled and leaned back on her haunches. Whatever kind of pony she was, she certainly wasn't humble. “I've always loved studying. Ever since I was a little filly in Canterlot and saw Princess Luna raise the moon, I was fascinated with magic itself. I have spent my entire life studying and learning about magic. Why, I even graduated a year early, something not even Trixie can say she's done. And she's Luna's personal student!” She sighed, a smile still on her lips. “But I've gotten to learn so much out here. I've seen so many flora and fauna that I've only been able to read about. I've never even been this close to a dragon before. And I am looking forward to finding out more about your species once this is all over.”

So that's what she thinks I am. Spike sighed and rolled about on his hind quarters. This had been a nice reprieve, but he had to escape now. Twilight's lack of survival skills would make it much harder for her to track him in the oncoming darkness, but he needed some way to hold her off until then.

That was when the idea struck.

“So... you want to know all about the forest out here?” Spike said.

Twilight tapped a hoof to her chin. “Well...I suppose. But I have to get you to Princess Luna first. There'll be time to go back to studying once Corona's been defeated.”

“But we're right next to the Green Grillneck's nesting grounds!” Spike said. “They're one of the rarest creatures in the world! Surely you want to take a look at them before we leave.”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “Uh huh. I've read a lot of zoology books, and I've never heard anything about a Green Grillneck.”

“That's because they only live in the Griffin Kingdoms!” Spike said as he hopped off the log. “They're so hard to find that nopony would find them unless they already knew where they looked. But Z showed me where they fly and hunt. In fact...” He pointed a claw to the horizon. “There's one now!”

Twilight's eyes never once left the dragon, nor did she bother looking towards the claw. She did, however, close her peepers as a smug grin crossed her face. “Oh, please. What do you think I am, a yearling? I'm years too old to fall for such a simple, stupid trick. Maybe that would have worked on Trixie, but...”

That was when she noticed she wasn't hearing Spike's breathing. She opened her eyes...and the dragon was gone, his footsteps leading off into the underbrush. She let out a frustrated groan before galloping off after him.

And above them, the phoenix let out a caw before departing...


Deep within the heart of the volcano laid the lair of Corona, the fallen Princess of Equestria and the Tyrant Sun. To look upon her burning visage was to gaze upon the face of death itself, which was usually what followed if she considered you a threat to her power or her toast wasn't served with just the right spread of butter. And while her minions were still few in number, her funds were high from her numerous pillages of dragon hoards and the occasional bit shipments in favor of her traitorous sister.

Still, there were days when she was fairly calm and collected, where one could almost see the wonderful pony she once was.

This was not one of those days.

The very lava seemed to splash and wane at the sound of her voice, even as she sat upon her golden throne. “WHERE IS HE?! WHERE HAS THAT WHELP DARED TO RUN OFF TO THIS TIME?!”

The only living thing to hear her screams was her most trusted and valued ally, the zebra Zecora. It was because of her that she escaped returning to her solar prison, and for that the zebra and her pet had been given a great deal of leniency. But today, the princess' blank, soulless eyes expressed only utter contempt and hatred for the striped equine standing before her. “TWAS YOUR FAULT THAT THE FOOL CREATURE ESCAPED! WHAT SAY YOU?!”

“This tale of woe upsets me so,” Zecora muttered, her voice remaining as calm as it possibly could at the moment. “Spike's listening has failed him so, and his emotions may have made him go.”

Corona cocked her head just slightly to the side. “...What, by the graciousness of the sun, does that even mean?”

“It means that Spike does not understand the amazing glory of your plan,” Zecora continued, her eyes half-shut. “When we catch him, we must make clear that his future shall be with us here.”

“...Perhaps he deserves a few more kicks into the lava,” Corona muttered. “That shall serve as proper instruction of the fallacy of failing to obey my law. And to think I wanted to make him the royal co-pet alongside Philomena...”

As if on cue, a great caw was heard throughout the lair's hallowed halls. Both Corona and Zecora looked up as a flaming phoenix, one of many that had come flocking back to Corona upon witnessing what that monster Luna had done to Philomena, flew through the doors like it was guided by a rail, finally coming to a stop only when it perched itself upon the top of Corona's throne. The Tyrant Sun let out an evil smile as the bird leaned over and began to caw something into her ears.

“Most interesting,” Corona said, her voice vaguely seductive. “It seems that the whelp may have done us some good after all.”

Zecora, having failed to procure a rhyme for this occasion, stepped forward three times to signal her interest in her master's words. Corona chuckled for a moment, and then continued. “Spike has been captured by a young mare named Twilight Sparkle. The fool's survival instincts are so barren that she failed to do so much as start a fire without his assistance. And yet...” She leaned her horn in closer with the phoenix, stopping only when its tip touched its head. There was a brief flash, and Corona's triumphant smirk grew. “Even better.”

“Zecora does not understand,” said...Zecora. “What is our master plan?”

“The mare...she hates those usurpers more than you or I. Despite her poor common sense, her powers are truly considerable. And best of all...she is the younger sister of that insubordinate excuse for a Captain of the Guard!” The lava suddenly erupted once again, sending Zecora crouching to the floor in primal terror. Just as the fear began to pass, however, Corona returned her attention to her. “We shall bring the dragon back, and he shall suffer the penalty for betrayal. But this mare...imagine what her death shall do to her poor brother.”

Zecora's eyes widened in response, albeit still not enough to attract the full brunt of Corona's attention. One of the Diamond Dogs had opened them a bit too much, and was subsequently tossed off the mountaintop as a warning to the others. “B-But surely there is another way to make sure this mare will stay. Supposed Zecora approaches this little flower, and promises her a position of power. She shall help us overthrow your sister. And then you will be a servant richer.”

Corona leaned onto the arm of her throne, scratching her cheek as deep thought attempted valiantly to pierce through the triple-layered cake of crazy that was her brain. “Interesting. We make the Captain's sister our pawn. His reputation is destroyed, we have a pony who can match the power of the false Element of Magic, and we shall still have our little dragon toy to play with.” She pounded her hoof against the ground, alerting Zecora back into a rigid stance. “Zecora, follow Hyperion to their campsite. The dragon will return no matter what, but what I truly want is Twilight Sparkle. Bring her here, whether by her own volition or by force. And do not fail me! My patience wears thin today.”

Zecora gulped as the phoenix, Hyperion, landed on her back. “O-Of course, my queen! My work shall be most keen!”


“Oh, where did that little dragon get to?” Twilight moaned as she pushed her way through the brush. “Just how can something that small run so fast? Dragon instinct, perhaps? Maybe they have bursts of speed whenever they want to escape.” She rolled her eyes as she telekinetically pushed away a low-hanging branch. “But I'm not a predator. He'll be happier with Princess Luna! And I'm only doing this because...”

That was when she saw him.

Spike was sitting on a log, about fifty steps away from the mare. Between the two were several vines, draped over a large overturned log like a natural curtain, no doubt feeding off the muddy pool of water below. The dragon was panting slightly, but made no obvious indication that he knew Twilight was even there. That suited the mare's needs quite nicely.

“Running away again?” she shouted. Spike's head popped up in horror at her voice, followed by a moan of defeat as the force field went up once again. Her victory now final, Twilight slowly walked towards him, heading directly for the vines. “Now you know just how outclassed you are. Nopony is going to get the drop on Twili-”

It was right then that her right foreleg touched one of the vines. A small hissing noise seemed to emit from above, but it was far too late for Twilight to react. The floral appendage suddenly twisted about and wrapped itself around her leg, startling the mare enough for her magic to fail and the force field around Spike to collapse. In her confusion, however, the mare's body collided with even more vines, which followed the same pattern as the first. One wrapped around her left foreleg, another her midsection, a third her hind legs, and so forth. Before long, Twilight was helplessly entwined in an ever-tightening net of vines, floating in the air like a trapped fish in a griffon's net.

She grunted and tried to force out any spell, but the tension and agony running through her body kept chipping away at her concentration, until finally she could do no more than muster up a cheap shot of sparkles. Twilight tried to scream, but all that emerged was a small whine. She could just barely make out Spike's voice, now from the same side she had entered this scene from. “What's the matter? Can't somepony as smart as you get out of this one?”

“C-Come on!” the mare gasped. She couldn't see the dragon from her present vantage point, but she knew he was still there. “Get me down!”

“And what, let you drag me off to that crazy pony you love so much?” Spike chuckled.

“Th-This isn't funny!” The vines suddenly tightened. “What are these things? I've never even seen them in my books!”

“Creeper Vines, one of the nastiest things out in these woods,” said Spike. “They protect themselves by strangling and grabbing anything that gets too close. Z taught me how to avoid them; you should have done the same.”

Twilight groaned and twisted, but it only seemed to make the vines tighter. Her bonds were seemingly unbreakable and very, very painful. “P-Please! I-I-I don't want to die here! I still haven't proven that Trixie's a fraud!”

Even though she couldn't see it, she could still hear Spike groan and stamp his foot. “Would you please get off it! I was there. I saw it happen. Trixie and her friends zapped that crazy sun-pony and saved Equestria. She is the real deal!”

“B-But I...I...she...she made me a...”

“No, she didn't! All she did was expose you for the little psychopath that you are! I've only known you for a day, and already you're as nutty as the pony I'm running away from! You did all this! You were the one who sent a bear into a village! You were the one who let a monster have some super-powerful artifact and nearly destroy Equestria! Everything that has ever gone wrong in your life is your fault! All you ever do is hurt other ponies and then act like it's their fault in the first place! And you think you're actually better than Trixie? If you ask me, the world will be a lot better off without you!”

Twilight tried to muster up some kind of defense, but she could find nothing. It wasn't just the pain from the vines this time; her very head seemed to be quaking in white-hot agony. Spike's words did their best to break through her mental defenses, and until she could calm herself, all she could do was grunt and try to control that liquid that wanted to escape her eyes. “P-Please...”

“Maybe the vines will let you go. Z says there's some kind of trick to getting loose. But even if they do, I never want to see you again. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a whole lot of running to do.”

Twilight couldn't see, but she could hear the pitter-patter of his feet against the ground as he fled, seemingly in the direction of their campsite...


Spike gasped and panted, his little legs still shaking from the exertion of the run. Fortunately, Twilight was still nowhere to be seen at the campsite, making grabbing the waiting food supplies an absolute cakewalk. Crackers, bread, bags of oats, some soon-to-be-expired fruit, and some seeds soon found themselves safely tucked in his arms, leaving only the barest and most distasteful of rations and a half-filled water canteen behind for his kidnapper. “That should get her back to civilization soon enough. Let that crazy Luna deal with her. Heck, she'd probably make her chancellor or...whatever those ponies have.”

“A good day to you, little Spike.”

The dragon froze, the food tumbling out of his claws in his paralysis. From out of the surrounding darkness approached Zecora, accompanied by that same phoenix that had taken his emerald earlier. “Gone to take a pleasure hike?”

“Z-Z!” Spike exclaimed as he ran over to hug his good friend's leg. “Oh, it's so good to see you! You have no idea what it's been like today!”

Zecora smiled as she patted a hoof against the dragon's back. “Tell Zecora all about it, little one. She will listen until you are done.”


Twilight struggled and squirmed against her bonds, but it did nothing. Every movement of her muscle only seemed to make things tighter, and in her uncomfortable state she was unable to concentrate on even the most minor of spells. All she could do as she hung there was curse that infernal dragon and plot her revenge.

When I get out of this, I'm going to make sure they hang that dragon by his claws! His scales will be sold as fashion accessories in Canterlot jewelery stores! By the time the Shadowbolts are done with him, there won't even be enough for Shining and dad to beat into the ground! Doesn't he understand that he's the only way I can get out of the trouble they put me in?!

The mare grit her teeth, both from the excruciating pain of her situation and from the memory of it all. Those frauds, all of them! If they hadn't done this to me...if they hadn't made me bring that Ursa Minor into town and then forced me to confess...if they hadn't...if she hadn't...made me do this...

That was when, for the first time in her entire life, reality smacked Twilight across the face like a wet towel. Her body suddenly began to relax as the dreaded thoughts began to spill forth. Wait...they didn't make me take that Ursa into town. I...I did that myself. I just...I wanted to prove myself to Trixie. To myself.

She rustled her left forehoof. This time, it moved a bit easier than before. My whole life...I wanted to be something like Luna's student. When she calmed me down during the entrance exam, I thought she would have taken me in for sure. B-But...she didn't...because of my dad...

She felt the tension lessen around her midsection. He said it was because it would have sent a bad message, that Luna was playing favorites, and would make the other ponies tease me even more. But that didn't mean I was a bad student. Dad and mom made sure I could study every day and night! And I didn't need friends with Shining there. I...I had everything I ever needed. I...

The vine around her chin tightened. I don't need friends! Friendship isn't magic, it's...it's...something you can't read about. Something you have to study scientifically. Something that doesn't mean anything and...Trixie wanted to...

Twilight felt the vines loosen across her body, but in her current state, her mind just kept reeling. S-She wanted to help me. And I turned her down. Even if she is a fraud, she...wanted to be friends. I could have gotten out of all this. Those other ponies I dragged into this, ending up on the run, all I had to do was accept things as they were and this would have never happened.

She let out a single dry heave. I just want to go home...

No sooner had that thought escaped than her entire body went tumbling into the muddy water below. The sudden shock of the impact woke Twilight from her musings, and before she could even think about it, she had rolled away from the vines before they could completely return to their docile state. She was dirty, wet, and probably rolled in something unspeakable, but she was alive. “B-But how? How did I...?”

Her eyes widened as she looked at the vines. “Of course! Creeper Vines are supposed to be sensitive to anything that touches them. That must include being able to read a creature's intentions by how their body reacts to their emotions. When I approached Spike, I was like a predator stalking its prey, so it thought I was a wild animal and wrapped me up to defend itself! And when I had time to think about it, it senses I wasn't a threat anymore and let me go!”

She let out a sigh of relief and began to gallop towards the ever-darkening horizon. “And to think I almost fell for the trick myself! Seriously, wanting friends and all that nonsense? Just a distraction! And now to find Spike...”


“And then I tricked her into the Creeper Vines!” Spike punctuated this last leg of the story with a kick to the air and a giddy hi-ya, prompting a giggle from Zecora. “Sure, she'll be able to get out, but now that you've left with me, I'll...”

“Are you sure she will be alright?” Zecora asked. “It is already almost night.”

Spike paused and looked up to the auburn sky. The sun was already just preparing to dip below the horizon; no doubt Luna would be bringing the day to a close so she can begin that night she was always so proud of. “Eh, she'll be fine. Her parents are loaded, anyway. They probably have a whole army looking for her.”

“As will her brother, I presume. I wonder if he can sense her doom?”

Spike stuck out his tongue for a moment and let out a small raspberry. “Come on, Z. Your rhymes are usually better...”

That was when he realized what she had just said. His head turned ever-so-slowly towards the nearby phoenix, which was eying him from a nearby tree branch like he was a small mouse. “Wait...you were spying on me?”

Zecora's smile faded, along with even the slightest hint of friendliness. “Did you really think I would abandon our princess? She cared nothing for any of your distress! But she must have loyalty among her servants, and as always, I am at her service.”

Spike recoiled several steps in horror. He had suspected that something was wrong the entire time; after all, why would Zecora abandon the pony she had sworn allegiance to so suddenly? But no matter how mentally prepared he was, the words struck him like an arrow right to the heart. His friend was not only betraying him, but was ready to haul him back to the same misery he had tried to escape from.

“C-Come on, Z, why do we have to help that monster!” Spike cried. “Why can't it be like the old days? You know, us traveling the world, taking in all the cool sights and sounds, learning about stuff, finding gems? This pony's been nothing but a jerk to everypony, but you keep acting like she's somehow the greatest thing ever! Is she really more important to you than me?”

Zecora said nothing. She didn't have to. Her answer was obvious the minute her hoof reached into the underside of her cloak and pulled out a small hoofful of green powder. Spike's eyes widened as he recognized the substance, but before he could retreat, she had already tossed it against the ground around his feet. The moment the powder sank into the earth, the very dirt and rock shook, followed by claw-like roots springing out and wrapping themselves into a cage around the terrified dragon. His claws scrapped against the plants in a desperate bid to pull them loose, but he knew it was hopeless. This was the same creation she had used to defeat Timberwolves and Manticores in the past; these roots were harder than metal, fireproof, and would only go away when she willed them to.

This time, he was trapped good.

“Now you stay there, little squire,” Zecora said as she walked past. “I have a new servant to acquire.”

As if on cue, Twilight Sparkle came busting out of the bushes. Spike gagged a little as he saw what looked like a purple-and-grayish-brown mare in a soiled cloak stumble towards the scene, but said nothing else. All he could do was watch as she and Zecora met eyes.


Twilight cocked her head. “I've never seen a zebra before. You must be the one helping Corona.”

Zecora cocked an eyebrow at this. “You seem so calm about this meeting. Why is your anger so fleeting?”

“After today, I really don't care that much anymore,” Twilight mumbled. She could still feel some pangs of tension in her body from the vines, and the muck was not doing any favors to her disposition. “So, I take it you want Spike back, Zecora.

The zebra smiled. “I see introductions are not needed. Now to see if my message is heeded.”

The unicorn looked at her with a perplexed stare. “What message?”

The zebra coughed and cleared her throat before continuing, much like she was giving an actual royal proclamation. “The true Queen of Equestria has heard of your skill, and has sent me to bend you to her will. Join us freely, and you will discover that she has even more spells for you to uncover. Magic that even Princess Luna does not understand can be yours if you, with us, take our stand.”

Twilight's eyes widened. “Wait, you mean...Corona is wanting to make me her student?” she asked incredulously.

Zecora nodded. “She heard your tale of woe while searching for Spike, and now she wants to take your power to a new height. With her as your mentor, you can do no wrong. And when this war is over, you shall be a hero of story and song!” She raised a hoof towards Twilight. “Now, in order to close this deal, let our hooves shake to act as a seal.”

Twilight stared at the outstretched limb for several seconds, her eyes gradually narrowing. In the distance, she could hear Spike screaming, “Don't do it! She's a monster!” but considering all he had done to her that day, his testimony wasn't helping. Besides, she already knew her answer.

“No way.”

Zecora's smile vanished as she lowered her leg, prompting Twilight to continue. “I would love to learn new magic, but I know the kind of pony Corona is. I would never agree to serve anypony as monstrous as the Alicorn of the Sun.” She let out a small huff and began to trot on by towards Spike. “Now if you'll excuse me, I have a dragon to...”

“That was no idle threat.”

Twilight froze and turned about, matching Zecora's own turning speed almost perfectly. All the friendliness had vanished from the zebra, instead replaced with a cold, hateful aura of contempt. It was almost as bad as the mob in Ponyville. “Queen Celestia sent me here to collect. I have two recoveries that I must do. The first is Spike, and the second...” Her right hoof dug at the ground. “Is you.”

Twilight's death glare intensified as she looked the zebra over. “Really? I'll have you know that I graduated top of my class, with honors, a year early. I am one of the most skilled mages in all Equestria, and I doubt anything you can do can keep up.”

“You would be amazed, little foal,” Zecora growled back. “Nothing shall keep me from my goal. If it is a battle you want, then let us begin. But we already know which of us will win.”


From his vantage point in the cage, Spike saw the two lean down to prepare for the duel. His mind raced with a thousand thoughts and possible outcomes, but they all lead back to two possibilities:

If Z won, she would take him back to Corona. He would no doubt be punished severely for daring to run away, and any possibility of a future escape would be nigh-impossible.

If Twilight won, she would take him to Luna. She would have him thrown in a dungeon somewhere, possibly tortured, and then no doubt executed.

No matter who won this fight, one thing was certain: he was doomed.

Author's Note:

Originally submitted by...me. Yep, this is where I send this story into the side of a mountain, so I hope you enjoyed it while you could.