• Published 1st Mar 2013
  • 2,122 Views, 38 Comments

Doctor Whooves Dumps... Who? - Paleo Prints

Who is the Doctor's special lady, and what desperate will he take to save their relationship?

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Doctor Whooves Dumps... Who?

The flickering candles in the Le Herdnadin Cafe painted the Ponyville street in lights. Silhouettes framed in the windows partook in a joyful dance of shy glances, inviting smiles, and touching hooves. At some point this week, you could guarantee, somepony would use the famous ambiance to propose to special pony in their life.

The Doctor took all this in, grumbling as he hunched his shoulders and willed himself to step inside. The maitre d's eyes lit up, recognizing that a good publicity draw was eating there tonight.

“Mister Time Turner!” He waved the Doctor past the line of ponies waiting for their tables. Some of them grumbled, but they understood.

A long-suffering sigh fled from the Doctor. “Yes, of course.” She had thought he needed a normal, Ponyvillian name to blend in while they dated. He kept thinking irritated thoughts about phone booths, capes, and long underwear.

“Is she here yet?” The Doctor took off his trench coat and passed it to the waiter.

The headwaiter nodded emphatically. “She is, indeed! The lucky mare in question arrived only a little while ago. Of course, we had your usual table reserved.”

The Doctor nodded. In response, the maitre d’ stood motionlessly and kept staring at him, standing in his way.

Is something wrong? The Doctor nervously glanced at the other diners as he fiddled with his lapel. Did I put on the celery sprig again?

“Sir,” the maitre d’ said with occupationally trained patience, “please release your coat so that I may put it away.”

”Oh.” The Doctor nodded, handing it over. “Don’t go in the pockets. Or hit it with a hammer. Or run a current through.” He smiled. “Won’t be responsible, you know.”

The maitre de produced a smile that anypony in the service industry would recognize as the “One Day I’ll Murder You Grin #5.” He nodded. “Of course, sir. As you always say, sir.” He nudged the Doctor with an elbow. “And we’ll be sure not to stand too close if we want children, as you always say,” he said with a wink.

Many nations, emperors, and priest-kings had tried to execute the Doctor. Being sentenced to death had become as routine as a dentist appointment, the long walk to the axe relegated to a time to think up quips after the explosions. Just for a moment, he wondered if normal prisoners felt the aching fear he now felt in his stomach for the first time as he walked to the table. He straightened up out his perennial slouch, furrowed his brow, and prepared to face his worst fears.

She was there, and she was beautiful.

He felt his tension leave as she smiled at him. Not for the first time, the Doctor tried and failed to calculate his odds at landing such a marefriend. A musical laugh flowed out of her as she shared some private joke with a blushing waitress. With just the right sense of timing her eyes turned toward his and he felt the planet tumble away, gravity relenting to her embrace.

Forever, the Doctor thought. Whichever way tonight goes, he would remember this moment for the rest of his life and the next few to come. This moment on the razor’s edge would never leave him.

Sitting down on the stool, he looked into her eyes and said “I’m sorry.”

He could never know if she had to practice that perfect double blink when she was surprised. Actresses would swoon over her casual movements.

“Pardon me?”

His hooves tapped on the table. “I mean, I’m sorry for being late, Love. Time just gets away from me sometimes.”

A menu coyishly lifted in front of her face like a Neighponese geisha fan. “Perhaps you need to treat her better.” The menu was raised further, leaving him staring at dinner specials. "I'll probably get the daffodil pasta. It'll go right to my hips, though."

Might as well start nice. He picked up his menu. "I like your hips."

Her laugh was a sign that he had done something special in a previous life. He even had a few theories as to which one.

The Doctor’s mind seethed for distractions. He put down the menu as he rubbed his brow. “This is just a show, Love.”

Her menu lowered as an eyebrow raised. The Doctor leaned across the table with a smile. He had long ago learned the skill of enjoying himself regardless of a painful and inevitable future.

“Dear, you ordered the moment you sat down. Our usual meals are waiting, with the soup and appetizers chosen for variety.”

Her menu was gently placed down in amused defeat. She let the seconds stretch to provoke further comment.

The Doctor sighed. I’m going to miss this. I can’t believe what I’m going to try tonight to avoid missing this. “You can be quite meticulous sometimes. Very logical and rational, as well... ”

His voice trailed off as she blew a raspberry at him.

“... as surprising every so often.”

He thought back to yesterday at the library.

One would be surprised at how much time she actually spent in libraries, given her schedule. He had canvassed the shelves, idly wondering if anyone ever had wrote the Book of Love. That was when he sensed with surprise another presence in the stacks.

A toned back, delicately balanced between white and grey strained upwards to examine the top shelves. Every so often a light blue aura gently pulled a book down for careful consideration. Illustrations of swooning mares and muscular stallions were scrutinized like famous masterpieces.

She jumped with an adorable squeak when he cleared his throat. A book hit the floor.

“Doctor,” Rarity said with a hoof over her chest. “I didn’t see you there.”

Everyone... sorry, when in Equestria etc. Everypony must see how hard she’s cultivated those little moments.

Gallantly, he lifted her novel and presented it to her with a bow. “I’m usually closer than you think.”

Her laugh was the tinkling of wine glasses. “Of course. After all, we’ve spent so much time together lately. It’s wonderful to have you finally pulled down to Equestria.” She gave him a skeptical squint. “And what are you doing in this section, pray tell?”

She smiled at his obvious discomfort.

"I need some goopy, trashy novel.” He continued at her shocked stare. “One of the things you read. Chests must heave. I need something to read with somepony very special."

He noted how her eyelashes batted with pride. “Well, I personally prefer the pirate ones.”

"Wonderful news. What does she like, by the way? You know her, after all." He grabbed random books, eyes agog at the saddles the heroines on the covers were bursting out of. "One with knights? Maybe castles?" He dropped the copy of “Lady Trotterly's Gardener” and stared at Rarity hopefully. "How about one with time travelers?"

The scattered mess at his feet raised into the air with a pale glow. Rarity grit her teeth as she paced around him. "Mr. Time Turner, I am sure of a few things. I am certain I have never discussed my 'trashy' novels with your significant other, I am quite doubtful that this is what you need, and I am absolutely clear on one point. Nopony writes romances about time travelers."

The Doctor snapped back to the present as a plate of batter fried petunias appeared in front of him. Curious eyes regarded him from across the table.

“Where were you, my dear Timey? I lost you for a second.”

He popped a petunia into his mouth to buy time. He might hate the alias, but hearing her say his pet name made it worth it. Surprising to him, he finally settled on the truth.

"I... almost got you something."

A tea cup hovered under her lips. "Almost, dear?"

He scratched back of his neck and looked sideways. "Um. I tried to find a romance novel for you. I asked Rarity for help." He blinked and turned. "Waiter, could we have some more napkins?"

She coughed slightly on poorly swallowed tea. “You sought Rarity’s advice on romance novels?”

His shrug was shared by males across the universe trying to show their ineptitude at romance.

“I tried to figure out what you wanted. Stallions on the frontier, castles, pirates... ” He let his voice trail off into a question.

Her teacup was placed onto the plate with an air of contemplation. He watched her think. He had done it for hours, sometimes.

“Pirates,” she said looking upwards, “are nasty figures. In reality, hardly the romantic type to tie you to the mizzenmast or carry you gently to the captain’s cabins. They’re criminals, after all.”

His snort broke her train of thought. She haughtily refilled her teacup. “Did I say something funny?”

The Doctor let her stew in mock offense until a smile started to appear. “Love, you seem quite familiar with the plots of some of those novels for somepony with such strong opinions.” He leaned forward, crossing his forelimbs on the table while she looked away blushing. He smirked.

As he leaned forward his hoof landed fully in a bowl of sunflower soup. Her loud, vindicated laughter drew admiring smiles across the restaurant. The Doctor took refuge in a wad of napkins.

“You never notice when the food arrives, Timey.”

He shrugged. “Look who I have to pay attention to. It’s not even a contest.” Finally dry, he looked back up. Her eyes were oddly expectant. “What?”

“Timey,” she said in reproach, “what kind of book were you going to get me?”

This is a test. He stopped, locking eyes with her. “The Royal Guard of Her Heart. It had knights and castles.”

The seconds stretched out as he waited for her opinion. The Doctor had felt more calm while disarming bombs. Finally, with her hooves placed on the table she leaned over and gave him a lingering kiss.

“I do like knights and castles,” she said with a breathy whisper in his ear. “How did you know?”

A wave of relief flowed over him. “Well, I remember watching the sunset on roof of the cottage. All the birds were landing around us as we locked necks together.”

She blushed. “I remember.”

“Anyway,” he continued, “you said that you could see the castle from there. I remember commenting that a certain yellow pegasus had a fine taste in real estate with a view.”

She smiled as she carefully rolled up pasta onto her fork. “It was too bad that so many ponies were there. There’s nothing better than a party with friends, but sometimes its better to party with a special friend.” He eyes widened. “Speaking of parties, what do you think of dessert at Sugarcube Corners tonight?”

His gigantic, messy sandwich was lowered as he also chewed over the suggestion. “Isn’t it a bit late for them?”

Doors across Equestria would have opened at her smile. “I’m sure they’ll make an exception for me.”

The Doctor was very still for several seconds.

“Love,” he said guardedly, “if you happen to still be in the mood for Sugarcube Corners after dinner we’ll get the whole store to go.”

They ate in silence. It wasn’t the uncomfortable silence of a couple with repressed tension. This was a silence of smiles and winks, hooves moving above and below the table. It was the silence only two comfortable ponies in love could share. Through it all, the Doctor’s brain fought a war with his hearts.

She suddenly looked up with a mischievous smile. “Oh, Timey, that reminds me. Somepony asked me about our vacation, by the way.”

He blinked.

“The vacation. Oh, sweet Celestia, that vacation.”

“I thought you quite enjoyed it,” she said with no small touch of feigned petulance.

He rested his elbows on the table. In for a bit, in for a bag. “I loved it. I assume you shamelessly told people how much I loved it.”

“You were magnificent, that night under the triple stars.” Her stage whisper made an mare at the nearby table drop her cup. “I never thought any planet could have sand like that.”

His eyes scanned the room, noting the growing amount of ponies pretending not to listen. “Yeah, I’m great at broadening geological horizons. Maybe we should... ”

“And, of course, shortly after that, there was the long, detailed tour of the TARDIS control room.” Her eyes stayed on the ceiling, her face a mask of feigned innocence.

The Doctor squirmed.

“I can’t remember the last time I had a night like that.” She breathed out, wings spread out. Every nerve of her body seemed at rest.

He was a monster, and knew it. It was time to stop dragging this on.

“Look, Twilight... ”

He blinked. “Wait, what? Here?”

She nodded. “I just saw her. Never thought it would happen, but isn’t that Twilight over there in line with that gallant pony from the observatory? I think they’ve reserved a private room.”

A breath of relief of flowed out of him. “Oh. That’s all right.” He noticed her raised eyebrows. “I mean, lovely girl, don’t get me wrong. She’d come over in a blink if she saw us, though. You know, ruin the nice private ambiance.”

She nodded, with a giggle. “She certainly does take those friendships lessons seriously.”

The Doctor lifted a breadstick. He weighed it back and forth in his hooves. It would be so easy to keep it going like this. It was a trap they would both fall into willingly, he knew. Experience told him that they would hate each other by the end if he let it fester without resolution. He tore the bread stick in two, then dropped it onto his plate. Well, here goes. He furrowed his brow. Time to try something new and break this curse.

She was looking at him with concern, her eyes flickering to the destroyed appetizer. The Doctor cleared his throat.

“Let’s talk about taking things too seriously,” he said, instantly regretting the change. For once, one of the most opinionated mares he knew had nothing to say. She had never had much experience with relationships, and the fear in her eyes made his soul burn.

Well, she’s going to be more afraid before it gets better. If it gets better.

“Love, almost every second of our trip that we weren’t... ‘being magnificent,’ you were thinking about here. Your mind was on your job, your responsibilities. About your family.” He snorted.

She leaned across the table. “You have a problem with my family?”

“Absolutely!” He stood up, eyes flaring.

She was silent for several seconds, and he was terrified at this sudden change of character.

He gestured wildly, drawing looks from every neighboring table. ‘Yes, I do! I have major, pressing issues with your family! You and I wanted a quiet night, and we need to talk. So, utterly of course, the girls are hiding in the bushes outside, watching our every move. You could see their horns.”

She blinked. She was silent for several seconds, and he was terrified at this sudden change of character.

The Doctor sighed. He leaned over, taking her hoof in his hands. “I didn’t mean to yell. I’m sorry. I just want,” he paused as he looked around the room, “as private a conversation as we can have. So, I’m going to go tell them to bugger off. Then, I’m going to come back in, and we’re going to talk about this like adults. And I’m sorry for this. I’m so sorry.”

She leaned forward, wet eyes staring at his. “Please be soon. We don’t have... ”

“... All the time in the word,” said the Doctor, finishing their private joke. His hoof caressed the underside of her neck as he closed his eyes and gently kissed her, raising a symphony of whispers around the room. Pulling back, he gave her a firm, lingering second kiss on the nose. “Stay here. Wait for me. This is worth it.”

He turned away, not daring to look at her. As he galloped off he raised an forelimb toward the maitre d’, who was doing excellently at pretending to have not heard the raised discussion. Obediently, the headwaiter threw the Doctor his trench coat. Putting it on mid-stride, the Doctor stepped outside and marched with purpose toward the two horns sticking out of the bushes that overlooked his table.

They’re so devoted to her. She’s struggled with so much for them. I hope I don’t bite their heads off.

“Look out, Mister Turner!”

The Doctor dived to the ground, promptly avoiding a collision with the grey pegasus who crashed at his feet. “Package for a Mister Time Turner!” Two mismatched golden eyes stared at him as she offered him a pen and clipboard.

“Finally.” He quickly dashed off a signature, some of the weight lifted off of his soul. “I really needed that. You always arrived just in time, Derpy.”

She squeaked as he tapped her nose with his hoof. She stopped giggling long enough to pass him two packages, then with a salute dashed off into the sky.

There goes a mare who’ll make someone very happy someday. He drew a deep breath. Now, to business.

The cafe had a tasteful row of bushes surrounding it to offer lovers a feeling of privacy. Out of the one closest to his window, two horns were sticking out. From their vantage point, they could easily watch her nervously playing with her brilliant multicolored mane. He could only imagine what they thought of him.

“All right, you two! Come off it.” The Doctor crashed into the bushes as two angry glares tried to burn him away. He sighed.

Good kids, he thought as he sat down down next to them.

“Listen to me. I know what you’re doing here. It’s adorable, but she deserves a life of her own. She’s the bravest mare I’ve ever known, and she can do this without you two interfering.

Two guilty heads rose from the bushes

“You lot.” He shook his head, turning to the smaller mare. “If you actually were intending to do what I think you were, she’d hate you forever. She has to do this on her own.”

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza sighed.

The Doctor leaned closer. “I very nearly stopped, because I care for her so much and didn’t want to hurt her. I’m giving it one more crazy try tonight. I would hate to think my hearts weren’t my own at that moment.”

She shook her head. “No, Doctor. You just care for her as much as we do. I know whatever the problem is, neither of you could love each other more.”

A voice boomed the bush beside Cadence. “But thou promised me that she would not be hurt!”

The Doctor kneeled. “I said that it was always a risk, didn’t I? Listen, I need your permission for something. I’m going to try to make it work. I’m dead serious about what I’m going to say, even if you have a hard time believing me when I tell you.” He gestured at both of them. “Lean in. I’ll tell you my plan, and if you disagree I’ll call the whole thing off.”

They listened. They gasped. They nodded. Luna hugged him.

The Doctor sat back down at his table. The eyes of the restaurant were on him. Aside from curious customers, the Royal Guards surreptitiously standing at the back of the wall glared daggers at him. He ignored them. Angry armies were just another day in his calendar.

The worried mare in front of him was a different story. She sipped her tea calmly, supported by a lifetime of perfect control only he had broken through.

He sat down. “Oh Celestia, I don’t think its working. You’re not ready for dating yet.”

Celestia placed her teacup on the table. “You know, I thought that maybe having another Princess meant that I could relax.”

He blinked. “I didn’t even think about that. It did take us all by surprise.”

She nodded, her eyes both on him and faraway. “I’ve felt this way about you for centuries, Doctor. Remember the night on the fields of Dream Valley, so long ago?”

“Your hair was all pink back then.” He grinned. “We were so young. Listen. If you’ve ever listened, please listen to me now. I’m not saying it can’t work. It just won’t work now unless we get through this one thing. I have to travel, and you won’t stop thinking about all your little ponies. They all love you, you know. They’d want you to be happy as much as I do.”

“What do you suggest?” Emotion had fled from her voice

“Okay.” He thought carefully for a moment. He had spent a full month out of the timestream considering his next move. It was calculated risk, but either way it had to be.

“Here’s my final offer to see if things would work.” He stood up. “If you say no, it’ll break all of our hearts.”

He pulled a circuit out of his trench coat. “This is the navigation cortex for the TARDIS.”

Light laughter greeted him. “That’s not normally what a stallion shows a mare at a restaurant like this, Timey.”

“It’ll take me some time to replace it,” he said with no change in emotion, “especially if I’m distracted. I’m willing to gamble control of my life on the right decision for us. I do love you. I always have. It’s absolutely unfair of me to say so, but I want you to know I’m serious. So let me drop this in the soup and run away with me.”

Worlds of possibilities played across Celestia’s eyes. “But that means... ”

“Yes. Randomly hopping through the galaxy. Not knowing when we’d be coming back. You and me together for anything from weeks to decades, blazing a legend throughout the history of the cosmos. Follow your heart, leave all your responsibilities here, and show me that we’re what matters most.”

She was silent for a moment, then sighed. “You and me, on... what? What do you call this? It’s a bit long for a vacation.“

The Doctor placed the circuit board very carefully next to his soup, then took another smaller package out of his coat. The entire restaurant stared as he placed it on the table and clicked it open. He reached over and took her hoof in his. “I have a very traditional lump of carbon here that says we can call it a honeymoon, if you’d like.”

For the first time in centuries, she had nothing to say.

“Your sister’s agreed to take on your responsibilities for however long you’re gone. She has Cadence and Twilight to help. Heck, maybe even Discord will pull his weight around here.” His voice lowered. “I’m not promising we’ll be right back when we left afterwards. I know it never works out exactly right. But we’ll be together, and my hearts will beat only for you for as long as I live.”

“Say yes!”

Celestia and the Doctor turned to the third Royal Guard from the left at the back of the restaurant. Their stares could melt steel. He nervously stepped behind his compatriots.

The distraction over, Celestia returned to look at the small box of futures sitting on the table. She glanced up. “This is a big decision.”

The Doctor stood up. “I know. Celly, please consider what I’ve said.” He took a handful of ancient gold coins out of his trench coat pocket and placed them on the table.

She smiled through the tears. “You always want to pay for dinner. I do have a royal treasury, you know.”

The Doctor squirmed in embarrassment. “It’s the principle of the thing. You have to know I’d be here even if that all disappeared tomorrow. It could, if you want.” He walked around the table and knelt next to her.

She snorted. “You don’t bow to royalty much, Doctor.”

He shook his head. “I’m not starting now. I’m going to go wait by the TARDIS. It’s out by the town fountain. I’ll wait until sunrise for you. Think about it, talk it over with your sisters, or just say ‘yes’ right now and never stop running. I can’t bear to see you chain yourself down, and chains never worked on me very well. Please. Join me there.”

He kissed her gently. Pulling back he searched her eyes, finding only confusion. The Doctor nodded before turning away, leaving the box on the table. He walked out of the restaurant. He didn’t look back.

It was hours later that he saw the carriage. It gleamed over Ponyville momentarily, then was carried away into the night.

He stood there for a long time.

“Maybe she’ll be ready someday,” he said to no one in particular. Suddenly, he smirked. “Well, now. I have a time machine,” he said while scratching his chin with his hoof.

The Doctor turned and walked into the TARDIS, ready to chase after a someday.

Comments ( 38 )

Aww.... I was hoping it might end differently!

Great story, Mr. Paleo!

I can't say I understand the proposal that well--let's hop randomly around all of creation until we end up back on Equestria? Wut? :rainbowhuh:

Buah ha ha! Brilliant. You had me fooled every single time...

Challenge accepted.

Yup, I guessed right. What I didn't expect was the ending. Since I have no idea how to conceal spoilers, I will just say this.

You ripped my heart right out of my ribcage, and then threw it on the floor, and then stomped on it until I died.
This was a wonderful story, and I cannot emphasis how much I liked how you wrote, well, you know. Spoilers.
Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go bawl in a corner like a small child whose pet cat died.[1]

[1] I am not even kidding. :fluttercry:

Someone needs to write about that someday he speaks of. Love it!

This was a delightful piece! The misdirection used to keep the reader from knowing the Doctor's quarry was titillatingly whimsical and the conclusion, while evoking an emotive sigh, was very satisfying.

The fun part, dear readers, is to read it again knowing who she is and see what makes more sense.:trollestia:

Believe me, halfway through I had the same hope. I had written the ending first, and wondered if there was anyway to get out of it. By the end, I had just made the Doctor sounds and act better than the first draft.

I think "Take this ring with shining carbon and run away with me" is a traditional romance novel ending.

Thank you! I was hoping I wasn't being TOO clever or too transparent.

Yeah, its always bittersweet to get something right and have it be a proper ending but not the happy one.

Maybe one day.

I'm so confused, but in a good way.

I had my suspicions, then I got misdirected by the misdirections, and then it turned out I was right to begin with! :pinkiehappy:

It was never going to work, of course. She's (probably) old enough to be his mother!

Expert misdirection at every turn. I was close, but in the end I will admit I was fooled. I can honestly think of no pony better for the doctor, and hope he finds someday. In the mean time, Allons-y.

Yep, three ah-ha!s followed by three expertly delivered hooves to the face. Well done, sir.

Also, "“You’re hair was all pink back then.”" => should be "Your".

Sure, but why do they need to be lost too?

In my mind, he wanted to see if she would put down her responsibilities and go off with him. Ahoneymoon of indefinate duration. He wanted her to show that she was ready to let others do her job and live for herself for awhile.

2196801 "One More Minute" by Weird Al?

I'll admit, you threw me right at the end. After meeting the girls, the answer was either black or white. White was obvious, so I assumed it was black. Expecting a twist, I was blind-sided by the obvious.

Also, found a small grammatical misstep: "easily could easily she her".

It summed up my feelings quite well. :raritywink:

Before reading I'm going to guess the TARDIS, it would fit with the TARDIS / Derpy relationship in your main storyline.

After reading, well I was wrong although it would have been funny to have a monologue to the TARDIS which was propped up in the resterant with a menu stuck in the door :rainbowlaugh:

I liked it and all the false hints, there were a few times I had to go back and figure out who had just been eliminated, I loved the romantic guard near the end. Unfortuantly, the only time the mare in question would be free would be after pony kind had come to an end and she might not be in the mood then, but anyway, timetravel.

2198534 What if, by chance, their very first jump immediately brought them back to Equestria?

Most likely, they'd end up in the future or the past. Still, interesting honeymoon.

Beautiful story. Can we get an alternate ending plase? :scootangel:


You may tempt me, good sir. I tried to leave it open so the reader can chose if "someday" ever comes, but if get enough motivation I just might...

First I thought it might be twilight, then Luna, and right before it actually said it I decided it was Celestia. Great story!:pinkiehappy:

First I thought it was Twilight, then Rainbow Dash, then Fluttershy, then Twilight again, then I rested on Celestia. I got confused :unsuresweetie:

i like how whenever we start to think that it was a particular pony you would show us that pony to prove us wrong! at first it thought it was rarity (or possibly twi) then i thought it was derpy then i thought it was celly and i was right!!!

at first, i was thinking :raritystarry:, but then i got caught into thinking it was :twilightblush:. then i got the bit about 'yellow pegasus' and thought :fluttershysad:, but the 'multi coloured-mane' made me think :rainbowdetermined2: but then i realised multi coloured just means 3 or more colours, so i got onto :trollestia:. yay! :moustache:


Time Turner, Celestia...

Meet your descendants.

Very sneaky. Once Cadance was revealed, I went back to look for some random piece of dialogue and happened to land right where the Doctor said "sweet Celestia." I was amused.
Anyway, if you'll excuse me for a moment I need to reread most of the story.

He thought back to yesterday at the library.

Suddenly, I remember what he asked Rarity. :rainbowlaugh:

And then the discussion of the vacation . . . well worth dropping your cup over hearing.

A sad but very enjoyable story regarding the Doctor. Then again when is the Doctor not an ultimately sad character?

I came into this knowing that the mare was Celestia due to the link that I found it through. Still enjoyed it.

*bites bottom lip*
I dont remember where it was:twilightoops:
I had your story open on another tab a day or two before I read it:twilightsheepish:
I think it was a link in an another fics discussion thread someone had for someone else. The comment had already gave away that it was Celestia.

The spies rather gave it away. ROMANCE

Hah, okay you got me. I thought it was Twilight up until you said they saw her elsewhere. After that I didn't know and was waiting for another clue. I had already ruled out all the other elements of harmony. It wasn't until he confronted the spies in the bush that I figured it out though.
Heh, and that ending. I'm half expecting him to just hop in the TARDIS. "Lets see if she changes her mind in...a hundred years?" Jump forward a hundred years, land in front of her and hop out with the ring. "How about now?"
Also, as a side note. I'm assuming this doesn't take place in the same universe as your usual one with Ditzy and the Doctor, Red Glare, Screwball, etc.?

Yup, different universe one-off.


You should make a sequel based off of this song!

Lovely, lovely song. You probably heard it before.

I thought it was :pinkiehappy: but then you said she spend time in the library so I thought it was :twilightsmile: then :raritywink: but in the end it was :trollestia:

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