• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
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pony-writer/pornographer looking for work. old stories undeleted. i'm sorry. Patreon here

Comments ( 214 )
The Rar #1 · Feb 28th, 2013 · · 1 ·

Hail Darf.

Oh hai futatwi...I hope to see more of you, dood.

Comment posted by Alex Wadegrove deleted Mar 2nd, 2013

Loved it

lol, awesome. All the internet win. Take it. Take it and buy some new sheets.


What can be said? It's darf. At least we're assured quality writing.

I hope.

I took this particular fic to be 'hard ' going XD

*reads it* YES!

*sees it's marked complete* YOU MONSTER! :twilightangry2:

Good sir or madam. I am slightly annoyed with that ending. It truly seemed like there would be more.
Please, give us more. This was a most excellent read, and I would love more of it.

Good day. :moustache:

Yes, all of my yes, all of them!

Comment posted by Alex Wadegrove deleted Mar 2nd, 2013
Comment posted by Private Riften Guard deleted Feb 28th, 2013
darf #14 · Feb 28th, 2013 · · 5 ·

to be fair, you're not really articulating a cogent opinion
you're just moaning because a story type you don't like is popular

FUCKIN cliffhanger, and its marked complete?!?! you fucker!!! WHY!!! why must you torture us?!?!

You're not an asshole because you have a different opinion.

Oh, what's the use... This comment will just be downrated too and people will look at me as a hater, a whiner, and an asshole just because my opinion differs from theirs.

^ That's why you're an asshole.

>Stops story right before the good part

You rat bastard son of a bitch.:raritycry:
Well, the rest of it was great anyway.:heart:

The moralist part of me is tired of other writing getting over shadowed by porn.

The pervert in me want's to read and enjoy what I can form this. (Even thought I don't like horse sex)

Why is life so freaking complicated. :raritycry:.

2193289 Also I don't think your an ass whole. For the most part I share your opinion.

Comment posted by Alex Wadegrove deleted Mar 2nd, 2013
Comment posted by Alex Wadegrove deleted Mar 2nd, 2013
Comment posted by SuperGiantRobot deleted Mar 3rd, 2013
darf #22 · Feb 28th, 2013 · · 3 ·

if you're offended by other people's writing getting attention and feel it has anything to do with your own motivation for writing, maybe you should reconsider why you're writing in the first place


Darf's only written one story that deserved it.

haha wow i just saw this part
thanks man


I know you in a discussion is much better than i and I do not plan to start one, but you dont write just because you enjoy?

If you hate this type of writing, your point should be to make what you like better known.

Comment posted by Nostalgia Schmaltz deleted Feb 28th, 2013

Actually, I withdraw my comment.
Instead of trying to make yourself feel like you're important by insulting the author, why don't you shut up?
If you have a problem with someone's writing, don't be the twat you're being now. Actually tell them what you don't like and maybe they'll try and do something to fix it.

darf #27 · Feb 28th, 2013 · · 1 ·

you post this comment on every story i write
i had <500 followers for the majority of my time on this site
i've written a ton of shit that wasn't featured
and now that i've started writing more seriously and trying harder to come out with content on a regular basis, you're offended that people are enjoying it?

Comment posted by Nostalgia Schmaltz deleted Feb 28th, 2013

2193497 Such authors get it because they work hard a whole a lot before publishing it, and then the followers read it and enjoy it, spreading it around through likes, favorites and tellings. There are stories from big writers that get nowhere at all despite they being famous. Also, it's not instantanous; it happens over a period of minutes, hours or days, depending how active the fanbase is. Mainstream itself isn't bad; the issue is repition by the source and overkill by the fans. Deal with those rather than complain about bullshit.

darf #30 · Feb 28th, 2013 · · 1 ·

i can't speak to the quality of my own writing (other than to say i feel like i take more time and attention with my prose and editing than most porn writers do), but i've been writing, like, a story every week for the past two months

i didn't have shit for features before i started that (two stories out of, like, twenty).

so, while i understand the frustration with popular authors getting more attention, that popularity didn't just come out of nowhere. i've had an account for a long time, and i had to work hard to get the followers that i have.

2193450 You are going to say a word? Then say it. Don't be so ashamed that you said it to change the language you type/write/speak just for the word. It's one thing to joke (Saying people are such baka in Japanese class), another to ashamedly change the language briefly. It's also foolish to think that it's a free ride just because people are active on here and like someone's work and check out the newest one and like it enough that it hits front page.


This is assuredly the best place to voice those criticisms. Indeed, if anything is wrong with the system, it is the user's fault, and whining about it on their story's comment page is the best way to get it fixed.

This comment contains no sarcasm.

Comment posted by Alex Wadegrove deleted Mar 2nd, 2013

2193589 Actually, it means bastard.

If you're going to insult me through PM's please do it in English.
I don't want any more of the Spanish nonesence you sent.

Comment posted by Alex Wadegrove deleted Mar 2nd, 2013

Sieg Heil!

Darf's only written one story that deserved it.

That's subjective, based on opinion only.

Commence read.

She hadn't heard anything about Alicorn Princesses packing a second horn as well.



Dash withdrew her hooves from Twilight's win,

Her win?

Your point isn't very fair though.

When I subscribed to Darf, he had about 200 followers, and none of the stories he posted then got featured. Since way back then, his skills as author has greatly improved, and more and more people have begun to enjoy his works. When people enjoy another writer her on FiMfiction, they follow them, so that they can be alerted when s/he posts a new story.

Now that Darf has gained 1300ish followers who immediately gets notified whenever he posts a story, it's rather self explanatory why his stories hit the feature box. They're popular!

He didn't start here y'know, he worked his way here. I've read your stuff, and you're a good writer. You just don't have the technical skills Darf has. But if you polish your style and improve your technical skills, you too can end up here.

Don't hate cuz your jealous. It's not fair.

This. This was not just a win, this was a win for all of mankind!

Maybe you should know that, when this first came out, it was the only thing we were talking about in the TwiDash skype chat for a half-hour. Excellent writing skills! I'm sad it took me so long to finish, but the chat cept distracting me!:rainbowwild:

Comment posted by Nostalgia Schmaltz deleted Feb 28th, 2013

As a question: why are you arguing about the favoriting system here...?
Wouldn't it be more sensible to discuss it with... You know? Someone who can change it?

Comment posted by Nostalgia Schmaltz deleted Feb 28th, 2013

:flutterrage::How Dare you. How dare you end on that cliffhanger.

Fair enough.
And I don't know why I said arguing. Wrong word.

You're obviously not understanding my point. He didn't start with those 1300 followers, he worked hard for them, and now he's reaping the fruits of his labor. I fail to see the unfair part of this.

Technical skills? Spelling, grammar, word choice, sentence structure etc.

Site Owner


Yeah you're right, let me just create a magical system that stops showing the stories people like and instead create some advanced AI to determine story quality. I've yet to find someone who bitches about the general workings of the featured box have a logical suggestion for what it should be.

darf #48 · Feb 28th, 2013 · · 1 ·

i don't get what your problem with this
again, to bring it back
when i started writing here, i had zero followers like everyone else

when i posted my story 'What You Can Imagine', the first sfw thing i'd ever done, something that meant a lot to me and i worked really hard on, it got less than 100 views in two weeks
and it felt shitty

but i didn't complain that people who were popular got more attention than me
because again
they're popular for a reason
people like ss&e have written a hundred billion pony words that people enjoy
i didn't have the 'auto-feature' quality you're talking about until recently, because i buckled down and started working on stories nonstop

i don't see an issue with popular authors being popular, because they did something to get that popularity in the first place. there are some people who get lucky, and other people you might feel don't 'deserve' to be popular, but that's another issue entirely.

:D brilliant fic!

this is what? the fourth story ive seen with someone using cropped porn as the story image

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