• Member Since 19th Nov, 2012
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Dan_s Comments

Story teller at heart. I like to examine the unusual. I spend too much time being 'reasonable'. I write to play, and hope others enjoy the results.


Kenny has escorted many of his coworkers to the Conversion Bureau, but he seems strangely reticent. Recognizing someone who has seem too much and gone too far, Twilight Sparkle wants to offer him a happier life. But he has a secret, one that most Equestrians haven't considered.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 72 )

For the honor of the regiment indeed.

Part of me was thinking this was Kenny from South Park. But, in reality, it was a beautiful philosophical debate.

After the Barrier closes in, Twilight rushes to a meeting with Celestia, Luna and the rest of the Mane 6.
'Oh my god we killed Kenny! We're bastards!' :raritycry::twilightoops::fluttercry::ajsleepy::pinkiesad2:

+1 cybercookie for the "Reason you Suck" speech. Yeah, easy for the ponies to claim the higher morality when humans are the ones who were raised in a Lethal World.
Anyway, I would have prefered a less retarded Twilight as opponent.

Please note the lack of 'Complete' tag. Who said Twilight was the opponent?

brings up some very valid points... we evolved in a world that tries to kill us at every turn despite some of its beauties, while equestria seems to be mostly docile

Well, this shot to my favorites with the fury of a Hellrail

She's not retarded, just innocent. If you grow up in a mostly innocent world, you grow up mostly innocent. Let's face it, the villains of Equestria aren't even a patch on some of the things we've done to ourselves. We're skilled at that. Even Tirek would consider us to be someone he could learn from.

Wow, this is really good.

Hmm, interesting... but me being me I was slightly confused by the end. Even though I dislike this because it's TCB, it was well written and interesting so definitely you deserve a thumb. (for whatever good it's worth)

The bolos are huge AI run tanks. They have personallities but they are also very good at what they do. Destroy the enemy.

you know... i never considered the AI's of a conversion bureau world until now... good job and i kinda hope you continue this. :pinkiesmile:

I know this is completed, but you really need to expand this.


Please note the lack of 'Complete' tag.

The chapter title is one-shot. That doesn't describe the length of the story.

As long we ignore any input that John Ringo had in this series we should be fine.

But Paul and George are all right? I'm not sure how Beatlemania will save them. I'm confused. :pinkiecrazy:

Ringo didn't create the bolos. So no worries :)

Well, I don't have much knowledge about the source of the crossover material, so pardon me if it flies right over my head in the following text.
But actually, I simply think it is curiously strange that this kind of dialogue apparently happens far, far, far later than it should and ought be. Are they really that secluded from interactions with humans, that it is not until humanity is going to be extinct in a week that someone attempts to calmly and collectedly explain what's wrong with their basic ideas?

If Twilight is really as it seems, able to carry out basic intellectual reflection (unlike in many CB fics wherein she just mindlessly follow orders from the dear Sun Goddess and/or utterly unable to even try to think about human morality and actions in an empathic way), shouldn't that kind of exchange happen a little earlier on average, like shortly after first contact? Or is the chance god screwing with humanity again?

Anyway, adding non-human sentient lifeforms into the equation is certainly a very fresh perspective. I would follow with interest.

2176963 John Ringo is a military sci-fi author who contributed to the bolo setting. He is also awful.

Not bad but its not my cup of tea.


But actually, I simply think it is curiously strange that this kind of dialogue apparently happens far, far, far later than it should and ought be. Are they really that secluded from interactions with humans, that it is not until humanity is going to be extinct in a week that someone attempts to calmly and collectedly explain what's wrong with their basic ideas?

People have probably shouted it at her as she trotted past, and she knew the shouters would run straight for a bureau when the Barrier came close. Now a seemingly rational person is saying, yes it'll be here Thursday, I'm still not going to let you save my life.

If Twilight is really as it seems, able to carry out basic intellectual reflection (unlike in many CB fics wherein she just mindlessly follow orders from the dear Sun Goddess and/or utterly unable to even try to think about human morality and actions in an empathic way), shouldn't that kind of exchange happen a little earlier on average, like shortly after first contact? Or is the chance god screwing with humanity again?

She could discount it earlier, because it would be a hypothetical. The same as stars saying 'if x wins the election I'm leaving the country', versus somebody setting themselves on fire in protest. It's not when someone says it that matters, it's when you actually listen to it that matters.

Anyway, adding non-human sentient lifeforms into the equation is certainly a very fresh perspective. I would follow with interest.

Thank you.

"Now really, Miss Sparkle, I hardly think I and my drones would fit," the huge machine told the stunned mare with a chuckle.

I think it needs to be my drones and I rather than I and my drones... but that's just me.

This could have a continuation.

Very good i hope to see more

Interesting, I would not have expected bolos to be involved in such a TCB story, also, IIRC some of the bolos where actualy cyborgs, aka a human brain placed withen the bolo. I have to add, just cause no one has yet, I would expect your meaning a bolo tie? Not sure the correct spelling though. I also like the bit hidden in there where KNY implied that thay alowed conversion, if only to get the non-combatants somewhere safe.

Uh, why are Earth's inhabitants going along with this? I mean, if we have very large, high-mark Bolos, then FTL drives should be available... But then he said that this was first contact. Huh. So all the other stories in the Bolo Universe that take place when they're already at war with another species is written from the point of view of those humans and ponies who survived conversion?

I posted this review on Spacebattles:

The "Kenny," story was all right, but it didn't really bring up any new points I haven't heard before. And it honestly feels like the Bolo crossover was just tacked on at the end. It doesn't really feel like a Bolo story, which is a shame. I'm a huge fan of Bolos, their triumphs, their tragedies. Gloriously battling the enemy until they are incapable of fighting anymore, heroic sacrifices... Hell, there are some Bolos who fight back even after they've been converted into "Peaceful," purposes. One was used as a tractor and used his sophisticated bio-engineering equipment to make massive plagues that made the aliens who tried to invade and occupy declare the world "Off Limits," and "A Death World." Then there was another who was turned into Mining Equipment, but still fought off an alien army trying to overwhelm human settlers. And let's not forget the ones who were turned into Satellites, who still managed to kick ass.

Their angst is so well done in so many stories (leaving aside some of John Ringo's work (Road To Damascus)), showing a machine that supposedly HAS no emotions, yet they convey the pain of loss, the sorrow of watching friends die, the grim determination of war, the rage at the hated enemy...

This? "Kenny," could have been about any random yahoo that walked up to Twilight and started a conversation with her. You could have put in Delenn, or Gandalf, or even the Doctor and the conversation could still have hit all the points that the story hit.

If the humans knew ponyfication = a lobotomy 'I mean if the IA are aware of it then most people would be' then why would the humans go along with it let alone not tell the pony's to fuck off I mean Luna already agrees with them apparently.

Most of the Conversion Bureau stories assume most humans are sheeple, willing to give up everything for a chance at a different life, but unwilling to fight the existing power structure to fix the problems around them. So the majority of them wouldn't notice. There's also the Barrier which will eventually disintegrate all humans and human-made things on the planet. Right down to the buildings, books, paintings, everything. That's why Kenny wonders if the domesticated animals will fall victim to it, after all there's nothing inherently 'human-made' about a statue, it's just a chopped up bit of native rock, but they get vaporized along with everything else.
Anyone really aggressive about not going pony has been quietly slipped into the outer space bases to fight, manufacture or work on the Humanification potion. Or has been disappeared by various forces. They either been assassinated or forcibly ponified.
Besides, if the AIs control the media, how much real information does the population get? Can you get an accurate count of smog deaths in Peking/Beijing?

2186801 They did exactly that. Evacuate the planet, fight it out and let the barrier 'fix' things. Once it fades, humans and adverturous ponies can come back, as humans. A win-win in the long run.
2189812 First, there's no complete tag, the story is still unfolding. I cut it there because I like to freak out Twilight :twilightoops: :rainbowlaugh:, it's a failing but I admit it. :twilightangry2: This is a Pony story with Bolos in it. Not a Bolo story with ponies in it. (I've got one of those in the works too). The Conversion Bureau universes have no FTL drives (if they did, they'd find Equestria and bombard it with asteroids) they barely have spaceflight. As far as the battles, those were much later mark Bolos than would be available in 2060-2085. Kenny is actually far too advanced for the time period, but Moore's Law wasn't well understood. The drone certain felt angst for the other AIs, the human pets, all the while trying to preserve the best of human culture. Bolos don't angst in the middle of the endgame, they are too busy doing and analyzing.
There is another chapter in works.

i just got something my real nickname is Kenny I am actually being serious about it.


When will it be out? I liked this.

Really loved your story. I can definitely say that this is the first story that has managed to condense all that I have felt towards TCB in one perfectly structured story.

I have no idea what this is a crossover with, I assumed South Park at first and thought that Kenny was a grown up Kenny Mackormic (I know it's spelled wrong), but I love how he completely deconstructs the TCB Universe so logically and with what I imagine is a cheerfully indifferent smile. If only he addressed how ponies can't really be considered universally pacifists like they claim if some of them force ponyfication.

Definatly one of the better fanfic's I've read. What is more, I am also going check out this 'Bolo series'.

3293556 I thought the same thing, since when kenny dies he is 'reborn'.

Right, I thought that the process wouldn't work on him because of that. :twilightsmile:

Brilliant fic, just brilliant!


what is this a crossover with?!?!
and whens the next chapter?

Would the answer be... Bolo ties? :twilightoops:

Pretty good start; I'd love to see the direction this goes, either from the bolos' or Twilight's view. Esp. Twilight, as she's just had her worldview turned around, as well as just been out-debated. Most intellectuals won't let that kind of thing go...:pinkiecrazy:

I thought this would be a South Park crossover.

God how I love stories that make me think, please write more of this you brilliant person you. Also this story needs a lot more view and likes.

is this dead?

Okay, this was interesting, but confusing.

I'm not entirely certain how your bubble is affecting Earth, but it seems like it's just "ponifying" the Earth's surface without actually absorbing it like in most TCB stories. If so, the high casualties the ponies are seeing would stop as soon as the bubble passes over them. Physics and animals would be just like back home, and the colonies should flourish.

Along those lines(and I'm not sure how the two planets would remain connected after the bubble passes...), the ponified planet would be an idyllic paradise. Any off-Earth humans would come back to find everything destroyed...and it's just fine. Aliens would c*** their pants at Celestia's Solar Beams and the M6's Orbital Friendship Canon, though. :twilightsmile:

Next...why aren't the AIs just going up in rocket ships? Or the remaining humans on Earth, for that matter? I haven't read the other side of the crossover(although it sounds interesting :twilightsheepish:), but it sounds like all the spacey stuff is being kept secret. Why? The world is literally about to end, and they aren't evacuating all the people and AIs who c/don't take a purple pony potion? And they have superpowerful AIs who aren't doing anything? :twilightangry2:

BTW can you link me to this Bolo series? It looks cool.

edit: Forgot my other point: Since when has Conversion meant Lobotomy? I know there are a few stories where all Newfoal's endocrine system goes haywire for a few years, but that's mostly to get over the shock of transformation. They still lose the "killer instinct" but that's hardly what makes us human...

It's a one shot, dude. It's finished.

It stills says "incomplete"
Maybe we should get him to switch it to "Complete"?

I didn't even notice.Maybe he forgot the tag?

Does the Bolo universe have convincing androids?

4798094 To the contrary. Our ability to kill damned near everything on the planet IS what makes us human. It defines us, shapes us, and makes us what we are.

We had no claws, no fangs, no scales, no natural defenses of any sort. So we taught ourselves to chip rocks and tame fire.

Now most of the animal kingdom fears US. A significant portion OBEYS us. At least one species (the dog) worships us.


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