• Member Since 28th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Just a dude who writes mainly clop with some action and some GrimDark on the side. Also, If you don’t like futa, you may have a bad time here :P ;)


Comments ( 94 )

Awesome Story :D:pinkiehappy:
Keep up the great work :)

One asks for Chicken Noodle soup, but when Pinkamena asks for meat, everypony is OMGWTFBBQ.

What's with the dialogs? Everypony seems... dead.

Oh hey!
Oh hai!

Sorry, but this and the other 2 installments (I never thought it would be possible for me to read 3 complete fanfics in less than an hour) lack A LOT!

My advice: Drop this and think about your next steps. I know you probably love Cupcakes, but really; if you're going to do something with it, at least don't make it worse than the original.

i like ur stories!! i only read this kinda psycho stories.. and yours rock:pinkiehappy:

MORE MORE MORE MORE :D :pinkiecrazy:

Shut up, Ralph...
Not sure if Eurobeat Brony reference...

This. This shit right here. I like this. This is... Creepily awesome. I think that's as good a description as any.
Also, /r/ing more Pinkamena psychotic rampages.

it is just getting better and better:pinkiehappy: Hope you are working on it right now !!

2 things, when he yanks out the tooth, he never mentions it's metal, also when you wrote
   "QUICK!" yelled "Somepony grab her!" you never said who it was :trollestia:

Fixed it. Sometimes my mind moves faster than my fingers and I skip words. Thanks for pointing it out.:pinkiesad2:

This just keeps getting worse and worse. The story is rushed, the characters lack their traits and everypony is dead (they act like it, there is zero emotion)!

Whoop-de-fucking-doo. She escaped once again.

Seriously, shouldn't you be focusing on a better plot? You are capable of doing better.
Cupcakes is so overrated... Not to mention that you managed to derail the promise entirely.

What actually set me to post this comment? Pinkie's phrase.


The more you rage, the more I'm gonna try to write the ending so that even someone like YOU will cry.:pinkiecrazy:

197703 Please, don't take this personally. I am just really trying to point out the flaws in your story so you can correct them.
I'm raging by saying that your story is weak and rushed? How come? I'm just pointing out facts.

I ain't even mad. :rainbowlaugh:

For starters, the Cupcakes premise is a lost cause. Even if there really was a good cupcakes spin-off, chances are nobody would notice it.
Why? Because of the massive influx of weak spin-offs around here.

If you wanna make something evil/dark, you first have to learn how to do so.
You just can't insert random gore and expect it to be good (although, if you added a little bit more detail about the gore parts, your story would come out... 30% better).
You have to make us feel the character's fear. Make us feel like there's a slight hope for him/her to escape the situation they're in. Only to crush our hope. That's how a good dark story is made.

PS: Boy, I've read Cheerilee's Garden without flinching. Doubt you'll be able to make me cry.

PPS: What do you mean by 'someone like me'? Am I not entitled to have an opinion? Pray tell.

It appears we have misinterpreted what each other was saying. Here's MY explanation;
1) I ain't mad either. I have a very high tolerance for internet comments.
2) By "people like you", I'm talking about those who are very critical when it comes to literature. That's why I'm gonna try hard to make you, someone who seems critical, cry.
3) The story may seem rushed but that's because everything you've read recently was merely set-up for the actual story. :pinkiehappy:
4) Because you seem to be the more professional critique who's reviewed my fics so far, how's a bout a quick read of Derpalicious. It's be interesting to hear your thoughts on that one... if you haven't already. :pinkiehappy:

Hopefully this clears things up and all this negative energy can go bye-bye.:pinkiesad2:

1) Glad to see that you're not an immature brat. This site has enough already. :twilightsmile:
2) I am happy that you'll try your hardest... but I think that you would need a solid plot instead of some cupcakes spin-off.
3) Wait, wait wait wait- You've written 3 stories... just to make grounds for a fourth? Why? Wouldn't it be easier to come up with your own plot?
4) Ok, I'll read it.

Sorry if I was a little... harsh on the beginning. I now know the error of my ways.

PS: I think it's really fun how the pony community is really into forgiving/talking things out instead of going onto full caps and "OMG FUK U FUK U FUK U"

I hear ya on that last part
PS: There's only three Pinkamena stories. When I said "merely the set-up", I was referring to the first couple chapters that have been published. The rest of the story will be the main plot resulting in the grand, and somewhat sad, finale.

197931 I'm not finished with derpalicious yet, but as I'm going for a chapter-by-chapter review, you can see my progress there.

PS: Since you're a fan of gore, please give Cheerilee's Garden a try.

To explain the Chicken Noodle Soup thing...
It was Chicken flavored. Not REAL chicken. Therefore it was acceptable. But Pinkamena asks for meat (a.k.a. ground up animals). This is frowned upon in the animal community.

Definitely a EurobeatBrony reference. Nice job picking it out.:pinkiehappy:

If you're asking for more, I'm in the process of making Pinkamena 4: Recovery.

197861 so far i've been a random gore writer but im learning to put some plot in my scary fics...
anyways, great story!

240151 Gore - Plot = Shock

may and dawn huh those sound like the two girls from pokemon

You know, you're right. I didn't even realize that. Dawn just sounded nice and as for May, I was planning on having her family be named after months. One would be April and the other, June.

459670 oh lol um is there ever going to be anymore pinkamena stories?

You bet. I'm currently working on Pinkamena 4: Recovery. It has, I think, 5 or 6 chapters. When that's done, I'm gonna start Pinkamena 5: A New Nightmare.

cool and hey i was thinking u know the kyra one and how she got pinkimena back well i was thinking that pinkie pie could work with psycho twilight

How so?
If you're talking about future Pinkamena stories, I already have the basic plot laid out. But if you want to then go right ahead. And feel free to use Kyra. She needs some lovin', too:pinkiecrazy:

459700 um no i was just thinking u could use kyra,pinkie pie *ahem* i mean pinkmena and psycho twilight or flutterbitch in a story

:pinkiecrazy: :flutterrage: :twilightangry2:

Flutterbitch for sure. I've got a story on hold called "Pinkamena VS Fluttershy". You can view the poster on DeviantArt.


ur not listening like why dont u have a pinkmena and kyra revenge

kyra for the time they "defeated" her and pinkmena well doing what pinkmena does XD

sorry if im sounding mean i just would like to see someone working with pinki-pinkmena

i uh...if u hate me dont talk to me *sigh*

If I do a teaming of the two it would need to be a stand-alone and would probably end up being similar to Freddy VS Jason.
And no. I don't hate you.

459733 u dont?

and ok

um hey i have this oc and i was thinking he could be in one of ur stories,just asking

Sure. Just let me know what story, if the OC lives or dies, it's name and personality, and what it looks like.

ok um the oc lives his name is zack and he is a dark grey unicorn he has long white hair (looks like pinkimena's hair) and white tail

he is a teenager he owns a game store and his cutie mark is a game disc

And you'd prefer it if he was in a Pinkamena story, right?

I'll get on it later today. Right now, it's 3:55 in the morning and about to collapse. Talk to ya later.:pinkiehappy:

459773 YAY!! THANK U THANK U THANK U *kisses ur hoofs/feet like that episode where rarity got her new home* THANK U woohoo :yay:

whats with pinky and getting a helper she does it in each of your storys lol(of this line)

Looking back on this comment now, it seems rather silly. You mentioned that if there was a good Cupcakes spin-off, nobody would notice it. But I think it's safe to say that my Pinkamena stories are getting pretty popular.:pinkiecrazy:

She views everything as one big sadistic game where her helpers are the players and she's God.


I'm sorry, sir, but you seem to have commented on the wrong fanfic. You might want to check that.

May wouldn't be my friend, OK I enjoy more than killing Nazis. This chapter had no comments sos this is filler.

We need a body count.


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