• Published 19th Feb 2013
  • 19,634 Views, 745 Comments

Twice as Bright - Cloudy Skies

Celestia likes her routine. Tax reforms, grants, laws and construction projects are all a princess needs to be content. It's just her luck that for Pinkie Pie, "content" is not nearly enough.

  • ...

Surprise, Sunrise

The garden was empty, just like she’d hoped. During the palace lunch hour of high noon, those who liked to take their break outside would favor one of the many outwards-facing balconies, leaving the central palace garden deserted. It wasn’t as if she had something to hide, and hiding was quite the feat when the sun was at its zenith anyway. Granted, the very idea that one of the rulers of Equestria should need to skulk around her own palace was laughable, but ruling was equal parts subtlety and subterfuge on some days.

Celestia froze mid-stride between two ancient oaks, perking her ears. There was no noise except for the clucking of the fountain at the centre of the garden, and the rose bushes that defined the paths left precious little room for hiding, yet still she knew she’d been wrong. She was not entirely alone. And when she wasn’t entirely sure, when something almost eluded her, she already knew exactly who it was. Celestia suppressed a grin and tapped her hoof against the cobblestones in an expectant, rhythmic clop.

“Playing hide and seek with you always was frustrating,” Luna said. The younger sister looked decidedly displeased as she stepped out from behind a tree so slim, it should not have been able to hide her. “Late again? The pegasus guard have not been asked to prepare the royal chariot, and you are meant to be in Ponyville soon.”

Celestia poked the inside of her cheek. She could of course be indignant, but at present, it was a choice. An option. Instead, she decided it was far more pleasant to be amused. “Since when did you take it upon yourself to be my chaperone, little sister?”

“Since you started needing one, I imagine,” Luna said, immediately shaking her head and raising a hoof to forestall any protest. “Sorry. I’m only joking, of course. It is not in my place to question you. I just happened to visit the barracks and took notice of it.”

“I don’t think there is anything that is not in your place to ask.” Celestia shrugged, leaning in to cross necks with her. “I thought I would fly, that is all.”

Luna looked up at the taller princess, one brow arched. “Truly now? I must admit I’m surprised, but I see no problem with that. Why are you here, then?”

“I thought I would spare our good guards the trouble. Walking out the front door without an escort tends to cause a ruckus.”

“Ah. That,” Luna said. “I believe the officer staff was complaining for months after your sortie to Ponyville last year, after all that trouble with Twilight Sparkle’s little love spell mishap.”

“Precisely.” Celestia smiled. It was in fact that exact memory that had prompted the decision. Everything had worked out in the end, and her student and her friends had all learned so much from that little event. The fear and worry she had felt was long gone, but the memory of how good it had felt to fly back to Canterlot by herself lingered.


Celestia shook her head to clear it. “And? Is there something else?”

“Only an ‘and you should probably get going,’ sister,” Luna said, laughing. “You are giving us princesses a bad name and a reputation for tardiness.”

Celestia spread her wings, stretched her neck, and gave her sister a nod. It was far too easy to lose oneself in memories, to forget that new ones were made with every moment and every wingbeat. Slowly she rose above the garden treetops and the palace roofs until she found a likely strand of sunlight to follow, and then she was gone. For a single immeasurable instant, she was nowhere.

Equestria zipped past so fast it was a colorless blur even to her own senses, but with practiced ease she picked the strands of the world apart until she found what she was looking for: six ponies and one little dragon all stood inside a hollowed-out tree that was familiar to her. Seven gleaming little points of joy and warmth that guided her as surely as any star.

For the first time, she wondered if perhaps one of them hummed a little louder and glowed a little brighter at the prospect of her presence just now. The idea barely had time to enter her mind before she arrived, and then it was gone, scattered along the sunray she had ridden. Celestia opened her eyes and faced the familiar library, reaching out with her magic to push the door open.

“—and I don’t see how I can plan for what to wear without knowing where we’re going,” Rarity said, procuring a pout that would shame most of Canterlot’s models.

“If you don’t mind, I’d just like to know if it’s something scary,” Fluttershy said, giving Pinkie Pie a tentative smile from behind the cover of her own mane. “Whatever you want to do is fine with me, but, um, well, that ‘surprise skydiving picnic’ wasn’t my favorite.”

Celestia paused mid-stride, halfway inside the doorway and unannounced. It made for the first count of awkwardness since the time she’d accidentally chosen the wrong bathroom in her haste after one too many cups of tea. Behind her, a few ponies stopped and stared at the royal flank poking out from the library, and inside, the group of friends continued their debate in the middle of the ground floor.

Debate may have been too big a word for it, Celestia decided. Except for Rarity looking slightly sullen, none but Twilight seemed terribly engaged. In fact, Rainbow Dash and Spike didn’t seem to be paying much attention to the conversation at all, while Pinkie Pie was smiling as she always did. Celestia smiled to match, stealing a little inspiration from her most pink of subjects.

Twilight sighed and waved a hoof at nopony in particular. “If you want to blame somepony, then blame me. I’m the one who told Pinkie Pie it was okay.”

Pinkie Pie nodded her head rapidly, curls bouncing everywhere. “And nopony goes back on a promise, even if it’s made without cupcakes or any other pastries! Come on guys, it’ll be fun, I promise!”

“And while y’all are yapping away, there’s the guest of honor. Howdy.” Applejack tipped her hat, drawing all attention to the princess. Celestia stepped inside, pleased to see that there was little of the usual bowing and scraping this time around. She pulled the door shut with a touch of magic, returned the hug Twilight trotted over to deliver, and spared a moment to wonder at Pinkie’s rather unusual greeting. Rather than beaming, bouncing and bristling with mirth, the pink mare stared and bit her lower lip as though Celestia had presented her with a puzzle.

“Hello to you all. I suppose I should have knocked, but I’m used to having a herald. I take it we are not having lunch today? Is something wrong?”

Twilight shook her head and glanced back at all her friends. Suddenly, she was not Twilight Sparkle, library owner and independent student, but a nervous filly who stood before her mentor. Celestia raised a brow.

“No, uh, not really,” Twilight said. “I mean, not at all! Only, since we didn’t discuss where we would, well—”

“‘Hang out’, Twilight,” Dash supplied.

“Yes. Right. Since we didn’t discuss where we could hang out today—”

Rainbow Dash gave a low whistle and shook her head. “Whoa, no, sorry, that just sounds weird coming from you. Not cool. Try something else.”

Twilight groaned, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath before continuing. “I told Pinkie Pie she could decide what we’d do, and apparently she’s planned a surprise for us. I hope it’s not a problem? I mean, I’m sure we could just head over to Rarity’s Boutique and eat instead if you want, or maybe find a restaurant?”

“Aw come on guys!” Pinkie’s lower lip wobbled precariously.

Celestia laughed and shook her head. “No, not at all. I’ve set this time aside for a reason, and so long as this involves the possibility of something to eat, I don’t mind. Please.”

Pinkie brightened considerably. “Tons of snacks, I promise! Come on, follow me! It’s just outside of town!”

“Outside of town?” Spike echoed, only slightly louder than the murmur triggered by Pinkie’s words. His protest was cut short when Twilight snuck her head underneath him and flipped the little dragon onto her back.

“Come on, Spike. We’ll keep our promises, and Pinkie will keep hers,” Twilight said, a strained smile shot Pinkie’s way, but the earth mare wasn’t looking at her; Pinkie’s eyes were on Celestia, and still the princess had no idea what to make of that odd look. She was getting used to the excess attention, and had even confided in her student about it, but now she found herself wondering if she’d forgotten to brush her coat this morning.

“You mean we’ll keep your promise,” Applejack said, grinning and nudging Twilight in passing. “As I recall, I was painting a barn, not makin’ treaties.”

“Yeah yeah, let’s go!” Dash said, taking off and setting for the library’s exit at a hover. “I bet I know where we’re going.”

“No spoilers!” Pinkie cried, hopping up to nudge Dash in the ribs.

Celestia pursed her lips and let herself fall behind, walking at the tail-end of the little troupe following in Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie’s wake out the door. It was a snap decision, and the magic took but a quarter second to enact. Her horn tingled, and a surge of magic washed over her, bringing her viewpoint closer to the ground. It was fortunate she’d used this spell so many times before; readjusting took only a moment. At least on her side of things.


Celestia smiled and glanced over her own shoulder at Rainbow Dash’s reaction, pretending at nothing. “Is something the matter?”

Applejack turned to see, and soon after, so did all the others with various exclamations of surprise, none louder than Twilight.

“A body morph spell!” Twilight practically squealed, doubling back to run in little circles around Celestia the unicorn, and Celestia smiled back. The brilliant white, blond-maned form was useful, but as much attention as she’d put into her simpler mane and tail, she didn’t bother changing the mark on her flank.

“I hardly mind public attention, but I figure that reactions might distract us from whatever it is Pinkie Pie has planned. It’s not really about deception, but it might save us some stares.”

“Not from me it won’t!” Pinkie called. “Oh wow, you make an awesome unicorn. Can you be an earth pony too? Ooh, what about a pegasus? Or a griffin?”

Twilight’s jaw went slack. “These spells are really difficult! The amount of magic needed to change ones’ shape like this is immense, it’s not for—for play.”

Celestia nodded along with her student’s words. “Power is never to be taken lightly.”

Pinkie Pie hung her head and nodded. It bothered Celestia far more than it should. Her first instinct was to say something to soften her own words. Whenever Celestia opened her mouth, the correct words tended to tumble out as if on their own accord, but this time, she had to fetch them herself. “Well, that being as it may, you had something to show me? Or rather, us? I believe I was promised snacks.”

Pinkie angled herself to follow one of the major streets leading from the library. “I did! Right this way, girls, dragons and princesses-in-hiding!”

Despite Pinkie’s best and loudest efforts, the disguise did its part. Nopony looked twice at somepony who at least appeared to fit in. Instead, the ponies of Ponyville looked to the others in the little group that travelled the streets. As they went through the centre of the town, ponies nodded politely to Rarity, exchanged smiles with Fluttershy or greetings with Applejack or the others—and all, down to the last pony, returned Pinkie’s exuberant hellos and how-are-yous. Moreso even than the banquet where she’d put herself on the sideline, Celestia was a ghost, a side-show to Pinkie Pie. It was equal parts odd and humbling to pass the townscape by, completely eclipsed by the pony who was the true and brighter sun of the community.

“I didn’t realize you liked surprises.”

Celestia tilted her head in query. She’d not noticed Fluttershy dropping back to walk at her side. “How do you mean?”

“Oh, well, maybe it’s wrong to say you look like you like it, but I just mean to say you’re very, um, calm and okay with it. I was just thinking about how I’m so busy some days with my little animal friends and my garden, surprises are usually always bad.” Fluttershy shrugged and smiled, averting her gaze. “Pinkie Pie always plans fun things, but I just thought that since you rule all of Equestria, you might not like surprises at all. Sorry.”

Celestia fixed her eyes on the cobblestones for a dozen strides. “I’d think the same of me if I were you.”

Fluttershy looked up at her again, clearing her throat and leaving her wings half spread. “Oh. Okay.”

“That’s not a very good answer, is it?” Celestia chuckled when the pegasus risked a small shake of her head to go with a sheepish smile. “All I mean is that things aren’t always that simple when it comes to surprises.”

That seemed to satisfy Fluttershy, and if it didn’t, she gave no indication; the yellow mare dipped her head and left Celestia with her thoughts. Together, the eight companions trotted through the streets and on to a smaller road winding out of Ponyville. Soon the buildings were replaced with fields, and not long after, they were mounting a small hill just outside of town. Wherever they were headed, it was clear that something was up; stallions, mares and foals, most in groups, trotted along the same road as they, and Rainbow Dash was clearly excited about something.

Whatever the others talked about, Celestia did not know, more than busy with her own thoughts. She felt anticipation. That much was obvious, and anticipation was rare enough, but Celestia didn’t mind the threat of a surprise one bit either. Though she kept her features schooled, she frowned inwardly. It was well and good that Fluttershy was satisfied with Celestia’s vague answer, because the princess in question wasn’t sure she understood it. Safety and stability for her subjects had always been paramount, but she herself had ventured far outside of her usual habits in a matter of weeks. Rather, she had been led, and she found she did not care to object.

Objecting did cross her mind when the ferris wheel came into view, but she decided to keep that to herself for the time being. Pinkie Pie bounced up and down on the spot when they crested the hill, giving them a good view of the small valley beyond.


“Ah. The amusement park,” Rarity said, brows reaching for the sky.

“Yeah, thats what all the fliers in town were for. Awesome!” Dash cheered, soon after joined by a gasp from a big-eyed Spike who seemed content only to mouth the single word of “rollercoaster” as it were some treat he sought to devour.

If the royal memory served, the location below was called Everglimmer Valley, but there was precious little left of the natural landscape that was not covered in gaudy colors and blinking lights. From their vantage point, they could see a host of roads and paths all leading to the bottom of the valley that usually served as a rather unremarkable crossroads. Ponies streamed in from all directions, many passing the group by in heading to what was now a noisy hub of merriment. It wasn’t as if the amusement park had torn down any of the natural beauty of the place; rather, if had seamlessly merged with the landscape.

A huge ferris wheel towered over the rest of the amusement park, and a wooden rollercoaster criss-crossed the park’s area, at one point wending around a hill on the far side of the valley. Beneath and between the trees of the lush valley floor, a host of smaller rides, stalls and stores hid; sugary scents wafted past them, and the giggles from ponies riding the teacups could be heard all the way to the top of the hill. To top it all off, the small river that crossed the landscape had been converted into a log flume. Even as they watched, a shape set out from a tower in the far distance, ponies screaming in delight as they disappeared out of sight between the trees.

“Not just an amusement park, it’s the amusement park!” Pinkie said, trotting on the spot. “It’s the Sugar Sisters’ Wandering Wonderland! They have, oh wow, I don’t even know where to begin, they have everything, and they’re coming to Ponyville for the first time!”

Twilight leaned forward, as if she didn’t quite believe her eyes. “How can this be a ‘wandering’ anything? And why haven’t I heard of them? This place is huge!”

Pinkie giggled. “Silly, it’s basically Equestria’s biggest travelling party, you wouldn’t know them. I would. And I do! Lucky me!”

“Even I saw the posters around town,” Rarity said, grinning wryly. “It’s hardly the talk of the town, but one notices these things. I had my suspicions, but I simply didn’t want to spoil the surprise.”

Celestia rolled her jaw as she rifled through her considerable mental library. She meant to stretch her wings before she spoke, but she had no such luxury. The unicorn princess’ sides itched, and she couldn’t help but glance at her own wingless back.

“To answer your question? Magic,” she said, smiling at her student. “Impressive amounts of it. The ‘sisters’ who founded it lived some two hundred years ago. It used to be a circus. Now it’s run by a large group, most of them unicorns. They’ve received quite a few warnings because of the impact their spells have had on their surroundings. I wrote the last one myself after they ruined a village’s crops.”

Celestia’s smile grew wider still as her eyes danced across the distant theme park. All too seldom did she get to see the direct results of her actions and decrees, making this a rare treat. “It seems they have taken it to heart, though I’ll certainly have some of my staff visit this place after they’ve vacated the premises. Just in case.”

“It looks very noisy,” Fluttershy said, though it looked as if even the quiet mare herself was unsure whether or not that would be a deterrent for her. She had one foreleg half raised off of the ground and bit her lower lip.

Pinkie Pie nudged Fluttershy on the flank, earning a little eep. “Aw, come on. It’ll be fun! I’ve waited for this for all my life since last Sunday.”

“Race you there? Last pony’s a rotten egg!” Rainbow Dash said, crouching low to the ground. Applejack grinned up at her, but shook her head.

“Thought this was all about us doin’ something together. ‘Sides, I’d hate to leave you in the dust.”

Dash snorted and stuck out her tongue. “Yeah, right.”

“If you’re going to make sport of this, feel free, but I’m more eager to see what this place has to offer,” said Rarity. She smiled and shook her head, setting off at a slow trot down the hill to finally get the group moving.

Twilight’s eyes hadn’t left the distant spectacle for even a second, but now they turned to Celestia. “How do they do it? Do they employ miniaturization spells?”

Celestia chuckled. “In part, yes, but I can’t quite imagine the spell that lets them unpack their theme pack to fit any area, so it is safe to assume there is plenty of hard work and directed magic as well.”

“I can’t wait to have a closer look!” Twilight said, practically dancing down the road. She’d barely skipped a half-dozen steps before Pinkie Pie joined her, giggling and whooping as they lead the pack down the slope. The entrance arch ever grew, glowing and blinking with a variety and magnitude of lights that put Canterlot’s nightlife to shame. Celestia found that she herself was smiling still. The enthusiasm was infectious. Everypony seemed excited for different reasons; as they drew near, even Fluttershy sped up a little when she discovered the sheer variety of birds who flocked to the promise of a free meal.

And Celestia? Except for Fluttershy’s honest curiosity, no questions had been raised. Nopony had second-guessed her desire to go with them. It seemed there was only a single pony even remotely worried that this might be unprincesslike, and that was Princess Celestia herself; everypony else faced forward.

Rather, everypony except one. During a small lull in the talk as they drew near to the gate, Pinkie Pie turned to give Celestia another one of those curious looks. Yet again the pink pony was quiet, staring at her chest as though she’d posed her a riddle. Only when she saw Celestia looking back at her did Pinkie put on her usual smile.

“C’mon, let’s go check out the rides! And the candy stands! And the everything else!”