• Published 16th Feb 2013
  • 16,403 Views, 504 Comments

Changing Times - Silent Quill

The Changelings have been violently ejected from Canterlot, now they need to pick up whatever pieces are left...

  • ...

Winter Excitement

Glitter hovered above the clouds, eying the expansive city of Canterlot below her. Winter had fallen a few weeks earlier, and the marble city was blanketed in smothering snow, hiding the streets from aerial view. It was a beautiful sight to behold. During sunrise or sundown, the light would bounce off the horizon and clouds and paint the city in beautiful hues of orange, red, and purple.

Still, that wasn’t what she was looking for.

She’d been training with Sandy and her mother for the last fortnight, learning her flight capabilities and shortcomings. Sandy was a natural, as was expected considering who her mother was and the fact that she flew near constantly to spare her bad hoof, but Glitter… Glitter lacked the speed that her Pegasus friend had, though she was certainly better at precision flight.

For a few minutes they had some free time and the pair were competitively flying, trying to catch one another in flight by getting the drop on each other. It was a game they both knew well, and had played for the better part of the last few months, but with the fresh new snow covering almost every inch of Canterlot came an unfair advantage for the albino; she blended in.

Her blue and gold friend, however… Well, she stuck out like a sandwich in a soufflé.

Her ear caught the sound of disturbed air, and she narrowly dodged to one side as Sandy dive bombed her, clipping the Changeling’s right wing enough to make it collapse for a moment and cause her to drop a few metres, almost landing on the clouds that mostly carpeted Canterlot’s skies.

Sandy’s head popped up through the clouds with a cheeky giggle.

“I almost had you that time, Glitter!” She laughed.

“If you didn’t make so much noise, you might have.” Glitter grumbled.

“Oh, come on Glitter, no need to be such a grump.” Sandy giggled. “Besides, it’s not like you make less noise than I do, buzzy!”

“Thank you for reminding me.”

Sandy grinned wider and leapt from the clouds she was partially embedded in, tackling Glitter and managing to pull her down to the soft fluffy ‘ground’ beneath her. When Glitter failed to fight back against Sandy’s relentless giggling and silly behaviour she relented.

“Glitter, you alright?” Sandy asked worriedly.

The filly didn’t respond, looking away from her friend distantly and staring resolutely at the horizon.

“Is it something I did..?”

She sighed. “No, Sandy, it’s not you.” She said sadly. “It’s just…”

“You worried about our next project?” Sandy asked.

Glitter snorted derisively. “Hardly,” she spat. “They won’t happen until next year.”

“Then what?”

Glitter sighed and rolled over, legs held above her and her wings spread beneath. “I dunno, I just… I don’t feel… energetic lately, especially when I’m outside…”

“Maybe we can ask your mom about it?” Sandy suggested.

“Yeah, maybe…”

They sat about in thoughtful silence for a few minutes until Sandy’s mother, Twisty Breeze, came over to them and landed on near them on their cloud. She shook herself briskly, settling her fur back comfortably before striding over to them calmly. She gave a gentle smile as she approached them.

“Okay, that’ll be enough for now.” She said, managing to get them to startle and jolt their heads in her direction. “I’m going to have to call off these little training sessions until the spring, it’s getting too cold for us to continue safely and I don’t want to have to explain to Miss Flitterwing why Glitter might get pneumonia or something. We’ve been taking risks as it is.”

“Aw, alright mom.” Sandy said, before nudging Glitter onto her stomach so she could stand.

Begrudgingly Glitter complied, moving to her hooves and making her wings buzz to life and lift her from the clouds. She waved goodbye to her friend and her mother before flying off back down to Little Hive. Her flight was uninterrupted today, as it had been for the last few weeks; with winter having rolled in the birds that shared the airspace over Canterlot had all flown south for warmer climes.

Her flight was short, and she landed on the front doorstep of the Little Hive building with nary a sound beside the snow crunching beneath her hooves. With a faint shiver of cold she opened the door and hurried inside, closing it tightly behind her so as to not let the cold in.

She shuffled her feet on the doormat before stepping deeper into the building. She wasn’t the only Changeling here today; Crackle had the day off and was spending it cooking a ‘hearty wholesome stew’ for dinner. It was a recipe that one of his co-workers had recommended him to beat the cold of winter. Thankfully the builders of their home had foreseen the winter chill that would assail their home, and a large fireplace had been revealed set into one wall behind a movable panel. Even Chrysalis had been surprised by this, something she hadn't planned for. Currently it featured a roaring fire with said monarch sitting calmly in front of it.

She’d been busy this last month, Chrysalis; the workload for her particular department had died down somewhat after the repairs to Canterlot concluded and she had found herself with a lot of spare time for other things. She’d filled her time by picking up knitting, something that the other Changelings found surprising she knew how to do. Glitter had found it fascinating and had asked if she could be taught. Already she had proven herself as a potential master, though she was still only a beginner and therefore somewhat slow.

Her grandmother, conversely, had knitted an entire stuffed toy army in an afternoon, all of which had been donated to an orphanage down in Trotsdale. It was something she said she was going to do regularly from now on, along with the generous donations of bits to keep them running, the foals fed, and the buildings themselves in good order. She’d made donations of bits during the last few years to major orphanages anonymously after conversations with Luna and Celestia had mentioned them.

Anypony watching the books would have noticed that her donations correlated to orphanages that the princesses missed with their own royal donations and put two and two together that they were working together to make the jolly season festive for all. Not to mention that Chrysalis was getting small increments in pay during the season to help cover it. After all, the royal vaults were always full of bits gathering dust and surely they could be used more aptly in other places where there was always a shortage.

Glitter trotted over to where her grandmother was knitting by the fire and sat down next to her, looking over at the collection of knitted toys she had made so far. She’d been told that this batch was for the orphanage in Canterlot itself, and so far the knitted dolls were impressively varied.

“Granna, I have a question?”

Chrysalis’ mouth, which had been in a stern line of her focus gently curved into a smile. “Yes Glitter?”

“I… am I sick?”

The furious clicking of knitting needles halted abruptly, and the nearly-finished doll was placed on a table beside Chrysalis before her magic released it and grabbed Glitter, tugging her closer. Without warning or prompting she pressed her forehead against her granddaughter’s.

“Hmm, you’re not running a temperature…” She mumbled before looking into her eyes and tapping their horns together. Glitter squirmed faintly at this; it felt weird when the elders did this. Like somepony was tickling the inside of her bones. “Your aura is normal and your eyes are fine… I’ll have to ask your mother when she gets back from her book signing; she’s our resident medic after all.” She said calmly before tapping a hoof against her mouth faintly. “Why do you ask?”

Glitter shook her head. “I feel… I dunno, different.” She informed. “Like I’m… drained; I only start feeling worse when I’m outside.”

Chrysalis nodded. “Well, it can’t be Windigoes, or we’d all feel it.” She said. “Maybe you’re just feeling the cold; this is the first year you’ve been so active out in the winter, your lack of energy may just be your body using up its reserves to keep you warm.”

“But Sandy was feeling fine and energetic..?”

Chrysalis chuckled as she settled back in her seat and lifted her knitting once more. “Ah, but Sandy has a coat of fur to help keep her warm and feathers to insulate her wings.” Chrysalis pointed out warmly. “We don’t share that particular attribute now do we? I’ll have to knit you something once I’m done with these toys.”

Glitter shrugged and turned back to the fire, her eyes glazing over faintly at the hypnotic flames as they rose from the logs within. Chrysalis watched her granddaughter grow still and silent from the corner of her peripheral vision. It never ceased to amaze her how something so simple as fire could have such an effect on ponies.

Granted she’d once been guilty of staring into fire in much the same way, she’d managed to grow out of it after the first hundred years. Having a few children in her many years had helped; nothing keeps a parent alert like your own young near roaring open flames.

“So what book is mommy signing for this time?” Glitter asked curiously.


“She has so many that she’s written, which book is she out for?”

“From what I recall her saying, she was out promoting ‘Crystal Heavens’, but she’s liable to get any of her books brought to her; fans usually ask for their favourites to be signed after all.” Chrysalis replied calmly. Glitter nodded in understanding before the duo fell into another comfortable silence.

Chrysalis enjoyed the time she got to spend with her adopted granddaughter; she admittedly didn’t get much of it due to said filly needing to attend school and her having her duties in the castle to see to. She had been worried at first that this would end up with Glitter coming to dislike or resent her in some way as she was admittedly busy enough to have to blow off family time in favour of getting work completed. She was happily mistaken when Glitter only seemed to become fonder of her.

Princess Celestia had come upon Chrysalis in the middle of brooding over her desk glumly one afternoon, back when she was still unsure. After a little gentle prodding into her mood, she had confided in the powerful white Alicorn her worries and had been almost in tears at the end of her spiel.

Celestia had given Chrysalis a moment or so to collect herself before giving her only needed words of wisdom into the matter: ‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder.’

She smiled as she knitted before turning her attention to her granddaughter for a moment, her knitting uninterrupted. “So, Glitter, word at the castle is that school ends soon.” She said.

Glitter nodded. “Yeah, one last day before the Winter Holidays set in.”

“Just the one? That seems a bit odd.”

“Miss Bloom said that she’d have us for the rest of the week, but she says she’s gotten fed up with having to dig out the front door with the other teachers.” Glitter informed. “Monday we’re going for a picnic outside of the city, apparently every pony who attends the school will be there…”

Chrysalis chuckled to herself. “So tomorrow then..? Alright then, I’ll need some help with what I’m going to knit you to help keep you warm. Do you remember how to start off?”

Glitter nodded and pounced off, returning soon after with her own needles and some thick wool. Carefully she began the process of fastening the wool to her needles.

“Like this?”

Chrysalis looked over from her own work and inspected what she’d begun with. “Yes, that’s right, but a little tighter; it’s going to need to be very tightly woven.”

Glitter nodded and did as she was asked, her magic forcing the wool into a tighter fit onto the needle and allowing for more thread. After about two minutes Chrysalis’ magic curled around her own and lifted her knitting from her grasp. The whole time she had been tilting forward faintly, and her needles were growing closer and closer to the ground. Evidently she had not been kidding when she had said that she was feeling drained.

Chrysalis gave a gentle chuckle and nuzzled Glitter’s head affectionately. “Go have a nap Glitter; you’re barely awake sitting here. I’ll come get you when you’re needed for dinner, alright?”

Glitter looked up at her grandmother blearily before nodding faintly and standing, heading off to the room she shared with her mother. As the door clicked shut behind her, her grandmother smiled warmly and set to her knitting.

“Even after all these years, I’ve still got it.” She mused to herself.


Flitterwing had forced herself to smile when a familiar fan stepped up to the table with his books for signing. He was a young stallion barely into his thirties, or so her trained eye could tell. She didn’t particularly like this pony; he’d been somewhat… frustrating.

At her first book signing he had been like any other fan, but with each new signing session he would return to get a book signed and to… flaunt. He had never so much as asked her out, but rather he would apparently expect her to ask him.

That was twenty minutes ago, and the ponies behind him in line were not the only ones getting frustrated and impatient.

According to his word, which she questioned quite heavily, he was strong, brave, and impressively well off, not to mention a prince. He would boast about how grand a catch he was and how lucky any mare would be to have him. She wasn’t sure how she was supposed to be impressed by his royal title or his boastful nature; she was -technically- a princess herself. Now he had been grating on her last nerve for the last twenty minutes, and she gestured the owner of the store over discreetly and whispered her intentions before returning her attention to the pompous stallion in front of her.

“That’s quite enough, thank you.” She snapped loud enough to cut him off mid-rant. “You’ve hounded me at every book signing you’ve attended and I’m sick of it! Prince or not, you’ve done nothing but tell me how ‘great’ you are and I’d like the opportunity to tell you now that you’re the last stallion I would want to grow old with!” She quickly scribbled her signature into his book and slapped it onto his side of the table, right onto his hoof. “I have a daughter at home who is waiting for me to get back and be there in time for dinner and to read her a bedtime story, so take your book and get out!”

There were cheers from the ponies behind him in line, especially from the stallions, and he gave her a dirty glare before snatching his book up and storming back out. She sighed as he disappeared back out into the street before smiling at the throng of ponies still in the store.

“I’m sorry for that inconvenience fillies and gentlecolts; I’m really not sure why I didn’t do that sooner.”

“Nor am I,” Booker grumbled as he walked past undisguised with a trolley of books for the shelves, “But I’m glad you did; his voice made my teeth ache.”

“Now you know how I’ve felt every time he shows up.” She grumbled back before brightening her tone and smiling at the next pony in line. “Ah, Miss Rarity; how are you?”

“All the better now that Prince Blueblood has been put into his place. While not normally one for such things, I must say I found that somewhat refreshing.”

“Wait, you’re telling me that creep really is a prince?” Flitterwing asked incredulously, getting a nod in return. “My, they’re really lowering the bar these days aren’t they?”

Rarity gave a chortle. “Oh, I can only imagine. He was most likely trying to use you as a stepping stone to Chrysalis, but I don’t think that she would tolerate him for nearly as long as you have.” She said. “Well, I’ll not take up too much of your time darling, a simple signature inside the cover will do for me and I’ll let you get back to your business.”

“Of course Rarity, have a nice stay in Canterlot.” Flitterwing said with a flick of her magic, signing her name elegantly onto the inside of the front cover. “Here you go.”

“Thank you kindly, see you later.”

Rarity strolled off to a nearby part of the store where Booker could be heard arguing with another patron about reorganizing the shelves. Even in someone else’s book repository, it seemed that Twilight Sparkle just could not restrain herself.

A few hours, and almost four dozen ponies later and Flitterwing was strolling home with Booker through the darkening streets of Canterlot. Few ponies were still out at this hour, many having hurried home to be back with their loved ones to enjoy yet another perfect sunset and the warmth of indoors. Booker’s manager had given Flitterwing looks as if she were stealing something precious from the store, but a quick quiet explanation that Booker was a brother to her and nothing else managed to cool off the mare’s anger and earn Booker a goodnight kiss on the cheek.

He’d been zoned out and blushing like an idiot the whole walk so far and Flitterwing had given up on attempting talking with him. Love made one many things during its stay in their life and sadly ‘stupid’ was amongst the list.

They stepped up onto the front steps of the Little Hive building, Flitterwing reaching out with her magic to open the door-


Something had hit the snow behind them, and it had struck the ground hard enough to cause the ground beneath their hooves to vibrate slightly. Thinking it was only something having fallen from a passing cart or some pegasi overhead, the pair turned to the source of the sound.

Flitterwing promptly forgot about the door and hurried to the shivering huddle in the snow.

“By Chrysalis’ wings! Sandy! Sandy, what are you doing here? Are you alright? Booker, we need to get her inside, open the door!”

Booker, already running on autopilot as it was, almost tore the door from its hinges when her worried tone struck him and he did what he was told. He scurried inside with Flitterwing carrying Sandy on her back hot on his heels. The door closed harshly behind her, and she quickly moved over to the roaring fireplace where she put Sandy on the ground close to the hearth but not close enough to burn her.

Sandy grumbled and shifted, recovering from her collision with the ground and lifting her head to look around blearily.

“Sandy, oh thank goodness you’re alright.” Flitterwing breathed. “What happened?”

Sandy shook her head. “My wings stopped moving.” She groaned, looking back and scrunching her face up trying. “I can’t feel my wings!”

Flitterwing lay down and placed her cheek against Sandy’s folded wing, giving a hiss for a moment before taking it in her hooves and tapping it.

“Do you feel this?” She asked, to which Sandy shook her head. “You’ve numbed the muscles and nerves in your wings; it’s too cold at this time of day for you to be out flying. With any luck you’ve only got frostnip and have put the muscles and nerves into a temporary sleep.” She stood and moved off to a nearby chest, opening it and lifting out some bandage rolls. “Don’t try to move your wings; you might only do more damage; give me a moment and I’ll pin them to your sides. Don’t remove these until morning.”

She lay down next to the woozy Pegasus filly, placing the rolls onto the floor and tilting her midsection with her magic before starting to wrap her wings, pinning them to her sides. Chrysalis, who had been watching from her seat where she had been knitting, spoke up suddenly.

“Dear child, what has happened to your eye?”

Sandy froze with her ears rigid for a moment before they both pivoted back and pinned to her head. Her left eye, as Chrysalis had just now pointed out, was swollen and bruised, and until Chrysalis had pointed it out Flitterwing hadn’t even noticed.


Flitterwing went to say something when Chrysalis’ voice rang in her head. ‘Please, don’t interrupt.’

“I… I struck it on something on my way down.” Sandy said all too quickly and with an unconvincing smile.

Chrysalis evidently didn’t buy her story, as she moved from her seat and lay down before the shivering filly.

“Sandy, please, I only want to help but I need the truth. What happened? Is somepony at home..?”

Sandy’s eyes and face drifted towards the floor and Chrysalis gave a sympathetic sigh, leaning down and placing her forehead against the back of Sandy’s while some fresh tears snaked through the fur on her cheeks.

“M-mommy and daddy haven’t been together since just after I was born.” Sandy huffed. “Mommy said that he… he didn’t want to be ‘pinned down’ with a family and left without even writing to us. I’ve not had to meet him until… until today.”

Oh dear…

“H-he came into the house smelling of something sharp and slurring his words… He yelled at mommy and then at me and then he… he hit… us.” She stopped to heave a ragged breath. “He wouldn’t stop hitting mommy, and I tried to make him stop, but instead he started hitting me! Then he… he told me I’m…” For a moment she paused, trying and failing to collect herself before throwing herself against the elder mare and bawling loudly. “He called me a mistake! That I wasn’t meant to be born! He said he wished I’d never happened and then he just… Mommy told me to run, to come here as fast as I could..!

“Is that all I am? A mistake?!”

Chrysalis and Flitterwing froze; there was the question, the one question that parents worldwide dreaded. The story behind that question was never a happy one, and to hear it, along with its cause, from a foal who had only turned six a few months earlier…

After the initial stunned silence from every Changeling who could hear her passed, Chrysalis shifted closer and pulled Sandy into her forelegs, adding her strong presence to the filly’s sad little world. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to get Sandy to stop shivering and crying so heavily.

“Never ever think that you are, Sandy.” Chrysalis cooed to her. “The only mistake is your father’s actions this eve. I promise you that I will personally oversee this incident; I will make sure that you never have to see your so-called father again, alright?” Sandy nodded, and Chrysalis curled her neck around the filly’s frame lightly. “You will always find a place here.” She rubbed her cheek against the top of Sandy’s head for a moment, letting her cry into her chest before speaking again. “Sandy, can you tell me what he looks like?”

“H-he’s a Pegasus with a yellowish mane and tail and grey coat.” She sobbed. “P-please, I don’t..!”

“Shh, shh, it’s alright, that’s all I needed. You can forget all about him, I promise.” Chrysalis cooed. “You’re safe here; we’ll never let anything happen to you.”

Shred, you have been listening I take it?’ Chrysalis’ voice called commandingly within the Hive Mind.

Even from his perch on the catwalk two floors up Shred had heard, and he could tell that Chrysalis was on a warpath. ‘Yes, my Queen.’

Go to the castle and procure two guards, take them to Mrs Breeze’s home and gently question her about this. Use a Pegasus form to travel faster and during this chill. I will go to Princess Celestia about it first thing in the morn, but I want you to handle it.’ Chrysalis ordered. ‘She may resist, or have even hidden her injuries, but I want you to politely insist that I am worried.’ Her very tone spoke worlds about how deadly serious she was, powerful and demanding as it had been when she commanded thousands.

Yes, my Queen.’ Shred dutifully complied. ‘It would be my pleasure.’

Crackle; could you bring her some hot chocolate?

I am already bringing some to you my Queen.’

Sure enough, Crackle came out from the kitchen with a mug of hot chocolate and placed it with Sandy. Inside several heart-shaped marshmallows could be seen bobbing up and down in the hot drink, and Chrysalis eyed them sceptically before helping Sandy to take her first sips.

Heart-shaped marshmallows?’ Chrysalis asked.

Crackle’s voice sighed. ‘Ponies, my Queen; it is hard to find things that aren’t heart-shaped to be honest.’

Chrysalis grumbled internally. “Sandy, I need to go to the castle to handle the legal nonsense about this, I promise that we won’t abandon you; Flitterwing, Glitter, all of my Changelings will be here for you throughout the night, alright? You shan’t be alone if you need somepony.”

Sandy nodded ever so slightly as she cried into Chrysalis’ chest. Chrysalis brought a hoof to the filly’s chin and lifted her face gently.

“Let’s see a smile, c’mon. It’s not every day that somepony can say they got to have a sleepover with Changelings in their Hive.”

Slowly but surely Sandy forced a smile onto her face, as insincere as it was. Despite seeing through it easily, Chrysalis smiled back and acted as if it were honest.

“There we go. Glitter will be awake soon, and you can play with her while I’m gone. I’m sure that the two of you can find something fun to play.” She cooed warmly, giving her cheek a gentle nuzzle. “And I want you to remember, Sandy; nothing that has happened tonight is your fault, okay? Nothing. Your… father,” she practically spat the word, “is the one who has done wrong tonight.”

Sandy gave a nod, and Chrysalis gave her one final squeeze before letting her go and standing up and starting to walk across to the door, collecting her knitting on her way. Emerald flames roared around her form as she shifted into a large black and grey gryphon. Her magic, despite her horn being hidden by her disguise, opened the door and she turned to the room one last time, looking over the filly that was still crying faintly but watched her constantly, before clearing her throat.

“I shall be at the castle should any of you need me.” She announced. “I do not expect to be back until tomorrow afternoon. Give Glitter my apologies and a goodnight kiss for me, would you Flitterwing?”

“You didn’t even need to ask, mom.”

Chrysalis paused, glancing over at the sly grin on Flitterwing’s face before chuckling and stepping out.

She came to us, nearly getting herself crippled on the way.’ Chrysalis said to Flitterwing within the Hive Mind. ‘Whatever that stallion has done, he will pay for.’


With a curt knock on the doors, Chrysalis stepped into the hall of court expecting to find Celestia up on the throne. Instead she found that Luna had already begun night court. No ponies had entered yet, which was fortuitous for them. One look at Chrysalis would have sent them reeling from her furious expression.

She stepped up to the throne and gave a polite bow.

“Chrysalis, is there anything in particular you needed?” Princess Luna asked calmly. “It is uncommon for you to be at the castle after dark.” She gazed over Chrysalis’ shoulder at the effectively empty hall before adding, “Not that we are complaining about the break in monotony, mind.”

“Princess, a foal in acquaintance of my granddaughter arrived at Little Hive barely twenty minutes ago. Well, ‘arrived’ being a loose term; she crash landed almost on our front doorstep after flying from her own home to ours and causing her wings to nearly freeze. After questioning her, she revealed that her estranged father arrived at her home and beat her and her mother. I merely wished to inform that Shred is investigating the matter and that I would like to oversee the issue.”

Princess Luna sighed and nodded her head. “If you feel that you need to, we shan’t argue. Celestia would want to take the case from you, she has such a heart for domestic disturbances of this kind, but we are sure that it can be managed by someone as capable as you.” She said. “Do tell, what is the name of the foal?”

“Her name is Sandy, highness.”

Princess Luna nodded before gesturing to the side of the throne on which she sat. “Please, join us.”

“Of course, Princess, I don’t expect to need to return home until tomorrow in any case. If my counsel and company are what you desire, who am I to refuse?” Chrysalis replied warmly before sitting beside the lunar princess quietly.

The first petitioner soon arrived, and he walked up to the throne and bowed. He was a tough-built looking Pegasus stallion with his cream mane cut short and neat, his tail done up into a braid, and with a healthy sheen to his dark grey coat.

“Greetings, my little pony,” Luna said, her voice sounding more commanding than usual as she spoke, “Speak your name for the court to hear, and please tell us what you want to bring forward.”

“My name is Lightning Etiquette, Princess; I work for the Coltorado weather team.”

“And what do you ask of the court this eve?”

“I want a divorce.”

Both Princess Luna and Chrysalis paused at this, blinking in their momentary shock at his rare request and impressively short tone before recollecting their composure.

“And what is the name of the mare to which you are currently betrothed?” Luna asked.

“Twisty Breeze, she works for the Canterlot weather team. We have been married for seven years, though we have not been together for roughly six.”

Chrysalis froze, her eyes staring at the stallion as if she’d never seen another pony before. Princess Luna, however, merely continued as she was before.

“Are there any children involved? We will need to know for custody reasons.”

“No, Princess.”

Chrysalis’ face contorted into one of utter rage. “Liar!”

Luna and Lightning, caught unprepared by this, snapped their attention to Chrysalis. Luna was the first to recover, and she cleared her throat before speaking. “I hope there is a good excuse for your accusation and outburst, Chrysalis.”

“I apologise for my outburst, highness, but I must object; this stallion lies” She replied, hissing her last word furiously and making him cower. “He has a foal with this mare, Mrs Twisty Breeze; she goes by the name of Sandy, and she has been at Little Hive since she fled to us after being beaten by her estranged father.”

Luna’s eyes grew wide as this information sorted itself into her head and her face slowly but surely twisted. Her features were stoic, but her eyes conveyed her anger.

“Well, Mr Etiquette?”

As he began to badly attempt to explain his way out of his current predicament, Chrysalis turned her attention to Shred who had just arrived at the home of Sandy and Twisty Breeze. He was knocking on the front door and calling out her name, but no response came. After a minute of trying the door, Shred used his magic to simply unscrew it from the door frame and remove it, placing it gently to one side.

“Chrysalis, do you have anything to add?” Luna asked when Lightning finished his rambling and poorly thought-out excuse.

Chrysalis nodded but said nothing, watching as Shred entered the ransacked home and carefully step over broken porcelain knickknacks and scattered furniture. He entered the family room, looking around before his eyes fell upon the crumpled figure of a beaten mare lying just before the hearth.

“Oh, I have something to say alright.” Chrysalis hissed. Her horn glittered and what she could see from within the Hive Mind was projected as an image before her, allowing everypony present to see. “More of a question, really; Mr Etiquette what is your excuse for this?!”

Lightning took a step back that did not go unnoticed by the two royals.

“Chrysalis, what are we seeing here?” Luna asked, waving a hoof at the projection. “Our sister told us you had some form of telepathic communication, but we cannot recall the extent…”

“It is costly and exhausting, but using this spell I can project the visions of those within the Hive Mind into images provided I focus on one particular Changeling, in this case Shred.” Chrysalis explained calmly. “It was always handy for scouting missions or training, or even if I found myself rather bored; it was rather entertaining to toy with the younger Changelings from time to time with it. I’m pretty sure I already told your sister about it, actually. We can see and hear everything that the Changeling I am projecting can see and hear, including what they say; and in turn they can see and hear what I do. As such; Shred, assess her injuries and send one of the other guards for some medics!”

Shred’s voice, though projected through the Hive Mind, was heard audibly throughout the hall. ‘Yes, my queen.’ “Stalwart, we need medical evac, get an ambulance, I’ll see what I can do to stabilize her!”

Yes sir!”

The view moved closer to the Pegasus mare lying on the carpet before tilting to one side as he put his ear to her chest. The steady thumps of her heartbeat could be heard, which brought a sigh of relief to Shred, but his hearing distorted and warped in a way that made Luna glance at Chrysalis sceptically.

“He is listening to her internals.” She informed. “We can become anything, so our hearing is rather adaptive; quite useful for diagnosing injuries. Don’t think it comes without consequence, he’ll be hearing things strangely for hours.”

A rasping, grating sound could be heard for a moment, then the thuds of her heart, and then nothing but a sound akin to squeezing water through a very thin straw. Shred’s head lifted and his eyes roamed the rest of her body.

She appears to have minimal skeletal damage but we’ll need actual imaging to be sure.” Shred said to the guard next to him. “Multiple bruises, and she’s barely breathing; she has a collapsed lung on her right side. I’m going to attempt to re-inflate it magically, watch for any signs of distress.”

For another minute the vision projected was that of the Pegasus on the floor with the familiar glitter of magic visible at the top of the projection, and eventually her chest bellowed out as she took a deep breath. The voice of Shred could be heard exhaling heavily.

Thank Chrysalis for that.” He breathed, causing Chrysalis to give Luna a sheepish grin. “She should be alright; we’ll need to inform the medics that she has a re-inflated lung and to be extremely careful with her. Our job, however, just became a stallionhunt.”

“That will not be required of you, Shred.” Luna said calmly as she waved a pair of guards over. “He was ever so kind to bring himself to us. Stay with Mrs Breeze until the paramedics arrive, we shall handle this from here.”

Yes, highness!

Chrysalis cancelled her spell and staggered to one side, her eyes unfocused for a moment before she shook her head and struggled back to her upright and proper position. While the spell had its uses, the repercussions of its use were never welcome. It would be hours before she would be back to full strength again.

“Lightning Etiquette, you are hereby under arrest for the assault of your estranged wife and daughter, the prior of which you have nearly killed. You will spend four months within Canterlot Castle dungeons, followed by a year of compulsory community service on parole.” Luna announced. “Furthermore, your divorce shall be handled by the state under the following conditions; you shall have no joint custody of Sandy, you will surrender the sum of three hundred and fifty bits to your divorcee, along with anything that belongs to her. Her hospitalization will be afforded on your accounts in addition. You shall also be placed under a restraining order forbidding you to come within two hundred meters of either your divorcee or daughter at any time. Should you breach this restraining order, you will incur another month in Canterlot Castle dungeons.” Luna’s voice echoed angrily throughout the hall, and she stomped her hoof against the marble beneath her angrily. “Guards, get this wretch out of our sight!”

The guards complied, standing to either side of the stallion and starting to push him from the hall. Once they were out of sight, Luna sighed and sat back on the throne.

“My, Chrysalis, you sure do know how to find trouble.” She said teasingly and giving her a teasing smile. “Though I’m thankful that this was resolved so quickly; had things not transpired as they had, he could have evaded us completely.”

Chrysalis nodded. “Mrs Breeze is a friend of the family.” She said distantly. “I have done only what should have been done, and what her daughter needs. I shall have Sandy taken to the hospital after school tomorrow.”

“Who will inform her of her mother’s condition?” Luna asked. “We could send for a temporary carer for her?”

“I’ll have my daughter in law, Flitterwing, tell her, and until her mother is well enough to return home we can care for her at Little Hive.” Chrysalis said. “For now, is it alright if I head to my office and get some rest?” She gave a hopeful smile to the regent of the moon before her stomach grumbled angrily.

“We insist you have dinner first, Chrysalis. Skipping meals will not do you any good. Go to the castle kitchens and have them cook you something; tell them we sent you or they might decline your entrance.” Luna ordered strictly.

“Of course, thank you.” Chrysalis said while dipping her head. As she strolled out to the corridors beyond the court hall, she spoke within the Hive Mind.

Flitterwing, how is she faring?

She only put her wings to sleep, and there does not appear to be any superficial damage. I’ll know better in the morning, but she should be alright for now. Presently we’re eating dinner; she is sitting between Glitter and me. She has been… uncharacteristically quiet. I’m sure I can turn this around with a pillow fight or something.’

Chrysalis sighed. ‘Tell her that her mother has been hospitalized, but will be fine. It is too late for visitors, but I want her escorted to her mother tomorrow after school, alright?

Yes, my queen. If I might ask, what has happened with her father?

Chrysalis grumbled as she entered the kitchen, quickly telling the royal chefs that she had a request and an order from Princess Luna to have it taken care of. ‘He has been arrested and separated from his now-ex-wife. He shan’t be a problem any longer, I assure you.’

Flitterwing remained quiet for a few moments in thought. ‘Alright, mom, I’ll handle it.’


Glitter and Sandy arrived at school bright and early, and were greeted into the classroom by their teacher, Miss Bloom. Sandy had been awake for a worrying amount of the night crying, and now that she seemed to be over the trauma of the night before she only wanted to be around Glitter for support. Shred had returned partway through the night with a stuffed doll that he had discovered in what he assumed to be Sandy’s room, and this had calmed her enough to get some sleep so that she was bright eyed and bushy tailed the next morning.

She still needed Flitterwing to help her preen her wings, but other than that she was fine after a shower and hearty breakfast of porridge and toast. She was at least happy that she could move around without limping again, now flying from place to place as she had done before. Flitterwing had stopped on the walk to school to buy her some wing warmers for when she landed. They looked almost like saddlebags, except that they were shaped in just such a way as to allow for her wings to fit inside and were well insulated.

At first she was reluctant to use them, but Flitterwing threatened that it was either these or heat packs strapped to her wings and she had quickly agreed that she would use them. Heat packs would make it impossible for her to fly, and Celestia forbid she be forced to limp everywhere.

Glitter, however, had been given the scarf and woollen blanket for her back that her grandmother stitched for her. They each featured the same symbol as the banners back at Little Hive, and they served to keep her warm much like the black boots that she wore. She felt that she would be ridiculed for looking ridiculous, but Sandy pointed out that it wasn’t like the opinion of others had mattered much during the last year.

Once the whole class was present, Miss Bloom made sure to double-check that they all had their things before leading them back to the main hall, where the other classes were all waiting to be led out to where they would be having their outing. After another few minutes of waiting for any stragglers and for the classrooms to be locked up they all started following the teachers out into the streets of Canterlot.

It was ten minutes of walking that eventually saw them at the site outside the Canterlot city walls and by the forests that surrounded. A campfire had been arranged and lit by the teachers, and currently a few kabobs were being cooked over top. It would be a while before anything was ready, however, and the students were instructed to go and play until the teachers called for them.

Sandy and Glitter flew up high and grabbed some cloud cover, most likely to the annoyance of any nearby weather pegasi, and lowered it down near the campfire where they sat upon it and enjoyed the warmth. The teaching staff had sat down nearby on cushions that had been brought for comfort, each talking amongst themselves and watching the students.

While the scattered clouds above would mute the sunlight now and then, it was a scheduled sunny day, and the air was warm, for mid-winter anyway. The foals were forbidden to enter the forest nearby due to the likelihood of them getting lost and the lack of teacher supervision within.

Nevertheless, the students enjoyed their time playing in the thick snow and in the scattered trees, hurling snowballs at one another or creating forts to defend from the icy bombardment. One student, the Earth pony from Glitter and Sandy’s class named Doublestep, was busy making snow sculptures. He’d been on the less than enjoyable end of Rocky, Quick Swirl and Sparkshine’s bullying and as such had allied himself with Glitter and Sandy. He wasn’t too far away from where the two fillies were sitting, and would call their names whenever he completed one for them to inspect.

Glitter sniffed heavily as Doublestep walked over and sat next to them, he too watching the fire.

“Lunch smells good at least.” She mused.

The others took a deep sniff and agreed, and for a moment that seemed to not end, the world was perfect.


The land beneath Doublestep shook, and he looked up startled.

“Double? What is it?”

A second heavy bass thud echoed around the field, and students were hurrying over to the campfire where the teachers were summoning them back. A roar split the air, and from within the trees a hydra burst into the field, chasing them down.

The teachers acted in an eye blink, yelling for the students to run to the safety of the city walls. As one large group the colts and fillies did as they were told, abandoning the site as fast as their hooves could take them.

Doublestep, however, tripped over his own hooves and fell to the snow. Glitter, having noticed that he had fallen behind, stopped and turned back to him, hurrying to his side and trying to pull him to his hooves.

“Get up Double, c’mon!”

He just sat there, staring in stunned mute terror at the Hydra that, having noticed their unmoving nature, decided that they would be a welcome first meal. Glitter also stared as it bore down on them, sending her shout for help through her only remaining lifeline –the Hive Mind.



“Lunch is something to look forward to at least.” Celestia said optimistically to Chrysalis as they took their usual spots in the court hall.

“For having to put up with this meeting, Princess, it had better be food fit for a goddess.” Chrysalis grumbled.

Celestia chuckled heartily. “Yes, well. As much as I love my nephew, sometimes Blueblood can be a real nuisance. Did you know that, once he discovered that you were getting the firewood for your Hearths Warming Eve fire from the same place as he does, he demanded that I order the suppliers to supply only to nobles?”

Chrysalis sighed and her face fell dead flat. “You know he only comes to you because he knows that Luna would kick him out on his ass, right?” She asked irritably before adding. “And I technically am a noble.”

“There’s no technicality about it, Chrysalis, you are a noble. While your royal status as a queen was surrendered, you still own the old Hive and the land therein. The only way for me to excuse that in the legal systems was to make you a Duchess.”

“Gee, I guess I should be thrilled to be informed that I’m Duchess of a dead city.” Chrysalis griped irritably. “I’ll be sure to gather taxes from the dust mites.”

“Look on the bright side, you get higher privileges than the majority of Equestria, and the only ponies who have the same rank or higher than you are Twilight Sparkle’s family, Blueblood, Cadance, Luna or I. The guards are honour bound to follow your orders, even.” Celestia said optimistically after giving a small chortle.

“It’s a good thing too; otherwise last night would have gone very differently.”

“Yes, I heard about that; I sent one of the royal physicians to aid in Twisty Breeze’s recovery.” Celestia said quietly, watching the doors to the court hall open. “I told him to say that it was on your request so as to not overwhelm her.”

“Thank you, Celestia.”

“Of course, Chrysalis.” She replied before raising her voice as Blueblood approached the elevated throne. “Ah, Blueblood, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

‘As if I don’t already know.’ Chrysalis thought bitterly.

“Auntie, I need to report that I was assaulted yesterday and I demand action be taken!”

Celestia sighed, he’d only just entered the room and already she could feel a headache coming on. “And who are you accusing of such a crime?”

“She’s one of them.” He said, nodding towards Chrysalis who only snorted back irritably and glared. “‘Flitterwing’ I believe her name is.”

Again Celestia sighed. “Nephew, were you doing anything that might have earned her ire?” She asked patiently. “And she is not ‘one of them’, she is a Changeling.”

“I was merely pointing out my qualities-”

“You were boasting your credentials and trying to get her to date you.” Celestia said for him, having seen where he was going.

“Well, yes, but-”

“So you’re the stallion that has been driving my daughter in-law crazy at every book signing she’s done for the last two years!” Chrysalis called, her voice tinged with anger and mirth.

“Nopony asked you to speak, Changeling.” Blueblood snapped angrily.

“Nopony asked you to ruin my morning, but you’re doing it all the same.” Chrysalis shot in retort. “And frankly-” she froze in mid-sentence, her eyes going wide and her body becoming tense.


She hurried to her hooves and began to move down the steps to Celestia’s throne. “I’m sorry, Princess, I need to go!”


A guard ran into the room, saluting as he slid to a halt at the foot of the stairs. “I’m sorry for the interruption Princess, but a Hydra has appeared on the outskirts of town!”

“Be gone from my way!” Chrysalis shouted as she broke into a full sprint, using her magic to shove Blueblood roughly to one side so she could pass him and ran out into the hall beyond. Her magic sparked out before her, slamming open the double-doors to the courtyard balcony and emerald flames burst to life around her, transforming her wings into those of a large gryphon. With a powerful jump and flap of her transformed wings, she erupted into the sky at speeds that even the Wonderbolts would have found impressive.

From her position high in the skies above Canterlot she could see the Hydra clearly, as well as a few smaller objects struggling in the snow almost twenty meters from its reach. With another beat of her wings she changed her course and shot towards them at breakneck speeds before changing her wings back to normal and dropping from the sky, swinging her magic and rage filled horn down towards the beast.

With enough force to cause the snow all around to burst from the ground she slammed into it, a shield forming around it and forcing it to the ground. For a moment she merely manipulated the gravity within the dome to force the beast to the earth, but when she tired of that she kicked off of its head and landed a short way away.

Now with the Hydra’s attention fully on her, her horn burst to life once more and her magic surrounded the Hydra. It cringed in pain before letting out a howl of torment at her magical onslaught.

“You tried to take my family from me!” Chrysalis screamed at the top of her lungs. “Now I’ll take every ounce of love from you!”

The sounds of the beasts’ torment echoed across the field, and Chrysalis’ magic only appeared to grow stronger with each passing moment. She grinned devilishly as she drained the Hydra dry, sucking its love from its very bones; lost in the moment, she almost forgot about what she had initially come here for.


Her heart skipped a beat and her eyes widened at this word, cried out from the filly that now looked up at her in terror as her mind returned to her. Her magic stopped draining the now weak Hydra and merely held it, and she turned her face to her granddaughter with her own terror-filled stare.


Chrysalis’ eyes misted over with tears as she stared down at the filly, and after a moment she returned her attention to the Hydra. With a grimace and tightly closed eyes she shouted out in frustration and launched the Hydra back into the trees, flinging it far down the mountain, before emerald flames burst around her and she beat gryphon wings again to launch her into the skies.

Flitterwing! Flitterwing, I need you, please!


Flitterwing hurried into Little Hive, closing the door tightly behind her. As the door clicked shut, it latched and magic burst to life around it. Clearly nopony was to be witness to this bar those already here.

She could see Chrysalis sitting before the hearth where the fire was roaring, her head hung low and her body shuddering. Even from the door her sobs could be heard. Princess Celestia was sitting beside her, saying not a word.

Flitterwing worriedly stepped over to them, placing her hoof against Chrysalis’ side to get her attention. Chrysalis’ eyes drifted over to her, and she slumped against the smaller Changeling as she cried.

“My queen, what happened?”

“Your daughter and the rest of her school were attacked by a Hydra a little over ten minutes ago.”Celestia said for her, her tone flat and emotionless. “After Chrysalis fled the court hall I came here, knowing that at least somepony would show up who I could ask details. Chrysalis has informed me of what has transpired, and I have pardoned her actions since she has not cost any lives. I can only assume you heard the same distress call to which Chrysalis responded?”

Flitterwing nodded her head. “I-I was tied up at the time and couldn’t get out there in time to do anything.”

“Upon arriving at the scene, Chrysalis entered combat with the Hydra.” Celestia said. “During the heat of the moment she used what she’s calling ‘Method Two’; though I am unsure what this means exactly.”

Flitterwing’s eyes widened and she stared at Celestia dumbstruck. “M-Method Two..?” She breathed, before swallowing nervously. “W-we have two methods of gaining love from others which we refer to as Methods One and Two. Method One is passive absorption; it is how we gained love by disguising as a loved one and taking their place.”

“And Method Two?”

Flitterwing’s face turned, now unable to look Celestia in the eye. “M-Method Two is… it’s something that even we refused to use if there were alternatives. When we adults were all together in the Hive Mind we swore collectively that it would fall into disuse and become forgotten and forbidden magic. We… we forcefully stole love from our target using our magic, causing severe pain. It’s… it’s almost never talked about, as it can kill the victim if we don’t know when to stop.”

Celestia sighed. “I see; that would explain Chrysalis’ condition.”

“Mom, what happened?”

“I-I used Method Two o-on the Hydra right in front of her! I… I almost killed it, I couldn’t stop myself…” Chrysalis huffed. “I’m a monster!”

“Monsters cannot cry remorse, Chrysalis.” Celestia voiced calmly. “And you stopped before lethal force could exact its toll. You have done no less that I myself may have done to a Hydra encroaching upon Canterlot in your place.”

Chrysalis didn’t reply, simply huddling pitifully over her daughter in law for what little comfort she could gain. It took a little while for her to calm down enough to speak or move more than her shakes, but she did eventually sit back upright and stare miserably into the fire.

“And think; the biggest thorn in my side I thought I would have today was your nephew.” Chrysalis grumbled. “Truly my life is some sort of cruel joke.”

“To be fair, there are days I would prefer to fight with Hydra than deal with Blueblood.” Celestia said. “They are usually the days in which Blueblood wants something. You beat me to it today.”

Chrysalis sighed. “I can’t believe that he wanted Flitterwing arrested for slamming a book on his hoof because he was driving her batty.” She breathed. “What ludicrous nonsense.”

“He once demanded that I shut down a restaurant that had no space for his party of twelve, despite him having no reservation. Honestly I’ve given up listening to his excuses.” Celestia replied. “I usually just tell him that he’s being unreasonable and that he’s no more special than anypony else.”

“I’ll just go brew up some tea.” Flitterwing said as she sidled from the pair.

“And here I thought that anypony related to you would be wise and kind.” Chrysalis grumbled. “Where on Equestria did he even get such stupid behaviour?

“It’s beyond me. I, in a way, am thankful that Luna is starting to frighten the nobles into line. I just wish that she would help me in teaching Blueblood a little humility.”

Chrysalis chuckled. “Preferably with a beating...” She joked. “Ah, if only.”

The pair of royals sat in thoughtful silence for a few moments, each watching the fire as it danced across its fuel of thick logs. Flitterwing, who was observing them discreetly from the kitchen, remarked just how similar they seemed to be. Each had a lengthy and somewhat unkind history and they both seemed to care for more than just those around them. While Celestia masked her grand power and raging emotions at almost all times, and Chrysalis would press whatever physical advantage she had over others to seem imposing and gain respect, in the end neither really cared about much more than the ponies around them.

She placed three coffee cups on saucers, poured the boiled water into a teapot through a strainer, fetched a jug of milk from the fridge and some sugar cubes, and placed them all upon a tray which she levitated out to the royals.

“Tea’s up.”


The rest of the day passed without any incident, and Twisty Breeze had been awake when Sandy arrived to visit her in hospital. She had been put on an oxygen mask to ease the strain on her lung, but otherwise she was sporting no more injury than she had gained during the ‘seasonal’ tornado when one of her wings had folded on her and she was flung into Canterlot’s city walls. She’d been knocked out cold during that incident as well, but she had bounced back within a day or so. At the current rate she was recovering, she would be fit enough to return home in two days or so, provided that no complications arose.

Sandy had been reluctant to leave as the sun began to dip below the horizon, but when her mother had fallen asleep due to exhaustion herself she relented and gave her mother a kiss on the cheek before following Flitterwing and Glitter back out into the streets.

They arrived at Little Hive not three minutes later, and it wasn’t long after that the two fillies found themselves under the hot sprays of the showers. They weren’t talking, each in their own stall as they bathed away the day of fear and cold, as well as the fun. They had long since finished with soap, and were now just enjoying the warmth of the water.

The clip-clopping of hooves against the tiled floor went unheard by the two fillies, drowned out to their ears by the sound of the water cascading all around them. Thanks to this the owner of the hooves managed to move into the shower stalls undetected and sneak right up to Glitter. With a startled shriek Glitter was grabbed around the middle and hoisted up, thrown into the air only to come back down into the hooves of her ‘assailant’.

“Granna, you scared me!” She laughed as Chrysalis began to tickle her, having placed her against the floor.

“Oh, but you’re always unprepared for the tickle monster.” Chrysalis humoured. “You make it too easy since you don’t connect to the Hive Mind. And the one time you do in weeks it’s to call for aid.”

“Thank you for getting there so fast.” Glitter managed to say between fits of giggles.

“For my little Glitter, I would battle a hundred Hydra.” Chrysalis said soothingly. “Though, for now, one shall suffice.” Her tickling slowed and Glitter managed to get to her hooves, jumping back a little to hopefully be out of reach should her grandmother return to her torturous ways. When she couldn’t see Chrysalis’ eyes from behind her mane and the joyful mood seemed to drain from the room, she instead moved closer, worry etching her features.

“Glitter,” the monarch began, causing Glitter to jolt in surprise, “I’m sorry.”

“F-for what..?”

“What I did in the field, to that Hydra…” Chrysalis mumbled. “It… when we gained sanctuary here in Canterlot we, your uncles, mother, and I, swore that we would never use or talk about that… that spell ever again; that it would become forgotten knowledge and forbidden magic.” She shook faintly, her barely disguised sobs easily recognizable to the filly. “I used our darkest art right in front of you; I nearly became a monster before your eyes, and for that I… do you forgive an old mare her foolishness?”

Glitter shifted closer and forced herself under her grandmother’s chin, making the larger mare embrace her without moving to. Slowly Chrysalis’ hooves moved in and tightened the hold she had on her grandchild.

“If you need me to forgive you for loving me, you won’t get it from me.” Glitter breathed into her grandmother’s ear. “Forgiving somepony for something requires something bad enough to need forgiving. Would Princess Celestia ask forgiveness for raising the sun? Would Mom ask forgiveness for writing her books, or for standing guard inside our closet because Sandy is afraid of monsters? You don’t need forgiving for being my Granna; you do it perfectly as far as I can tell.”

Chrysalis sighed and squeezed Glitter tighter.

“Thank you, Glitter.”

Author's Note:

Here we go, Chapter four.

I've been looking forward to this for a while now, actually; and now that it's up I feel the need to shelve this story for a little while.

The next chapter will feature a MASSIVE leap in time, to teenage Glitter, and I'll need time to sort out the storyline for it and any further story better.

This is not the end, and this Author's Note will most likely be erased when I get around to posting chapter 5. With any luck, by then I will have completed my other stories (Scarlet Tears and Fall of a Monarch) both of which I have actually fleshed out in detail somewhat.

*CHARACTER NOTE: Doublestep will become a more common and more integral character in the following chapters. Also of note is that ALL THREE foals will have major development to their characters after the timeskip. They are STILL FOALS at this stage, and as such their adult personalities have not developed in any real way. PLEASE stop whining about it, it's all in the long run. No-one is born a miserable git, they develop into one.

*EDITOR NOTE: I do not use editors; while it may be something that others feel that they would love to do for me, I have never wanted to allow my work to be tweaked by others. I'd rather make or break stories on my own merits, and I thank those of you who take the time to point out mistakes I may have made. I'm AUSTRALIAN, and so I use Queen's English. Please don't claim these are mistakes, I used to get it a lot with older stories I posted to other sites, and it was REALLY ANNOYING.

Thank you. -Silent Quill.