• Member Since 9th Sep, 2012
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Why, hello there! Can't say that I've seen you around before. Welcome to Ponyville Library. Let me know if you need help with anything. Oh, right. Where are my manners? My name is Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Princess Celestia of Equestria and resident librarian. Oh, and some might call me the laziest unicorn in Ponyville.

Heh. They're just jealous. Try the laziest unicorn in all of Equestria. And that's a title I'm most proud to bear, thank you very much. What's that? Why, you ask? Well. Let me tell you about the time that I accidentally managed to save Equestria.

Several times, actually.

Note: Not a crossover with "A Series of Unfortunate Events." Sorry to disappoint. I just couldn't resist the reference.

First person from Twilight's perspective.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 341 )

Hah. Gay. :twilightblush:

That was an amusing read for reasons I can't fully explain. I would've preferred that it was a LITTLE bit more different from the actual episode though. The difference was pretty much purely in Twilight's thoughts and intentions, rather than reflected in the world itself.

2128999 Indeed it was! And this episode is on the high end of the "similar to canon" spectrum. This beginning chapter illustrates two of my main goals: to keep the other mane six members as in character as possible while varying Twilight's (significantly), and to really develop Twilight's backstory and thoughts in this new universe. She's already so delightfully snarky in the canon I couldn't help but use most of the preexisting lines.

Don't worry, things get more interesting. The next chapter departs from the canon rather...significantly...hehehe... So stick around!

Dear god why is this not front page

2129110 Well, technically it IS on the front page...hehe...

Yeah I haven't had much luck with my publications. It was unfortunate that it took five hours for the approval to go through. Oh well, the night's still young! I'm very glad that you enjoyed it! More to come soon! :twilightsmile:

I was kind'a disappointed when I saw it wasn't a crossover or in any other way related to "A Series of Unfortunate Events", but then I read it and now I don't care about that anymore! :pinkiehappy:

2129643 That's the idea! The original title was going to be "In Which Nothing Happens," but then I made a joke to a friend about an alternate title and realized that I liked this one much more. And then I realized it sounded like it would be a crossover with "A Series of Unfortunate Events." Oops. :twilightoops:

Still! I do believe this should do rather nicely. :moustache:

:derpyderp2:this makes so much sense :derpyderp1:

Ok, wow, I love being able to seem productive while doing minimal effort stuff...but seriously, this Twilight is my new IDOL!!:scootangel:

You have my attention my good pony, and I look forward to reading more on the misadventures of one who would rail against destiny...and fail due to lakc of 'give a damn' and effort. :facehoof::twilightsmile:

I think Twilight has been taking pages out of Rainbow's book with this impressive display of apathy and laziness. :twilightsmile:
She inpsires me to procrastinate more, tomorrow.:twilightblush:

2130406 I do my best! Thanks for the input!

2130663 Oh trust me. You ain't seen NOTHING yet.

2131170 She doesn't particularly like Rainbow Dash now, but I have a feeling they have more in common then they realize...

Ah, nice!
If I may point out a particularly amusing error

They’re just as lame as their patriarch.

I'm sure you totally mean matriarch, because a patriarch is a male leader. Haha.
I'll definitely be watching for more of this. Lazy Twilight is fun Twilight (well, Twilight's just fun in general, isn't she?:twilightsheepish:)

2131423 *Searches patriarch and matriarch in le Google*

...Oh, bollocks. I didn't realize they were gender sensitive. Figured they just meant the same thing. I actually had the word "matriarch" floating around my head too, I don't know why I didn't use it. Thanks for the catch, should be fixed now!

And yes, Twilight is very much fun. She would be best pone, but a certain other unicorn has already claimed my heart. She'll have to settle for second. Glad you like it, things are only going to ramp up from here!

It seems like everytime I have an idea for a fic, I find something similar to it, and then get discouraged. Not to play that "IT WAS MY IDEA FIRST" card, since you still probably started it before I had the idea of an alternate universe fic starting where s1e1 did. Other than that, I don't really have anything to add, and it appears I went down the same path as everyone who read this so far. "Wait, it's not a Series of Unfortunate Events crossover, aw..wait, this seems interesting!" And I'm hooked, to say the least. Twilight Snarkle is very entertaining.

I really don't know what to say. On one hand, this was a well written story about a lazy Twilight which is a nice perspective. Your mechanical skills are awesome. The narrative was nice, and I genuinely found the logic behind the events plausible...

Because about 90% of them were just you re-writing the first episode. Sorry, but if you took out the bits that were straight from canon, this fic would be around 1k long. The few quips here and there, and the mental snarks she threw were enough for me to add this to favs and follow it. I just hope you really get off to a better story in the following chapters like you said.

This is perhaps my favorite Twilight Snarkle yet! She acts just like me!:twilightblush:

this is one of the greatest ideas of all time:twilightsmile:

University life in a nutshell, don't I know it...

This is glorious :pinkiehappy:

Oh my. This is just beautiful.

This was actually really good. Congratulations on the feature too. Looking forward to the next chapter.

My only issue is the start. I get that it's supposed to take place in canterlot and all, but some of it sounds as if it takes place in the tree house Library in Ponyville, which confused me...
I do look forward to more though. I shall be watching.

2131552 Aww, don't worry! The Alternate Universe tag is most expansive in the content it encompasses. Unless this was EXACTLY your idea I'm pretty sure you're still good to go! Feel free to contact me if you feel it might infringe. I'd be more than happy to give my input.

But yeah, I hope I didn't make a poor title choice. I loved it when I came up with it because it's so applicable and jokes about "A Series of Unfortunate Events," but I hope it doesn't come across as 'false advertising.' That would be...unfortunate.

2131645 Because I wuv you.

Wait...that's not the right pre-prepared response...my secretary has made a total mess of things, one moment. Aha, here it is:

Because I can.

2131909 Isn't it just? Oh, the places I shall go...

2131916 Only 1k? Surely you exaggerate. Nonetheless! I was well aware that this chapter was largely canon. I thought for a good hour or so on whether I should keep it and I decided to go with it in the hopes that I could demonstrate significant deviations next chapter. I really wanted to develop the rest of the Mane Six as canon. My original vision was to keep most of their lines/reactions canon and vary Twilight. Of course, it won't always be that way because rarely is canon Twilight so snarky.

What do you think? Too much? I would be honored to have your input.

2131930 I am honored that you think so! Stay tuned!

2132007 I was pretty excited about it as well.

2132129 I'm thrilled you think so! And yes, life is busy busy busy. Expect updates to be sporadic and completely unpredictable. :rainbowlaugh:

2132202 Thank you! I value your input.

2132572 I promoted your story in my latest blargh. :rainbowkiss:

Regidar brought me here

LOL this story was just what I needed after the events of today :twilightsmile::twilightsmile: great job :pinkiesmile:

Gotta read this. The description reminds me very very much of the Ciaphas Cain novels, in which a Commissar in the 41st millenium is pretty much seen as the exemplar of humanity and stuff, despite being a self-proclaimed coward. Everything just happens in the right set of ways to make him seem brave and awesome.

2132482 Thanks most sincerely! :twilightsmile:

2132527 Thank you! It was a pleasant surprise. Even if I was monitoring it all night to see what would happen. Still nice to see it go through though, lol.

2132561 Rewatch the VERY FIRST SCENE with Twilight in it. She's sitting by a river with a small tree nearby. That's the scene I was going for. I hope not to disappoint with future installments!

2132592 Promoted, or listed next to an impressive collection of pukiness? Hehe, I kid, I kid. I'm most flattered you consider my work to be worthy of attention. Even if it WASN'T SOUE. Just think about it for a second, though: pulling that off successfully would be HARD. Do not want.

2132760 Thank you! I'm glad I managed to provoke the desired response: uncontrollable laughter. :rainbowlaugh:

2132975 That is pretty much EXACTLY what happens. And Twilight hates every bit of it. Dis gonn be so good...:pinkiecrazy:

"Ha. Gay"
That right there killed me every time I read it.
Can't wait for this to be updated.

2133122 Professor Chang is da best. I'm very pleased I managed to elicit that most wonderful of responses: uncontrollable laughter.

For your viewing pleasure:

I'm with Twilight, napping is great. I think...*yawn*, I'll take one righ...zzzzzzz.:ajsleepy:

I actually wasn't brought here by Regidar. This is good enough to discover on my own.

Awesome. This is like Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student, but with fewer drugs and less nymphomania.

2133307 Aren't they just the best? Constant sleep is definitely the way to go.

2133718 Yeah I heard about that. Imagine my surprise! Glad you think so!

2133892 This Twilight Snarkle slightly inspired by mike's Twilight. She's not going to be THAT extreme though. Hehe...I think...

Fell in love with that description. And from the looks of the comments that is going to be the sweetest 9k words I'll gladly invest some time into once I wake! (3am :ajsleepy:)

Holy Celestia this is hilarious. I LOVE what you've done with Twilight, her lazy/don't give a buck narrative was priceless! Very interested in finding out how you'll continue the story and how much it'll (hopefully) deviate from the canon! :twilightblush:

Definately reading this later, my friend

Forgive me for sounding sexist but, from what I've read, Twilight's behavior and train of thought make her sound like a guy.

2134205 Hah! I know EXACTLY dat feel. Must...get...sleep... Hehe. As I type this I'm probably screwing myself over for tomorrow. BUT PONIES ARE WORTH IT. Always. I much look forward to hearing your thoughts!

2134236 Why thank ya kindly! I have much more shenanigans planned. I'll do my best to stay entertaining!

2134237 Wonderful! I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

2134251 Well...I'm a guy, so that MAY have had something to do with it. I'm also a rather cynical guy (especially on the internet).

So...I guess she's a tomboy? We'll go with that. :twilightblush:

2134375 I'm honored you think so! I've seen some pretty fantastic Twilights in my days...

So, Twilight is a lazy, cynical bum? Oh this is going to be so much fun to read!

2132572 I'd probably do the same that you're good way into doing: Keep Twily as canon as you can, and have her internal monologue and her monologue with Spike be the things that show us the true Twily. If you're really good, you can almost always contradict what you are saying out loud. And it makes for a good, cynical Twily in the process. I'm not sure if your Twily is going to hate her friends, or just enjoy their company like the real one, and still only laze around whenever she can. You should choose if you make this Twily a bitch or a jerk with a heart of gold.

I like this Twilight Sparkle, especially how she so far uses similar lines with a quite different subtext. Except for 'Ha. Gay.'. Once I can believe. Twice is possible. Three times makes her sound like an insecure male. It's really not that worthy of remark unless you're hung up about it.

Nice job on the feature. I'll read this tomorrow.

And then Twilight became a princess and fell asleep for 100 years while Equestria collapsed around her.

2134524 A Series of Completely Unpredictable Events.

2134539 Alright! Sounds like I'm on a decent track then. We shall see how this pans out.

2134551 I MAY have overused it a teensy bit. Maybe. I MAY have had too much fun with it. Maybe.

2134560 Oh...oh my... Famous authors, reading my work...okay Shane, remain calm...yes...deep breaths...

Thank you! I eagerly await your thoughts!

2134994 True story.

I like what's going on here but I'm withholding my full judgement until the second chapter is made. Everypony loves adversarial characters. :trixieshiftright:

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