• Published 13th Feb 2013
  • 4,516 Views, 107 Comments

If I Could Turn Back Time - ShotgunNeko

It's been over 1000 years since the romance between Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia has ended. Now they can't stand each other. Luna cooks up a scheme that sends Celestia to the past in hope she can win back Twilight's heart.

  • ...

Cooking up a scheme

“Are we done here?” Twilight spat, turning to Luna and Cadence.

Luna nodded.

“Good. I can’t handle another second with HER.” The purple Alicorn nodded in Celestia’s direction, flapping her wings for good measure.

Celestia’s eyes narrowed.

“How dare you speak of me that way?” Celestia countered. “After everything I’ve done for you...” she trailed off.

It was Twilight’s turn to narrow her eyes. “Oh excuse me your highness. I forgot that the world revolves around your royal flank.”

“How dare you mock my royal flank?” Celestia roared, her voice booming.

It had been eons since anypony besides Luna had used the royal voice, but these days it seemed fitting when dealing with her former pupil Twilight Sparkle. Apparently a millennium of barbs and digs with Twilight had a rather unpleasant effect on her vocal chords. The two had once been extremely close. They shared at the time, what had seemed like an unbreakable bond of friendship and then ultimately their friendship turned to love.

Unfortunately although many an equestrian love song will tell you that love is “a many splendored thing”, or “love lifts you up where you belong”, and “all you need is love”. Love is also hard work. It takes time, patience and effort. Somehow along the way Celestia and Twilight had let it slip away from them. Now where there was once love, bitterness and anger covered both of the stubborn mare’s hearts.

“Whatever.” Twilight mumbled.

Luna and Cadence exchanged worried glances.

They knew how much Celestia hated the word “whatever”. If you wanted to piss somepony off, the best way to do it was to shrug your shoulders and whisper that one annoying word.

Celestia’s face grew red, her anger rising. Luna could practically see the steam pouring from her sister’s ears.

Twilight grinned. There was nothing she had enjoyed more in the past thousand years then being able to get the better of Celestia. She bowed her head to Luna and Cadence, before trotting to the door.

As soon as Twilight was out of the room, Celestia fell to the ground in a heap.

Luna once again exchanged a glance with Cadence. Cadence nodded and her horn began to glow. Not wanting Celestia to catch on to what they were up to, Luna trotted over to her sister.

“Celestia.” She started. “This vendetta between you and Twilight cannot continue. As Alicorns we are forced to work together for the sake of Equestria. We need each other, all of us together.”

Celestia sighed. Why did Luna suddenly sound like the older sister? She knew Luna was of course right, but she didn’t have to like it.

“I don’t need her.” She scoffed. “And she clearly doesn’t need me.”

The last part was spoken in a whisper, but still loud enough that Luna had heard it. She smiled inwardly as she looked back to Cadence whose horn had stopped glowing. Cadence had her eyes closed as if she was absorbing some sort of information.

Celestia finally managed to pull herself together. “I’m sorry. I wish it didn’t have to be this way between her and I. I hate that we pull the two of you into our sordid mess.”

“Cadence and I understand that you two have been through much together. There is a very thin line between love and hate.”

At this Celestia blushed. There was no use trying to deny it. Of course she still loved Twilight Sparkle. Wasn’t that the reason the purple Alicorn could drive her mad within five minutes of being in her presence.

Celestia sighed and turned to her sister. “Again, I offer my apologies. I will try to hold back next time. “

The heavenly white Alicorn then began to trot away, following the same path as Twilight had moments earlier, leaving two scheming princesses all by themselves.

“Did you get it?” Luna asked excitedly.

Cadence nodded. “It’s definitely there. It’s tiny, but there is a spark. She still loves Twilight.”

Luna grinned. “And Twilight?”

Cadence closed her eyes and concentrated for a moment.

“Yes. Again it is faint, but she too still holds a spark for Celestia. Neither one of them has ever moved on. Now if we could only get them talking. Maybe they could still work this out.”

Luna scratched her chin with her hoof.

“The time for talking is a thousand years past. I fear if we left them in a room by themselves to talk, it may be the beginning of an Equestrian war. Talking between those two only leads to fighting. “

“Do you have a plan Auntie?” Cadence asked. Her interest was piqued.

“You know I always do. I just needed to be certain there was even a chance that this could work. Those two really do belong together. I have always felt it. Tia was her happiest when she was around Twilight. It was her sense of duty to the throne that led to the beginning of the end for their relationship. “

Cadence could only nod in agreement.

“I wish Shining were here...”

Luna looked over to her niece and the tears that began to form in her eyes. She galloped to the pink Alicorn’s side and lightly draped a hoof around her shoulder.

“I’m so sorry Cadence. I didn’t mean to be insensitive.”

“No, it’s okay Auntie. It’s been several hundred years since he passed. I still miss him every day though. If something had separated us in the past, like it has Celestia and Twilight, I would have done anything to get him back.”

Luna nuzzled against her niece.

“I’m hoping my dear sister will feel the same way.”


Celestia made her way to the Royal Observatory. She had no idea why Luna had called her there and she hoped this was not an Alicorn gathering. She didn’t think she could handle seeing Twilight Sparkle two days in a row. She shuddered. Why did Twilight always have to be so cold?

Celestia poked her head through the door and noticed Luna and Cadence sitting at a circular table. She let out a sigh of relief. No sign of her former student anywhere. Luna motioned for Celestia to join them and the princess trotted over to where they sat.

“We need to talk.” Luna started. “It’s about you and Twilight.”

Cadence grimaced. She usually loved her Auntie’s abrupt nature, but this was a very sensitive subject.

“I told you I was sorry yesterday.” Celestia began, with daggers in her eyes. “If this is why you called me here, I can assure you that-“

“No.” Luna cut her off.

“No?” Celestia asked, shocked.

“No.” Luna repeated. “We have done this your way for far too long. Our kingdom is suffering. You haven’t been yourself in ages Celestia. You used to be the embodiment of pure love, and now I don’t even think there is anything that makes you happy. Even though you have a gift for putting on a brave face in front of your loyal subjects, you can’t fool your family. We know you’re hurting.”

Luna’s words were like a slap in the face. Celestia was shocked. She hung her head shamefully. Every word her sister had spoken was true. She had purposefully tried to bury the hurt in her heart by throwing herself into the kingdom’s wants and needs. Celestia had never even given herself time to grieve the loss of her most beloved.

“Celestia, if you had the chance to go back and make things right, would you take that chance?” Luna asked, leading her sister into her proposition.

Celestia looked up with teary eyes. “Are you kidding? Of course I would. Unfortunately, what’s done is done and now I am left to pick up the pieces.”

“Not necessarily.” Luna corrected her. “Hear me out on this one dear sister.”

Celestia looked at Cadence, who nodded in approval.

“You know that for years I have scoured Equestria looking for an antidote to cure my student.”

Celestia shook her head. Luna had been teaching a young Alicorn who had been turned entirely by dark magic. The young one had learned the hard way that some things are better left untouched. Although Luna was able to save the young mare, her magic was unable to bring her completely back from the side of darkness, and there lie a dormant power inside the newly formed Alicorn. Luna had set out to teach the Alicorn how to properly control her magic, but this Alicorn was so powerful that she needed to be restrained. Luna had searched far and wide for magic that may be able to cure her apprentice. So far there seemed to be nothing that could return the Alicorn to her former self. Luna had made a promise to her student that she would never give up.

“Has there been a breakthrough?” Celestia asked.

“No, but I found something else. A type of magic I have been perfecting in my spare time. I have learned a particular spell that would be able to help you with your problem. My spell is powerful enough to send you back in time to the months prior to your breakup with Twilight. Once there, it is up to you to change the past, and by doing so, change your future.”

Celestia’s mouth dropped open. “Are you insane?”

“Maybe.” Luna answered. “But I know for a fact that Twilight still cares for you. There is a spark inside her heart, although small, it’s still there. This is a chance for you to undo the mistakes you've made. It was your duty to the throne that got in the way of your relationship. Go back and balance the two! You’ve had a millennium to ponder what could have been. Make it happen!”

Celestia’s mind was racing as she took in everything her sister was saying.

“Wait, how do you know that Twilight still cares for me?” She asked, her heart pounding in her chest.

“I could feel it Auntie.” Cadence interjected. “And you know I’m never wrong about these things.”

“It’s not possible. Let’s say I agreed to this silly plan of yours. Who will take my place on the throne? Luna you’re too busy with your student, her powers demand your full attention.” Celestia continued.

“I will.” Cadence piped up. “I’m perfectly capable of taking on your duties while you’re gone. You ran Equestria by yourself all those years ago, now it’s your turn for a break. Leave the kingdom in our capable hooves.”

Luna nodded.

Celestia tried to speak, but no words were forming. It seemed the matter had already been settled with or without her consent.

“Tia, we are not forcing you to do anything. “ Luna said, reading her sister’s mind. “I know it all seems crazy, but think of the possible outcome. In the least, maybe you and Twilight could stand being in the same room together.”

“Or an even better scenario might be waking up to her every morning.” Cadence gushed.

Celestia felt like her head was going to explode. Yet, the more Cadence and Luna talked about it, the more she began to realize she wanted to at least try. It was very rare in life you got a second chance and here was this gift, how could she say no?

Okay. I’ll do it.” She mumbled.

“Say what?” Luna asked, grinning.

“I said I’ll do it.”

“What now? I can’t hear you.”


“Now that’s the enthusiasm I wanted to see.” Luna chuckled as Celestia glared.

Without another word, Luna began to conjure up her spell, casting a dark purple shadow over Celestia.

“Wait, if I’m going to the past, then what will happen to my past self?” Celestia asked, suddenly alarmed.

“Not sure, but I think while you’re there, she will stay dormant. As soon as you leave, she will then reawaken with your memories. I will try to conserve my power, so I can hold this spell as long as I can. I will converse with you daily to check on your progress. Remember that everything you do in the past will affect our future.”

Celestia nodded as she felt her entire body being wrapped up in the silky purple mist. As she began to lose consciousness, the last thing she heard was her sister’s most valuable advice.

“Remember Tia, whatever you do, DON’T FUCK IT UP!”


Luna yawned as she made her way to her bedchambers. This was going to take a lot of power, but it was worth it if Celestia could find her happiness.

“How come I wasn’t invited to the meeting of the minds?” asked a seductive voice.

Luna turned to face her student, but before she could say a word the powerful Alicorn was on top of her. Luna found herself pushed to the ground forcefully. The Alicorn’s deep green eyes shimmered in the moonlight as she looked down on her prey.

“You’re getting slow in your old age.” She giggled.

Without warning, the several thousand year old Moon Princess easily reversed the hold, and now was looking down on the young Alicorn.

The Alicorn blushed under the gaze of her teacher. Luna was taking every inch of her student in. The Alicorn was radiant. Luna had never seen such beauty in her whole entire existence. Unfortunately her young student was also insatiable. Alicorn stamina was something that was only joked about to those who had no idea. She remembered Cadence remarking that poor Shining had never been able to quite keep up.

Good thing being an Alicorn herself, she didn’t have that problem.

Luna could feel her student begin to bite down on her neck. The two Alicorns liked it rough and hard, two entities struggling to dominate each other.

“Wait...” Luna panted, suddenly remembering something.

“What is it?” her student whispered.

Luna reached down and began to stroke her lover’s pitch black coat. Her hooves made their way down to the Alicorn’s legs. Adorning her lover’s limbs were four crescent shaped power limiters. Luna had conjured them to limit her student’s power intake.

“They aren’t hurting you are they?” Luna asked, reaching down to touch the shackles on her student’s legs. The Alicorn was so powerful and yet so untamed. It was necessary to keep her power contained.

“I hate that you have to wear these.”

“No they’re fine. In fact, I find them rather fashionable.” she whispered, snaking a hoof around Luna’s tummy. “My favorite teacher made them after all.”

Luna laughed, her horn glowed and the shackles were suddenly broken.

“Promise me, if I let your legs rest for a bit, that you won’t destroy Equestria. Tia would kill me.”

The Alicorn nodded as she rubbed her hooves together. It felt so good to be free.

“Your sister would also probably be unhappy if she knew you were sleeping with your volatile student.”

Luna laughed. “Tia is preoccupied right now. As for you being volatile, I’ve done a good job handling you so far haven’t I?”

The Alicorn smiled in response, cuddling up close to her teacher.

“Now, instead of lying here on the cold floor where my “old” bones might catch a chill, what say we move this into the bed?”

Luna got up off of her lover, and then pulled her up from the ground. The Alicorn whimpered and tucked herself under Luna’s wing.

“Sooo warm.” She grinned happily.

Luna reached out to ruffle her companion’s mane.

“It’s a wonder I get any work done around here.”

“I don’t know about work, but I promise I’ll give you a workout.”

“I fear you may someday be the death of me.”

“No way! That’s the only good part of being an Alicorn! I’ll get to spend eternity by your side.”

As they made their way to the bed, Luna lay down first, and pulled her lover into her embrace.

“Can you try soft and gentle tonight?” Luna whispered.

The young one nodded her head.

“I just want to please you.” She whimpered.

“Then may I make a request?”


“Can you sing to me?”


The young mare in her arms recoiled and began to stammer.

“I c-c-can’t sing. Why would you even ask me-“

Luna cut her off. “I hear you, singing in the shower. Also in the halls or the library when you think nopony is around. You have a beautiful voice and a beautiful talent. It’s selfish to keep that to yourself.”

Luna let her hoof travel downwards to the Alicorn’s cutie mark. She rubbed it softly. Her lover’s body had once been a gorgeous angelic white, until the dark magic had turned it into the darkest midnight black. The only part of the Alicorn’s body that was not black was the silver bell adorning her hindquarters and two music notes, one in the top right hand corner, and one in the bottom left corner.

“Sing for me...” Luna whispered.

The Alicorn’s lips turned upwards into a small smile as she slowly began to hum, looking up into Luna’s eyes with the sad, thoughtful expression of innocence lost. As her lover began to softly serenade her, Luna murmured into the darkness.

“So beautiful...my not so little...Sweetie Belle.”


Celestia awoke with a throbbing headache.

“Ohhhhhh...” she moaned.

What had happened to her last night? She felt like she had been hit square in the face by Pinkie Pie’s party cannon. Although Pinkie Pie and the other bearers of the original Elements of Harmony had long since passed, her sister had insisted on keeping that damn cannon.

As she recalled her sister, she also recalled the strange dream she had last night. Something about time travel? Oh yes. She snorted out loud. Cadence and Luna had cooked up a scheme to hook her and Twilight up. She couldn’t wait to tell them all about it. She was sure they could all have a good laugh.

“Time travel?” she said out loud. “Now wouldn’t that be crazy.”

As she settled back down into the covers, her entire body went rigid as she suddenly felt a pair of soft lips on her neck.

“Princess? Are you talking in your sleep again?” asked a soft familiar voice.

Chills ran up Celestia’s spine. She knew that voice like the back of her hoof. It had been decades since the pony that voice belonged to had talked to her so sweetly. Could it actually be true? Celestia was too afraid to look, for fear it now really was a dream.

“Celestia?” Twilight whispered, now worried she had done something to upset the Princess.

Celestia could hear the worry in Twilight’s voice. She wanted so badly to turn and comfort her, to hold her. It had been too long. The Princess closed her eyes, rolling over to face Twilight. She waited a few moments, catching her breath, before she opened them. Her eyes went wide.

Twilight Sparkle was just as beautiful in bed as she had remembered. Celestia ached now to touch her.

“Remember Tia, whatever you do, DON’T FUCK IT UP!”

Luna’s final words echoed in her ears. She had to be very careful what she did. Looking Twilight up and down, she felt a lump form in her throat.

“Princess...” Twilight whispered again, on the verge of tears. “Was I...not good enough?”

Celestia’s heart almost jumped right out of her chest. Had this been their first time together? She racked her brain. It had been so long, but she could never forget. It had been the night of Twilight’s coronation.

Forgetting everything Luna had told her, she instinctively reached out to pull Twilight into her embrace. She took a deep breath as Twilight clung to her chest, breathing deeply.

“Twilight...” she murmured, savoring the closeness of her body, and the smell of her mane.

Twilight moaned happily.

“You were perfect. Absolutely perfect.” Celestia whispered, as her lips descended on Twilight.

It had been a millennium and damn it, she was going to get laid!

End chapter 1

Author's Note:

First of all this idea just popped into my head, so I decided to run with it. Second, I read on wikipedia (which is clearly always right) that Cadence is the Princesses' niece. It doesn't really make sense as that would mean they either had a sister or brother that is somewhere...doing something lol. Then again diamond tiara got a cutie mark for being a bitch, Scootaloo has never been up in the clouds(even though Fluttershy at her age had never been down on the ground), and Hasbro still can't manage to make a proper Princess figure (aka why the hell does Luna have a bright orange crown and now that they have finally changed Celestia from pink to white, why couldn't they remember to paint her hoof guards?)
So what the heck do I know?

p.s. I do not own the song "If I could turn back time" or Cher....although that would be pretty sweet cuz she is a robot and all.
Anywho please read and review!