• Published 12th Feb 2013
  • 635 Views, 10 Comments

Through the Eyes of a Princess - distortedtruth92

Luna wants to write a history of Equestria from her point of view. One problem, though. She can't remember anything before she turned into Nightmare Moon

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An Unexpected Journey

In the beginning, Mother said, “Let there be light!” and thus my sister was born. Shortly after, I was formed to keep balance with my sister's sun. We ruled over Equestria together. My sister tells me we...

Luna slams her quill down in frustration, snapping the tip and rocking the table. The well of ink she was using tips over and spills its contents onto the fine vellum scroll she had been writing one. “Buck!” she curses. She stands up and quickly strides out of her sitting chambers. She crumples up the scroll and throws it behind her, bouncing it off the already huge mountain of failed attempts.

She had been trying to write a history of Equestria for the past month. She wanted to use her own experience, but everything before the Nightmare Moon incident was lost. She couldn't remember it. She can't remember it.

Luna strolls through the castle, heading towards the throne room. She burst through the doors and walks in on her sister speaking with one of their subjects. The pony turns around at the noise, startled. She bows nervously to the Night Princess.


Luna looks down at the cowering mare. “Leave us.”

The earth pony does not need to be told twice. She scampers out of the room, tail between her legs. Luna sighs at the pony's fear of her.

“Luna!” Celestia yells. “That was uncalled for.”

“What? I just need to speak with you, sister.”

“So you glare at one of our subjects and demand she leave. That is not how we treat our little ponies, Luna!”

Luna bows her head, sufficiently chastised. “We- I mean, I am sorry sister.”

Celestia walks over to her younger sister and drapes a wing across her shoulders. “It is done, Luna,” She says with a smile. “What did you need to talk about?”

Luna looks up at her older sister. “I want to write a history of Equestria in my own words.”

Celestia smiles at her sister. “That's wonderful, Luna!”

Luna looks up at her sister sadly. “It would be If I could remember any of my life before the Nightmare Moon incident.”

Celestia brings a hoof to her mouth in astonishment. “You're kidding?”

“I do not jest about matter like this, sister.”

Celestia lowers her hoof and assumes a thoughtful pose that Luna has found to be overly dramatic. “I see. What would you have me do, Luna?”

“Let me leave sister. I feel I must go on a quest to rediscover myself.”

“Where will you go, though?”

“I believe I should start at the our old palace in the Everfree Forest. I think that will be as good a place to start as any.”

Celestia nods once. “Very well. You may go. I will take over the night while you are gone. I shall also take this one so you can rest before your journey.”

Luna wraps her sister in a loving embrace. “Thank you, sister. This means quite a bit to me.”

“I know, little sister. I know,” Celestia says as she hugs the younger princess.

Luna breaks the embrace and looks up at Celestia. “I will leave in the morning.”

“I will be there to see you off.”

Luna turns around and trots out of the throne room to begin packing up in her chambers. She enters her room and slouches down, wondering what to bring.

Nothing that I can't carry in two saddle bags. I suppose I will be sleeping outside quite a bit, so a sleeping bag is a must. One problem. I don't have one. Maybe one of the guards will let me borrow his.

With that thought she turns around and heads down to the guard barracks. As she enters she hears a resounding “Attention” come from the Lieutenant.

“At ease, gentlecolts,” Luna says warmly. “I require a sleeping bag. I will be traveling soon and-”

She is interrupted by around a dozen rolled up sleeping bags being shoved into her face. She chuckles softly to herself. “I only need one, sirs.” She randomly reaches out with her magic and grabs one. She turns and walks out of the barracks. Behind her she hears a shout of, “She took mine! All of you can suck it!” She shakes her head, smiling, and resumes walking.

As Luna reaches the steps leading to her chambers, she is stopped by her least favorite stallion, her nephew, Prince Blueblood.

“Auntie, what is this I hear about you leaving the castle to go on a quest?”

Luna lifts up her nose at her arrogant prick of a nephew. “That is none of your concern, Blueblood.”

“Blueblood flinches. He hates it whenever somepony does not put the honorific “Prince” in front of his name. “But, Auntie, it is. You see, I was going to accompany you.”

“Like hell you are!” Luna nearly shouts. “I will not have you be with me on this quest. All you would do is complain the whole while.”

Blueblood huffs indignantly. “I would not. As long as we stay at a five star hotel each night and have five three course meals a day.”

“Sorry to burst your bubble, but I won't. If you would ever use your eyes, you would see that I am carrying a sleeping bag that I received from one of the guards. Now, if you will excuse me, I must pack.” She brushes by he nephew, giving him a harder than necessary shove as she passes. She retreats into her chambers and slams the door.

Okay, now that that is over with I can continue packing. She levitates her saddle bag over to her and proceeds to throw things in. She grabs a cloak, a brush just because I am going to be camping a lot does not mean that I should look bad, and some fruit from the bowl that is set out for her everyday. She does not need much else so she lays the saddlebags next to her bed, and, even though the sun is still up, crawls into bed and immediately falls asleep.

Luna is woken by the rays of her sisters charge hitting her in the face. She immediately jolts awake with a smile on her face. Today is going to be a wonderful day! She walks to her bathroom and takes a quick shower before grabbing her saddlebags and running down to the throne room to bid her sister farewell.

As she enters the room, she notices Celstia sitting on her throne, Blueblood next to her.

“Ah, Luna,” Celestia says. “Good morning. Blueblood, here, was just telling me that you agreed to take him with you on your quest. I must say, I am surprised.”

Luna's jaw drops, “Wha- I did not!”

“Come now, Auntie. There is no need to lie.”

“You are the liar, you insufferable vagrant!”

Blueblood gasps. “How dare you call me that, you night whore!”

“Blueblood!” Celestia yells. “You are out of line. First you tell me lies, then you call my sister a liar, then you call her a whore! Were you not family you would be executed. Alas, you are. I believe a stint in the dungeons should do you some good! Guards!” The doors burst open as two guards burst in. “Take this cretin to the dungeons. I will speak with him later.”

As the guards grab him in their magic, Blueblood shouts out, “You can't do this to me. I am Prince Blueblood. Unhand me, you fiends. I will not st-” he is cut off by the doors slamming.

Luna bows her head to her sister. “I am sorry, Celestia. I, too, was out of line.”

Celestia laughs. “Don't worry about it. I've been wanting an excuse to do that for a while now. Now, don't you need to be leaving?”

Luna perks up. “Oh, yes!” She runs up to her sister and gives her a huge hug. “I'll be back soon, sister.”

“I'll be waiting. Be careful and good luck.”

“I will be.” Luna turns and gallops out of the thrones room and into the courtyard. As she spreads her wings and takes off, she has one more thought. Yep. Today is going to be a wonderful day!

Author's Note:

So Imma try a Luna fic. this idea just came to me while running and I thought I'd put it down on paper, er, sceen. lemme know what you think in the comments.

Comments ( 9 )

It says. Gut. That is all. It's german. :rainbowlaugh:

Behind her she hears a shout of, “She took mine! All of you can suck it!”

Best line.:rainbowlaugh: Simple, yet hilarious.:twilightsmile:

Time to start up a mob to go kill Blueblood for calling Luna a whore.:twilightangry2:

Tracked and Fav'ed!:twilightsmile:

lol Blueblood got sent to the dungeon:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

2111398 thanks bud
2111414 i hope I can deliver
2116580 but of course. I've been waiting to do that for a while

2116590 Good. he deserves it for calling Luna a whore. I wish he'd get a visit from:pinkiecrazy:
he needs to be cupcake'd

*attempts his best fancy accent* A fine start, I hope to see more. *drops accent*
Yeah, i know that probably sounded horrible in anyone's mind, but it felt right to do that.

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