• Published 10th Feb 2013
  • 1,562 Views, 33 Comments

Change is Constant, Growth is Optional - Nova Force

Fluttershy and Braeburn struggle to maintain a long distance relationship. Discover how they endure in this clean Appleloosan love story!

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Orange Luster

Miracle of miracles, Fluttershy and Braeburn were able to whip up a cucumber birthday cake for Angel before the day was done. Perhaps even more impressive was Fluttershy being able to get through the baking session in one piece. Braeburn recounted all his stories of life in Appleloosa since making peace with Chief Thunderhooves and the other buffalo. Fluttershy absorbed every drop of his words. What struck her most was his passion. Even uninteresting topics like caring for Applejack’s former tree, Bloomberg, were riveting simply because of the electric energy Braeburn had. He carried himself with such an unflappable confidence that Fluttershy couldn’t help but be drawn to his words.

That evening, to Fluttershy’s great delight, Angel devoured his cake. While he and his woodland creature companions chowed down to cucumber deliciousness, Braeburn gave Fluttershy some departing words. “We made quite the little baking team. I had a lot of fun! Catch you later, darlin’.”

Not knowing the proper response, Fluttershy blurted out, “Catch you.”

Before inflicting a world of self-loathing upon herself for such an awkward response, Braeburn softly chuckled and winked at her. The adrenaline flowed through Fluttershy’s veins like never before.

He’s only here for a week. I have to see him again!

A few days after Angel’s birthday, a small gathering of Fluttershy’s friends met at a Ponyville café. Together they sat by the entrance and exchanged small talk. Pinkie Pie ordered a serving of cinnamon rolls while Twilight Sparkle and Rarity had juice. Their conversation carried on normally until Twilight broached a topic that had been nagging at her.

“Girls, do you notice Fluttershy acting kind of weird lately?” Twilight stared across the table.

“Whatever do you mean?” Rarity asked.

“For the past few days she’s been walking on air.” Twilight searched around the table to see if either of her friends agreed with her.

Pinkie Pie stuffed her face with a cinnamon roll. “She’s a Pegasus, silly! Of course she can walk on air!”

Typical Pinkie. “That’s not what I mean.” Twilight leaned forward and spoke softer. “I think she might have a special somepony.”

Rarity jumped to attention. “A special somepony? For our Fluttershy? To whom are you referring?”

“Haven’t you seen her acting funny around Applejack’s cousin Braeburn? Even if you mention his name she gets all bashful.”

“See’s ahways bafful.” Pinkie’s said with her mouth filled with another cinnamon roll.

Twilight pressed her theory forward. “Yeah, but this is different. Her eyes get gooey and she starts smiling to herself a lot.”

Rarity’s eyes widened as she got her ‘Idea!’ face. “Well then, why don’t we help her out?”

Mild apprehension gripped Twilight. She tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

“As her friends, we should help give her more, what’s the right word… ‘luster’.”

Luster?” Twilight did not even try to hide the shock in her face. Even in the most twisted of dimensions, “Fluttershy” and “Luster” did not belong in the same breath.

Her clear disgust failed to dampen Rarity’s spirit. “Why yes! I know just the look that will give her the extra razzle-dazzle.”

With a mighty gulp, Pinkie swallowed her cinnamon rolls. “Razzle-dazzle? Sounds yummy! Can I have some too?”

Too many frightening scenarios played in Twilight’s mind. She knew Fluttershy was at her best whenever she was herself. “I really think we should just mind our own busi-”

The café door’s bell rang announcing that a new customer had entered. Fluttershy walked in and instantly spotted her friends.

“Hello everypony, how are you all today?” Fluttershy said approaching them.

Rarity slinked up to her with a furtive expression. “Fluttershy! Darling, we were just talking about you.”

Being the center of attention was never her strong suit. Fluttershy looked confused. “Who, me?”

Not one to drag out conversation, Rarity cut to the chase. “Yes, you. Tell us sweetheart, is Applejack’s cousin your new special somepony?”

All the air sucked out of the room. “My what?!

Twilight stared daggers at her blunt unicorn friend. “Rarity!” Her expression softened as she turned to a fire-engine red Fluttershy. “I’m sorry. What she meant to say was we’ve noticed you acting kind of funny around Braeburn.”

Rarity stepped forward and leaned a little too close for Fluttershy’s comfort. “Yes. So do you like him, or do you like like him?”

Fluttershy’s forehead and armpits immediately went into sweat-mode. Thank goodness Applejack’s not here.

“If you’re to win that Appleloosan colt’s heart, then you need to have luster.”

Twilight pounded her hooves on the table. “Will you stop using that word?!” Rarity responded in kind, but Fluttershy didn’t listen. She was in her own world realizing that hiding her feelings from her friends would be no use. She did, however, appreciate Pinkie Pie’s greater interest in her cinnamon rolls. While her two best unicorn friends fought over semantics, Pinkie licked the icing off her hooves. Suddenly, Fluttershy found her thoughts drifting.

Braeburn had icing on his hooves with the cucumber cake…

Since Braeburn helped her with Angel’s birthday, she hadn’t really spent any time with him alone. Like anypony who’s ever had a crush, Fluttershy replayed in her mind every interaction they had that night and analyzed them to death. One thing kept sticking out in her mind: He came and sought me out. I didn’t ask for his help with that cake. Maybe he is interested? Even if he were, she knew her time was limited to the remaining week. Rarity’s offer sounded more appealing the more she thought about it.

She wasn’t sure about the whole “luster” business, but when you like somepony, you’ll do just about anything to get their attention. Fluttershy took a deep breath and interrupted Twilight and Rarity’s shouting match.

“Um, excuse me.” Even though her volume was a fraction of their shouting, Twilight and Rarity were immediately silenced.

She turned toward Rarity and wore an excited smile. “Let’s do it.”

“Marvelous!” Rarity rapidly clapped her hooves together. Twilight’s jaw dropped open. Pinkie crammed the last cinnamon roll in it – she couldn’t help herself.

“Come, Fluttershy,” Rarity grabbed her by the hoof, “Let us make you something perfect to inspire!” The fashonista unicorn led the way, leaving Twilight in a stupor and Pinkie summoning the waiter for more cinnamon rolls. As the two galloped toward the Carousel Boutique, Rarity kept gabbing about hair-styles and accessary doodads for the outfit she had in mind. All of it entered through one of Fluttershy’s ears and flew right out the other. Time and again Rarity proved herself to be the queen of aesthetics, so Fluttershy had no trouble trusting that her friend would deliver on her word.

Unfortunately for Fluttershy, Rarity enjoyed delivering on her word a bit too much.

When they arrived at her house, Rarity burst through the front door to find Sweetie Belle with her Cutie Mark Crusader friends playing a game of cards.

“Dear sister, would be so kind as to run along and play with your friends elsewhere?” She struck a dramatic pose. “Fluttershy and I have serious work to do!”

Sweetie Belle frowned holding up her cards. “Aw, but we just got started.”

Her older sister was unimpressed. “Yes, well, that’s all very well and good, but I have wonders to accomplish! So if you wouldn’t mind, please run along.”

Scootaloo stood up first and buzzed her wings. “C’mon crusaders, let’s go to the clubhouse.”

Apple Bloom followed her lead. “Yeah, we should go there anyway. I told cousin Braeburn to meet me there later this afternoon.”

Like a magnet, Fluttershy was drawn into the conversation. “Braeburn? Why is he meeting you there?”

Apple Bloom didn’t notice Fluttershy’s sudden interest. “I mentioned to him last night at dinner about our clubhouse and he got all excited. Said how much he wished he had one when he was growing up.”

Fluttershy and Rarity exchanged a quick nod with each other acknowledging the deadline they had.

“Tell you what, little sister. If you and your friends run along, I’ll take you all out for ice cream tomorrow. How does that sound?”

“It’s a deal!” With that, the three Cutie Mark Crusaders collected their cards and dashed off to their clubhouse.

Rarity wheeled toward Fluttershy. “We have no time to waste!”

Ponies who didn’t know Rarity would wonder why she never hired anypony to help her around the Carousal Boutique. Those who did know her, however, knew Rarity’s intense modus operandi. Watching her work was a wonder in itself. “If you want the job done right, you got to do it yourself,” she would often say. Using her unicorn magic, every cabinet drawer in the shop flew open releasing all sorts of fashion materials. In moments Fluttershy felt like she was caught in the middle of a hurricane’s eye, for there was an eerie calmness to the swarm of fabrics and jewelry circling silently around them. She knew the only way to make this go as quickly as possible was to not resist, and just let Rarity fly.

A half-dozen outfits later, the fashionista unicorn finally settled on a look. Even though Fluttershy didn’t dress up very often, most everypony agreed she looked best in green. Which is why, for the life of her, Fluttershy could not fathom why Rarity chose to go with an orange look.

“It’ll remind him of the outdoors,” she reasoned. “Applejack’s family’s really into that kind of lifestyle. He’s even got an Uncle and Aunt Orange in Manehattan. Trust me darling, orange is in this season. Plus, it has just enough luster without becoming smoldering.”

“Uh huh.” As much as she enjoyed her company, Fluttershy couldn’t wait to escape from Rarity’s fashion clutches.

The unicorn opened the front door to her house. “Come, let us go!”

The two friends ventured their way to the clubhouse. They were careful not to gallop too quickly out of fear of ruining Rarity’s latest masterpiece. Once again, Rarity prattled on about what to say and what not to say, while Fluttershy ignored her trying to fight off the butterflies in her stomach.

After what seemed like forever, they made it to their destination. Rarity brought Fluttershy in for a brief huddle. “Alright, there’s the clubhouse. Remember, if you need me, I’ll be here behind these bushes. Now, go to your loved one!”

Fluttershy’s heart-rate kicked into high gear. “Here goes.”

Inside the clubhouse, Braeburn and the Cutie Mark Crusaders ended another round of their card game. As chance would have it, Braeburn won. “Hooey! This clubhouse y’all got is the best! The things I woulda done if I had one of these at your age.”

Scootaloo spoke with pride. “Yeah, we have our top secret meetings here. This is also where we hold the Rainbow Dash fan club.”

Apple Bloom chimed in the conversation. “We also meet here to think of ways to get our Cutie Marks. I sure hope we get those soon.”

“Aw, don’t worry about getting those Cutie Marks, girls. No matter what you got on your flank, what you got in here is more important.” Braeburn pointed to where his heart was. “Just think of the ponies that you know who do have Cutie Marks who are absolutely the pits!”

Without saying a word, the girls all shared the same thought: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Sweetie Belle stood by the window. “This clubhouse also has a great view. It’s really useful whenever we want no pony to sneak in.” As Braeburn approached the window, Sweetie Belle gazed out to enjoy the scenery. Unfortunately, she spotted an orange blemish that ruined everything. “What the? Is that… Fluttershy?”

Braeburn looked out and narrowed his eyes. Despite her outfit, he had no trouble recognizing her. “By golly, it is.”

The other two crusaders joined them. Once Scootaloo saw her, she snapped her head back. “What in Equestria is she wearing?”

Deep down, Braeburn knew this was related to him. “Wait here, girls. I’m gonna go see what she wants.”

The Appleloosan colt stepped out onto the clubhouse’s front door. “Hey Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy’s eyes went gooey. “Hello there.”

Braeburn carefully walked down the clubhouse’s steps. “Whatcha got on there?”

She twirled in place, revealing a whole lot of orange. “How do you like it? Rarity made it for me.”

“Did she now?” With this information Braeburn needed no further explanation.

“Yes, she’s such a great friend.”

The colt nodded. “I’m sure she is.”

She couldn’t put her hoof on it, but something told her Braeburn didn’t like her new outfit. Whenever Braeburn spoke, he did so with such vigor and verve. Now he was being oddly reserved, as if he were holding back. In a flash, it hit her like a ton of bricks: If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.

That must be it! Braeburn’s being too much of a gentlecolt to say how much he hates how I look! This was such a mistake.

Sensing her growing discomfort, Braeburn smiled. “Well Ms. Fluttershy, I’m glad you’ve got such a great friend in Rarity. I bet you she feels that same way about you.”

“What do you mean?”

He began to laugh. “You’ll wear just about anything that girl whips up because you’re too darn sweet to say ‘no,’ no matter how gaudy.”

An aggressive ruffling sound could be heard from the bushes. So much for “luster”.

“To be honest, it ain’t really my style, and something tells me it’s not yours either.”

Fluttershy focused on the first part of his statement. “It’s not?”

The colt shook his head side to side. “Naw, flashy dresses don’t impress me much. I’m more concerned with what’s in here.” Braeburn tapped his vest yet again to where the heart was. “And I think it’s awfully kind of you to wear that outfit in order to avoid hurting Ms. Rarity’s feelings.”

She blushed hard. “Oh, well, uh, she really is a wonderful friend.”

“And I’m sure she feels the same about you.”

There was a pause. The two ponies looked at each other. Fluttershy could have sworn she saw the same twinkle in Braeburn’s eyes that she witnessed when he first arrived. She knew if she had more courage, she would have tried a little harder at flirting.

He broke the silence. “Well, hey, I’ve gotta get back to Sweet Apple Acres.” He turned and called up to the clubhouse. “You ready to go Apple Bloom?”

Apple Bloom stood at the clubhouse’s front door and hopped into the air. “Eeyup!”

“Take care, Ms. Fluttershy. Hope to see you again before I leave in a few days.”

Fluttershy could barely speak. “Me too. Bye.”

With that, Braeburn left. Rarity jumped out from the bushes and launched into a tirade about how her apparel was anything but “gaudy”. As she ranted, Fluttershy watched as the Appleloosan colt walked off with his youngest cousin back to their farm. She mentally prepared herself for a night of replaying and over-analyzing.