• Published 25th Jan 2012
  • 5,845 Views, 65 Comments

Silent Ponyville Side Stories - SamRose

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A Party for Two Sisters

[Author's Note: This story was written by http://streek471.deviantart.com/ and was uploaded with their permission. They originally wrote this as a fan epilogue, but I liked it enough to make it a canon epilogue. So please enjoy the story and thank Streek for giving us this wonderful addition to my fic!]

A party for two sisters
by ~Streek471

Summary: Pinkie Pie must reflect over the passing of her sister on her last days visiting her old home. She remembers an old memento of her sister that she desires and goes to find it. However, she is greeted to an unexpected event as she searches.

Pinkie Pie lay in the bed of her old room, staring at the ceiling. Tonight was the last night she would be staying in her old home, tomorrow she would be going back to Ponyville. It had been a refreshing visit, and one she desperately needed after her suppressed memories came to the surface. She had originally come to the old farm with her sister Octavia, but she had left 3 days prior due to a concert she had to perform over in Hoofington, and though the visit was originally intended to honor her sister Bellamina, she was relieved to see her mother and father again after so long.

'I wonder...can she see me now?' thought Pinkie Pie as her thoughts drifted back to her younger sister. Though she had forgiven herself for Bellamina's passing, her thoughts often turned to the nastier side of things when she lay alone in her bed, it also didn't help that the room had largely been untouched in the many years that passed, and her eyes often drifted to Bellamina's old bed...

"Come on you silly little filly, you can do it!" Cried a smiling Pinkie Pie to her younger sister, who was currently blind folded with a fake tail in her mouth, stumbling a bit towards the poster of the pony on the wall.

Bellamina carefully stuck her head forward, pinning the tail to the wall.

"Did I get it sis?" Bellamina said excitedly, she then took the blind fold off to see...that she had pinned the tail to the chest area of the pony. "Aw..." she said, slightly disappointed, but Pinkie Pie would have none of that.

"Wow, that was amazing Bellamina, way better than when I first tried to pin the tail on the pony!" Said Pinkie Pie smiling from ear to ear. "Now come on, let's go have some cupcakes!" Said Pinkie Pie.

The two fillies had been throwing a party in the family barn, it had been only a few weeks after Pinkie Pie had earned her cutie mark, and her infectious happiness had been rubbing off more and more on her family, but of all the family members, the one it had rubbed off on the most was Bellamina, she wore a big smile on her face as she started to eat the cupcake her older sister had made for her.

"Oh, and Bellamina, I have something for you, but I need you to close your eyes!" Said the playful pink pony as her younger sister obliged.

Bellamina felt something be placed on top of her head.

She opened her eyes to see a mirror in front of her, and a big blue party hat on her head, with confetti glued to it and the words 'party partner' in glittery pink letters on it...

Pinkie Pie blinked back some tears that were starting to form as the old memory played itself for her in her head. That hat, she was surprised she had forgotten about that.

'I'm surprised I didn't find that in that...' Pinkie shook her head, wanting nothing more than to forget about that hell. But it was there that she had finally come to terms with what happened.

Getting up from the bed, she decided maybe she should look for that old party hat. She doubted it'd be in the room, but she wanted to see that hat. She searched under all 3 of the beds in the room, in the drawers, the boxes full of stuff that lay around carelessly put in the room over the years, but nothing.

'Hmm...maybe the attic?' she thought as she carefully left the room, being sure to be quiet for her parents that were sleeping in the next room. She went to the kitchen to grab the broom that was there, then went back to where the ladder for the attic was, looking up, even in the darkness she was sure she could see the rope.

Carefully and quietly she positioned the broom in her mouth and reached up to pull the rope down with it. She heard a creaking as the attic ladder came down, Pinkie Pie looked towards her parents room to see if she had woken them. When she was satisfied that she hadn't she quietly walked back to the kitchen and put the broom back, then proceeded to climb up into the attic.

She pulled the ladder shut, and turned on the light bulb in the attic to look around. There were dozens of old boxes and knick knacks all over the floor.

'It's gotta be here somewhere...' she thought. She didn't know why she was so compelled to find that hat, but something inside of her told her it was vital. 'Why do I need to find it?' She wracked her brain for an answer...

"Hey Bellamina, what'cha doing?" Asked Pinkie Pie to her sister who was working on something at the family table.

"N-nothing." Said Bellamina trying to hide what she was doing.

"Oh come on, tell me!" Said Pinkie Pie playfully as she tried looking around her sister to see what she was doing, but Bellamina was using her whole body to block what she had been working on.

"I-it's a secret, sorry, I promise to show you later." Bellamina said.

"Aw...you're no fun, oh hey, speaking of fun, there's a super fun party that I'm going to, wanna come?" Said Pinkie Pie, her energy not even phased.

"I'd love to, but I'm a bit busy, maybe I'll meet you in the barn later." Said Bellamina, just wanting Pinkie Pie to not see what she was doing.

"Oh, it isn't in the barn this time, it's a super special party in the forest! Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaase come with me?" Said Pinkie Pie.

"The forest...I dunno sis, are you sure that's a good idea?" Bellamina wasn't so sure this was a good idea.

"Of course! When have any of my parties ever gone wrong?"

"Well...okay, I guess I can finish this later, but please, no peeking while I put it away..."

Pinkie shook her head, fighting back tears again.

'Why that memory?' she thought, she never did find out what Bellamina had been working on...

'I need to find that hat, I know I do' it was a similar feeling to what she had in the nightmare world when her gut told her something was vital. Opening the first box, she saw a bunch of hats, her heart swelled as she searched through them, but there was no sign of the party hat. Looking through a second box, her search once again proved fruitless.

And so it continued, into the wee hours of the morning until she had searched through all the boxes, and there was no hat.

'No...it's gotta be here, I can feel it...' said Pinkie Pie, exhausted at this point from a lack of sleep. 'No, you've gotta stay up and find that hat, come on Pinkie, you managed to stay up through parties that lasted more than a day...' she thought, but her body wouldn't have it, and soon she found her surroundings going black.

Pinkie Pie woke up to find herself in the family barn, as it was when she used to throw parties in it.

"Huh...why am I here?" She thought as she stood up, looking at all the decorations, ones far more simple than the ones she'd use in a party now, but something about it was nostalgic...

"It's been a long time, Pinkamena..." A voice called out behind the pink pony. Turning around, she saw an impossible sight. It was a little filly, with a blue coat and silver mane. She seemed a bit shy, but wore a smile none-the-less, and sitting on her head was a blue party hat with the words 'party partner' on it in pink glitter, and bits of confetti glued to the hat. Pinkie Pie couldn't believe her eyes.

There before her stood Bellamina, the same as she was right before she died.

"B-Bellamina..." Said Pinkie Pie, she felt tears start to form, but Bellamina would have none of that.

"Hey, weren't you always the one that told me to stay happy, no matter what?" Said Bellamina, trying to calm Pinkie Pie, but soon she found herself on the ground as the much bigger pony tackled her into a hug.

"Oh Bellamina! I've missed you so much!" Cried Pinkie Pie as she nuzzled her little sister's neck.

"I've missed you too Pinkamena, so much..." Bellamina hugged her back with all her strength and they just stayed that way for a long while, until eventually Bellamina broke the silence.

"So...are we gonna party or what?" She asked as Pinkie looked at her.

"Is that why we're here?" Pinkie asked.

"Well yeah, that's kinda why the barn is decorated, it's been so many years since we've seen each other, and I want nothing more in the world than to party with you." Said Bellamina.

"I...figured you'd hate my parties. It was because of my careless partying nature as a kid that you-"

"Don't sis, I don't blame you. You know in your heart now that it wasn't your fault, as I've known all along, now come on, are we gonna play pin the tail on the pony or what?" Said Bellamina, as she broke the hug and gestured a hoof at the table where a blind fold and fake tail were.

"Of course sis!" Said Pinkie Pie, back to her usual bubbly self.

She blind folded Bellamina and spun her around until she was dizzy. "Alright Bellamina, you show that pony who's boss!" Cheered Pinkie as Bellamina walked forward toward the wall that had the fake pony, very carefully, she placed the tail on the fake pony.

"Did I get it?" She asked as she took the blind fold off. She had placed the tail perfectly on the pony. "I did it sis, I finally did it!" She said as she laughed. Pinkie Pie laughed as well and the two just continued like that, cherishing the moment.

The two ponies let their cares fade away as the party continued. It wasn't as fancy or extravagant as what a current Pinkie Pie party would be, but it was the best party Pinkie Pie had gone to in years.

Eventually Bellamina was starting to become less and less energetic as the party wore on, when she stopped eating the piece of cake she had barely touched, she looked at Pinkie, her big, now much bigger sister.

"Pinkamena...I have to go soon..." Bellamina said.

Pinkie's happy mood shifted as she looked at her sister. "But...why?"

"I had a lot of fun, the most fun I've had in years, and someday, far off from now, I hope we can do this again...but being here, it isn't something that's easy, and I can feel myself starting to fade again." Said Bellamina as she got up from the table they were sitting at.

Pinkie did the same as they both walked towards each other to embrace. Pinkie didn't want to see her sister go, as she squeezed tightly around her little sister, but she could already feel her sister weakening.

"Someday we will do this again, I promise, and it will be the most super fantabulous party you've ever had." Said Pinkie, her voice full of energy, even though tears were freely falling.

"I-I'd like that, just...promise me one thing Pinkamena...don't forget me again...please" Said Bellamina, her voice wavering as she herself started to sob into Pinkie's mane.

"Never again Bellamina, never again, I love you sis...and I always will..." Said Pinkie Pie, she then leaned down and gently kissed her sister's forehead. Eventually Bellamina broke the hug as she started to fade away more and more, tears glistening in her eyes.

"Pinkamena...there's one more thing I need to do before I say goodbye, close your eyes, I have a surprise for you...and thank you."

Pinkie slowly opened her eyes to see she was in her own bed.

"But didn't I..." She started, but she felt something on her head.

Reaching up, she took it in her hooves to see what it was. She looked at the cheaply made pink hat, glued to it were bits of confetti, and in the center, with blue glitter, the words 'party partner' were right there.

Pinkie smiled as she looked at the hat, gently hugging it to her chest, she got up from her bed after a bit and looked out the window of her room, towards Bellamina's grave.


In Ponyville, just a few days after Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash had started dating, Pinkie Pie was throwing yet another party.

Ever since she had come back, she had been throwing them more often than usual to make up for lost time, she wore in her mane a red ribbon so she'd never forget her friends, and whenever she threw a party now, she wore the hat she had received from Bellamina. All her friends were having the time of their life, and soon it was that time to pack it up, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had also stayed behind to help.

"Hey Pinkie Pie, I've been meaning to ask, why do you wear that cheap party hat?" Asked Rainbow Dash, coming up to Pinkie Pie as she put away the last of the decorations.

"Because...it's the best party hat I'll ever own."