• Published 7th Feb 2013
  • 11,224 Views, 1,050 Comments

A Pokemon Problem - Solecism

It turns out that alcohol, Pokemon, and poor decisions don't mix.

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(10) - Surf's Up

A Pokemon Problem

(10) - Surf's Up

While the pegasus was still looking at us, wondering what to do, I took the opportunity to fly straight into his chest (I winced right before contact, but that was only from a habitual response).

I felt several somethings crack when I made impact, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't my casing. Extricating myself from the pegasus' chest, I blinked the red mist that had settled on my visor. It would be cool if I had little windshield wipers to wipe away the blood, but that was probably wishful thinking.

After I removed myself and hovered in the air once more, I shit you not, the bastard groaned and tried to get up.

I don't care how tough you think you are: when you get hit by a two-hundred pound metal rod with the intent to injure and maim, you don't walk away from that. Add in the fact that I was probably going roughly fifteen miles an hour, you have a broken heap of bones, muscles, and blood that was once a pony.

But still, the pegasus tried to get to his hooves. What the hell was this guy made of?

Leaving the pony to himself, I turned and saw the surprised expressions of Ryder and Seth. Well, Seth couldn't really change his expression, what with all that fur, but I imagined that he was slack-jawed.

"You... you killed it! In cold blood!" Seth exclaimed.

"What was I supposed to do?" I asked. "Let him call his friends? Let him eat you?"

A haggard cough followed by a gargling sound punctured the silence that followed.

"And besides," I added, "he's not dead. Somehow."

Reluctantly, they both agreed that what I had to do was necessary. I had to convince them I didn't want to hurt the damn pony: I only attacked because I had to, not because I was a cold-blooded killer.

With more time to think of how to extricate Seth from his cage, courtesy of moi, we eventually determined that I should just fall on the damn cage to open it.

Before you ask, no, I'm not going to eat my way in. I don't care if it's a goddamn emergency: a guy has his limits on how much embarrassment he can take before throwing himself into the ocean and sinking to the bottom.

Seth scrunched himself in a corner, as far away from where I was aiming. I dropped like a well-aimed rock, landing exactly where I wanted to and smashing half the cage flat. After wiggling my way free of the bent and jagged metal, eliciting sparks when they scraped along my body, there was an almost perfectly Swinub-sized hole. Seth wiggled his furry self out, and plopped into the snow, sinking almost his entire height down.

Ryder and I both laughed our hovering bodies at Seth's plight, then quickly quietened when we were reminded of the still-kicking pegasus surrounded by blood-red snow. He was mumbling to himself, but I couldn't understand; it sounded like a mantra, or a prayer.

"Where do we go now?" asked Ryder. "Do we just... leave?"

"I'd like to spend as little time here as possible, so yeah, we should probably head off."

"Hey, wait! How am I going to keep up with you guys? I can't float, and I can barely trudge through the snow on my own," said Seth, his words mumbled from beneath the white powder.

I mentally sighed and lowered myself into the snow. "All aboard," I attempted to say enthusiastically, but it came out rather monotone. Seth tried to clamber aboard my metallic frame, but managed to slip and fall back into the snow in a shower of flakes.

Before I could make a snide comment, I was distracted by the sounds of multiple hooves and the sound of flapping wings.

"They're coming!" exclaimed Ryder.

"Hurry up!" I thought to Seth.

"I'm trying, I'm trying! My feet are nothing but stubs! It's kinda hard to climb!"

"What the buck?! Ace, Streak, and Undertow—cover the skies! I don't know which one did that to Spear, but I'm not taking any chances. Riptide—you're with me." The voice was gruff and precise; it reminded me of my old gym teacher.

It didn't seem wise or otherwise beneficial to wait while the Pegasi came after us. "Hurry up, Seth! We've got company!" I mentally shouted. After an eternity, Seth finally climbed onto me and hung on with all his short might.

I launched from the snow like an intercontinental ballistic missile with snowy powder flying off both of our bodies. The wind didn't bother me whatsoever, but I hoped that the Swinub latched onto my back would be okay. Considering his eyes were hidden beneath layers and layers of fur and fat, I figured that he would be okay.

I looked to the right and saw Ryder huffing to keep up with me, the purple wisps of his body trailing out behind him like a flag whipping in the wind.

"Look out!"

Ryder's voice wasn't warning enough: in what felt like a split second, the sound of wings beating fiercely and the sight of a strangely coloured net wrapping around me were all that I saw and heard. My momentum shattered, and my perspective changed rapidly. I saw the upside of down, the downside of up, and everything between. The world tumbled and it felt like I was in washing machine.

I felt something flop on top of me, and I was pretty sure that it was Seth. I hoped that I didn't crush the poor bastard. Blinking my eye, I looked around and saw that I was in a net, on the ground, with two Pegasi looking over me.

"Ryder!" I mentally shouted. "Don't try anything stupid! We'll find a way out!"

"I'm not leaving you two alone!" was the response.

"For fuck's sake, listen to me: these ponies mean business, and there's no telling what things they have that might capture you."


"Go! Before they suspect anything!"

When I didn't hear a reply, I hoped to God that Ryder had done as I said.

"What the hay is that thing?" asked one of the Pegasi, making me focus upon him, for the voice was definitely male. It had a strange lilt to it, like he wasn't sure if he was asking or telling.

"It's a... umm..." began the other, another male. This one didn't have any outstanding characteristics—it was a generic male voice. "I've no idea. Where's the Sergeant? And where in Tartarus is Riptide?"

"They're coming, they're coming," the other replied. "These... things flew a good distance before we caught them—they'll catch up." After a slight pause, he added, "And calm down about your sister: I'm sure she'll be fine. Spear's an asshole, and now that he's dead, his word doesn't count for crab-apples."

The other pegasus grumbled. "He's not dead."

"What? But all that blood—"

"He's not dead. That bastard was still breathing."

"How the—" the lilted voiced pony began, but abandoned whatever it was he was going to say when he say me looking. "Hey, that thing's looking at me."

The other pony stepped a bit closer, and I looked at him instead. "So it is," was the only reply. After remaining silent for a few seconds, the voice continued, "And there they are. C'mon, Ace: let's go see what we're supposed to do with these things."

Author's Note:

If you're the first to guess both puns of the chapter title, you can have an OC pop-in somewhere along the line. Y'know... if you want...
Welp, someone figured it out already!