• Published 9th Jul 2013
  • 5,844 Views, 440 Comments

Ponemurdered - The Gentlecolt

14 authors, one story. I foresee precisely zero problems.

  • ...

Chapter 110: The Treble With Her [Obselescence]

Octavia grinned as she sipped what was left of her martini. The night was young and so was she, and her study was quite cozy enough for her to watch the show in front of her. Sighing with pleasure, she settled down in her chair and looked again into the crystal ball the stars had given her.

Dear Twilight Sparkle, it seemed, had already grown accustomed to her new reality. A little grassy field, with singing birds and dancing squirrels and whatever else Octavia had seen fit to add at the time. Perhaps a bit gauche, but then, Twilight Sparkle seemed to like it.

If only because she’d thought she’d escaped.

Octavia giggled as Twilight prodded and studied the vibrant green grass around her. The brat could hardly believe it was real. And it wasn’t, but she didn’t have to know that just yet. The dream only felt so real to poor Twilight because Octavia had willed it so, and it would stay that way until she got bored.

The godlike powers the stars had granted her over Twilight’s mind meant she could get away with playing god, and sometimes gods liked to toy with their subjects.

There was even a method to her madness, if madness it was. Dangling the false hope of freedom in front of Twilight was important. Crafting elaborate escape plans, feeding her promises that Octavia was not in absolute control of her head... It was all critical to breaking Twilight’s increasingly fragile grasp on reality.

Every time Twilight thought she was free, Octavia would be there eventually to remind her that, no, she really wasn’t. Not even close. And someday, soon enough, Twilight would crack like an egg. Reality and fantasy would mix inseparably in her mind, and that would be total victory for Octavia.

If Twilight’s friends ever did mount a genuine rescue attempt after that, it wouldn’t even matter. Twilight would be permanently insane, and whatever the lovely Princess saw in her before would be long gone. The only thing sweet Celestia would see was a gibbering madmare, and then she’d realize that, of course, Octavia was the only pony deserving of her love. Even in the Princess’ own, endearingly oblivious way, it would be obvious that a Twilight Sparkle foaming at the mouth was no longer worthy of her affection.

And she would see the musically-gifted, adoring, sane Octavia, and simply fall in love at first sight. The Princess would invite Octavia to live with her in the castle, and she would say yes, and they would live together... happily ever after.

Sighing happily, Octavia stood up, set her glass down, and strolled over to the window. She pulled back the curtains and looked out to the sky above, where the stars were sparkling bright. A constant reminder of her bargain. She’d given them so much already, and would no doubt give more still, before all this was over, but it was worth it. If, even for a second, the Princess looked upon her with love in her eyes, it would all be worth it.

Octavia glanced nervously back at her crystal ball, to reassure herself that Twilight Sparkle was still safely under her power. She was. Of course she was.

“Enjoy your dreams, Twilight,” said Octavia, giving the crystal ball a gentle poke. “I’m going to make mine a reality.”

She gulped down the last of her martini and left to tidy herself up. She would be proposing to the Princess very soon now, she remembered, and she had to look absolutely perfect for the occasion.

Author's Note:

Obselommentary: I was so high when I wrote this.