• Member Since 8th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen June 3rd

Rambling Tree

Witty remark.

Comments ( 12 )

Òk... I have no words... Every time I try to sum up how this makes me feel, the words I look for escape my grasp...

It is not badly written...
I simply do not see it happen in any form or continuity, but I accept that it is not badly written.
With that said: I hate the tyrant Celestia thing. Twilight acts WAY out of character. Her friends would never abandon her.
Sorry, but it feels utterly wrong.

That final sentence... it just MADE the story for me. :rainbowlaugh:

I know this is supposed to be sad and all, but that final sentence, just got me right in the funnybone. Have... have a thumb and a fave. You deserve it for breaking the sad story slump i was in earlier.

I'm liking this not only because I though it was good, but because your username amuses me.

Not just Tyrantlestia, but her turning Twilight to stone because she ate her cake?

Eh... no, sorry...

*bangs head against desk* Why *bang* must *bang* there *bang* another *bang* bash *bang* fic *bang*

I must agree with the others. TyrantCelestia is on my list of hated plots because if it contrary to the character, but add turning Twilight to stone for eating her cake? Sorry I must vote this down.

2020642 Great! Paladin concussed himself so hard, his first sentence had no verb!

Okay. I despised the lack of correct capitalization and punctuation nut once I got past that. . .
I liked it. At least the way Twilight reacted in the face of eternal doom. Flippantly, with a jab or two in there. Looking at death and teasing it.
Good job.

I like it. You should give the story a picture too, I would suggest this one: http://docwario.deviantart.com/art/Still-as-Stone-341862443

Yeah. I'm with others on this. If Twilight had truly done something evil (unspeakable experiments on ponies, trying to kill Celestia or Luna, etc...) then Celestia's reaction would be warranted.

But this is just another example of a horrible thing this fandom has done to Princess Celestia: demonise her.


Princess Celestia is awesome in all her forms. Besides, people seems to like demons well enough.

Not gonna argue the point's people have made because they're right. This was written a looooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago. I can only vaguely remember what I was thinking when I made this and none of that actually made it into the writing.

This story actually makes me kind of cringe now.

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