• Published 24th Jan 2013
  • 20,654 Views, 410 Comments

The Lavender Letter - Sunchaser

Twilight has something to tell Princess Celestia--something that means getting everything she's ever wanted, or losing everything she's ever had.

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A Quiet Morning in the Gardens

The Lavender Letter
Epilogue: A Quiet Morning in the Gardens

It was a lovely september day, the strong solar warmth still yet keeping at bay the chill typical to autumnal Canterlot. Choruses of birds chirped as they began preparations for the coming migration, flowers hesitantly revealed the petal blossoms hidden and closed away from the past night's frost, and the tall trees were a rich canvas of gold, scarlet, and auburn.

All of these things surrounded Twilight Sparkle as she cantered her way through the winding paths of the west gardens. Striking as they were, however, it was another beauty she sought; and since it was a weekend morning, she knew precisely where to find her.

A few more minutes walk among the grassy hedges and her ears perked up, catching an ethereal melody in the lingering breeze, and she had her quarry.

She rarely picked the same place twice, Twilight had noted over the previous few years, and after a few cases of conflicting schedules, a game had been made of it. She would play, and Twilight would follow the music.

That following led the lavender mare to a small plaza, ornamented with a pair of weathered stone benches framing a central fountain pond, which itself served to backdrop Princess Celestia as she effortlessly danced her hooves and wingtips across the strings of her golden harp in a cheerful duet.

Twilight smiled softly at the sight, and the not-unfamiliar temptation to just sit and listen for, oh, ever.

But not today, unfortunately. Today had appointments, which left only so much time for wandering the gardens and chasing down a mischievous harpist.

Celestia kept playing, her eyes closed as she was seized in the moment of musical bliss—

"Hey, nag!"


Twilight chuckled to herself. Works every time.

"Twilight Sparkle!" Celestia exclaimed, shocked from her trance. "How dare you address me with such vulgarity!"

"Sorry," Twilight said cheekily, trotting up and nudging Celestia with a playful hoof. "But you're a few years late to be pulling out that card, Sunshine."

"...Well," Celestia said, rather more calmly as she inspected her harp. "You can't blame me for trying. You nearly made me break a string."

"As much as I like just sitting and listening—and I do, you know that," Twilight said warmly, "I'm unfortunately on call today, so I'm pressed for time. Now, Celestia: you do recall what today is?"

"Of course," the princess replied, settling down into a comfortable laying posture. "It's our anniversary, Sparky. You didn't think I forgot?"

Ugh, 'Sparky', Twilight thought, rolling her eyes, to which Celestia snickered.

"...No, I didn't think you forgot," the unicorn eventually said, "but there's something else. You're aware of which anniversary this is?"

Celestia smiled.

"Naturally. It's our ei—"

Celestia stopped smiling.

"...Our eighth anniversary."

"Yes, Celestia," Twilight said quietly. "It's been eight years. Eight years of political plots, of castle intrigues, manipulative scheming nobleseight years in the heart of Canterlot, of Equestria. And now, Celestia...there's something I need to tell you."

Twilight could see the light die out of the other mare's eyes. Celestia wilted; her smile fled, her ears fell, her flowing ethereal mane slowed to a languid crawl...her pearly white coat turned an ashen grey.

"...I love you, Celestia. I love you so very dearly," Twilight said, almost in a whisper, as she stepped close to nuzzle the princess gently. "And after eight years at court...I'm not going anywhere."

Celestia blinked a few times, the beginnings of tears suddenly halting. "You're...you're not?"

"Nope. I'm staying right here, with you," Twilight answered resolutely, wrapping her forelegs around Celestia's neck in a tight hug. "Really, if anything," she mused, smiling at the flurry of insistent cuddles, "I'm disappointed in the lack of quality drama. I really expected ponies to try far harder to drive me away."

"You couldn't have just said that, instead of nearly crushing my dreams?" the princess asked, quietly laughing.

"Oh, I could have," Twilight noted, drawing slowly out of the embrace to look into trembling lilac eyes. "But I seem to recall being left to think the absolute worst for two days, and then a certain letter that played right into those fears until the very end...so maybe I felt like teasing. Just a little."

She then cut short Celestia's intended reply with a peace offering, one that was warm, and soft, and left a familiar, lingering taste of lavender and honeysuckle.

Works every time, she thought, as the kiss returned the brightness to her love's eyes.

"...Well, I'm still mad," Celestia said, with a bit of a forced pout. "That wasn't very nice of you. I dare say you'll need some kind of small miracle to make up for this one."

"Oh, really? Well, as it happens, " Twilight said cheerfully, a wide smile spreading across her face. "I may not be going anywhere, Celestia, but..."

Just as soon as it had arrived, however, her smiling bravado abandoned her, and Twilight was quickly overcome by a nervous blush. Almost as though the previous eight years hadn't even happened...but there was a reason for that.

Thankfully, well-practiced habits weren't so affected by her nerves, and so when she reached her magic out to a well-remembered hiding place in the castle, she had no trouble pulling that reason through the ether to appear in the air before her with a quiet pop.

Twilight resolved herself.

"There, uh, was somewhere I was hoping you would go...with me?" she timidly stammered, and the princess eyed her curiously...until she nudged the little wooden box open with her magic.

Celestia gasped audibly, her eyes gone wide.

"...So," Twilight said tentatively, "there are four words I'm hoping for, here."

"...That just might do it," the princess remarked absently.

"Uh...that's five," Twilight countered.

"Oh. Sorry, right. I'm justyou've gone and caught me unprepared again," Celestia said warmly, smiling as she looked at the pair of amethyst-encrusted golden rings sitting on a silk pillow in the little wooden box. "But I don't need two days to decide this time. Four words, then?"

Celestia resolved herself.

"Yes, Twilight, I will."

Comments ( 260 )

Have five mustaches out of five for your awesomeness.


...So that's it?

hmm...I liked it. I must say though, the second chapter was my favorite!:twilightsmile:

Adorable finish to a beautiful story. However, I'd really like a side-story continuation, maybe of what happened during those eight years, how her friends reacted to her dating Celestia...or at least show me a beautiful wedding!

Sweet buttery Christ, and here I thought Krispy Kreme donuts were sweet!

three chapters in one day

i think i love you forever

please keep writing

I can't even begin to describe how brilliantly awesome this story is... so I won't. I wouldn't be able to stop. Just know that you hooked my attention oh... maybe a third of the way through the first chapter and I didn't stop until I read the epilogue you uploaded while I was reading the second chapter.

Literally, words are melting together into gibberish in my head as I try to figure out what to type... So, here: This story is perfect. In just about every way.

:yay:, it's still marked as incomplete! :twilightsmile:

Well. Well I'll be.

Three chapters in enough time for me to come, eat of the fruit of the table, go away for awhile and digest, and come back. Three courses.

Not bad at all.

Not bad at all.

There could have been no more perfect end to this. I salute you! Oh, had I but half your skill...

I cannot help but notice that this is still marked as incomplete. :pinkiehappy:


Aww... :fluttercry:

You were right, there was more coming shortly. I can't help but think with the 'Incomplete' status, that even with the epilogue, that you still have another surprise in store for us, the readers, Sunchaser. It's also great to see that Twilight got her 'revenge' from having to wait two agonizing days for Celestia's answer, and that Celly took back up playing her harp.

And as short as this little chapter is, it still carries all the intensity of the first two. Congratulations again, Starchaser, I just hope we get to read about the wedding.

You (sir or ma'am) have today earned a thumbs up, a fave, and a follow from me.

Its still saying incomplete... probably by accident this time.

This was so wonderful! It just makes me all happy in my inside places! :rainbowkiss: And I noticed that it's tagged as incomplete. Does that mean there's more?


"Hey nag".... well damn you did it again you made melol in the middle of a non-comidic moment applause people and poniesalike applause for this wrighter....

That was exceptionally sweet. :twilightsmile:

Cutesy, with a dash of heart-wrenching-"PLEASEGETTOIT!" and, well, just lovely. Definitely lovely.
Just slightly saddened that it's over, but great stories have to end, I guess.

Is this featured yet? Yes it is. Rightfully so. Can never get enough of this sappy, lovey-dovey romance. Keep writing stuff like this. No, seriously. This stuff is good. :heart:

i hit refresh hoping the last chapter would be there, with no real belief that it would. Happy happy!!!!!! It's here!!! :twilightsmile:

I don't know if you read my last comment, but I'd like to say that this epilogue made this fic completely, utterly and absolutely perfect.

Wait a minute. Is twilight going to be made immortal, like Celestia. Or what?
I WANT ANSWERS!!!:flutterrage:

... my Outburst after reading that Epilog.

Still Incomplete you Teasing is killing me xD
And my Father has ask me the same Question, like the Staillion.. *it's 5am in the Morning her*

Um...if that third part is an epilogue, then by strict definition the story is complete.

Bravo, that is all I have to say.
Well written, paced, and everything. I expect to see this on EqD shortly.

Well, you have done in under 15 thousand words what other authors did with ten times that. You made a story that was sweet, meaningful, well written, and fully involved its readers for every second.

Bravo, you magnificent bastard.

I really like this story. The tone for the first two chapters was very serious and very nicely written. Making the epilogue more lighthearted without ruining that feeling is very impressive. Nice work.


I know there were a couple points where you were a bit wordier in this story than necessary. I vaguely recall a "still yet" somewhere up at the top of the epilogue. I always try to have something useful to say for other fanfic writers because I think we're all interested in writing the best stories we can.

But I'm sorry. I'm going to be pretty unhelpful with this story. I was crying through most of this story, and am in no fit state to look for writing critiques. This was just so amazing that I find myself without words.

Thank you. Thank you so much. :twilightsmile:

Good. You've earned this, so go ahead and take it:

Excellent. :pinkiehappy: Just enough suspense to keep you guessing, but full of the lovely wonderful fluff I love. :heart: Perhaps a few follow-up chapters? Say, one where they come out to Twilight's friends? That would be fantastic. :twilightsmile:

2017457 d'awwww. It's as if you think somehow your words have more worth than mine or the author's, and by swearing you make them more worth noticing. :twilightsmile::raritywink:

This is a beautiful story, particularly the first two chapters. The epilogue was... fun. I have further thoughts about it, but I'll leave it at that. Overall a very sweet and moving story.

all my likes and applause. take them. excellent in all senses of the word:twilightsmile::heart::trollestia:

The feels, the feels man :pinkiehappy:!

I hope it's tagged 'Incomplete' because there is more to come, because this story is wonderful

I feel....well, dumb, for writing basically two reviews, but the first chapter was exciting enough that I wanted to get something down first ( :ajbemused:) Getting through to the second chapter, and the epilogue, I wasn't disappointed...Celestia's letters were very bit as apprehensive and open as Twilight's were; I was happy we were able to see, in full detail, a side of her that she's never really showed. I like how they were even a bit on the teasing side, given that she's somewhat of a joker at heart :derpytongue2:.

Both (and by that, the first and second) of these chapters, and the presentation of the characters, felt immensely in-character to me - I feel I understand and grasp Twilight better, but Celestia, or at least how you portrayed her here, felt pretty on-the-mark....her story about, presumably, Lyra's ancestor was bittersweet....and really, her whole history is - Twilight's story seems to be about this lonely mare, little by little, truly understanding and living life....Celestia, seems to be the opposite; she's tired of it, exhausted...or as you use, burned by it. Twilight is scared, possessing no experience and wanting to give this a try....Celestia, is all too experienced, and is terrified because she knows what this will mean -- they are both at opposite ends, wanting to see if they can meet in the middle.

One little funny thing; that story, with the stallion who tried to marry Celestia for power and influence? I'm honestly surprised his fate was as kind as it was; given what she said, I figured she would have something worse for him attempting to abuse her like that....that she was so kind to him, was honestly a surprise - perhaps it was a reward for sheer cheek, or maybe some affection truly was genuine...and indeed, it seemed that way; Celestia, again, is somewhat of a joker at heart and even though she wasn't really going to start something with him, perhaps she was, in her own way, rewarding him for having the courage to state his intentions honestly and, at the very least, have the interest in genuinely pursuing her. I suppose, thinking it through, it's not all that surprising....but still, I didn't expect such a happy ending for him.

I feel.....this need to say something more, and for some reason, the words aren't coming to me; did I enjoy the story? I obviously did, but I want to say something more meaningful then just that. I didn't spot anything glaring in terms of errors that I would ask need fixing....all and all, I really enjoyed this story, the portrayal of both characters, and the growth they both went through to try and aim for their 'pinnacle happiness...I know this is a pitiful excuse for a review, and I strangely can't find myself saying something substantial. The whole story was taken very maturely and had a very professional tone, and given where this is in Twilight's life (what with everybody getting married and so on), and the very nature of the relationship, I wasn't complaining.....indeed, everyone just feels so old in this story and I kind of liked that; it's hard to describe, but everything had the right feeling for me.

As for the epilogue...it was short, and very sweet :twilightsmile:; they've happily broken that bittersweet cycle that used to be Celestia's romantic life, and truly gone to something that neither of them have ever experienced....they have reached that pinnacle happiness ^_^.

At any rate, I'm not gonna ramble on, hoping that something meaningful comes out - I just want to say that I greatly enjoyed it, and hope to read/review more of your works in the future :heart:

*ahem* D'AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW:heart::heart::heart:

I used to be immune to DAWWWW fics... and then I took this thing to the knee. :|

I'm physically clapping right now.

This deserves a Pulitzer

I may only favourite this story once, so please count this as another, and yet another for good measure.

God dammit, now I will be happy all day

Ah, a great heartwarming story right before bed. Thanks for that. Although I notice it is marked incomplete. Is that an accident, or are you planning something?

Nice. This is one of the best openings to a Twilestia story I've seen. Both Celestia and Twilight are in character, and they treat the idea of a mortal (if extremely powerful) unicorn and an immortal (and the most important individual in Equestria) alicorn getting together realistically. Twilight and Celestia are both very thoughtful, very careful (most of the time, anyway) and this story gives them the respect they're due.

That said, I am a bit unhappy because, sadly, the story is over. With such a well written beginning, I'd love to see more of this story... but I suppose you've told the good parts already.

I'm walkin' on sunshine, woh-oh
And don't it feel good?:pinkiehappy:

This! This right here!
This is good Twilestia!

Well done indeed!

I'm not good at complimenting.
And I don't like romance very much.
But this stuff.
I like it.

This was very well written. Anyone can write a love story for Celestia and Twilight, but you truly did well here. Two pats on the back, followed by a moustache. :moustache:

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