• Published 22nd Jan 2013
  • 9,790 Views, 68 Comments

Chrysalis' Revenge - ladyanaconda

Chrysalis is out for revenge, and for that purpose she must gather pieces of an ancient artifact to bring Sombra back from the dead. Can the Elements of Harmony save the day?

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The sun lazily loomed over the horizon, and in a matter of minutes, the sky started changing from the deepest blue to a yellowish blue color, giving the clouds a cake yellow tone. The stars were starting to disappear, given away to the light of dawn. In one of the buildings, whose window was open, there was a certain Captain of the royal guard deep into sleep, covered by a velvet blanket, and oblivious of the tragedy that had happened the night before. Little he knew he was about to find out the hard way...

Out of sudden, Discord appeared in the middle of the room, with a look that showed both worry and anger. He snapped his fingers, made a megaphone appear, and spoke through it.


Shining Armor covered his ears with his hooves and reluctantly got out of bed, stretching his muscles as he did so.

"G-Good morning, Discord." He yawned, "What's with the wake up call?"

Discord made the megaphone disappear, "How could you do this to me after all I've done for you?!"

He pretended to be crying, "What made you do it? Wasn't that conversation we had at the cave one year ago enough for you?"

Shining Armor had obviously no idea what the spirit was talking about, and just gave him a confused stare.

"... Discord, what are you talking about?"

"Come on, Shiny!" Discord snapped, "Open your eyes and smell the essence of a wanted colt!" The spirit snapped his fingers again, a wanted poster appeared in his eagle talon, and he unrolled it, "Take a look at this!"

In the poster there was a picture of Discord, just beneath the words WANTED, and the announcement of a reward beneath the picture. Shining Armor was even more confused than before.

"What's that?" Shining Armor asked.

"You say you're not behind this?" Discord inquired, now more calmly.

"Why would I want to print these? You haven't done nothing wrong!"

Discord thought for a moment, "Well, that explains why there were posters of you as well." He snapped his fingers and another poster came out of this air, this one with a picture of Shining Armor. The stallion snatched the poster in shock.

"There's got to be some kind of mistake!"

"That's not the only thing that has me worried!" Discord cried, "Twilight didn't get home last night!"

Shining looked up, "What?!"

"I waited for her, but she didn't arrive and I fell asleep! I woke up a few hours ago and she still hadn't arrived!"

Shining Armor suddenly realized something, "Now that I think of it, Cadence didn't come home neither."

He started reading the poster.

"By royal decree of the new ruler of Equestria..." Shining gasped in shock as he read, "Chrysalis!"

"It's has to be a mistake, Shiny! I mean, when did Equestrians vote for Chrysalis?! Something must have gone wrong at the palace!" Discord's eyes widened in realization, "Oh, no! You don't think Chrysalis has something to do with Twilight and Cadence's disappearance, do you?"

Shining nodded, "We better go and find out what happened."

"But we should be careful. From the looks of this, I think the guards are going to come after us like timberwolves after bunnies!"

"The former Captain lives in here!" Suddenly, they heard a voice coming form outside, "Find him!"

"Oops." Discord blushed, "I guess I spoke too soon. We better get out of there before those guys take us to the dungeon for the rest of our lives for no reason at all."

The spirit wrapped his lion arm around the stallion, "Get a hold on to your flank, Shiny! We're out of here!"

Saying this, Discord snapped his fingers and the both of them disappeared in a flash of light.

They appeared inside an abandoned building, where no one seemed to frequent. Aside from a few rays of light filtering through the broken glass of the windows above, there was no illumination at all. Shining Armor peeked through one of the windows of the lower floor, and quickly took over as two guards passed by, and asked a nearby citizen of Canterlot if she had seen him or Discord.

"How are we going to get to the palace without being captured?" Shining inquired.

Discord rolled his eyes, "Digging a tunnel that runs underneath Canterlot. What do you think? We'll have to use disguises."

"It's not like we can simply walk into a disguise shop and say, 'Hello there, could you sell us some disguises? We're being searched by the guards.'"

The spirit smirked, "Who said we're going into a shop?"

The spirit snapped his fingers and both he and Shining Armor were enveloped by a flash of light; when it dissipated, there were two different ponies in their places. Shining Armor looked at his hoof, and gasped when he noticed it had changed to a black color. He looked at his reflection in a broken mirror nearby, and instead of seeing a white unicorn with spiky blue mane and tail, he saw a black earth pony with a wavy, blonde mane and tail, green eyes and light yellow hooves. His Cutie Mark had changed to a hoofball ball with ice skates.

Shining Armor looked at Discord, and was shocked to see that he was no longer a Draconequus, but a pegasus with golden coat, black spiky mane -his mane was short- and tail, black legs and purple eyes. His Cutie Mark was that of a music sheet with a violin.

"Shining Armor." the spirit grinned, "Let me introduce you to Violine Notes and Hoofballer." He pointed at himself and Shining respectively.

Shining, or Hoofballer, was impressed, "I didn't know you could do that."

"Shiny, Shiny, Shiny. There are only a very few things I can't do."

The two stallions walked out of the building, and carefully crept through the streets, doing their best not to attract unwanted attention. the guards that passed by them made them tremble in a nervous way, but were relieved when the guards simply passed by and paid them no heed. After a while, they arrived at the gates of the palace, but much to their dismay, it was heavily guarded by both changelings and brainwashed guards.

"What do we do now?" Shining inquired in worry

"One of us creates a distraction, and the other sneaks into the palace." Discord explained, but Shining shook his head.

"That would raise suspicions."

"Any better ideas?"

"You two!"

They froze when two guards walked towards them with serious expressions on their faces.

"Excuse me, gentlemen," One of them spoke as he showed them the 'wanted' posters, "Have you seen these two dangerous outlaws?"

Shining Armor was about to reply in irritation that he was no outlaw, but Discord elbowed him hard on the sides. Just then, a plan started to form in the Draconequus' mind while pretending to be examining the pictures.

"Well, now that I think of it..." he spoke, "I think I did hear about the whereabouts of those two,"

"Where? Where are they?"

"Well... Last time I heard, they had run away from Canterlot and went into hiding in a small town called... what was its name... Ponyville!"

Discord patted Shining Armor's flank with his back leg, and the stallion understood.

"Yeah, I saw them flying towards Ponyville in the morning!"

"All units to the south gate! now!" the guards rushed south, and were soon followed by the guards patrolling the gate to the palace.

After they were all gone, Discord and Shining Armor did a high-five with victorious grins on their faces.

"Really, Shiny!" Discord laughed, "You should teach them not to be so credulous!"

Shining grinned, "They're not usually credulous, it's just because they're brainwashed."

The stallions galloped into the palace, but suddenly Discord's head started to hurt terribly as soon as he put a foot in the palace grounds. It seemed to increase as they walked further into the palace gardens, and the Draconequus was slowing his pace, which started to worry Shining Armor.

"Discord, are you alright?" he inquired

The spirit nodded quite weakly, "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's get this over with."

However, the two stopped abruptly when they saw two familiar figures in the middle of the courtyard, completely frozen in stone. Two Alicorns, one bigger than the other, but the both of them had something in common: the look of horror upon their faces.

"P-Princess Celestia?" Shining whispered in complete astonishment, "Princess Luna?"

"I can't believe this!" Discord snarled, "I wanted to do that! When I was evil of course, now I've reformed and all that- ARGH! You know what I mean! Now this is personal, Chrysalis!"

Saying this, the two rushed into the palace gates -actually, Discord was dragging his brother-in-law- not knowing they were being watched. When they entered, they were shocked to find that almost everything was covered in the changelings' green goo, which made Discord scowl in repugnance.

"Puag!" he spat, "These guys really need to clean up in here!"

"We should head to the throne room, that's where Chrysalis must be, if I'm correct." Shining suggest, earning a sarcastically look from Discord.

"Oh, really? What makes you think that? That all rulers of Equestria usually hang around in the throne room?"

"Alright, I got the message. Let's go!"

Chrysalis ordered that the former princesses of Equestria be put outside in the courtyard, as an example for those who attempted to rise against her. With Sombra's magic, nobody could stop her... except, perhaps, Discord. That Draconequus had nearly unlimited powers and abilities, and it was not easy to strike him; however, he could not bring his wife and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony back to safety, for he did not know their location, and he was aware it. Otherwise, he and Twilight's brother wouldn't take the bother of going all the way to her to demand to know the exact location of their friends.

However, she didn't have the intention to stop them. On the contrary, it was the perfect chance to get rid of them; instead of directly going after them, it would be easier if they came to her, which was the main reason she had told her guards not to interfere. Discord could not be harmed physically, but she could toy with his emotions, especially if she spoke about Twilight. She knew that was all he wanted to know, his wife's whereabouts. His love for her would be his doom.

Speaking of which, she heard the doors of the throne room being shot open, and two stallions rushed inside. However, at the moment they put a hoof inside the throne room, crackling beams of black energy shot at them from changelings statues at the sides of the door, and their disguises wore off; they returned to their original forms, but none of the two cared about it anymore. She would have seen through their disguises, anyway. Before they could get to the throne, however, various changelings stood in the way, growling menacingly like diamond dogs.

"Well, if it isn't our guests of honor!" Chrysalis spoke with sarcasm, "I'm so glad you two could make it!"

Shining Armor snapped and his horn started to glow, "What have you done with our friends?!"

"Why, I disposed of them. Now that I'm the ruler of Equestria, their services were no longer needed," Chrysalis' eyes glowed purple and red, "And once King Sombra returns to this mortal world, you won't be either!"

"Excuse me!" Discord floated in front of the Changeling Queen with an anger expression in his face, "Did I hear you right or did I miss something? Because the King Sombra I know is dead, gone, finished,sleeping with the fishes, no longer among the living!" He made various faces and expressions to show what he meant, "You hear what I'm saying?"

Chrysalis laughed, "Don't make me laugh! How would you of all ponies know? You were pathetically turned back into a statue long before that happened."

The Draconequus started releasing smoke from his nostrils, "Now, listen here, you parasite! You better tell me where Twilight is and bring her back before I sent a chocolate hurricane into that empty head of-!"

"Ah, ah, ah," Chrysalis shook her hoof in the spirit's face, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. You wouldn't want anything to happen to her and you foal, would you?"

Discord gritted his teeth in anger. Chrysalis smirked, she had hit a sore spot, like she had planned.

"Now begone!" She blasted a green beam at Discord as her eyes flashed red and the mist came out of her eyes again; the spirit writhed around in pain before vanishing into thin air.

Shining Armor gasped in horror, "Discord?" He called, "Discord! What have you done with him?!"

"Patience! Your time will come soon enough!" Chrysalis looked at the Changeling guards, "Take this insignificant parasprite down to the dungeon!"

Then she spoke to the white stallion, who was already captured by the guards.

"I'll go shortly to deal with you..." Her eyes released the purple smoke again, "... Personally."