• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 2,095 Views, 27 Comments

Scarlet Tears - Silent Quill

Fur of white or fur of red; magic comes to those who need it.

  • ...

Visiting Hours

To a monotonous beeping she slept, her restful health under the watchful guard of her nurses and doctors. One such nurse, Whiterobe, stood idly by as the nanny’s surgeon filled her in on her condition.

“... not surprised you didn’t catch it, White; since magic scans barely press through her subcutaneous tissue and into the dense muscle beneath, we had to resort to manual ways of finding the injury on her intestine and even then we had to operate to be sure and to correctly suture it closed. We’ve given her enough sedative to keep her under for the day, and we would like to keep her in observation for a few days, a ruptured intestine is nothing to shake a stick at.”

Whiterobe nodded in approval, “Yes, that would be the best course of action, Stitch;” she agreed, “if I didn’t know you already had something in plan, I would advise that she be placed on mandatory painkillers until she’s recovered enough to not need them anymore.”

“You know me too well,” he laughed amusedly.

“The head nurse and lead magical surgeon of a hospital knows the lead manual surgeon, go figure.” She joked in return, nudging the ocean green earth pony with a hoof. “Look, Stitch, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if she wakes in the next two days, most of my friends will be unavailable; Paige has managed to get us invitations to tour CL0PTech, and we’re going to be in Canterlot.” She sighed and shook her head, “Star Gazer was kind enough to volunteer babysit Stealthy Step for us, though I’ve put a magical tracker on him anyway, but there’s no way I am going to take him with me.”

“A foal like Stealthy in a high-security, potentially dangerous environment like CL0PTech? I don’t think any dam in the world would question your choice.”

She shrugged, picking up and reading the clipboard at the foot of Crimsondrop’s bed, “The first one who does is getting a diaper on their head,” She commented, “Hm, Crimson’s running a selenium deficiency here.”

“We noticed, we’ve got her on a supplement for now, but we’ll suggest modifications to her diet when she’s up and about again.”

“It’s not that big a deficiency, and if you’re running it at a baseline for other goats you could be all wrong;” White mentioned sidelong, “while modifying her diet might help a possible problem, it could also introduce massive complications…”

“... How do you mean?”

White sighed, “Look at her, Stitch, seriously; does she look terrestrial to you? Her biology is likely only similar to her cousins in the capra genus, for all we know these could be normal levels. The supplements are a good idea, sure, but keep an eye on her overall health, Stitch; we don’t want to induce Selenosis inadvertently.”

Quick Stitch sighed, “White, though you know as well as I do that your input is appreciated I have to ask, are you stalling?”

The question set off a tic in the mare’s eye. “Yes,” she grumbled, “I hate trains, and being away from Stealthy for a couple of days is upsetting all of my mommy instincts.”

“White, you of all mares understand what having a child is like to the parents. If you don’t take even a little time to yourself you’re going to be a nervous wreck. I’m sure that Star Gazer has given you this little lecture herself, even.”

Whiterobe grumbled irritably, “She’s managed to out-experience me and lecture me on being a mother and then introduced me to a pump. It was most insufferable, and embarrassing.”

“Then don’t take it from a coworker, take it from someone who has been there. Hay, she had it worse than you do, she was laid up in their ward for weeks, and shortly after didn’t even have Shadow Gazer’s father around to help.”

“She told you about that? The hydra attack?”

Stitch smiled, “The PHD in psychology comes in handy now and then, White,” he crowed, before starting to nudge her towards the door, “now, go on, get going before I have to have security call your husband to have him drag you out of here.”

Whiterobe gave an exasperated groan and began to stroll out, “Fine, I’m going, I’m going!”


“This is decidedly nicer than an air carriage.”

Whiterobe groaned, “Ugh, speak for yourself.”

“I honestly don’t understand your fear of being on trains, White,” Saddleblaze said sidelong as she idly read through a novel.

“I hardly enjoy sitting in a big metal box travelling along at a hundred miles an hour which, at any point, could come off its rails, jackknife, and kill everypony aboard!”

“Sounds fun,” Clank Clop muttered sarcastically as his wife pressed herself harder into his side with a whine, prompting him to kiss her temple, “calm down, Hon, we’re safe. Big bad guard won’t let anything happen to his little damsel.”

She swatted his shoulder, her face turning red, “Not in public, Clanky!”

“Yes in public, Clanky!” Holly teased from her seat across the booth, giggling like a child afterward.

“We are nearly there, White, we’ll be slowing down any moment now.” Paige pointed out from her seat, “If it’s any comfort, I’ll work on organizing an air carriage for your return trip, alright?”

White nodded appreciatively, “Thank you, Paige.”

The train lurched slightly as it slowed, squealing to a halt and opening to allow the numerous passengers within to filter out into Canterlot. Paige led her own little posse out through the thunderously busy station into the Canterlot streets, where a trio of ponies stood on the sidewalk alongside a carriage, each garbed in armour unlike that worn by royal guards.

“Phony Paige and associates?” One stallion asked, eyeing the group warily.

“That’s us!” Holly cheered loudly in return.

“We have been sent to transport you to security check-in, please board and we’ll be off.” He gestured to the carriage, nodding as they filed in and sat down before the door was closed. With a lurch they were off, trundling away through Canterlot’s streets. Softcrest, having joined the group for the journey on promises of behaving, balanced herself against the closest window and watched the beautiful city drift past.

“It will likely take us about ten minutes to reach CL0Ptech’s gates, so we might as well get comfortable.” Paiged noted as she leaned against the sideboard and sighed ponderously.


“It’s not entirely like I expected.” Clank muttered as they walked up to the front gates, “I mean, this is the Crown’s lead research and development facility; the barbed wire, searchlights, and security guards are a given, but I thought the front door would be more…” he waved a hoof as he searched for a word in his head.

“Imposing?” Snowy offered.

“Yeah, that.”

“Why spend money fixing something that isn’t broken I suppose.” Quill mumbled sidelong, eyeing the guards warily. “A building with a lot of security in the heart of the Royal District won’t attract much attention, unless built like the Royal Library as those kinds of buildings have token protection at best.”

“An astute observation, sir;” a female voice interjected, pulling their attention to the dark blue alicorn that approached them from the air, “most ponies won’t think twice, usually assuming it to be a private security firm or the like. The media tends to swarm to buildings akin to the Royal Library in attempts to catch one of the royal family for an interview, or just to snoop to write any sort of article at all.”

“Princess Luna;” Paige noted as she and the others bowed, “I didn’t think anypony else was coming, the invitation was not entirely specific.”

“It’s fine, Miss Paige, really; I was the one who instigated the invitations in the first place. My sister wanted me to become better acquainted with the kingdom’s finer research and development minds and facilities for administrative purposes.”

“What?” The young voice of Softcrest asked dully from her adopted mother’s back, earning a cringe from the mare and a chuckle from Snowy.

“She said she sent out the invitations for us to be here so she could have an excuse to be here herself.” He translated, much to Saddleblaze’s consternation.

The chick considered his words, tilting her head this way and that much like her smaller avian cousins. “Okay.”

Luna beamed at the chick, drawing closer to get a better look, “Oh, you have a chick, I was not expecting any children along!” A pop of magic from her horn summoned a fish-shaped candy which was offered to the young gryphon, whose face exploded with glee and whose claws took the treat thankfully.

One of the guards from the facility trotted over, a stern scowl on his face, “Sir, we must ask that you remove your armour for storage while you are within the facility.”

“Piss off.”

“Snowy!” Blaze snapped, rounding on him, “Not where Softcrest can hear!”

“He can keep it on, I’ll vouch for him myself.” Paige said.

“That’s not-”

Paige leaned closer to him, pressing a hoof to the door they now stood outside of, “Not good enough, Cuirass?” She asked, cutting him off, “Funny, I find I don’t care.” And with that she shoved past him and into the building, leaving her half-stunned friends to follow her in.

“What was that all about, Paige?” Quill asked worriedly, “I’ve never seen you like that, not even with Marky.” He put a hoof on her shoulder as he spoke, “seriously, what?”

“Cuirass is the captain of the guard here at CL0PTech,” the princess filled in, “He has a bad reputation for abusing his power, it’s why Princess Celestia had him transferred here.”

“Guarding this place is sort of… one of the last chances before being shipped out to Farpoint Outpost in the tundra between Sunny Equestria and the Crystal Empire.” Clank filled in, “simply put, you screw up here and you go to the roughest and worst place to be posted in the kingdom. Make a mess of that and you’ll have bigger problems than being drummed out. Hay, it’s preferable to getting that posting.”

“Is it really that bad..?” Holly asked, to which Clank nodded.

“Farpoint is in the middle of frostwolf territory, not to mention it’s in the dead center of what’s called the ‘Kitsune Blackspot’; the post is solely to monitor the Kitsune and ensure they don’t get up to any more mischief than usual.” He said, “If you mess up, you get sent here. Mess up here, you go to the Outpost.”

“And if you mess up at the Outpost..?” Holly probed, to which Clank gave her a sidelong look.

“If you’re lucky you come home with a discharge.” He said, “others, whatever’s left of them comes home in a box.” He shuddered and turned his face forward again, “The unlucky ones don’t come home.”

“Every guard captain has to do a short tour up there,” the princess noted aloud, “Shining Armour, Princess Twilight Sparkle’s brother came home with more guards than he was sent out with. He supposedly negotiated something with the Kitsune, who had been holding some ponies hostage over something that the previous captain up there had done.”

“He also negotiated a cultural exchange of sorts, dear Princess,” an echoing, ethereal voice reverberated into the room, startling them and making Softcrest bury her face into Saddleblaze’s mane. “Oh, wee lamb; did I frighten your chick? I’m sorry, I am still getting used to this whole… interaction thing.”

“Ms Silverfang, it has been too long;” Paige called cheerfully.

“It really has, dear, I almost miss your correcting of Doctor Barbell on everything, it was most enjoyable to see him seethe.”

“As much as I enjoy talking to the walls, Ms Silverfang, could you perhaps make an appearance and stop worrying my friends?”

The voice sighed, “I would love to, my dear, but sadly a couple of our subjects are loose and I am busy both keeping an eye on them and hunting them down.”

“Subject H-B21 and U-05 to be exact, though really only one of them is any real threat.” A unicorn mare stated as she entered before bowing, “greetings, I am Doctor Sewn Breath, project head and lead technician for the artificial intelligence silo, Project Blueprint. It was my project that led to the creation of Paige here.” She said, waving a hoof in Paige’s direction.

“It’s good to see you again, mom.” She cheerfully said to the white coated, purple maned unicorn.

“From what little I have dealt with the fruits of your labour, Doctor, you have done admirably.” Princess Luna stated.

The doctor blushed, “Thank you, your highness, it was a lot of difficult and frustrating work, but we are proud of what we’ve accomplished.”

“Does not compute!” Paige shouted in a drone, startling her friends and making the doctor glare at her.

“Oh no, not this time, Paige, I’m not falling for that again.”

“Aw, you’re no fun,” Paige chuckled.

Sewn Breath sighed, “Now, I suppose I should begin the tour. Please bear with me as I’m an engineer and scientist, not a tour guide; Double Tap, the CEO of our little operation here assigned me this task on top of my other duties mainly because Paige would be here and I've not had time to rehearse. We’ll be going through three different wings of the laboratories, including the Habitation Wing, also known as Subject Storage, the Generation Wing, where we run our generators and study new ways of making mana-infused electricity, and finally the Blueprint Wing, where project Blueprint was worked on.”

She pushed open the doors and led them into the building proper, “I must warn you all that there are things in this building which can kill you. The Habitation Wing is especially dangerous, as we house several species which are known pony killers, including H-B21, currently being re-contained after an unfortunate breach.”

“Out of curiosity, what is this… ‘H-B21’?” Quill asked.

Breath nodded, “Everything here has a code identifier. Paige, for example, is AI-P-24. This, in our system, is translated to ‘Artificial Intelligence Project Twenty-four’. H-B21 is ‘Hostile Beast Twenty-one’, commonly called a Timber Wolf; in all likelihood, he pretended to attack his handler and escaped again.” She said, “We’ve had H-B21 since he was only a pup, so he doesn’t really attack ponies but is known for going on playful rampages throughout the labs whenever the opportunity presents itself. After this one, he is likely to have a pair of guards assigned with nets outside his door for the foreseeable future.”

“And what’s this other creature, U-05?” Whiterobe asked, looking around curiously.

“Unknown entity five, it… he was brought here a few months ago for study.” Breath stated as they rounded a corner and she waved to an empty forest-like habitat behind a shattered glass window. “‘Unknown’ entities are creatures we do not understand, pending reclassification; Timberwolves were U-03 for twelve years before being reclassified, now U-03 is reserved for something that our staff have called ‘Prettyboy’.” Here she waved to another habitat, within sat a queer-looking creature.

“Curious, it would appear to be what one would imagine a hybrid of a gryphon and a stag.” Luna stated. “I have certainly never seen anything like it before.”

“It took some time, but eventually we managed to get him to calm down enough to tell us what he is, something called a ‘Peryton’. He was in a furious bloodrage for a lot of the time we’ve had him, but, desperate to get him to eat something and having noted his sharp teeth, we offered him an assortment of meats, including the heart of a boar donated to us by the Gryphon kingdom for capturing him.”

“That’s a bit unbecoming, isn’t it?” Holly asked, her face a little green.

“Boar heart is a delicacy to the Gryphons,” the princess stated, “and the boars they breed for foodstuff are not sapient. It’s not so different to how we harvest certain plants and cook them, really.”

“That sounds weird, why would anyone want to eat a heart?” Softcrest asked curiously, her head tilted in thought. “I tried to avoid bits I didn’t know what they were…”

Whiterobe chuckled as she turned and ruffled the chick’s feathers. “Hearts are just one big muscle, Softcrest, just usually full of blood.”

Doctor Breath nodded, “Indeed; anyway, he devoured the heart and touched nothing else, and has been most cooperative since. He said something about a curse, so we’re keeping him under observation pending reclassification and, or, training.”

A howl farther up the corridor drew their attention, and they all turned to find its source, only to find that the hallway, after the next pair of habitats, was shrouded in a dark mist that appeared to absorb the light.

“O-oh dear, this isn’t good…”

Luna ground a hoof into the concrete floor, her eyes never leaving the black smog that clouded their path forward while her muscles tensed. “My dear, can you tell me anything about the creature that you, until recently, held up here, U-05?” She asked over the din of creatures in now hidden habitats crying out in outrage or distress.

“Large, pony sized canine. Black fur, dark-magic infused eyes. Supposedly took four stun spells to incapacitate for transport.” She recited, backing up to stand behind Princess Luna, waving for the others to move back as well, “W-we couldn’t keep him contained once he came to his senses earlier today, he found some way to break warded glass to escape and attacked a guard, left him a gibbering mess down in the medical wards. P-princess, I advise we retreat back to the entrance, the guards will protect us.”

“Nay,” Luna stated, “I will not back down from a creature of shadows. Come, beast!”

And then the wolf charged from the mist.

He was fast, faster than the ponies thought something of that size should be, and bore down upon them in moments. Saddleblaze twisted and grabbed Softcrest, pulling her into a protective hold and then lowering herself to the ground to cover the chick from this oncoming threat even as Snowy, Paige, and Clank moved to intercept.

Luna’s voice boomed through the hall, “Heel!

Suddenly, jarringly, the wolf stopped, sat at Luna’s hooves and gazed up at her expectantly. The princess, in turn, placed a hoof on his scalp and eased him onto his belly, all the while staring straight ahead, anger evident in her eyes.

“Who brought him in?” She asked, her tone steady and firm, brokering no small talk.

“I don’t know, your highness.” the doctor whimpered, “Supposedly several guards captured him within Canterlot city limits and brought him to us for study.”

The canine whimpered, wiggling as he tried to get out from under her hoof. His protests died when she began to move her limb back and forth, stroking his fur. “Ease, Shuck, ease, these ponies are not… all… deserving of your ire.”

“P-princess do you… know this creature?”

Luna nodded, “Of course I do.” She stated as the wolf tried to get up and nuzzle into her chest, “I created him, back before I was banished. He was yet another reason for my… fall to the Nightmare. I created him to be like the Phoenixes, using the smoke of Philomena’s reincarnation flames to forge him, capable of rising from the remains of his last death as she can.”

The canine rose and nuzzled into her chest, giving her a lick before sniffing the air and moving, carefully, over to where Saddleblaze stood protectively over Softcrest. He whined and nosed at her leg, causing her to tighten her protective stance.

“He is perfectly safe, my dear. Unless I command him to, or he finds himself threatened or captured, he will behave essentially like a puppy.” Luna noted, placing a hoof on Saddleblaze’s shoulder reassuringly. “Albeit a very large puppy.”

Determined to reach his prize, Shuck snuffled closed and forced his head beneath the mare, finding a gap through her sacrificial protection to his goal beneath where he promptly- “Ack! It’s licking me! No, stop it, not my face! Cut it out!” - began furiously licking the chick she was trying to keep safe, making a series of noises that sounded like throaty laughter all the while.

“In case you were wondering, Miss Saddleblaze, he is saying what sounds like ‘mlem’, likely trying to be amusing.” Luna stated before sighing, “I was wondering where he’d gone; he’d returned to me upon my return from the Moon and had scarcely left my side until a few days ago. He was likely humouring your staff until he got bored and escaped.”

“Well, with him accounted for and, I suppose, back in custody, if this even counts, we should continue with the tour.” The doctor said as she regained her wits. “Come, I’ll show you to U-15 and then we can move down through the facility.”


Shuck had followed them the whole way, teasing and amusing Softcrest as they went, though he did earn a scowl from Princess Luna at one point, supposedly for something he’d said that no-one but her and he could understand.

Their destination, upon entering, appeared to be an enormous, well tended garden. Flowers bloomed all around, hedges bordered every wall, and a large willow tree loomed in the middle, surrounded by a donut-shaped pond. Now Shuck was alert and his head glancing around, a low growl in his throat.

Whiterobe blinked at the canine owlishly, “What on Equus has you so spooked?” She wondered aloud.

“It would likely be myself, or possibly the phoenix whose nest inhabits the willow.”

From the opposite side of the tree emerged a figure, at whose appearance Shuck growled louder and even bore his impressively large teeth.

“Oh my,” Luna breathed, moving with more caution as she observed this new pony-like creature, “wherever did CL0PTech find you, my dear? It is not often that a Dryad would be seen by ponies; that one could be in the very heart of Canterlot is astounding.”

“Subject U-18 came to us on her own, accompanied by her… I’m sorry, Pitaya, what did you call him? Boo?”

“Beau, Doctor.” The dryad corrected as she buried a wooden hoof into the soil beneath her. “Though that would make an acceptable nickname, I suppose.”

“She’s remarkable…” Whiterobe mumbled, stepping forth only to be held back by Luna as Shuck snarled furiously.

“Stay back, all of you!” She snapped, “Dryad are more than just woodland protectors, they are extremely dangerous!” She nodded her head in the wooden pony’s direction, “Dryad, how many have you killed to make my protector hate you so?”

The Dryad stared at her idly, before shrugging and looking down at the soil.

“Answer me, or I’ll loose Shuck’s chain! How many have you butchered?!”

“I lost count centuries ago.” Came the calm response, “I have trusted but twice, alicorn. My first friend tried to turn me in for a bounty with sword and bow, and many came to find me only to assault me in fear, leading to my own defence.”

“And the other, Pitaya?” Paige asked.

At this the Dryad paused, “My beau… Oaken Orchard, is currently on an errand. I am in need of pollinators for my garden, and he has been given money with which to buy some bees and beehives.”

“Pitaya has been here since before I was built, and after the initial stage of study, she was moved out here.” Paige said as she walked over, carefully avoiding plants skillfully hidden in the grass. She looked down at where Pitaya had dug her hoof into the ground. “A new plant, Pitaya? What is it this time?”

“Sunflower, Paige.”

Paige laughed, “Learned your lesson with the Aurora, then?”

“The scientists did not like me growing, what was it they called it? Ah, yes, a ‘class A controlled substance’. Perhaps I shall have to try growing some Milk-Suckle, I’ll need to grow a sturdy tree for them to grow on, however; I am loathe to grow them on my willow as they will strangle it. I’ll need a sturdy wood, maybe a eucalyptus.”

“Pitaya is our resident expert on nature and botany. Being a literal spirit of nature itself, she has knowledge and magic which we have found invaluable to our research into new herbal remedies and plant based derivatives for medicine.” Doctor Breath informed, “She hasn’t hurt anyone since she arrived, a far cry from some of our other patrons.”

“The emergency regarding escaped subject H-B21 has been resolved. Subject is currently being returned to its enclosure, and all staff who have been directly affected are to report to medical for treatment immediately.” Silverfang’s voice echoed from the hall behind them.

“I suppose that’s our cue to return to the tour, then.” Breath said, beckoning them to follow her. “Thank you for your time, Pitaya; if there’s anything you need, don’t be afraid to ask.”

“I shall endeavour to remember that, Doctor Sewn Breath. Have a good day.”


“She doesn’t like me much.” Paige said as they wandered through the halls, “Pitaya, I mean.”

Luna nodded, “She’s an incarnation of life and nature, whereas you are metal and magic. Opposites, in many respects; you unnerve her because she knows all about everything in the natural world, but next to nothing about you.” She said, eyeing a sign as they strolled past it. “She did not seem much afraid of me. She’s either certain of her strength, or much older than she appears.”

“What does age have to do with it, Princess?” Whiterobe asked, following her into the elevator that Doctor Breath led them into.

“Everything, Whiterobe; with age comes wisdom, but for many long-lived creatures, such as dragons, dryads, even alicorn, along with wisdom comes power. While still unlikely to be as powerful as myself or my sister, if that dryad is old enough she could arguably bend the forces of nature to her whims.” Luna replied, “She could plant a seed and feed it life to birth a giant redwood in moments, then have it uproot itself and tear itself into pieces to form an army of Timber Wolves. A single dryad, if determined enough, could make or break the environment it dwells within. The death of a single dryad created the Everfree and set his wooden wolves feral.

“That dryad will need to be closely monitored for the future.” Luna finished, her eyes narrowing. “She could become very dangerous.”

“We don’t believe so, Princess;” Doctor Breath said, “her beau, Oaken Orchard, is a remarkable stallion, and has managed to ground her very well. We believe that, by the time he passes away due to old age, she will become a valuable asset to ponydom.”

Luna only hummed in thought.

With a loud ding the elevator reached its designated level and the doors opened, allowing for the group to step out and into the halls beyond, each looking about curiously as they did so.

“The air feels heavy.” Softcrest whined, kneading her adoptive mother’s back plaintively and earning a nuzzle from Shuck that everyone hoped was meant to be reassuring.

“She is correct,” Luna stated, “how deep into the earth does this facility go?”

“Bottom floor, Blueprint Wing,” Paige breathed, “mom, what are we doing here, I thought we weren’t to see this area until later on?”

“Bottom floor? How deep are we?” Quill asked worriedly.

“We are currently twenty one storeys beneath the surface.” Paige informed them, “these are the halls in which I was… born, I guess you could say.”

“We don’t have much time,” Doctor Breath hissed, “please, follow me, and don’t touch anything. The only security we have down here is automated, as Ms Silverfang cannot extend her aura down this deep. I have something I want to show you all.”

With that she walked off at a brisk pace northward. With a shrug, the others followed.

“This place is rather bare,” Silent Quill noted, “not much in the way of amenities or signage, unlike the Habitation Wing, just blank concrete walls and doors with numbers.”

“The part of Project Blueprint I was supposed to show you was on the fourth basement, where we tested Paige with her movement and behavioural programming; it was supposed to be something for you to use yourselves to see the sort of lengths we went through to get her to where she is now.” Doctor Breath stated, “everything below the eighteenth floor is where we have manufacturing and storage of spare components, old proof of concepts, and data storage in case of emergency.

“Technically this is all decommissioned, no longer in use. Only a hoofful of ponies ever come down here anymore, myself included. The signage and other important informational documentation was reused upstairs.” Her eyes drifted over a few doors ahead of them, glazing over a little, “I have so many memories of the days when these floors were packed with ponies… Ah, here we are, two-twenty-four.”

Her hoof pressed against a panel next to the so-numbered door, and after a moment of buzzing it clicked and slid open with a fizz of magic. She entered, motioning for everypony else to do the same, before closing it again behind them and switching on the lights.

Illuminated, the room displayed little in terms of amenities. A door to one side showed signage of both lavatories and showers within, a large device with screens and numerous buttons rested against the far wall, and standing in the middle of the tiled floor…

“It appears to be a replica of Paige’s body without the bodystocking. Well, at least for most of it.” Quill muttered. “Though why green? Paige is blue…”

“Welcome back, Doctor Breath,” it stated flatly, robotically, and unmoving, “and greetings to you as well,

“Little sister.”

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter doesn't contain much of Crimson, little bit of world expansion going on.

Also sorry that it took so long; I got a new job in Feb which hasn't left me with much time to write until now, but I'll be doing what I can to churn out chapters for stuff in what little time I have.

Hope you enjoyed, and see you at the bottom of the next one!