• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen June 10th


What to say, what to say? Well I live in Utah, and I like Ponies, and Doctor Who, and Doctor Who combined with Ponies.


One Doctor has just had himself removed from his universe in order to save it. The other is traveling alone after a disagreement with his wall-eyed companion. They are in for just a bit of a surprise when their TARDISes collide in transit.


Chapters (1)
Comments ( 123 )

odd, but fun, thank you for posting this

Hey, I just started season 4 and before I read this I'd like to know if there are any spoilers. Nonetheless I'll toss you a like because it sounds interesting.

Big time spoilers. The human universe Doctor is coming right off the finale episode. So... yeah.

Thought so, looks like I'll have to catch up in Doctor Who before I properly read this. That might take a while.:ajbemused:

I like it, kind of like a behind the scenes as The Doctor disappears from reality, then comes back for a wedding. Well played, sir, well played.
(Or is it written, oh well.)

Not bad at all! Much enjoyment was had!

When I read Amelia I had to stop, I've just finished the season with Martha and I don't want any spoilers... :fluttershyouch:

Read later button, we meet again.

I think you interwove the parts from the show pretty well, and this encounter with his pony-self who is actually also sorta a past self, I like that he has the foresight to provide some wisdom. He can be good at that.:derpytongue2:

I cried at that opening sequence :fluttercry: I always cry at that bit. When I watched the actual episode, I cried until the credits.

Wow, you captured the tone and mannerisms very well. I had an involuntary grin plastered for most of the story. Thanks for yet another very entertaining read! :twilightsmile:

This was a very, very sweet read. One-up'd.

The Time Charger ran after him. "Wait, wait! Where are you going? What do you mean evicted from you universe? What are we going to do about this?"


Ha, cute story. Keep doing what you are doing.
Although, some sentences seemed somewhat hard to read.

"Oh, not again," he muttered, then started.

Maybe I just forgot the definition of started though.

You did a good job writing this, I would be surprised if it didn't end up on the featured box.
Your friendly neighborhood reader,

Jesus Christ, Whovians, you really are pumping out the Dr. Who fics.

Did you expect anything less?

1949928 Well, I wasn't expecting so many...

It's a very eccentric fanbase, on par with that of MLP's fanbase. When you have a fan of both shows (like me), and lots of 'em, things get a little.... out of control.

Being a big Doctor Who fan, I must say that you caught the 11th wonderfully.

I never seen any Doctor Whooves (:facehoof:), so I don't know if I accidentally read any spoilers.

Anyway, great story, and keep up the good writing.

Quick question: Why do the admins hate you?

1949984 Oh, I'm an asshole.

I'm impudent, unpredictable, charismatic, and callouss.

I like it!:pinkiehappy: And you like Nirvana; bonus points for that. I'm personally more honorable (I think I am, anyway) but I can't help a witty comment every now and then. My music tastes encompass..... Rock and metal. That's about it, aside from a small amount of rap. Currently listening to Science of Lies.

1950024 My six rock gods:

Nirvana, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Blink-182.

so human doctor meets pony doctor?

well this can only be interesting. will read later.

Mein six:
Metallica, Avenged Sevenfold, Green Day, Judas Priest, Five Finger Death Punch, Soundgarden.

Well, the Tenth Time Turner/Doctor Whooves meets The Eleventh Doctor Who. :pinkiegasp:

Interesting. :pinkiehappy:

Though now I want to see more of what could happen with these two around each other. :pinkiesmile:

~With regards, the Current Student of the Second True Magic.

Kind of reminds me of that new docs in a box tumblr...

1950074 Technically, he's not human. He's a Timelord: an alien race of two-hearted, humanoid time-travellers. c:

In his long life, the Doctor had traveled with fellow Time Lords, tin dogs, surprisingly adept school teachers, an irritatingly brilliant mathematician, a would be assassin, a near sociopath with a penchant for explosives, and the most brilliant temp in England.

I've recognized all of these companions but one, Who's the would be assassin? I can't seem to remember, Nor can I find a trace of her/him on the internet from google.

1950422 Yeah, That could be it. Wasn't she literally raised to kill him?

But anyway, That makes the most sense. Thanks a ton,

That was a super cute story. O3O

In his long life, the Doctor had traveled with fellow Time Lords (Romana), tin dogs (K-9), surprisingly adept school teachers (Barbara Wright) , an irritatingly brilliant mathematician (Adric the only companion more Mary Sue that Rose), a would be assassin (River Song or Leela), a near sociopath with a penchant for explosives (Ace), and the most brilliant temp in England (Donna).

Ether River Song (in prison for killing someone) or Leela the savage huntress who most likely to gut someone with her hunting knife would be the assassin in question.


well by that logic doctor whooves isn't a pony either.

you see what happens when you split hairs like this?

1950523 This is true. The Doctor's equine form (whose name is Time Turner, by the way) is called a Time Charger, just as his humanoid form is called a Time Lord. c:

oh wait, this is just a short one shot story? Now I'm kinda of disappointed, I was expecting something at least mildly epic when i saw the premise...

Oh well, it was still an enjoyable read, even if it did end a bit abruptly.

... It can be brought back

I saw this this morning. Surprised to see it up on the front page. Good thing though, since I didn't have time to read it earlier.

Actually, after Time Turner appeared, he's also been called Doctor Hooves on some merch, too.

As for my comment on the story itself... It was nice, but seemed a little short. Around half of it was just a part of Doctor Who done in writing, and the encounter between the two Doctors felt like it could have had a bit more content to it, even within the confines of a one-shot. Again though, it was still quite nice.

"Something old. Something new. Something borrowed. Something blue."

Holy crap, if I ever get married (which is highly unlikely) I will do everything in my power to make sure my fiancé has something TARDIS-y on her person. That was genius.

I rather liked this story. I came in expecting some grand adventure and instead all I got was a short little meeting between the Doctors, which as a fan of Doctor Who I think is a great deal more realistic (relatively speaking). I thought the dialogue (what parts of it were original) was very well done, the Doctors were both in character, and you even managed to explore some of Doctor Whooves' and Derpy's relationship without clogging my ears with meaningless drama. All in all, I'd say very well done, sir! :moustache:

Very cure story. I like how you incorporated the end of that part of Doctor Who, and the whole Time CHarger bit was brilliant.

The MLP cannon name for the Doctor isn't finalized yet. Most of his names at the moment is fan head-cannon and conjecture at this time.

The MLP FIM trading Cards identified the pony as Time Turner, this could be the characters actual name or an alias which the Doctor known to use alias (such as John Smith) in the past.
We Love Fine although the official distributor of licensed MLP merch got the okay by the BBC to use Dr Hooves (with no W).
Rumors is Hasbro (and Studio B) is in negations with the BBC on a MLP/Dr. Who cross over. The results of these negotiations will results in the 'Pony' Doctor's name.

Keep in mind IDW does the official comic book for both TV series.

There is 3 fan theories on the MLP Doctor.
1. This doctor was always a 'Pony' This Doctor is part of the bigger MLP universe and is the pony counter part to the Humanoid doctor. That There is a MLP version of Galeofrey and everything.
2. Its the Tenth Doctor. After the episode End of Time where the doctor comes its apart of the 10 regenerating into the 11, and there was a split. That the Tardis made a copy of it self and the doctor, one went on to be the 11th and meets Amelia Pond, the other does not regenerate and is sent to the MLP universe and is turned in to pony form.
3. Its the Eleventh Doctor. This is the 11 Doctor after is disappearance rebooting the Universe with the Pandorica. Slipping though the cracks and surviving to end up in Ponyville.

1950977 Oh, I just thought Time Turner was the official name because it was in an iPhone app made by Hasbro (I think it was made by Hasbro), and he is the pony who "takes care of all things timey-wimey." Anywho (law, a pun), it would be awesome if there were an official crossover.

I liked it but you could have done more with it:
Say Doctor whooves goes with the Doctor to the wedding and they have to get him back or something like that.

BTW I give anybody full use of that Idea.:rainbowderp:

It's Turlough. The whole reason he joined the TARDIS crew was to kill the Doctor (granted he was under the Black Guardian's influence at the time...) and he actually tried once.

1946875 So wait, is this set after before the Pandorica Opens, as The Doctor is describing the TARDIS to young Amy, which will become the verse she uses to bring him back to her wedding, or after The Angels Take Manhattan and he's altering Amy's past?

Pandorica Opens/Big Bang

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