• Published 19th Jan 2012
  • 14,990 Views, 192 Comments

A Non-Copyrighted Adventure - thewaffler

This is what I think fan fiction would be like if you couldn't use copyrighted terms

  • ...

My Mind Melted and is now full of eels.

What I think, Fan Fictions would be like without copyrighted material.

"Hiya, Chromatic maned fast pony, wanna go to my house and and play with my toothless crocodile named root canal."

"I'd love to my Fuschia celebration pony, but I need too practice for the über-Jolts flight squadron. Maybe later this afternoon." said Chromatic maned fast pony.

"That's okay, I'll see ya later." replied Fuschia celebration pony. 'Maybe Book Enthusiast pony will play will me.'

Fuschia Celebration Pony knocked on the door of the Horse Town Learning Center, which was home to Book Enthusiast Pony and her slave reptile named Short Purple Biped.

Short Purple Biped opened the door.

"What do you need Fuschia Celebration Pony?"

"Is Book Enthusiast home?"

"Yes, she is and she's busy learning about the knowledge of companionship for our deity Queen White Alicorn. I'll go get her."

Just then Book Enthusiast appeared out of thin air.(not teleported cause that is copyrighted.)

"Book Enthusiast, would you like to hang out with me. We can consume much sucrose frosted baked goods at my place of employment Glucose Prism Avenue."

"Oh, I'm sorry Fuschia Celebration Pony I can't I need to have sex with..er i mean read all these books for the queen."

"Righty Tighty Lefty Loosey!!!" Fuschia Celebration Pony yelled out to with a grin(smiles are also copyrighted) Book Enthusiast 'maybe Fruit Harvester, Vanity Obsessed and Meek Animal Lover will play with me.'

She Left the Horse Town Learning Learning Center and went to Round Dress shop.

"Hi, Fruit Harvester and Vanity Obsessed, do you guys have any plans?"

"Ah was planning on given Vanity Obsessed a good rodgering"

"I say Darling I was planning darling on receiving a good rodgering from my farmer marefriend darling Then I was gonna make some more dresses darling. Darling, darling, darling....."

"Righty, tighty leftly loosey, I'll be on my way." 'I hope Meek Animal Lover can chill with me.'

She went to Meek Animal Lover's tree dwelling near the evil forest named Evil Forest.

"Can you play with me Meek Animal Lover?"




"I Guess, I'll go back to Sucrose Prism Avenue, bye" Fuschia Celebration Pony said feeling dejected.

She was in room at the baked good maker's store talking to her toothless crocodile named Root Canal.

"What should I do, Root Canal."

she heard a voice and looked down it was her pet talking in a cockney accent.


"You know what Root Canal you're right, It's murder time."

It was six o'clock in the evening and the rest of the Important six shown up to Sucrose Prism Avenue and went inside.

"Ah was promised there was a super secret red fuit recipe an some Nascart tickets."

"I was promised there would more sweet sexy books to fuu--I mean read."

"I was promised all you can eat out les-mare-ians, because I act like a tomcolt and my hair is technicolor so I like mares."

"I was promised South African blood diamonds."

"Ummm... I ... um was promised... there was dying animals here to help..."

The door slammed behind them and locked. It was Fuschia Celebration Pony.

"Meek Animal Lover...you were closest, except the dying animals are already dead"

The lights went off and the sound of a chainsaw could be heard "GRRZRRZRRZRRZRRZRRZRRZRRZRR" and following that was the screams of five horses and the laughter of another one. Fuschia Celebration Pony then made love to their dead bodies to adsorb their souls like Shang Tsung from Mortal Kombat.

The end.

The lights in projection room went back on and a tall man stood up.

"I hope you guys, enjoyed seeing what I think Friendship is magic fan fiction would be like under the U.S. SOPA/PIPA Act."

"Dude, what the fuck was that? That was just a horrible story with the names changed and personalities warped," said WinterTwister doing a face palm.

"I agree, that was just plain retarded plus I don't think that's how that works," said Joltix while adjusting his monocle.

"I liked it, especially the ending!" Exclaimed xxsuperduperxx.

"Well if that's it, this presentation is over and thanks for coming." The Waffler said as he left the auditorium. The rest of Team Joker still looked confused as fuck as to what they just witnessed just a few moments ago.

The Waffler was walking down the streets of Downtown Ft. Lauderdale on his way home when all of a sudden an old and rusty 1972 Ford Maverick stopped parallel to the sidewalk he was walking down. The passenger window rolled down.

"GET READY FOR THE SONIC RAINBOOM MUTHA FUCKA!!!" yelled a rainbow maned pegasus in the passenger seat of the car as she unloaded a clip of a tek9 into the writer. *bratatat* Once done the driver who was blight pink sped off as soon as she could, leaving a 15 foot tire mark as the wheels searched for traction.

The author's dying thoughts 'Guess they heard my story and didn't like it......'

Comments ( 192 )

This. Is. Undoubtably. The. Worlds MOST GREATEST THING I HAVE EVER READ!!!
5 Stars Good Sir.:moustache:

That story read like something out of North Korea.

#3 · Jan 19th, 2012 · · ·

This story reads like something written by George Orwell

SOPA doesn't stand a chance.

:rainbowhuh: The heck did I just read? I have no words beyond "so bad it's good."

My life is now more complete than it was a minute ago!

I usually don't like it when there's a story within a story, but you pulled it off.:rainbowdetermined2:

O.o "Rodgering":-The act of inserting a rod-shaped appendage into an enclosed space, usually done repetitively:unsuresweetie:

That was kinda the plan. I kinda wanna do more with the Bizarro Mane 6, but I think I made their names too long. The point was to make a fic that A) didn't use any copyrighted names, B) was a generic plot and C) Nothing felt natural and felt like a piss poor rip off of something great.

HA HA HA. Thanks for making be laugh, I'm surprised anyone bothered to look up that word.

Would you even be able to call them ponies? :applejackunsure:
Interesting story, interesting read.

..... nascart. hehehe :pinkiecrazy:
this was strange. and awesome. and then strange again. good work, sir.

lol :D
Oh jim, you so awesome -
I'm jw, why did you include super in Team Joker? Hes not really in here, but its whatever :pinkiehappy::heart:

See Congress? This is what we writers and readers have to suffer through when you want to change something that is free speech! Don't be like North Korea, Iran, or China, be Good old America, and I mean before you were sell-outs good old America. Don't you dare pass SOPA and PIPA you mother f:yay:ers! Otherwise I'll drive to DC myself and put a boot so far up all of your f:yay:ing a:yay:s you won't be able sit for f:yay:ing weeks! Good night!

"Shang Tsung from Mortal Kombat." Lawsuit! Shang Tsung and Mortal Kombat are both Copyrights! BLWALDAKFSADISTICSFSDFFEWADEF

Because buddy, Super is a pretty awesome guy and fun to talk to.
Thanks, for the feedback.

The Only reason I still used ponies is because my plan of calling them adolescent horses was too long to write.

Memes are fun:

Peace Out

Nice job. Defiantly need to get the word out about SOPA/PIPA. The only thing I have to say about those acts, well, a wise transforming robot truck(can't use his real name, because it's copyrighted:ajbemused:) once said: "Freedom is the right of all sentiant beings." Nuff' said. (Oh, and about that ending... TASTE THE RAINBOW MUTHA FUCKA!:rainbowdetermined2:)

Dammit. We can't even recreate gore scenes without copyrights. Fuck You SOPA and PIPA

143171 Jim check the site forums, I have groundbreaking news in the likes forums- also I love that spiderman thing lol

I suppose if SOPA/PIPA were to pass, then the only option would be to write original fiction... not that I have a problem with fanfics or anything.

*claps* stops *claps again*. Amazing just Pure amazing and in words of the sopa nazi "no internet fora you". (soup nazi from seinfeld)

The chapter title made me laugh :pinkiecrazy:

....Wow...that...jus-just take my stars.
TAKE THEM :trollestia:

Sucrose frosted baked goods, so sweet and tasty!
Sucrose frosted baked goods, don't be too hasty!
Sucrose frosted baked goods.
Sucrose frosted baked goods, sucrose frosted baked goods, sucrose frosted baked goods!

I have not heard the word rodgering in ages. It is beautiful slang. :yay:

Wow, that was horrible.

I don't believe in Intentional "so bad its good", but this is just hilarious in the best and worse possible ways.

WooooooW! This story really gets the message across! I never thought I would rate something so.... different 5 stars. Congratulations - you've made it!
This time I will end with something I usually don't do - I DON'T WANT ANY MOAR of this. EVER AGAIN.

I kinda like it.
I mean it was pretty good.
In fact one could say it's a cool story.
Maybe even awesome?
Yup, definitely an amazing story right here.

lol wut? you little corpse raper :derpytongue2:

*My actual facial expression when reading this* :rainbowlaugh:
God I hate SOPA... And let's not forget PIPA :twilightangry2:
This was funny as hell though :rainbowlaugh:

143316 and thats what all fics would be like with SOPA- hope you understand that.


This was so bad I laughed.

Pretty damn funny.

Never write anything like this again, internet. :pinkiecrazy: IT'S BEEN DONE NOW. GOODDNIGHT.

Sad thing is, SOPA probably will make all fan fiction like this. :raritycry:
For teh Interwebz! :pinkiecrazy:

This was just... awesome.

Somehow I don't think the mediocre writing and implications that rarity is obsessed with vanity stem from the gimmick.

Also, the allusion to copyrighted things is kind of cheating since you're not supposed to do that according to your own plot but what the hell

this fandom is easily amused if anything

Somehow I don't think the mediocre writing and implications that rarity is obsessed with vanity stem from the gimmick.

Also, the allusion to copyrighted things is kind of cheating since you're not supposed to do that according to your own plot but what the hell

this fandom is easily amused if anything

I love this site... And this story is one reason why.

That was a good story and I guess this is what fanfics look like in North Korea, or any other socialist country out there.

5 happy book enthusiasts out of 5! :twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

That was a beautiful read. ;w;



This was just...I don´t know what to say...
It was awesome and funny in one way and crazy and creepy in the other...
Let´s hope, SOPA won´t win and turn every fanfic into...this...

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