• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 2,147 Views, 26 Comments

My Little Pony: Don't Starve - TheBobulator

Twilight Sparkle is transported to a nightmarish realm where her mysterious kidnapper expects one thing of her: don't starve.

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Chapter 2: The First Night

My Little Pony: Don’t Starve

By: TheBobulator

Chapter 2: The First Night

Twilight continued to stare off into the water where Discord had disappeared into. Don’t starve? That was an encouraging thought. Of course, that also went hoof-in-hoof with ‘don’t asphyxiate’. However unpredictable Discord was, at least his domain was somewhat... calm. Calm not being a word that was usually associated with the god of chaos.

“Well, at least it isn’t raining chocolate or anything.” Twilight thought aloud, then facehoofed. “Though now that I’ve said that, it’s probably going to happen. Great.”

Seeing as though Discord wasn’t going to be back for a while, food and shelter was going to be a priority. Twilight caught sight of a worn dirt path and followed it. “Dirt path means intelligent life. Intelligent life means ponies that can help me... I hope. Lacking that, maybe I’ll find something to eat along the way.”

Not very far down the path, Twilight noticed a familiar-looking green tuft poking out of the grass. A strong telekinetic pull later and the unicorn was staring at a perfectly ordinary carrot hovering in front of her. After thoroughly examining every possible property of the vegetable and finding absolutely nothing wrong with it, she decided it was okay to take a bite of the carrot, chewing thoughtfully.

“Carrots seem normal...” After waiting for a good five minutes, Twilight ate the rest of the carrot. “There’s edible food in this world. This is good.”

The plains around the unicorn slowly gained an orange hue. Somewhere in the cloudy distance the sun was setting, which meant night was approaching. Night meant it should be cold without shelter, but Twilight couldn’t be sure since Discord didn’t really care about the natural order of things.

“I’ll need wood for fire and some grass for tinder.” Twilight recounted from a camping guide in her vast memory of literature. “That tree should do just fine.”

The unicorn stopped by the one decently-sized pine evergreen in the area. “You look normal. A bit on the small side, but I think a few branches wouldn’t hurt.” She was about to study the tree for its weakest branches that she could snap off until the tree rapidly expanded and grew another several feet in an instant, accompanied with a comically loud springing noise.

“Gah!” Twilight hadn’t been expecting the tree’s sudden growth and she had fallen over in surprise. “What the-?”

The formerly average-sized pine now towered in comparison. Twilight peered at it, rubbing her chin with her hoof as she inspected it. Unfortunately, the few loose branches were now sturdier than ever. “I guess that plan’s not going to work.” Twilight muttered to herself.

Conveniently enough, there were a few small twiggy shrubs nearby. As the lavender unicorn stripped the saplings for their twigs, she could only think that either the perception of time or growth patterns had been altered in Discord’s unstable idea of reality. In a matter of minutes, she had collected a modest bundle of sticks. “Grass... to start it...” she muttered, pawing at the ground.

The thick green turf refused to budge even in the slightest, even going as far as stretching like a rubber band as Twilight tried to rip it from the dirt. Time was running out and the darkness was approaching.

The grass refused to budge. “Come on!” Twilight considered simply lighting the grass on fire, but that would likely cause an out-of-control raging inferno.

Twilight staggered backward and caught sight of a tall tuft of golden grass behind the tree. An experimental tug caused all the golden grass to pop off by the base, even bundling itself up into a neat pile on the ground.

“Well that’s oddly convenient.” The unicorn sighed. “Now, let’s get this fire going.”

Twilight began to place twigs in a small pyramidal pile, which was the ideal arrangement according to the survival book that she was basing all of her actions off of. She stacked a small pile of grass on top and cast a simple spark spell to light her campfire. There were enough sticks left over to use as kindling later.

Just in time. Night descended like the end of a play- very quickly and followed by a lot of darkness. Peculiarly enough, the moon- or more accurately, what passed for Luna’s moon- shed no light at all in the darkness. The chilling winds and darkness of the night were held at bay by the warmth and light of the crackling fire. Gazing into the darkness, Twilight could barely see anything. Suddenly, an orange light burst forth in the darkness.

Twilight hopped to her hooves. “Discord? Is that you? Explain yourself!” The mote of light wildly swung back and forth for a moment before hastily bobbing away.

Quickly casting a spell to illuminate her horn, the lavender unicorn charged into the darkness. The moment she left the safety and light of the campfire, the choking darkness, so thick she could almost feel its grasp on her coat, enveloped the meager amount of light produced by her horn. Even so, she continued to give chase.

A few branches scraped at Twilight’s flanks, which meant she was now in some sort of grove. Before she could press onward farther, a deep, echoing, harrowing snarl made it to her ears. She adopted a defensive stance and attempted to locate where the sound was coming from.

Whatever it was, it didn’t sound friendly- almost like a large hydra. “Stay back! I’m warning you.” Twilight fearfully yelled into the darkness.

Twilight didn’t like being blind, especially when something was stalking her. The snarl came again, this time much louder and much closer. She turned this way and that, trying to face her attacker.

Suddenly, jaws closed around her right hindleg. Twilight yelped and fired off a spray of magic, then bolted away, hoping to escape her attacker. The fire! If she could get there, then maybe she could actually see what was trying to eat her.

The creature snarled again, almost encouraging Twilight to gallop faster than she ever thought she could. Within seconds, she was already back near the safety of the fire. She glared back in the direction that she’d just come from and prepared a powerful magic bolt.

She waited.

And waited.

And waited some more.

The beast was nowhere to be seen. Twilight sighed in relief and, in a moment of dazed relief, piled the remainder of her twigs onto the fire for more light. The fire roared and blazed into life instantly, illuminating the landscape around her.

“There.” Twilight happily panted. “Now I should be safe.”

Without warning, the tree next to her burst into flames.

Author's Note:

We're back!