• Published 18th Jan 2013
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Sweet Apple Anthology - Bad_Seed_72

First sequel to Tangled Roots. After Babs Seed moves to Sweet Apple Acres, seven years of lessons about friendship, love, and family shape her into the mare she ultimately becomes.

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Year Four: Hearts And Hooves Day — Revelation

Year Four: Hearts And Hooves Day — Revelation

Sugarcube Corner, in spite of its high-calorie offerings and rambunctious assistant, was usually a calm place of business. Most days, the store was stocked to the brim with cookies, cakes, pies, and, of, course, cupcakes of every color and variety. Inventory remained in perfect balance. The Cakes and their bubbly helper could handle operations between their three sets of hooves nearly any day of the calendar year.

Hearts and Hooves Day, of course, was a different story.

The line stretched from the counter all the way to the entrance of the sweets shop, ponies of all genders and ages clamoring for an opportunity to purchase Ponyville’s finest confections. Every stallion, mare, and foal in line flashed their bits, disregarding the prices. Price tags didn’t matter when the items in question were meant for a priceless special somepony.

Babs Seed busied herself by watching the customers in front of her. Towards the head of the line, a chubby gray colt munched absentmindedly on a cookie. Looks like he already got his. Back fo’ seconds? O’ fo’ somepony else? Towards the end of the line, a pegasus filly fidgeted with her forehooves beside her.

“Remind me again why we’re waitin’ in dis line?” Babs groaned. “It’s been at least twenty minutes, an’ we still haven’t even made it halfway!”

Scootaloo shushed her, darting her gaze to ensure they hadn’t drawn attention to themselves. “Hush, Babs! I told you already! I’m getting something for Featherweight!”

“Featherweight?! Youze hasn’t even talked ta the colt fo’ mo’ than a few minutes, Scoo—“

“So why not start now? And, besides,” Scoots added with a wink, “the way to a colt’s heart is through his stomach.”

Rolling her eyes, Babs grumbled, “I would try his chest, first.”

Wings unfurling in irritation, Scootaloo face-hoofed and scowled. “Look! You don’t have to stand in line with me if you don’t want to. I thought you were getting something, too. That’s why I invited you to come along!”

Babs Seed resisted the urge to smack her own scowling muzzle with her forehooves. The love-struck pegasus had practically dragged her to Sugarcube Corner. Rambling about her latest crush, delving into excruciating detail about his “adorable” manecut and “enchanting” ways, Scootaloo refused to take no for an answer. There’d been nothing consensual about this at all.

So, here they stood in an endless bakery line. One nervously hopped on her hindhooves, constantly peering past the crowd to reassure herself that there were at least a few treats left for sale. The other sighed and tried to make the best of her very boring situation.

“No, I came along ‘cuz youze wanted me ta come along,” Babs argued. “I’m not gonna be buyin’ summat. Not hungry, either.”

Suddenly, an impish thought announced its presence in Scootaloo's mind. Nudging Babs in the ribs, Scootaloo replied, “Well… I guess that means you aren’t getting Apple Bloom anything for Hearts and Hooves Day, huh?”


Now the floorboards seemed to be the most interesting thing in Ponyville, Equestria, or the Earth itself. “I don’t know what youze talkin’ ‘bout, Scootaloo,” Babs muttered, searching for patterns among the wood grain below. Distraction proved to be an insufficient coping mechanism, orange cheeks rivaling the shade of the mane that preceded them.

“That’s what I thought!” Slapping a forehoof on her shoulders, Scootaloo laughed and said cheekily, “I knew it! No wonder you came with me here! Last-minute gift ideas, much? Almost forgot Hearts and Hooves Day, didn’t you?”

Shoving her hoof away, Babs Seed hissed, “Quiet, Scoots!” Arggh! knew I shouldn’t have come along! Now she’s jus’ gonna have her fun, at ma expense, o’ course. Dammit.

Several ponies in front of them glanced their way with disapproving gazes. Arguments on Hearts and Hooves Day always drew attention—and the two in the back of the line were beginning to inch in that direction.

“Aww, c’mon, Babs, I’m just kidding.”

“No youze weren’t!”

“… Okay, fine, maybe not. But you should get her something. Anything. Did you bring any money with you today?”

Shaking her head in the negative, Babs Seed explained, “I neva carry bits on me. Not unless I’m gonna buy summat outright. Planned purchases, dat is. City habit.”

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t ask.” Babs huffed. “Long story.”

“Alright, then… Well… maybe I can loan you some then?” Scootaloo offered. She rustled through her saddlebags, retrieving a small jar of golden coins. Shaking the jar in estimation of their contents, she said, “I think I have enough in here for at least an extra cupcake or two.”

Forcing a grin to match her counterpart’s, Babs lightly chucked. “Heh, dat’s mighty nice o’ youze, Scoots. But I dunno. I mean, maybe Apple Bloom forgot, too?” O’ maybe I’m jus’ an idiot? Yea. Let’s go wit’ dat.

Snorting, Scootaloo covered her muzzle with a forehoof, stifling her laughter.

“What?! What’s so damn funny?!” Babs exclaimed.

This only aggravated the situation. Scootaloo shushed herself with both forehooves, hindhooves stomping on the floorboards.

Blushing furiously, Babs repeated, “What?! What’s gotten inta youze, Scoots? Fo’ Celestia’s sake—“

“Hey!” A blue Earth pony filly behind them gestured to the new gap in the line. “The line's moved, you know!”

Grumbling, Babs Seed took a few hoof-steps forward, accompanied by a snickering Scootaloo. Pinkie Pie fumbled with the cash register at the front counter, sending bits flying everywhere.

“Oopsy! Sorry everypony, this’ll just take a second!” Pinkie giggled merrily as she gathered the change. Customers groaned and shook their muzzles, while the Cakes decided this would be a great time for a break.

Dis is takin’ foreva… an’ DIS one heeya is still laughin’ at me…

Scootaloo gasped for breath, dizzy from her outburst. Finally, she steadied herself against an irritated Babs Seed and spoke between laughing breaths. “Babs, there’s no way Apple Bloom forgot about today. She’s been talking about Hearts and Hooves Day all week!”

Babs countered, “Dat’s funny. I live wit’ her, an’ she hasn’t said a word ta me ‘bout it!”

“Of course she hasn’t said anything to you.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “You really are clueless, aren’t you?”

Swallowing the urge to smack her cheeky muzzle, Babs merely snorted her discontent.

“Well, anyway,” Scoots continued, “she’s been telling Sweetie Belle and me all week that she has a surprise planned for her ‘special somepony.’ You know how we’ve been having those Crusader meetings when Big Mac or Applejack’s having you help them around the farm?”

Acknowledging her cautious nod, Scootaloo gestured with a forehoof as she added, “Well, theeere you go. She never explicitly said it was you, but you should see the way she talks about you when you’re not around.”

To Babs Seed’s knowledge, Apple Bloom never recounted the tale of their first and second kiss (or any hence) to the others. Both were private matters—one for a much darker reason. Around their two best friends, Apple Bloom and Babs Seed were affectionate to a point. When it came to matters of the heart, unlike those of hooves, Babs was far less bold than her counterpart.

Courage came to her on the gray cobblestone, but was quickly cast aside in the quickening of her heartbeat, the rush of adrenaline, the swimming of her thoughts in the radiance of Apple Bloom's presence. Eloquent in her own thick, accented ways, her words became staccato and treacherous when asked the simplest of questions. The bloom followed the seed in Nature, but in this case, it preceded its blossom.

Nearly four years after that last night in Ponyville, Babs Seed had never uttered the three most difficult words in all of known language. The mere possibility of their pronunciation sapped her of all strength and intelligence. In that possibility, she found a fear she could not articulate.

Get ahold o’ youzeself, Babs scolded her treacherous consciousness. She redirected her train of thought, steering it into a Manehatten station. She recalled a violet alicorn falling alongside her into a black sea.

Powerlessness. Dat’s what I feared then, an’ what I fear now. Ta some point, at least. Guess I’m kinda bein’ a coward iffa I don’t... iffa I run ‘gain. An’ I know where runnin’ got us.

But, Ma said I should make sure dat dis... is summat I'm absolutely sure o'. But what iffa it isn't?

“Something on your mind, Babs?” Scootaloo smirked and nudged her again.

Babs blushed and looked away as she mumbled, “Can... can I borrow some bits from youze?”

“I thought you’d never ask.”


Apple Bloom paced in her room. No. In their room. She rustled through the closet over and over, spilling garments everywhere, cursing herself. She’d hadn’t been able to locate a proper outfit over four years ago—the first time she’d met Babs Seed—and she hadn’t been a fashionista since. How foolish of her to think that she’d find her answer now.


Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, despite their same level of inexperience, managed to provide at least some assistance in these delicate matters. The previous few years, the Crusaders—Babs Seed included—tried to nudge a few of their friends towards romantic pursuits. Albeit, they chose a more gentle approach these last attempts, sans love potions or love poisons.

Their second attempt was an utter disaster. Fluttershy was mortified and Rainbow Dash thoroughly enraged. However, they’d never seen the shy pegasus fly away so quickly. That, in itself, made the mishap worth their trouble. Scootaloo missed several flying lessons afterwards in punishment.

The next year, Applejack mustered all of her self-restraint to stop herself from beating two hides red. Rarity forbade Sweetie Belle from her boutique for over a month. Scootaloo squeaked by this time. Apple Bloom and Babs Seed weren’t as lucky. Hell hath no fury like a mare forced into an awkward date with her best friend.

The third Hearts and Hooves Day, they’d stuck to simple cards exchanged between friends, family, and classmates. Sweetie and Scoots had no love interests then. The other two were a different matter, but there had never been anything official. There had never been anything… binding.

This time around, three of them agreed to go their separate ways with their plans. Scootaloo seemed bent on having somepony, anypony, to be hers, while Sweetie Belle appeared completely indifferent. She seemed happy nonetheless.

A week ago, while Babs Seed was busy tending the fields with Big Mac and Applejack, the three remaining Crusaders hashed their holiday plans in the clubhouse.

After spilling their own beans (or lack thereof), Apple Bloom was asked if she had any plans for a special somepony. She giggled and replied, “Ah guess ya could say Ah do. An’ Ah have a surprise fer that special somepony.”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo exchanged knowing grins. “What is it, Apple Bloom? And who’s it for?” Scootaloo teased.

“Yeah. Tell us!” Sweetie urged.

“Oh… Ah think ya know… her.”

“Ooh, I think I know who it is!” Sweetie started hopping up and down excitedly.

Scootaloo poked Apple Bloom in the shoulder, rhetorical in her question: “What are you going to do for this mysterious filly?”

Apple Bloom blushed, shaking her muzzle. “Ah can’t tell ya. It’ll spoil the surprise.”

“Surprise? Ooh. Everypony loves surprises!” Sweetie Belle clapped her forehooves together. “Can you at least give us a hint about what you’re planning?”

“Well, no,” Apple Bloom began, “not exactly. But, Ah was hopin’ you gals could give me yer opinion on somethin’…”


Applejack once acknowledged that ponies typically didn’t wear clothes. Being blunt wasn’t exactly a synonym for being honest, but it suited her. This thought meandered its way through her prying consciousness as she trotted past Apple Bloom and Babs Seed’s room, watching her sister tear through her closet. Clothes of all shapes, sizes and colors littered the floorboards.

Sighing, the Element of Bluntness scolded, “Apple Bloom, yer wastin’ yer time. Pick up those clothes an’ put ‘em away already!”

“’Wastin’ ma time’? Ah ain’t doin’ no such thing!” the filly scoffed. She cast aside a comically oversized dress, only to pick up a scuba-diving mask in exchange.

Between unsuitable article after unsuitable article—disregarding each and every one of them after some contemplation—she explained, “Ah’m… tryin’… ta… find… somethin’… nice… ta… wear…”

“Babs ain’t gonna care, Bloom,” Applejack deadpanned.

Apple Bloom dropped the set of fins she held in her forehooves. After a slight, awkward pause, she mumbled, “Heh, heh, yer probably right, sis.” She busied her hooves with gathering the strewn accessories and outfits, packing them away while her sibling trotted in and plopped her haunches onto their bed.

Patting the mattress next to her once the mess was completely cleaned, Applejack said, “Come here, Bloom. Ah have some things Ah want ta talk ta ya ‘bout.”


After some bargaining with a stubborn Pinkie Pie, Scootaloo purchased two large cupcakes. One she stashed away in her saddlebags, saving the treat for a scrawny pegasus colt. The other she presented to Babs Seed, who tucked it away with her own belongings, murmuring her thanks.

“Don’t mention it, Babs. You do remember what I told you when you first moved to Ponyville, though, right?”

“Yea, iffa I eva hurt—“

“That’s right,” Scoots interrupted. She grinned. “I still mean it, but I don’t think I’ll need to threaten you anymore about it, do I?”

Babs laughed. “O’ course not! Sheesh, Scoots!”

Scoots's pupils caught sight of a cream-colored colt with legs much too long and lanky for his scrawny body. Obliviously, he strode past the two fillies, exited the bakery, and trotted towards a nearby park.

Scootaloo leaned close to Babs Seed and whispered, “I’ve gotta go! Good luck!” Darting after him, Scootaloo called, “Hey! Featherweight! Wait up!”

Babs Seed rolled her eyes. She brushed past the growing bakery line and continued her journey out of Ponyville’s town square. Through the streets, couples of all varieties—mostly mares with stallions, though there were a few birds of the same feather flocking together—blocked her path, nuzzling each other, sneaking kisses, sharing lunch and exchanging gifts. The filly snuck around them, muttering, “’Cuse me, ‘cuse me, excuse me,” in irritation.

Yeesh. Am I gonna be like these fools someday, blockin’ the whole street ‘cuz I’m… I’m in... love? Snorting, another voice within her mind countered, Nah, youze ain’t like these fools. Youze is smarter than dat. Look at ‘em. “Snoopy-do.” “Snuggle-bunny.” Pfft.


From snout to tip of her bobtail, Babs Seed’s fur flushed red. Taunted by her own inner dialogue, she argued silently, Hey! Dat’s different. Dat’s special. Nopony can call me dat. Jus’ she does…

Though she knew she couldn’t outrun her fears, Babs galloped anyway, barreling towards Sweet Apple Acres. She took a long, twisted route instead of the main road, extending her journey.

On the way, she discovered a huge field of wildflowers. Spring brought them all into full bloom, hues of yellow, red, and orange burning bright in the sunlight.

Unable to choose, Babs Seed plucked one of each color and added them to her saddlebag. Pointing her forehooves towards the farmhouse in the distance, she continued in her quest. Hoof-steps and heartbeats escalated in their tempo, thoughts running wild deep into uncharted territory.

Do I… Does she?


“Darlin’… do ya remember the conversation we had on the train back ta Ponyville four years 'go? When we went ta Manehatten?”

“… Yes, Applejack…”

“Good. An’ do ya remember what Ah said a few years ago ‘bout growin’ up?”

Again came the awkward, mumbled response to the floorboards. “Yes, Applejack…”

Applejack lifted her sibling’s chin with a forehoof, forcing Apple Bloom to look at her. “Ah love ya,” she began with a gentle smile. “Ah love Babs, too. Ah love ya both. Ta be truthful, Ah was a lil’ surprised at first when Ah figured y’all out. But, considerin’ how things happened—what ya both been through—Ah’m not surprised that yer still… fond o’ each other.

“Ma warning then still applies now, Bloom. When yer under ma roof, there’ll be no—“

Blushing furiously, Apple Bloom exclaimed as she threw up her forehooves in surrender, “Ah get it, sis! Do ya really have ta make this so embarassin’?”

Ruffling the filly's mane, Applejack said plainly, “Yes. Ah’m yer big sister. O’ course Ah have ta!” She chuckled, squeezing a few tears from her eyes in humor, while the filly beneath her crossed her forehooves in annoyance.

“It’s not funny! Ah was hopin’ ya would have some advice fer me o’ somethin’, an now yer jus’ teasin’ me, Applejack!”

Applejack calmed herself with a few shallow breaths. “Heh… heh… Sorry, hon. Ah jus’ have ta have a little fun. Ya know that.”

“Hmph. Fine. But, Applejack…”

“Yes, sugarcube?”

“Is this really... alright?”

No need for clarification, Applejack messed her sibling's mane once more. She no longer had to lean down or lower her forehoof to do so; she could stretch straight across to meet Apple Bloom's gaze as well. Less than two years from now, Apple Bloom and Babs Seed would graduate from Cheerilee’s final class, left to their own destinies. The sapling was beginning to outstretch its branches towards the skies, and, soon, would find its freedom.

Her inquiry had arrived at last. Applejack had mentally rehearsed a thousand answers to the simplest of questions, all prose and promise jumbled haphazardly together within her mind. It would be so simple to just say, “Yes,” and be done with it.

However, the Element of Honesty knew that such simplicity was not the whole story. Not when the filly would soon be a mare, and she could shield her sister no more.

“… Applejack…?”

“Apple Bloom, that answer depends on which pony ya ask,” Applejack said. “If ya ask me, Ah’m fine wit’ it. Why? Well, there’s ponies in our extended family who are like that. Inta the same gender, Ah mean. Auntie Barbara was one o’ ‘em. There’s others, too. Ah don’t know if ya like colts too, but—“

Apple Bloom interjected, “Ah don’t have anythin’ against ‘em. Ah jus’ like somepony who’s a filly. But that’s not what Ah mean, Applejack. Ah wasn’t worried ‘bout that. Ah mean… because we’re…”

Applejack removed her Stetson, grasping it tightly in her forehooves. “Sugar, look. Most o’ the time… family grows up together. Braeburn an’ Ah grew up together, fer example. Mac an’ Ah? Side-by-side since Ah can remember. Ya followin’ me?”


“Alright. Well, ya see, sugarcube, when we grow up wit’ family, we don’t look at ‘em that way. An’ Ah mean family not jus’ like ya an’ me, o’ Mac, o’ Granny Smith. Ah mean family like Auntie Orange, an’ Cousin Braeburn, an’ distant cousins too.”

“Oh…” Crestfallen, Apple Bloom muttered, “So… why do Ah—”

“Let me finish, Bloom.”

“Okay, sis.”

“But… sometimes… it’s different, Ah guess. There some ponies in our extended family who married their cousins, too. It used ta be a very common thing. ‘Specially among royalty an’ early settlers. It’s looked down at nowadays, Bloom, fer a lot o’ reasons—a lot o’ ‘em, not good reasons—but there is one very good reason. An’ ya need ta listen very carefully.”

Fiery rubies gazed into emeralds, locking gemstones. That same shade of green found in the eyes of Big Macintosh, Applejack, and Braeburn could be discovered in the windows of the soul Apple Bloom adored above all others. She’d wondered through it all if, in spite of everything she’d said, Applejack harbored disharmony, concealing the truth. Her most true and secret heart thundered in anticipation of this revelation.

“Apple Bloom… You can leave a filly o’ a colt if things don’t work out. You can leave town if ya want ta. But if they’re yer cousin? Ya can’t leave them behind. Ya can’t repair that damage, if things go wrong. Families fight an’ fracture over things like that. Seen it happen ta others. An’ if foals are involved, it can’t be even stickier.”

Silencing her fledgling objection, Applejack added, “An’ Ah know yer both fillies, so that’s not an issue. Not unless ya got older an’ wanted ta adopt o’ somethin’. Heh. That’s another discussion.

“So, sugarcube, Ah love ya, an’ Ah’ll support you if this is how ya feel. Nopony’s gonna be hurt by it, provided it goes well. But…”

“But, what, Applejack?”

Smiling, Applejack answered, “Ah’m not worried much ‘bout that between y’all. Ah think, seein’ how old ya both are now, it’s somethin’ mo’. But ya know what ya need ta do, Bloom? Last piece o’ advice Ah’ll give.”

Apple Bloom breathed a sigh of relief. Quietly, she ushered Applejack to finish, and when she did, found an answer of her own.


“Argh! Hurry it up, Silver Spoon! You were supposed to be here almost fifteen minutes ago!”

Diamond Tiara stomped her forehooves in irritation. For some mysterious, strange reason of the utmost importance, she’d agreed to this clandestine meeting. At 1500 hours, she would meet Silver Spoon behind Sugar Cube Corner.

Why? She didn’t know. Lately, her best and only friend had become increasingly distant. Gone were their nightly gossip sessions, their weekly sleepovers, their monthly trips to Trottingham or Canterlot.

Given the significance of today’s date, Diamond Tiara reasoned that Silver Spoon would be bringing somepony special to meet her. The poor filly never had the confidence to so much as purchase a new pair of eyeglass frames without her approval. Doubtlessly, she would need to hear Diamond’s two bits about her new coltfriend. There would be a coltfriend. Of course there would be, one for every filly but the most beautiful one in town.

Jealousy was a friend she welcomed just as much—if not more—than Silver Spoon. This friend convinced her, after some mental gymnastics, that her lack of a suitor signified more about Ponyville than herself. Her father searched tirelessly for a suitable companion, a counterpart to court and woo the princess of the Rich castle. He’d come up empty-hooved after a year of fruitless searching.

Diamond Tiara didn’t despair; Ponyville was but one insignificant dot on the Equestrian map. Once she graduated school, she would be free of this wretched place and find her destiny among the stars in Canterlot.

Finally, once her patience had been completely starved, anorexic in Silver Spoon’s delay, Diamond Tiara’s efforts were rewarded. “A-ha! There you are! Thought you could just blow me off, didn’t you?”

Silver Spoon joined her behind the bakery, resting on her haunches. She set down her saddlebag and began to rustle through its contents. The container seemed bottomless, her forehoof pointless in its search. She ignored the inquiry and doubled her attempts, sticking both of her forehooves in this time.

Diamond Tiara raised a curious eyebrow. “So, where is he?”

“He?” Silver repeated, looking up from the bottomless pit.

“Yes. He. Your coltfriend. I assume that’s what this is all about?”

Silver swallowed. Again, she ignored Diamond’s question and peered into her saddlebag. There, buried underneath a mound of school papers and assorted candy wrappers laid the most terrifying thing in Equestria. No monster in the deep or the dark held a candle to the flame that flickered between her forehooves. Silver Spoon gathered every ounce of strength within her and pulled the object free.

“Silver Spoon? Didn’t you hear me?” Diamond barked. No response. Silver started to tremble and began to mutter inaudibly, far below her hyperventilating breath. Her friend took a cautious hoof-step towards her, repeating, “Silver Spoon? Are you alright? Silver Spoon?”

Silver Spoon slammed her eyes shut, and before she could stop herself, thrust the gift towards Diamond Tiara. “For you!” She gasped, immediately regretting the decision.

In her forehooves, she held a simple heart-shaped box of chocolates. There was no declaration of love, no fancy glitter or looping letters. Just a plain box of chocolates, purchased at Sugar Cube Corner a few hours beforehoof. Silver creaked open an eyelid and peered from her peripherals. The box was still in her grasp. Diamond stood on all four hooves in front of it, but did not take the gift.

Through her haze, Silver Spoon heard Diamond Tiara hiss, “What is this?”

Silver felt her hooves grow heavy. Her vocal cords strangled in her throat, neurons firing and demanding a response but unable to articulate anything but a whimper.


The box fell into the dirt.

Diamond Tiara grabbed Silver Spoon, forcing her muzzle against hers. “What is this, Silver Spoon?!”

Weakly, Silver Spoon stammered, “A-a g-g-gift for you, T-Tiara.”

A gift. A Hearts and Hooves Day gift. Diamond Tiara never received one like this before. Especially not from a filly. Especially not from her best friend.

“Is this some kind of cruel joke?!”

“No! No! I—“

“Is this because I can’t get a coltfriend? Huh?! You think this is funny, do you?”

“No! Diamond Tiara, I just… I…”

“You what?”

There it was. That word again. No, many of them. Years full of them. Syllables and sentences, combined and jumbled and blended together within her mind. Words that kept her up in the night, that went bump in the night, that spoke of something she couldn’t imagine or accept or understand. Those were the words that led her to this purchase, this moment.

Silver Spoon couldn’t hide it anymore.

“I like you, alright?!”

She pushed away from Diamond Tiara out of fear, not anger. In her mind’s eye, she saw a forehoof raised against her—against yet another fillyfooler. Yes, that’s what she was. There was no other word for it.

Silver Spoon stared at the ground and the discarded box of chocolates. “I… I… I really like you, Diamond Tiara. As more than a friend,” she confessed, crestfallen and ashamed.

The heat of Silver’s blush was but a mere upwards tick on the mercury. Speechless, Diamond Tiara felt white-hot rage proliferate and spread. Her best and only friend was a fillyfooler. Not only that, but she wanted to fool her of all fillies. It wasn’t just lame.

It was disgusting.

Diamond Tiara’s kidneys kicked into high gear, adrenaline activated and dispersed. Fire pulsated through her veins, ready for action. The only matter at hoof was that age-old debate of survival: fight, or flight.

She chose flight, pivoting on her hindhooves and kicking up dust as she galloped away. No destination in mind, Diamond Tiara barreled through town center and towards farmland and heartland, Silver Spoon hot on her hindhooves.


“I’m home!”

Babs Seed strode through threshold of the farmhouse. Inside, Big Macintosh and Granny Smith were relaxing in the living room, reading newspapers. The stallion greeted his visitor with a grin and set down his paper, quickly joining her in the entryway. “Hey there, Babs. Whatcha got in yer saddlebags?”

“Uh, nothin’,” she muttered, avoiding his gaze. “’Ey, have youze seen Apple Bloom anywhere?”

“She’s in her clubhouse!” Granny Smith peered over the top of her newspaper. With a wink, she added, “Ah think she was wantin’ ya ta go see her, youngin’.”

Oh, horseapples, not now. Forcing an awkward smile, fighting the surge of crimson once more, Babs chuckled awkwardly and said, “Oh, really? Heh, heh. Well then, uh, I’d best be goin’ ta—“

“Y'all play nice, ya hear?” Granny said.


Big Mac looked curiously to his cousin and back to his grandmother. “Uh, Granny, what are ya—“

“Oh, aren’t ya jus’ the slow one!” Granny scoffed. “Babs, run along. Ah’ve got some family history ta share wit’ Big Mac here. Apparently, he’s a might slow.”

“Granny, Ah’m not—“

Disregarding the brewing debate, calling upon the last sliver of her courage, Babs Seed turned and galloped towards the far orchards, saddlebags heavy despite their contents.

First Applejack an’ Citrus, then Ma, now Mac an’ Granny. Everypony knows. Nopony’s kicked me ta the curb yet. Ma still ain’t dat happy wit’ it, but she ain’t dat bad wit’ it, either.

But, what she said... Am I... sure?


The journey from farmhouse porch to Cutie Mark Crusaders treehouse proved to be the longest trek she’d made in years. Though it neared obsolescence, the structure remained—even if it truly suited only one solitary Crusader. The four friends kept their weekly meetings and went on all possible adventures, seeking the one cutiemark that awaited.

Since their stargazing, Apple Bloom kept light and optimistic about her destiny. Whenever she seemed close to despair, one of her friends inevitably found something else to try. Babs assured her that the time would come, and it would be beautiful, and she would be proud. That helped, too.

Two more years remained until graduation and adulthood. Then, perhaps, there would be no more crusades. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle spoke of Cloudsdale and Canterlot far too much to discount the possibility.

For now, Babs Seed shook the future from her brow, the present looming and arriving at the drawbridge to her destination. She hecked her saddlebags, ensuring her meager gifts were still in her possession. Suddenly, she realized she'd made a crucial error.

Horseapples! I didn’t get a card! Youze are supposed ta get cards fo’ ponies youze like, right? Like we gave cards ta Cheerilee an’ Applejack an’ such? Buck.

The sky was a pristine cyan, the grass a gorgeous green, and the sun illuminated everything in between with perfect radiance. The pegasi worked overtime bringing this Hearts and Hooves Day to fruition—no clouds darkened this sky, and the wind was pleasant, rather than overwhelming.

Babs Seed groaned in annoyance. Even the scenery mocked her.

Well, iffa I blow dis one, I’ve got nopony ta blame but maself.

Taking a deep breath, Babs put one hoof in front of the other, time and time again, an entirety of hoof-steps passing until she finally reached the clubhouse door.

Knock, knock.

From within came the gentle reply: “Come in.”

Babs didn’t remember the door being this heavy. Nor did she remember it being so hard to breathe. Her heart, strengthened by both leisure and labor, thundered in its acceleration, as if she’d never exercised in her nearly sixteen years of life.

Babs Seed slowly entered the clubhouse. There, casually resting on her haunches, Apple Bloom greeted her with a grin and a, “Hello, Babsy.”

Babs swallowed. “H-h-hey.”

“Whatcha got in yer saddlebags?”

Apple Bloom rose to her hooves and trotted over. In the sunlight, her red-orange irises sparkled, rubies rivaling any Diamond Dog’s trophy. Her mane, normally braided back and adorned with her bow, flowed behind her. Long, wavy locks of red mane they were, crimson as a Crusader’s cape, brushed with no strand out of place. Her trademark bow was strangely absent. As she approached, Babs Seed caught the scent of cinnamon and apples—her scent—along with something else. Something pleasant and intoxicating. Something that reminded her of Rarity's boutique.

Babs shuddered, recalling its name. Perfume.

“Oh! Ah! I jus’ got, er, some things f-f-fo’…”

Babs Seed trailed off, letting her sentence fragment. The tiny treehouse began to compress and shrink around her. At the same time, mercury shot through its thermometer, practically boiling the air. “Eh, heh, it’s pretty hot in heeya… Maybe I should, uh… open a window…”

Babs gently dropped her saddlebags to the floor and rushed over to the window, thrusting it open. The breeze offered no relief. From tip of her snout to her hindhooves, she burned, lit aflame and left to ember on the surface of the sun. She stared intently into the cloudless sky, breathing deep and slow.

Behind her, a set of hooves slowly approached. “You alright, Babsy?”

Would be, iffa youze stop usin’… dat term… “Y-y-yup! I’m fine!”

Giggling, Apple Bloom said teasingly, “Yer as red as ma mane.”

“It’s jus’ hot in heeya!” Babs protested, her eyes glued to the horizon. Not as hot as—

“Oh, is it?” Apple Bloom giggled. “It feels fine ta me. Are ya sure there’s nothin’ else wrong?” She joined Babs Seed by the windowsill and nuzzled her neck. “Yer pretty sweaty, too… Are ya sure yer feelin’ alright?”

Spinning on a bit, Babs Seed turned, feeling those eyes staring expectantly into hers. Their owner grinned from cheek to cheek, her molars perfectly polished and brushed. In their distance—inches, if one was generous—she could practically taste the mint on her breath.

Apple Bloom was beautiful. Babs Seed had always thought so. Whether she was smiling at her across from the breakfast table, or passing notes to her in class, or curled up beside her as she slumbered, she was beautiful. No. She was far more than that.

Though their first had impression had been far less than positive, Apple Bloom had never faltered from her since. They were more than just cousins or friends. They were something more, something that made Babs Seed’s heart both accelerate and arrest in the same breath. In her hooves, she felt no fear. She felt strong. Invincible.

When she was a foal, the last night in Ponyville had been her first release from the nightmares. Apple Bloom drove her demons away, parting the blackness and granting her the most peaceful night she'd had in years. Since she’d made her choice, she’d had no nightmares since, though she hadn’t forgotten her roots. She would always have them. But, with Apple Bloom, they didn’t seem as painful.

Babs Seed may have been strong, but Apple Bloom was stronger.

Apple Bloom leaned against her, nuzzling her cheek. She was radiant and brilliant, practically glowing in the sunlight. Her eyes, coat, and mane matched the colors of sunset. The sunset that enchanted her so, that enthralled her since her foalhood, smiled back at her now, muzzle-to-muzzle with her.

Ridiculous a premise it was, Babs Seed couldn’t stop herself from thinking, She’s at her most beautiful right now. Mo’ beautiful, iffa dat’s possible.

Apple Bloom whispered, voice smooth and sultry, “Cat got yer tongue?”

No, but maybe—

Shoving that particular thought aside, Babs laughed, looking at everything but the filly leaning against her. “Heh, youze is pretty funny, Apple Bloom. I—“

A pair of forehooves wrapped around her neck, and a kiss silenced her.

Babs found her breath somewhere between a black sea and an electric current. Her heart skipped a few beats, cardiac looming, as she simply asked, “What’s…w hat’s gotten inta youze?”

“Ya’ll see. It’s Hearts an’ Hooves Day, Babsy. An’ Ah have a present fer ya. But first… why don’t ya show me what’s in yer saddlebag?”

Releasing her, Apple Bloom took a few cautious hoof-steps backward. Her captive quickly strode over and rustled through her saddlebag.

Flowers in one hoof, cupcake in the other, Babs Seed offered them to the sunshine watching her. “These are fo’ youze. Happy Hearts an’ Hooves Day,” she mumbled, blushing.

Celestia, get a grip! She’s jus’ Apple Bloom. Youze been feelin’ dis way fo’ years. What makes it so different now?

“Oh, wow! Thank ya, Babsy, they’re beautiful. An’ this cupcake looks great, too! Pinkie did a good job,” Apple Bloom gushed.

Gently placing both items on the lunch table in the corner of the clubhouse, Apple Bloom trotted over to Babs Seed and took her forehooves in her own.

Chuckling, relieved that her last-minute gifts were a success, Babs replied, “She sure did! Glad youze liked ‘em, Bloom.”

“O’ course Ah would. They’re from you.”

“Heh, right.”

Apple Bloom leaned against Babs Seed's chest, listening to her heart quicken its rhythm in her presence. She looked up into her eyes, smiling softly. Babs smiled back and wrapped her forehooves around her waist, holding her close.

Babs Seed towered over her in multiple ways. She was six inches taller and at least thirty pounds of pure muscle and steam heavier than her. In her embrace, Apple Bloom was safe, secure, invincible. She could do anything with Babs Seed by her side.

Though she’d fared far better at containing her nerves than her counterpart, Apple Bloom was just as nervous, if not moreso, and laid there for a few torturous minutes. In the silence, they simply sat, birds chirping outside the clubhouse their only interruption.

Once she’d gathered all her meaningless, meager courage, Apple Bloom tilted her head back to meet Babs Seed’s gaze and whispered, “Ah guess yer wonderin’ why Ah’m all… like this?”

Slowly, Babs answered, “Well… I’d be lyin’ iffa I said I wasn’t. Not dat I don’t… like it…”

She blushed, cursing herself. Dammit! Why don’t youze jus’ put youze hoof in youze mouth right now?!

“Yer so cute when yer nervous, ya know that?”

“Ah, heh... I didn't know dat..."

Apple Bloom giggled. She twirled a forehoof through her mane as she said, “Sweetie Belle helped me wit’ ma mane earlier this mornin'. Went over ta Rarity's. She did good, don't ya think?”

Babs nodded slowly, swallowing. “Y-yea, she really… d-did.”

“Listen, Babs…”


Sighing, Apple Bloom dug a forehoof at the floorboards. “Ah think… Ah’m…”

Her turn to be bold, Babs urged, “Youze?”

Apple Bloom tried again. “Well, Ah’m… Ah…”

“What is it, Apple Bloom?” Babs Seed leaned down. “C’mon, youze can tell me anythi—“

“Ah love you."

Babs Seed’s heart stopped.

Liba Scales explained, "So, you see, Babs… unless you are absolutely certain that you do feel this way, and you are certain that it will or most likely can work, you should not pursue this any further."

“Ah love you.”

Once she felt her heart beat again, Babs knew.

Apple Bloom reached up and pressed her muzzle to Babs Seed's. She let herself ramble, forgetting to breathe. Four years flowed through her words, thick, dark rivers of the heart brought to light.

“Ah think Ah’ve always loved ya. Ah love how strong ya are, how ya protect me, how ya smile, how ya laugh. Yer accent. Yer mane. Yer… everythin’.

"An’ at first, Ah thought it was jus’ a crush, when we were foals…. Ah thought that Ah’d grow out o’ it. But when we went ta Manehatten, an’… this happened...”

Apple Bloom gently touched Babs’ left ear. In spite of the heat, Babs shivered, catching the chill in her spine. Ahh, Bloom, don’t—

Apple Bloom continued with a smile, “When that happened Ah… Ah knew, Ah think, then, that it was mo’. Mo’ than that. On that night, Ah think Ah… felt somethin’ stronger. An’ all through these years, it hasn’t changed. It’s only grown.

“Ah’ve talked wit’ Applejack, an’ Sweetie an’ Scoots, an’ it’s… It’s strange, you an’ Ah, ain’t it? Some even say it’s wrong… But…

"Ah… Ah can’t stop what Ah feel. Ah don’t know when exactly, but Ah jus’ know…

“Ah jus’ know, Ah love ya, Babs.”



The bully from the East, the hero in the clearing, the fourth Crusader, and Babs Seed whispered back, taking Apple Bloom’s forehooves in her own, “I love youze, too.”

There they were. The three words. Powerful.


This time, it was Apple Bloom's turn to stutter. “Y-y-ya do?”

“Yea. I do. I’m… I’m not good wit’ words, Bloom, but iffa there’s anythin’ I know, it’s dat I love youze.”

Babs kissed her on the snout, and then, asked, sincere and stuttering, “Will… w-will youze be m-ma f-f-filly?”

Please, please, please—

Nuzzling her neck, Apple Bloom declared, “Ah always have been.”

Relieved, Babs Seed nuzzled her back. “An’ I’ve always been youze.”

Apple Bloom sighed. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were right. It was an excellent gift, one that couldn't be wrapped or boxed or purchased. She'd fumbled with her bits for weeks, finding everything else inadequate. She'd decided on this, and with the blessing of two Crusaders and one sibling, knew that it was a perfect gift.

It was her heart, beating in time against Babs Seed's.

Finding that she fit perfectly against her filly’s chest and in her forehooves, one Apple muttered to another, “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, sugarcube,” and soon drifted off to sleep.

Babs Seed held her close and waited for her to wake. What’s dat youze said once, Bloom? Iffa youze could wait all dis time ta meet me, youze could wait a lil’ longer fo’ me ta wake up? Well… I’ve got all the time in Equestria fo’ youze. She quietly watched Apple Bloom stir, eyelids twitching with R.E.M. sleep.

In Apple Bloom’s dreams, the pair ran together down a field of perfect, rolling hills, endless and vast. Soon, the green gave way to gold, desert plains and sands stretching far into the west. They continued, trotting together into the horizon. Apple Bloom was not afraid of what waited in the distance. She was not alone. She was loved.

Despite her blankflank, she was complete. She was whole.

In spite of her ear, Babs Seed felt the same.


“Tiara, wait! Please!”

Silver Spoon thundered her hooves against the ground, sending clumps of dirt and grass flying in her wake. Her quarry galloped beyond her reach, faster and faster, past the boundary of town’s center and towards rows of apple trees.

Diamond Tiara stayed straight on course, charging into Sweet Apple Acres. Apples or no Apples, she would lose the fillyfooler scrambling behind her. She was quite sure Silver Spoon enjoyed being in second place (the pervert), but hurried along anyway.

“Leave me alone, Silver Spoon! Just go away!”

“P-p-please!” Silver cried. “P-please just let me e-explain!”

Glancing over her shoulder, Diamond shouted, “Explain what? That my best friend wants to buck me?!”

Diamond turned to the left just in time, almost careening into an apple tree in her haste. She dove straight into the heart of the orchards, the trees surrounding them growing thicker and thicker by the passing second. Silver Spoon huffed and puffed at her hindhooves. Soon, the fillyfooler would lose her steam, leaving Diamond Tiara alone to escape.

There was much work to be done. So many photographs, notes, and gifts would make fine kindling for the Rich Family home’s fireplace. There would be no trace of Silver Spoon in her life, as if she’d never existed. It was for the better. Fillies of fine heritage such as herself could not be tainted by the poisonous influence of deviants. Her father was correct. He always had been.

Unfortunately, Diamond Tiara’s locomotive ceased its steam first, skidding to a halt before a tree trunk. She leaned against the bark and took deep, heaving breaths, ignoring the sound and sight of the despicable filly coming to a stop beside her.

Silver Spoon reached over to her with a forehoof. Diamond Tiara jumped aside. “Don’t you touch me! What is wrong with—“


Two fillies turned in unison, forgetting their bickering. This time, it wasn't Babs Seed growling at them.

From the trees came a strange creature, its eyes a pair of glowing emeralds, its jaws revealing sharp, jagged teeth. The strangest part of all was the creature’s structure. The monster appeared to be constructed entirely out of wood. No puppet strings guided its limbs; the beast moved of its own accord.

Though Diamond Tiara didn’t know its identity, Silver Spoon did. Even with knowledge of its name, the filly possessed no power over the monstrosity.

Trembling, Silver Spoon muttered, “Timberwolf.”