• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 2,922 Views, 105 Comments

Big Sister Rainbow - Nova Force

Scootaloo wants to participate in the Sisterhooves Social, so she decides to ask Rainbow Dash to be her sister! Will Rainbow Dash make the commitment, or will an opportunity to hang out with the Wonderbolts interfere with Scootaloo's plans?

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Asking Her Hero

“C’mon everypony! We gotta git these grapes crushed for the Sisterhooves Social this weekend!” Applejack said. “I appreciate y’all comin’ to help. This year we expect a big turnout on accounta last year being a big success!”

Sweet Apple Acres was where Applejack and Apple Bloom called home. They worked hard with their older brother, Big McIntosh, to maintain the farm and grow crops. Since the Sisterhooves Social was a large event, however, they asked their friends to come and help. Thanks to the magic of friendship, their friends always came through.

Applejack watched as Pinkie Pie and Rarity came back from the forest collecting grapes in a large bucket. Normally she would help her friends, but she had already collected a bucket of grapes by herself and was taking a breather.

“How much longer until we get some of Granny Smith’s new cider?!” Pinkie Pie said as she and Rarity finished carrying a large bucket of grapes to the barn.

“Yes, how much longer indeed? I simply cannot wait to have a taste of this new cider!” Rarity said.

Twilight Sparkle emerged from the barn with Big Mac. “I’m not trying to be pushy AJ, but we have been working pretty hard all afternoon. Do you think it would be possible for you to check with Granny Smith to see if we can have some of her cider?” The other ponies gathered around Twilight as she made the request.

Applejack could see that her friends had worked up quite the sweat – even Rarity! She turned to her brother, “Whad’ya think Big Mac? Should we ask Granny for some cider?”

Without hesitation, Big Mac spoke for everypony when he said, “Eeyup.”

“Did I hear somepony say ‘cider’?” Just then, Granny Smith, along with the three Cutie Mark Crusaders, came over to the barn carrying with them several pitchers filled with the new golden cider. “I reckon you ponies deserve to have some of this here new cider of mine. Well, drink up! It’s the least I can do for you after all the helpin’ you’ve done today.” Granny Smith began pouring glasses for each pony.

“Wowie! This new cider is super yummy!” Pinkie Pie had no trouble finishing her glass.

“Goodness gracious! This new cider is simply divine! Oh, thank you Granny Smith,” Rarity said.

“You’ve really outdone yourself this time Granny Smith,” Twilight said.

“Well gosh, after all the work y’all did today, you earned it.” Granny Smith began pouring glasses of the new cider for the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“Thanks a lot Granny Smith!” Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo said in unison.

While drinking their glasses, Scootaloo went up to Twilight. “How much longer until Rainbow Dash gets here? I have something to ask her.”

Twilight looked down at Scootaloo. “I’m not exactly sure. We told them to be here today in the afternoon. She and Fluttershy should be returning from Cloudsdale any time now.”

All of the ponies quickly filled up on the new cider. Fortunately, they were able to save a pitcher with enough for Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Applejack and Big Mac were closing up the barn as the rest of the ponies followed Granny back to her house for some relaxation. Every couple of minutes Scootaloo could not help but look up and scan the sky for any incoming pegasi-shaped figures. She had always been excited to see Rainbow Dash whenever possible, but this time was different. Spending time with Rainbow Dash was one thing, but Scootaloo was essentially going to ask if she would be her sister for a weekend. Even thinking about asking made Scootaloo’s heart skip a beat.

A few moments later Applejack and Big Mac returned from the barn and joined the others back at Granny’s house. Rarity and Sweetie Belle were sitting with Granny on the porch, while Twilight acted as the “adult supervision” for Pinkie Pie who was playing with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

“Hoo-ie! Nothing like a hard day of work!” Applejack said with a smile.

“Eeyup!” Big Mac held his head high.

On the porch Sweetie Belle looked over at Granny Smith. “Say Granny, any chance we could have that remaining cider?”

Rarity’s face flushed with embarrassment. “Sweetie Belle, please! Don’t be so selfish. That cider is for Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash when they get here.”

“But they’re not here! And they didn’t even help out around here!” Sweetie Belle looked at her sister sternly.

All Granny Smith could do was laugh. “Now now, my little pony, just cuz they didn’t help out around the farm doesn’t mean they didn’t bust their tails up at Cloudsdale. I know those ponies well enough to know they put their hearts into their work as much as we do.”

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.” Sweetie Belle continued to looking longingly at the pitcher of the remaining cider.

As the other ponies continued to play in front of the porch, Scootaloo noticed how much Apple Bloom truly loved Applejack and Big McIntosh. Sure, Apple Bloom laughed whenever she played with her and Sweetie Belle, but Scootaloo could see that only Apple Bloom’s family could connect with her and bring out certain untapped feelings of happiness. Scootaloo could see the same thing with Sweetie Belle and Rarity. Those two in particular had reached a special connection after last year’s Sisterhooves Social – a feeling of connectedness that Scootaloo had always hoped to experience someday.

Pinkie Pie looked up at the sky and started jumping. “Hey! Look! Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are coming!”

Scootaloo immediately snapped her head up and searched the sky. Lo and behold, coming in with that unmistakable rainbow color palette was Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy was flying by her side. The two were having a conversation that was out of earshot, but they quickly broke from it to wave at their friends. Granny Smith already began pouring each of them a glass of cider. Scootaloo noticed an acceleration in her heartbeat as Rainbow Dash came closer. By the time they touched down, she started getting knots in her stomach.

“Hey guys, sorry we’re late,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Aw, that’s alright. Here! You two have yourselves some cider,” said Granny Smith as she handed the pegasi the two glasses of cider.

“Oh thank you so very much,” said Fluttershy.

“Oh boy! I’ve been looking forward to this all day!” Rainbow Dash wasted no time taking in her glass of cider.

As the afternoon settled into the evening, Scootaloo was having a terrible time finding the right moment to ask Rainbow Dash if she would be her big sister for the weekend. Whenever Scootaloo looked over at Rainbow Dash she was always surrounded by her friends. Currently she was in the kitchen watching Pinkie Pie bake a cake. The little pegasus grew frustrated. Jeez, I wish everypony would just leave so I could ask her in private. I don’t get to see Rainbow Dash very much, so I got to make this moment count! If only we could be alone for a sec…

Since both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom knew that Scootaloo wanted to ask Rainbow Dash to the Sisterhooves Social, they were close enough to her to know when something was bothering her. Now was one of those times. Putting two and two together, they realized she wanted a just a few moments alone with her role-model. The two Cutie Mark Crusaders walked over to their respective big sisters and whispered to them what they knew about Scootaloo’s plan. After hearing their story, both Applejack and Rarity ever so subtly began weaning their friends away from Rainbow Dash. Twilight and Fluttershy got the hint and walked outside over to Granny Smith, who was helping Big Mac start a campfire. All that remained was getting rid of Pinkie Pie.

“Aaaaaand now we add the icing!” Pinkie Pie began frantically squeezing out tubes of multi-colored icing. Rainbow Dash watched her friend with a mixed-sense of fascination and bewilderment.

Scootaloo entered the kitchen. Pinkie Pie took no notice, but Rainbow Dash welcomed the company, as she suddenly realized she was now all alone with Pinkie. “Hey squirt!”

The knots in Scootaloo’s stomach increasingly grew tighter. “Uh, hey Rainbow Dash! It’s great to see you.” Rainbow Dash smiled in return, which helped put Scootaloo’s nerves more at ease. Right now, her task was to distract Pinkie long enough for her to leave. “Say Pinkie Pie, Granny Smith and Big Mac are working on a campfire… you think maybe you could go get us some marshmallows for us to roast?”

Hearing the word “marshmallow” was enough for Pinkie to stop dead in her tracks putting icing on the cake. She jumped into the air. “Did somepony say marshmallows? And a campfire?! Say no more!” With that, she sprinted out of the kitchen past Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash causing them both to spin in their place.

When they regained their equilibrium, Scootaloo was finally alone with Rainbow Dash. This was her moment.

“Um, Rainbow Dash, may I ask you something?” Scootaloo said as she lost the feeling in her hooves.

“Sure, squirt! You can ask me anything!” Rainbow Dash leaned in closer to Scootaloo to hear what she had to say.