• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 2,294 Views, 156 Comments

Absolution - Cynewulf

Scootaloo is trapped on a ship in deep space with Ghosts and a computer who has problems of it's own.

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IV. Supplemental: A History of Who I Love, Mother Superior

AfterPony Status: 77%
Personal Messages, 3 of 3

From Rainbow Dash, Accessed 29 times in the last 3 months, 4 days, 5 hours.

[Commander Rainbow Dash sitting in her room at Belle Mansion in Upper Canterlot. Light behind her, time-stamped at 1:15 PM.]

Heya, squirt. How’s it goin’?

I figured I should make one of these too. It was actually my idea, giving them all to your friends. Twi was behind the whole spreading them out thing. I thought it was silly, but sometimes Twilight’s plans turn out alright even when they look silly, so...

I know I just saw you. I mean, by the time you get this, it might be like... weeks or months, or something. I dunno. But, for me, I saw you like yesterday. I’m making this right after your last simulator run through the meteors. I hate how they freak all the pilots out with that thing. It’s so unnecessary, how much they stress it. I mean, don’t get me wrong, that thing is awesome. But... I don’t know.

I guess...

Look, I’m not good at this, Scootaloo. I’ll make sure I record a few more of these that are a little happier. If Twilight ever manages to get the long-range communications equipment to work, we’ll all call you, even!

I just... you wouldn’t look me in the eyes, kid. I hate that. Don’t do that. Nopony should ever have to, especially not with me. I can't say that enough times

Yeah, you hurt my wing. I ain’t happy about it. [Commander Rainbow Dash takes the camera in her hooves and moves it so that her wings are visible. There are old marks where they were burned and twisted. Records show that damage from the accident in the Heart involving the Commander and Pilot First Class Scootaloo left the Commander with serious injuries. Estimated wing functionality reduced by roughly 25%. Wing previously injured.]

But kid, you know I wasn’t in top shape. I mean, yeah, most ponies don’t know about the whole... chaos thing. Now that I think about it, you might not know.

Scootaloo, I am not mad at you. Okay? When I was younger and even stupider than I am now—yeah, I can barely believe it myself!—Rarity, Twilight, Fluttershy, and me all got into some tricky business. Like, Equestria in Danger kinda stuff. Anyhow, I got hurt bad.

I was never gonna be a Wonderbolt, and that hurt. It still does. But my wing being messed up isn't your fault.

So don’t you dare go and take all the blame for that. Because that crap was my fault, Scoots. We shouldn’t have been there. I knew the pods were on. I wasn’t actually cleared to train you in there. I just... I thought it would be cool. I didn’t think about it. Old habits die hard.

Nopony should be afraid to look somepony in the eye, especially not me. You’re a good kid. Aw hell, you’re not even a kid anymore. You’re grown up, aren’t you? You grew up into a good mare, Scootaloo. A pretty radical kind of pegasus, if I say so myself. You were a great fit for this mission. Others may have been a bit faster on the navicomp than you, but you knew what it meant to have somethin’ to prove, and I knew that would make you the best. And besides, you had me helping you along! Am I right? [She laughs.]

So... buck up, kid. I’m proud of you. We all love you, but you know that. Be safe out there, and we’ll see you when you get home. You’re gonna be a hero! So make sure you’re practicing your autographing skills. I might just snag myself one. [She laughs again and turns the camera off.]

[Three days later. Time Stamp 10:54 PM. The camera is turned on. The room is dark, with only the bedside lamp on. Commander Rainbow Dash is asleep in the wide canopy bed, and can be heard snoring in the background. The covers are pushed back, as if somepony has left the bed. The camera is carried out of the room and through some halls. It is set down on a table, and turned around. Lady Rarity D’Belle faces it. Records state that the scar over her right eye comes from a confidential incident. Further records are sealed. She lights two torches on the old stone walls before closing the door and sitting before the camera. She clears her throat.]

Is this thing working? Oh... I never could get the hang of these buttons and screens. Bah.

I think it’s recording.

Hello, Scootaloo. I thought I should offer my own send-off, as I know your friends and my... “Lady Consort” are doing. That’s the official title, did you know? She hates it. [She laughs quietly.] She always has.

We are all praying for your success. This might surprise you, but Twilight and I met Fluttershy for tea yesterday, and you quite dominated the conversation. It’s such a lonely thing you go to, isn’t it? Up there, far beyond the stars... oh but it sounds quite out of my league! We are really all proud of you, our brave little Ponyville filly, off to see the universe and match its dark gaze! I know that I was never your favorite back in Ponyville in Rainbow’s circle, but I like to think that when you were older we got along... oh, I’m rambling. But it has been a joy watching all three of you grow up.

I say all of this because I care about you, Scootaloo. But I also because what I am about to say will seem harsh. I want you to know that sometimes love is harsh, and sometimes great heart will not be denied.

My sister loves you, Scootaloo. Sweetie loves you more than even she knows. Four albums, all of them about you. Have you been listening? Or have you been ignoring the words that are so obvious? For Celestia’s sake, Scootaloo, there is a song called “Feathers”!

She’s going to tell you over these videos. In fact, she already has. She told me last time we talked, and I couldn’t make her see sense. She’s a fragile girl, Scootaloo. She needs some cushion to break her fall, words that will catch her and say it’s alright, and I don’t think you’ll give them to her.

Stop running, Scootaloo. Don’t do that to her. Don’t do it to Rumble. That boy loves you so much, and I think he’s only now realizing how much Sweetie loves you.

I’m not telling you to accept her love if you don’t return it, Scootaloo. I’m telling you to deny her with all the sisterly love you can muster. Every last ounce of it.

[Rarity looks over her shoulder at the door, pausing. She listens for a moment, and then speaks again.]

Rainbow felt terrible earlier. About you. I think it reminded her of how I was, after we moved into our new home. I don’t blame you for your shame, for I’ve felt similarly. Letting Rainbow down is one of the worst things I can think of for a pony to endure. So you and I have a connection there.

I blame myself, I think. Did I do something wrong? Was I bad example? Sweetie’s followed in my hoofsteps, a filly falling in love with a pegasus who is so beyond her in so many ways. I can’t help but see my own story in hers.

My story has been so full of heartache, and we didn’t have the problems and troubles that lie between you. Rainbow didn’t pine after me for years, like Scootaloo has for you.

I would never choose anypony over Rainbow, Scootaloo. But I don’t think you love Sweetie... and part of me, deep down, is glad. It would be so hard between you. One of you always moving and the other always still, waiting. If we had been that way, Rainbow and I would have split that night after our first function... my House had been restored to me and...

It was a bad night.

Scootaloo, I love my little sister. I wish my nature were more akin to hers, warmer and not jaded from age. I wish we were closer. We’re not unfriendly! In fact, she would say we are close... but we wasted so much time while I learned how to be a sister... I just wonder sometimes. Is she trapped like this, pining after you, because of me? Because she copied me as sisters are wont to do? Did I lead her into a trap?

I don’t even know why I’m talking about this. I had a whole speech prepared and I have quite forgotten it! [She laughs bitterly. She rubs her eyes.]

I’m just... I’m so frightened for her, Scootaloo. This new album of music she’s putting together is so dark and sad. It’s all about you. You’ve heard some of it; I know you have. She told me she’s been playing some of it for you on her video messages. I’m so frightened that you’ll come back and that colt will ask you to marry him and it’ll hurt her beyond repairing.

Tread softly, Scootaloo. Tread so very softly on my little sister’s dreams, but break them as you must.