• Published 1st Jan 2013
  • 1,822 Views, 95 Comments

Archonix's scraps and bits - archonix

Scraps, ideas, deleted scenes, stuff I might work on, or won't work on, or might throw out to others if they're interested.

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Guiding Light deleted scene

Author's Note:

This originally came before the scene in which Rarity is leading Sparkler to understand and accept her new position in life. It adds a little more motivation, but it interrupted the flow of the story.

Why am I publishing it now? Fuck knows. Maybe I just like attention.

Rising Stars

It was insane. It had to be the ramblings of some madmare. She was still at university for Celestia’s sake! It couldn’t be right. She couldn’t be a Duchess. She wasn’t even sure what a Duchess was supposed to do!

“M’lady Amethyst, please remain still!”

Sparkler shook her head for perhaps the hundredth time that morning – if the darkness outside could truly be called ‘morning’ – and tried to ignore the stuffy old chambermare and her assistants as they fussed about her. Yesterday she’d been a university student, a nothing, a nobody who’s only claim to fame was that she’d walloped the most powerful magic user in all Equestria across the face and lived to tell the tale. Now she was going to be presented to the world as the mare who would be, for all intents and purposes, sole heir to whatever remnant of the Unicorn kingdoms still existed.

What was she supposed to do? What was she supposed to say? What--

She squeaked with shock as a measuring tape was rudely inserted between her hindlegs and pulled tight. “What the f-- watch where you’re putting that thing!”

“Please, Lady Amethyst,” the chambermaid – Slight Patter or something like that – tugged at the tape with her magic, pulling it even tighter against Sparkler’s body. “If you’re going to be presented to the court, you must be wearing suitable attire. I merely wish to--”

“I don’t want to be presented to the court, clothed or otherwise!”

“M’lady, you have a duty to--”

“Fuck duty!”

The chambermaid turned a baleful eye on Sparkler and stared at her for a few moments that felt like several very uncomfortable minutes. She didn’t remonstrate or even show any emotion other than a sort of neutral dismissal. Sparkler felt her fire go out. She looked down at her hooves as the chambermare spoke again.

“M’lady Amethyst, forgive me, I appear to have other duties to attend,” she snapped. The tape loosened and fell to the floor and the chambermaid turned, followed closely by the two silent maids at her side.

Sparkler let out a breath as the door snapped shut, and kicked the cursed measuring tape out from beneath her. It landed in a tangled pile in the corner of the room, to burst into flame a moment later. A satisfied smirk grew on Sparkler’s face as the glow of her magic faded. Let them measure her for a stupid robe now...

Anger sated, she turned her attention to the fire crackling in the room’s broad hearth. The long night had brought an autumnal chill to the air that even the thick walls of the castle couldn’t fully hold at bay, but the small guest suite she shared with Dinky was kept tolerably warm by a fireplace almost the size of her University stabling. On first sight she’d thought it to be a mucky closet that had lost its doors; it wasn’t until Dinky had pointed out the very obvious hearth and grate that she’d realised her mistake. Fortunately, she hadn’t thought to try hanging anything in it.

Now the fire filled the room with warmth and light, casting a soft golden glow across everything, almost like a summer sunset. She glanced up at the window that should have been bright with a mid-morning sky and sighed at the sight of wintery stars. Was this what Nightmare Moon had once wanted? Eternal night? She’d probably not thought it through if that was the case. Night-time was cold when it lasted longer than it was meant to.

There was a knock at the door. Sparkler jumped in surprise, wondering how long she’d been staring at the flames, before bolting to the door. She paused then, wondering if she could get away with ignoring the visitor, but then her sister bounced in from the bedroom, squealing and singing, convinced their mother had returned at last. The way her face would fall when it turned out to be untrue again...

“Dinky, it’s probably just another maid.”


“Just a maid,” Sparkler repeated. Dinky’s eyes widened and her little lip quivered, but she held herself remarkably well. “Go back to your room. I’ll come and read to you in a bit.”


The youngster moped back through to the bedrooms, pausing only to kick the door closed behind her. Sparkler turned back to the door, any chance of escape long gone, as her visitor would surely have heard the entire exchange. She braced herself and yanked the door open. Little could have prepared her for the sight beyond.


Her mother ducked a little as she stepped through the door, looking this way and that. She halted half way into the room, her mane lifting into the air in a breeze that couldn’t exist, and smiled at her daughter.

“Hello Sparkler.”

“Mom what are you doing? What if Dinky--”

“I only came for a moment. I miss you both.” She nuzzled Sparkler’s neck and head, lingering for a while. Sparkler could feel her shivering despite the warmth of the fire. “Come out into the reception hall, I d-don’t want Dinky to hear me.”

She stepped back, allowing Sparkler space to exit, and closed the door. Of course ‘hallway’ was something of a misnomer for the grand space outside the apartment, which was almost a room in its own right. A fire burned in another hearth, larger and less decorated than the one she had just left and comfortable couch-cushions were spread around the walls, interspersed with potted plants or low tables. To the left and right, behind ostentatious horseshoe arches tall enough to accommodate a small dragon, dim and smoky corridors stretched off to join the rest of the castle.

Her mother settled on one of the couches. She looked around, as if unsure of how to react to the space she was, but smiled when Sparkler sat down next to her.

“You aren’t just here because you miss me, mom. I know that look.”

“I never can hide anything from you,” her mother replied, keeping her voice low. Her lips smiled a light smile that wasn’t quite mirrored in her eyes. “I just had a very noisy conversation with one of the senior chambermaids. She thought you were very rude to her.”

“She tried jamming a measuring tape up my--” The echo of her words from the far wall caught Sparkler by surprise. She lowered her voice to a harsh whisper as she continued. “I don’t care what anyone says, I’m not letting her torment me and I am not going to be paraded in front of all those snobs!

“I wouldn’t force you, Sparkler, but apparently you need to make an appearance sooner or later. Twilight--”


Her mother frowned just a little and continued, ignoring Sparkler’s outburst. “Twilight tells me that there are all sorts of rules about it. If you aren’t officially invested, you stop being a duchess, and then somepony might try something dumb.”

“I don’t want to be a duchess! I was going to be a writer!”

“And you’re a very good one,” her mother replied. Her smile was more genuine this time. “At least let yourself be measured for the dress, Sparkler. If it makes you feel better we’ll say it’s a present from me for no reason at all.”

“I dunno... she was pretty rough with that tape.” Sparkler resisted the urge to rub at her stomach. She was sure the measuring tape had made a nasty mark there. Her mother was still smiling when she looked up, eyes twinkling like they did when she’d had an idea.

“Would you feel better if someone else did it?”


She was starting to smile like the old Princess. Maybe it was something about the shape of her face, but Sparkler found it a little weird when she did that. “Mom, what are you planning?”

“I’m not planing anything, sweetie, I just happen to have a visitor who might be able to help you out. She was visiting Twilight--”

“Then I don’t want anything to do with her,” Sparkler shot back. She stood up and made to leave, but something grabbed at her chest and held her back. Damn conscience. With a heavy sigh she turned back to her mother and sat own again. “Sorry.”

“It’s all right. Miss Rarity is a good pony.”

“Rarity? You mean the famous fashion designer Rarity? From Ponyville?”

“I mean the pony that always gave me a huge tip when I delivered her mail on hearthswarming eve and who made that Princess Platinum costume for Dinky when she was in the play last year.”

“Oh... oh! But why would she do this?”

Her mother smiled. It was the smile she got when she knew she’d created the perfect batch of muffins or when Dinky did something really cute. The smile Sparkler had missed so much these last few days.


“Sparkler, I want you to be happy.” A wing crept around Sparkler’s back, not quite touching her, the sort of half-hug her mother gave her when she wasn’t sure if it would be appreciated. Sparkler leaned back into it and deliberately sighed. She was rewarded a moment later by the wing enfolding her almost completely.

“I am happy. Kinda.”

“Miss Rarity was dropping really unsubtle hints about doing clothes for both of you,” her mother said. She flicked her wing away from Sparkler and stood up, suddenly all business. “She’ll be so pleased when I tell her. Maybe I’ll finally get some peace.”

“She wants to do it? For free?”

“Probably, but I’ll give her something in return. Maybe a knighthood. I can do that now.”

Sparkler rubbed her face and grinned. “Mom, you’re turning into a real princess, you know that?”

“If I have to spend the next however many thousand years in this place then you bet I’m going to take advantage of it,” she replied, returning the grin, before turning toward the corridor. She paused for a moment and looked back at Sparkler. The smile was gone again. “Does Dinky still...”

“Yeah. No more bad dreams, but she’s still convinced the ‘scary mare’ is out to get her.” Sparkler reached out to hug her mother again, nuzzling her neck. The older mare took a shuddering breath and eased herself away from the hug. “She’ll grow out of it, mom. You’ll see.”

Her mother nodded sadly and turned away again. Sparkler watched until she was out of sight before returning to her apartment and her younger sister.

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