• Published 12th Apr 2013
  • 887 Views, 22 Comments

The Bringers of Armageddon - Biker_Dash

When a terrorist group with strong religious ties make their attacks on Equestria, can the Princesses and a select black ops group of ponies stop them from bringing about the end to an empire? Or will it all end in fire?

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The city of Baltimare woke to light cloud cover overhead as pegasi started bring in clouds for a scheduled late morning shower. Some of the over one hundred thousand ponies living within the city might complain, but, for the most part, nopony really cared. They were wrapped up in their day to day lives to bother worry about the weather, unless it directly affected their work or play.

To one pony who drove an old truck into the city, it mattered more than he thought it would. The way that dawn’s light was striking the clouds, giving them a reddish glow to match the eastern sky right before the rise of the sun. It was a beautiful sight to behold, marred only by the large number of buildings before him and his partner. Silently, he said to himself a small prayer of thanks to the Goddess Faust for blessing him with the beauty of Her creation.

It was a shame, really, that so many did not Believe. Because they did not believe, they could not appreciate the gifts which were bestowed upon them every day. So many chose to live their lives blindly following two alicorns who sequester themselves within the confines of a castle on a mountain, surrounding themselves with society’s elite, and living off the lives of all the ponies who live under their rule. They prayed to the pair of princesses, as if they were goddesses themselves. If only they would just open their eyes and their hearts to the Truth, that Princesses Celestia and Luna were not deities, but were the mortal Daughters of the Goddess, sent to Equis as the Prophets, then maybe they would understand where it is that they err, and would find the true salvation.

Alas, for many, it is too late. For too long, they have turned their backs to Faust, committing blasphemies and sins without regard to the consequences that their actions would bring them. For those, the time of reckoning is coming. It is coming faster than they could ever have imagined.

Kettle allowed himself a faint smile at the thought of being a tool of Faust’s retribution upon the sinners of this world. To have been one of the select few to carry out such a task was an honor that filled him with pride. He knew that when he completed his task, the reward would be beyond anything on Equis. Only the most faithful would receive such a reward, while the unfaithful receive their own reward for their actions.

Kettle looked over to where Bright Light sat, head drooped down snoring softly. It had been a long trip across Equestria, and the two had taken turns driving, to get to the eastern seaboard. They were nearly to their destination now, and then it would just be a matter of waiting for the appointed time.

Kettle and Bright Light had not known one another before a few days ago, but the faith they shared made them Brothers in the eyes of the Goddess. And he was just as loyal as he was, which is why he had been chosen to be a part of this mission. Another reason for him being here was the fact that the accomplishment of the mission required the use of magic, which an earth pony such as Kettle could not do.

An errant driver caused Kettle to slam on the brakes, throwing his Unicorn friend forward against the seatbelt, which prevented an unfortunate collision with the windshield. It also woke the Unicorn from his slumber, who replied to the rude awakening with a yawn and a mild look of annoyance. Looking at the clock on the dashboard, it tells him he did sleep for several hours. The sore muscles in his back and neck tell him that it could have been a much more comfortable sleep.

“Still have a few more hours to wait. Shall we find a place to eat first?” Bright Light asks the driver. “There’s a small diner that serves an excellent breakfast two blocks down from City Hall if my memory serves me,” he informs him.

* * * * *

Lightfoot sat patiently in the waiting lounge for the morning Royal Court to start. He had been here for two hours now, with having to go through all the security checks required for those who wish to have an audience with either princess, on top of the security one must endure just to enter the Castle. And not only security, but the formalities which come with the privilege of being seen by the Alicorn sisters. Well, considering how high a profile target the rulers of this nation would be, and the fact that there have been attacks before, the security is quite understandable. They even had to take a blood sample, just so they could quickly confirm that he was not a changeling. He did not complain though. As long as he was allowed to deliver the message he had been tasked to send, that was all that mattered.

His name was first on the schedule of ponies to be seen during this bi-weekly joint court session. Twice a month, Celestia and Luna would hold a joint session of their court as a means of showing that they ruled equally. Also, this would be the session typically chosen for the audiences that held importance to both rulers. And the message he had for them was directed to both. How the Elders had managed to secure this coveted first position on this day was beyond Lightfoot’s knowledge. It just showed how much influence was carried by certain ponies in high positions.

As the clocks struck the nine O’clock hour, the booming voice of the Royal Guard Sergeant Major announced the beginning of the day’s Royal Court. As he was doing this, a guard pony by the door beckoned him to come stand and wait to be called. When his name was announced, he strode into the Throne Room to stand before the Princesses.

Princess Celestia sat upon her throne looking composed and serene. Being the Princess of the Day, she would of course be at her best here. Her sister, Princess Luna, did not look as perfect. Though she had a smile upon her face, if one looked closely, one could tell that she was tired, and therefore, probably not wanting to be here. Understandable, considering that she was nocturnal by nature, and probably had a busy night dealing with the issues and responsibilities appointed to her. Just the same, she was here, though Lightfoot suspected she would tolerate the day’s coming events poorly.

“Welcome, Lightfoot. And what is it you request of us this morning?” asks the Sun Princess. “My notes tell me that you have an important message to deliver. Please, let us hear what you have to say,” she politely instructs the pegasus before her. Though worded in the most polite manner, it was best to consider it an order, for the Princesses did not take well to dilly-dallying or delay.

The messenger smirks lightly before replying, “One moment, if you please, Your Majesties. My message will be delivered in due time.” All he has to do is wait a few moments. It should be happening at any second.

“I would suggest that you do not delay us, Lightfoot,” Luna told him sternly.

“Have patience, dear Princess,” he replies, saying the last word with open scorn. The tone of his voice did not go unnoticed, causing shocked looks on the faces of all those present.

“What is the meaning of this?” Celestia asks impatiently and with anger in her voice. She was just about to have the guards remove him from the castle when a light brighter than the dawn shown through the stained glass windows facing east.

* * * * *

In the parking lot in front of the city hall of Baltimare sat the truck. When the clock on the dash of the truck switched to nine AM, the pegasus and earth pony both exited the truck cab and trotted to the back, jumping up in to the bed. There, they undid the straps holding a tarp down on the object which they had transported across Equestria.

The device was unassuming in appearance, not drawing any attention from those passing by. The earth pony placed a large box end wrench on the cap on the top and gave a solid tug to loosen it. From there it was easy to twist it around to remove it. Under the cap, a single crystal sat on the top of the device.

Kettle dropped the wrench and cover, and then looked down at all the passing ponies before him. With a loud, booming voice which he had learned when he had spent time as a drill sergeant in Equestria’s guard, he called out to all who listen. “Behold, for the time of Retribution has come to all who sin before the Eyes of the Goddess Faust! The time has passed for you to repent for your sins! No more shall the unfaithful be allowed to continue with their blasphemies! Prepare to stand before the Goddess and receive the Divine Judgment which you have earned!”

A passing police officer landed beside the truck. Looking up to the two, he started to feel a sinking feeling inside that he had another pair of crazies to deal with. “Just what in Tartarus is going on here?” he demands of them?

Bright Light looks down to the pegasus, with nothing but contempt in his heart. “Sinner,” he spits out with disgust, then lights up his horn, and brings it down onto the crystal at the top of the device.

* * * * *

In the sky above the outskirts of Baltimare flew a pair of pegasi. They had been flying since dawn to get here, and one of them was feeling just a bit fed up with the slow pace. The flight from Ponyville would have only taken fifteen or so minutes for the Element of Loyalty, but Fluttershy was not one for traveling quickly through the air. Rainbow dash facehoofed as she once again voiced her complaints about the snail’s pace which they traveled. “Come ON, Fluttershy! We were supposed to meet them at the main gate at nine, and guess what… the watch just beeped at me, so we’re late!” The two of them had both planned to head to Baltimare today, one for a trip to the zoo, and the other to watch a wrestling event that was going on this afternoon. Since they had similar places to go, Rarity had suggested the pair should fly together, being as they were close friends. It was at that time she had asked if they could drop off three front row tickets to a concert with Rarity’s parents and sister.

“Look, Fluttershy, just hand me the tickets, and I’ll take them to Rarity’s parents. Then I’ll wait for-“

She never got the chance to finish the sentence as the world around them lit up like a thousand suns had risen all at once. Fluttershy let out a terrified scream filled with agony as her eyeballs were seared inside her skull, and the intense heat burned them both. On instinct, the canary yellow pegasus froze up, and when she did so, she started to fall. Rainbow Dash was half falling, half trying to glide towards her friend to catch her when a massive shockwave slammed into the pair, sending them tumbling through the air in the general direction of where they had come from.

The cyan mare had been lucky that she had been facing away when the world has suddenly lit up the way it did. She was not completely blind, but it still hurt to open her eyes. She could just make out her friend falling towards the ground and started flying towards her. At least, she attempted to. The force of the blast had pushed her wings in such a way and with such force, that she knew several muscles in her back were strained or pulled. Also, the intense heat had damaged the majority of her feathers, making flight that much more difficult. Still, she was catching up to Fluttershy, and with maybe two hundred feet to spare, she caught up, wrapping her forelegs around her unconscious friend.

Rainbow Dash now has another problem. She is injured to the point that she can barely control her descent, and she has Fluttershy to worry about as well. This would not be so bad if the ground was not coming up on them. Fortunately, off to their left is a river. If she can at least guide their descent, maybe they might survive this. If not, they will make for a pretty colorful splat.

When they hit the water, the coolness of it is a hell of a shock to the system. Not only that, but Dash felt one of her wings dislocate, and her snout was sore as if she had been punched in the face. At least she was alive though! Looking around, she found Fluttershy floating face down in the water a few feet away. Grabbing what remained of her mane between her teeth, Rainbow starts swimming towards shore. Fortunately, they are pretty close.

Once on shore, Rainbow Dash first checks to see if Fluttershy is still alive. Confirming that, she then looks towards Baltimare and stares up at this strange cloud. It is dirty looking, roughly mushroom shaped, and rising from what appears to be the burning remains of the city proper.

“What the fuckin Tartarus just happened?”

* * * * *

The sudden light through the stained glass windows was the signal Lightfoot was waiting for. In a loud voice dripping with contempt, he delivers his message. “The time of reckoning has come for those who have lived in blasphemy and sin for so long! The Children of Faust will no longer stand for the rule of fallen prophets! Those who refuse the Word of The Goddess will fall and face eternity in Tartarus!” He did not get any further with his message due to being tackled by several members of the Royal Guard, who did not even wait for an order from either princess.

“Take him to a holding cell immediately!” bellowed Celestia as her sister practically galloped out of the room to find an open window facing where the light had come from. When one could not be found, she bolted out a door into a small private garden outside, and took flight to a high point on one of the castle towers. Looking towards the east, she could see a strange cloud she could only assume one thing about. She and her sister had discovered in ancient texts over a millennia ago that an ancient race once had built such devices, and had even used them in anger. This sent a chill down her spine that left her frozen in place.

Somepony had discovered how to build a nuclear device.

* * * * *

Things were in chaos right now. Every organization within the Equestrian government was on high alert and scrambling for answers. The military, Equestrian Intelligence Services, and Royal Investigative Services dug deep for any clues they had as to just who The Children of Faust was, and any information they might have on them. They also were trying to access just how bad the situation in Baltimare was, and in this case, one of the biggest sources of information was the news media. What was being reported on the news, combined with other sources, painted a horrifying picture.

Deep within the castle was a mid-sized conference room where the heads of various government bureaus sat around a table, discussing the day’s events with Princess Luna.

“All members of the Royal Guard are now present or accounted for, except for those stationed at Baltimare Naval Station. Every unit stands on high alert, and reports ready for orders. Security at every base is tight and every guard pony knows their standing orders in this situation. Nopony is being allowed to enter or leave base without careful scrutiny, and the guards have been authorized to use deadly force if the situation warrants it,” concludes the Captain of the Royal Guard.

“We still have units reporting in, but so far, all Equestrian military units are reporting that they stand at full alert as well,” General Ironhoof informs the Princess. As of right now, all leaves have been cancelled and all reserve units have been called to active duty. Currently, the readiness state is at roughly sixty percent across the board, though that will quickly increase as the reserve units are still gathering. I expect that by this time tomorrow, we should be at ninety-five percent across the board.

“Might I recommend that we declare martial law, Your Majesty, so that we may be better able to control this situation, including the media. It may become needed,” he concludes.

“Thank you General. For now, I have to disagree with enacting martial law. It would only breed more fear, and give those who are attacking us more clout. Still, it will be considered, in the event that it does become absolutely necessary. Please make sure that medical units in particular are ready to roll as soon as possible. From what reports we have been receiving from the Baltimare area, we can expect to find severe casualties, and they will need us to respond quickly,” Luna tells the earth pony in charge of the Armed Forces.

Twilight Sparkle had been sitting in a corner quietly drafting up plans for the rescue and assistance efforts when a thought came to her. “Princess Luna, if we are going to be sending teams of ponies into the area, we will have to make sure that they are protected from radiation. If what you have told me is accurate, then we will be going into an area that will be very toxic to life.” With what Luna told her about what she saw, and also the ancient documents which she had retrieved from the Starswirl Wing of the library, including the Night Princess’s notes taken over a thousand years ago, then they would need a lot of protective suits made up. Twilight shuddered at the thought of what this meant. Never before in the history of ponykind has such destructive weapons been produced.

“That is being taken care of. We have protective suits being made as we speak. Also, each unit that goes in gets a quick, but thorough brief on procedures before they step foot into the danger zone,” Luna tells Twilight. Unfortunately, they may not be able to produce enough suits to enable enough guard ponies enter the remains of the stricken city. With the sheer size of the blast, she knew that there were most likely thousands in desperate need of immediate medical attention if they were to survive. And even if they were able to get in there to help, how many of those they might reach would be doomed to die.

“Ok, we have all seen the news footage, and the reports that have come in from the surrounding police and fire units, and we know that the situation is dire. Already, there is a sense of growing panic among the population, and the suburban areas around the city are currently overwhelmed trying to deal with this disaster. Fortunately, we can at least deal with that issue. Baltimare, on the other hoof, is the fulfillment of the worst case scenario. We need to deal with this immediately.

“Everypony, Time is of the essence right now. What we are dealing with here is the singular most destructive act in recorded history. We have to assume that the city is lost to us, except for what few survivors we manage to find. When we go in, we must be prepared to see horrors like which none of us have seen before. This will most likely prove to be quite dangerous for those going into the city as well. I have to ask that all of you be prepared to perform above and beyond what should be expected of you. We are now in a state of emergency, and our military is on a wartime footing. Things will only get worse from here, but I will need you to be strong.

“General Ironhoof, you know what is needed. Medical Army and Naval units have the upmost priority right now. I do not care how you have to get the job done, just as long as the needed units are ready to roll within the next twelve hours.” Turning her attention to a lone pegasus in the corner, Luna gives further orders.

Spitfire, have the Wonderbolts meet me down in the Guard medical wing. We will conduct a recon of the area to assess the damage. We shall have to take ground transport, because the protective suits will cover your wings. Go gather the team.”

With that, she strode out of the room to get prepared for the nightmare ahead.

* * * * *

Within the town of Ponyville resides an establishment by the name of Sugarcube Corner. Being a popular hangout, the place was normally lively at this time of day, with customers coming in for their favorite snacks, placing orders for parties and other functions, or socializing in general. Normally, the noise level would be quite high with everypony chatting merrily with one another, whether they happen to be standing while waiting, or sitting at a table or booth with friends. The owners, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, along with the highly energetic Pinkie Pie, would be taking orders, baking, serving delectable foods to customers, or generally doing the things which came with owning a bakery. During normal times, this place would be lively and fun.

Today was far from normal.

Rarity had been sitting in a booth with Applejack talking about the latest antics of their sisters when the flash of light briefly lit up the daytime sky. They had not given the even too much thought until Thunderlane practically flew into the place telling Pinkie to turn on the TV, exclaiming in a half panicked manner that something had happened off in the distance. When the television was turned on, the news left everypony stunned and scared. The news reports were on every channel, and they all talked about a tremendous explosion in Baltimare, which has apparently demolished the city. As the morning continued, more reports came in, and the images seen had everypony stunned.

The one who seemed the worst off was Rarity. Her parents and sister were in Baltimare, and she has not heard a thing from them. Not a single call, nor had any of her attempts to call them gone through. On top of that, she had sent Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to the city to deliver some concert tickets to her family, and nopony has heard from those two either.

Pinkie and Applejack sit with Rarity, each with a foreleg across her back. There is not much that either can do other than be there for their friend, and that is what they are doing right now. Not knowing is especially hard, especially when family is involved, and other than the friends she has here in Ponyville, Rarity’s only family is feared to be caught in the middle of Tartarus right now.

As they sit there in silence, Spike enters the bakery and finds the three mares in their booth. Taking a seat with them, he lets them know what he has found out. “I just got done talking with Twilight, and right now, it is a madhouse in the castle. Twilight is busy helping with the organization of the search and rescue operations to be sent into the city. She wanted to go with Luna and the Wonderbolts, but was told she was needed in Canterlot,” he tells them.

“Any word on RD or Fluttershy, Sugarcube?” Applejack asks softly. She almost asked if Twilight had heard anything from Sweetie Belle or her parents, but caught herself before she could do so.

“Nothing, as of yet, but she is monitoring all the incoming calls, and has her phone on her, just in case. If she hears anything, she will let us know,” came his reply.

The four of them sat there in silence for a while longer as the news continued on about the event in Baltimare.

* * * * *

Thirteen pegasi and one princess arrived at Hoofington General Hospital around mid-afternoon. The city was smaller than places such as Las Pegasus, Manehatten, or the Baltimare. Well, what used to be Baltimare anyways. Still, it was large enough to have a good sized medical facility, and being a suburb of the destroyed city, it made for the best area to set up a staging location for this recon mission into the disaster zone. More personal would be arriving soon, and a headquarters would be set up, most likely at one of the local high schools, which would have the space, rooms, and other facilities for what they will need.

Inside the hospital, Luna and Spitfire were holding a quick conference with the hospital’s department heads. Much information needed to be exchanged, and time was critical. The hospital staff needed to know exactly what they would be dealing with, and how to treat those who have been exposed to dangerous levels of radiation. Also, they needed to know just whom they would be working with once the military personal started arriving. Luna also needed their assessment of the situation, and wanted to know how many injured have arrived, as well as what kinds of injuries the victims suffered.

So far, they had not received a whole lot from areas closer to the blast zone, and none from within the stricken city. So far, maybe fifty ponies have been admitted. They expected to have a lot more once the search and rescue operations began. Most so far that have come in suffered from injuries from flying debris, but some who were closer to Baltimare suffered from various burns. Two in particular had some severe burns, as well as radiation poisoning. They had to have been closer than the others who have made it here. When Spitfire and Luna were given a description of the two ponies with the serious burns and poisoning, they immediately demanded to see them, recognizing the two.

Doctor Strongblood led the pair down the hall to a room near the end. In the bed by the window rested Rainbow Dash. Her wings, head, and back were heavily bandaged, and she had a couple IV’s running into her foreleg. Most of her mane and tail, as well as a good portion of her wings appeared to have been burned off. If not for the drugs which had knocked her out, she would have been in serious pain right now.

“Her and her friend, Fluttershy, were flying into Baltimare when the explosion happened. They were fairly close, and both suffered from some serious burns, as well as some other injuries. Ms. Dash seems to have suffered some radiation sickness as well, though the dosage does not look to be fatal. With time, she should make a full recovery, assuming that the radiation exposure does not develop long term effects,” he explained to the two with him. Looking through his notes, he beckons them to follow.

They have to take an elevator to the next floor up for Fluttershy. She is not faring as well as her friend, and resides in her own room in the Intensive Care Unit. When they reach her room, Luna realizes that the canary colored mare is in grave condition. Though she had received the same amount of burns as Rainbow Dash, most of hers was along her face, throat, and frontal torso. She had more IV’s stuck in her, and was hooked up to numerous monitors. Glancing at the readings on the monitors, Luna could tell that she was hanging on by a thread.

“Fluttershy seems to be more susceptible to the radiation they had received, it appears. Also, the burns received did more damage, due to where she was burned. If she does make it, there will be much more severe scarring. Also, she would probably end up blind for life. I am guessing that she was facing the blast, while Rainbow Dash was facing away. Also, it appears that Fluttershy’s body just is less capable of handling the stress of her injuries,” the doctor explained. “I’m afraid that she may not survive the night. We will do everything within our power, but there are limits to what medicine can do, Princess.” He lets out a sad sigh at admitting this. Though he has seen his share of death, it never gets easy, and each time he loses someone, it hurts deep inside of him.

Luna turns to the doctor, saying, “Please inform me immediately if there is any change in her condition. I shall leave instructions on how to reach me with the staff here.

“Come, Spitfire, we have much to do.” With those words, the two of them turn and head back out to the truck to suit up and head into the city.

* * * * *

The scene was right out of the deepest pit of Tartarus. Complete and utter devastation surrounded them. Some fires still burned within the debris, though most had burned out a bit ago. Still, the heat was oppressive even through the protective suits that they wore. Unfortunately, driving the truck through the area was an impossibility. Most areas could only be passed on foot. They had managed to get to within a half mile of the city zoo when they finally had to pull over and park the vehicle.

The Wonderbolts and Princess Luna emerged from the truck dressed in their full protective gear. While this would protect them from the highly dangerous radiation levels within the area, there was one big problem. None of the ponies wearing them would be able to fly, due to the fact that the wings were entrapped inside the suits. Still, it was preferable to dying of radiation poisoning. Along with the suits, they had Geiger counters to measure the radiation levels. These were quickly left behind, where as every one of them was pegged off the scale when turned on.

“Ok, everypony stay within radio contact with each other, and remember the safety protocols we discussed. Your lives will depend on following procedures to the letter. Check in every few minutes, and make sure not to enter any place that appears to be structurally unsound. If you find anypony alive, call it in IMMEDIATELY! We will get them transported to the hospital post haste. Now, spread out and begin your searches,” Luna instructed, with them quickly obeying.

The trip towards the zoo seemed like they were upon another whole world. Almost nothing was recognizable to their eyes. It would have been a world out of their worst nightmares though, where as now and then, the remains of ponies, charred to the point where they were nothing more than blackened lumps, were seen in areas presumably sheltered from the initial burst.

Soarin moved cautiously through the debris, being careful of his suit that it remained undamaged. Every few minutes, he would call in on his in-suit radio informing the other team members of just where he was located, and any other pertinent information that he felt they should know. Presently, he was approaching a building by the main entrance to what used to be the zoo. At least he thinks that would be the main entrance. The damage made most things difficult to recognize.

“Soarin to team, I’m at the entrance to the zoo. There is a building here that still looks generally stable. It appears to be a rest room. Requesting permission to investigate inside,” he says over the radio.

“I told you to go use the head before we left, Soarin!” cracks Fire Streak.

“Can the chatter. Soarin, how high is your confidence that it is safe to enter the structure?” the Wonderbolts leader asks in reply.

“Very high, Spitfire. The entrances to the building are on the opposite side of ground zero. It should be relatively safe inside.”

“Very well. Proceed with caution and report what you find.”

Soarin walks slowly inside the stallion side of the restroom. What greets his eyes is not pretty. Five dead ponies, three full grown stallions, one teenage colt, and a found foal lay on the floor. From the looks of them, he guesses that they suffered for a while before they finally succumbed to the radiation. Backing back outside, he radios in the five bodies, then proceeds into the mare’s restroom.

There are two full grown mares and a young foal inside, probably around the age of ten or eleven he guesses. He is about to turn around when a soft groan of distress and pain is heard. Checking the two mares, he finds that both are dead, but the filly, he discovers to be alive still. Barely alive, but still, it is a small blessing in this hellish nightmare that used to be a city.

“I found a survivor!” he exclaims over the radio to his teammates. “A small unicorn filly, approximately ten years of age. Suffering from severe dehydration and radiation poisoning from appearances. Will need assistance to get her back to the truck for transport.” Looking down at the suffering foal that is barely conscious, he tells her, “Don’t worry kid. We’ll get you help, and you’ll be ok. Just hold on for me!”

Princess Luna was very quick to respond to Soarin’s call for assistance. She wheeled about and galloped as fast as she could to the location of the main gate. “Spitfire, get the truck ready to roll! Fleetfoot, meet me at the main gate immediately! Everypony else, get to the truck, and be ready to board as soon as we get back with the victim!” she commands over the radio. Fortunately, the team had not gone too far in their explorations, and they quickly complied.
When the two ponies reached the restroom, Luna paused momentarily in shock. She recognized the foal from her times that she had visited Ponyville. The gravely ill unicorn before her was none other than Sweetie Belle, sister of the Element of Generosity. Using her magic, Luna quickly assessed Sweetie Belle’s condition, and determined that they had to get her to the hospital immediately. The princess carefully levitated the filly onto her back, and carried her back to the waiting truck. When everypony was aboard, Spitfire drove back towards the hospital as fast as it could move.

“Princess Luna,” Spitfire called from the cab, “I’ve called ahead, and they have the decontamination unit set up, as well as the needed anti-radiation meds on hand. I told them we should arrive in about 25 minutes, and they have a room in the ICU ready for her.”

“Thank you Spitfire. I also need you to contact my sister, and apprise her of the situation with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, and that we will need the remaining Element Bearers to come to Hoofington. A chariot can be sent to Ponyville to pick up those who are there. And Spike too. He should be here as well.” She was uncertain how long the Element of Kindness would last, and it was best that her friends were here, just in case. Also, Rarity should be with her sister at the end, if at all possible. She prayed that she could at least grant that much, but the Night Princess was not hopeful.

Author's Note:

This one has been a while in the making, but I should make steady progress now that I have finalized my direction with this.
As in the description, you will find numerous pieces of modern tech within this work. If you have technical ideas to share with me, please do so, for I am always open to new ideas and good shit! ^_^

Justin P. "Biker Dash" Emery

Comments ( 22 )

I'm interested to see where this goes.
Following and faving.

2023409 Yeah... this one I want to do in a more Tom Clancy style. One of my two Pony Warfare stories.
I really need to work on thinking about exactly how I want to do this though. There will be quite a bit of technical stuff in it, and, as they say, the Devil is in the details.

I think you mean Tartatus, and hoof not hand. But Gods if this does not have my full attention:pinkiehappy: Holy shit, I can't wait to see how this goes, a full blown out religous war between mortal ponies and the Gods of Equestria themselves? Oh yeah, THIS IS GOING TO BE GOOD!!!!!!! Discord is going to have so much fun with this:yay: Gods, I'm excited for this, I can't wait for more:ajsmug: With Chrysalis herself be in this being one of the Gods? MAN I'M EXCITED!!!!!! There was something else I wanted to point out but can't for the life of me remember what it was:derpytongue2: hoping Derpy will be in this if anything, ALL HAIL DERPY HOOVES!!!!!:derpytongue2::derpytongue2::ajsmug: Sorry, I'm leaving now, I need a smoke:facehoof:

2023455 You need any help, ideas or advice, I got your back bro:twilightsmile:

2305812 Just finding the little details I miss is quite helpful, thank you. Also, I shall have to look up the proper spelling for Hell, though, I suspect that there is actually several spellings. Seems that is the case with numerous obscure words

2305851 Never a problem but from what I got from Fim wiki (which I go to for EVERYTHING that has to do with MLP when writing) is that it's spelled Tartarus but it's to each their own:twilightsmile: And true, very, very true:rainbowlaugh: I'm waiting for all the mortals who dared to oppose te Gods themselves to get completely wiped from the world:derpytongue2:

Holy crap... I'm speehless.. :fluttercry:

Anyone else heard the battlefield 3 theme when they saw the picture? :raritywink:

2413237 Battlefield is good... still prefer Halo myself though lol

2413237 For some reason every time I see something battlefield related, I hear the Battlefield 1942 theme song :rainbowderp::twilightoops:. Not sure why.

2413527 Oh my how I miss that game. That made me laugh so hard! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::yay:

Ok nukes shit just got real also get THE MG42 and MG34

OK, this was better than I thought it'd be. You've really blown me away! :twilightblush:



OK, the fact that this is merely the prologue makes me very interested to see where this goes. I'm betting Fluttershy doesn't make it... :fluttercry: And OMG Sweetie Belle, you poor little thing...

Dem terrorists gonna pay! :flutterrage:

Also, just wondered, is this set after Twilight's coronation or before? Is Twilight a princess in this timeline?

2427180 Actually, I am breaking from canon, and setting this after the timeframe where Twilight became a princess, but in this verse, she does not become one. She remains a unicorn. Just a HUGELY powerful unicorn, being close to the Alicorn sisters in power, and potentially a match for Cadance in power. (when it comes to shield spells, Shining Armor is actually more powerful, but only with shield spells and the like.)


Twilight not an alicorn princess? I'm liking this story even more! :yay:

I just decided to read through this again, since last time.. well, it took me by surprise and shook my brain real hard.

Now that I've had time to settle down, I can say that this simple first chapter is by far the best out of everything I've read of you. It's simple yet complex, and the last paragraphs.. I'll admit, it almost made me cry. Almost.

Can't wait for the next chapter :twilightsheepish:

Damn, Tom Clancy writes about ponies is a perfect description of this story.

No grammatical errors and the descriptions are intensely vivid.

2752983>>2433575 After my HiE story gets posted, I shall be finishing up the next chapter of Armageddon

I saw the BF3 cover and squeed. I still never finished the game after I got it for free on Origin, though...

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