• Published 17th Jan 2012
  • 1,022 Views, 2 Comments

Before the Age of Harmony - Ex-Nihilos

Few know how the elements of power came to be, fewer remember the danger they hold for the future.

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“I'm sorry Solar! I’m sorry it had to end like this!” Frosty shouted frantically. He moved away quickly from the burning pit of lava that the Golden Dragon attempted to claw his way out of. Pity and sadness gripped at the White Dragon's heart and showed through his eyes. In his claws he held firmly the six elements that had caused all of this destruction and hatred between the two dragons.

Solar’s wings failed to take flight, weighed down by the hot molten rock that pulled him down into the pit. The Gold Dragon’s reptilian eyes burned with rage and anger as it always had since his fall into tyranny, “I will return, Zephyr!” He shouted, “I will have revenge, brother! I swear it!” His voice cracked hoarsely from the hatred that dripped in his voice. His claws, glowing red now from the heat of the volcano clawed at the edges of the pool of molten lava but each time he slipped and fell deeper. His struggling only sunk him deeper into his own demise.

Frosty backed away as Solar shouted and cursed, “You can’t keep the elements away from me! You cannot keep away my birthright, they belong to me!”

The white dragon shook his head and shouted, “No brother, they were never yours! You abused them and now look where we are! This world isn’t ours anymore because of you!”

By now only Solar’s head was high enough above the molten lake, “You think you can take them from me? You think you can do better, than me?! I was always the better, brother and you know it! You’ll never be better than I am, Frosty. You cannot deny the greed you have,” his eyes disappeared and his scaled snout quickly sank as he spoke his last vile words of spitting hatred,” you cannot deny your own blood.”

With that it was over. Zephyr watched as the final bubbles of the bottomless pit popped and his brother was truly no more. All too late he answered his fallen friend and his only family. "I don’t want the elements Solar, I never wanted them for myself and I’ll make sure you’ll never have them again. I’ll take them away and change them so that no one like us can ever use them again. I’ll make sure our mistake is never repeated, and that whoever takes them next will be worthy of them. I’m so sorry brother, I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.”

With his mighty cold wings the Dragon of the Zephyr Winds rose from the mountain into the sky. For three days he covered the mountain top in ice, sealing the pit of lava and the volcano in frost and blizzard. In time it would be forgotten and the great battle that had taken place there eons ago between the two brothers would fade into obscurity. It was better this way for it all to be forgotten. He would remain to make sure that it was not remember. Equestria could only belong to ponies, it was only they that could create a peaceful land made not by power or by conquest as Solar had hoped but by harmony.

The time of dragons had passed and they would go not by a thunderous roar or by some great cataclysm. No, they would go by a whisper, a silent passing into the annals of time to be forgotten. This would become an age of peace and harmony made by ponies, unicorns, and pegasi and no one else. Still, one last task remained for the great dragon before he departed from this world, the elements had to be hidden again and he had to make sure that his brother would not rise again to take them. So much preparation was in order but his strength was quickly waning.