• Published 23rd Dec 2012
  • 67,205 Views, 2,681 Comments

Winter Bells - Pen Stroke

Can Nyx find acceptance with her extended family during Hearth's Warming, or will she find the holiday hymns are filled with nothing but hollow promises?

  • ...

A Couch and Chaos

Winter Bells

Preread, Edited, and Reviewed By

Batty Gloom, Illustrious Q, Municipal Engines, Cloudhammer, Wraithguard, Kohta Izumi, Kirk Heller


Part of a side-story miniseries known as "In The Family" for the story Past Sins

- The stories of the miniseries -


Chapter 11

A Couch and Chaos


“Come on! Come on! Yes... yes... Yes... Yes... NO!”

Twilight stomped her hooves, and threw the red dress over her shoulder with a surge of magic. The living room of her parent’s home was a disaster, like a tornado and an earthquake had decided to do a tango. Furniture was shoved up against the walls and papers littered the floor. It was a mess, but a mess with a purpose.

All the papers that littered the floor were maps. There were maps of Canterlot and Ponyville. There were maps of the Equestrian Train Network and Airship Trade Routes. There were maps of every road heading out of Canterlot. There were maps Twilight hadn’t been through and maps of towns so small she had never even heard of them.

Still, all the maps she had laid out were only half of what she needed to perform a successful scrying spell. The other thing she needed was something of strong personal significance to Nyx to get a solid reading. The ideal item for that would have been Nyx’s headband, but they hadn’t seen her headband since the stage collapse.

And thus, while a pair of guards flew to Ponyville to fetch Nyx’s treasure book, Twilight had been desperately trying anything she, Spike, and Fluttershy could find in the house. They had tried some of the clothes she had packed for Nyx. They had tried some of the napkins Nyx had helped Fluttershy and Cadance fold. She had even tried the ugly red dress Velvet had bought, but it had all been to no avail.

All she had been able to confirm was that Nyx was still in Canterlot.

“Spike, what’s next?”

“We weren’t able to find anything else,” Spike said, he and Fluttershy standing behind Twilight.

“What about Nyx’s saddlebags?”

“You tried them already,” Spike said, pointing to the saddlebags, which had been tossed into a pile with all the other items that had failed to give Twilight the results she wanted.

“What about the dress Rarity made, the one Nyx didn’t get to wear because of the dress my mother bought?”

“You tried that one too, Twilight,” Fluttershy said.

“Well.... what about... gah! There has to be something!”

As if answering Twilight’s shout to the ceiling, the trio heard somepony knocking. Twilight was on her hooves in a second, galloping past Fluttershy and Spike before pulling the front door open with a sharp snap. There, on the front step, were a pair of royal guards.

“Finally!” Twilight said, a relieved smile spreading on her lips. “I don’t know what took you two so long, but I’m glad you’re here. Now, give it to me.” She held out her hoof expectantly.

The pair of guards glanced at one another before looking back at Twilight. “Give you what, Miss Sparkle?”

Twilight’s smile cracked, a forced laugh slipping out through her teeth. “Oh, ha ha ha, very funny, sirs. And ponies say you royal guards never play jokes. Still, this isn’t the time. Give me the book, please.”

“We have no book, Miss Sparkle.”

“You don’t have... Then why are you here?! I need Nyx’s treasure book if I’m going to find her! She keeps her crusader cape in that book and her kazoo and... that whole book is filled with things I could use for my scrying spell! That’s why Celestia sent you to get it! That’s why I told you exactly where Nyx keeps it! So you could get it and bring it to me! Now give it to me!”

“We don’t have that book, Miss Sparkle!”

Then what are you doing here!?” Twilight shouted, undoubtedly waking some of the neighbors.

“We came to tell you Nyx has been located. She is at Headmaster’s Manor for Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, the current residence of Spell Nexus. Princess Celestia is currently in route, and we are to accompany— OOF!”

Like a rock released from a catapult, Twilight used her magic to plow through the guards and gallop into the street. Her hooves skidded and slid on the snow, but she didn’t let that slow her down. She called on her magic and began to teleport. Casting the spell over and over, she began to pop down the street like a bolt from a crossbow, crossing blocks of distance in the matter of seconds.

“Twilight! Twilight, wait up!” Spike shouted, jumping over the knocked over guards and running down the street.

“Oh, I am so sorry,” Fluttershy said, hovering above the guards. “I’m sure Twilight didn’t mean to do that. She’s just very worried about Nyx. Still, thank you very much for coming and telling us somepony found her. I would help you out of the snow, but I need to catch up with Spike and Twilight. I hope you don’t mind. I really am sorry, and I’m sure Twilight is sorry too and... well... sorry.”

With that Fluttershy took off first catching up with Spike. She picked him up in her hooves and then ascended into the sky. Twilight was already several blocks ahead, leaving Spike and Fluttershy to follow the distinct flashing of her teleportation spells to Spell Nexus’s manor.


Princess Celestia glided down with her private guards, landing in the front yard of the manor. She always used to love Spell Nexus’s holiday decorations, and seeing the manor so devoid of any cheer and light made the princess frown. For months she had been trying to talk to Spell Nexus about what happened, but he had become a hermit inside his own home. She was turned away by Proper Etiquette every time she visited, and Spell Nexus had taken a sabbatical from the school as well.

It had only made it that much more surprising when a pair of guards caught up with her in the sky and said Spell Nexus had waved them down, saying Nyx was at his home.

“Where is Nexus?” Celestia asked.

“He’s right here, Your Highness.”

Celestia and her personal contingent turned, seeing a pair of guards fluttering down from the sky, carrying Spell Nexus between them. The last time she had seen him was the day she brought him back to the manor, after he had locked himself in the dungeon. He had been a little worse for wear, but it wasn’t anything a bath and good night sleep wouldn’t cure. But now, his mane was long and unkempt, he had gained weight, and it was hard to tell when he had bathed last. It simply looked like he had given up on taking care of himself.

She would need to speak with Proper Etiquette again, once Nyx was safely back with Twilight.

“Thank you, good sirs,” Celestia said to the guards before shifting her gaze. “I wish we could have seen each other under better circumstances, Spell Nexus.”

He didn’t even look in Celestia’s direction and instead lifted a hoof and pointed to his home. “Nyx should be inside. I asked Proper Etiquette to ensure that she didn’t leave the study.”

“How did she find her way here in the first place?” Celestia asked, letting Nexus lead her and her guards towards the door. “I wasn’t aware she knew where you lived.”

“She didn’t. She was brought here by another pony named—”

“Out with you!”

The doors to the manor flew open, and with a yelp a large, burly, plaid-shirt wearing earth pony flew through the air and crash landed on the snow covered lawn. A few steps behind that pony was Proper Etiquette, looking not quite as proper as he usually was. A few strands of his mane were out of place and his monocle had somehow become cracked.

“Hey, it not my fault you don’t know how to take care of tree,” the burly pony shouted as he pulled himself up from the snow.

“My tree maintenance is impeccable! Even if it was not, it is not your place to simply chop off branches of a tree we paid you for!”

“They vere bad branches!”

“That is my decision to make, Mr. Jack. Any say you had in the care and trimming of that tree ended when it was purchased. In fact, I could mount that tree to the ceiling and decorate it like a fine chandelier.”

“That not vhat you do vith tree!” Lumberjack shouted as he began to stomp back towards the door, snow falling from his fur and shirt as he went. “Tree is meant to stand on ground, not hang from ceiling!”

“You know what? I am going to hang it from the ceiling. Yes, it will look simply lovely, be wonderfully unique, and you can’t do anything to stop me!”

“Do not tempt Lumber Jack to teach you the right vay to treat tree by beating you over the head vith that tree and your tacky little bobbles!”

“Those ornaments were imported from the finest—”

“Gentlestallions, if I may interrupt.”

Princess Celestia’s firm yet calm voice snapped both Proper Etiquette and Lumber Jack out of their argument, making them realize they were in the presence of their sun princess. Proper Etiquette quickly brushed back the few loose strands of his mane and bowed politely while Lumber Jack lowered himself into a full kneel.

“I am dreadfully sorry, Sir,” Proper Etiquette said as he looked up at Nexus. “I did not wish to embarrass you in front of her highness. I was simply trying to keep this brute from destroying the tree.”

“Lumber Jack vas not destroying it!” The woodcutter protested as he stood up straight. “There are bad branches. I vas simply trimming tree, so it would be at its finest.”

Spell Nexus sighed and shook his head. “Princess Celestia, allow me to properly introduce you to Lumber Jack. He—”

“—sells Hearth’s Warming trees and logs,” Celestia interrupted. “Jack, shouldn’t you and your friends be at Donut Joe’s eating and drinking the night away?”

“Ah, the annual party ended,” Lumber Jack answered. “I vas valking back to hotel when I found Little Snowflake.”

“And why did you bring Nyx here, Jack?”

“I vas going to bring her back to the castle, but after ve talked she asked if I vould bring her here. She had to ask Spell Nexus question, and vas very determined.”

“And is Nyx still here?” Celestia asked, turning to look at Proper Etiquette.

“Yes, Your Highness. Your sister and Prince Shining Armor arrived a few moments ago and I showed them to the study. That was when I heard a sawing sound coming from the foyer and found this brute trying to hack off a branch off the tree.”

“Vas not hacking! Vas trimming!”

“Gentlestallions, please,” Celestia said, trying to keep the pair from breaking into another argument. “Are Luna and Shining Armor still upstairs with Nyx?”

“Shining Armor is with Nyx?!”

All heads turned as Twilight came galloping up the path. She skidded to a stop beside Celestia, body still trailing magic from her last teleportation spell. She glanced frantically back and forth between all the ponies present. “How did he even know she’s here?! Who let him go see Nyx?! He’s the whole reason she ran away! He shouldn’t be anywhere near her right now!”

“Set your mind at ease, Twilight Sparkle. Everything is alright now.”

Through the open door of the manor, everypony on the front step turned to see Princess Luna descending the staircase in the manor’s foyer. She was coming down from the second floor. Shining Armor was walking a few steps behind the moon princess, and galloping ahead of both of them was Nyx. The little filly was already halfway down the stairs, running as fast as her hooves could carry her with a bright smile on her face.


Twilight pushed pass Proper Etiquette, ran into the manor, and met Nyx halfway across the foyer. The pair hugged each other tight as Twilight fought back tears. “Iwassoworried! Areyouokay?! Whatwereyouthinking, runningofflikethat?! I’vebeenworriedsick! Don’teverdothatagain! Howdidyouevengethere?! Whydidyoucomehere?! WhywereyouwithShining?! Didhesayanythingtoyou?! Ifhedid, Ipromisenoneofitis—”

“Twilight, you’re squishing me!”

Twilight loosened her grip, letting Nyx lean back a moment and catch her breath. Still, the pair soon resumed their hug. “I’m sorry,” Twilight said “I was just worried about you.”

“I assure you, Twilight, you had little to worry about. From the sounds of it, Nyx has been in good hooves for most of the evening,” Luna said as she and Shining Armor reached the bottom of the stairs. Twilight, however, didn’t relax at the moon princess’s words. She instead climbed to her hooves and positioned herself so she stood between Nyx and Shining.

“What are you doing here?” Twilight asked. “Were you afraid Nyx was going to brainwash Spell Nexus again and restart the Children of Nightmare? Were you coming to arrest her or—”

“No, I wasn’t,” Shining Armor said gently. He tried to take a few steps forward, but this made Twilight tense, as if she feared he was going to try and snatch Nyx away at any moment.

“Then I bet you were here to make sure Princess Luna didn’t get brainwashed. That’s it, isn’t it? You wanted to make sure—”

“I assure you, Twilight, that Shining’s had no such intentions,” Princess Luna said. She tried to take a step forward as well, but Twilight’s paranoia was running like an out of control train engine. Twilight pushed Nyx back as her eyes flicked back and forth between her brother and the princess.

“I think he made his intentions pretty clear back at the castle. He’s been cold around Nyx ever since he got off the train from the Crystal Empire. This whole mess is his fault, and Nyx ran away because of what he said!”

“I know, Twilie. You’re—”

“I don’t want to hear it right now, Shining,” Twilight snapped. She nudged Nyx and began to lead her towards the manor’s front door. “It’s been a long night and all I want to do is get Nyx back to the house.”

“But—” Shining quickly snapped his mouth shut when Twilight turned to glare at him, any other words he had in protest getting scared back down his throat. He, in the end, could only hang his head as he followed his sister out the door, passing by Celestia, her guards, and Spell Nexus, who saw the folly in trying to stop Twilight at the moment.


The gentle knock at the door to the townhouse drew Rarity from her seat at the couch. She trotted to the door and opened it gently before smiling. “Oh, we were wondering where you two had gone. Where’s Twilight? Weren’t you two with her?”

Fluttershy and Spike came in the door, stepped onto the welcome mat, and wiping their hooves and feet respectively as Rarity shut the door. “We were, but when the guards told us they found Nyx, she teleported off without us,” Spike answered. “We had only gotten halfway to Spell Nexus’s manor when we ran into her walking back with Nyx and Shining Armor.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear Nyx has been reunited with Twilight, but why is Shining Armor with them?”

“Oh, I know why!” Pinkie Pie said, popping into the conversation with one of her legs raised high, like she was a grade school filly trying to get the attention of the teacher. “I bet it’s because they had a big heart to heart chat and now they’re best friends again and we can throw a big “Nyx is Found!” party. Just let me go get my party cannon and I’ll have this place party ready in—”

Fluttershy cautiously extended a wing to touch Pinkie Pie’s shoulder. “Uh... I don’t think Twilight’s in the mood for a party right now.”

“What makes you say that, darling?”

The door to the house snapped open behind the quartet, causing Fluttershy to let out a small “eep”. She leapt up, standing on Pinkie Pie’s back while all four of them looked back at the door. Twilight had been the one to open the door, and she was now standing to one side, allowing Nyx to walk inside. Shining Armor followed a few steps behind.

“Girls, can you do me a favor? I need you to watch Nyx for a few minutes. Also, when my parents and Cadance get back, tell them to come to the kitchen.”

“Whatever for, darling?” Rarity asked as she and the others stepped back, allowing Twilight to walk past as Shining followed a few steps behind.

Twilight opened the kitchen door, letting Shining Armor go in first. “Because, it’s time we all had a serious talk.” With that Twilight followed Shining into the kitchen, pulling the door behind her shut with a sharp slam that caused Fluttershy to lose her balance and fall from Pinkie Pie’s back. A burst of magic from Rarity saved Fluttershy from hitting the floor, but it could not keep the smile on Pinkie Pie’s face from falling into a frown.

“But... everypony should be happy. We found Nyx, didn’t we?”

“We did, Pinkie Pie,” Rarity said as she set Fluttershy back on her hooves. “But it looks like we’ll have to wait until the Hearth’s Warming party tomorrow to really celebrate it.”


Cadance, Night Light, and Twilight Velvet returned to the house with Rainbow Dash and Applejack. All five were happy as they came through the door. They were happy Nyx was found, and maybe equally as happy they’d finally get to hit the hay. It was late in the evening, and their minds and bodies yearned for the comfort offered by pillows and sweet dreams.

But Rarity met them at the door. She directed Cadance, Night Light, and Velvet to the kitchen, where Twilight and Shining were waiting. At the same time Rarity took Applejack and Rainbow Dash up stairs with her. The five friends didn’t want to intrude on what was a family matter, and they also felt keeping Nyx occupied in Twilight’s room, the place where they would be having their holiday sleepover, was the best way to ensure she didn’t overhear what might turn into a loud discussion.

Yet, so far, it had all been silent. The five ponies sat around the kitchen table. Shining Armor was alone at one end of the table, while his parents, his sister, and his wife sat at the far end, glaring at him with frowns on their lips. It was the painful kind of silence, one that rubbed against the mind like sandpaper.

“Just tell us why, Shining,” Velvet finally asked. “That’s what we’re trying to understand. Why did you say those things to Nyx?”

“I didn’t know she was listening when I said them,” Shining Armor said, trying to defend himself.

“Why would you say things like that at all? I thought we raised you better than that?”

“I know, and I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause all this, and I didn’t want it all to come out like that. I wouldn’t have said those things when I did if the catwalk hadn’t come crashing down on top of our heads. I was just... if Pinkie hadn’t shouted then Twilight and Cadance might have gotten caught in the accident. I was looking for somepony to blame and—”

“And so you think that makes it all right to blame Nyx?” Twilight snapped.

“No... well, yes... Twilight, I thought she was the only one up there.”

“But she wasn’t! A unicorn chased her and—”

“I know,” Shining Armor said firmly. “Luna and I found the unicorn that chased Nyx on the catwalks. He was a reporter, the same reporter that ambushed you and Cadance when we were getting lunch at the festival. You remember him, right?”

Twilight and Cadance glanced at one another before looking back at Shining. “Why would a reporter chase Nyx on the catwalks?” Twilight asked.

“He wanted to write a story about Nyx. He wanted everypony to know that the princesses have been letting everypony believe Nyx was put in prison when she’s actually been living in Ponyville with you. He was dead set on getting a picture of Nyx without her disguise to make sure his story was taken seriously. He wanted ponies to know that Nightmare Moon was still a threat.”

“Sounds like you and him would get along real well,” Twilight snapped. “I’m sure you two could spend hours swapping conspiracy theories of how Nyx is trying to take over Equestria.”

“Twilie, I’m sorry,” Shining Armor stressed, trying to put as much sincerity into his words as possible. “I know I messed up.”

“Do you? Do you really?” Twilight asked, sitting forward. “Because I don’t think you do. What if somepony else had found Nyx, somepony who is as scared of her as you are. That pony could have hurt her! Worse, if she had stayed out in the snow, she might have gotten frostbite or hypothermia. She could have died!”

“I know, I know,” Shining Armor said, standing up from his cushion. He turned and looked out the kitchen window to the backyard. “I get it, Twilight. I messed up big! It seems like that’s all I’m good at, anymore. I let myself get brainwashed by a overgrown bug. I let my magic get blocked by a crystal-obsessed shadow. And now, worse of all, I caused all of this because I let my own fears get the better of me. I should have trusted the princesses. I should have trusted you, Twilight.”

“Then why didn’t you?” Twilight asked.

“I... I was scared,” Shining Armor said, not able to bring himself to look at Twilight. “I was scared I was going to lose my little sister, and I thought it was because Nyx would take you away. But... that’s not why I was scared. You’re Princess Celestia’s private student, Twilie. You’re the bearer of the Element of Magic, and now a mother who went through Tartarus for her daughter. I guess... it’s just hard for me to see how a mare as amazing as you needs her big brother anymore.

“But I guess with everything I’ve done you wouldn’t want me for a big brother, even if you did need one.”

Shining heard the clatter of hooves behind him. He turned from the window, and saw Twilight had stood up from the table. Her ears were pressed flat against her head, her nose was scrunched up, and she was pacing. Each hoof fall was driven into the ground, as if she was taking her aggression out on the floor to keep herself from going after him.

Twilight huffed, puffed, and mumbled to herself. She’d glance in Shining’s direction on occasion, but never for more than a few seconds before going back to her pacing and mumbling. She kept her voice quiet, as if she didn’t want anypony to overhear the argument she was having with herself. And it was an argument. Twilight raised her voice at times and was constantly turning her head to the left or right, as if she was talking to a pair of ponies on either side of her.

This went on for several seconds before Twilight finally returned to her seat at the table. Night Light held out a concerned hoof, but Twilight waved him off before fixing her gaze on Shining Armor. “I... I understand what you’re saying, Shining, and you’ll always be my big brother, even if I do want to turn you into a cactus right now. I just... I think it’s going to take time before I can trust you again, especially around Nyx.”

Shining slowly sat back down at the table as he nodded. “I know.”

“Still, thank you for helping Luna find Nyx,” Twilight said. “Now come on, we’d better all get to bed. It’s been a long night and we don’t want to be tired for the Hearth’s Warming party at the castle.”

The five ponies nodded and stood up from the table. Night Light and Velvet were the first to leave, with Twilight a few steps behind. Cadance lingered at the door to glance back at Shining for a moment. He dared to smile, thinking she had some kind words to say.

Cadance, however, just glared at him for several long seconds, her eyes burning straight through to his very soul. She then turned, huffed, and stomped up the stairs. Shining then heard the loud snap of a door, and he knew in an instant he was going to be spending the night on the couch.


Shining Armor groaned and turned on the couch, struggling to get comfortable in the dark of the living room. He had fetched a spare blanket and pillow from a hallway closet, and as he tried to sleep the house slowly grew quiet. He could still hear some voices drifting down the stairs. It sounded like Twilight, her friends, and Spike were still up. He also heard his name a few times, a sign they were likely talking about him.

Even that chatter died down eventually, allowing the house to grow truly quiet. It was peaceful and calm. It was a proper Hearth’s Warming Eve Night, but even then sleep did not come to Shining. He could only lay there, staring up at the ceiling and thinking of Cadance. Why did he say that to her? He still didn’t know. Yes, he was angry at the time. Yes, you sometimes say things you don’t mean when you’re angry. Yes, he had probably said the single stupidest thing he could to his wife, but he didn’t mean it.

He would never purposefully say anything like that to her. He loved her.
He at least felt he had made some headway with Twilight, after the talk in the kitchen. But Cadance, he had never seen her that angry before. She had always been a ray of sunshine to him. The one that made him and Twilight smile. To see Cadance like that, it made him fear her more than the Changeling Queen and King Sombra combined.

“Uncle Shining, are you down here?”

Hearing the small voice, Shining was drawn from his thoughts. He sat up on the couch and cast a light spell with his horn. It filled the room with its gentle, white light, and he was able to see Nyx. She was coming down the staircase, a small pillow draped over her back. “Yeah, I’m here, but what are you doing downstairs? Shouldn’t you be up in Twilight’s room with everypony else?”

“Rainbow Dash is snoring really loudly and Pinkie Pie keeps making these weird squeaking noises. I think she’s sleeping on top of a bunch of balloons,” Nyx said as she reached the bottom of the stairs and began to walk around the edge of the couch. “Can I sleep down here with you?

“Well, I don’t know Nyx,” Shining said, even as the filly hopped up onto one of the neighboring seats. “Twilight probably wouldn’t want you down here with me right now. I’m kind of well... it’s hard to describe. I’m in trouble and—”

“Are you grounded?”

Shining sat dumbfounded for a moment, thinking about the word. He wasn’t allowed to sleep in his own bed, his family was angry with what he had done, and if Cadance had her way he’d probably have to clean the whole crystal castle with a toothbrush. “Yeah,” he eventually said with a laugh. “I guess I am grounded.”

Nyx laid down on the chair she had leapt up into, resting her head on the pillow she had brought downstairs. “Is it because of everything you said?” she asked through a yawn.

“Yes, it is.”

“That’s silly,” Nyx said as she watched him from her pillow.

“Why is it silly?”

“Because I’m not mad at you about it anymore, and I was the one you were saying all that stuff about.”

“Why aren’t you mad?” Shining asked, a curious thought crossing his mind. “You ran away when you heard me say it, but when we talked in your dream, you didn’t run away.”

“I... I don’t really know,” Nyx said before yawning. “I know I was dreaming about something before you found me. It’s really fuzzy, but I do remember hearing a bunch of bells ringing. I also remember you were the one ringing those bells, and you were smiling when you did it. I guess you didn’t seem so scary after that.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re not scared anymore,” Shining said as he began to stand up from the couch. “But I’m still grounded Nyx. You should go back upstairs before Twilight finds you.”

“But it’s so silly,” she said, already starting to drift off now that she was away from Rainbow Dash’s snoring. “After all I did, Twilight didn’t ground me, and all you did was say mean things. You didn’t ever do anything bad.”

“Yes, but I’m a big pony and should have known better,” Shining said as he came up beside the chair Nyx had claimed as her new bed. “Now come on, let’s get you back to bed.”

Nyx groaned and grabbed her pillow with her forehooves. “But Rainbow Dash is so loud. She’s worse than Spike was when he had the dragon flu.”

Shining Armor had already lit his horn, intending to pick Nyx up with his levitation magic and carry her back to Twilight’s room. But, he eventually sighed and instead turned his magic elsewhere. He took a smaller blanket, which hung over the back of the chair as decoration, and laid it across Nyx. He then turned, walked back to the couch, and laid back down with his own borrowed blanket and pillow.

“All right, but if Twilight asks you snuck down here after I was already asleep. Deal?”

Shining Armor was only answered by the gentle sounds of breathing, and he could see Nyx’s eyes had already slid shut. It had been a long day for the young filly, a long day for all of them. And, even now he was finding his eyes growing heavy. Nyx had granted him some peace of mind, and soon he had nodded off as well.

The magic from Shining’s horn faded as sleep overcame him, his light spell disappearing with it. But not all of the light left the room. A single beacon remained on the staircase, a beacon that sat atop the point of a purple unicorn horn. And beneath that light Twilight was smiling down at the scene. She lingered for a moment longer, watching her daughter and brother sleeping peacefully before turning to head back to her own room.

“Sleep tight, BBBFF.”


“Your Highness, Miss Fluttershy has arrived a bit earlier and wants to speak with you. Shall we let her in?”

“Yes, of course,” Princess Celestia replied before turning her attention back to the castle servants, who were moving an ice sculpture into place in the center of the buffet table. She was overseeing the final preparations for the Hearth’s Warming party, which was going to be held in the Canterlot Castle Ballroom. All the decorations were in place, all the food was being brought out, and a pony had come from the train station. All the trains were on schedule and carriages were waiting to bring everypony’s families when they arrived. Everything was coming together according to plan, something Celestia was sure would bring relief to Twilight’s mind.

“Good morning, Princess Celestia.”

The sun princess turned and smiled at Fluttershy as the yellow pegasus trotted in from the door. “Good morning to you as well. I hope everypony was able to get a good night’s sleep after staying up so late.”

“I think most everypony did,” Fluttershy answered. “Though, that’s kind of why I’m here a little early. Rarity still wasn’t out of the bathroom when I left and Rainbow Dash hadn’t gotten out of bed either. I think everypony is going to be a little late getting here. I hope that’s okay.”

“And what about Shining Armor?” Celestia asked, remembering how he, Nyx, and Twilight had departed Spell Nexus's manor the night before.

“Princess Cadance kind of made him sleep on the couch,” Fluttershy said quietly.

“Ooooooooo, disharmony in matrimonial paradise. Sounds like my favorite cup of tea, though I think I’d take it with a wedge of topaz.”

Celestia and Fluttershy both turned, looking to the ice sculpture the servants had just finished assembling. The statue had, moments before, been a beautiful carving of the Hearth’s Warming heart. But now the ice sculpture looked like a tropical island. The base was covered in a rough, sandy texture that was dotted with seashells and starfish. A pair of tall palm trees stood, swaying in a non-existent seabreeze,even though they were made of ice. And reclining in a hammock hanging between the trees was a moving and smiling ice statue of Discord.

“What are you doing here?” Celestia said, as if she had suddenly been struck by a horrible headache.

“Relax, Miss Sunshine,” Discord said as he climbed out of the hammock. As he floated away from the sculpture the ice that comprised his body melted, being replaced with his normal hodgepodge of flesh. At the same time the ice sculpture began to morph and bend, returning to the shape it had been moments before. He then produced a scroll out of thin air, unfurling it to reveal a haphazardly prepared list that was dotted with green checkmarks, red circles, and a few rude doodles of the sun princess.

“Despite your every effort to send me to the four corners of this very round world, I’m all caught up on my chores. Furthermore, I was invited to attend this festive get-together by my dear friend, Fluttershy.” Discord said before snapping his claw. In a moment he, Celestia, and Fluttershy were in full body pajamas and were lying on a trio of large beds, all different colors of pink. Celestia and Fluttershy had curlers in their manes while Discord had on a facial mask of strawberry jam.

“Still, it’s time to dish. I want to hear all the details. What did Shining do to get put in the doghouse? Was it scandalous? And who should I ask to the prom? Be honest, I’m really torn between myself and myself.” Discord held up a pair of pictures, each featuring himself. In one, he looked like a chess club nerd. In the other, a black leather jacket bad colt.

“Discord,” Celestia said, trying to keep her temper level as she used her magic to remove the curlers from her mane. “I don’t know if now’s the best time for long stories.”

“Celestia, darling, your mane is never going to look fabulous if you don’t leave those in at least overnight.” Another snap of his claw, and Discord had replaced the curlers in Celestia’s mane. A frown began to crease the sun princess’s lips, but before she could raise her voice to Discord, Fluttershy spoke up.

“Maybe there’s a way we could tell you what happened quickly, that way Celestia still has time to make sure everything is ready for the party.”

“Oh, I suppose there’s a way we could do it quickly,” Discord said, beginning to smile devilishly as he looked at Celestia. “How about a makeover montage?”

Before Celestia could protest, it had already begun. For her and Fluttershy, time seemed to run in fast forward. They were out in Canterlot, going to boutiques and clothing stores. Celestia was trying on outfits, getting head shakes and nods from Fluttershy and Discord. All the while, Fluttershy was telling Discord of what happened. Or rather, she could feel her mouth moving, but couldn’t hear anything except some oddly peppy music in her ears.

But almost as soon as it had started, the trio found themselves walking back into the ballroom. Celestia and Fluttershy were each carrying shopping bags, and Celestia herself was wearing a lovely, new Hearth’s Warming dress that was a mixture of lighter blues and whites that went well with her coat and the blue color of her mane.

“I must say, it certainly sounds like everypony here has been doing a good job of creating some holiday chaos in my absence,” Discord said as he floated in the air, reclining gently. “Logs catching fire, mental breakdowns, falling catwalks, royal marital trouble, and a big burly lumberjack named Lumber Jack. All it needed was a civil uprising of dinner forks. If you had pulled that off I would have happily given you all my personal seal of approval.

“Oh, what the heck, I’m feeling generous.” Discord turned his wrist, making a sticker appear out of thin air which he proudly stuck to Fluttershy’s forehead with his thumb. “I’ll give you a gold star for the effort.”

“Just don’t talk about it so lightly around Twilight,” Celestia advised as she set down the shopping bags she had been levitating.

“Oh no, I’m smart enough to realize Twilight is going to be in angry mother hawk mode,” Discord said as he examined his own eagle claw, inspecting the red polish that now adorned his nails. “Though, are you ponies going to finally let me meet Nyx today? I can’t start Bad Guys Anonymous until I’ve been introduced to a fellow reformed villain.”

Discord flew away, taking a seat at one of the tables in the hall with twenty copies of himself in a variety of outfits. “Hello, my name is Discord.”

“Hi Discord,” the twenty copies chimed back.

“I’m proud to announce that I’ve now gone sixty one days without an act of malicious chaos, and that the Gemstone Pox I gave to that group of dragons sixty two days ago has cleared up nicely.”

Words of encouragement and happy smiles came from the twenty clones, each trying to encourage the original Discord. One even offered him a hug, which he gladly took with a tear in his eyes.

“See,” the original Discord said, “BGA is all about group therapy. It’s only by talking out our problems that we’re able to reach real breakthroughs.” He then snapped his fingers, causing the support group to disappear as he floated back towards Celestia and Fluttershy. “But, believe me, the last thing anypony wants is for me to talk to myself. Even I’d go crazy.”

“I think I might be able to talk Twilight into it,” Fluttershy said. “But, you’ll need to be on your best behavior. Okay?”

“But of course, Fluttershy,” Discord said as, with a small pop and flash of magic, he put on a fine tuxedo and a dapper top hat. “I am reformed, after all, and am thus quite capable of being civil at high society functions.” He then smiled and held out a paw to the yellow pegasus. “If, of course, I’m allowed to work some of the chaos out of my system before hand. Care to join me for a flight around Canterlot? I feel like throwing a few blue raspberry flavored snowcone snowballs and then maybe making a few snow ponies come alive and sing as a barbershop quartet.”

“Oh, can they sing carols?” Fluttershy asked as she jumped into the air to hover next to Discord. “I think everypony would love that.”

“I was going to have them sing drinking songs from the Emerald Isles, but I suppose carols could be fun.”



Apple Bloom zipped to the doors of the ballroom, the Hearth’s Warming party now in full swing. Twilight, her friends, and her family had managed to arrive on time, and now other relatives who were coming in on different trains were arriving one by one. The first to arrive had been Rarity’s and Applejack’s families. Then had come Rainbow Dash’s and Fluttershy’s parents from Clousdale. Then Pinkie Pie’s parents had arrived with her sisters.

But even immediate family was not enough. With Celestia’s permission, invitations had been sent out to even more ponies, five of which were relatives of the Apple Family: Aunt and Uncle Orange as well as Babs Seed and her parents.

“Hey Cous,” Babs said as she gave Apple Bloom a hug. “Seems like it’s been forever since the reunion.”

“I know! I can’t believe it’s only been a few months. I’m so glad you could come.”

“Ya can thank Aunt and Uncle Orange for that,” Babs said as she looked back at them. “They were the ones that paid for the train tickets so me and my parents could be here.”

“That’s ‘my parents and I,’” Aunt Orange corrected.

“Can’t remember how many times you said that to me.” Applejack said, having been drawn to the conversation by Babs’ and Apple Bloom’s happy shouts. “It’s good to see you two, especially after what happened at the reunion.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that Applejack. We still had a wonderful time,” Aunt Orange said with a reassuring wave of her hoof. “I’m just sorry we were a little out of it there at the end and couldn’t help finish painting the barn. That much exercise isn’t in our usual routines.” She sighed and shook her head. “Still wish we had pulled it together for the family photo. I swear, we almost look like zombies.”

“Zombies! Where!?”

“Pinkamena Diane Pie, what have we told you about interrupting other ponies’ conversations like that?”

Just as quickly as Pinkie Pie had leapt over at the mention of zombies, her mother May Pie had pulled her back over to where her family was standing, even as Inkie and Blinkie Pie giggled and her father struggled to keep himself from smiling.

“Well, you don’t have to worry about any hard work here,” Applejack assured them, chuckling a little at Pinkie Pie’s antics. “Nothing but good times with friends and family today. Still, why don’t we get away from the door. I’ll introduce you to the princesses and then you can grab a bite to eat. Oh, and if you see any brownies running around, make sure to let somepony know. Those little things sprouted legs and we haven’t been able to track them all down yet. ”

“How did brownies grow legs?” Babs asked.

“Discord thought having to chase after our desserts would be a good way for all of us to keep off the holiday weight. He overheard Rarity complaining about it. Though, I got ta say, I’m surprised he hasn’t made something bigger happen.”


“It was nice to finally meet your parents, Fluttershy,” Twilight said as the pair of mares stood near the heart shaped ice sculpture, watching as Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom introduced Nyx to Babs Seed. During the harvest festival Nyx had been helping out Twist with her entry into the festival Candy Confection Competition. They had been so busy, they had missed the escapades of the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Considering everything that happened, Twilight was arguably relieved that Nyx had missed out.

“They were just as happy to meet you, Twilight.”

“Do you really write them a letter every week?”

“I try to,” Fluttershy answered before taking a quick sip from the cup of punch which was resting on a nearby table. “Sometimes the adventures we go on make it hard, but I wouldn’t want them to worry. I’m the first pegasus in my family to live on the ground, so they’re always scared something’s going to get me.”

“Not so many wild animals in a cloud city, huh?”

“All we really ever have to worry about are dragons, and, if we get enough warning, we can push our homes out of the way before the dragon even gets there.”

“Well, I’m glad they could make it. Them and Rainbow Dash’s parents. Nice to finally know she gets that rainbow mane of hers from her father.”

“Oh, I already knew that, but then again we’ve known each other ever since flight camp.” Fluttershy paused again, to sip from her punch and nibble at her cookie. She then cleared her throat and looked back at Twilight. “Actually, there’s someone that wants a chance to meet Nyx, if it’s all right. I mean... besides the thing with the brownies, he really has been on his best behavior. He even helped Princess Celestia pick out the dress she’s wearing.”

Twilight frowned and tipped back her cup of punch, drinking down all that remained of the fruity refreshment before setting the cup down on the table. “Uhhhhhh... fine. But one claw, paw, or hoof out of line and the Elements of Harmony will be the least of his worries.”

“Finally, I was afraid you were going to wait until the end of the party to ask.”

Discord, who had shrunken himself down to smaller than a mouse, popped out of Fluttershy’s ear. He wore a big grin, and jumped to Fluttershy’s mane, using it like a long slide to reach the floor where he quickly grew back to his normal size. “I must also say, Fluttershy, your ears are impeccable. I don’t know how you keep them so clean. I always have trouble with things getting caught in mine.”

Hitting the side of his head, Discord dislodged a deck of cards from his ear, which spilled out of his head and formed into a gravity-defying house of cards on the table next to Twilight. “See, you just never know what’s going to come rolling out of my head.”

“I bet nothing would come out if your head was made of stone again,” Twilight growled.

“Now, Twilight, he is just being himself,” Fluttershy said before turning her attention to the draconequus. “And Discord, do you think you can tone it down just a teensy weensy little bit before Nyx comes over?”

“But of course!” he said, snapping his fingers and making the house of cards quickly flatten itself into a neat and orderly deck. He then bowed to Twilight. “Is that more to your liking, Twilight?”

“Yes,” Twilight said, though the tone in her voice made it obvious she’d rather have said no. Still, with a gentle, encouraging nod from Fluttershy, Twilight turned and trotted away. She came back a few minutes later, Nyx following at her side. “Nyx, Discord. Discord, Nyx. Nyx, say hello.”


“There, you met her,” Twilight said before trying to lead Nyx away. “Now, can we—”

“Hold on, Twilight,” Discord said, lowering his head as he levitated the rest of his torso up in the air. His jaw line was flat, a rare moment when he wasn’t all laughs, smiles, and chaos magic. “Just let me get a good look at her.”

Nyx shied back at bit from the draconequus’s manic gaze, which seemed to be looking straight through her to something buried deep within. Still, after a few moments Discord’s smile returned and he stood back up straight. “Got to give credit where credit is due, you’ve taken all the fun out of this one, Twilight.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight snapped.

Discord flew down, hovering just above the ground as he coiled himself around Nyx and Twilight. He then gently tapped on Twilight’s head before doing the same to Nyx. “You hear that? They sound the same. That means two things. One, you’re both glorified eggheads. Second, you're both going to be about as much fun to me as a well organized and cataloged stamp collection.”

Hanging his head, Discord flew away and landed next to Fluttershy. He put his paw to his forehead, faking a dramatic pose that would do Rarity proud. “And there goes all my plans of taking over Equestria with Nightmare Moon’s help once she’s a little older.”

“He’s kidding,” Fluttershy assured before Twilight could shout.

“Yes, I suppose I am,” Discord said, a bit of sadness in his voice but a smile on his face. “And maybe that’s the greatest bit of chaos. After all, who could ever expect that the Mare in the Moon and the Spirit of Chaos would ever change their ways, all thanks to you silly little ponies and the silly voodoo you call friendship.”

Twilight began to smile, first sincerely then with her own devilish grin. “So, are you saying that—”

“No! No! I’m not saying that! I am definitely not saying that!”

“Really, cause it sure sounds like you want to say it,” Twilight teased. “Come on, it’s okay, you're amongst friends, right, Fluttershy?”

“She’s right,” Fluttershy said with a smile of her own. “You know you want to say it.”

“No, I don’t. I didn’t want to say it the first time, even. You can’t expect me to—”

“Say it,” Fluttershy and Twilight said in unision.


“Say it.”

“I am not going to—”

Say it.”

“Oh... oh!” Discord said as he crossed his forelimbs and puffed out his cheeks. He glanced down at the three ponies beneath him, and then sighed. “Fine. Friendship is magic. There, are you happy?”

“Yes,” Twilight said with a nod as Fluttershy and Nyx giggled a little.

“Yeah yeah, laugh it up. I bet you never made her say that cornball line,” Discord grumbled as he pointed at Nyx before he began to meld with the floor, turning into a carving in the stone work. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go reassert my chaosulinity before you two decide to try to get me to hold hooves and sing a song about what the letters in ‘Fun’ spell.”

With that, Discord zipped off, traveling as a carving across the floor and disappearing into the crowd. Soon, the trio heard a yelp and Discord’s characteristic laughter before he flew through the air, Rainbow Dash following close behind, though her coat and mane were a bubble gum pink instead of their normal blue and rainbow colors.

“Get back here and change us back!”

“Now, Rainbow Dash, why would I do that? Pinkie Pie sure seems to be enjoying herself, aren’t you Pinkie Pie?”

“You bet! Look at my mane! It’s like Rainbow Cotton Candy!” The party pony cheered as she bounced after Rainbow Dash and Discord, her body now sporting Rainbow’s color scheme.

“Twilight, do you remember when I first met Pinkie Pie and said she was kind of weird?” Nyx asked.

“I do.”

“Discord’s a whole different kind of weird, isn’t he?”

“Nyx, you don’t know the half of it,” Twilight answered as the pair watched Fluttershy fly after the trio, wanting to quell the situation before it got more out of hoof.


Questions, Comments, Concerns?


My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic © Hasbro

I do not own the intellectual properties this fan-fiction is based on.


Author's Note:

Look for Aunt and Uncle Orange in the Apple Family Reunion episode. They only show up once, in the family photo on the end. They are on the left hand side, and you'll see why I said they look like zombies.