• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 12,737 Views, 1,190 Comments

Mother of Invention - zaponator

Awake and alone, Applejack will find a way to survive.

  • ...

The Scientist

Entry 1

I was approached by a pair of very interesting stallions as I left work earlier tonight. They made me the strangest, and yet most intriguing offer.

Ah, excuse me, I'm getting slightly ahead of myself.

I was locking up the lab, being the last one to exit as usual, when two smartly dressed stallions approached me from the shadows. It was past midnight by that point, and it was clear that these two weren't out for a pitch-black stroll through Canterlot. No, they were clearly looking for me.

One of them even knew my name, though I suppose it does get around in academic circles. Not to blow my own horn, by any means.

Despite the strange situation in which they approached me, the pair seemed unthreatening enough, so I decided to engage them. One merely sat back and watched —I don't think he said a single word the whole time, actually— while the other introduced himself as Mr. Clever Worker. His voice was low, and almost gravelly. It matched his dull grey coat, one that he shared with his silent partner.

"I have an offer to make you, sir."

Which brings us to where I started.

"An offer?" I shot him a skeptical glance.

I've been given a great many offers in my time. From research positions, to teaching positions, I've even been offered oversight of my own lab on numerous occasions. Of course, I turned them all down. None of them had anything that had really caught my eye, at least not enough to tear me away from my work in Canterlot. I don't care about the money, or getting my name in publications, or having a shiney new lab. All I've ever cared about is the science, and none of the offers I'd received had been very scientifically stimulating. That was what made this one different, as I would soon find out.

"Yes, it's a very prestigious position within a very prestigious organization."

I scoffed and shook my head, already preparing to dismiss them. "I'm sorry, Mr. Worker, but I've never cared much about prestige."

He smiled at that. It was a bit of an unsettling smile, his teeth glittering in the dim light of a nearby streetlamp.

"We know, sir. We know that you've turned down offers ranging from Celestia's School for gifted Unicorns to leading positions at laboratories around Equestria.

I blinked, but otherwise hid my surprise behind a dismissive wave of a hoof. "So you've done your research? Well, good on you. I suppose you have something to offer me that none of those places did."

He chuckled under his breath. "You could say that, yes."

Without any further elaboration, Clever Worker nodded to his associate. The unnamed pony reached into his suit jacket and withdrew a manila folder. Still silent, he hoofed over the folder. I levitated it in the glow of my magic, and carefully inspected the contents. I swear, Mr. Worker was grinning when he thought my attention was all on the folder.

I don't want to write down what that folder contained. I'm not even sure I believe it, even when they presented all the data, and it all seemed to check out. It was… heresy. I'm a scientist, through and through; it's my job— my life to question things, but there are some universal truths that simply aren't questioned. There are some things we take on faith, and until tonight, I'd never even realized it. My eyes are opened, and I am not yet sure whether this is wonderful or terrible.

I stammered, "This… I… this is…"

"Impossible?" Clever Worker was leaning forward, a smug smile painted across his muzzle. "I assure you, sir, it is anything but."

I didn't know how to respond to that. I wanted to toss the papers back in his face, and leave him far behind me without wasting any more of my time with lies… except he wasn't lying. I could see it, plain as day in his eyes. He believed every word he was telling me, and there was nothing in that folder to indicate he was wrong.

Like I said, I'm a scientist. I cannot deny the evidence when it is laid out in front of me. For the time being… I have to assume what they showed me was entirely real. The thought terrifies me.

"Why haven't I heard of this?!" I struggled to maintain an even voice.

Clever Worker took it in stride. "As you can probably imagine, this sort of information would be… problematic, for the dear princess, if it ever became widely circulated. Our organization operates in the dark, far from the view of the Sun. The princess has no knowledge of, nor jurisdiction over our facility."

"Oh? And what facility is that?"

"I'm afraid I can't disclose that information as of yet. Trust me when I say that it is a place where science is completely unbound by any politics or regulations, a place where a genius like yourself could thrive."

At that point, I could think of no reasonable rebuttal. My gut screamed at me to refuse, but my mind pointed out that there was no reason not to accept. After all, the bureaucrats and needless rules have certainly slowed my work down in the past. Fortunately, I wasn't forced to any immediate decision.

"You'll have a week to make your choice, sir."

"A week?" I said lamely.

"Yes, the next ship leaves in precisely seven days. We think it would be beneficial for all parties if you were on board that ship. You'll need this."

With that last statement, he handed me a business card. I still have it here with me. It is a curious thing. On one side, merely an image: the profile of a unicorn's head, flared by a pair of outstretched wings, surrounded by a large triangle. Fitting, I suppose. On the other side of the card, written in large black text, are the words 'NEC DI NEC DOMINI'.

My Old Equestrian is a bit rusty, but I think it would translate to 'no gods, no masters'. Ominous, possibly, but hardly the most pretentious motto I've seen for a scientific organization.

Before parting ways with the mysterious stallions, I did manage to get one more thing from them: a name. Specifically, the name of their shadowy employer.

'Daedalus' A curious name for a curious group.

They left after that, and I was left alone in the chilly dark to contemplate everything that had just happened. I didn't make it home for another hour or so, and in that time I did a lot of thinking.

In truth, I am afraid. I am afraid of what should happen if I refuse their offer. His wording was ambiguous, but Clever Worker seemed to be implying that things could go poorly for me if I missed that ship. I imagine they wouldn't have shown me such secrets if they'd expected 'no' as an answer.

More than that, though, I am afraid of what might happen should I accept. I am afraid of the deep and forbidden knowledge they tantalized me with. Before leaving, Clever Worker hinted that the folder I'd seen was merely the tip of the iceberg. There is so much out there to discover, and for the first time in my career I almost wish I could leave it be. Never before has my undying love of discovery been so sharply juxtaposed with a simultaneous feeling of dread.

Ignorance is bliss, as they say, and I'm afraid my days of bliss are over. There never really was any doubt. Those two stallions knew exactly what the outcome of tonight's conversation would be, and they weren't wrong.

As much as it terrifies me, I am entirely incapable of refusing their offer.


Applejack yawned widely in the morning sun as she stepped out of her shelter. She'd only read the first entry last night, the night that she'd managed to open the book, and already she'd been given some new information.

Daedalus. The word meant nothing to Applejack, but at least she had a name for the island's previous inhabitants now. At least, she assumed they were the previous inhabitants of the island. The author hadn't actually specified that yet, but the book had ended up in that cabin somehow. There were still plenty of unanswered questions, and some of the implications were less than pleasant. Not to mention the disturbing preface at the start of the journal. It had been vague, and the meaning behind it was still mostly a mystery.

Of course, there was one way to find out for certain. Applejack quickly scarfed down a hoofful of wildflowers, then took out the book and laid it down in the grass. With an anticipatory grin on her face, Applejack continued reading.


Entry 2

Well, the week is over, and here I am aboard a ship to the unknown.

I spent as much time as possible trying to find any information on this 'Daedalus' group, but my efforts proved entirely fruitless. If I didn't still have their business card, I'd swear they didn't exist. I can't say I'm surprised, but I am certainly impressed. My connections within the scientific community are by no means unremarkable, and yet not a single pony in Equestria seems to have heard the name before..

The rest of my time was spent getting my affairs in order for an extended leave, which is why I haven't been able to make a journal entry until now. I received a letter with a few more details on the job I'll be accepting. Well, by 'received' I mean that I found it on my coffee table after work one evening. Honestly, I can't even say that I'm angry. I live on the 40th floor of a very secure building in upper Canterlot. If anything, I'm simply impressed.

The letter also contained instructions on where and when to board a ship that would take me to… wherever it is I'm going. I haven't seen Clever Worker or his nameless associate since that night last week. They weren't even at the dock to see me off. The vessel I find myself on appears to be a cargo ship. I have not seen any other ponies than the crew, all of whom have left me alone entirely. Fortunately, the ship does have passenger cabins, and I've claimed one for myself. I was not told how long this voyage will take, and besides, it gives me a quiet place to write in my journal.

But I'm getting off topic. About the contract.

In addition to an obscene amount of money, I'll also be set up in company housing, and fed company food. When they said the place was remote, I am struck with the distinct feeling that they were understating things. The fact that I'm currently sailing in a ship out of sight of any land lends some credence to my hypothesis.

My contract stipulates a minimum of one and a half years of living and working at their mysterious facility, with the option of staying on longer should I desire. I will not be allowed to return home during that time, but I suppose that explains the absolutely absurd number of zeroes in my paycheck. Though, as I've said before, I care very little for the bits I'll be receiving at the end of this. If even half of what Clever Worker showed me is true, then my time will be more than well spent.

Still, my excitement is somewhat tempered with nervousness. I can't exactly pinpoint the source, but I can't help a certain feeling of trepidation towards what I've gotten myself into. I can only push those fears down and keep moving forward. I know that I am flinging myself into possible danger, but the prospective rewards outweigh the risks.

Or so I keep telling myself. Besides, it's too late to back out now even if I wanted to. I doubt the crewponies would respond well if I were to kindly ask them to turn the ship around.

Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to bring much in the way of personal belongings. Apparently all my needs will be provided for. I was able to bring one thing though… my most precious possession. I would never have come along if they hadn't let me keep it. Even now, I have it out on the desk in front of me. Despite all my fear, despite all my unease, I can't help but grin when I look at the smiling face contained in that bright golden case.

Yes, I think everything will turn out just fine.


Applejack's hoof unconsciously reached up to touch the golden locket around her neck. She'd always suspected a connection between the book and the locket. After all, she'd found them in the same room. To have it confirmed was still… poignant, in a way. Even if she still had no concrete information on who was pictured inside, the deep attachment that the scientist had felt to the locket was clear.

If that was the case, though… then why did Applejack find it dusty and tucked away in an old basement?

Her anticipatory grin was gone. Her brows furrowed above a tight-lipped mouth, and Applejack continued reading.


Entry 3

Finally, I have a chance to write another entry. It's been… almost a week since I arrived here by boat. And what a week it has been!

Firstly, a bit about the facility itself: Unsurprisingly, it is located on a remote island in the middle of the sea. Though with the amount and intensity of the magic performed here in the name of science, it's a wonder that this place hasn't drawn more attention… I'll have to ask somepony about that.

Regardless, my arrival here was a pleasant enough affair. I was greeted by none other than Clever Worker himself. I suppose they sent a familiar face to help ease me into things. He gave me a brief tour of the island's main facilities —amazing, unlike anything I've ever seen, but I'll get to that— after which he showed me to my living quarters. To my surprise, I am not made to live in a dormitory or small apartment. I am actually given a quaint cabin all to myself. Clever Worker explained that the island has plenty of space, and resources, to set their top minds up with adequate accommodations.

I'd call it more than adequate. I am surrounded by lush, living jungle. The sounds of countless tropical animals provide an exotic backdrop to the stunning scenery. A pristine lake —safe for swimming and drinking; I asked— sits a mere stone's throw from my front door. Such a property would cost an unthinkable sum if some businesspony ever wanted to build a summer home there, and I'm allowed to occupy it totally free of charge.

The Daedalus Foundation —their full name, as I've come to learn— certainly doesn't spare any effort in keeping their minds comfortable and happy.

Now, I believe I mentioned the labs briefly. They are a much more interesting matter. I was shown around many different laboratories, most of which fell outside my own department, but all of which were state-of-the-art. From chemistry and botany to more esoteric or specialized fields such as theoretical physics and xenobiology, this island is set up to pursue and further every science imaginable.

Of course, when you get into my department, that's where things get especially interesting. Most of the labs I described above are located above ground. Obviously, it would be hard to study plant life hundreds of meters beneath the jungle. That is where I work now.

I will not deny the childlike glee I felt when I realized that I would be working in a top-secret underground laboratory. Any of the stuffy scientists in Canterlot who would say otherwise are only saving face.

My own lab —admittedly, shared with several other ponies in my field— is located on level 1. That being the closest level to the surface. I do not, at this time, know how many levels there are in total. It seems that number is quite the close-guarded secret. All anypony knows is the deepest they've ever been. I regularly socialize with ponies from levels 1 or 2, and one stallion I talked to said he'd just come up from level 6, the deepest I've been able to confirm so far.

Curiously, that particular stallion wasn't very talkative, and lacked the jovial attitude I've seen in most other ponies around here. After all, most of the ones I talk to haven't been here much longer than I have, and we're all essentially foals in the world's largest candy shop. Yet the stallion from level 6 managed to stand out as a perpetual frown in a sea of toothy grins.

Seeing as he has such deep access, I would wager that he's a much more senior member of staff. Perhaps the wonder of it all has simply worn off on him. Or maybe he's just a cranky old stallion. Whatever the case, it doesn't bear dwelling on.

In summary, I am truly pleased to say that all my fears and worries have been quite put to rest. It almost seems silly now, just how worked up I was before my arrival here. I know that it has only been a week, but I can almost certainly say I'll be spending more than the requisite year and a half here.

Look at me, prattling on and on like a little colt who's just opened his Hearth's Warming gift. I suppose I should end this now.

Oh, one last thing. I didn't want to write it down before, for fear that putting it to paper would violate the secrecy Daedalus was striving for, but now that my journal is here on the island, I suppose it's about as secure as anything. I'll have to make sure to remove this passage and store it in my cabin if and when I return to Equestria for time off.

I can finally write down my thoughts on ultimate goal of the Daedalus Foundation, the very thing that Clever Worker alluded to when he convinced me to join them.

They call it The Icarus Project. Put simply, they want to create alicorns. Yes, I just wrote that down. Yes, I am aware that it is completely insane. This should explain my reaction when I wrote about my midnight meeting with the two Daedalus representatives.

Of course, I wouldn't be here if it was really insane, would I? They're close. Everything they do, every advancement they make in every field, it's all in pursuit of The Icarus Project. True, Daedalus cares very much about advancing science in every way possible, but they still put the majority of their focus towards their final goal.

If what Clever Worker showed me that night is any indication, then they are truly on the cusp of changing the entire world. I won't bother going into the data, but they've come incredibly close to replicating an alicorn's magical signature.

I haven't personally had the privilege to work directly with what was shown to me that night. Not yet. Currently, I am tasked with analyzing the output of the facility's main magical generator, with the hopes of making improvements wherever possible. Not exactly glamourous work, but I am positive they wouldn't have asked me to join for maintenance work. In fact, I've even been told that a place is being prepared for me on the Icarus Project team.

Perhaps when I join them, I will find out just how deep the facility goes.

I am a part of something now, something bigger than myself. This is something that will change the world, and I will be at the forefront of it. The princess may not be happy with this change, but I am not afraid. We are doing what's right, and nopony will stop us.


Applejack sat atop the large boulder in her camp, basking in the midday sun. She was taking a short break, as the last entry had been… thought-provoking, to say the least. Some questions answered, some questions gained. The Icarus Project, and the intense secrecy surrounding it, stuck in the forefront of her mind.

Surely it wasn't so simple. Nopony could just make alicorns. Princess Celestia had ascended Twilight, but Twilight had always been special. It wasn't something one could just do… even if the scientist seemed to believe otherwise.

Even if it was true, and alicorns were nothing special after all, then Applejack couldn't imagine Celestia keeping that information from the public. Sure, it would bring her rule into question, but it would be for the good of all. The benefit of everypony, at the cost of Celestia and Luna's power.

Was it possible that the Daedalus Foundation was right? Were the princesses actually tyrants, hiding the power of ascension from their subjects and forcing ponies to pursue it in secret?

Applejack shook her head. There simply wasn't enough info yet. She needed to read more, and find out some more specifics about what happened on the island. Only when she read everything could she decide who was in the wrong.

With that, she hopped back down to the grass, carefully favouring her injured leg. She trotted back over to where the book sat in the grass next to her lean-to. Applejack lay down in the grass, and continued reading.

There were several similar entries, detailing the scientist's daily life in his new job on the island. They were filled with scientific terms and descriptions that went mostly over Applejack's head, but very little notable information.

Finally, she came upon something interesting.


Entry 10

I was finally offered a position in The Icarus Project today. It seems that one of the scientists working down there retired —or got sick? They were rather vague— and I would be perfect to fill his role. It's all rather sudden, but after several months of working here it's hardly unwelcome. I'd begun to fear that I might never go any deeper than level 1.

The other ponies in my department threw me something of a congratulatory party in one of the level 1 mess halls. There were plenty of jokes about how they'd never see me again once I got downstairs with the 'real' scientists. All in good fun, of course. I still have to come back up to my cabin, and I've made plenty of friends up here that I'll be sure to keep visiting.

The party was delightful, but I noticed a couple of unfamiliar faces in the crowd. One stallion and one mare stood near the walls, mostly, and didn't seem to socialize with anypony for the entire night. I might not have even noticed them, if not for the fact that neither of them ever once smiled. Needless to say, I was slightly concerned, so I approached them as the party was winding down. Things quickly became… interesting.

It went something like this:

"Hey there," I smiled as best I could. "Can't say I've seen you two before. Did you get shipped in recently?"

The stallion remained silent, and I only then realized that he was a good head taller than me. His jet black coat and mane made for an imposing figure, complete with bright yellow eyes that I swear were glowing. Maybe it was the lighting.

It was the mare who spoke. "We are not new. We just came up from level 10 to talk to you."

Compared to the stallion, she was far less physically impressive, but no less intimidating. Her coat was a dull blue, and her mane a dim shade of lavender tied back in a tight bun. She had deep wrinkles around her eyes that spoke more of experience and stress than actual age. Her eyes were blood red, and looked like they could cut through steel at a glance. She was shorter than me, by a hair, yet still somehow managed to make me feel like I was looking up at her.

Though at that moment, I was far more focused on her words than her appearance.

"Level 10?" I kept my voice hushed, though most ponies had already filed out by then. "There are 10 levels?"

She squinted at me. "There are twelve. You have been granted Alpha access, now. We trust that you won't be going around spreading secrets like the one I am telling you now."

She never explicitly threatened me, but somehow her tone made it clear enough that there would be consequences if I revealed information where it wasn't appropriate. I only then noticed that she had some sort of accent. It was faint, and I'm still not entirely sure where from. Stalliongrad would be my closest guess, or one of those eastern provinces.

I held up a placating hoof, and chuckled nervously. "Right, right, of course not." I scratched the back of my neck. "Uh, Alpha access?"

The strange mare nodded sharply. "Yes, that is actually what we are here to brief you on. You are part of The Icarus Project now, and that means a great many things."

I was about to question the wisdom of discussing said secrets in an open mess hall, but when I glanced towards the entrance I spotted a shadow shifting just out of vision. Somepony was watching the entrance… and the exit.

I turned my full attention back to the mare.

"All of the levels below level 5 are of the highest secrecy and importance. All of them directly relate to, and house, The Icarus Project. You're being moved to level 6, and you will be restricted to levels 6 and 7 until you are granted higher clearance. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes, I understand. I have Alpha access, which only grants me clearance for levels 6 and 7."

Her face remained entirely impassive, and she continued without actually acknowledging whether I was correct or not. "Levels 8 and 9 are Gamma access, and levels 10, 11, and 12 are Omega access. This means that any experiments performed or contained on levels 6 or 7 are known as Alpha class experiments, those on 8 or 9 are known as Gamma class experiments, and those on 10 through 12 are known as Omega class experiments. Do you understand?"

I simply nodded and said, "I understand."

"Many things stored below level 5 are extremely sensitive, and dangerous. Obviously, they become more dangerous with each successive classification. You will attend a safety briefing that will go into great detail about what to do in the case of an Alpha, Gamma, or Omega class breach. The briefing will take place tomorrow morning, and you will be escorted there from the level 6 main entrance. Do you understand?"

I responded instantly, though my mind was still going over everything she'd said. "I understand."

The mare nodded to her silent companion, who offered me a small blue gemstone. I accepted it, and examined the gem carefully, but couldn't determine anything out of the ordinary on it.

The mare quickly resolved my confusion. "That is an access gem enchanted to grant you access to levels 6 and 7. Unlike levels 1 through 5, you cannot simply walk there. You will need to take an elevator located in the far west wing of level 5. There are signs that will direct you. Do you understand everything I've told you?"

"Yes, I do." I nodded slowly. In truth, I'm still not entirely clear on how the gemstone works, but I imagine it'll be fairly self-explanatory.

After that, the mare bid farewell and left with her mute associate. I was left alone in the mess hall, feeling worried again for the first time since arriving at the facility.

The mare, and the stallion who accompanied her, were strange. They contrasted with the rest of the ponies I worked with. They reminded me of my first meeting with Clever Worker, or of the stallion I'd met from level 6.

Whatever is going on down there, past level 5, it's something big. But… that is what I wanted, isn't it? Already, I have access to the best facilities and equipment I've ever seen. Whatever is down there is sure to be even more incredible.

I can't allow my nervousness to control me. I've come this far, and I won't let this opportunity slip through my grasp. No matter what I face when I take that elevator down, I won't let it scare me off.

I am a part of something bigger than myself now. I can't forget that.


Entry 11

I've just returned from my first day of work in level 6. The security briefing I attended this morning was… informative. Though, truth be told, it left several unanswered questions about what happens even further underground.

See, they had to brief us on what to do in the event of any emergency. That included emergencies that could happen in levels that I'm not allowed to access. It should go without saying that there was some confusion to go around.

In truth, most of the briefing was fairly standard procedures that I won't bother to write out here. Things like what to do when there is a fire in a closed off underground lab were certainly new to me, but hardly interesting.

There were one or two that stuck out to me, though they were all above my clearance and were therefore frustratingly vague. They were protocols relating to 'containment breach'. Just what sorts of things we have contained down here was never explained, but the protocols surrounding them were… concerning.

Again, I have no plans on removing this diary from the island, so I feel no need to spare what could be considered secret information. Not that I'll be telling anypony what I've written down… just in case.

I'll be paraphrasing, as they didn't allow us to take the security booklets back up beyond level 5.

Possibly the most concerning is what they called Titanomachy Protocol. In the event of an Omega class breach, if and when the breach is considered a danger to the safety of civilizations off-island, or to the planet as a whole, any three Omega class personnel are to report to the control room located on level 12. With all three of their access gems, they are to unlock the case containing folder labelled 'Titanomachy Protocol ', and follow the instructions contained within. Unlocking the case will alert all personnel on the island, and if anypony were to attempt an unauthorized activation of the Titanomachy Protocol, security teams would be dispatched immediately, and all three ponies involved would be terminated.

…yes, that one is deeply troubling on a few levels. They were vague on what, exactly, the protocol would do, but it was heavily implied to be a last resort. The sort of last resort that doesn't leave anything behind, if my hunch is right.

Of course, not all of the safety procedures are quite so extreme. Most just involve lockdowns of various scales, whether from locking down a single room or lab, to completely sealing off an entire level of the facility. The most extreme of these was, again, eye-catching.

Faraday Protocol. With this one, I can at least see where the name came from. A Faraday Cage is something anypony interested in science would be familiar with on some level. The protocol is as follows:

In the event of any dangerous breach on any level, if the danger is isolated to the island and poses little to no threat to the world at large, any personnel may report to the security control station located on level 1. With authorization of the chief of security, they are to press the large button labeled 'Island-wide lock'.

As I said, that one is much less disturbing. In fact, it seems almost strangely simple by comparison, but I suppose it happens often enough that Daedalus didn't want to make it a hassle. In addition, no special security clearance is actually required to activate the Faraday Protocol, quite simply because it doesn't do anything destructive. I was warned, however, that frivolous lockdowns were a fast track to losing my job. I suspect they've had to deal with that sort of thing in the past.

Unlike the previous one, they did actually tell me exactly what the Faraday Protocol would do. Needless to say, it is mostly in the name. The protocol is designed to prevent anything from leaving or entering the island. I don't mean physically, but rather things like radio waves, and all forms of magical energy. In addition, blocking all magic makes the island effectively invisible to all magical scans or scrying. It essentially locks the whole island down and wipes it off the map. Temporarily, of course.

There are also some measures in place for a physical lockdown, of course. A forcefield with any sort of strength around the whole island would be a logistics nightmare, but Daedalus has come up with some fairly good alternate solutions to the weakness of the field. Should the Faraday Protocol be activated, storm generators will come online immediately. They will detect anything attempting to leave or enter the island, and discourage it. Lightning and hurricane-force winds should scare any unwanted visitors off. Lastly, a spell generator is activated that creates a pulling current around the island, so anything that might drift out to open sea is instead held back, and eventually washes up on the shore again somewhere.

All these things, combined with the slight physical strength that the field does possess, combine to form a tight and secure lockdown. I am still not sure what, exactly, necessitates it, but I suppose I will find out eventually.


Applejack stared at the page before her. She had answers, but she still lacked a solution. She still wasn't sure how to get inside the facility, and even then she had no idea how to deactivate the lockdown. The scientist had only written down how to activate it.

As she went on, the feeling of dread had only become worse. She knew that something was not right. There was another horseshoe that had yet to drop, and Applejack wished that she could just stop reading and never find out what it was.

Unfortunately, that wasn't an option. She needed more information, and there was only one way to get it. Applejack continued reading.


Entry 12

After nearly a week working in level 6, I had my first direct encounter with Class D personnel today.

Ah, but I don't think I've explained the different employee classes yet. Allow me to elaborate. I arrived on the island as Class C, which signifies all ponies restricted to working at level 5 or above. Now that I have security clearance, I am officially a Class B employee. Class A is, apparently, reserved for members of Daedalus that are deemed essential above all else. From what I've heard, they don't make personal appearances very often.

All of the above are scientists, but not Class D. Class D personnel work as sort of assistants to the scientists in level 6 or below. They work directly on The Icarus Project, but not in any grand capacity. They seem to mostly be relegated to manual labour, or tasks that are too inherently risky for 'valuable' researchers like myself to perform.

Naturally, I was conflicted about this at first. I do not subscribe to the idea of assigning ponies a 'value', but every one of my new colleagues seemed to accept the system wholeheartedly. In fact, they treated the Class D personnel as practically sub-equine. I could not stand seeing such mistreatment for long, and I immediately confronted the scientist who I'd seen screaming at a Class D employee for some small error.

What she said surprised me. Apparently, Class D personnel are hired from prisons all around the world. They are employed here as a way to make better use of them than if they simply occupied a cell.

At least now I can see how the others justify their disposition towards Class D personnel, but I will not be making the same excuses they do. I want to give these poor workers a chance, regardless of what they did in the past.

I'll see if I can strike up a conversation with the next Class D employee I come across. Hopefully they won't all be as silent as the one I met today.


The next several entries were, once again, mostly uneventful. The scientist acclimated well to his new position, and most of the pages were filled with highly technical experiment notes. Applejack glanced up and noticed that the sun was already descending in the western sky, and would be setting before too long. Other than the breaks that she'd taken now and then, Applejack had spent almost the entire day reading. It had paid off, in many respects. The puzzle was very nearly complete. All that really remained now was to find out what happened at the end of it all.

That last answer, as it turned out, would have to wait until tomorrow. Applejack sighed and stood up from the book, stretching out her sore neck. She didn't want to close it, of course, for fear that she wouldn't be able to return to where she left off without flipping through every previous entry. So Applejack carefully brought the book back to the safety of her lean-to without losing her place.

There were a few other things to take care of. She put some more wood on the fire, refilled her canteen, and had a quick bit of supper. With all that done, Applejack trotted back to her shelter and lay down on the soft blanket. She removed the knife and sheath, the locket around her neck, and the hat on her head. She then set them all in a pile off to the side. As she was putting away her effects, Applejack caught sight of the little rubber chicken leaning blank-faced against the rock wall.

She chuckled. "G'night, little fella."

Silence fell, and Applejack let her eyes drift closed… only for them to snap open moments later as a realization washed over her like ice-water. She remembered reading the nameless scientist's account of when he first arrived on the island. One line in particular hadn't seemed like much at the time, but now, hours later, it sprang to the front of her mind with sudden disturbing relevance.

Applejack remembered the scientist very specifically mentioning 'the sound of countless tropical animals' when describing the island.

The jungle remained dead-silent.

Applejack didn't sleep well that night.


Entry 20

Progress is frustratingly slow. Months. I've been here for more than ten months and we aren't any closer to a true alicorn than when I arrived. It might help if I was ever allowed to see what goes on in the Gamma and Omega levels, because all my team is ever allowed to work on is tangentially related at best.

I had thought that being promoted to work on The Icarus Project would mean that I got to see the fruits of my work, but no. I get tasked with creating synthesised pegasus feathers, send those down to level 8, and then get told the next day that it wasn't good enough and they want me to clone chickens now.

I don't even know by what criteria they're judging my work! All I ever get told is whether something I do creates an alicorn, which it never does of course. Maybe if I could be more hooves-on with the whole process, I could find exactly where the error lies, but no. I don't have the clearance for that. Instead I get saddled with some inane task that bears not even the slightest visible connection to The Icarus Project.

I wasn't being facetious when I mentioned cloning chickens. That was genuinely what I spent the last month working on. I'm not even a biologist, but I hold something of an overseer position, so a lot of the time I get stuck with projects that I can't even directly help with. I've spent so long ordering around other scientists and worthless Class D personnel…

On that note, I've finally given up on my quest to befriend a Class D. I know, I started that months ago, but I haven't been able to get more than two words out of one in all that time. I'm not sure if they're all sociopaths, or if they're really just mistreated so much that they're scared into silence. Whatever the case, I can't be bothered to deal with it anymore. I wash my hooves of the situation.

Of course, it certainly doesn't help that they get switched out seemingly every damn week. I can't remember ever seeing the same Class D employee more than twice! Whoever thought it was a good idea to hire them on such arbitrarily short contracts, I'll never know. I swear we get a new shipment of them in at least once a month, yet the total number of Class D personnel remains constant.

Just one of many little problems, though. There is an old saying, 'if you want it done right, do it yourself'. I think that all of my problems can be solved with the same thing: I need to get access to the lower levels. If I ever want to make any real progress on The Icarus Project, I need to see it first-hoof.

For now, that means doing my job as best as I can. The ponies down on level 8 are going to get the best damned cloned chickens they've ever seen. I know that it's only a matter of time before I'm promoted to working even further down, but in the meantime I'll do everything in my power to expedite the process.

There's no way in Tartarus I'm leaving when my year and a half is up. I'm here for the long haul now.


Entry 21

It's been a very long time. I've been busy. I only write now because something very, very big has finally happened. I'm being moved to level 8. (Which, by extension, also grants me access to level 9.)

I knew it was only a matter of time.

Ah, but what has happened in the meantime? Well, the last entry I made was about cloning chickens. That went over superbly, as it turned out. I'm still not sure why they made me do it, but they were extremely happy with the results. Over the next couple months, they really ramped up the research that was thrown my way. My team and I were staying in the lab late most every night for almost two months straight, but it all paid off in the end.

Today was officially my last day in the Alpha class labs. Starting tomorrow, I'll be working in Gamma class. I'll be up close and personal with The Icarus Project, or at least more so than before. Maybe I'll finally be able to see what Daedalus is containing down there.


Entry 22

Oh, what a glorious few days this has been. Gamma class is absolutely amazing. Never had I even imagined what I would find down there.

We created a winged unicorn!

Well, to be fair, my new colleagues did most of the work. When I first arrived on level 8, they were already nearly finished. The pony in question is— was a Class D employee, a unicorn mare, average height and weight. A lot of our material is passed up from the Omega class labs, so I am not entirely clear how the mare had been prepared, but by the time we received her she possessed two tiny wings, similar to those of a pegasus foal. Our lab was tasked with keeping her comfortable, and nurturing the growth of her wings.

The process was a lot more involved than it sounds. The wings didn't immediately take to their new host, and it was a challenge just to keep them from falling off. As I said, they were well into the experiment when I arrived though. By the time I entered the picture, her wings were nearly fully grown. I was tasked with creating an enchantment to keep the wings alive without constant application by a unicorn. They had, up until now, simply been doing the spell themselves. It was simple enough to convert their spell into an enchantment and imbue it to a large gemstone. I then fastened the gem to a belt, which the subject can wear to keep her new wings alive and healthy indefinitely.

…Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, all signs point to this being a dead end. Whatever the scientists down below did to give her the wings, they failed to make them actually usable. There is a reason I described her as 'a winged unicorn'.

The wings are nothing more than decorative, and the subject's magical signature is still that of a standard unicorn. We have even subjected her to several magical strength tests, just to be sure our readings weren't wrong, and she exhibited no extraordinary ability of any description.

But it's still something! It's an actual, physical example of research in action. This is exactly what I'd hoped for when I got promoted. No longer am I stuck performing experiments with seemingly no rhyme or reason behind them. Now, even if my efforts fail, at least I can see them fail.

On that note, I was wondering the other day, if we here in the Gamma labs are seeing our actual attempts at alicorns, then what could possibly necessitate the even deeper, more secretive Omega labs? I asked around a bit, and apparently the ponies down below are rumoured to perform strange and esoteric experiments. They are on the cutting edge, trying anything and everything that their minds can imagine.

I… am intrigued by the idea. Don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly happy where I am. I wanted a position working directly on The Icarus Project, and I've gotten it, but… from the sounds of things, the ponies on the Omega levels are completely unbound. They have total intellectual freedom, and nearly unlimited resources at their disposal. Obviously, they are still expected to contribute to the Project, but they do so on their own terms.

Of course, these are only rumours. I have no way of knowing if these fantastical claims are true, but if they are then I'd love to work down there one day.

Heh, not to sound discontented in my first week.

I should just sleep. Goodness knows I'll need it. After the failure of this most recent subject, we'll be starting a new project tomorrow. I'm excited to see what it is.


Applejack idly chewed on her lunch without ever tearing her eyes from the book. What followed that last entry were more experiment notes. These ones were certainly more interesting than the other ones she'd seen, but many of them still went over her head.

She skimmed over them, for the most part, only stopping to read them thoroughly when something particularly interesting came up.


Entry 27

Today was eventful, to say the least. I'll not bother mincing words about it, I'll just get right on to the notes.

Daedalus Foundation experiment log 562a: Our team was presented with a Class D subject (D-1269), species: changeling, gender: unknown, age: unknown. The intent of the experiment was to determine whether D-1269 could accurately shift into alicorn form, and whether it would be possible to replicate it.

Changelings are still a relatively unknown species, and they have never technically been seen in Equestria. At least not on record. We know very little of them, but we do know that they possess the ability to shapeshift into the form of virtually any pony. Why they do this is currently unknown. How they do this is also currently unknown.

Subject D-1269 was stored in a 10m3 standard equine containment cell, and was limited to an absolute minimum of equine contact. D-1269, in its natural form, is shaped like a pony, but has hard black chitin in the place of skin. Its eyes are solid blue and multifaceted, and its wings resemble dragonfly wings. All in all, its appearance is very similar to that of a bug, though that could merely be superficial.

Whenever D-1269 was presented with another pony, it would immediately shapeshift. In a flash of green fire, its entire appearance would change to that of another pony. Often, it would choose the pony in the room with it, though sometimes it would choose another pony that had visited in the past.

This ability represents a clear danger, especially if it were able to impersonate a high-level member of staff. For that reason, D-1269, and any other changeling subjects, are only ever to be presented with Class D personnel. Anypony above Class D who directly interacts with a changeling subject risks a compromise that we cannot afford.

Once we learned that the changeling's shapeshifting ability was based on seeing who it wanted to impersonate, D-1269 was presented with several photographs of Princess Celestia. The photographs ranged from headshots to full-body from virtually every angle, but D-1269 failed to react to any of them.

Unfortunately, before the experiment could continue, D-1269 displayed another heretofore unseen ability. When another Class D subject (earth pony, stallion, 28 years old, D-1451) entered the room to remove the photographs of Celestia and replace them with a life-sized statue, D-1269 pounced at him. Before he could react, D-1269's horn flashed a bright green, and D-1451 was placed into a sort of trance. His eyes glowed the same green shade, and he immediately stood up and opened the door for subject D-1269 to escape.

The changeling fled out of the room, and was terminated by security personnel shortly after. Subject D-1451 was sent to level 10 for analysis, and reclassified as an Omega class threat until the extent of what the changeling did can be determined.

Recommendation: when interacting with changeling subjects in future, the door is to be opened and closed only by a pony on the outside who makes no direct contact with the changeling.

End log.


Maybe interesting was the wrong word. Applejack mused on that for a moment. 'Disturbing' was probably more apt to describe the turn the experiment notes seemed to have taken. Sure it was a changeling, and it had tried to escape, but for the guards to just… terminate it like that.

Applejack didn't like it. No creature deserved to be treated so callously.

The next few experiment notes were far less interesting, but Applejack soon noticed a concerning theme popping up in the more personal journals. The scientist's tone seemed to have changed, somewhat drastically, though it was hard to tell when just skimming through. Applejack stopped on the next entry, and read carefully.


Entry 35

Closer and closer to ascension, but always just out of reach. I know now, with certainty, that The Icarus Project is my divine purpose in life. We've made strides, great strides, since I was moved down to levels 8 and 9. We may not have succeeded yet, but I am confident that my presence has put us on the track to success. Soon, I will be granted access to the very lowest levels. Within the week, in fact. I received word of my promotion just recently.

With my promotion, came a warning. They told me that what I see down there will not be pleasant. That the pursuit of science, and by extension our ultimate goal, takes precedence over everything else in the Omega class labs. Everything else. There will not be room for any hesitation, no matter what happens. No matter what the price.

They told me that, if I wanted, I could stay up here. I could remain in the Gamma class labs indefinitely, and still provide my services in full. In the past, I probably would have accepted their offer. Before I came to this island, before the three years I've spent working here, I would have chosen to stay in ignorance just to preserve my 'morals'. I was a different pony, then.

I have already accepted their offer. The Project takes precedence. I can handle whatever they have down there, whatever they strive to contain in the deepest levels of the facility. I've already seen Class D personnel lost in experiments gone awry. I am not the stranger to death that I once was.

The price is heavy, but the reward is more than worth it. The Daedalus Foundation will advance the world into a new age of wonder, even if we must pay the toll in blood.


Applejack blinked. She shook her head, then read the entry again just to be sure. The change was more than evident. In a mere three years, the kind and intellectual scientist had become… something else entirely.

She didn't want to keep reading anymore. She didn't want to know what happened next. Unfortunately, it wasn't about what she wanted. It was about what she needed. Now, more than ever, she needed to get off the island for good. If there was even the smallest chance that the journal would tell her how, then Applejack needed to take it.

She was nearing the end of the book now. It was only a little more. Reluctantly, Applejack continued reading.


Entry 36

It has been some time since my last entry. I have been busy with my new role in the lowest levels. I… I tried to be prepared for this. I steeled my nerves, I bolstered my will, I assured myself that The Icarus Project surpassed all other things in importance.

That didn't make it very much easier to acclimate to. My new colleagues have been understanding, fortunately, but I am my own worst critic. I want to help. I want to overcome the sickness in my stomach whenever they vivisect the latest failed experiment. My weakness is an injustice to what we are trying to accomplish.

We will change the world for the better, but only if I can overcome a bit of squeamishness.

I can do it. I will do it. No matter what it takes, I will prove that I am committed to the Project.

No matter what it takes.


Entry 37

Daedalus Foundation experiment log 599b: My team and I were presented with the remnants of experiment 599a, performed by another team on level 11. Their latest failed attempt at magic-induced mutation had resulted in a curious case. A Class D subject (pegasus, mare, 32 years old, D-1558) had failed to ascend, but had been granted unique magical properties.

Most notably, they had become ostensibly invulnerable. D-1558 was reclassified as an Omega class threat, and placed into storage. They were stored in a 10m3 secure cell at the bottom of a 5m concrete-lined shaft, with standard anti-pegasus spikes placed along the walls of the shaft. Once my team became available, D-1558 was moved from storage to our secure lab.

We were not told how the first team came to believe D-1558 was indestructible, but my team was tasked with verifying the claim.

Upon first examination, subject D-1558 appeared as any normal pegasus, apart from her eyes. Her eyes were a solid, glowing white with no pupils. AS far as we could tell, the effect was purely superficial.

Our first test consisted of introducing another Class D subject (earth pony, stallion, 25 years old, D-2081) into the room with instructions to kill D-1558. D-2081 had been convicted for several murders before being acquired by Daedalus, and did not hesitate in the slightest. He was equipped with one large, sharp knife, and immediately attempted to stab D-1558 in the neck with it.

The knife bounced off harmlessly, with no damage apparent on the blade or on D-1558. D-2081 was not deterred, and continued his assault for some time. He eventually grew tired, at which point D-1558 wrested the knife from his hooves and terminated him with a single thrust to the heart.

The test was not entirely fruitless, as we did determine that D-1558 possessed no extraordinary strength, and required D-2081 to wear himself out before she was able to get the knife from him.

We then tested D-1558's reaction to bathing the room in fire, setting off an explosive charge next to her, and firing 30 crossbow bolts into her at once. None had even the slightest effect.

Our final attempt was electrocution. We connected subject D-1558 to cables feeding directly from the main generator, and steadily increased the power output fed through them. At first, there was no reaction, as usual. She was able to withstand six times what would have killed an average pony, but at that point D-1558 finally expired.

Conclusion: Experiment 599a did not create an immortal pony, merely a very strong one.

End log.


Entry 38

We lost four more Class D personnel while constructing a new outpost in the southern jungle. I keep telling the captain to take better care of them, but half the time she forgets to even feed them when she locks them in the cages for the night. This behaviour is simply unacceptable. Class D subjects are not an infinite resource, and every one costs the Daedalus Foundation to obtain. IF this severe misuse of resources continues, I will be filing a complaint about the captain.

Class D personnel are not cheap!


Applejack couldn't read any more. She felt sick to her stomach. Memories of that horrible, awful site she'd found in the jungle flashed through her mind. A construction site. That was all it was. So many ponies dead, and all so that some science foundation could have a new lab.

These ponies were evil. There were no two ways about it. The Daedalus Foundation had seemed morally questionable at first, but they had long since crossed that line and kept right on going. Applejack couldn't even imagine ponies doing such things. If she'd only read it, she would never have believed it, but she'd seen it first-hoof. She'd seen the cages, the electrified spears no doubt used to keep the workers in line.

Her breathing was starting to come in rapid gasps, and Applejack had to work to calm herself down. It was in the past, she couldn't dwell on it. It was horrible, but there was more to go. She had to press on, through the ever nauseating page. She couldn't give up now.

With some great effort, Applejack managed to force her eyes back down to the book before her. Every inch of her protested, but Applejack continued reading.


Entry 40

Daedalus Foundation experiment log 800a: A study on the strength and/or power increase provided by a griffon diet. This is a personal study, but one that was conducted with the hope of benefiting The Icarus Project in the long run.

10 Class D personnel (four earth ponies, three pegasi, and three unicorns) were each placed in standard 10m3 containment cells. They were each provided water to drink, and various exercise equipment ranging from easy difficulty to near impossible strength requirements.

When the time came for their first meal, a live chicken was released into each pony's cell. This persisted for the remainder of the experiment. At every mealtime, a small, live animal was released into each cell. The subjects were given instructions to consume the animal, and to utilize the exercise equipment to the best of their ability.

Two unicorns, one pegasus, and one earth pony all starved to death after refusing to consume another living creature. This left three earth ponies, two pegasi, and one unicorn.

Two earth ponies, one pegasus, and the remaining unicorn lost all connection with reality after a period of a few days consuming the griffon diet. Once they were all confirmed to be completely insane, all four subjects were terminated. In the few days that they remained lucid, none of them showed any increase in strength. This left only one pegasus and one earth pony.

The remaining two subjects ('earth pony, stallion, 30 years old, D-1901' and 'pegasus, mare, 22 years old, D-2340') showed no increase in strength after several months of this diet. In fact, both became sickly and weak compared to their former selves. The experiment was declared a failure after 8 months with no positive change.

Both subjects were deemed as unfit to return to duty, both mentally and physically. Subject D-1901 was terminated, and subject D-2340 was sent to level 11 containment, where she will be stored until harvested for The Icarus Project.

Note: D-2340 has become sociopathic and violent, and should be treated with the proper level of security.

End log.


Entry 48

Daedalus Foundation experiment log 960a: My team and I were tasked with assessing the unique magical properties of parasprites, as well as the danger they might pose to the world.

Parasprites are voracious little creatures, known to consume food at an alarming rate. They reproduce asexually after consuming upwards of one and a half times their own body weight. This phenomenon has been known to have catastrophic results to crops and good supplies, and has given the tiny creatures a reputation as the worst of vermin.

Our first test deigned to find out if parasprites could become even more dangerous than anypony had ever imagined. The possibility of parasprites consuming meat, or even living prey, would easily result in reclassifying them as a threat to all life as we know it.

The first phase involved starving a parasprite for several days. It was stored in a 5m3 spellwork glass case, and observed until it appeared weak and desperate from starvation. This turned out to take approximately 8 days without food.

Once the parasprite was sufficiently starved, a piece of cooked chicken was introduce into the case. The parasprite showed no hesitation in consuming the meat, and reproduced as normal. Both parasprites were destroyed, and the experiment reset.

A new parasprite was placed in the box, and starved for the same amount of time. However, this one was fed a piece of raw chicken after 8 days. Again, there was no hesitation, and the parasprite reproduced as normal. Both parasprites were destroyed, and the experiment reset once more.

Finally, an entire swarm was stored in a 10m3 standard equine containment cell, and starved for the same amount of time as the previous ones. After that time, a live Class D subject (earth pony, mare, 36 years old, D-1701) was introduced into the cell. There was no hesitation, and the parasprites reproduced as normal.

All parasprites involved in the test were destroyed, save for a small sample that will continue to be stored on level 12 and fed meat indefinitely in case of any long-term effects. Their offspring will be destroyed after each feeding, of course.

As a result of this first test, I recommend that parasprites be reclassified as an Omega class threat, and suggest extreme care when working with them in future.


More and more pages. Applejack wanted to vomit. She felt glad when tears started to blur her vision, as it meant she could flip through the pages without having to see them. Even her morbid curiosity had been crushed to a bloody pulp. She just wanted it to end. Please. Please, let it end.

Finally, mercifully, Applejack reached the last couple pages. She wiped at her eyes until she could see again, and then she continued reading.


Final Entry

Who am I? What am I? I… I don't remember being the way I am today. I've been reading my own journal. It feels like I'm reading a book written by somepony else, somepony terrible.

I found the locket, today. It was in the basement, locked away in a dusty old drawer. I don't remember putting it there. I must have done it as my last act before my sanity faded completely. I knew, even as I sank further and further into darkness, that I couldn't bear to subject you to what I had become. So I locked you away, and I forgot about you.

But now I've found you again, and I remember. I remember the pony I used to be. I remember everything that I once stood for, that I've now forsaken entirely. It feels like I've been dreaming, only I wake to find myself in a nightmare. It is a nightmare of my own creation. I am responsible for so, so much. So much of the pain, and the blood, that this island has hidden falls directly at my hooves.

I need… I need to do something. I need to put an end to this place before I lapse back into insanity. Though I can't quite blame insanity, can I? No, I only wish that I was crazy. Perhaps then I could say that it wasn't my fault…

But I can do something! I can end it all. I can put a stop to Daedalus for good, right now. Tonight. I, unfortunately, cannot activate the Titanomachy Protocol. As much as I would love to send this entire island to the abyss, I would require the help of two other scientists, and I doubt I would be able to find it.

There is a solution, though. I am trusted here. I have access to everywhere and everything. I can go wherever I please… and I can open all the locks. One breach would be containable, even a breach from level 12, but all of them?

Yes, it will be perfect. I can unlock every door on the island simultaneously. Nothing will survive. It will be my final atrocity, but for the first time I will actually be doing it with the good of the world in mind. That may not justify it, but I think I'm past justification at this point.

There are things stored on level 12 that could threaten the world. There are monsters that even nightmares could never fully comprehend. I cannot allow them free access to escape and wreak havoc.

I will have to activate the Faraday Protocol. It should contain most of the experiments, and the ones that it can't stop will at least be rendered blind to the rest of the world. The shield will block any senses, from psychic to magical, so the experiments should remain on the island until they either die out or kill each other.

Yes, open the cages and lock the door. The House of Daedalus will fall into chaos, and tear itself apart.

One last thing. If anypony is reading this, then somehow you have found yourself on this accursed island. I am truly, truly sorry.

In order to escape, you will need to first unlock the underground facility, and then disable the Faraday Protocol. To unlock the facility, take the six access gems I store in my basement —where you likely found this book— to the six security stations located around the island. You will have to find a map. I do not know their locations by heart.

Once the six gems have been placed on the six pedestals, the doors leading underground will become accessible. Find the main entrance, located at the base of the large mountain in the south. Down the tunnel will lead you to the entrance to level 1. Simply approach the entrance, and it will open.

The security control room is located at the far north end of level 1. There are signs that lead the way. Simply find your way to that room, and press the large button labeled 'Island-wide lock'.

With any luck, you, and any friends with you, will be the only living things on the island by the time you read this. If anything survives to stalk you, know that it can be hurt. We never did perfect immortality.

I wish you good luck, dear reader. I will preface this book with an explanation, and hopefully you aren't entirely in the dark.

Now, my fate awaits. I will unleash every horror that Daedalus has created upon them. I will show them exactly what they have sown, and I will stand alongside them to reap it. May Celestia have mercy on our souls.


Author's Note:

Edited by my homeboys, Pyromitsu and Aatxe360. Yo.