• Published 16th Jan 2012
  • 10,918 Views, 175 Comments

FlutterFire - ScriptScrolls

After a tough break up Spitfire finds love in the hooves a certain yellow pegasus

  • ...

Chapter 2

Chapter 2



By ScriptScrolls & Criticul


“Don’t worry. I’ll be sure to give ‘Dashie’ all I can offer,” Twilight mused, finding the pet name adorable. Spitfire blushed a little at her tease, but proceeded out the door and shut it. ‘Poor Dash,’ Twilight thought, ‘I’ll have to make sure to treat her well.’ She immediately imagined kissing Rainbow better, vacuuming out her negative emotions one by one. Twilight blushed intensely and immediately became grateful nopony was around to see her. ‘Where did that come from?’ she asked herself. The lavender unicorn violently shook the thoughts out of her head and proceeded to trot back to the basement laboratory. She had experiments to continue after all.

The walk to Fluttershy’s house seemed to take only a few seconds, although Spitfire could tell by the sun’s movement across the sky that it took her a very long time -- at least compared to if she flew there. As she crossed the bridge, second thoughts raced into her mind. ‘What if she cries? What if tells you she hates you and that you should go away? What if she won’t accept your apology, even though you’re sorry?’ Spitfire cringed, fearing all such outcomes. One thought kept her walking towards the cottage; one worry forced her to put one hoof in front of the other: ‘What if I don’t try?’


Spitfire stood lingering in front of Fluttershy’s cottage door. She felt extremely nervous about apologizing to Fluttershy after the day’s earlier events. Every time the mare raised her hoof to knock on the door, a deep fear within her caused her to withhold. ‘Come on, Spitfire,’ she mentally berated herself, ‘just knock on the door. You have nothing to fear.

Fear. The word itself reminded Spitfire of Fluttershy and her own actions.

Do I look okay?!... some kind of lost puppy?!... Everypony likes her better anyway, right?!... Go be with your little marefriend...

A single tear rolled down Spitfire’s cheek as she remembered in vivid detail the look of pure terror on Fluttershy’s face. The orange-maned pegasus sniffed a little, wiped her face with her hoof, and stood up straight. ‘Fluttershy was brave enough to stand there taking violent insults,’ she thought to herself. ‘I should have enough courage to just knock on this door.’ And, with that, Spitfire struck the door thrice.

Spitfire’s heart rate soared and her knees began to shake as she pondered what to say to the mare once they came face to face. ‘Oh Celestia...I really should have thought this through before I went knocking on her door.

Finally a soft sweet voice emanated from the large wooden door, “Coming! Angel Bunny, be good...we have a guest at the door.” A loud thump could be heard immediately afterwards. “Oh Angel, you can be a really grumpy bunny sometimes.”

When the door swung open, the sight that greeted Fluttershy caused her legs to lock and her mouth to drop. “O-oh! Sp-Sp-Spitfire...”

Spitfire frowned as she observed the reaction Fluttershy had in response to her presence. ‘I knew it...I’ve ruined all possibility of reconciliation..” Spitfire allowed her head to drop, so she could stare at the ground in front of her hooves. Her ears drooped back as she pawed at the dirt with her front hoof. ‘Nopony likes me anyway. Why should she act any differently?’ A single teardrop fell from Spitfire’s eye and landed in the dirt below.

Fluttershy felt distraught at the scene unfolding outside her door. Here stood a strong mare -- a Wonderbolt nonetheless -- falling apart in front of her. At first, Fluttershy felt apprehensive, remembering Spitfire’s reaction last time she had offered help. Upon closer inspection however, the yellow pegasus concluded this was not the same mare who had hurt her so badly this morning. No, this mare had puffy eyes from crying all day, an unkempt mane -- indicating she had been pulling at it to relieve stress -- and a seriously depressed demeanor. Fluttershy’s heart wrenched at seeing such a dispirited pony, so much so that she struggled to keep tears from her own eyes.

“P-please come in,” She requested, stepping aside so Spitfire could pass. Spitfire looked up at Fluttershy with gloom still lingering in her orange eyes. The Wonderbolt did, however, allow a small smile to form from her previously quivering lips. Fluttershy’s heart melted. She had never seen Spitfire smile once during her residence in Ponyville, even in the presence of her former marefriend. Something Rainbow Dash did, always seemed to upset the pegasus.

As Spitfire walked past her, Fluttershy noticed the amber mare stood shorter by about an inch, which made her quite small in comparison to other mares. What Spitfire lacked in height however, she made up for in build. Her limbs were covered in lean muscle, and there wasn’t an ounce of fat to be found on her neck. Spitfire’s back impressed Fluttershy more than anything; it seemed utterly ripped -- the trademark of an extremely strong flier. As if to confirm this, the pegasus’ wings fluttered restlessly. The fluffing caught Fluttershy’s eye as she continued examining the pegasus, and her jaw dropped slightly. Spitfire had the largest, most gorgeous wings she had ever seen on a pegasus. Fluttershy knew, even while they were folded against her firm body, Spitfire’s wings must have spanned at least twenty percent longer than hers. Not only that, but each feather gleamed in the light of the room, making her wings seem wet.

Fluttershy looked back to Spitfire’s face to see a pair of amber eyes looking curiously at her. The shy pegasus hid her face behind her mane and blushed, embarrassed at succumbing to her wing fixation. Spitfire finally gathered enough courage to speak.

“Fluttershy,” she said softly, “I’m so sorry for the way I acted earlier today. I... I shouldn’t have yelled at you. It wasn’t your fault -- nothing was. It was mine... all mine...” Spitfire now stared at her hooves, completely ashamed at what she had done -- both to Fluttershy and Rainbow. Fluttershy walked over to the Wonderbolt and placed a hoof on her shoulder, gently nudging so the amber mare would raise her head.

“Spitfire,” she whispered, “I know you didn’t mean what you said today; you’re a nice pony. Even though it honestly did hurt a bit, I know it can’t be nearly as painful as what you went through today. So, I need you to tell me the truth when I ask this... Are you alright?”

Spitfire responded to this question in a knee-jerk reaction before she caught herself. “Yea- .... well... no... N-no, I’m not a-alright!” she said, sobs now choking her voice. After an entire day of mostly failed attempts at bottling her emotions, Spitfire set them loose as she wailed in the hooves of the kind pegasus. Fluttershy stroked the back of her mane while the sobbing mare clung tightly to her.

“Sssshhhh... It’s okay...” Fluttershy whispered gently. It relieved her that Spitfire couldn’t see the blush slowly forming on her face.

Spitfire didn’t know how to reply to the kindness Fluttershy was showing her. She had never before been treated as anything more than a celebrity, yet here was a mare she hardly even knew comforting her. Spitfire couldn’t understand why she was even being so generous; not to long ago Spitfire was screaming at this very pegasus.

“I don’t deserve this...” Spitfire pulled away from Fluttershy and looked at her with sad eyes. “I treated you so terribly, and you act like nothing happened...Why?”

Fluttershy blushed slightly and turned her gaze from Spitfire. “W-well....um...you see, I always try to help everypony. Nopony is truly bad; we all just do things we regret from time to time...”

Spitfire felt a grin form across her lips. “I don’t know if that’s naive or just simply amazing. I think I’ll settle for the second one...” Spitfire wiped the tears from her eyes. “I need to stop crying...I have a reputation to keep up.” The last thing she needed was an epithet like “the Weeping Wonderbolt.”

Fluttershy giggled slightly and smiled at Spitfire. “Oh, I would never tell anypony about this...it’ll be our little s-secret...”

Spitfire returned the kind gesture with a light hug. “Thank you so much Fluttershy... your forgiveness means a lot to me. I don’t exactly have a lot of friends to go around being rude to...”

A light scarlet danced across Fluttershy’s cheeks, though Spitfire couldn’t see it as a result of their close embrace. “U-um... I’ll always be your fr-friend...”

Spitfire pulled away from the hug, now wearing a cheery smile. Since arriving her mood at improved greatly. Spitfire was now feeling a million times better, knowing that Fluttershy held no resentment towards her for what she did.

“Say...would you maybe...want to go out for lunch or something? It’s the least I could do...” Spitfire bit her lower lip in anticipation. She really wanted Fluttershy to say yes so she could get to know the shy pegasus better. Spitfire felt the mare had already shown more then enough promise to potentially be a great friend, something Spitfire doesn’t have much experience in.

Fluttershy squee’d and fell backwards off the couch. The pony she had just been ogling earlier had basically her out on a date. Spitfire peered over from the side of the couch and started giggling.

“Are you okay there, Fluttershy? You took quite a fall there...” Fluttershy stood up and stretched her wings.

“Yeah...I’m okay, just landed on my wings awkwardly...” Fluttershy closed her wings and returned to her seat next to Spitfire. “Anyway...I’d...I’d l-love to have lunch with you...”

“This is great! We can really get to know each other,” Spitfire’s mind began to imagine the dreams of friends that she never had as a filly. She knew it was silly to get worked up over having lunch with somepony, but this felt different than all the others. There was a real chance to make a friend, not just somepony to admire and envy Spitfire for her flying prowess. “We can go to this really great restaurant off Stable Street!”

~ ~ ~

Rainbow Dash trotted slowly down the street towards Twilight’s. She was drawing a lot of attention today. Mainly due to the fact that she looked extremely gloomy, something uncharacteristic to the charismatic mare. Ponies all around were whispering to each other, dreaming up reasons as to why such a confident pony could be so distraught.

Rainbow Dash noticed the stares and whispers, but she was in no mood to deal with the everypony else’s concerns. Secretly, she hated how they all saw her as this untouchable creature that could never be anything less than perfect. Dash would like, for once, to go about her business without judgemental ponies analyzing her every move, but such was the price of fame.

She quickened her pace to a canter as she neared the tree’s entrance, eager to leave the piercing views of onlookers. Rainbow knocked three times on the wooden door and was relieved to hear Twilight’s voice.

“Come in!” Twilight said warmly. Dash didn’t need to be told twice and quickly opened the door, stepped through, and shut it behind her. Twilight got off her hooves as soon as she saw the pegasus’ face and mane. Rainbow’s typically neat yet casual mane was an absolute mess, and her eyes had dark purple rings under them. Her cheeks shone with lines from the tears she had recently allowed to roll down her face unhampered, and her hooves were bruised for some reason Twilight had yet to ascertain.

“Dash! P-please lie down on the couch! I’ll get you something; just relax!” The lavender mare rushed into the kitchen to fetch something -- anything -- to help Rainbow. After grabbing everything she could find, Twilight made her way to the cyan mare with an armament of medical supplies, relaxation therapeutics (courtesy of Rarity), and comfort food.

“Th-thanks Twi...” Rainbow Dash reached for the hay chips in Twilight’s hooves and immediately stuck her whole face in the bag as she munched away, groaning softly. Twilight carefully seated herself on the couch next to Rainbow Dash, and gently placed her hoof on the dismal pegasus’ shoulder.

“Now...tell me, what’s wrong?” Twilight rubbed Rainbow Dash’s shoulders comfortingly.

Rainbow Dash responded with a huff and by placing her muzzle in her hooves. “Spitfire and I-…we...” the cyan pegasus began before taking a deep breath. “We... s-she just lef--” Dash stopped speaking as the sobs choked out her voice. She offered no resistance to the flood of emotions she had been bottling all day. Twilight felt a tear begin to well up in her own eye, extremely despondent at seeing her friend in such a state. Rainbow, possibly the most self-sure mare she knew, was collapsing right in front of her.

Twilight didn’t think twice before wrapping her hooves around the pegasus’ back. “It’s okay, Dashie,” she whispered softly, keeping Spitfire’s pet name at an inaudible volume. “Let it out. I’m here for you.”

Rainbow Dash stared deeply into Twilight’s violet eyes. They were looking back at the rainbow mare with something she had not seen before: empathy. She reflected how most ponies saw her as nothing more than a Wonderbolt these days -- some immortal idol nopony could even hope to relate to. Twilight’s compassionate gaze, however, reminded her that she did have friends and not just fans.

It was also at this moment that Rainbow Dash noticed how gorgeous her eyes really were. Twilight’s irises were a dark, royal violet, expressing her emotional depth and sincerity. While she mayn’t possess Fluttershy’s notorious stare, Dash could regardless feel an odd sensation tingling in her chest and stomach as the unicorn’s eyes gently peered into her own puffy ones. As if on cue, Twilight lifted her hoof to wipe away the cyan mare’s remaining tears. Rainbow averted her gaze downwards and blushed, ashamed that she had lost her composure and burdened her best friend with such a flux of emotions.

“I-I’m sorry Twi...you know I’m not usually like this.” Rainbow sniffled and attempted to get off the couch. She wanted to avoid being seen like this any longer than she had to, but a gentle, purple hoof blocked her way. She turned to say something to the purple unicorn, but was met with a very stern smile, and gentle, glossy eyes.

“Please, Rainbow Dash. I can’t help you if you run off...” Rainbow felt her knees wobble as the little unicorn calmly stared her down. There was nothing intimidating about the way she was looking at her, yet Twilight’s gaze was filled with such compassion and determination that Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but sit back down.

”I know this must be difficult for you. If you’re even half as devastated as Spitfire was when she ca--”

“Spitfire was here?!” Dash shouted. Her wings shot out and her face began to turn beet red. A pang of fear shot through Twilight as she shirked away from the aggravated pegasus. The unicorn buried her squinted eyes in her hooves, preparing for whatever verbal assault would be headed her way.

Rainbow’s mind began racing. She had no clue as to why Spitfire would have already visited Twilight. What could the other Wonderbolt possibly want from her best friend after breaking up with her? Furthermore, Twilight said Spitty was devastated. The thought made Rainbow huff; she couldn’t possibly even contemplate the level of misery Dash was enduring. Anger still distorting her face, the cyan mare observed the malingering unicorn next to her and immediately saddened. She hadn’t meant to lash out like that, especially not to the only pony who was offering her any consolation.

“I-I’m sorry, Twi... I was just surprised is all.” The lavender unicorn flustered slightly at the nickname. Her friends often used it, but it felt... different when Rainbow Dash said it, as if it were somehow more personal.

“Rainbow, I think we both know that’s not true. You’re still frustrated, but it’s understandable.” Twilight had inched her way back over to the mopey pegasus. “You two were together for a really long time... I wish I could say I understand what you’re going through, but I honestly don’t.”

“Trust me, you’re not missing much,” Dash muttered. Twilight merely frowned at the pegasus.

“Do you really regret it, Dash? I mean -- everything? Surely some of what you both had was worth it, right?” The unicorn was only half asking to make Rainbow reconsider; the other half of her really wanted to know about it. She never had much experience in relationships, largely because she was always caught up in her studies, but also because she had never seen the appeal of dating colts. They always seemed so brash and immature to Twilight, even if she admired their confidence.

“Well, yea-- no-- I don’t know!” Dash’s wings folded back in as she hung her head low, trying to sort her feelings. Twilight put her hoof around the pegasus’ shoulders, hugging her in close.

“Shh... It’s okay, Dashie.” Rainbow’s wings shot out slightly at the use of her pet name, inciting a muffled giggle from the unicorn. The cyan pony blushed hotly and growled a bit, causing Twilight make a better attempt at stifling her chuckles. Rainbow found the laughter a bit contagious and even cute.

“Let me guess,” Dash sneered, “she used that name while she was here” Twilight smiled coyly and nodded.

“I’m sorry, Dash. I shouldn’t have used a name that’s private between you two.”

“No, don’t sweat it, Twi’. It’s just a little pet name Spitty had for me.” At that, both ponies started giggling uncontrollably, gasping loudly between hurls of laughter. By the time the chuckles had subsided, both ponies were clutching their sides with two hooves. Rainbow glanced at the lavender mare and smiled gently, happiness finally shining through her puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks. Twilight felt practically giddy that Dash had at last cheered up.

“Thanks, Twilight,” the cyan mare whispered as she put both hooves around her. Rainbow pulled the unicorn into a tight embrace, proceeding to nuzzle the side of her face. It took all of Twilight’s willpower not to squee like Fluttershy from joy. Rainbow Dash began to pull away slowly, and the lavender mare reluctantly released her hold.

“Anytime Rainbow Dash...my library is always open for you.” Rainbow Dash smiled and turned her attention to the darkening windows. She gasped as she remembered that the pegasi had a big thunderstorm planned for today, and she did not want to get caught in that. The frantic mare jumped off the couch and ran towards the door. As Rainbow Dash grabbed the handle she turned to face a confused Twilight.

“Sorry Twi! There’s a big storm coming, and I don’t want to get caught in it. And hey...thanks for everything...egghead,” the pegasus teased, smirking widely. As Rainbow pulled the door open, thunder cracked just outside the library causing the pegasus to shut the door quickly in fear. “Er...it’s here.” She turned to Twilight with a sheepish smile.

“Let me guess...you need a place to stay?” Rainbow chuckled and nodded bashfully. The gentle unicorn smiled and got off the couch. “I’ll go get some blankets. I can sleep on the couch; you can have my bed.”

“Twilight, you know I could never intrude on your home and take your bed. I’ll take the couch.”

“No way I’m letting you sleep on the couch, Dash. You’re my guest after all,” Twilight said with a small smile.

“Well, what kind of friend would I be if I forced you out of your own bed? That’s a real loyal thing to do, huh?”

“I’m the one offering it to you.”

“And I’m refusing,” Dash said, a smirk spread widely across her face. She was determined to have Twilight give in first. Twilight giggled at her friend’s sudden display of witty courtesy -- a trait she had always looked for in the few colts she attempted dating. The lavender unicorn, while inexperienced, decided to use a bit of charm to her advantage in the situation. Twilight trotted slowly up to the cyan mare and sat on her haunches right in front of Rainbow, pouting despondently.

“Please, Dashie,” she said, batting her eyelashes. Rainbow experienced a reaction to the pet name quite similar to the one earlier. “I really don’t want you to sleep on the couch.” After snapping her wings back in place, Dash tried staring at the ground to little avail. Twilight’s dark, doleful eyes continued to solicit her attention until, at last, she could no longer bear it.

“Argh, Twilight!” the pegasus whined, “I’ll feel so bad if you have to sleep on the couch!” An idea suddenly engendered itself in the purple mare’s mind. Although her conscious mind screamed at her for the audacious suggestion she was preparing to make, a feeling inside Twilight filled her with confidence as she spoke unwavering.

“Fine, I’ll sleep with you if it makes you feel better,” she said flatly, as if it were a common statement. To the rainbow-maned mare, the proposition was everything but normal. Dash began stammering uncontrollably, her mouth tripping over itself as her brain kept changing what it wanted to say.

“What? I-I mean, Twi -- wait, um... I-uh,” the cyan pegasus mumbled incoherently before shaking her head violently. “But I’m lesbian, Twilight. Wouldn’t that be a bit... uh...?” Rainbow’s face began to turn a shade of light crimson as her voice trailed off.

“It’s fine,” Twilight said with a smile. “You’re a loyal friend, and I trust you.”

~ ~ ~

Rainbow Dash lay awake far after the pony beside her had dozed off into blissful slumber. The pegasus found it difficult to sleep next to another mare after everything that had transpired that day. It felt so strange to be in bed next to somepony that wasn’t Spitfire, the pony she had spent the last year. Still, if there was anypony she felt comfortable enough with, it was the book-worm Twilight Sparkle.

I bet she even sleeps like an egghead...’ Rainbow Dash chuckled at her little joke. She pondered the possible ways Twilight could sleep. Images of the unicorn curled into a ball with her hooves locked tightly in her chest came to mind. ‘I have to see that!

Curiosity piqued in the young mares mind as she rolled over to catch at peak at how the quaint unicorn slept. Twilight was facing away from Rainbow Dash with her hooves tucked neatly under her muzzle. Her mouth hung slightly ajar as she snow snored softly. ‘Hm...I guess not. It actually reminds me of the way Spitty sleeps...

As she watched Twilight sleep an idea came to Rainbow Dash. Gently, she placed her head on the lavender mare’s back and carefully wrapped her hooves her. The familiar warmth of another pony was comforting to Rainbow. A blush caressed her cheeks as she thought of her actions’ consequences which were sure to come in the morning.

Comments ( 64 )

Sorry the amazingly long wait guys, as we've stated before...schedules can get a bit frantic between the two of us. However, we do believe this chapter came together rather nicely, and we have high hopes for the coming chapters. Hope you enjoy the read! We love you guys! :rainbowkiss:

~ TheScarecrow and Criticul~

No worries on my part, can't speak for others but I prefer a story well done than rushed. Take what time you need. Also excellent chapter.

248921 well that's an easy problem to fix! wherever you see rainbow mentioned in the story, replace her with spitfire :trollestia:

248979 ahhh, see. The trick is to not listen to him, I'm the FUN one. :D I'm also the nice one. :)
lmao :trollestia:

What if tells you she hates you and that you should go away?
It felt so strange to be in bed next to somepony that wasn’t Spitfire, the pony she had spent the last year.

^ I think you accidentally a few words in those sentences. Other than a few grammatical slip ups, this was an nice update. Though you could probably do with the use of some pronouns instead of repeating the ____ pegasus or the _____ mare. Avoid the lavender unicorn plague!

Anyway, glad to see this continue to update!

The only problem i really have is how fast both dash and spitfire seem to become attracted to twilight and fluttershy other than that i really enjoy this story so far. Just try to get the next one out faster pls.

249173 Rainbow and Twilight have had years developing their relationship, they just really needed a push. Who says Spitfire is attracted to Fluttershy yet? :trollestia: She invited her to a friendly lunch to make up for the way she acted.

249123 You know, we proof-read this several times, and we still miss stuff like that! :twilightangry2:
I get mixed reactions on that from everyone. Some hate pronouns, some hate names, some descriptions. We try to get an equal balance, but in a 4000 word chapter, it can get a bit difficult. ^_^"

Anyway, we'll definitely try and get it out faster this time! Thanks for the comments, guys! :heart:

I am so glad I got to read an update for this. I was starting to think this story died off.

This chapter was really good, you can feel how confused Rainbow and Spitfire really are.

Well it's really worth to wait a lot for this chapter but as we know good work needs time and I'm happily waiting for great chapters of this story like this one.

An update! Some of my favorite stories haven't updated in forever, but this one did!

“But I’m lesbian, Twilight. Wouldn’t that be a bit... uh...?” Rainbow’s face began to turn a shade of light crimson as her voice trailed off.:rainbowhuh:

"Oh that would be fine too!":twilightsmile:


I find the TwiDash in this story alot more interesting than the Spitfire/Fluttershy.
Which I don't mind at all.

250465 well we didn't do a good distribution between the two in this chapter, but the next chapter will likely be more FireShy and less TwiDash. I promise you, the FireShy gets much more interesting :twilightsmile:

251292 False! More words went to SpitShy than TwiDash!
It just appears so, because we made more happen in a more dramatic fashion with the TwiDash scene. :3

249197 Who says Spitfire is attracted to Fluttershy yet?

She's ... got eyes, right?

"Fluttershy knew, even while they were folded against her firm body, Spitfire’s wings must have spanned at least twenty percent longer than hers."

Spitfire’s wings must have spanned at least twenty percent longer than hers
must have spanned at least twenty percent longer than hers
spanned at least twenty percent longer than hers
at least twenty percent longer than hers
twenty percent longer than hers
twenty percent longer


There is nothing quite like going to sleep with a girl cuddled in your arms. Its amusing to think of her as a large self warming teddy bear, regardless of the fact that you didnt sleep with a stuffed animal when you were smaller.

It really feels like you have a heavy foot on the plot (not that plot, the normal plot) accelerator and really going fast on the TwiDash and Flutter's feelings. Ease up and let it coast for better gas milage. (I was going to say 'let it slow cook/marinade' but switching to a cooking metaphor after starting on a car metaphor didnt feel completely right)

Im looking foward to more SpitShy(Giggity(sounds kinda kinky)) FlutterFire(sounds painful)

257207 Well, there are no feelings really developed between fluttershy and spitfire yet (though they will come! :D) and Twilight and Rainbow Dash have been developing their feelings for years, we're just giving you clip that runs parallel with the flutterfire :twilightsmile:

257639 I took Fluttershy's reaction to the lunch invite as indication of feelings in addition to her checking out Spitfire. Though I do realize that her checking out Spitfire could easily just be her noticing that Spitfire eats her Wheaties in the morning and pumps iron.

258458 lol, there is that physical attraction yes. I mean, i check out chicks all the time. :ajsmug: lol

258460 Who doesn't?:pinkiehappy::rainbowwild: From what I can tell, straight girls check out other straight girls.
Spitfire: *Walks down the street singing "Im Sexy and I Know it" by LMFAO*


Even though there was a noticeable lack of FlutterFire in this fic when compared to TwiDash, it was still a great read. The only thing that bugged me was how quickly Fluttershy felt comfortable with the thought of finding Spitfire attractive. Perhaps it should take her a while (finding her attractive would be one thing but thinking of their lunch together as a date is another).

Anyway, can't wait till the next chapter!

268518 I've never questioned being attracted to someone, have you?

268518 sorry, but we don't question it. Fluttershy told me she found Spitty hot and -- OW!! Wtf, Shy?! Well you did say it! No, I'm not going to delete the comment... fine, I won't post about how you buy AirSport Illustrated just to look at her in uniform, happy? Ok, then...

268518 Don't take that as sarcasm by the way, just wonderin'. ^_^


268954 Haha, you're right, you are the nice one. What I was trying to say is since Spitfire is also a female, perhaps Fluttershy thought her feelings were a bit weird at first before accepting them. Dunno, just throwing that out there.

271874 I could see that. Though I feel since her close knowledge of how accepted Spitfire and Dash's relationship was, she has to come realize that maybe being attracted to the same sex isn't so bad. ^_^


272160 Aw, don't cry... There, there.

Now I just have to wait another month til the next chapter :trollestia:

275692 heh, for that smug remark you can wait on the moon :trollestia:
jk, we'll try harder to get the next chapter out sooner :twilightsmile:

276183, 276244

Do yo ulike Bananas? Good, because you wont be finding any bananas.. ON THA MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNAAAAAAAA BEEEYETCH!!

But I was joking, I don't mind how long it takes just as long as it doesn't stop :fluttercry: I..I didn't mean.. :raritycry:

276531 Relax, we both understand. ^_^ It's all in good fun.

276636 Well then I'm glad

*Read story* Awwww :heart:
*Read comments* LOFL! :rainbowlaugh:

280733 We are quite the hoot, are we not?

:twilightblush: amazing, cant wait for the next chapter

can't wait for Twi's reaction in the morning:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:
that's gonna be priceless:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Five mustaches now, and five later when it's done!
:moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache:

holy shit this chapter is riddled with errors! damnit google docs! :flutterrage:

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