• Published 17th Dec 2012
  • 4,324 Views, 52 Comments

Unlimited Power - DarkZonker

Stranded on a wild new planet, Obi-Wan and Anakin must stop a reemerging evil from taking complete control.

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Why... can’t... they slow... DOWN, Spike thought as he ran his stubby little legs off trying to catch up to the brown robed figures. They kept a much quicker pace than Spike could hope to match, most likely because of the longer legs Spike saw. They also never ate, it seemed, and Spike’s stomach was shooting spikes of pain throughout his body with each breath. His lungs were burning from the overexertion and the creatures were getting farther and farther away. Spike kept on running and running even though his body was threatening to quit on him.

They had left the Everfree Forest hours ago, but nowhere Spike was familiar with. He had hoped that he could catch up to the figures and ask them to help him back home, but Spike couldn’t catch up. The only answer, it seemed, was to keep on running. Keep on running, keep on running, running, running, was the chant that echoed throughout Spike’s head.

Anakin was getting bored with the march back to the ship. It was just step after step, I hate monotony, he thought. Anakin looked off into the distance and then everything became unfocused.

Boom! Explosions blossomed around the sleek Sekotan spaceship. Anakin deftly maneuvered his ship, the Jabitha, through the asteroid range to escape the squadron of pirates. He spotted a significantly larger asteroid with deep valleys to hide through. Anakin dived into the crevice dodged the dangerous rock outcroppings. His ship noted that one of his pursuers had perished, and Anakin felt a minor relief that there were now only eleven dangerous pirates planning on killing him.

Anakin managed to pull ahead of the pirates and flew out of the trench. He warmed up the lasers and executed a U-turn to bring the fight back to the pirates. The first pirate moved up and out of the crevice and Anakin fired. The ship exploded into fiery little bits of shrapnel. Anakin fired again but this time at the rock wall, causing boulders to fly off into the trench. He saw, with satisfaction, multiple fireballs lit up the dark valley. Anakin turned and flew towards the mother ship and fired a proton torpedo at the bridge. An explosion appeared and Anakin could see debris and bodies get sucked out into the cold expanse. The ship went dark and listed to the side. The Jabitha warmed up the hyper drive while Anakin put in the coordinates- Anakin, stay focused!

“Wha-huh?” Anakin flew back into reality with a start.

“Anakin, you must be focused on the present. Not on what could have been,” Obi-wan playfully admonished his Padawan. He could sense the longing in Anakin, “We are on a very special planet, rich with life and the Force. Reach out and tell me what you feel.”

“Yes Master,” Anakin expanded his awareness and felt the Force flow through him. “I can sense the Holocron, of course. The life here coexists peacefully and without anger or fear... and I can feel a very frustrated presence about half a kilometer behind us.”

“Yes, I felt the same presence while you were off daydreaming. What do you propose we do?”

“We should set a camp and confront it. I don’t think anything on this planet can be dangerous, except maybe that forest.”

“I agree, but what should we do if it’s a native?”

“We should hide, to determine whether it is a native or not.”

“A sound plan Anakin, let’s see if it will work.”

Spike saw a fire in the distance and new energy flowed through him. He picked up his sluggish pace and focused on the warmth that could get rid of the chill that had wormed its way under his scales. As the fire got closer and closer, Spikes hope for getting home soared. Spike ran into the clearing that held the fire, the grasses had been trampled and a small pit had been made that held a couple logs. There was nobody around the fire that cast a soft glow around the clearing. Disappointment and anger welled up inside Spike. “Ahhhhhh,” Spike yelled as he kicked around the grasses in the clearing. He collapsed to his knees and started pounding the ground with his fist. Spike grabbed a log from the fire and threw it into the tall grasses, “Ouch!” a voice yelped in the distance.

Spike gazed in the direction of the sound. He cautiously stepped over to the edge of the clearing and peered over the grasses. Spike saw the log still burning with embers casting a faint light over a figure cloaked over in a brown robe. There were still embers broken off on the figure and were burning small holes into the fabric. A small smile crept onto Spike’s face as he began to walk toward the figure. A green-white tube of light leapt in front of Spikes face. Spike remembered that these tubes could cut through the hard wood of Timberwolves like a hot knife could through butter. The fear of being chopped up formed a hard ball in the back of Spikes throat. “Sit down and put your arms behind your back,” said a calm, even, masculine voice with an accent not unlike Rarity’s.

“Y-yes s-sir,” Spike stuttered as he shook with fear. Spike did as commanded, and then the one behind him put some kind of hoof cuffs that fit to his wrists.

“Anakin, you can get up now,” said the voice behind Spike.

The figure in front of Spike stood up and brushed off the embers in his cloak. It walked into the clearing and stood in front of Spike. Its face looked weird, its eyes were small, but they had a spark of intelligence and adventure in them. It had a nose that extended from its face about an inch out, and stopped above its lips. Its mane was a dark brown and was very short, and there was a thin, but long, braid that came from the back of its head and fell down its chest. It was furless and its skin was a pale pinkish color. It looked like it was growing and in its teenage years because it looked awkward and gangly. It glared at Spike, probably angry that there were now smoldering little holes all around its cloak.

“So you’re the little lizard that’s been following us for the past eight kilometers,” Anakin took off his cloak that revealed a beige tunic that crossed all across its chest, and held it up to the firelight, “Oh come on! I had just patched this robe up from the last mission, “So, Master, what are we gonna do with him?” Anakin looked Spike up and down, “You are a male, aren’t you?” Anakin questioned.

“First things first. One, I’m a dragon not a stupid lizard, and yes I’m a guy,” Spike said calmly, “And two... please don’t kill me! Please please please please just let me live!” Spike continued to beg and plead until the tube shut off and the one behind him stepped forward and covered Spike’s mouth with his hand that shut him up. Spike looked up to the other creature and inspected its features.

This one looked older, taller, and carried itself with much more certainty and authority. It had the same skin color except it had fur on its face as well as a longer mane. Granted the fur didn’t cover its whole face but most of it was. Its eyes were the same as the younger one but were harder, more judgmental.

“We are going to feed him then send him back the way he came,” said ‘Master’ gently, then he gained a far off look in his eye, like he was remembering past events.

“Master, you can’t possibly expect us t-” Anakin began but the other one cut him off.

“Anakin, we might have a mission to do but we still are Jedi,” admonished ‘Master’.

Anakin looked down in shame at the tone his master used, but Spike was still hung up on the word “Jedi”, is it some kind of religion or is that the name of their race? Spike contemplated.

“Well Mr. Dragon, what’s your name?” ‘Master’ asked warmly.

“My name’s Spike,” he stated proudly, “What are yours? I mean if you want to tell me that is,” Spike asked meekly, even though they said he wasn’t going to be hurt, Spike was still afraid.

“My name is Obi-wan Kenobi, and this is my Padawan learner Anakin Skywalker,” Obi-wan said with a chuckle.

“Padawan? Is he your student? Oh wait, does it have something to do with Jedi?” Spike questioned earnestly.

Obi-wan merely chuckled, picked up Spike and put him in the crook of his arm. They walked over to the fire and put Spike down, then sat down themselves around the fire. The three of them were arranged in a circle around the fire pit.

“Yes, he is my student, and yes, being a Padawan has something to do with being a Jedi,” Obi-wan looked at Anakin with an amused expression then back to Spike, “let’s start with Jedi. A Jedi is many things; we can be diplomats, warriors, peacekeepers, and scholars. We are an order made up of many different species that protect the galaxy.” Obi-wan explained.

“Wait, galaxy? You two are aliens?” Obi-wan nodded. Spike couldn’t believe it, actual aliens! “Wow, so you’re pretty much the royal guards but with more stuff to do?” Obi-wan nodded again.

Obi-wan took the young dragons silence as a sign that he could continue, “As Jedi, we follow the Living Force,” Spike looked confused, so Obi-wan elaborated, “it’s the energy that surrounds us, binds us, and penetrates all living things.”

“So it’s magic,” Spike stated in a very matter of fact tone.

“No, it’s the Force. Can you influence minds and move things with your magic? Huh?” Anakin piped up.

“I don’t know about the whole mind control thing, but you can move things with magic,” Spike responded, he had a feeling that he wasn’t going to get along with Anakin all that well.

“Stop bickering,” Obi-wan broke in before the argument got out of hand, “I believe that your Magic and our Force are one in the same. So tell me Spike how many beings in the population here can use magic?”

“Well, pretty much every species on the planet uses some form or another of magic. Some use it to speed plant growth, others can manipulate weather with it, and more use it the way I think you Jedi do,” replied Spike, as he tried to dig into the information Twilight was always rambling on about.

“Interesting,” Obi-wan stroked his beard in a contemplating fashion; he would store this information away for later use. “So do you still want to know what a Padawan is?” Spike nodded, “a Padawan learner is to be taught the ways of the Force by an older Jedi,” Obi-wan finished.

“We still haven’t eaten! Here let me take care of those stun cuffs,” Obi-wan waved a hand and the cuffs sprang off Spike’s wrists and floated over to Obi-wan’s open palm.

Obi-wan reached into his tool belt and pulled out a few protein cubes. He offered one to Spike.

“What are those?” Spike asked as he reached tentatively towards the cube.

“These, my friend, are protein cubes. They provide all the necessary nutrients for a being with minimal mass. They do lack a certain flavor though.”

“What flavor?” Spike asked.

“Exactly,” Obi-wan deadpanned.

Anakin snickered, he almost never heard his Master joke and the lizard was just so naive. Spike popped the cube in his mouth and all he tasted was rocks and sand, but he did swallow it because he guessed it was good for him.

“Those taste awful! How can you stand to eat those?” Spike exclaimed as he tried to scrape the gritty flavor off his tongue.

“We’re trained to be able to eat them, they can be a real lifesaver when there’s no other food,” Anakin stated.

The fire started to die down so the Jedi got their things together. Anakin put his robe on and put up the hood, obscuring his outline in the darkness. Obi-wan talked to Spike to try and figure out where he lived.

“So you say your town is next to that forest? Anakin, do you remember any villages next to the forest in the scan?” Obi-wan called out to Anakin.

“Huh? Oh yeah, its south of us by about 12 klicks,” Anakin called back

Spike was about to go when he remembered his dragon code, he looked back around to the Jedi, but they had already started to leave.

“Hey, wait,” Spike yelled, they turned around and waited for the stubby dragon to catch up with them, “I can’t leave you guys. You two saved my life, so I am now forever in your debt,” Spike concluded with an elaborate bow.

Obi-wan sighed and pinched his nose, “by the Force, not another one. Why does every species have a life-debt honor code,” he muttered.