• Published 3rd Jan 2013
  • 506 Views, 3 Comments

The Moon and the Caterpiller - Dreyaz Laartii

Family matters to everypony, especially Celestia and Luna. What tests a family more than redemption? Who needs redemption more than Chrysalis?

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Chapter 8

Celestia sat before her sister, as still as Discord’s statue as she ended the story. Her eyes had glazed over. “Sister…are you alright? That bit with you in there…can you understand why-” Luna shut her mouth as her sister turned around and emptied the contents of her stomach. They had shared their dreams and nightmares with each other whenever they were young, to share the burden and understand each other better. Luna had, mistakenly neglected to realize how much stronger the bond between them was now, and that her sister now had the nightmare seared into her eternal memory as clearly as Luna had when she had first awoken. Quickly, she came over and helped her sister regain her footing.

“At least…at least it ended well with Twilight. That…that was not pleasant. Don’t do anything like that to me ever again.”

Luna gulped, and bowed her head in shame and disgust with herself. “…Sorry, sister.” Celestia wiped the vomit off her mouth. “But,” she began. “I can see now why you waited so long to show that…vile prophecy to me. Its ending is uncertain, and…” She paused again, and Luna yelled as her sister vomited on her. “I…well, I guess we’re even. Let me get that out of your coat, here…” Celestia’s horn glowed, and covered Luna’s now dripping wet mane with a glowing golden cloud of magic. It passed trough it and over her coat, clearing the offending partially digested chunks of carrots and potatoes she had eaten for lunch.

“I…think apologies are in order for both of us. Luna…I understand how terrible it must have been to have such a nightmare weighing on you, and…the horror that possible future represents. And the horror of throwing up on you; gods, I haven’t done that since I was two hundred and seventeen…” Luna suppressed her laughter. “Sister…I am sorry for hiding this from you and…just don’t puke on me again, alright? Least of all on my mane. I guess I shouldn’t have expected anything less after that…” Celestia gulped, and felt a shudder go down her spine as she remembered seeing her insane aunt…with her head as a puppet talking like a children’s show in front of her subjects. It was…disgusting in every sense of the word.

“So, are we going to do this together now?” Luna’s face smiled gratefully at her sister’s words. “Yes. I believe I am relieved enough now after…letting go of that burden… to give it my all. Shall we?” Celestia nodded, and the both inserted their horns into the large keyhole. “Go.” Luna felt deep inside herself, and let the floodgates of her magic she had so cautiously kept closed burst open. A gasp exited her sister as she felt the sudden release of power, and the door thrummed deeply as it greedily ate up the boundless power of Luna and Celestia, goddesses of all the Cosmos, being poured into its frame. At the point where Celestia felt like she was about to collapse from exhaustion, the door abruptly clicked, and the locks released. Luna and Celestia collapsed onto each other. The sight that greeted them was more than what they could have expected, as neither of them had either entered the room.

“Sister…look.” Instead of the dank cave they had been expecting, a cool grassy knoll greeted them, leading up to the strange megalithic structure they had been searching for. Instead of walls or a ceiling, a backdrop of stars Luna didn’t recognize for the life of her covered their field of view above them. “All that energy…it was to establish a link. Luna…this is a bubble universe.” Luna was agape. Their father had protected this place so well after their aunt’s desecration; he had kept it hidden away in a place none but himself or his daughters could eventually reach it. They picked each other up, and barely being able to stand, they made their way up the cool grass, hearing crickets chirping, and all the sounds of night one would expect on a cool spring evening.

“This is…amazing. It is a wonder father could have designed such a small pocket world. Was this place really so valuable as to go to such lengths to protect?” Celestia was about to answer her sister, when she noticed…somepony on the grass. He was reading a book. She grabbed her sister, and pulled her down into the grass.
“Celly, what-” Celestia shoved her hoof in her sister’s mouth, and pointed to the figure across the other side of the small hill. Luna’s eyes went wide. “…It can’t be. That looks like…” A cough permeated the night atmosphere. “Dears, I can hear you quite fine. This certainly wasn’t the welcome I was expecting from my daughters, though. Come give daddy a hug?”

Shining Armor stood tall, looking out from the castle. Word had been sent to Ponyville and the outlying areas between the Everfree and Canterlot for immediate evacuation in preparation of an invasion, and both the night and day guard had been equally efficient in rallying everypony to safety. He had erected a massive defensive barrier around the entire castle, and although he knew it more than likely wouldn’t hold off the entire onslaught, it would give them more than enough time to prepare defensive emplacements, and provide them with the ability to fight from inside the protection of the force field, thinning the no doubt massive horde that would eventually breach the barrier. The enigmatic and intimidating Night Guard Captain, Sagittarius, stood several heads higher next to him, towering above even the most robust of his soldiers. “Goodness, lad, I can see why Tia chose you at such a young age. Such a fine defensive spell as this will keep the buggers out for days if you can keep it up as well as your reputation dictates it will.”

The white unicorn looked up at the strange colt. He knew Sagittarius held the Night court in Luna’s absence, and even with her return he was still a common sight, with or without her. He had trained in non-magical combat with the gigantic pseudo-pegasus, and he had been amazed when the beautiful barrier he erected around the old warhorse that could (in his humble estimation) plug a volcanic eruption around the entire volcano, calmly shattered it into a thousand piece by a swift tap with his hoof, which had been crackling with that weird magic he had. Slack-jawed, he was literally punted clear across the entire labyrinth for disobeying the “no spells” part of the training. He had easily stopped himself before becoming a grease stain against the cliff, but the message and been painfully clear: Don’t disobey the Night Captain when he was giving you a direct order.

“So…you think it’ll work?” He looked up cautiously at the older colt.

“Oh certainly. It’ll keep the crazies out as long as their mummy lets them. Speaking of which, you know I’m her only son right? Be gracious you were never an only child, lad.” Shining gulped audibly. This he had not known, although long suspected it. He saw the broken nub where a horn had once been on his face, and noticed the unsettling physical similarities between him and that…evil, evil queen. But that’s where it ended. He didn’t presume to know the whole story, nor did he want to. But he was glad he was on Equestria’s side.

“Ahh…but if Mum’s in with that Nightmare as much as I think she is…don’t thing this here bubble’ll do much more than pop. Knowing her, though…she’ll probably put the pawns out first.” Now he was very scared. He looked up to the tower where Cadance was staying, and forced himself to be brave. He had a good, bright future to protect. He had ponies he could not let down. “Mmmhm. Too bad she can’t help out here; little buggers couldn’t stand her last time, but it looks like the little beasties have had a change of heart. She’s not big on combat magic, is she?” He shook his head severely in the negative. “I thought so. Well, you and me here, and the whole equestrian army between that conniving bitch of a mother of mine, I think we’ve got a pretty good chance, eh?” He swallowed, and began to take on a shade paler than his normal coat. “I…uh…sure. I really hope.” He winced at the laughter ringing in his ears. “We’ll do just fine, laddy. Keep a stiff upper lip, a solid stance, and remember your training. You’ll do fine. She’ll be more than interested in stalling if I talk to her. Mayhap single combat, knowing even the nightmare will allow it. Just you wait.”
“…You have a seriously messed up family, if you don’t mind my saying that.”
“Ahh, don’t I know it. Just ask yer mum in law about it before you get sent to the moon, will you? Hahahhahaha…”

Luna stood stock still, completely overwhelmed. “…Daddy?” Celestia broke her sister’s spell, and they both came bolting towards the unusually large colt who, upon running up to him, still dwarfed his daughters despite the passing of the aeons. “I am so glad to see you, and so very, very sorry for leaving you and your mother. I assume since she is not here with you, and judging by the expressions on your faces at her mention that she did not survive. Please, daughters; sit with me.” The massive stallion walked over to the Adderhenge, and Luna took in the full scope of her father, whom she had been too young to clearly remember.

He stood half again as tall as them, and she remembered reading somewhere in the old archives that much of the large, open architecture of the palace was meant more to accommodate their king’s immense size, rather than to look as grand as it did. His coat was ebon black, and twinkled with stars. Luna saw some similarity with herself from his body, but it ended at his shoulders, where his mane came out. Bright white hair flowed out from his head, piling on his right side. It did not flow as Celestia’s mane did, but its smoothness and purity reminded her of a magnificently cloudy day, with the sun reflecting off massive clouds that covered the sky like many mountains.

They sat down, and she watched with amusement as her sister snuggled up to her father in his embrace. She had always missed him the most, if only because she actually remembered him. “Though I am glad you have finally decided to visit me, I am puzzled, daughters. It has been much longer than the time I had assumed it would take for you to develop your powers to open the gate, and I am curious as to the strange traces of magic I smell on you, Luna.”

Luna gulped, and was about to stammer out a reply, when Celestia spoke up, saving her the embarrassment of stumbling over her words for her first time speaking to her father. “Father…do you remember the…Demon that Chrysalis let loose prior to her banishment?” His gaze hardened. “I do.” Celestia paused to collect herself. “It…possessed Luna. Over a millennia ago, it fought her for control over her body, and she lost. What happened after…let us say that Mother was but one of the many casualties which came from the chaos.” He closed his eyes in sorrow.

“…How many of us remain, my daughters?” There was an agonizingly long pause. Luna spoke. “…There are four of us. Six, if you count Chrysalis and yourself. None more that we know of remain.” Aven-Sol’s massive form shuddered. “So few are left from the ancient times. Fewer still remain within the kingdom. If I had only sent word to the White Citadel before this escalated…” Luna looked at her sister in confusion. Neither of them understood what he spoke of. “Father, we came here not to find you, but for answers. A grave situation has arisen; our aunt now brings the full force of her followers against us, some tens of thousands if not more move across the Everfree to march on Canterlot, and with the Demon aiding them, we cannot hope to beat them back. Will you lend us your aid?”

The massive alicorn stallion looked lovingly into his daughter’s eyes. He had the most wonderful indigo eyes, and they managed to mix such sorrow with such joy at simply seeing his daughters again. He looked back towards the altar. “I am bound to this place. The Adderhenge is unpredictable at the best of times, and when I left you, though I had gained power beyond the physical realm, I left because it called me back for its payment. I cannot leave this place, for the magic would fail and I would literally be torn apart. My twin souls have been together for so long, I cannot reverse the procedure. Such is the price of this strange wishing well.”

Celestia’s hair drooped down, and covered her face in utter dispair. She had hoped to find some kind of answer from this place without resorting to a blood sacrifice or leaving empty-handed. “Is there anything, father, anything that you know of that could save our kingdom? I do not wish to throw myself or my sister in the well, and you are far to large to fit in there.” Aven-Sol smiled slightly at his daughter’s joke.

“There are several things, child, which can be used to defeat an army of the size you speak of. Most of them possess too great a risk to field, or would demand to high a price in the future such as the Adderhenge does. But…I believe I may be able to give you more than simple options. A payment can be made that does not require murder, only blood and honor. Here, follow me.” They walked up towards the altar. Luna was fascinated with the Adderhenge itself; thousands of carved runes alien to her understanding covered every inch of the place, and way-lines and other spell circles and strange designs spread across in fantastically complex patterns, radiating out from the altar at the center.

As they came up on it, Luna took in the sight of the altar. It was a raised up above the floor in three separate platforms, each buttressing the well at the center. Incredibly fine runes covered everything but the tops of the altars, which all three were constructed from some strange orange metal. Luna peeked into the well. There was no water, only a murky blackness with all-too familiar voices of the beyond whispering far below, reminiscent of the voices of madness that plagued her imprisonment.

“As far as I understand it, if we each let some of our blood into the well, it will help us if we each speak of the same desire, and affirming it truthfully by giving our own reasons for wanting the same thing. I will begin.” Luna watched cautiously as her father put out his long foreleg over the well, and sliced a rather deep cut below the knee with a sharp spark of his magic. He didn’t bat an eye.

“I, Aven-Sol, formally Orion and Taranis, doth speak in favor of the will of my daughters whose grievances or desires shall precede my own. By my blood and spirit, by the magic that is my birthright and responsibility, I do affirm the validity of their word, and my desire for the success of their wish. Hear my words.” He nodded to Celestia to continue.

Celestia put out her forehoof, and grimaced noticeably in pain as she cut in roughly the same area as her father, dripping her blood into the well. “I, Celestia, co-sovereign of Equestria and all its holdings, do affirm my father’s blessing, and now speak my wish. Changeling invaders who number far greater than those who would protect my people and myself threaten my dominion. They are led by my aunt, Chrysalis, who will bring nothing but death and madness of the worst imaginings to my land. I plead with the powers that hear my plight to grant me a means upon which to save my kingdom, and vanquish the enemy that we face. I am prepared to put forward my own soul and body as payment to see my country survive unscathed, and nopony within it harmed should the price for such a thing be asked. Hear my words.”

Luna gulped. She hadn’t prepared a speech, and it took her a few minutes to bring up the nerve to speak with such solemnity as her sister, and a way to word what she had desired for so long to rectify. “I, Luna, co-sovereign of Equestria and all its holdings, do affirm the will of my sister, and her aforementioned grievance. I do affirm her authority and authenticity to make the request, but ask instead that my soul and body be taken in place of hers in atonement for my past offenses against our family and our kingdom. I do place in her most capable hooves my right to rule over the night and all that resides within my sphere of power, and all the possessions I own present and past. I ask that should both our lives become forfeit in payment to the wish, that my daughter be spared under all circumstance regarding torment, possession, or murder by the Nightmare which had possessed me, and been the architect of that which I desire atonement for. Hear my words.”

Luna winced as she felt the self-inflicted wound pour out significantly more blood than her sister or father, and felt a small measure of relief as the wound closed on its own before spilling more blood than would be safe. A short silence followed before the well erupted with a hurricane of magic.

Fluttershy stood behind the bolted protection of her door. She had been terrified of things like dragons before. She had even fainted on many different occasions for far less. But seeing thousands of changeling soldiers erupt from the forest like a colony of bats had been far and away the most frightening thing she had ever experienced. She had been on her way back from her mailbox when she heard what sounded like the rumbling of a storm in the distance, when she saw the forest come alive with animals of all kinds fleeing the changeling army. Overhead, thousands upon thousands of the creatures flew, each brandishing some terrible weapon and even more terrible armor. The buzzing of tens of thousands of wings assaulted her and her tiny cottage, giving her a violent flashback to the Parasprite infestation. Angel bunny held on to her for dear life, and they both tried to ride this out without passing out from sheer terror.

The forest trembled. hundreds of thousands of her Queen’s soldiers flew to war, eclipsing the moon. Changling Vyrl, one of the many generals chosen by his Queen stood proud at the front of the line, leading his brothers in sisters in the magnificent charge. Well, that was with the exception of their Queen. Chrysalis flew several hundred yards in front of them, vanguard to the massive army that was descending upon Equestria. He motioned down to the ground, and they all immediately landed onto the soft grass fields underneath them on the plains between their forest and Ponyville. Executing the signal spark, he cloaked his form using his magic, turning himself invisible.

Changelings, while lacking in individual ingenuity or really any kind of individuality at all, do possess both some inherent magical ability and the gift of flight, although not coming close to either the unicorns or pegusi in abilities. Their innate ability to change their form also comes with the useful ability to hide themselves, allowing for their numbers to grow as great as they have over the centuries while avoiding the patrols of the ever-vigilant Royal Guards and ponies who occasionally came trudging through their forest.

Making not even the slightest of sound, and only the winds to give them away, they silently split up into three separate regiments. One would assault the town below, drawing the Elements towards them as a diversion. The other would strike canterlot directly, plundering the city of its goods and many ponies. The last, and largest regiment led by their Queen would assault the castle proper, and keep the two princesses at bay until the full force of the army converged upon the mighty citadel upon the cliff once the shield spell was broken. With their queen as powerful as she was now, the two princesses did not stand a chance as long as everyone did their job, and the Elements were disabled properly beforehand.

The captains of the Night and Day guard would be the first obstacles, and beyond them, the royal sisters, and the foul pink alicorn who thwarted their first assault so grievously, after victory had been attained. Now, every single changeling would begin flying out to the proper places, and- “Did you miss me, mother?” A spark of recognition snapped through the mad queen’s mind, and she had but a moment to react before the ground before her buckled and gave way to the massive impact of her son slamming down into the ground, breaking the illusions her soldiers had held, scattering them.

“I come now before you as the vanguard; I come as the first so that should not be a last, and that I may find victory against you, by myself.” Chrysalis sneered. “You think you can challenge my entire army?” He smiled serenely, looking up at here. “No, mother. I think to challenge you. And I will win.”

Chrysalis was about to make a witty rebuttal, when she felt a massive bloom of pain on her chest, and felt herself being thrown back violently into the mountainside that only moments before, had been several miles to their right flanking them. The black forms of hundreds of thousands of changelings stood around him, struggling to process the sight of their queen being so forcefully rejected. A sudden roar, and the mountain erupted in a green inferno. A thick gout of green flame burst of from the ground in front of him, and his mother, now very mad, panted heavily as her glowing green blood dripped from her cracked exoskeleton. His eyes widened as the grievous wound closed itself perfectly, as if he had never landed a blow.

“You are no son of mine.” He backed up in surprise as she opened her mouth, releasing a massive gout of emerald fire, searing his flesh more painfully than Celestia ever could. A silence pervaded the battlefield, as the smoking form of her son stood unmoved. His eyes opened, revealing a gaze of such unfathomable disdain, several changelings close to him who had avoided the blast, took a step back. “How right you are.”

The Last Prince of the Earth opened his massive wings, and shot up into the sky, knocking down his mother and many of the surrounding changelings. He whispered quietly to himself in the air, “But I do have a father.”

Far off towards the castle, sitting in her tower, Cadance watched with tears in her eyes as a dark form plummeted to the ground, snapping the air like thunder, and impacting the ground like the roar of an angry god. Please, she prayed silently, Please let all of us come out the other end of this alive.