• Member Since 21st Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Monday

Spice of Life


"Rarity was only supposed to be gone for two weeks. I had this whole big party planned, there would be balloons and games and cake and the special cake I make just for her. "

"Where is she?"

Sequel to I Dream of Pink, not necessary to have read it.

Edit: Wow, didn't expect this to make the feature box, thanks everyone. Even if it was only in it for like 5 minutes.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 36 )

Turned out pretty good, not bad at all :pinkiesmile:


The description still bugs me but I'm never happy with my descriptions of my stories. Now I just need to get off my flank and get chapter 2 finished.

Nice chapter, hope to see more.


I've got 3 more chapters planned, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up running longer though.

Need more:rainbowderp:
can't wait for next chapter
keep the writing! :pinkiehappy:


I've been a bit distracted lately by a short story I've been working on but its almost ready to publish and as soon as its out I can get off my flank and get chapter 3 finished.


Someone can't wait to see what happens, hopefully the next chapter wont take as long as this last one did.

Oh thank goodness, you had me worried for a sec. And a storm now? No problem!

Glad to see someone is waiting with bated breath. I've got the rest of it planned out but I'm still not totally sure how to get there and everything is subject to change as always.

Raripie is a Rarity (Tee hee:raritywink:) and is always appreciated in my books!

No offence to Pinkie, but Rarity is worried about her reputation when shes dating such a crazy pony?:pinkiecrazy:


Never let it be said love makes you smarter.

Woohoo! Great job! Worth the wait.


I'm glad you think so, I'm still not that happy with how it turned out, but as long as other people enjoy it then I can live with it.

"Nonononono," Pinkie shook her head. "Dashie's one of my best gal pals but I don't feel that way about her. Besides, I don't think she'll eeeeever have a special somepony. She's always telling me she'd rather focus just on friends and flying."

You stay away from my RainbowPie!! :flutterrage:

Oh, but, this is Raripie... so... i forgive you for now. :rainbowkiss:


RanbowPie is but an appetizer to the banquet that is RariPie.

I'm not sure what that means, but I know its true... or something....... HEY LOOK OVER THERE!!!!!!!!! *scampers off into the night*

Ya know... I'm tempted to ask you permission to write that one very obvious, but missing sex scene in this chapter. I've been wanting to write some RariPie for a while now.


Could be interesting to see. Feel free to message me your thoughts on how it would go down.

Luna pulled her head back under pillow mountain. "Sometimes we think our sister believes Equestria revolves around her sun," she muttered before falling back asleep.

:ajsmug: Ah' see what ya did there.


The line worked better with the original version of the scene, but I just liked it so I had to include it somehow.

So he was gonna make a ghost costume from a hot air balloon? That's going to be one pretty good looking King Boo. :rainbowlaugh:
This was a very fun story to read. Definitely stayed true to the characters. Perhaps one of my favorite RariPie fic's :raritystarry::heart::pinkiehappy:


Glad you enjoyed it. I hope I didn't go too far with Applejack's accent, sometimes it felt like I was going a bit too country with it.

3489360 I don't think you went to far with AJ's accent. It was very good. Definitely better than what I come up with when it comes to dialogue for her.

sweet endin to a awesome sweet n' sour fic :pinkiehappy:. I'm kinda hopin t day u revisit these two is sometime soon but, not tryin to rush u of course :twilightblush:


Wow, you just blew through these didn't you. I'm glad you enjoyed them, I have had an idea for some more stories in this continuity, but they will have to wait till I finish getting some other stories worked out.

yah it's a very cute story n' i'd luv to see more but, of course i must wait for u to either start or finish u're other ideas which all i can say is g'luck n' maybe i'll catch one of them in t future :pinkiesmile:

idk if you still read comments on this fic but I just read it and! I want to thank you so so so much for this it was absolutely gorgeous and it warned my heart so much 💖💖💖💖
I adored the fact that you gave such a long amount of time to just showing the two of them together! it was organic and fluffy and made me really happy and I loved it


Yeah, I still read comments on all my stories, I just almost never get any anymore. I'm glad you liked it, I tried to really show the affection between Pinkie and Rarity. I have a serious weakness for them together even though I think Rarity and Rainbow Dash would be a more logical (and still cute) couple.

Let me guess, Rarity got ponynapped.

Something makes me wish Pinkie had brought Twilight and Spike along with her - Twilight would know Canterlot pretty well (she did grow up there), and would be able to put up a decent fight against a hydra, not to mention power the balloon fan.
Spike could send emergency messages, and use his fire breath as a weapon.

"Chto? Vh... vhere did that come from?" Thistle managed to stammer out.

Applejack narrowed her eyes. "If ya ever manage ta figure that out, let us know.

Good luck; not even Princess Celestia's prized student managed to work that out.

...Then again, Rarity can do something similar - pull her fainting-couch thing out of nowhere. And Spike; he pulled an umbrella out of 'the foreground' during the Equestria Games, when he melted a big block of ice - only for the camera to pan out and reveal nothing but grass. Certainly no umbrella. Oh, and there's human Rarity, who can pull a couple clothes racks from the side of the frame, even though a) there's no reason for her clothes racks to be in the room (ex: Rainbow Rocks, when the gang fell down a trapdoor into a locked room), and b) SHE LIVES IN A WORLD (mostly) WITHOUT MAGIC.

Sooo...not that special after all; Pinkie just does it more often than any character not in control of chaos magic.

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