• Member Since 17th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 21 minutes ago

Rune Soldier Dan

Love is a verb, not a noun.


Zecora has plans made for this wintertime~
Love can find zebras who just speak in rhyme~
A Hearth's Warming tale is here to be had~
As told by Zecora (if I don't go mad)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 30 )

Not much to say with this one...just feeling the season's spirit and wanted to give Zecora some love. She's kinda the most ignored character in the fandom, and boy-howdy, after writing that, I sure know why.

But it was entertaining to write, and I hope it got a smile out of you.

Thanks for reading,:twilightsmile:


This must have been very hard to think of, rhyming for this long. I liked how you took a character like Zecora and gave her such emotion that it gave me new meaning on how I see her. Good luck getting this story off the ground and write some more, maybe a full story on Zecora.

Not crazy about the Zecora/Mac pairing but that's no reason to downvote. :raritywink: *upvotes* Good job on the technicality and cleverness in quite a few of those lines.

(Applauds) Well done. I loved it. :twilightsmile:

*whistles* Damn it must of taken you a long time to get this to rhyme. It is very sweet, and to see more of Zecora's thoughts and feelings is something like. Plus the apparent Zecora and Macintosh paring is nice, you don't see that often.

Actually, I may have been the first one to do a Zecora/Macintosh story - it was called "Black and White and Red All Over". I wrote it about a year ago and I'm updating the hell out of it to re-post it at some later date.



Psst! I really liked it! Zecora does need more love, regardless of her way of speaking. Maybe not Mac x Zercora, but maybe Dr. Whooves x Zecora?

*upvotes and then drops smoke pellet for a quick getaway*

The World That She Sees - Trans-Siberian Orchestra

You had me at:
"How DO you burn an apple salad...":rainbowlaugh: simply priceless. Extra points for the effort on the rhymes. It paid off.


Wow, nice job pulling this one off. I liked it, was fun to read.

Nice work with the rhyming, Dan. It was exceptionally nice to see Zecora included as a part of the family, surrounded by ponies and laughter and not lurking on the edges. I also liked her self-editing on Applejack's appearance... damned hard to find a rhyme for that!

The moments of fun and hilarity with the Crusaders were perfect. :unsuresweetie::scootangel::applecry:


Zecora and Macintosh paring

:pinkiehappy: I see what you did there. And even if it wasn't intentional, it was insanely hilarious to me as I was peeling and cutting an apple for tomorrow's lunch just before I read this fic.

Thy rhyme is great
Will those two mate?
The story has begun
Will thou continue it with another one?

(you don't have to do it in rhyme though)

A few questions/proofreading suggestions, if I may:

With her two friends was in the room
I believe "was" should be replaced with "were."

Applejack with coat of orange
Why strike this line out instead of erasing it?
I'm assuming you did it intentionally. I'm just wondering why.

A stoic friend in any season
*Ahem* Called ‘Big’ for many reasons
But such is naught but speculation
Thus far without confirmation
I can see why you would include this part because, I'll admit, the rhyme was a bit clever. However it's completely out of place compared to the rest of the story. The overall theme is finding someone to spend the holiday with, perhaps making a friend and potentially something more. However, you took that classy companionship scenario befitting the setting and spoiled the mood by making it about sex with said innuendo.

I love the rest of the story and how it didn't suffer at all for you making it rhyme; zecora definitely needs the love. However that innuendo would be the one part I would revise completely in keeping with the rest of the story.


'Twas just a short story, made without much more reason
Than love for Zecora, and also the season.
I hope to have pleased, and that a smile you wear
But for longer romancing, you must look elsewhere.


You may be right with the "was," but I don't believe so. The presence of her friends are added as a descriptor, but it is Applebloom specifically being talked about in the sentence. With a single person being the subject, 'was' would be correct. If the subject would be, say, "Applebloom and her friends," "were" would be correct. But as it is written, I feel 'was' is more appropriate.

The "Orange" sentence is a pretty classic 'you can't rhyme with this' gag. Though I admit I'm far from the first to use it (like so)

As for the last part, you do touch on something I bounced back and forth on a lot in the pre-release stage. I suppose I walked into this with two intentions: Make a cute little Christmas story, and treat Zecora like she's a character rather than a plot device. That little cluster detracts from the former, but I feel adds to the latter. She has feelings of loneliness, hesitation, and yes, attraction. Ended up keeping it because this wasn't written for the kiddies, but rather a fanbase that tends to enjoy a little PG-13 humor tacked on to their cartoon ponies. I can definitely see where you're coming from, though.

Thanks for your perspective. Have some superhugs

Zecora has grown to be my favorite secondary character, and I'm glad she's getting some worthwhile pieces like this :)

I was about halfway through the story, thinking "this is really good, must not be easy write in Zecora rhyme, I'll give a like and a favorite, but i probably won't comment. To lazy." Then, i saw THIS

Applejack with coat of orange
Applejack, covered in snow

and proceeded to unceremoniously fall backwards with my chair, laughing my ass off, remembering of course: THIS SHIT. I would also like for it to be known, that I just came back from r/mylittleonion on reddit, and was feeling pretty crappy, and this, sir or madam, was exactly what I needed as pick me up. A nice, warm and fluffy, good feels type story, with the perfectly placed allusion that had me rolling on my floor like and idiot for a good 3 and a half minutes. So as final note, i would like to say,
mylittlefacewhen.com/f/9064/ and, mylittlefacewhen.com/f/8628/

EDIT: hmm, i wonder why those images didn't show up? oh well, awesome job all the same.


I just came back from r/mylittleonion on reddit, and was feeling pretty crappy, and this, sir or madam, was exactly what I needed as pick me up.

"To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thank you for your words, good Sir. They have made my day.

Seems only fair, after you made mine. That was a pick-me-up I REALLY needed that day.:pinkiehappy:

Nice verse poetry. That's too easy though.

After all, the best poetry doesn't have to rhyme. (Zecora rhyme's because she likes to, not because it's her only mode of speech.)

Betcha couldn't write a tanka (very long haiku) from :eeyup:'s pov.


Sure you could! Just so long as there's no rule against re-using words...

Applejack with coat of orange
Walked in, squeaked the door hinge...

From wall to wall were dirty pots,
Of failed foods, there were lots
Once ingredients, now invalid
How DO you burn an apple salad?
The berries drowned in caramel
And for the pie, best not to tell

:unsuresweetie: :applecry: :scootangel:


Sporange. Short for Sporangium, the capsule in which an organism forms spores.

What rhymes with...
Orange: Sporange (botany, fern)
Purple: Curple (hind of horse), hirple (to walk with a limp)
Silver: Chilver (female lamb)
Month: en-plus-oneth, onety-oneth, hundred-and-oneth (mathematical terms)

I <3 Zecora, and your story is fabulous. I laughed and smiled the whole way through. The innuendo made me giggle, and I felt like you did a classy job of it :pinkiehappy:

4934367 WITCHERY!

Nothing rhymes with any of those!


Comment posted by Keve1227 deleted Nov 16th, 2015

Aww, this was sweet. Always loved Zecora, wished she got more love both here and in the show. I have to admire you for going through with the rhyming the entirety of this fic: that must have gotten both old and difficult, fast. Not sure I could manage it nearly so well.

Also, like how you bypassed the orange issue. I've had an theory that Zebras in this world either physically cannot perceive or vocalize anything that cannot end in a rhyme-kind of an evolutionary defense mechanism. Or they just fall into seizures.

Sorry, got into headcannon there. Still, wonderful sweet story.

Short, sweet, and to the point. Good story :twilightsmile:

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