• Published 4th Dec 2012
  • 9,569 Views, 317 Comments

Fear and Trembling - shortskirtsandexplosions

Princess Celestia entreats her apprentice; Twilight Sparkle must make a sacrifice.

  • ...


The door to the treehouse opened slowly the next morning. Tiredly, Twilight trudged through with her saddlebags. She stared into the front atrium, and what she saw immediately brought wakefulness to her eyes, as well as a calm smile to her lips.

"I know I'm back early, but I'm not ready to return the book by Cantergarden just yet," Wavebreaker said with a restless twitch. Her back was to Twilight as she stood before Spike with a list of titles gripped in her hoof. "There's this publication of literary commentary made that addresses the... erm... denser material of Cantergarden and other philosophers. They're written by several esteemed scholars in the collegiate circles—"

"What?" Spike smirked knowingly. "You mean ‘Hoofnotes?’"

Wavebreaker hissed. "Please! I... I just need some help with understanding some of the longer passages! It's... it's not like I'm trying to cheat or—"

"Trying to understand a written work better is hardly what I would call cheating, Miss Wavebreaker," Twilight said as she trotted up.

"Graaugh!" Wavebreaker jumped, startled, dropping her things and forcing Spike to scramble and catch them.

"Heeheehee... I'm so sorry," Twilight exclaimed as she waved an apologetic hoof. "I really gotta learn to stop creeping up on you like that. Still, I couldn't help but overhear: you're having trouble with studying?"

"Well..." Wavebreaker fidgeted, her green eyes darting guiltily left and right. "It's not so much trouble as it is... just tr-trying to stay awake."

Twilight giggled again. "I understand completely. Philosophy has the same effect on me. Who'd think that thinking would be so hard to think about?"

"Yeah. Right?"

"I was gonna go fishing around in the resource section and see if we had any Hoofnotes on Pre-Classical Philosophers!" Spike exclaimed, then frowned. "By the way, where the heck were you yesterday, Twilight? Did you go on vacation or something?"

"We'll talk about that in a moment, Spike," Twilight said. She pulled her saddlebag off and levitated it towards him. "Do me a favor and go put these up in my room."

"Uhhh..." Spike blinked at her things, then at Wavebreaker's study materials in his arms. "What about—?"

"Just put it down for now."

"Sure. If you say so." Spike shrugged, placed Wavebreaker's stuff on the table, then dragged Twilight's saddlebag up the tall, tall stairs.

With a confused expression, Wavebreaker pointed at him. "But... but I thought I needed him to help me find—"

"Wavebreaker, listen to me."

"Huh—?" Wavebreaker's eyes went wide as she found Twilight gently gripping her shoulders.

Twilight looked sincerely at her. "Is this something you wish to pursue? Is this really something you want to study for the rest of your life? A field you wish to make a career out of?"

"Why..." Wavebreaker blinked, then produced a weak smile. "Of course, Miss Sparkle! M-my parents are counting on me to learn up on all these old writers so that I can begin my major in—"

"But is it what fulfills you?" Twilight asked quietly. "Is it what makes you feel whole, complete, and happy?"

"It... it..." Wavebreaker gulped and stammered, "I don't see why that matters—"

"Of course it does, Wavebreaker," Twilight said. "Everypony in Ponyville knows that you are a great swimmer. Being athletic underwater is your talent; it's what you're good at. I'm willing to bet that it's what makes you happy. Am I wrong?"

Wavebreaker bit on her lip. After a few seconds, her eyes fell to the floor between them. "Yes. I... I love swimming." She sighed. "I love it so much..."

"Then why aren't you pursuing that?"

"I would, but... but..." She gulped hard. "My parents... I trust them..."


"They've done so much for me; they wouldn't lead me astray. They only want what's good for—"

"Wavebreaker, if you know what is good for yourself, then why rob yourself of the opportunity?" Twilight smiled warmly. "Don't you see? This is more than just a noble pursuit for your future. This is your moment, this is what defines you, this is your chance to find yourself and never let go. I'm sure that your parents love you and want the best for you, but they can never be you. It's okay to trust them, but don't lose faith in yourself. If you let that slip from your grasp, you won't ever be happy. All your days will be fear and doubt... and worst of all, even regret."

The pegasus' breaths became shorter. Her eyes moistened as she looked up at Twilight and spoke in a shaky voice. "I already regret, Twilight. I already regret so much. I love my parents... b-but I just can't do this philosophy thing. Just what do I do?"

"It's a good thing to respect your parents," Twilight said. "And I know that you respect me—and the things my friends and I have done for the good of Equestria. But what's important is that you take all of that, all the things you've learned, and that you respect yourself and follow the conviction of your heart. In an unpredictable world, the only thing you can't afford to lose is faith in yourself. It's not too late to find the path that's destined for you, Wavebreaker. Please, consider this, instead of swimming blindly into the storm."

Wavebreaker stared at her. Slowly, like melting ice, a smile adorned her lips. A lone tear trickled down her cheek as she spoke in a voice that was the firmest Twilight had heard from her. "Thank you very much, Miss Sparkle. I have a lot of..." She glanced limply beyond her study materials and stifled a chuckle. "A lot of thinking to do."

Twilight grinned back. "I know you'll make the best of it."

"Why not?" Wavebreaker stood back, gathered her belongings, and trotted energetically out the door. "What are we alive for if not to be the best?"

Twilight watched contentedly as Wavebreaker exited. The door didn't close before a group of colorful heads poked in.

"Hey! You were right!" Pinkie Pie beamed, then bounced inside, followed by several familiar faces. "She’s back! She is back!"

"Welcome home, darling!" Rarity added as she filed in beside Fluttershy and Applejack. "You most certainly get around these days!"

"Yeah!" Rainbow Dash blurred in, hovering towards the ceiling of the room with a playful frown. "It's almost as if somepony's trying to wreck my cross country record!"

"Hmmm..." Twilight chuckled, shaking her head. "I couldn't possibly be so cruel, Rainbow Dash."

"Listen to you! You sound like a basket of kittens, and all of them full of milk!" Pinkie Pie dove into Twilight with a tackling hug. "It's so, so good to have you back! You sound like you're in a good mood! Good mood Twilight is the best Twilight!"

"How did things go in Canterlot?" Fluttershy asked nervously. "We heard that you made a sudden trip to see the Princess. Is everything all right?"

Twilight hung in Pinkie's embrace. She stared at everypony surrounding her, at their bright and lively expressions. Her gaze finally fell on Applejack. A look of worry hung on the farm mare's freckled face, but it soon dissolved under a bright grin as Twilight smiled back in silent confidence.

"Yes, it's perfect," Twilight murmured. She hugged Pinkie Pie back and shut her eyes peacefully. "Everything is going to be just fine."

This fanfic is dedicated to the prompt made by Fimfiction user TraleRayne, winner of the SS&E trivia blog. Their prompt was this: "Basically, Princess Celestia trolling Twilight. But since there's enough of those kinds of fics, it's actually Luna framing Celestia. Super awesome bonus points if you can write it without letting anyone know it's Luna until the end. Up to you. And that's pretty much it."

In addition to this, they asked that I include their friend's OC pony, Wavebreaker.

"She said her pony is a bit shy and quiet, but will speak her mind when she feels it's important. Also loves swimming and flying."

The nature of this story would not have come to fruition if it wasn't for my having intercepted a conversation in the Noble Jury skype group, specifically when Dream of Ponies put forth: "What would happen if Princess Celestia asked Twilight Sparkle to kill the other Mane 6?"

Much thanks to everyone who influenced the creation of this latest train wreck.

Comments ( 151 )

your last blog post isn't working... interesting.. will read later :derpytongue2:

is too working, you just have to go to the blog directly from the user page. It's cuz the title is unset.

Only 20k words ? Are you feeling sick ? Is everything alright ?
I'll read it tomorrow :)

1737732 eh, you can't click on the title then you can't go on the blog post, might as well redirect you somewhere else

oh well. looks like I'm going blog post hunting again:derpytongue2:

I don't even know where to start with this story......

If the full title were "Fear and Loathing in Las Pegasus" I would have been temporarily amused, but I wouldn't have read it. Since it isn't, I approve.

Wait wait... a dark tag, but no sad or tragedy? :trixieshiftright: Meaning bad things will happen... but not necessarily world destroying things. Have I found an SSAE story I can enjoy without fear of a downer end?

The chapter names aren't capitalised... by SS&E... I need to go home and rethink my life.


I to was lead here by the mysterious blank block notification. How appropriate it seems like it doesn't exist when it belongs to the author responsible for the unsung o.O

Well worth the read.

Not to toot my own horn here, but by the middle of the story, I had almost gotten it right. I was so bloody close. But I was too expectant of it to suddenly veer off course, jump the railing and plunge headlong into the gut-wrenching sea of tragedy you're known for. I was so sure it was going to.

Fun read.

Edit: Ch. 3 "...problem at hand."
At hand?

I'm caught between shock that SS&E has written a story with a happy ending (as in genuinely happy, not just bitter-sweet) and admiration that a prompt-driven story has turned out being so genuinely awesome. I'm intrigued as to how exactly Celestia's going to respond to Luna's actions, though.

Unsuspecting me: Oh this looks like an interesting story.
'Sees who author is'
Oh snap, not sure whether to be excited or prepared for manly tears

Scary Luna is scary. This exemplifies just how important it is to meet in person for things of true import rather than trusting it to a letter.

It's on my reading list merely because of your Kierkegaard reference—or perhaps it was merely referencing the Aquedah? Either way, good on ya.


Powerful story.

"we all want the truth. but when that truth has the ability to crush everything we've ever known...
is it still worth it?"

Geez - and I thought *Celestia* was hard teacher...

Spoiler warning for those who read comments before the story for some weird reason...

Seriously, Luna?
I mean - I know Celestia likes throwing challenges at Twilight blind, but what WAS your plan B if Twilight didn't pass that test?

"Um... Sorry sis. I doth made a mistake and accidentally convinced Twilight to vaporize the other Bearers of the Elements of Harmony by fooling her into thinking thou ordered her to. And now she's either a comatose wreck or I've just turned the most powerful unicorn of this generation into a raging psychotic who wants to kill thou when she sees you next...."

Edit: And yes - i do understand that was kind of the point, to see the strength of Twilight's moral character when she has to place herself against the Princesses - but YEESH! Luna plays hardball and a half...

Still - it was yet another excellent story from SSaE. Although I have to admit, MY first reaction was to do what Twilight eventually did - hop a train, request to see the princess, and demand an explanation in person; because those orders made no sense....

Oh great, another story. I don't have time foERMAHGEHRD IT'S BAH SKEHRTS!

*starts reading*

Absolutely perfect, everything about this story was great. I'm actually thrilled that I didn't win the trivia thing, because then this wouldn't have been created. You are a paragon of artistic talent Skirts!

I'm very glad I was wrong about one aspect, and even more happy that I was right about it possibly being Luna. :twilightoops:

What Luna taught Twilight is a very valuable lesson to learn, but remembering to recognize when you're following the path you desire and when you're just being a stubborn mule is a good thing to keep in mind. Still, I'm glad that Twilight couldn't possibly go through with killing her friends. I wonder if she'll tell them what had her so worked up? I'm sure she'll wind up at least telling AJ, since AJ will likely drill her about it until she caves. :ajsmug:

Bravo, good sir or madam! Bravo indeed! T'was an excellent and indulging story that I enjoyed very much from start to finish. Do write more! :twilightsmile:

Not featured yet? *checks watch* ....aaany second now!

Woo! A SS&E story where nopony dies horribly! I was really concerned there for a while. I really enjoyed this, and while I support Luna's idea, I gotta say that that's a hell of a hard way to play it.

Felt out of place and OOC for Twilight not to realize this, especially because the story's set after the Season 3 opener. Worse, that episode gave us Twilight being shown that she had to fail a test in order to truly pass it - or fail one test to pass a greater (unspoken) one. Oblivious Twilight is almost a meme, but after three seasons this is stretching it a tad thin.

Instead of a tear-filled breakdown at her mentor's hooves, I was hoping to see Twilight confront Celestia with shields up and guns blazing, having assumed that the real Celestia would never have asked this of her, and reasoning that a Changeling or other doppelganger was sitting on the throne.

Dialogue felt awkwardly stiff and / or forced in places, especially during and after the throne room scene. SS&E is capable of so very much more; I'll chalk this up to a rushed execution and the constraints of working with a writing prompt (or three, even if they're self-imposed).

Still deserving of its Featured status, mainly for the premise combined with SS&E's usual flair and panache.


Felt out of place and OOC for Twilight not to realize this, especially because the story's set after the Season 3 opener. Worse, that episode gave us Twilight being shown that she had to fail a test in order to truly pass it - or fail one test to pass a greater (unspoken) one. Oblivious Twilight is almost a meme, but after three seasons this is stretching it a tad thin.

I agree with this. However, I think it's important to recognize that Twilight doesn't know she's being tested, she gets a very grave and very serious letter. I'm not sure this is as much oblivious Twilight as it is shell shocked Twilight. It's also clear from the get-go that she's rejected the concept, but is having trouble reconciling her faith in friendship and self with her faith in her Mentor and, very importantly, living deity.

Instead of a tear-filled breakdown at her mentor's hooves, I was hoping to see Twilight confront Celestia with shields up and guns blazing, having assumed that the real Celestia would never have asked this of her, and reasoning that a Changeling or other doppelganger was sitting on the throne.

This is where we get into the nature of suspension of disbelief for the sake of fan fiction. Canon Luna would never issue this Genesis test by asking Twilight to kill, but that action is what ties this story to Abe and Isaac and evokes with clarity the themes of authority and anxiety. Everyone assumes Twilight would be reasonable in this situation, but that's exactly what the fic attempts to explore, albeit with brevity. The central question is of trying to make these two contradictory ideas mesh, the story is of Twilight's anguish and anxiety in figuring out what is truly more important. Those things considered, in a world where it's feasible for the living goddess to make such a grave request, it is not unfathomable that the faithful student would not immediately reject the idea, let alone challenge it guns blazing.

Dialogue felt awkwardly stiff and / or forced in places, especially during and after the throne room scene. SS&E is capable of so very much more; I'll chalk this up to a rushed execution and the constraints of working with a writing prompt (or three, even if they're self-imposed).

I will agree here, it's not very polished and the OC in particular feels too shoehorned in, especially with it draws out the authority metaphor like a beleaguered circus animal. The chapters break up the action in odd ways, and the slice stuff feels overly chirpy and tagged on where it's supposed to draw conflict. Considering the constraints, though, it's solid enough to glean entertainment value. The core idea is interesting enough to sustain the reader through the more arduous portions of the story.

For a prompt fic, this is amazing.

Admirable work.


Agreed that it's a suspension of disbelief issue. I can't always accept Celestia's divinity as a reason for Twilight's devotion. She's grown up with Celestia and seen her be fallible more than once, especially considering the Royal Wedding fiasco. I see the Kierkegaard setup and the Isaac / sacrifice references; 1738729 nailed it: what was Luna's Plan B? If Twi went through with it, who would have been the Ram?

Luckily I can set all that aside and enjoy the romp, which is how I usually find myself enjoying SS&E stories.

Upvoted. And that last part with Wavebreaker, Twilight now helping her understand with a new outlook on life.:pinkiegasp:

Simply perfect. Great job.

Honestly, its fics like this that make me question if you are really as insane as your blog posts attempt to make you out to be.

From the story description I had guessed what Twilight's task was from the first conversation, however, I honestly wasn't sure at any point in this story if Twilight would or would not kill the rest of the Mane 6. And that's what really struck me by the end, which really is telling of how damn well the characterization was of Twilight. I could see her torn. Is the good of the entirety of Equestria worth my friendship and my friends? To those that question whether or not Twilight would fall for it, there's no reason for her not to. There's absolutely nothing to question, and no reason not to trust a living Goddess when they tell you that to save the entire world you have to kill your 5 closest friends. And having it confirmed would only make it worse and more unquestionable. I could certainly feel the conflict and the suspense of it. First time in a while I've been on the edge of my seat wondering what choice the Hero would make.

Part of that was how quickly Twilight went from "I don't know what to do" to "We need to go to Mount Mare" to "I just can't do it". While it felt rushed in terms of storytelling, as there could have been a lot more exploration of how one step leads to the next and how Twilight pushes herself from one to the next so that the readers don't get lost; it also felt incredibly real. It felt a lot like how I make decisions under pressure, and how you can go from resolving to do something before you are faced with the consequences directly and you have time to compute.

Of course, I certainly agree that the dialogue wasn't as gleaming as the structure and premise, though given Twilight's state of mind, many of her lines are forgivable. Realistically, with the internal monologue we're given, we don't need much out of her lines in the first place. The rest of the Mane 6 didn't exactly feel natural or flowing in their speech; but, for the most part, it didn't detract from the storytelling and descriptiveness.

I must admit, that I agree with whoever said before me that this was a very poorly thought out plan by Luna, and even though Luna does straight up admit that, the whole thing rings impossible that Luna would risk all the elements of harmony to test Twilight's resolve. Honestly, from the start of the Luna conversation, I thought that we were dealing with a Nightmare Moon recurrence because the choice had such dire consequences that it could throw the entire kingdom into chaos. That being said, I do like the notion that the Lunar Princess is the one that knows how you sometimes have to get dirty to accomplish good and step outside the righteous path to do what is necessary, and by imparting that to Twilight she grows more than she could through Celestia's teachings.

At the end of the day, this was a fantastic, characterization felt really impeccable, and I enjoyed every moment of wondering what would happen next.

As always, looking forward to what you do next.

i was kinda hoping twilight would give luna a good slap to the face, but good story nonetheless

1739468 YES!! See? There are plenty of times in the show where Celestia doesn't know what's going on! *bops Twilight on the head* Think, McFly! Think! :twilightblush:

1739313 Buuuuuut, this is a complete reversal of the Genesis test in many regards. If Abraham hadn't obeyed the command of God, nothing would have happened and he simply would not have been blessed. Upon carrying it out, God's angel grabbed Abraham's hand to stop him when it was clear that no matter what, he would obey God's word.

In this story, Luna had NOTHING in place to prevent Twilight from killing the other Bearers. Luna risked completely destroying the one weapon which could stop Discord and other villains with a very cruel test completely devoid of safeguards. Her action strikes me as both insane and suspicious, as if her excuse was merely a cover story to assuage the repercussions once her 'evil plans' failed and the truth was about to be uncovered.

Hence, I suspect she has once more become NIGHTMARE MOON!!! *STABS LUNA WITH A DEATH SWORD!!!* DIE EVIL PONY-GOBBLING ABOMINATION!!! :trollestia:

Yeah, it's a bit of a soap opera reveal with Luna, and even lampshaded when Twilight asks the very same question about safeguards. Luna, it seems, plays for keeps.

The reversal is, to me, the redeeming quality. 1739470 mentioned the Kierkegaard setup; the real story is Twilight's crisis of faith, and the exploration of authority figures in a Milgram like way. Through that, Twilight proved that she is capable of putting aside her blind faith, a rather interesting twist that makes Twilight that much stronger. Still, the Genesis test is less the central idea and more the impetus for Twilight's inner turmoil.

Her action strikes me as both insane and suspicious, as if her excuse was merely a cover story to assuage the repercussions once her 'evil plans' failed and the truth was about to be uncovered.

Funnily enough, Luna put an awful lot on the line to test Twilight's resolve. Had Twilight actually gone through with it I have no doubt that Luna would have faced some pretty serious consequences.

Personally, I agree with what Luna did, keeping her purpose in mind. It was by no means savory or just, but with how Twilight was presented, it was a lesson she needed to learn. Luna isn't perfect, and her plan was dangerous and cruel I admit, but still I really like her role in all of this, as goody-two-hooves Celestia's foil.

Must resist urge to....


Liked and favorited, and you get a watch, too. This was fantastic. :pinkiehappy:

Okay the hope and joy there take one tick off the "hate you (not really)" tally for Background Pony.:pinkiehappy:

1739746 Well, if Luna's diabolical plan succeeded, the Elements would be without Bearers and Nightmare Moon would be free to bring about eternal night!

But no one has to worry! *points to the dismembered, disembowled body of Luna* I stopped her!

*somepony whispers* Uhmmm... you killed canon Luna...

*Alondro :twilightoops: * Oh... well... oh dear me! I-I think I left the oven on! *flees!*

1739773 She may not be perfect, but that plan was downright stupid. That's why it only makes sense if she's really Nightmare Moon and hoped Twilight would kill them! :trixieshiftright:


If she really was Nightmare Moon, then it'd be proof that she really HATES doing things herself. It's like her dignity as a villain is entirely based on having minions do all the dirty work.

1740055 Well that's what most villains do! Heck, most of the real dictators in the last century left the dirty work up to minions. It's part of the way they self-justify in their twisted, insane reasonings.

*does dance*

(Spoilers BTW if anyone sees this before the end)

Exactly. The way this played out made a lot more sense of course, and similarly it would have been very interesting had Celestia actually been serious and also been mistaken about it being the only way. Things change a lot when your source of truth has any possibility of being wrong.

A story written by Shortskirtsandexplosions with a happy ending? I guess things are always better when they're a rarity. :raritywink:


I believe you missed the entire point of the story.



Sorry. I just suffered a mental breakdown due to the sheer amount of WHAT THE FUCK this story made me feel.

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