• Published 5th Nov 2011
  • 46,006 Views, 2,412 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Heroes - No One

A Fallout Equestria Sidefiction. A lonely guard, inspired by Littlepip, goes to save her brother.

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Epilogue: Seven Years Later...

Author's Note:

I hope everyone enjoyed the ride, even if you didn't like the ending. Thank you for all your support and patience. Let me also thank my various editors over the years, TheBSDude, Menti, ErrantIndy, Mint Julep, Nyer, The EN Narrator, and everyone else who gave me advice and support. Love you all, and see you on the other side. Might do a few post-hoc blog posts explaining stuff if people want.

Seven Years Later

Serve... Save... Slave... Slay…”

“And did you find it?” I leaned back in my seat watching the pony in front of me curiously. I wasn’t happy with Ponitron only security, so years ago I set up an internal policing force, with the council’s blessing of course. This mare was one of my latest recruits, and for the life of me I couldn’t remember her name. Cherry… something?

“No ma’am.” She shook her head while she stared at the floor. If only she knew how weak I had become she’d not be shaking the way she was. “The rifle we found wasn’t to the specs you described, the pony was reprimanded and the goods confiscated.”

“Pay him market value for the goods you took.” The mare looked up at me, finally, in shock. “I can’t have him lying. About selling relics from the war. But we also can’t steal. Tell the captain I want him paid.” The mare was still staring at me with a gormless look on her face. “Now!”

“Yes ma’am!” She stood stiffly to attention before near galloping from the room. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at her antics. My history from the war preceded me. And ever since it was my job to put down the occasional rebels or attempted coup, as few as there had been. My actions brought awe because they didn’t know the truth…

I took the file from my desk and looked it over. The only word on the front was ‘Subtlety’. Ever since my fight atop the Clips and Clops I had been looking for it. But now it was too late. I had a council meeting to attend, and then… I’d leave the city for the last time. I gently tossed the file into the trash and started to stand.

It took a few seconds of aches and pains for me to force myself into a standing position. Not even Med-X could keep the pain at bay. My joints ached more and more every day, and when I looked down at my barding I could see it. Seeping out from under the edges of my clothes. Bright blue lines, like veins. They had been growing, close to covering me completely. With the healing megaspell inside me gone, there was little except my own fortitude to keep the starmetal poison at bay, and now that was failing too.

I was dying.


So where should we start…

“You’re interviewing me remember? You aren’t very good at this.”

Very funny. Alright, state your name, and your relationship to Hired Gun.

“Name’s Flare, obviously. Hired Gun is my best friend and closest confidant, even if she is as dumb as the rocks on her flank.”

Alright and then it was… right. So. Where have you been since The Battle for Dise?

“These past years I have been working with The Enclave, trying to rebuild our reputation. A flawed endeavour, but they were always my family, so I had to try right? Poor stupid Flare, throwing his life away for a lost cause. Feel free to weep for me.”

I’ll get right on it. Jeeze. Alright, final question. What do you think of Hired Gun. Answer truthfully, please.

“She was an idiot. A violent reckless fool who nearly got me and you killed countless times. But she was my friend, as close as I had ever gotten. I’d trust her with my life. That said… you and I know she has done some… lets charitably call it questionable things. It makes me uncomfortable when people praise her without thought. And let me just add, I think people don’t need to know this, and these memoirs you are putting together are a mistake.”

I didn’t ask that.

“You didn’t need to. But I know my thoughts don’t matter. The city isn’t ready for the truth. Not about her, and certainly not about Clean Cutt, and you can put that on the record!”

It was her dying wish to let people know the truth about Clean Cutt.

“That’s not what this is about. I know you too well to let you lie to me.”


The Council Chambers had been prepared for my final meeting. It still took place in Redemption’s old office, but over the years we had renovated the place. Instead of building a new oval table we had a table set into a half circle with single table in the centre for guests or applicants to speak where everyone could look at them easily. It was set up in such a way that the applicants were always facing towards the window, which now had a stained glass portrait of Clean Cutt. I had demanded it years ago. A joke that only I would get.

The councillors were the same, with few exceptions. High General Steel wing didn’t feel it necessarily to join meetings himself, and sent a representative in Flare, who spent most of his council time quipping back and forth at Molly. That stubborn mule was still there of course, I had long suspected she would outlast everyone else in the city by sheer will. Paladin Lemon Cake and Screenshot (Who long since went by the name ‘Photo Finish’ though I never called her that) were unmoved as well. The NCA had been absent from the council for years after their civil war kicked off in earnest, but there was still a spot left open for them. The Hizai, or what was left of them had a seat as well, and was occupied by a cybernetic unicorn I had never met in my time working for Mr. House.

Then, finally, in the middle of the table, was Redemption. She glared daggers at me from where I stood at the visitors podium. She barely even tried to hide her contempt for me these days, years of hatred boiling in her blood from what I did to her dad. Yet, when it came down to it. She listened.

“How long will you be gone?” She was asking me, though she knew the answer. Visitors were allowed in seating off to the side, and the seats were almost always full so she had to put on a show.

“If I survive, two years.”

“We wish you a... speedy return. Dise thanks you for your many years of service. Without you we all would not be here today.” She was saying through gritted teeth. She didn’t mean, but it didn’t matter. She would be rid of me soon enough.


Alright, so. Name, and relationship to Hired Gun.

“You know who I am… fine. You’ve become quite the little buzzy bee since you returned, my little hard worker. I’m Molly, councillor, leader, and owner operator of the largest casino on the strip. Hired Gun is my mortal enemy, or was, she got over it, as did I.”

Where have you been since the Battle for Dise?

“Here, in Dise. We spent years repairing the damage, and somepony had to rule, so it was to me and the others. Celestia knows why I bother, but like a moth to the flame I am attracted to hard jobs. I dare say we did a good job. You’d not even know a Casino was where the Moon once stood. Oh how Roy would cry to see it. The thought brings a smile to my face. And yes, of course, peace and prosperity a plenty. For the most part. We’ve had a few troubles in the years since the War, but they were always crushed. Personally I have made myself quite wealthy selling radiatited gunk to Equestria. Or the NCR. Whatever fool name they gave themselves. I suspect their alicorns bathe in it.”

And what do you think of Hired Gun.

“We’re mortal enemies, remember? She is a dangerous bitch, and she gnaws on grievances like a dog with a bone. We have that in common. But she is a dangerous idiot. Why she’s so beloved in the city I’ll never know. Still, I would not want to be on her bad side. Assuming she still lives. Does she?”

No more questions, thank you for your time Molly.


There used to be a statue in the centre crossroads of the city. I met The Batmare there once. It was a relic from before the war, but it was crushed and destroyed when the Raptor fell on it. Years later I had it replaced, and we had a huge ceremony to celebrate it. It was meant to immortalize the battle that nearly tore the city apart, and our strength to make it through. Four ponies were carved from stone we had imported from The New Equestrian Republic.

The first was Pinprick, though she had never looked so clean in person as she did in the the statue, and I has suspected the carver did not have a proper picture and had to use word of mouth because she looked off. Beside her was me, towering above the others, with a grim look on my face. Beside me was Clean Cutt. Perhaps his inclusion was what gave me such a grim look, but we all had to pretend, for the good of the city. In front of us was a small colt. I had told the carver he represented the will of the city, that we were protecting. In reality he was Post Haste, the colt I killed outside Karkhoof. It wasn’t proper penance, but it was the least I could do.

“You’re looking well.” A voice said to me as I stared up at the statues, my mind wandering. It did that a lot lately.

“Flare.” I said smiling at the blue pegasus who walked up beside me. He was looking older, his eyes weathered and the tips of his mane graying ever so slightly. He was young still, but not for much longer. “Don’t lie.” His one wing flicked a little bit at the accusation. He had never gotten a replacement like he wanted, and he seemed to take pride in that.

“I meant the statue.” he said with a laugh. He looked me over from hooves to ear. “You look like shit in person. So today’s the day?”

“Yes…” I said tearing my eyes away from him. There was pity in his eyes. I hated it. “Are you sure you don’t want to come? We could use you out there.”

“I have work here.” Flare said with a laugh, “And stallions to date. Well, stallion.” He said with a surprisingly genuine stallion, “I know you and High Stakes don’t get along, but we’ve been working it out. We’ll be here when you get back though...” He said placing his wing on my back.

I shuddered at the touch. “I won't be coming back.” I eventually said to break the silence.

We stared at the statue for minutes before he eventually replied. “I know.”


Let’s get this over with... Name, and relationship to Hired Gun.

“Smooth Tongue. I was her former boss after a fashion, she quit in a particularly spectacular way. Did she ever tell you the story little one?”

Yes. You do not come off well in it.

“I suppose not. A shame, we could have gotten along famously.”

Whatever… ugh… so what have you been doing since the Battle for Dise. The one you didn’t help with.

“Why would I participate? I’m many kilometers from the city, had no real connection despite my loyal Lieutenant having lands closer, and his personal relationship to Hired. It was nothing to us. I admit we have profited generously after the fight. Trade has flourished between the NCR and Dise, and they all go through us. It has been enough to set us up as a more respectable organization, to stake large swaths of lands, and defend it. We have achieved a level of peace and security that outshines even-”

Yeah yeah. What do you think of Hired Gun. And hurry up with it...

“I’ve known her longer than you, so I will speak for whatever length I deem appropriate. To be frank, I thought she was dumb. When she lived in Marefort there was some concern her size and anger would pose a problem, but they didn’t until the end. She passively did her job barely speaking save to her family. Except for her brother. Shall I speak of him as well, he is doing well in his position. He would like to s-”

I don’t want to hear about un-Summer Silk.

“If these are her memoirs I suspect she has notes on the events that took place here in regards to the child Foundation. I would like the opportunity to explain wha-”

I don’t want to hear it. This was a mistake, goodbye Smooth Tongue.


“Must you take her with you? We have found her help invaluable.” Platinum Haze said looking down at me. In the intervening years she was able to move her orphanage to a new building that was made from the parts salvaged from the Wreckage of The Moon. It was a nice enough building, even as her orphans got older and older, which is what happened when you killed fewer people.

“She wants to go, and you know her, when she sets her mind to something…” Haze and I shared a small room on the top floor of her orphanage. Sometimes I would help with the kids, but I was never as good at it as I would have liked.

“We know, but we have often found with the right motivation…” She sighed a little and gave me a warm smile. “We would never take her away from you, we will make do, as we always have.” I couldn’t help but look at her wing when she said that. It was mangled oddly during the fighting and had never really healed. She could fly, but not for long, and not without pain. If it bothered her she didn’t show it. She never did. “I’m proud of everything you have accomplished.”

“T-thank you…” I moved closer to rest my head on her chest. This was one of the few places I could just be, without worrying about who I was being. I needed it “I don’t think I’m coming back. I’m… I’m scared.” She wrapped a warm wing around me, and just let me continue. “I-I don’t want to die. I thought I did but… but…” I took a deep sharp breath as she gently rubbed my back with a wing. “I’m sorry I-”

“We know.” She said softly, her wing still rubbing up and down my back comfortingly. “I love you too.”


Name and relationship with Hired Gun.

“Sweetie, is this really necessary? You know whom we are.... Alright alright, we cannot withstand that look. We are Platinum Haze, we were Hired Gun’s marefriend for many years.”

What have you been doing since the Battle for Dise?

“You know this as well… oh very well. We have been continuing our work with the Followers of the Apocalypse, specifically we have spent the years working at, maintaining, and supporting our orphanage. We are pleased to say that with every passing year our services become less and less necessary, but we shall continue to provide them until they are no longer needed at all.”

What do you think of Hired Gun?

“We love her.”

“Oh, did you want more? Very well. We have always found her a difficult pony to love. We mean this not as an insult, but a statement of fact. All who know her know her to be quiet, distant, and troubled. However the undeniable strength in her. It is hard not to admire, to find joy in. We have found it worth it, despite the trouble. She is a person you warm up to, not one who you have a strong first impression of.”

And her… violent tendencies?

“We are not a leash, sweetie. We go our path, and she has gone her, and thus we all are happy. We cannot fault all her actions, even if we disagree, and she had done much to bring peace, not all through violence, as we have asked of her… you seem disappointed?”

No, that’s not it. Thank you for your time.

“Sweetie are you okay? You have been spending too much time in this project, perhaps you should take a break…”

I’m fine!


It was days walking north. We made the trip faster many times, but I walked slowly, and rested often. I hated feeling this way, but I knew there was nothing I could do. If there was one comfort I could take it was that Serenity didn’t complain at all. When we stopped yet again for me to catch my breath she just got to starting to bundle sticks for a fire.

She turned into a finer mare than me. Tall, though not so tall as me, thin, and elegant. She was graceful on her hooves and with her hooves, moving with a dexterity I couldn’t hope to match. As she grew she picked up my penchant for quietness, but never forgot her playfulness. She glanced over at me staring at her, and brushed a long strand of mane out of her eyes before chucking a stick at me. “No moping momma. I told you, it’s forbidden.”

My joints creaked as I brought up my metal leg to shield from another thrown stick. At least my cybernetics never got tired. “Who told you that you were in charge?”

“Did you want to fight about it momma?” She said raising an eyebrow, walking up to me to size me up. “I thought not.” She said tapping her hoof against my nose before I had the chance to respond. The metal felt cold on my nose.

“You know what, I’m feeling better, I guess we should head back.” I said chuckling as she returned to the bundle of sticks. She lifted her hoof at it, and then, fwoosh, a small jet of flame came pouring out of it. I never approved of her getting cybernetics on purpose. To me, it seemed morbid. But she was old enough to make her own decisions, and she spent years designing them just for herself.

“Not a chance. We’re going to get to the Zebralands and fix you right up.” She said more confidently then I ever could.

“Serenity…” I started to say but she turned back to me, her sad grey eyes pleading with me. She had to believe, I realized. I had to leave her with that. We both knew it was a lie, but what else did I have to give but lies? “Of course.”

“We’re near Bridle Hoof.” She mentioned changing the subject rapidly. I hadn’t been back there since my falling out with my brother, when the Crimson Hoof took over. “Are we going to stop by and see Uncle?”

“No.” I said firmly. “Do you think he’ll want to know what he did?” It was his fault after all. The lines of blue that were keeping across the skin. The fatigue. The constant pain. I was dying, and because of a mistake he made. A mistake I made. He shot me with poison from outer space. It was funny when I thought myself invincible, but now… the joke had faded.

“But momma, don’t you…” She looked back at me with a grin. She was always smiling, and upbeat. Except her eyes. Her eyes always seemed sad, now more so than ever. “Nevermind. Food shouldn’t take too long, but you could take a nap. It’s a long journey north to the port.”


“Well… are we to get started?”

Huh, sorry, sorry. I was distracted. I was still hoping Major Lucky or Major General Hailstorm would have responded by now.

“I’m never good enough for you, am I kid? You’re not likely to find them. I’ve got reports from the NCA and their Civil War hasn’t let up. You know how the NCA was formed right?”


“I guess it doesn’t matter, suffice to to say old grudges are hard to hide without a common enemy like the minotaurs.”

Where did they even go… oh, sorry. Right. Interview. Please state your name and relationship to Hired Gun.

Paladin Curly Fries, from the Applejack Rangers. And she was my… ally? Enemy? I suppose it depended on the day.”

Where have you been since The Battle for Dise?

“Through the Applejack Rangers, I have helped them on their new mission as agreed upon. We have maintained border security around Dise, and helped tame out outland areas Dise claims to hold. You’re welcome. We also have spent considerable resources studying the technology in the Mountain Facility. You would be amazed at the secrets of Megaspells we have uncovered.”

I’m sure I would. What do you think of Hired Gun?

“She ruined my life, then saved it. I have long suspected that the rocks on her flanks were for the rubble she left behind. But the way she handled Dise, the way she led it... She didn’t have to do what she did. It was impressive. Despite that, I still might still hate her.”

It’s still all your fault Curly Fries.


Never mind.


We had stopped in the Marefort. The last stop before we hit Equestria proper. I never saw Smooth Tongue, though he knew I was coming. Despite everything it was good to be home. To see people I hadn’t seen in so long. To hear stories of what I missed. To walk the halls and walkways and huddled cramp buildings like I had never left at all. I never had many friends in the Marefort, but my stories had spread enough they were glad to see me. It was burdensome. It wasn’t home, it hadn’t been home for so long. It felt cramped. Old. Like a storybook I read as a kid that no longer held up to scrutiny as a mare.

I couldn’t sleep so I went for a walk. Serenity was snoring gently, and had kicked her blankets off, so I carefully tucked her in before I left. She was a full grown mare, but I still hated to think of how she’d live without me looking after her. She was going to get into so much trouble.

Still I needed to walk. Mind you I had to take Med-X to stomach the pain walking caused. The night was deathly dark, like it was before the cloud cover was opened. With my cybernetic eye I could still see, but barely. It was fine though. I liked the dark. And I needed to think. Seven years is a long time, and so much had happened. I gave my life for Dise. I brought the city together. I built it up after everything that happened. There was the Council, sure, but whenever something went wrong they looked to me to fix it.

And fix it I did. With all my power, and all my might, even as my strength faded. As my voice grew weak. I stood tall. For Dise. For a home. I had so few years left and I gave them to that city. I regretted it at times. The way I slaved over the city. They would never know me. The real me. The truth behind what happened. How could I not hate them for that? Hate them for never realizing what I did. What Clean Cutt did. And they should have hated me back. Liar, murderer, hero-killer, foal-killer. Everything that Dise was, was my mess. Was my lies. Perhaps that is why I choose to stay. Because I felt like I had to. I chained myself to the idea of being their Hero, even as I hated it some days.

I stared south, peering through the gloom and the darkness and I felt, for a minute. That I could see it. The light rising from over mountains hills and deserts. The diamond of the south. The desert jewel. The home I built. The mistakes I made. After everything that happened, they deserved to know the truth. I stayed for duty, not love. I was a monster, only slightly better than Clean Cutt, and all their myths and heroes were charlatans. I wouldn’t be there to tell them, but they’d know. Serenity had already started to write my memoirs when we rested.

My legs grew tired, but I knew where I was. So I stopped and took a seat. Before me were two stone graves, preserved in time. In the darkness of night even with my cybernetic eye I could not read the names engraved in the stone. I didn’t need to. I knew the name. I lowered my head. This place deserved reverence.

“I’m sorry. I love you. I will see you soon.” I whispered in the dark. I could only pray they would recognize me.


“Alright, your turn?”

What are you talking about Flare? I just came to check on how the editing is-

“Fine fine, I am a professional afterall. See my butt? Hah! But It was incomplete, it needed something, and I realized what! A testimonial from Hired Gun’s daughter.”


“State your name and relationship to Hired Gun.”

I’m Serenity, and I’m her daughter.

“Where have you been since the Battle for Dise’s Soul?”

Flare is this really… oh… fine. I have been working with the Watchers to help reform them. I did spend a lot of time on personal projects. I was still a kid after all.

“Still are! Why else would you be writing this? So tell me, what do you think of Hired Gun.”

What kind of question is that, she’s my mother. I love her with all my heart.

“How did she die?”

Flare… that’s not one of the questions.

“We can edit it out later, just answer.”

You don’t know what it was like over there! You didn’t see her as I saw her. She had been so strong… to see her so weak, so feeble. We barely made it there, and when we were in the Zebralands… it… it’s not something I want to talk about. I can’t. I’m sorry.

“That’s when Silver Storm died, not Hired Gun. Hired Gun will die when this book of yours gets published. It was a trick question. But since you brought her up. What do you think of Silver Storm.”

Flare, what are you getting at?

“What did you think of Silver Storm… your adopted mothers. After everything that happened. Did you really love her?”

Of course!

“Did you really forgive her.”


“There’s more to this than letting people know about Clean Cutt. I’m not stupid, I’ve known you too long little filly. Tell me, can you really forgive her for Karkhoof. What she did. What she made you watch. Everyone will know the truth soon enough, everyone will face it. But you need to first. Do you forgive her for killing Post Haste.”


Flare… you can’t… I…



I don’t forgive her.

You want the truth, fine! The truth is that I never did. And never will. Not for that. Everyone wants to remember the dead fondly, but why? People need the truth, about her, about Clean Cutt, about everything. We never should've lied. So here’s the truth: I love her. Despite everything. But I still dream of that moment. I can’t forget, I can’t let go. People deserve to know their Heroes.

As I do.

Comments ( 83 )

D***! what a ride this has been. I look forward to your future endevours.

Ah, yes, I can call my collection of FoE books complete.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! It's so gooooooood!!! I've followed this since 2014, and I'm so glad to see it end! Thank you No One, I will always love this one hell of a ride! Thanks!


I feel like I need to re-read this story eventually. Having these last three chapters all at once is nice, but I don't remember most of the details.

Will u make more

And after all these years, the powerful legacy of Heroes is completed.

Congrats on completing this amazing story.

It's finally over. The record is complete. The City is Saved, and the heroes are safely dead.

Thanks again for writing. I may not agree with all the choices you made for the ending, but I can appreciate them.

Congratulations on completing your story.

I'm actually rather surprised there was no memorial for the Batmare. (Edit: Upon thinking about the Batmare further. She probably wouldn't have wanted one anyway.) But I suppose the point of it being a memorial to the known heroes of Dice is a nice touch just the same. Interesting that Hired Gun left that many hints on what happened on all the projects she oversaw to make sure they got done. I wonder how they'll all fair when everyone learns the truth?

Makes you wonder just what happened to her at the end. It certainly sounds like it left as a much as an impression as Post Haste. But if it's anything like what Kkat's blogs indicate, it's probably just as bad (If not worst) then Equestria. But then Hired Gun was in failing health. That too would leave a heavy impression upon Serenity. That's really sad to think about.

This was definitely a great read. Also a bit sad at the end. I also a bit of though provoking about the idea of heroes at the end there. What is a hero but in the perception of the people.

Congratulations! Holy shit. I can't believe I've been reading this story for six and a half years. I think I'll need to reread the story in its entirety at some point.

Honestly, I'm finding it really funny right now how accurate Flare's prediction from Ch. 33 was.

He sighed in defeat, leaning against the counter again. “So we need to find someone not-shit at running a city and give them power? As we control them from the background to make sure they don't go full Nightmare Moon, is that the plan?”

The ostensibly dumbest FO:E protagonist ended up having to do the most politics and paperwork in the end. Very fitting.

Its Finally over.
I dont know if I should be happy or sad.
Happy because the chronicles have finally come to an end but sad on the way it did.
Good job anyhow was still one of my fav FOE stories to date and it actually ended unlike most that start. So you at least get to join the completed FOE team because there are so few of you at this point.


She didn’t mean, but it didn’t matter.

Missing 'it' after mean?

I still might still hate her.

Extra still in there.

So it ends, can't help but feel the last couple chapters were rushed and the ending is okay but it doesn't kill the story for me. Hired is still my favorite dumb character-

And more bottles of purified water than I cared to count. So at least a dozen.

-of all time.

Oh my gosh you finished it. I need to read the last three chapters.... but I think I need to start over to get the proper frame... Oh boy. I just finished re-reading horizons and foe... Here we go again

Seven Years. Almost exactly a month over seven years it took for this story to find an end, and while I am glad it finally came to a conclusion, it will still feel unresolved. Glad you at least brought it to this point instead of leaving it hanging like so many other stories do.

Holy shit, final story of the Great FO:E FIve has been finished, and what a ride this was! I honestly don't know why people would whine about the ending, as it is the most realistic ending that could happen, with both Clean Cutt obsessed over the idea of being a Hero and Silver/Hired full of hate towards him, but wanting to save the city none the less. Anyway, i guess i got to reread all great five stories now. Stay awesome, No One!

Congratulations on completing Heroes! Haven't read the chapters yet, but I'm really glad to see this tale reach its conclusion.

Also, it's all your fault Curly Fries! :rainbowwild:

Congratulations! I've wanted this story to finish for years! And great galloping goddesses what a finish. Those who have disagreed with your ending have not felt the sting of battle or the futility of war. Hero's are just the ones who did the job, and lived. (most of the time) ....Sometimes the truth is far more ugly than the written stories have portrayed. Well done!

Congratulations on finishing the fic after so many years and thank you for finishing it and not just abandoning it :heart:

The story is finished! Yay. Time to read.

After many years, it's finally finished. I remember running into the fic waaay back in 2012 in the FoE craze after catching up on Project Horizons at its current point around that time. Man, that was a while ago...I'm gonna need to give this a good read through from start to finish at some point since it's been so long.

Thanks for the story, and congratulations.:twilightsmile:

Can't believe this is finally over... very good job, enjoyable series overall, if I ever get back on reviewing I gotta review this fic.

Congrats on finishing this story! I owe it a reread from start to finish at this point.

Gorgeous story. I going to miss them. Hired, Flare, all of them.

Aw hell, this is not the ending I was hoping for at all. Even Horizons got something right in the end, but this just made me absolutely depressed. Love your story man, but shite... My heart.

I just spent the night reading this. I finished it at 5am my time. I will not sleep today, and I have a lot to do. I am so fucked for the next 2 weeks. I'm just not gonna be able to think about anything but this.

What an amazing ending.

Thank you. This story will join the others that I've downloaded, so as to never forget the best ones.

Thank you for this wonderful story :twilightsmile:

Oh a kind-of LotR ending! Most certainly had an impact...

This is one of my favourite Fo:E stories. Despite all of the worldbuilding Kkat did, this is one of those stories that are much better.

Wow, how have I never found this story before? Hmm, this’ll be fun :pinkiehappy:

And just like that it's over.

In New Vegas, and similar Fallout games going back to the beginning, you are called upon to pass judgement on the world. You, an outsider, wander into a situation, form an opinion, pick a side, and force the world to align with your vision.

Heroes does the opposite. Instead it casts that same judgement back on the hero. Silver Storm claws her way through the story hoofprint by bloody hoofprint and in the end we have to ask if this pony we knew so well really was the hero. And by the end of it you've perfectly transmitted the same complex, painful emotion Serenity is feeling - loving Silver Storm, this brutal saviour, and still uncertain if she's worth forgiving.

This is a powerful piece of writing. It's a courageous piece of writing. It's unflinching, ever from the first chapter. It's one of my all time favourite pieces of writing on this site and I can only hope that I can take away a little of that same courage. Thank you so much for bringing it to the end it deserved with the same unflinching complexity as you began.


I just mentioned Heroes in a forum discussion about unfinished stories we loved. I guess I have to go edit that post now.

...And then I have to sit down and read this again from the beginning. Thank you so much for finishing this! I enjoyed Silver Storm's conflicted story tremendously and am really happy to know that you came back and finished it off. That's not an easy thing for an author. Thank you!

All I can say is; Wow. Such a beautiful story, one of the best I've ever read.

I mean seriously, are the best authors just Fo:E writers? Hah!

Loved it from the start, Heroes will be one of my fondest memories of Fo:E.

Thank you.

Wow. Finally it's over.
I don't think it was a bad ending. I could see the epilogue as a single short film that child be the opening to a movie. You wrote it very good and I'm proud you finished this epic story.

Great job!

I think this was the best ending we could hope for. At the end of the day people can't live up to the pedestal we put them on when we make them heroes.

At the end of the day heroes are like everyone else, with their own hopes and dreams, dealing with life as best they can. Silver Storm, Hired Gun did what she thought she had to do. As did Clear Cutt, as did everyone else.

Wow never thought it would end that way. This is has been a good read over the years, even if its taken awhile for it to he finished.

I seem to have reached the end. I... Think I'd meant to comment as I went but then I got too invested to stop for that.

I feel almost like I've cheated. Other people have waited seven years to see this ending and here I got to see it in two to three weeks from when I started. Only my own reading pace dictated how fast I got here.

I rather liked this story. As the last of the 'big five' FO:E stories I can't help but compare it to the others of course. In a meta sense it was interesting seeing how Heroes and Project Horizons adapted New Vegas differently. I caught a couple of things, like the gathering of factions and the central city, but I feel like I missed so many other parallels. You know, other than 'dumb protagonist has to solve a conspiracy.' :derpytongue2:

The first chapters of the story started so simple, almost plain. Things happened so quickly and almost sporadically up until they reached Dise, and I think that's when everything started to click. As more and more things fell into place and Silver reemerged from the emotional protection of Gun, it all just worked.

I liked how you handled action sequences. While things certainly got hectic the physical aspects of what was happening never got hard to follow. There was a level of grounding to it all that I appreciated, with the most out there scene being the dragon fight. Even there crazy things happened one at a time and were easy to follow.

The side cast was pretty damn good. A bunch of short term characters stood out, like the infamous Curly Fries or the Laughing Stallion. Simple Heart - whatever happened to him - was an especially creepy example of prewar conditions and experimentation. Even many of the characters that died near the start left an impression with the most obvious example being Wildfire.

Flare and Haze as party members were a joy. Flare constantly toed the line of being annoying but never crossed it, which is pretty impressive. That can't have been easy. Haze as the serene alicorn that tripped all over herself made me smile. She was definitely being unfair given that most ponies can't disapear or overpower others telekinetically but it was an interesting interpretation of a post-Goddess alicorn.

And then there was our... hero. Silver was interesting. The morality pf her actions were not at all clear cut - pun not intended - and it was rarely clear whether or not she was doing the right thing when she tried. She stressed about it but it never became burdensome, and when it mattered she was decisive for better or worse. The only thing that was certain was that she never made a better choice than saving Serenity at the start.

Terrible things had to happen to make the world better. That trip to the Zebralands can't have been pleasant, especially if we're going off of Somber's interpretations.

Silver is gone. She gets to have her rest.

Thank you for the story No One. It has been a ride.

And then everyone immediately went back to killing each other. Good job, Serenity. :trollestia:

Hmm... You ought to add a bit at the end about Curly Fries seeing the Bat Mare out of costume at a cafe. :trollestia:

I always find shifting between first person views like the end does here awkard. It gets jarring to read, but that might just be me, it's a fitting end.

No gods, no masters, and no Heroes. Heroes can be deified, and it looks like in the end Serenity will tear them all down, and ensure no mortal is remembered as a god. But, with the myth destroyed, will what was built remain?

The published dates haha

This has been an awesome ride. It's hard to believe that it's actually over after six years.

It's interesting, rereading this story - back when I had last caught up (around chapter 27), it seemed like so much had happened and yet virtually none of them main plot had actually begun - the Watchers hadn't been revealed as the main antagonist, Dragonslayer was still alive (though it turns out not for much longer), and so many mysteries had yet to be revealed. In that respect I suppose it is a lot like the original Fo:E, with a monumental amount of development to set up this massive domino chain of events.

I wish I had been better about commenting on this reread, but rest assured I enjoyed every moment of it.

Do you think if Redemption was given the chance to avenge her father without upsetting the peace, would she do it? Would she take it out on Serenity just to get to Hired Gun? Would she even have the nerve to kill her to make her point? And would she develop she same kind of self-righteous I-know-best attitude her father was infamous for?

Oh my word.
It's finally over.
I know I'm late to the farewell party, but when I saw that it was finally finished, I had to re-read it from the top.
And damn. It's not often I cry from reading, but this ending certainly left me with tears in my eyes.

Farewell Hired Gun, Rest in Peace Silver Storm.

Lord... The story that brought my interest in this story and I've read it as much as I could. Through being stuck in North Carolinian hotels burning through data, through heartbreak, through me graduating JR High and High school... And it ends right as my interest in MLP fades away.

Thank you No One for the ride of a lifetime. I guess the ride does end.

I'm interested if you'll ever make another story quite compelling as this one has.

But for the moment I shall cry

Spectacular. This will always be one of my favorite stories. One day I hope to find out more about what happened to silver in the zebra lands, and how serenity is doing now.

What a finish. This will always be one of my favorite FoE stories. Hired is a great character and I loved the development she got throughout this story.

After so many years, it is done. All in all, was a fun read.

I've followed this story for years and its become one of my favorite works, almost sad to see it come to an end.

Thank you so much for writing it

Seven years it has been since I first saw this story begin. Seeing it completed is a great reward.

Even the tallest mountain crumbles in time, but a name will endure for ages to come.

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