• Published 25th Nov 2012
  • 2,962 Views, 15 Comments

Take the girl out of Manehatten - englishwitch

Invited to the prestigious Manehatten Fashion Week Rarity is shocked when she spots a familiar face.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Take the girl out of Manhatten.
Fanfic by englishwitch
Disclaimer: The following is an entirely fan-created parody. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, it’s characters and all other affiliated merchandise are the intellectual property of Lauren Faust and Hasbro. Please support the official MLP: FiM show.
I make no profit, or money at all, for the production and distribution of this fanfiction.

Bright pink hair, like a cloud of cotton candy, was all Applejack could see. She almost sneezed as the curls tickled her nose.
'I'm gonna miss you AJ.' Pinkie said as she squeezed Applejack in a vice-like hug that showed no sign of lifting. Applejack got her hooves on Pinky’s shoulders, pushing with all her strength but Pinkie didn't budge.

'Now...c'mon...Pinkie.' AJ grunted and groaned as she strained against Pinkie. Twilight stepped up behind the frizzy haired pony and, using her magic, lifted the sad party pony away from Applejack. Pinkie gasped as she notice she was hugging thin air, gave Twilight an annoyed look and waved her legs manically in an effort to get to Applejack.

Aj sighed gratefully. 'Thanks sugercube.'
'No problem Applejack.' Twilight said with a nod.

'Pinkie calm down. Applejack'll be back before you know it.' Came a voice from above.

The gang were in the Apple family barn where, somehow, Pinkie Pie had set up a Goodbye Applejack party in the space of the ten minutes between Applejack taking the large apple cart out of the empty barn and filling it with the best apple crop of the season. Even by Pinkie Pie standards that had been impressive and bizarre.

Right now Rainbow Dash was sitting up in the rafters of the barn sipping at apple juice and a plateful of things Pinkie called "Breakfast Cakes", which were cupcakes which were heavy on granola, while she tried to work out how Pinkie had gotten her here. One minute she was settling into her morning routine, getting ready to chase away a few clouds and bring in a small breeze from the east, which would equal a perfect day for play and picnics. The next thing she knew a pink tornado swept her up and she was at a breakfast party for Applejack. After the dizziness subsided she'd grabbed a drink and a plate of cakes and sat in the rafters so, hopefully, Pinkie couldn't reach her while her body finished waking up.

'Indeed.' Came a voice from beneath the table. Rarity was hiding. When Pinkie had grabbed her she was still in her night clothes, complete with curlers and mudmask. 'I don't understand all this fuss.'
Pinkie finally stopped struggling and Twilight decided it was safe enough to put her down. Pinkie looked a little sad that her Goodbye Applejack party hadn't gone down with the enthusiasm she'd expected. 'I hate it when one of my friends has to go away.' she said with a pout.

'But it's only for a week sugercube.' Applejack said with an endearing smile. 'I'll be back before you know it.'

'I would've thought you'd be used to it by now.' Twilight said. 'Her bi-monthly trips are entirely routine.'

'Yeah.' Rainbow said from the rafters. 'And she's been going away for a week every two months since, like, forever.'
Twilight rolled her eyes but said nothing.

'But I still hate it when one of my friends goes away.' Pinkie said, her lower lip stuck out so far it almost touched the bottom of her chin. 'And Manhatten is so far away.'

Once every two months Applejack left Ponyville for Manehatten to deliver a large supply of Apple Family Apples to her second cousin, Red Gala, who used them to make some of the most popular apple based products in the city. Her little eatery was doing a roaring trade, which always brought plenty of bits to sweet apple acres that helped them through the winter months.

'I'm sure the time'll fly by before you know it.' Applejack said. It always did for her, a week in Manehatten was always fun. Pinkie would find something to distract her sooner or later.

'Sis.' A deep bass voice called out, Big Mac's head appeared at the barn door. 'Trains a comin.'

'Be right there Big Mac.' She smiled. 'Kay girls. I'll see you in a week.' Everyone said their goodbye's while Pinkie was being held back by Twilight to stop her grabbing Applejack again.

Big Mac pulled the apple cart down to the train station for Applejack and several of the porter ponies helped her load them into the cargo carriage. The large cart carried all the apples Red Gala would need for her business for the next two weeks, almost two thousand in all. Sweet Apple Acres couldn't supply all of Red Gala's needs, not if they wanted to keep up their own business of cider, fritters, pies and other goods. Red Gala shipped apples in from every apple family orchard from Ponyville to Appleoosia. Supporting the family and knowing for sure she had the best ingredients which made her eatery such a success.

The siblings said their own half-hearted goodbyes. These regular trips were routine to them, almost mundane.
'See ya soon Big Mac.' She smiled and climbed into the carriage with the cart.

'eeyup.' Big Mac nodded. 'My regards to Red Gala.'

'As always.' Applejack said with a nod and a light laugh.

The guard pony blew his whistle. Doors in all the carriages closed, the door of the cargo carriage was slid to a close, Applejack poked her head out of the small window and waves a hoof to her brother as the train pulled away with a large puff of steam, building its speed and leaving Ponyville behind. Only when the small town was a miniature model on the horizon did Applejack pull her head back into the carriage. She let out a long, content sigh. Manehatten awaited.


Rarity hid, hugging a wall and looked out at the street. Her home and boutique were ten feet away, just ten feet. But there was open ground between her hiding place and her home. She'd been lucky so far but there were ponies in the street now. She'd be seen. Seen in her mud mask, her curlers, her nightgown and without make up. Damn Pinky Pie and her impulsiveness, couldn't she give a pony ten minutes to prepare herself for public appearances before pulling them off to some party? Damn herself too. She should have cleaned herself up at the apple farm like Twilight suggested. True, they didn't have any of the things needed to make herself presentable, but even a wash to remove the mud mask and a few minutes to take off her robe and curlers would have been less embarrassing than this. But no, she had convinced herself she could get home unseen, get herself back into her boutique and cleaned up in the proper way. For the first, and only, time in her life Rarity shocked herself by thinking "damn my vanity." She shook the thought away a second later. true it was an inconvenience now but there was no need to entertain such crazy thoughts.

Rarity looked left and right. the street was getting busier with every passing minute. she needed a distraction. something to turn everyponys attention away for just a few seconds. "come along Rarity," her brain yelled at her. "think. think. think." She saw the mailmare, Derpy, flying overhead. "Idea! Bad idea but all I have. Sorry miss Hooves." She thought solemnly.
Using her levitation magic she took hold of Derpy's wings, holding them solidly still. Derpy glided along for a few seconds, oblivious. Then she noticed she couldn't flap her wings anymore. She cried out as she fell from the sky, the weight of her mailbag was like a stone around her neck. She fell heavily, crash landing right on top of Rose's flower stall. The crash, the yells, screams and sound of breaking flower pots had the desired effect. Everypony turned to look at clumsy Derpy and her latest accident. Unseen, Rarity raced into her boutique and closed the door behind her.

'Are you alright?' Lyra asked, coming over and helping Derpy to her feet. The poor mailpony was so shaken and confused both eyes were looking in the same direction. She looked at her wings, stretching them out and giving them a test flap. They worked fine. How come she couldn't use them a second ago?

'I don't know what went wrong.' She said sadly. Then one eye caught sight of the mess her crash landing had made of the flower stall. 'Uh oh. My bad.' She gasped. 'Lemme help.'

'NO!' Rose yelled, perhaps a little more harshly than she'd meant to. Derpy was visibly hurt, she frowned and hung her head. Rose was instantly sorry. 'No thank you Derpy.' She continued in a much calmer tone. 'It was an accident and maybe I shouldn't have put my cart here...in the exact same place I always put it.' She added with a sigh. 'You've got important mail to deliver. I'll clean this up'

'Okay.' Derpy nodded her head. With a flap of her wings she took off into the air again. Rose sighed and started to look through her battered stock, hoping enough was salvageable.

A large grey shape crashed to the ground next to her. Rose screamed, jumped and landed in the flowers. She glared furiously at Derpy, who grinned sheepishly, three envelopes on her hoof. 'These are for you.' She held out the letters.


Rarity peeked out of the window of her boutique with regret. She hadn't been seen but her stunt had caused such problems for everypony. She made mental notes to send some bits to Rose for the damaged flowers and to make something absolutely extra special for Derpy and send it to her anonymously. She would use her very finest fabrics to make it. Whatever it was going to be. She would think on that after she'd cleaned herself up.

'Hiya sis.' Rarity jumped, spinning on the spot. Her little sister was right behind her.

'Oh Sweetie Belle, you startled me.' She sighed. It was okay for Sweetie Belle to see her like this, family was different after all. Especially since she was indoors now. 'What are you doing here darling?' She looked left and right, dreading that Sweetie might have destroyed some of her most expensive fabrics to make something for her crusader friends.

'I was entertaining your guest.' She said innocently.

'My guest?' Rarity asked confused.

'Rarity Darling.' Came a voice from the kitchen. A grey stallion with a shining silver mane stepped out of the kitchen, dressed in bright rose tinted glasses and a black and white coat around his shoulders. Hoity Toity, the greatest fashion designer in all of Canterlot. His charming smile fell and the glasses slid down his nose as he caught sight of Rarity.

Rarity's jaw dropped, her face grew pink, which was unseen undr the mud mask. she wasn't breathing. Sweetie Belle backed up until she placed herself safely under the table, she didn't know what was going to happen. Rarity's cat, Opal jumped under the table and hid her.

On the other side of town, in the library, Twilight dropped several books as a scream of anguish hit her ears. it was so loud the windows rattled in their frames. 'What the hay?' She charged out of the library out into the street, expecting to see a multi-cart pile up or something.

'Sis?' Sweetie Belle tapped her hoof on Rarity's bedroom door. 'You ok?'

'Leave Me Alone!' Rarity screamed through the door. 'I've never been so embarrassed in my life!' She wailed.
Sweetie sighed and clopped back down the stairs. There was just no talking to her when she was like this.

'I'm sorry mr Toity.' she said sadly. The pony was trying to clear his ears. They were ringing after that scream. 'Looks like sis isn't coming down today.'

Hoity nodded in understanding. If someone had caught him like that he wouldn't want to be seen again for the rest of the year. He wondered what had happened to have her leaving her home in her night clothes. 'Oh but deadlines loom over me.' He said with a dramatic sigh. 'Who can aid me with my latest fashion line in my hour of need?'

'Latest fashion line?' A voice called down the stairs. A white blur shot down, almost crashing into Hoiy Toitty. Rarity was no longer wearing nightclothes, her hair was immaculate and her face was clear and shining. Her eyes sparkled like diamonds. 'You require my help with your genius creations darling?'

Hoity was taken aback, his glasses almost slipped off his nose.
'Umm...yes.' He tried to compose himself slightly. He managed to put a smile on his face. 'Yes. Yes Miss Rarity. For my latest, and greatest, summer collection! I wish for you to design a line of accessories. Necklaces, bracelets, broaches, earrings, everything! Every garment will be accompanied by one of your fantastic jewelled pieces.'

On the other side of town Twilight jumped to her feet as a passionate cry reached her ears. She almost didn't dare look outside in case two ponies were doing something that was best kept in the bedroom. It really was going to be one of those days.

Sweetie Belle found herself pushed out onto the street. Hoity Toity was sent out a few seconds later with the sound of Rarity's song of creativity echoing in his ears. He looked around in confusion. Something had just happened but he wasn't sure. For one second he was showing Rarity a few sketched he'd happened to have brought along of his latest masterpieces, the next he was on the street and the sketches were missing.
'She gets like that.' Said Sweetie Belle, taking note of Hoity's expression.

No one saw anything more of Rarity that day. Her door was locked and the sign on the door was flicked to CLOSED. All that could be heard from her store was singing. Lights blazed out of the windows for the entire night, occasionally a silhouette would appear then vanish again chanting "Idea!"

With the break of the dawn the sounds and chaos seemed to die down. Rarity emerged, blinking, into the early sunlight. Her eyes were half closed and puffy, her hair, while still as bright and curly as ever was frazzled, strands stuck out all over. Hanging around her neck was a pair of dark lensed welding goggles. Had anyone seen her they would have remarked that it was the first time they had seen bejewelled goggles which perfectly matched the protective hoof covers she was wearing.
'Look upon me Ponyville.' She said in a tired, thin, voice that made Fluttershy seem loud by comparison. 'and you shall look upon legend. For the accessories I have made this night shall go down in fashion history.' She lifted a trembling hoof into the air, clearly thinking she was making some loud and dramatic (without being too OTT) speech that should have been greeted with rounds of applause.

'Morning Rarity!' Chirped a high voice that was almost offensively enthusiastic and perky for that time of the morning. Rarity squinted to try and bring a pink blob into focus. If it would stay still that might make things easier.

'Oh, good morning Pinkie Pie. You're up early.'

'I'm up STILL.' Pinkie chirped. 'Yesterday, after the party, I decided to try and invent a new cake recipe to cheer myself up!' Pinkie said as she bounced around in a circle. It was making Rarity quite dizzy. 'By the end of the day I had it! A Double Espresso Coffee Cake, with Mocha Cream Icing Filling, Caramel Cappaucino frosting on top dusted with dust of chocolate covered coffee beans!'

'My...' Rarity stopped because she didn't know what else to say. 'That's... certainly a lot of coffee.'

'Yeah, but it tastes SOOO good!' Pinkie laughed. She stopped bouncing for a second and Rarity saw her friends eyes were bloodshot and her usually large pupils were like tiny pinpricks. 'The deep flavour of the coffee cake, complimented by the chocolate in the mocha filling, at the same time calmed by the creamy cappuccino icing to stop it being too intense. I call it The Triple Hit!'

'I think The Triple Bypass would be more apt.' Rarity commented. 'You'd certainly need one after eating some.'

'Funny you should say that.' Pinkie laughed as she started bouncing again. ''I mean I didn't need one of those, bye passings or anything, but for a few hours there I did feel all tingly in my hoofs. At first I thought it was some new Pinkie Sense but when it didn't go away for hours and hoursandhoursandhours.' She stopped as she broke down to a fit of giggles. 'Some funny stuff goes on around here when everypony's asleep. Did you know Rainbiow Dash sleep walks?' She giggled. 'Or should that be sleep flies? I've never thrown a party for bats before.' She said, changing subject without skipping a beat. 'FYI don't serve drinks at bat parties when they go upside down again it all drops out. I never tried eating cake upside down, it wasn't easy but it was lots of fun trying.'

'How fascinating.' Rarity said with a kindly smile. Her own energy was running out now her creative rush was over and watching Pinkie was making her more tired.

'I saw you were busy all night. I wanted to come and see what you were doing but all your doors and windows were locked and I couldn't get inside and I knocked and knocked but you didn't hear me.' Rarity did recall some odd noise at one point but she'd been in The Zone and hadn't gotten around to looking up.

'Sorry about that.' She sighed. Pinkie didn't seem phased at all.

'Dat's ok! You were being a busy little beaver and - OOH do you think beavers are really that busy all the time? Wow they must get really tired. OOH maybe I should take them some of my Triple Hit Cake!' She raced off before Rarity could say anything.

The fashionista pony walked back into her boutique and headed for the kitchen. A nice light breakfast would help give her some energy. She would show off her creations to Hoity Toity in a few more hours.


A hoof poked her in the shoulder. Rarity grunted and lifted her head. Half finished fruit salad lay in front of her. Sweetie Belle was looking at her. 'Sis, your fashion guy is waiting for you upstairs.'

'Hoity Toity! Oh My Goodness!' She jumped from the table and raced up the stairs.

Bursting into the boutique Rarity skidded to a halt, panicked and more breathless than the short trip should have left her. Hoity Toity was looking over her dress dummies, each one heavily laden with her various creations. Broaches, tiaras, anklets, bracelets, belts, necklaces, and many, many jewelled clips and clasps to decorate the mane and tail. Butterflies, stars, suns, moons, birds and diamonds. She was especially proud of the diamond studded diamond. She'd used all her jewels and precious metals in her supplies but it was worth it.

'Is that a grape on your cheek?' Hoity asked.

Rarity laughed nervously and flicked the piece of fruit away. 'Oh my, how did that get there?'
Hoity, ever the gentleman, chose to ignore the indiscretion. 'My dear you have excelled yourself. Together we shall revolutionise the fashion world this summer season.' He laughed and clapped his hooves together excitedly. 'These are the perfect accompaniments to my ensembles at the Manehatten fashion week.' He turned and looked directly into her eyes. 'I cannot simply take these works of art. My darling, would you and your genius accompany me to the extravagant event?'

Rarity's smile shone like the sun and tears of joy rose up in her eyes. 'Oh Hoity of course I shall. It would be an honour.'
It took all her restraint not to bounce around the room like Pinkie Pie after two helpings of Triple Hit Coffee Cake.


Two Days Later.

Dressed in her finest Rarity tried to endure the blinding storm of flashbulbs going off in her face. Manehatten Fashion Week had arrived and tonight was the night Hoity Toity unveiled his latest collection, along with her accessories. It would be a wonderful boost to her little boutique to be seen at Manehatten fashion week.

'Ready my dear?' Hoity Toity said a her side. His midnight blue suit with silver trim perfectly complementing her sapphire blue dress with gold trim.

'Ready darling.' Side by side they walked down the red carpet and into the grand auditorium. Any pony who was any pony was present. Rarity saw Jet Set and Upper Crust, two high society ponies she'd become acquainted with during a stay in Canterlot. Eligible bachelor Bruce Mane was having a conversation her good friend Fancypants. She made a note to say hello to him later. Over there was famous photographer Photo Finish, talking with the musical celebrity Vinyl Scratch. Even Rainbow Dash would give her right wing to be at this fashion show, there were the wonderbolts, almost unrecognisable out of their trademark uniforms and in formal gear. Rarity wanted to squeal in delight. Here she was, in Manehatten rubbing flanks with the elite of society.

'Come Rarity, there is someone you simply must meet.' Hoity said in her ear.

'Yes darling.' Rarity through her widest smile. They strode into the heart of the crowd.

'I heard there is a rare guest here tonight. She is elusive, rarely seen in public but whenever she makes an appearance she makes an event perfect. She only attends the best parties. She is related to the Orange family, one of the finest families in Manehatten.' He said in a surprisingly casual tone. They were approaching a large group of ponies. Rarity recognised the tall and slender model Fleur de Lis. She was laughing and talking to a pony who's back was to Rarity.

'Oh Tangerine,' she said through her giggles. 'we don't see enough of you. You and I simply must spend some quality time together, really catch up.' She flicked a little of her pink mane seductively. Seductively seemed to be the only way she did anything. 'I know! We must meet tomorrow at the Goldmane spa.'

The pony, named Tangerine nodded her head. 'That would be simply divine darling.' She agreed. 'You're right, its been far too long and there is no better way for two friends to catch up than a hoofacure and fresh wheatgrass juice.'

'Tangarine Darling.' Hoity Toity said in his delightful tone. 'There is simply someone I must introduce you to.'

The society pony turned slowly. 'Hoity? I would be deligh-' The mare stopped mid sentence. Rarity's jaw dropped.

'Tangerine, this is my business partner Rarity. Rarity, may I present Tangerine.'

It couldn't be...could it? But it was. It had to be, or else she had a twin. Applejack! Her mane was the same golden colour of hay, only the long locks were wrapped, braided and styled into a beautiful updo. Her long tail was braided tightly, with a rainbow of coloured silk ribbons woven in. Applejack's freckles were gone but her coat was still that instantly recognisable shade of orange. She was wearing an elegant red dress with gold trim, Rarity recognised the design, it was one of Hoity's own dresses from last season. The season which tonight's dresses would be replacing. The dress obscured her cutie mark, which would have been conclusive proof of the Pony's identity. Around her neck was a jewelled necklace of many rare and colourful stones. Rarity glanced down and saw scarlet silk slippers with gold stitching over her hoofs, bound to her legs with more silk ribbons.

Applejack, or was it Tangerine? extended a hoof. A forced smile on her face. 'Charmed to meet you Rarity darling. Any friend of dear old Hoity's is a friend of mine.' Rarity took the hoof and shook. It didn't sound like Applejack. There wasn't even a hint of her hick, farm mare accent. She sounded like a true blue blooded high society Manehahtten pony. She would have begun the doubt her assumption if this Tangerine didn't look so nervous.

'Delighted, Tangerine is it?' Rarity said as gently and calmly as she could.

'Indeed.' Tangerine said, a calm levelness had returned to her voice but her eyes still had a hint of panic to them.

'Rarity is a talented fashionista.' Hoity said, he hadn't noticed the small second of tension and surprise between the two ponies. 'Her marvellous accessories shall be accompanying my latest masterpieces.'

'How wonderful darling.' Tangerine said with a sincere smile. 'You must have talent, Hoity always has the best taste.'

Despite her confusion and belief this was her friend, Rarity couldn't help but be charmed by the compliment. She flicked a little of her mane and smiled her dazzling smile. 'Well, I suppose I have some skill.' She laughed with false modesty. 'Although I'm not in the same league as Hoity Toity, yet. I only have one modest boutique in Ponyville. You've probably never heard of the place.' She laughed, looking at Tangerine as though she'd caught her doing something naughty.

'Ponyville?' Tangerine said thoughtfully. 'Yes I've heard of it. I should think anypony who's kept up with the Equestria News has heard of it. The Summer Sun Celebration was to be held there two years ago, the night Princess Luna returned. Then when that uncouth brute Discord returned the poor town was his first victim.' She waved her hoof dismissively. 'Other than that I know nothing of the little town.' She looked left and right. 'excuse me.' She stepped away from Rarity, heading toward a long table filled with a large selection of dainty little foods. The centre piece was a large punch bowl.

Rarity didn't let her walk away. She was certain this was her friend Applejack and couldn't work out why she was here or why she was going by the name Tangerine. She followed the pony toward the buffet. 'I think I'll have some punch. Would you like a glass Applejack?' She hoped to trip the pony, get her to react to her name. To her credit Tangerine didn't react at all. She didn't even blink at the name. She was a better actress than Rarity gave her credit for. 'Would you like some punch Tangerine?'

Tangerine took one small cucumber sandwich in her hoof and looked to Rarity.
'That would be most welcome, thank you darling.' She said with a bright smile.

Rarity held out a glass and Tangerine consumed the cucumber niblet first then balanced the drink on her free hoof. She sipped lightly and delicately at the drink so she didn't make a slurping sound. Very un-Applejack behaviour. She would have gulped down the sweet fruity drink.

'I think you would like Ponyville.' Rarity continued. 'It's quite charming, in its own quaint fashion. We have a most wonderful spa. Nothing that would compete with Manehatten standards of course but it really is quite delightful.'

Tangerine nodded her head in all the right places and sipped quietly at her punch. 'Perhaps I'll visit the next time I'm on my way to Canterlot.' She said finally.

"Perhaps sooner." Rarity thought to herself.

'I shall have to visit this little boutique of yours.' Tangerine continued. 'There is a growing trend for country fashion it would impress my friends so if I had some truly authentic small town ensembles.'

Rarity was becoming less convinced this was Applejack. It looked like Applejack but that was where the similarity ended. Not only had she used the word "Ensemble" a word Applejack would never use, she even pronounced it with a perfect French accent. Rarity was getting annoyed, Either this pony was Appljack's look-alike or it was Applejack deliberately acting un-Applejack-like? It made no sense. If she could only have some evidence one way or the other. 'Well I recommend visiting in the autumn.' She said in her calm, delightful tone. 'When the leaves are beginning to change colour it's simply divine with the gold, yellow, orange and scarlet leaves. Also it's the height of the cider season. Ponyville produces simply marvellous cider. Several barrels are always purchased for the royal court don't you know.' Then her smile took a tiny dark look as an idea occurred. 'Even if the family who makes it are somewhat...' she paused for dramatic effect while she made it look like she was trying to think of the right word. 'Well, I hesitate to use the word "Bumpkins" but I suppose-'

'Bumpkins?' Tangerine interrupted. A flash of annoyance flashed across her face but was gone in the blink of an eye. It had probably been unconscious, Applejack or Tangerine or whatever her name was, had probably been unaware of it.

'Oh don't get me wrong.' Rarity continued. She thought she had AJ now, just a little push and she'd have her proof. 'They're charming people, if a little simple. They certainly know what they're doing when it comes to apples, but in other ways I would say they simply aren't up to our standards in terms of class.'

The dark look on Tangerines face made Rarity realise she'd gone too far. She thought AJ would give her two horseshoes to the face, and she would deserve it.

Then the look was gone and Tangerine actually smiled. 'Well, we can only expect so much from farmers.' She laughed lightly. 'But someone must work the ground and grow crops. I certainly wouldn't want to ruin my hooficure by trotting around in all that...mud.' A shudder seemed to run through her. 'Ponies must stick to what they do best and some are simply better at the...dirty work.'

Rarity paled. This couldn't be Applejack. Applejack would never tolerate such things being said about her family. Rarity had poked such horrible fun at her dear friend in front of a stranger. When she got back to Ponyville she would face the music on this. She would make something special for Applejack, a token of forgiveness, then explain everything. Everything she'd said and the reasons why she'd said them. Her frustration and how she'd been convinced of the identity of this double. She hoped Applejack could forgive her and she wouldn't blame the mare for never wanting to see or speak with her again.

Hoity Toity approached them, his smile more enthusiastic than ever before. 'Rarity darling the show is about to begin. Tangerine, would you and Fleur join us? We have seats next to the royal box.'

'The Princesses are here?' Rarity exclaimed excitedly. Her expression fell when Hoity shook his head.

'They couldn't make it. It's their niece, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.'

'Cadence?' Tangerince exclaimed. Rarity and Hoity both looked surprised, but for very different reasons. Hoity almost looked like he'd been slapped cross the flank with a branding iron.

'Princess Cadenza my dear please.' He urged Tangerine. 'She surely would not appreciate your sense of humour. We do not joke about royal titles.'

Rarity on the other hand was surprised because Tangerine had called her Cadence. Cadence was a nickname only a select number of people knew and fewer were allowed to use. Rarity and her friends were the only ponies outside the royal family who knew Cadence by her preferred name.

'Come.' Hoity said after regaining his composure. 'We don't want to miss the unveiling of my latest masterpieces.' He looked at Tangerine. 'Please darling, as a favour to me, should the princess speak with us, no jokes. Decorum and dignity at all times.'

Tangerine nodded her head which seemed to satisfy Hoity. He moved off toward the stairs heading to the box seats. Tangerine followed on behind and Rarity was right behind her. More confused than ever before.

'Nervous Tangerine darling?' Rarity asked coyly.

Tangerine, to her credit, managed to maintain her demeanour perfectly. 'Of course my dear. One does not find oneself seated next to royalty everyday.'

Rarity nodded along sympathetically. True she had encountered many members of the royal family many times, through Twilight she'd had many meetings with both Princess Luna and Celestia, she'd met Prince Blueblood and learned what an annoying, spoiled, colt he was. Celestia had personally shown her to a suite in the castle during a visit to Canterlot, the same visit which had formed her friendship with Fancypants, she had been the flower pony at Cadence's wedding for goodness sake. But there was still the need to be proper and respectful in the presence of royalty. There was no informality with the royal family.

On the other hoof, if this really was Applejack she would be nervous because there was a chance Cadence would recognise her for who she really was. AJ had also been a flower pony at the wedding. They had fought together against Chrysalis and the changelings. They had all gotten to know each other very well over the second set of wedding plans. Cadence had loved AJ's apple cakes.

This was going to drive her insane. Stuck in a small box, sitting next to Tangerine and wondering if she really was Applejack or not. She wouldn't be able to concentrate on the show, she just knew it. It was a tragedy, to herself and fashion that she wouldn't enjoy her creations as much as everypony else all because of this one burning question on her brain. She had to know, now or never.

She wrapped her leg around Tangerine and pulled her to a halt. 'You go ahead Hoity, Tangerine and I are just getting a little more punch.'

Hoity laughed, nodded and walked ahead up the stairs to the box level. Tangerine pulled at Rarity, trying to get away but Rarity held tightly. 'Follow me.' Rarity said in a low, angry, voice. It was the fact that this voice was accompanied by her usual, friendly and enthusiastic smile that frightened Tangerine into knowing she had no choice in the matter.

Against her will Tangerine was led back down the stairs and back into the auditorium. The place was deserted now, save for a few serving staff ponies cleaning up the mess the hundred or so guests had made over the last hour.
'May I ask what this is about?' Tangerine demanded in the pompous tone of the upper class inconvenienced by something not going their own way.

Rarity tightened her grip, her smile widened to frightening proportions. 'Let's just get a glass of punch first.' She said in an overly sweet tone. She walked, half dragged Tangerine over to the punch bowl where a surprised pony served them two glasses. Guests were usually sitting in front of the main stage, waiting for the show to start.

'We have our punch.' Tangerine said as calmly as she could manage. 'Now, why have you insisted upon this frightful detour?'

'Drop the act Applejack.' Rarity said flatly. All trace of sweetness and class were gone from her voice and her annoyed glare would have made stone melt.

'You appear have me mistaken for somepony else.' Tangerine said, not dropping the accent and even her tone was one of perfect innocence, as though Rarity was making a genuine mistake. Rarity might have actually surrendered if it weren't for the nervous look that was rising up in her eyes.

'I don't know why you're doing this Applejack. If you could just explain it perhaps- I don't...' She let out a deep sigh. 'Applejack darling, I'm your friend. If you would-'

'Rarity darling.' Her voice was shaking with nerves. 'You are mistaking me for somepony else.'

'Don't LIE to MEEEE!!!' Rarity screamed furiously. She threw the glass of punch into Tangerines face. The pony staggered back, spluttering and coughing. She glared at Rarity. Rarity meanwhile was watching the liquid running, dripping off her face. Each little drop and rivulet was washing away the make up Applejack had used to hide away the freckles a lifetime of sunshine and fresh air had blessed her with.

'Dagnabbit Rarity!' Applejack shouted at her, her accent returned in full force. 'What the hay you thinkin! I can't believe you...Yer couldn't just...I...you!' Her face was turning turning red, her anger rendering her speechless. 'You ruined everythin!!!' She screamed.

Applejack turned and ran away from Rarity. She charged and leapt through the double doors of the auditorium and out into the streets.

Rarity stared, her jaw agape. She glanced at the empty punch glass in horror. 'Oh by Celestia what have I done?' The glass dropped to the ground and she leapt and raced after her friend. 'Applejack wait!' She burst out into the street, looking wildly left and right. She caught sight of a red dress and blonde hair vanishing around a corner. Rarity jumped and ran as fast as her hooves could carry her. Sprinting in formal attire was neither easy, practical, or attractive but Rarity didn't care. She had to catch up to her friend.


Rarity found Applejack in a public park, sitting on a bench beneath a soft glow of a streetlamp. She approached slowly, afraid that Applejack might start running again. Applejack's head was downcast, she almost looked like she was going to cry. Which surprised Rarity more than anything else she'd seen tonight.

'What are ya doin here Rarity?' Applejack said without looking up. She shook her head slowly. ‘Of all the big events goin' on tonight. I could've gone to the op'nin night of a new dance club down in Hooflyn. The Canterlot symphony orchestra is playing Beethooven tonight. I could've gone there. But no. I decided to go for the big party. The biggest, where everpony would expect me to be, op'nin night of Manehatten fashion week.' She sighed heavily. 'Ah guess it's all over now. Ya caught me. I'm nuthin but some froo froo frilly silly filly.'

'Applejack.' Rarity stepped up and stood in front of her friend. 'You are the least "Froo froo frilly" pony I have ever known. Even dressed up like this.' She tried to smile encouragingly but Applejack didn't meet her gaze. 'And you are certainly, by no means, a silly filly.'

An awkward silence fell between them for a few moments.
'I'm sorry.' Rarity said gently. Applejack looked up but she didn't run away. Instead she sighed a long world-weary sigh.

'No sugarcube, I'm sorry.' She said in a low tone. 'I shouldn't have kept lyin to you. I just didn't know what else to do. Everypony was around me and I couldn't explain.' She sighed again. 'I don't blame you for throwin yer drink in mah face.'

Rarity leapt up and sat down on the bench beside Applejack. Her horn glowed and from the depths of her dress she produced a white handkerchief which she used to mop Applejack's punch soaked face dry. 'I'm still sorry I did that to you darling.' She said sweetly. 'It's just...I lost my head there for a second. I was so sure you were...well...you. But you wouldn't admit it, or explain...but there was no excuse for what I did.' She pulled her handkerchief away from Applejack's now dry face. Applejack turned her head and stared at a spot on the ground to avoid meeting her eye.

'Well none of that matters now. S'all over. You know the truth and you'll tell everypony and ah'll be the laughin stock of Ponyville and Manehatten.'

'Applejack!' Rarity gasped, visibly shocked and appalled. 'I would never, never, wish for you to be the laughing stock of anywhere. While it's true I don't understand any of this, I can see it's something important to you.' She put a reassuring hoof on her friends shoulder. 'And if it is important to you, then it will be important to me. I'll keep this confusing secret, for as long as you need me to.'

Applejack looked at Rarity with both surprise and shame. 'Yer mean it?'
Rarity nodded. 'Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.' She pressed a hoof into her left eye to seal the famous, unbreakable, Pinkie Promise.

The faint ghost of a smile rose on Applejack's face for a second.
'I couldn't drop the act.' She said slowly. These were private things she'd never spoken to anypony about. It was hard enough to form them into words another pony could understand. 'Not in that place, not in front of those ponies, or in these stupid duds.' She indicated the dress she was wearing. 'It just...' She sighed again. 'I just couldn't. That was Tangerine's world. Not mine.'

'I'm sorry Applejack.' Rarity repeated. 'But...I just couldn't understand. I couldn't figure out-'

'Why I was there?' Applejack interrupted. She nodded her head, turning slightly in Rarity's direction but she still didn't raise her eyes off the ground. 'Why hard workin farm pony Applejack who hates all that formal, froo froo frilly junk, would be seen at Manehatten fashion week?'

'Well...Something like that, yes.' Rarity confirmed with a sheepish smile.

Applejack hesitated for almost a full minute before she began to talk again. 'It's a long story.' She said finally. 'Maybe it goes back to when I was a filly but ah reckon it all started proper bout eight years ago.

'Cousin Red Gala had just opened her little place and put in a big order of apples from Sweet Apple Acres. Big Mac was needed on the farm to plough a new field, so I took the goods to Manehatten. I can't tell ya how odd it was to be here again. Ah hadn't been in the big city since I got mah Cutie Mark. But I still knew my way round well enough.' She managed a small nostalgic smile. 'Red Gala was openin her place in true Manhatten style; with a big party. She invite everypony. And I do mean EVERYpony. And since I was family, and made the big delivery she wanted me to come, for moral support I guess. She even did my hair all fancy and let me borrow some of her good duds for the party.

'I gotta admit I was right uncomfortable all trussed up like a prize cow at a county fair but I made the effort to be friendly to everypony, for Red Gala's sake. There weren't no celebrities or nothin like she was hopin. Least not at first. But there lots of them reporters all writin their reviews.

'They all got a surprise when Hoity Toity turned up with Fleur de Lis.' Rarity smiled, holding back a small giggle. It wasn't right but those upperclass names, said in Applejack's farmpony accent was amusing. Applejack didn't notice. 'Fleur was all new to the fashion scene and he was showin her off everywhere. All good publicity and all that ah guess. They was doin that hob-nobbin, goin round and meetin everypony and eventually they came ta me. They was talkin, askin what ah thought about the bistro and I wanted to tell them lot's oh good stuff. They was big celebrities, there were reporters all around, Red Gala was dependin on the night being a success. The pressure made me panic and when I opened my mouth-' She stopped for a second and when she spoke again it was with the soft, sophisticated accent of Tangerine. 'I found myself speaking with the fair voice of a true Manehattenite. Recalling the extensive elocution lessons given to me by my aunt Orange during my fillyhood.' She stopped again and her accent reverted to normal. 'I don't know why I did it, but it worked. Some pony from the sticks liking a place meant nothin to them, but a Manhatten Pony liking the bistro was diff'rent. Meant the place might be worth tryin. When they asked my name I knew I couldn't say Applejack, 'cause they might figure I was related to Red Gala. 'course family will say good things 'bout each other. They needed a stranger so I came out with the first name I thought of, Tangerine.' She sighed again. Her face was going red. It had all been just an odd set of events that had snowballed, and she had gone along with it. Now she looked back and said these things out loud she began to think how dumb she'd been not to just be honest from the start instead of letting that little story grow into what it had become. 'It was a nickname aunt Orange called me when I did somethin right. Her sweet little tangerine. The clothes I was wearin hid my cutie mark so they didn't know right away.

'Things just kinda grew from there. Fleur and me...well, Fleur and Tangerine, got talkin over the rest of the night. She got to tellin me how she was homesick and actually thanked me for bein so nice and honest to her.' She laughed dryly. 'Life of a model ain't easy she said. Designers and photographers round you all day, treatin you like a tailorin dummy. Other models treatin you like competition, your pretty face could be in some fancy magazine instead of their pretty face. She didn't have no friends, just suck-ups and glory hogs. She was lonely and she liked me for treatin her just like everypony else.' Now came the longest sigh Rarity had heard from her yet.

'She called me her friend Rarity. The first friend she had since becomin a model. She invited me to meet her for one o them spa days the next day and without thinkin I said yes.

'If she was some stuck up prissy missy ah might have stood her up. But Fleur was so excited at the thought of spendin time with a friend, not some fussy designer, or suck-up or backstabbin model but a real friend...I couldn't let her down. It'd break her heart.'

'Loyal and dependable as always Applejack.' Rarity said with a smile. Even Applejack managed to smile at that.

'ah reckon that's where Tangerine came to life proper.' She continued. 'I had to keep up the act not only for Red Gala now but for Fleur. I styled my hair the way them magazines were wearin their manes that season, I wore some jewellery, covered up my freckles with make-up 'cause one magazine said somethin about freckles showin you spent too long in the sun. I didn't want Fleur realisin I was some farm pony. The hardest part was disguisin my cutie mark, 'til I found these in a joke shop.' From a hidden pocket in her dress, which should have been used in lieu of a saddlebag to hold a few coins, Applejack pulled out a flat cardboard wallet.

Funny Bones Ltd.
Temporary Rub-on Fake Cutie Marks.
Blank Flank? Fool your friends.
Dull Cutie Mark? Stand out in a crowd.
Express yourself.
Prank your friends.
Hundreds of uses. Thousands of designs.

Rarity peeked into the wallet. Inside were six squares of thin and delicate paper. Each one held the image of a small orange, with a long green stem with a single green leaf. Tangerines.

'Sometimes clothes rub em off. So I have to make sure I got spares.' She pulled up her dress, exposing her flank. Rarity saw that instead of Applejack's usual bright red trio of apples she now had three tangerines, their orange was brighter and richer than her own coat, they stood out against her body, almost glowing.

'You went to all this trouble for a pony you'd only just met?'

Applejack just shrugged her shoulder. 'She seemed like she needed a friend. I couldn't let her down.'

Rarity smiled. Applejack was just such a wonderful friend it defied explanation. 'So you endured a spa day.'

'Endured ain't the right word. I actually, kinda, enjoyed myself.' Applejack blushed as though she'd admitted some deep secret. 'While Fleur and I were gettin our hoofs done and manes cleaned we got to know each other really well. Ah tried to stick close to the truth, tellin her I was related to the Orange family and how I’ come to the city when I was a filly and stuff. I learned she ain't so bad. She reminded me of you a little actually. I don't know what is was Rarity but while I was pretendin to be Tangerine I found myself having some real fun. It kinda made me realise what I missed about Manehatten.'

'But I thought you hated living in Manehatten?' Rarity interrupted. 'All the pompous ponies, noise and being so far from home.'

'I did hate all that and I love livin and workin on the farm.' Applejack responded. 'But there were some good times too. Some of the things ah saw in the city, the people ah met. Some of the parties I went to with mah aunt and uncle orange were fun when there were other fillies and colts and we got away from the adults, they were great fun. Ya know how boring adult parties are to little uns. A lot of stuff about Manehatten bugged they hay outta me, but it took comin back and spendin time as Tangerine to remind me of the good stuff I was missin. I guess it's true what they say. You can take the pony outta Manehatten, but you can't take Manhatten outta the pony.

'It's hard to explain. It's like ah got two lives. Maybe Tangerine is kinda like the pony I woulda become if I hadn't seen Dash's rainbow and knew I wanted to go home. She's the city pony my aunt and uncle Orange wanted me to be. And being her is kinda like a vacation. Manehatten ain't just a break from the farm, it's a break from me. I love Ponyville and the farm but I love it here too. Being friends with all them celebrities, wearin them nice clothes, goin to all them great parties. It's just so fun and glamorous.'

'And to think you raise such a fuss when I try and get you to the spa or into a new dress.' Rarity said, laughing lightly. Applejack laughed along with her.

'Yeah. It's a mite strange ah reckon. But sweet apple acres ain't no place for froo froo dresses or fancy hoofacures. Buckin apple trees would ruin them in two minutes flat. Besides,' she added, the laugh fading slightly. 'Everypony would laugh at me. Big tough AJ worrying about split ends in her mane or getting a new dress with matching boots and booking a mud mask at the spa.'

Rarity wanted to say that no one would laugh, but knew that might not be the case. Rainbow Dash at least might make some comments. She and Applejack often hoofwrestled together. She would probably find it funny to think of AJ in a sauna or getting an exfoliating face scrub.
'It's like I said, two different lives.' She gave Rarity a sideways glance. 'This is the first time the two have kinda met.

'Every time ah make the apple delivery to Red Gala I arrive and I leave as Applejack, but while I'm here I'm Tangerine. High-society party pony who only gets seen at the best and funnest places. I don't have to bother with all that frilly stuff, or borin dinner parties talkin to borin ponies. I go out and have fun with mah friends. Tangerine's friends.' She corrected herself. 'Ah ain't ashamed of who I am or where I'm from, don't get me wrong. It's just...'

'Sometimes it's nice to treat yourself to something luxurious even if it's not your usual thing or completely out of character?' Rarity offered.

Applejack nodded and smiled. 'Yeah. Ah reckon you hit the nail on the head there.'

'Oh Applejack darling I understand. We all have those little things we enjoy, those secret hobbies.' She looked left and right to make sure no one else was within earshot. 'Sometimes,'she said in a low voice. 'I wear imitation gems.' She put her hooves to her mouth as though she instantly regretted spilling that secret.

'That's all?' Applejack said, clearly unimpressed. 'Y'all wear fake jewellery.'

'Shush!' Rarity snapped, looking panicked. 'Yes,' she said in a hushed voice. 'They're made of coloured glass instead of the real deal. Only spikey-wikey knows, you can't fool him with fake gems. You can't tell anyone, please! I have a reputation to protect!'

Applejack shook her head and rolled her eyes. 'Yer secret is safe with me.'

Rarity sighed with relief. 'Oh thank you Applejack. And yours is safe with me.' She nodded. 'You work so hard to support your farm, your friends an your family. If anyone deserved a vacation and chances for fun from all of that it's you. You can be Applejack in Ponyville and Tangerine in Manehatten all you want. I'll never tell.'

Applejack looked ready to burst into tears again, this time tears of joy. 'Thank you Rarity.' She wrapped her hooves around her in a tight hug. 'I can't never thank ya enough.'

'Well...' Rarity said with a sly smile. 'You can make a good start by letting Tangerine introduce me to a few of her celebrity friends.' They both broke into laughter.

'You got yurself a deal Sugercube.' Applejack smiled. 'I mean,' her accent switched without missing a beat. 'I would be delighted to, darling.' She slid off the bench. 'Come along, we should be in time for the after show party.'

'One second.' Rarity hopped off the bench, her horn aglow as a small compact emerged from the hidden folds of her dress. The compact opened and she delicately brushed the powder into Applejack's cheeks, hiding away her freckles once again. 'Perfect. Tangerine.'

'Thank you, my dear.' Tangerine smiled back at her.

Old friends and new friends at the same time Tangerine and Rarity calmly and stylishly made their way back to the fashion show.


Comments ( 15 )

*squee* an Applejack fic! :D

Let the reading COMMENCE

Hm... The premise is interesting, but I hate to say, your formatting makes this unreadable to me.

When you have two lines like this.
With just one lineskip in between.
It's really annoying to read.

Also, the fact that you say "Pinky" as opposed to Pinkie and have AJ say "Sugercube" instead of Sugarcube gives me absolutely no confidence in your spelling.

Have a friend go over this, fix some errors, correct your formatting then try again. The premise was fun and interesting, but your presentation is bad enough as to make me lose interest instantly.

Keep trying!

Seems a bit of a stretch that no one noticed Rarity throwing the drink into AJ's face and AJ jumping out of a window... Some typo's and grammar issues throughout.

Nice idea, don't regret reading it.

Simply a divine story, darling. :ajsmug:

Brava Darling, it was simply marvelous ! :heart: :twilightsmile: :duck:

A few misspells, and a tad confusing on who was speaking. However, it was enjoyable of a read, and deserves mustaches, and likes. Just, I don't like the emotes so just likes.

Ooh, I love it.

You have some grammar problems, but the story overall is fantastic!

Would you mind if I based a story of my own off of it? One about if Applejack never went home and became Tangerine? (Probably would turn out a ship fic to)

As long as you acknowledge the source material, then I have no problem with you writing a story based on this one. :ajsmug:

A good fic, one that I could easily fit within the show's canon, I think. The only thing that was missing, IMHO, was Rarity writing Celestia some sort of friendship report in the end about respecting a friend's right to privacy, which I feel could really help it feel more like an episode.

I wanted to end with a letter. Tried several times but none of them had the right feel to them. So in the end I had to sacrifice the bad letter and just go with the moderate ending.

This should be an episode. :pinkiehappy:

That was a very good story :pinkiehappy: I loved the Premise and I have to agree this would make a wonderful Rarity episode in the canon show :twilightblush: well done and it was a great one shot. :twilightsmile:

This has been on my read list for a while and it was well worth it. Great job!

Oh I like this story. It could almost be an episode all by itself.

This had some amusing gags, humorwise. The end was touching.

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