• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen May 16th



Soarin had intended to enjoy the off season with light training and a few fun trips, but a crash has left him grounded till he heals. With Fluttershy for his rescuer and caregiver he starts to appreciate being ground side a bit more that he used to.

This takes place a few months after the events of my other story "Red Fire"

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 78 )

This is really a stream of consciousness piece. I've been typing on this when I stall out on my other projects.


I knew I was going to misspell his name somewhere. Of course it would have been in the long description.


Can I get half credit for getting it right in the short description?

Seems interesting enough, I'll keep an eye on it.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5

1629714 Left over from the original version of the story where Soarin finds a romantic interest with a scrub brush.

Ok... huh... interesting I think it's the first time I haven't seen Rainbow start to fangirl in front of Soarin'.

Good start


Well, I'm writing this as "in universe" with another story I did, taking place a few months after "Red Fire".

Ah that explains it... you might want to mention that and get "Red Fire" posted to avoid any confusion.

1629938 I suppose I should mention it in the description. It is posted already, though it was my venture into clop so it's under the mature tag.

i like the explanation on how fluttershy makes money.:twilightsmile: that is some thing i never got in the show because i don't see her as a mare to take payment for helping animals. great story so far.

So mint is like...catnip for ponies...I can dig it. :pinkiesmile:

1630464 Yea, you haven't lived till you've had a 16 hand horse rip a pocket open to get at a pack of mint gum you had

Not bad. I never imagined this pairing, but I look forward to seeing where you take it.

One nitpick: "must have", not "must of". Sorry, but that always gets me when I see authors make that mistake. Otherwise, carry on!

Not weighting for his host he took a mouthful.

Waiting, not weighting.

Good start to a story, I'm interested to see where it goes. :twilightsmile:

Not bad. Took a look at the other story as well, so makes me a tad curious what Dash wanted to talk to the doctor about. There was the spell, but maybe Dash didn't get Twilight to cast it on her soon enough?

Foe the love of all things under Celestia's sun and Luna's moon!!! Please give us moar!!! This is the first time in 9
months I have seen this pairing!!!

1629982 Well bugger, I guess I should of read that one first then....

1633906 I get the feeling I'm somehow stalking you, as there is at least one comment from you that seems
to be in all the stories I am to be reading at the moment!! Oh well, if you're reading it as well, it must be good!!

1664918 Ch2 is roughed out. Getting the edit and smoothing now.

Aww this is cute so far, never thought of paring her and Soarin together, gunna be tracking this one! :twilightsmile:

"He more heard himself say that actually said." I am pretty sure that's a typo. What is it supposed to mean?

1666035 " He heard himself say, before realizing the implications"

Yes that was an awkward turn of phrase and a typo.

and now I wait... good story btw and I like the whole shared universe story line makes it seem like a piece to a bigger puzzle.

My my my, Shy, sharing a bed with a stallion you only just met and barely know!

1667105 I wonder where we've seen that before???

1670522 I think I'm missing something


Lucky's comment about Dj's comment, I saw that in a Mac n' Dash the other day.

Mac n' Dash, it's like dine n' dash, just less illegal and more D'awww.:eeyup::rainbowkiss:

Ok,:ajbemused: this sight seriously needs more Big Mac emoticons.


By the way, love the story so far.

Soarin, you cheeky stallion!!!

No matter what's going on, all the Fluttershy ships are always innocent...until she come's out of her shell.
Then things get.....interesting!!!!

1673077 No, it was in a different story we have both read, and currently tracking the latest in the series as well.

She watched him make careful movements as he edged over to the meal. She could tell he was still hurting, though his spirits were good. His appetite was good too, making quick work of the meal, punctuating it with a happy grone. “That was really good” he said breaking the silence.


“Afternoon Mss. Shy” Mr cake called out to her.

The story is interesting overall, but you skip some things which could be worked out more, and the errors here and there don't really help matter.
Still looking forward to the next chapter though. :twilightsmile:

1719538 thanks, I'll fix those tonight
I have been just self editing this story. I guess it deserves a bit better editing.

Some errors here, but it is an overall good chapter.

Also, it's 'Breakfast' not 'Brekfast.' Right there in the title.

1719273 OK share. What's the story?

1722230 The story I was referring to is Song Of Whispers.

But to understand everything, especially Fluttershy's development, you need to start with Tears in The Snow, otherwise you'll mainly find yourself asking "Who the buck is this??"

New chapter very soon. Had hoped it would be done tonight, but I choked out on a scene. Thinking it will get posted Thursday night.

EDIT: next ch4 is done, Going to get someone to edit it before posting.

Sex, Teen. Wut?

So, is there explicit clop then?

1795268 nothing explicit. This one stays PG-13 However there will be some moments that I felt deserved sex tag for those that would prefer to stay clear of physical affection altogether.

EDIT: Though I may take a note form 'Steel Resolve' in how he handled 'Green'.

Yep, I thought that's what RD wanted to see Mac about!!!

As to the parts with Fluttershy and Soarin.....


Somehow I'm not surprised Flutters has high liquor tolerance.

One part protective father, one part setup.

Hah! Slightly unusual approach to Angel here. Usually it overprotective Angel all the time when it comes to him and Shy and stallions, but we appear to be getting a somewhat more balanced take on him here. Nice.

:rainbowderp: Wow, that really got Dash going.

And now Fluttershy too, nice. :yay:

1795670 Somehow it occurred to me that Fluttershy was a lush. In my little world anyway. Interesting characters need a little damage. Fluttershy's anxiety is as cannon as you get. So, I ran that out, anxiety problems lead to insomnia, drink to sleep. Self medication at it's simplest.

Aww, cute story so far. This is a really good Soarin and Fluttershy ship

Ch5 is more done than not. I's in rough draft stage now. Going to clean it and send it to the editor. I really intend to have an update by the 16th

Ch5 in the can. off to the editor. Updates as soon as I get it back.

Aww, cute chapter. :twilightsmile:

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