• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 6,138 Views, 190 Comments

School of Hard Knocks - flutterdashforever

The mane six are humanized and in high school. Let the shipping commence.

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Pinkie Pie was staring blankly in to space, idly bumping her heels against the ground. It was official; she was bored. This wasn’t your average garden variety of bored, though, no, this was serious. This was best-friend-is-off-swooning-after-some-cutie-patootie kind of boredom that only stems from extreme resentment at someone else’s relationship potentials.

Pinkie sighed and flipped herself gracefully off the seat, it was one of those movements that probably looks a lot more graceful in the mind of the person executing it, but in her mind, Pinkie was Angelina Jolie and she was back-flipping over flying bullets.

Pinkie was pretty sure that she had seen that girl Rainbow had seemed so interested in walking with some blondie with slightly funny eyes, if she could find this girl then she might be able to clue in on what was happening. It wasn’t much but it was a lead. Pinkie would grudgingly agree that it was good for Rainbow to be slightly less pathetically lonely but it would also mean Rainbow would have to give some of her time to someone else who she would probably think had more right to it.
Now, Pinkie wasn’t feeling in a terribly good mood so it’s probably important to note that, while she skipped down the hall, searching for her target, she was not terribly enthusiastic about it, and it was mediocre skipping at best.

Derpy was walking along the passageway that lead to the library when she was suddenly the proud owner of a miniature heart attack thanks to a short, grinning girl with offensively pink hair.

“Hi there! What’s your name?”

“Um, hello, my name’s Derpy. Who are you?”

“I’m Pinkie Pie.” Pinkie stopped and sniffed the air a couple of times. “Ooh, you got muffins, freshly baked too, with strawberry and banana.” She sniffed a couple more times and grinned. “Rosewater and a touch of vanilla, nice combo, extra sweet so not a conventional sweetener like sugar, smells like, ooh, agave nectar, posh stuff and top of the line butter. Who’s the special someone?”

Derpy grinned widely, “You’re a baker too. I like to use agave nectar when it’s in anything particularly special, it’s more expensive but definitely worth it.”

“I agree although there’s always something to be said for sugar, it’s cheap for one thing. Have you considered cupcakes? They seem more traditional as a love gift and using sugar in cupcakes is way better than using it in muffins.”
Derpy shook her head. “Only muffins, I don’t do anything else. I could bake anything in theory but somehow, every time I go to bake something else this little voice whispers ‘Derpy, seeing as you’re baking, why not make muffins.’ And so I say to the voice, ‘But I want to make something else.’ And the voice says, ‘Yea, but, you wanna bake muffins don’t you?’ I always just end up with more muffins.”

Pinkie Pie nodded sagely. “Don’t get me started on voices in my head, girl. Over the years it’s been quite hard to hang on to my sanity with all these voices in my head telling me what to do. There’s even this one that keeps saying something about Rainbow Dash and ‘Cupcakes.’ But one day I shouted at the voices in my head, ‘If talking to yourself is the first sign of madness, what’s the second?’ and you know what they answered? ‘Answering yourself’.”

Derpy was just looking at Pinkie, her brain had started churning when the girl had mentioned Rainbow Dash’s name. It was when that the image clicked. “You’re the girl who’s always hanging around Rainbow Dash.”

“Yup, me and Dashie go way back. Anyway I completely side-tracked. Who are the special muffins for? Pretty romantic if you ask me.”

Derpy blushed a little. “What do you mean?” She said it a little too innocently.

“Oh come on, dear Derpy. One does not simply put rosewater and agave nectar in muffins they’re giving to someone who they aren’t hoping to get in the good books of.”

“Well whether or not that’s true, I only just met you.”

Pinkie smirked a mischievous smirk. “Yea but you really wanna tell me anyway, don’tcha?”


“Besides, if you can’t trust a fellow baker who can you trust?”

Derpy smiled. “You seem ok. Alright, do you know Twilight Sparkle?” A thought seemed to Cross Derpy’s mind. “Oh, oh, goodness, please don’t tell anyone? I mean, oh wow, um…” She flushed a deep red and looked around.

“Cool it will ya? Jeez, tell anyone what? That you’re about as straight as a pretzel? It’s kind of obvious but if it’s that important to you then your imaginary secret is safe with me.”

“What do you mean imaginary?”

“If anyone cared to look they would spot it, don’t worry about it so much. Anyway, the name Twilight rings a bell but I can’t place it.”

“Oh she’s very clever, she’s always in the library, I was on my way there now to…” Derpy gave a shy smile. “to give her these.”

“She pretty?”

Derpy’s smile became even more shy but there was something else in her eyes, it was in the way they glimmered, just a little, with heart felt sincerity. “She’s really pretty… and… she smells like books…”

Pinkie smiled. “Good luck with that. Mind if I tag along? Just to see how it goes, I promise I won’t be there when you give them to her.”

Derpy grinned. “I’ve only made one other friend since I’ve been here.”

Pinkie flung an arm around Derpy’s shoulders. “That settles it, come on, friend.”

Rainbow was sitting in the middle of the class. Sitting right beside her to the right was Fluttershy. They hadn’t spoken on their way to the classroom but had both simultaneously sat at the same desk, no questions asked.

The class was just beginning to reach that point where it was becoming a strain for Rainbow to consistently not pay attention to the teacher. Bits of the lesson were filtering through her mental buffs and she was beginning to feel a new dreaded understanding of algebra creeping in to her head, despite her desperate bids for ignorance.

All at once, like a breath of mercy from a compassionless creator, came a small paper ball landing expertly in the small gap between her wings. Deftly, she shrugged her shoulders and adjusted her wings as if merely finding a more comfortable position, the movement sent the ball of paper flipping in to the air and landing in her hands. She unfolded the piece of paper and instantly recognised Pinkie’s handwriting, “Hey there, how’s it going? Wink, wink. Are you two playing footsy?”

Rainbow grinned and quickly jotted down a note on a blank piece of paper. “Doing just fine, I’ll tell you about my flight practice after class. Sorry to disappoint you but definitely not footsy.” She casually flicked the scrunched up ball behind her without even looking, she knew that it would land dead in Pinkie’s hair.

She heard a supressed giggle behind her and then the scratching of a pen. She felt another note hit her wings and with the same practised ease, flicked this one in to her hands as well. “Shame I’m not sitting beside you, footsy would be fun.”
Rainbow just grinned and replied. “Do you ever stop flirting?”

The reply came quickly. “With you? Never.” It was at this point that Fluttershy caught on to what was going on. She looked across at Rainbow and glanced at the screwed up notes sitting on the desk in front of her. Fluttershy smiled weakly and looked at Pinkie who gave a ridiculous little half wave causing Fluttershy to blush.

After math, Fluttershy headed off saying something about homework. Rainbow was fine with that as it gave her a chance to talk with Pinkie. As she was passing her friend in the hall, Rainbow grabbed her by the harm and began to steer them quickly towards the oval.

Once they were seated on sufficiently secluded grass Pinkie spoke while rubbing her wrist pointedly. “You didn’t have to drag me like that, I would have followed you anyway.”

“Sorry about that,” said Rainbow, a little sheepishly.

“Meh, not important. So, what’s the scoop? How’d things go with Fluttershy?”

“She’s really nice I— Hang on, how do you know her name?”

“Hmm? Oh, I got talking to her best friend while you two were off playing in the flight practise aria. Derpy’s her name, cute as a button I am telling you. Eyes of a bush baby, a slightly cross eyed bush baby, but you get the idea.”

“Slow down there, girl,” said Rainbow, smirking.

“Don’t freak out on me, she’s not my type. Besides, she’s already got a crush and one I intend to help her got closer to. Anyway, I digress, how did it go with Fluttershy?”

“Well I actually wanted to talk to you about that. I really like her.”

“Well, yea, that was kind of the point wasn’t it? That’s why you wanted to hang out with her.”

“No, I mean I really like her. I’m really scared; I don’t want to screw this up.”

Pinkie giggled. “Are you telling me that a passing admiration for her appearance has, through the catalyst of time and experience, developed in to a full-fledged crush?”

“I don’t know, but I do know that I want her to hang with us more often, are you cool with that?”

“Sure thing, sweetie, it’d be cool to have some more friends to hang out with than just Jackie and miss pricy princess pants.”

Rarity sighed. This always happened, she swore that whoever designed pullover shirts did not do so while thinking of unicorns. She looked hard at the long tear in the t shirt and sighed again. This was going to be tricky but her ensemble really didn’t work without it. She concentrated and after a few seconds, her horn glowed with a blue nimbus. The tear in her shirt began to close over. The irony of this was most certainly not lost on Rarity.

“You done in there Rarity?”

“In a minute, darling, I just—” she was cut off by the bathroom door opening. Rarity huffed. “You could have at least asked if I was decent.”

“But I knew the answer was probably no.”

Rarity smiled but continued to focus on the shirt. “I swear, you have it so easy. Do you have any idea how inconvenient horns are?”

Applejack wrapped an arm around her girlfriend and looked at the shirt. “Oh yea, must be a real burden being able to do magic, I just don’t know how you get by.”

At last the tear was gone and Rarity turned to face Applejack. She was wearing a tank top and scruffy, denim jeans. Her arms were well muscled and she was just a little taller than Rarity. “Really, darling, you might at least try not to look like a ruffian.”

“Oh stop it you. You know the others have started calling you ‘pricy princess pants’.”

“Let me guess: that would be Pinkie Pie?”

“Yup. I don’t know, I think it’s kind of cute.” She grinned.


“Aw, don’t look so down.” Applejack leaned over and kissed Rarity tenderly on the cheek.

“Stop it you,” she said, playfully batting Applejack away.” Rarity turned her focus back to her costume, this was her favourite part of the weekend; picking out the outfits she would be wearing all week. After a while she became aware of something, she looked over at Applejack. “Is something wrong, dear? You seem listless.”

“Yea, I don’t really like the weekends. Want to play x box?”

Rarity sighed. “I’ll give you two options, we could play x box, or we could make out, your choice.”

Applejack looked incredibly thoughtful. “Hmm.”

Rarity smacked her girlfriend lightly around the head.

“Ow, I was just kidding with you, yeash.”

“Come here you.”

Quite a lot of authors notes here, first of all, I hope you liked this chapter but that goes without saying. There were actually two jokes in this chapter that I had to cut out for reasons of appropriateness but if you want to see them then contact me. The gag involving Rarity's shirt was thought up when I read one of the comments on the first chapter. The comment was by Mazamba, who pointed out that the human version of unicorns would loose a lot of shirts. I'm sorry for the lack of Flutterdash in this chapter but there will be more in the next chapter.