• Published 7th Jan 2012
  • 12,368 Views, 111 Comments

Ponies in the Human World: Rarity and I - Ponyman14

Rarity suddenly finds herself lost and alone in the human world! Can she find her way back home?

  • ...

Chapter 3


Day Three:

Rarity had gotten up before me again. Her side of the bed had been neatly made. I did not find her in the kitchen. But the kitchen door to the patio was open. I looked outside and didn't see her, but instead heard soft singing. Then I spotted her on the other side of the lawn in the rose garden.

"Ahh, such an exquisite scent," I thought I heard her say.

I watched her for a minute. She saw me and trotted over.

"Good moooorning!" She sang out, like she had yesterday.

"And good morning to you, Rarity."

"Deary... what in Equestria are you wearing?"

"Pajama bottoms," I said.

"Those simply will not do!" She said, now standing directly in front of me.

Before I could ask her what she meant, she was urging me back inside, and nudging me with her muzzle.

"Go on now. Let us have a look at your wardrobe. You simply cannot walk around in that. I will have you looking neat and dapper in no time!"

"I was going to change out of them," I protested.

She poked me with her horn as I stepped though the door.

"Alright, alright," I said. I realized there would be no use arguing with her.

Once inside my room, I turned on the lights and opened up my closets.

"Here," I said, taking out a pair of shorts.

"No," replied the pony, sounding frustrated.

"Alright, how about this?" I held up a pair of jeans.

Rarity grabbed hold of the jeans with her teeth, and yanked them out of my hands onto the floor.

"That one!" She said, pointing with her horn to something in my other closet.

I removed a white dress shirt, and held it up. Rarity smiled and nodded her head in approval. I didn't like where this was going. A few minutes later I looked in the mirror. I looked like a waiter at a cocktail bar.

"And the final touch!" Said Rarity, holding a black bow-tie in her teeth.

I sighed unhappily, and put the tie on.

"Now we are nearly finished!" She exclaimed happily.

"There's more?!"

"Patience, my dear. Now come with me."

In the bathroom, I sat down on the floor in front of the mirror, in accordance with the pony's orders. Rarity, her horse brush in mouth, began fixing my bed hair. She directed me to shave and rinse my mouth out. Why was she doing this all of a sudden? Perhaps she was just compulsive; she had said she was a fashion designer after all.

"Let us take a look at you in the light... Oh, you look splendid! I bet you didn't know you could look so good. What a handsome fellow you are."

I looked in the mirror, and I had to admit, thanks to Rarity, I now looked "quite dapper" and "well groomed," as rarity put it.

"Are we going to a ballroom dance or something?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well no, not that I know of... Are we? Oh I would love to attend a ball!"

"Sorry to disappoint you, but we don't really have many "balls" or dances in this town..."

"Oh," she said.

"Um, Rarity... How long do I have to stay like this?" I asked, adjusting the uncomfortable bowtie.

"Oh you!" Rarity laughed softly, "You may change anytime you like, of course."

"Oh... Well what was the point of putting it on then?"

"What ever do you mean? The point was to dress you up and see how you looked," said Rarity.

I understood it all now. The unicorn had been playing dress-up with me! Just like a little girl playing with her dolls.

I laughed. "Are you done dressing me up? Or would you like me to try on something else?"

"I think this was enough. Unless you'd like my fashion expertise to pick out a new outfit for you?"

"Oh, I think I'm um... pleased with this outfit... for now."

"Suit yourself," said the pony as she trotted out of my room.

I decided to remain a cocktail waiter for a little while, to not take a chance of insulting Rarity's selection of clothes. "Did ponies wear clothes?" I asked myself. Of course, Rarity was a dress maker. I tried to imagine a pony wearing a dress, but couldn't quite see the image in my mind.

On the living room table, Rarity had placed fresh roses from the garden in a vase.

"Oh, you decided to keep your outfit on! You really like it then?"

"Of course," I said automatically.

The pony reared up and put her hooves on the wall, and adjusted a picture frame with her horn.

"So, what do you have planned for us today?" Rarity asked, as her fore-hooves landed back on the ground.

"I didn't really have anything planned. Can you think of anything?" I asked.

"Well," she said right away, "I would very much like to take a dip in your pool."

"Sure," I said. "It should be heated."

I went outside and opened the pool cover. It was warmer today than it had been this whole week, certainly warm enough for a swim. Rarity came out onto the patio and approached the edge of the pool. She dipped her hoof in.

"The water is quite nice. Won't you come in as well?" she asked.

I noticed I still had my cocktail waiter garb on.

"I'll... be right back," I said, embarrassed.

When in returned in my swim trunks, Rarity had just descended the last step into the pool and was happily paddling about in the shallow end.

"I generally don't like being wet, that is to say, getting rained on. But a relaxing swim is different, and I find it to be quite refreshing!" She said happily.

"I thought you were coming in?" She asked in her usual tone.

"I am. Ready? Here I come!" I got ready for a running jump into the pool.

"Oh you are such a joker!" She laughed.

"Sorry... what?" I asked, stopping in my tracks.

"Why, you are still wearing clothes, silly! You can't seriously tell me that you humans swim in your clothes as well, Can you?"

"Yes, this is my bathing suit," I explained.

Rarity's expression became more serious. "You aren't serious, are you? A "bathing suit"? Well if that isn't the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!"

I stood there for a second. Why the heck not? No neighbors could see me.

"Hah, gotcha! You thought we wore clothes to swim!" I said as I stepped out of my trunks.

"I did not!" started the unicorn, "A bathing suit... how ridiculous, I didn't' believe it for a second!"

I jumped in. The awkward feeling of nakedness receded now that I was in the water. Rarity continued to paddle back and forth. Her paddling reminded me of my dog's, which my parents had had when I much younger. I now stood there, curiously observing the pony that swam back and forth in front of me.

"Can't humans swim?" Asked the bobbing white head.

"Of course, I was just... getting used to the water," I said.

I swam around and then over to the deep end. Rarity followed me, her head bobbing up and down and back and forth. I smiled and laughed.

"What's so funny?" She asked in a serious tone.

"Nothing," I said, "You are just very cute when you swim."

"Cute? ... Perhaps you mean graceful?"

"Oh, but you are graceful too!" I exclaimed. Rarity now reached the ledge of the pool next to me, and threw her forelegs up onto it. She was panting a little. I took off suddenly towards the other side, leaving Rarity behind. I had soon reached the other side of the pool.

"You may be faster than me, but your style is crude!" Called the panting unicorn, swimming after me. I stood in the shallow end, urging her on.

"Come on Rarity, nearly there!"

"I do not need to be patronized by you!" said Rarity as she swam past me.

Rarity reached the ledge of the pool, panting more heavily now.

"Besides," she continued, now paddling in front of me, "I must remain afloat, while you have the luxury of standing."

I dove down, and sat at the bottom for a moment. looking up, I saw Rarity's kicking legs, and her blurred head. She looked this way and that into the water below her, wondering where I had gone and why. I positioned myself and stood up on my knees, lifting Rarity along with me. My head was just above the water's surface.

"Wahahaaaha!" Yelled the surprised unicorn. Her rear legs held her above my shoulders, and her hooves dangled in the water in front of my chest. My neck was gripped between her thighs; basically, she was sitting on my shoulders. I propped her chest upright with my arms. She then balanced herself with some difficulty.

"What are you doing? Set me down at once!" cried the unicorn.

"Now you are standing in the water like me!" I said.

I stood up to my full height while Rarity continued her protests. Her soaking tail clung to me and ran down my lower back and into the water. She swished her tail and it tickled so much that a shiver ran up my spine. Her fur held a lot of water, and it continued to run down my body. Rarity calmed down as I began wading around.

"We often do this for fun in our world, we call this a piggy back ride." I said.

"I don't quite see the fun in this," Said Rarity, clearly annoyed.

"Go on, jump off my shoulders into the water."

"Celestia no! Why in Equestria would I do a thing like that?"

"For fun!" I said.

I realized she wasn't going to jump.

I grabbed her rear hooves with my hands, and pushed her up and over my head, throwing her into the water in front of me. Her yell was cut short this time as she splashed into the water. Rarity emerged a moment later, gasping and spitting water. She looked around and her soaked eyelids blinked rapidly as she tried to get her bearings. I took a couple strokes towards her. She turned to me with a confused and then angry expression. A good deal of her mane was hanging down in front of her face. I smiled and laughed kindly, parting the hair in front of her face so we could see each other clearly.

"Ooh! You, you!" Spouted the wet pony. The good-hearted expression in my face calmed her down, and she got a grip on the fun-and-games of it all.

"Oh haha," she said sarcastically. She paddled by me towards the shallow end and hopped up the stairs, bringing streams of water with her. I swam back to the ledge and watched her. She stopped, and turned to me. She did not look very amused.

"Could you um... Dry my off... Please?" She asked.

I hoped out, and suddenly remembered I was naked. I grabbed a towel from the pool's edge and dried Rarity off.

"You might want to take a quick shower, to wash off the chlorine from the pool."

"Chlorine? What's that?" She asked.

"It um... it dries out your skin," I said.

"Oh! Thank you for the warning. I will do that right away," she said and promptly walked inside.

I picked up my bathing suit and considered it for a moment. I walked into my room and put it back in the drawer.

"I should take a quick shower too," I thought. But I found Rarity in my shower. Maybe I should have told her to use my dad's shower. I just stood there for a moment, naked, looking into the bathroom.

"Well?" She asked from behind the shower door, "You do have Chlorine on you, do you not?"

Was bathing not thought of as a private activity in Equestria? I wondered if maybe the ponies used communal bathrooms and showers; it seemed likely to me. I opened the door and stepped in. I actually had quite a large shower, and there was ample room for both of us to stand. I rubbed soap down Rarity's back and legs. When I ran my hand over her flank, she twitched.

"Ooh!" She said.

"I'm sorry..." I said, not knowing what I had done.

"That is OK. A pony's flank as a very sensitive area, especially around the cutie mark. You couldn't possibly have known that."

"Cutie mark? I had thought it was some sort of branding... I didn't want to bring it up."

"A branding? Oh my! Of course not."

The warm water splashed down on Rarity and on tiled floor, mingling with the pony's voice.

"Every pony's cutie mark is unique, usually. It symbolizes the pony's special talent, or something they absolutely love."

Before I could ask what her cutie mark meant, Rarity spoke again.

"I think we are quite clean enough," she turned the shower's handle with her teeth and stepped out into my bathroom. I dried her off yet again, and she wandered off into the house. I returned to my room, and figured it was about time to put on some comfortable clothes.

I found Rarity stretched out on the living room floor.

"Ooh!" She exclaimed.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"In the midst of your horseplay in the pool, I tweaked my shoulder. I told you to set me down gently, but no!"

Rarity started trotting in a circle around the living room.

"Oh this will not do at all, what I need is a good masseuse! I am heading straight to the spa the moment I'm back in Equestria!"

I brushed aside the strange image of a spa full of ponies, and leaned down towards Rarity.

"Would you like me to try? Giving you a massage, that is..."

Rarity looked at me with a surprised look. "You? But do you know how to give a massage?" She asked.

"My mother once tried to get a massage license, and she practiced on me back when I played sports in high school. I learned, at least, where to apply pressure for tight muscles."

"I'm not so sure..." said the pony.

"Rarity, what if you can't return to Equestria for a month? Or more? Just let me help you. It could save you from some discomfort. Wouldn't you like to feel better by this evening... Oh, and I'm sorry about the "horseplay" in the pool."

Rarity smiled up at me, "Oh, you need not apologize, deary... I am usually very particular about my masseuse, but given the current situation, I suppose I may allow you to try," She said, teasingly. Her face then grew tense.

"But you must use just the right amount of pressure, and not too much in one place. And you must not jab and push too suddenly, and..."

I cut her off, placing my hand gently on her muzzle, "Rarity, the most important thing in a massage, is for the person -er, pony- receiving it to be completely relaxed."

"Oh... Yes, of course... You're right."

"Let's do it on the patio, the chairs we have out there can fold down," I said.

"Chairs? My dear, those are not chairs, those are chaise lounges. Outdoor versions, of course," She said, in a somewhat arrogant tone.

How did she know that? I didn't even know that.

"Well I suppose we can give this a shot. It can't hurt anything after all, right?" Said Rarity as she stretched out her front legs. "But you do have message oil, do you not?"

Of course I didn't have massage oil...

"Um... Why don't you go pick out something in my bathroom that looks like it will work?"

I set down a towel on the sunny chair, and adjusted it to be flat. I figured the afternoon sun might be uncomfortably hot for Rarity, so I moved it under the awning, next to the pool. Rarity returned in a minute with a bottle in her mouth. I took it from her and set it at my feet. Some sort of skin moisturizing lotion. I supposed it would work, but I wasn't really sure; I had never given a massage before.

"Ah, alright. Shall we begin?" Asked the unicorn.

Rarity laid down on her stomach on the lounger in much the same way a human would.

"OK now. My right shoulder has a knot in it, I think, and my back is a little stiff. And my left thigh is just a little sore. That's about it."

The strange symbols on Rarity's flanks were both visible from where I stood.

"Rarity, I didn't ask earlier, but what does your cutie mark mean?"

The unicorn proceeded to tell me the story of how she got her cutie mark. She lost me when she got to something about a "sonic rainboom." I had finished applying the lotion to her back, shoulders and thighs. I had been very gentle around her cutie marks, and she didn't twitch or anything like before, so I figured I had been gentle enough. I began rubbing her back, and Rarity directed me to the problem area.

"Oh that is too hard! ... Yes, much better... Now a little to the left... Now you may use a little more force, loosen up that muscle-knot."

"My goodness! Being massaged by hooves is nothing like being massaged by hands!" She exclaimed.

"Is that good or bad?" I asked.

"I think it is good. Hooves are clumsy and you can never quite get to the precise spot you need to... And hands are so much smoother..."

She was silent for a long while after that. I moved onto her shoulder, but she didn't give me any more directions. Her tailed stopped swishing between her legs as she relaxed more and more. Now it was time for her thigh. Some of the lotion had dried and I poured on some more from the bottle. I moved her tail off to the side and put my hand on the inside of her right thigh. I rubbed up and down, in the direction of the muscle. I thought I felt the tense spot.

"Is this the spot?" I asked her.

"Mmmmhmmm. Yes... quite..." Came Rarity's reply, which I could barely make out.

It seemed she was half asleep!


"Mmmmhmmm," came the muffled reply again.

Did that mean I was doing a good job? Rarity's wavy tail returned to it's original position and swished slowly back and forth. I tried to gently move it away again, but this time it did not move as easily. I let the tail stay, where it brushed against my arm, and I continued to push on Rarity's thigh until I felt the knot loosen up. I stood back and looked at the pony. She looked so happy and peaceful. Rarity stirred, and wiggled her body slightly. She was still completely relaxed. Why was I doing so many nice things for Rarity? And why did I enjoy it?

"Rarity," I said calmly, patting her on the back, "That was it. It's over. I'm done."

Rarity didn't answer, she was asleep. I wondered how long she had been asleep; and what she was thinking about, if anything. I leaned down in front of her. I could hear her breathing softly. I ran my fingers through her soft mane for a minute before getting up and going inside.

I washed my hands and laid down on my bed. I closed my eyes and dozed off to sleep. After about an hour I woke up from my nap. I returned to the living room and looked out the door onto the patio. Rarity was not laying where I had left her. I searched the Living room and kitchen, but didn't find her there either. I now saw her, out the window of the living room. She was at the far side of the lawn walking among the flowers, or trotting here and there to look at something. Is this what ponies did all day in Ponyville? Anyways, I was glad Rarity had come to me. She wouldn't have been happy with a human who lived in a city, or in a place where she couldn't roam outside at her will. Rarity lowered her head to smell a patch of daffodils; then nibbled their heads off, chewing them with a triumphant smile on her face. Watching her was mesmerizing, she was truly beautiful. Such beauty! My chest was tingling again. Why was my chest tingling? Rarity started trotting back towards the house, a bright smile on her face and her mane bouncing up and down. My heart seemed to stop.

"Stop it, stop it!" I said aloud to myself, and walked away from the window.

I went into the kitchen and turned on the TV, but I had no interest in it. I heard the front door open and immediately turned it off, got up and went to greet my little pony.

"Rarity!" I called.

"Hello! I was just taking a little walk outside... I'm sorry to say I fell asleep during the massage. How rude of me!"

"Never mind that. How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Oh I feel wonderful! You did a wonderful job for your first massage! I'm very impressed. Now I'm as good as new," Said the unicorn, walking past me. "I still have lotion on me, I must wash myself off."

"Do you need any help?" I asked, turning as she walked past.

"Oh, perhaps I will need assistance drying off again," she said.

I returned to my room, and sat down on my bed I could hear water running in my bathroom. My closet door was open and I was reminded of this morning, when the pony had used me to play dress-up. It's too bad there weren't any women's clothes in the house, or I would have given her something to play around with. Was there nothing, not even a piece of plain fabric? I thought about it for a minute but couldn't think of anything. I could just go buy her a dress tomorrow, if I still thought she'd really like it. How about any jewelry? ... That's it! It would be perfect! But as I hopped off my bed, Rarity suddenly called to me.

"Oh yoo-hoo!" she sang out.

I stuck my head into the bathroom.

"Could you perhaps dry me off once again?" Asked the pony, standing soaking wet on the bathroom floor.

"Of course," I said, patting her head and grabbing the towel from the rack.

"You will mind my mane, won't you? I have it just how I like it."

The whole bathroom smelled like a wet animal. I'm sure that in Ponyville, it was negligible. Maybe to Rarity, humans smelled strange when wet? I dawned on me that I really didn't mind the smell all that much; in fact, I kinda liked it.

"Now," said Rarity as I dried off her neck, "That wouldn't happen be a piano in your living room, would it?"

Was she about to tell me that ponies played instruments now too!? I had had enough surprises like this the last couple days, and now I just accepted it, as strange as it seemed. I chuckled and told Rarity that it was.

"Let me guess," I said, "You can play the piano."

"Well, no..." Said the pony, "but I do sing."

"You are a singer? I should have known! I've heard you humming a few times," I said.

"I certainly am! And you are a pianist, I take it? Oh, we could have the loveliest duet this evening! It will be divine!" Said the pony excitedly as I finished drying her fur.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you Rarity, but I'm not the best piano player."

"Oh nonsense. You can't be all that bad if you have a piano. Surely it can't hurt to simply give it a go, as it were?"

I smiled at her.

"Sure thing," I said, "Should we go practice or something?"

"Very well. Lead the way," She said as we walked out of the bathroom.

I remembered the thing I had wanted her to try on.

"Rarity," I said, stopping and turning to her, "Remember our game of uh... dress-up this morning?"

"Yes... Would you like to play again?" she asked sincerely.

"Uh.... no. Not right now. But listen; I have something for you to try on," I said, kneeling down so my face was in front of hers."

"Oh my! What is it?" Said the unicorn, her face brightening up.

"Just a second," I said as I stood up.

"Oh what is it! Tell me! tell me!" Cried Rarity, now jumping up and down.

Her excitement made my smile. I walked over to my bed, and took out an old box from underneath it. I removed my mother's necklace from a hidden compartment in the bottom of the box and hid it behind my back as I walked back towards the prancing unicorn.

"Well, what is it!?" Said the pony, curiosity engulfing her expression.

I leaned in close to her and placed the necklace around her neck, latched the back of it, and sat back to look at her. Rarity gasped excitedly and jumped up and down again. She ran back into the bathroom to look at it in the mirror; I followed.

"Oh my Celestia! Doesn't that look marvelous?" Said the white unicorn, now admiring herself in the mirror.

I sat on my haunches beside her and rested my arm on her back, stroking her mane.

"Is this gold?! It compliments my fur perfectly," said the unicorn excitedly.

"And your eyes," I said, smiling at her in the mirror.

"Pardon?" said the unicorn, turning to look at my face.

"It matches your eyes," I repeated.

"... I suppose it does, doesn't it?"

"Your story about your cutie mark made me think of it," I said.

"It is magnificent! Thank you! I would like to wear it this whole evening! ... If that's alright with you?" She said, now looking back at me.

"I would be very happy if you did," I said.

"Are you still interested in that duet?" I asked.

"Of course. Let us make music! But first, I must beautify myself," Said Rarity, now searching through her saddle bags.

I left her in the bathroom. I stopped in the doorway of my bedroom. "I'll put on something she'll like," I thought. I picked out a pair of slacks, and a black dress-shirt from the closet. I walked out of my room and down the hallway. The sun had just gone down, and I turned on the lights in the living and dinning rooms. I sat down at the piano. Rarity had put a rose filled vase on top of it. What would I do now? I knew lots of bits and pieces of songs, but only a handful I knew the whole length of. Rarity came into the room a few minutes later, walking gracefully towards me, holding her chin upwards and smiling. She had fixed up her eyelashes again like yesterday. Her white coat and purple mane gleamed in the light. The gold and sapphires of the necklace added a certain elegance to her whole persona. I could tell she felt more like herself this way, clean and regal-looking. And for a moment, I could almost picture her in a dress. Tonight was the most beautiful I had seen her. Rarity stopped next to the piano bench.

"Good evening, my lady," I said, lifting up her fore-hoof and kissing it.

Rarity blushed and retracted her hoof.

"Oh my..." Said the unicorn, blinking at me, "And good evening to you gentlecolt... or rather gentle-human, as it were," Rarity smiled.

"Shall we begin?" She asked.

"ahem!" She cleared her throat, "Do re mi fa so la ti do! Do re mi fa so la ti do, ti la so fa mi re do! Mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi! La la la la la la la la la!"

"You're not going to sit there, are you?" I asked the unicorn who was sitting on her rump on the floor next to me.

"Why, where else would be more appropriate?"

"Up here," I said gently.

I put my arms under the pony's fore legs, and lifted her up. Our noses were touching. The unicorn's huge eyes blinked at me, and her back legs dangled against my thighs. I turned her around and lifted her onto the piano. I moved the vase off to the side. Rarity stood stiff legged on the slick surface, perhaps trying not to scratch it with her hooves. She carefully adjusted herself and laid down, folding her legs beneath her.

"One more thing!" I said, and ran over to the door leading to the garage.

"Where in Equestria are you going?" Asked the unicorn in her usual voice.

I didn't answer, but instead went into the garage, and opened up the wine cooler. I selected a pinot noir from the bottom rack, where hopefully my dad wouldn't see it missing when he came home in a few weeks. The pony on my piano stared at me blankly as I walked back into the room. But she smiled with delight as she saw the bottle of wine in my hands.

"Don't you move an inch. I'll get us some glasses," I said, setting the bottle on the piano.

I returned and poured us both a glass of wine.

"The wine is marvelous," said Rarity, as she sipped from the glass I held up to her mouth. "I dare say it is better than any equestrian wines I've had. You humans never cease to amaze me!"

"I doubt we know any of the same songs," I said, sitting down on the piano bench.

"Hmmm, yes that would be a problem... I'll teach you a song I wrote. Be a dear and play these for me, will you?" Said Rarity. "D, Dsus4, D, and Dsus2."

One thing I did know was chords, and I found them pretty fast.

"Alright then. Now follow along," said the unicorn, "I'll sing slowly... here were go!"

"Thread by thread, stitching it together..." began the pony.

After a couple of repeats, I got the timing down correctly, and was doing a little improvisation with my right hand.

"Hmmm. This song doesn't quite have the right mood... Let's try this one,"

Said Rarity.

Rarity told me the new chords.

"Da da da da __ da da da da," I played.

"Very good. Here we go, slowly," The pony took a deep breath and began, "At the Gala, all the royals, they will meet fair Rarity," she sang, "Have you got all that?"

"Yes, I've got the basics down," I said.

"Ok, here we go, full speed this time... At the Gala, all the royals, they will meet fair Rarity. They will see I'm just as regal at the Gala!"

I was blown away by her voice! It was soft, and yet strong, and it was as sweet as an angel's. Rarity smiled at me, her eyes and the necklace both gleaming. She closed her eyes slightly, showing off the sparkly blue makeup on her eyelids.

"I will find him, my prince charming, and how gallant he will be! He will treat me, like a lady, tonight at the Gala!"

"Rarity," I said, "You have the most beautiful voice I've ever heard.

Rarity blushed, "Oh, you are exaggerating, I'm sure."

"No," I said, "I'm sure you have the best voice in Equestria."

"Well," said Rarity, raising her chin up, "I suppose my voice IS quite lovely... I've been giving my sister, Sweetie Belle, lessons, and she is turning into quite a singer herself."

"I didn't know you had a sister, Rarity," I said.

Rarity sighed, "I wish I didn't sometimes... But when it comes down to it, I truly do love her."

Now it was my turn to choose a song. I chose one of the few I knew, Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton. I recited the lyrics to her, and then, going measure by measure, I showed her which notes to hit with her voice. I gave her another sip of wine. We went through my song slowly; and when Rarity thought she had it all down, we tried it once through. Rarity did very well, but couldn't remember one of the verses.

Feeling abnormally confident in my own singing, I finished it for her.

"I feel wonderful because I see the love light in your eyes. And the wonder of it all... is that you just don't realize how much I love you." The song was finished.

"I don't know what you meant when you said you weren't a good pianist. You did very well," Said the pony, "and your voice was not bad either!"

"It would have been nothing without your voice. You carried both of us the whole time," I protested.

"Oh not at all! I could not have know what notes to hit without your playing. Let's just say we complimented each other; two necessary elements to a lovely duet!"

"Fine. But I still say you are the true talent," I said, lifting Rarity up and setting her back on the floor. We had each had a glass and a half of wine by this point.

"Dear me... I am simply famished. What shall we do for dinner?"

"I have something for us tonight," I said. "I'll go get it ready."

I entered the kitchen and removed the frozen lasagna, void of meat of course, from the freezer. Lasagna wasn't my favorite, but it was better than fruit salad, and it was filling. I put the dish in the oven, which I had turned on earlier. I know, lasagna is probably the last thing you'd think of as "a special dinner," but give me a break, I've never cooked before! Then, walking in through the kitchen door, came my beautiful little pony. I walked to meet her. I sat down on my haunches in front of her and stroked her mane.

"You seem to like doing that," Said Rarity plainly.

"It's just... very soft. I won't do it if it bothers you," I said, pulling my hand back.

"I thought it was a bit strange at first... but actually I find it oddly soothing," she said.

"And do you mind me petting you like this?" I asked, stroking the fur on her cheeks and petting her head.

Rarity shook her head, indicating a "No."

"The dinner shouldn't take too long," I said, standing up.

"Excuse me a moment, will you? I must use the powder room," Said the unicorn as she walked down the hall, her wavy tail swishing behind her. I dimmed the lights slightly in the living room and dinning room. When she came back, we sat at the dinning room table and talked. Rarity told me about her sister and her sister's friends. She also told me about princess Luna's transition to Nightmare moon and back, and how she and her friends had helped save Equestria. I was very impressed! The oven finally beeped. I brought out the Lasagna.

"Oh my stars! Did you make this?!" Asked the pony excitedly.

I couldn't lie... "Well... Not really, no. I bought it from the store."

Rarity's excited smile faded slightly.

"But I did make these," I said, "Bringing out a couple plates of salad."

I was no chef, I hardly knew how to cook anything without the oven or microwave. But I told myself, right then, that tomorrow I would cook dinner for Rarity from scratch. Even if it took me all day, I would make a point of doing it. Rarity's smile returned and we began eating.

"My goodness, you are hungry!" she exclaimed, as she notice how fast I was eating.

I was extremely hungry, I couldn't live on fruit salad. I leaned over the table from time to time to lift Rarity's wine glass up to her mouth. Halfway though the dinner we finished the bottle of wine.

"Would you like to split another bottle," I asked the elegant unicorn sitting across from me.

"Oh... Well I suppose so," she said.

"Great. Would you like the same wine? Or something different."

"Oh the same one please, it was simply divine!"

I retrieved another bottle. When I came back into the dinning room, I noticed Rarity admiring my mother's necklace around her neck. I poured the wine for us. The pony spoke as she took another sip from the glass in my hand.

"I must say, when the princess' spell misfired and I lost my friends, I was terrified. More terrified than I have ever been! And without the use of my magic, a unicorn's only self-assurance, I knew I was done for. I would be eaten by beasts, or starve, or freeze... That was only a few days ago. I would not have guessed that the next three days would be like a weekend at the spa! I am given a warm bed to sleep in, bathed, pampered, fed by hoof -hand I mean-, serenaded, and massaged of all things!"

I blushed, but did not take my eyes from the pony who stared at me from across the table.

"I don't know what to say, or how I can ever repay you," said the unicorn sincerely.

"Don't worry about that," I said, "It's not a chore... I was unsure at first, but now I'm happy to do things for you. I want to do everything possible to make you as happy as can be."

"I'm afraid I don't understand," said the pony, genuinely confused.

"I'm not sure I do either," I said, after a lengthy pause, "I don't understand it myself..."

"You know... If you were a colt..." Rarity's thoughts trailed off and she didn't finish.

"What if I were a colt?" I asked.

"Never mind... It's nothing," she said.

Rarity let the subject drop, and returned to her smiling self. Soon we had finished dinner, and had another piece of the cake from last night. We were laughing happily as Rarity told me more about her world, and about the humorous happenings in Ponyville. I cleared the table. When I returned I noticed that Rarity was swaying from side to side, blinking blankly at the wine glass in front of her. The alcohol was showing in her. There was still more wine in the bottle.

"Now what?" I asked her.

She blinked at me and then hopped down the floor, nearly knocking her chair over as she did so.

"There is one thing I haven't done yet," She said.

"What's that?" I asked.

"I'd like to take a dip in your hot tub. Do you think that would be alright?"

"Of course," I said, "Here. Let's take that necklace off first."

I knelt down and leaned over Rarity's neck to unlatch the necklace.

"There," I said, "Now you're all set to go."

"Will you not join me?" She asked.

"Of course. I'll be right there," I said, setting the necklace on the table.

Rarity opened the kitchen door and walked out onto the patio. I remembered the wine, and jogged over to grab the bottle and a glass. I turned on the outside lights and climbed out of my clothes, again feeling the awkwardness of being naked. Outside, I set the wine down and lifted off the hot tub cover. I climbed in and sat down, Rarity dropped her two front hooves onto the first step with a "plunk" sound.

"Come on," I said reassuringly, and helped her to step down into the hot water.

"Oh, the water is superb! ... You do not put chlorine in your hot tub as well, do you?"

"No, not in ours," I said.

A hot tub is an awkward place for a pony to stand in. Rarity now turned around on the seat-ledge, trying to find footing. I suggested she sit down in the human fashion. I helped her to sit down on the step next to me. Rarity pawed at her mane, trying to keep it out of the water.

"This is so soothing. Ah... This is perfect after that massage earlier," Said Rarity, sinking further down into the water.

She wiggled herself from side to side, muttering her little noises and sighs. I filled the wine glass and brought it between us. She noticed it, and turned her attention to me. I took a sip and then held it up to Rarity's mouth. She sipped the wine as I tilted the glass forward. I brought the glass back to my mouth, took another sip, and set it on the edge of the hot tub. We sat there in silence for several minutes, listening to crickets that lurked nearby in the darkness. Besides the crickets, it was dead quiet. We gazed up at the constellations above and watched the vapors rise off the dark surface of the water. I broke the silence by giving us both another sip of wine.

"What are you thinking about, Rarity?" I asked

"My friends," she said after a pause.

"Wherever they are right now, I have a feeling they're safe," I reassured her.

"I have just the same feeling. I do hope the feeling is accurate..." Said the pony.

I gave her another sip of wine, and emptied the last little bit of the bottle into the glass. I ran my fingers through her mane a couple of times, then started rubbing her ear closest to me.

"Ah, I cannot remember the last time I had an ear rub," Said the pony in a very relaxed voice.

When I had stopped, Rarity turned to me and said, "Enough massages for me, I'd like to give you one. How about a back massage?"

Rarity tried to maneuver herself into a standing position. But one of her hooves slipped off the submerged step and the pony disappeared under the water with a soft splash. She uttered a quick "Eek!" as she went down.

I quickly fished Rarity out of the water. The wet pony climbed onto the seat to my left. She spat water out of her mouth, frustrated by the soaked mane hanging over her eyes. I cleared her mane from her eyes, and combed it down her back with my fingers.

She was too cute; I just couldn't resist anymore. I threw my arms around the wet unicorn sitting beside, and hugged her. Rarity still said nothing. She leaned against me and nuzzled my neck. I nuzzled my chin against Rarity's head and patted her back. She let out a relaxed sigh. For a couple minutes we embraced in the hug.

"I am a little too warm," Said the unicorn after a minute. "I think I'll get out now."

I didn't say anything, but let the pony get up. She climbed out of the tub. I climbed out after her and put the cover back on. We went inside and I dried her off in my bathroom. I put my pajamas on. I left my room to turn out the lights and put away a few things, which only took a minute. When I returned, Rarity was already on my bed. She stretched her fore-hooves out on the bed and yawned. She climbed under the covers and adjusted herself to her liking. I crawled into bed with her; we were laying next to each other.

"I'd just like you to know that I had a wonderful evening. I really appreciate the trouble you went through to make it special," spoke Rarity.

"Well, I enjoyed your company too. I'm glad we could have a nice evening together," I said.

"Yes, yes... I as well," Said Rarity, "Good night, gentle-human."

Rarity leaned over and nuzzled her nose against my cheek. I blushed, but nobody could have seen it in the darkness.

"Goodnight Rarity," I said.

Did Rarity just kiss me? Is that how ponies kiss? My head was swimming with questions that I had no answers for. Eventually my mind calmed down and I dozed off to sleep, again with a smile on my face.

Days Four - Fifteen:

The days that passed were much like the first few. Rarity and I swam, and we played. I bathed her and brushed her. She taught me to cook; they were all vegetarian meals, but it was cooking nonetheless. We also baked cookies a couple times. I spent every hour of everyday with her; and we both enjoyed it very much. We got in the habit of taking my truck out for a drive late at night, when no people were around. From the car, I showed her the town and the hills around it. We listened to the classical music station on the car radio, that was her favorite thing. I received no more "pony kisses" after the first occurrence; nonetheless, Rarity and I understood that we both liked each other very much as friends. We usually drank one bottle of wine each day, so I went to the store and got a whole case for us.

Rarity had also taught me to dance! On three occasions, she had dressed me up and we pretended we were at a ball. I cleared the center of the living room and we danced to music from our CD collection. Rarity always chose classical music (not my favorite), but it helped create the atmosphere of a ball. The chandelier hanging above us helped the atmosphere too. Sometimes Rarity would sing, and I would play piano. At those balls we had danced into the night. The other thing I had started doing, was grooming myself. I actually made an effort to get rid of my bed head in the morning. I showered and shaved everyday and I put on clean clothes each morning. I started exercising too, and I worked out with some weights I had. And I swam everyday, usually with Rarity. I even started using cologne in the evenings. I felt more confident in myself and my appearance. I felt motivated like I had never been before. And it was all because of the unicorn-pony who had come into my life.

Rarity had had a profound impact on me for sure. I felt confident and excited for what each new day would bring. I questioned why I had just been sitting at home for so long. Why had I been content on hiding away in my room and missing out on life? I wanted to go out and see what life had in store for me. For once, I even thought it might be kind of fun to have a job. But for now, it was just my little pony and I spending these days in timeless bliss. The days seemed to go by like I was in a dream. I had never been happier. My friendship with Rarity had changed my life around.

Eventually the day came when Rarity went home. The sun had already gone down and we were in the living room. I had cleared the center of the living room, for the "ball" that we had dressed up for. I was sitting this dance out, and watched Rarity happily prance back and forth on the floor. She was truly remarkable. She had my mother's necklace on, which sparkled on her neck as she spun around. Suddenly there was a loud thud on the roof above us. Rarity dropped down on all fours and looked at me with a frightened look. I didn't know what it was either. There was an odd knock on the door. I wasn't sure what to do. Rarity ran into the dinning room to stay out of sight.

"Who is it?" I yelled. The door wasn't locked, but the knocker clearly didn't know that.

"I WILL ASK THE QUESTIONS HERE. NOW OPEN THIS DOOR!" boomed a thunderous voice from outside.

My hair was standing on end, and I backed away from the door. Rarity came scurrying in from the dinning room anxiously, her hooves slipping on the floor.

Rarity ran past me and opened the door. She returned to my side and bowed down as the door opened. A full-sized dark-blue horse walked through the door and shot me an icy glance. The horse had both a horn and wings. Her mane was fluorescent and sparkled strangely. Was this the princess Rarity had spoken of?

"Princess Luna!" said Rarity.

"Hello Rarity," said the mare, speaking softer now, "Art thou alright? Has this creature harmed you?"

"I am perfectly fine," said Rarity as she stood up.

"You must be wondering why I am here," said Luna. "The non-magical properties of this world caused my sister's spell to misfire when she attempted to teleport you all back to Equestria. Only the one called Rainbow Dash arrived at Canterlot. My sister arrived a moment later, having teleported herself. Her magic, too, was weakened in this world, and she could only teleport one pony at a time. She implored me to assist her in finding you and your friends. I am to retrieve you and Fluttershy while Celestia finds the others. My sister also explained that time passes differently in this world. How long have you been here?"

"Two weeks," replied Rarity.

"You see, for us only one hour has passed," said Luna.

Rarity was silent.

The princess spoke again, "We must make haste. I shall send you back immediately. Then I must find Fluttershy. She is not a great ways off."

"May I say goodbye to my friend, princess?" asked Rarity, looking at me.

"Your friend? ... Very well," said the princess, observing us.

I knelt down and Rarity jumped into my arms. I hugged her.

"Well I suppose this is goodbye then," said Rarity.

"Rarity," I said, "I'd like you to keep my mother's necklace."

The unicorn gasped, "Oh no! I couldn't possibly..."

"I use to imagine I'd give it to the perfect girl, if I ever found her. Someone sweet, intelligent, kind, and beautiful... Recently I started thinking I'd never find her. But I did when you came into my life... and I know that I want you to have it."

Tears welled up in the unicorn's eyes and she nuzzled her cheek against mine.

"One day you will find that girl of your dreams... But it can't be me. I'm sorry," cried Rarity as she looked away, tears now streaming down her cheeks.

I started crying now too. The princess' stern look had turned into one of curiosity and compassion.

"I have something for you," said Rarity, and she ran to the hallway and to my room.

The princess smiled at me as I knelt on the floor awkwardly. I scratched my head blankly. Oh my God, this was awkward! Thankfully Rarity came back in in just a few moments, her saddle bags in her mouth.

She set them before me, stuck her muzzle in, and rummaged through them. She had something in her mouth. She dropped three giant blue sapphires between my legs. I stared open-mouthed at them.

"I don't remember how these got in my bags, but they are from my special collection at home. I only use them in dresses for very well-to-do clients! They'll remind you of me, since they are like my cutie mark. Please have them."

"Oh of course Rarity!" I said, leaning forward and hugging her again. "I love them, thank you. I'll think of you everyday. I'll never forget."

"Oh, and I will do the same with your necklace! I'll never forget you either, as long as I live! This I promise," said Rarity.

Princess Luna stepped forward.

"It is time for me to go, darling," said the teary-eyed pony, backing out of our embrace.

Then, as the princess bent her horn down towards her, Rarity turned back and gave me a quick kiss. Not a nuzzle like before, but an actual kiss. It was only a split second, but it said so much and meant so much to me.

"I am ready," Said Rarity to the princess.

"Think of Canterlot. It will make this easier," said Princess Luna.

Rarity closed her eyes, tears still flowing from them. The princess lowered her horn down to touch Rarity's forehead. Princess Luna's horn sparked and began to glow. A sparkling, purple mist began to swirl around Rarity. Princess Luna gritted her teeth, as she concentrating her magic. A few moments later Rarity disappeared in a bright flash of light, the necklace along with her. The princess exhaled deeply and contemplated her work for a few seconds before turning and walking out the door. I ran outside after her. Her horn glowed again, and she turned around as if finding directions to something. She then stretched her wings and disappeared into the night sky.