• Member Since 14th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 21st, 2022

Your Antagonist

Shut up. Just write.

Comments ( 245 )

Fucking loved it. The start was funny, the bit with Cheerilee and Pip made me crack up, and you seem to have come leaps and bounds in terms of sex-scene ability since the first After School Specials. I always thought those were great concepts with good characterisation and such, but the prose was clumsy and full of unecessarily long words. This, on the other hand, rocked my rocks.

Commence read.

This was interesting.
Now to await an epilogue.

I should feel ashamed for liking this...but since it had futa-light...I am willing to let it pass...espacially since it was very well written...I'm going to go hurt myself for liking lolicon(fillicon?) regardless of the consent...dood.

I'm not sure whether to be disgusted at this story or myself for liking this. I guess I'll settle for both to reduce the shame. :unsuresweetie:

I like it! Also Perusably Practical Pony Physiology: A Paperback Primer, Part One of Plenty, This took me a while to say

I'm a horrible person for upvoting and favoriting this...
And, y'know, if you listen to "Alejandro" by Lady Gaga while reading this, you feel extra *ahem* hotter... :raritywink:
Good job, Author. I look forward to more.

~Have a savvy day! :coolphoto:~

Agh, this could have been a perfectly nice slice of life or comedy. I feel like reading this has made me a worse person. Success, I guess.

DT + clop = feature box. D'oh. :facehoof:

....Commence read.

Looks at Feature Box. Eeeyup.

welp, tha'ts an akward boner.

Must.... favorite.... must.... favorite...

I liked this!:yay:

That means you failed at your life's mission.:eeyup:

Go sit in the corner.:derpytongue2:

Oh good; now foalcon's making the topbar.

Yeah, nothing shows the average Joe that we aren't a bunch of perverts faster than featuring a story about pedophila.

i have a feeling your going to make a cheerilee/pip clopfic soon right

Needless to say, by the time they reached the end of their “supplementary lessons”, Cheerilee and Pipsqueak would have single-hoofedly given a new meaning to the phrase “after school special”.

Is it too early to hope that this is a hint to the next chapter in "After School Special" ?


Though I agree with your thought process, try to avoid putting it in a review. If you've got complaints, take it up with the admins.

Twilight knows about the anti-life equation? Expect an invasion from Darkseid in the sequel. Right? :twilightoops:


I would actually argue this is the perfect place for such notation.

This is a fandom, a living example of the mathematical and biological concept of Emergent Complexity, effectively a non-directed bottom-up organism moved along by the lowest units acting in effectively chaotic patterns and producing broad actions. If one of the units can be seen to be doing something that might hurt the larger super organism, it falls to other units of similar size to correct that unit, for the continued survival of the collective.

Unless you WANT to be automatically saddled with the unquestioning meme that pony fans must necessarily support pedofuta sexual encounters. Remember, a thing not commanded in a top-down fashion with a good PR department and iron-fisted media control is only known by the sum of the impressions it leaves on the world.


But we are a bunch of perverts...

Loved the story, it was very nice.

But has anypony noticed that deus ex machina has entered the brony fic lexicon as its own meme? It seems like it was in that one thing by flimflamphilosophy and now its a meme as strong and verile as derpy:derpyderp2:.

What do you all think?

1750604 This is the second DT clopfic to get featured in the past 4 weeks. :raritydespair:
To be fair though, this one didn't make me want to shoot myself in the dick with a nail gun.
I'll give it a thumbs up. :twilightsmile:


The admins have a history of blatantly not giving a shit about the opinions of their users (Remember when "tracking" was a thing?) and although they've gotten better about this over time, they still don't have any concept of PR.

I'm genuinely terrified that it's only a matter of time before some news site does a story about Fimfiction. Specifically, how the featured content on the most popular site for writing stories about ponies almost always includes pedophilia. People being people, most people wouldn't even consider that the people choosing the featured box contents are three guys and a robot, so the fandom's image would be severely damaged.

1751703 I agree. It's insane actually that the feature bar for fanfics for a childrens show contain foalcon (pedophilia) :facehoof:
We must not forget that the feature bar is in fact a constant display of what Fimfiction is, and what it support. per now it appears to support foalcon :facehoof:

Didn't give my opinion in the form of thimbs, i jsuut ignore and move on :eeyup:
But please try to write something socially axceptable next time. Ask yourself: would it be ok if my boss read this.

1751106 Sorry, but Pip already has a partner in the After School Special-verse. Though I've been pestering the living crap out of Anty to write a follow-up chapter for that scene in this story next time he gets distracted from Silver Belles (or whatever he happens to be writing at the time).

To be fair, there is a giant warning at the top of the story telling what was about to happen. Not to say that your opinion is wrong--everyone is entitled to their own opinions after all--but we did tell you what you were getting yourselves into.

As for the feature box thing, I can't speak for any of the other stories that have gotten there, but in the case of this one, everything Anty has written since half way through the After School Special series has been featured, and almost none of it was clop. That's what happens when writers with a lot of followers post new work; lots of people read it in a short period of time and it gets featured.

Anyway, I'm gonna get back to imagining how that Pip x Cheerilee scene played out, because that teaser was hot. Does this make me a terrible person? Maybe. But that's ok, because not a single fuck was given that day :pinkiecrazy:.

The way you write it, you make it seem like Diamond has Attention Deficit Disorder.

That's a nice thing to write about in itself. Diamond Tiara, with a disability nopony has even discovered yet, the frustrations of school causing her to lash out at the other students.

I've seen stories with an OCD Rarity, an ADD Diamond Tiara sounds just as good.

1752053 Dude, is that a JonTron avatar? I fucking love JonTron.


One can hope he does the human race an honour and never has childen.

Even considering the type of story it is, some lines just shouldn't be crossed.

I have no choice but to accept there are and will be porn stories - nothing I can do about that - but this sort of thing...

I can't decide which disturbes me more - people who write foalcon or people who read it and like it.

1752120 Hello, and welcome to the internet. You must be new here. Honestly, and all sarcasm aside, never go anywhere else on the internet if this rustles your jimmies that badly. Seriously, if an entirely consensual sexual encounter with an underage cartoon character is your limit the internet is not going to be a good place for you :rainbowlaugh:.

I liked it.



I liked it, I'm going to hell right? Yeah..... I'm screwed.

Comment posted by Your Antagonist deleted Jul 21st, 2022

I like this but I don't know why:ajsleepy:

No words describe anything in this story. I wont hate, it was well written..... far too well written...:pinkiesick:


...Unless it's at the start of the actual chapter itself, no there isn't. You have to infer it from the "mature" tag and the allusions to "unconventional" behaviors. And that isn't even the point anyway, the point is that pedophilia is in places we can see it.

Pedos, listen up: We're perfectly willing to pretend pedophilia doesn't exist, as long as you permit us to do so. Getting into the featured box does not count as permitting us to pretend you don't exist.

And yes, you don't have a lot of control over what gets featured, but that's all the more reason for you to complain with the rest of us. You don't want the negative attention, we don't want to get negative attention from the rest of the internet, so if we can team up to get the mods to implement some way to prevent this from getting in that little box at the top we'll be able to drop this and go back to tolerating (but not necessarily loving) each other's presence.


Legally, being underage means you cannot consent.


Just looking at the Youtube preview image rustles my jimmies, since, being a white male, I've had it hammered into my head from a young age that any criticism of a minority, no matter how legitimate, can be construed as racist, and white males aren't allowed to ever be racist ever. So...good job?

1752493 To quote the very first words of the chapter:

Warning/ Disclaimer: The following story contains graphic and implied depictions of sexual acts between animated equines, one of whom is underaged and, strangely enough, consenting. If this offends you, then my life’s mission is complete.

As for the legal part, when a cartoon can legally consent to anything, I'll have an opinion.

And speaking as a white male, I insult black people all the time. Along with Asians, women, Canadians, Mexicans, gay people, other white males, Australians, robots, super heroes, and everyone else that falls into any category I haven't already mentioned. It's not racist to insult someone who's different from you; everyone's different from you in one way or another. It's far more racist to claim that you're not allowed to insult them just because they're different.


You seem determined to ignore my offers of cooperation against a common adversary in favor of mercilessly bashing any part of my argument that you feel could possibly be bashed. And, thus, pedos like yourself continue to garner a reputation as people who cannot be reasoned with in any way, shape, or form, in addition to the negative connotations they already garner simply by virtue of the things they enjoy.

I'd be more upset if this wasn't the norm among your kind. (Both pedos and internet debaters in general.)

1752617 Wait.....we have a common adversary? When did that happen?


Well, the average Joe would have to turn on the view mature option, so if he finds this I don't give two fuck what he thinks

Also, Mr. Author... Can't read it, I don't do these stories with foals <3 carry on~


The featured box.


I'm genuinely terrified that it's only a matter of time before some news site does a story about Fimfiction. Specifically, how the featured content on the most popular site for writing stories about ponies almost always includes pedophilia. People being people, most people wouldn't even consider that the people choosing the featured box contents are three guys and a robot, so the fandom's image would be severely damaged.

Pedo fics getting in the featured box is harmful to the entire site, pedos included.

Wow! :rainbowkiss: Loved it! This got me into Clop fictions, right off the bat :pinkiecrazy: Though, I was strongly against the idea an hour ago, I think this changed a part of me O_O For the better though! :pinkiesmile:

I really don't get what the problem is. They are cartoon ponies, I'm pretty sure most people would care about the getting off on ze pones ergo beastility or corrupting of an cartoon or yadda yadda boo. Getting off on foalcon is just the icing.

No point in complaining about since this is the internet. Wanna change it, make a new one. Or website since you're so worried on about 'foal-con writers' destroying your reputation since you use the same website.

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