• Published 7th Jan 2012
  • 18,787 Views, 335 Comments

Eternity - DawnFade

Pipsqueak and Dinky have a series of epiphanies over the course of their lives.

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Chapter 3

The end.

Only, it never truly is.

Even when all is quiet upon the dead fields, a faint breeze will stir the air, and it will carry the dandelion snow of a thousand flowers and cast them across the land. New fields will grow and, in turn, play their part in the larger pattern.

Two weakened flowers, two crumbling winter leaves, closed the cottage door behind them gently. Pipsqueak mused that their every action was gentle these days, encumbered as they were with age. It was a stray thought, and fleeting. His attention was upon his wife, now grey in hair as much as fur. Even now, his old heart throbbed when she smiled.

Dinky was still smaller than him, though they had both shrunk as aged ponies are wont to do. If he concentrated, he could make out the wrinkles and smile lines that marred her soft face. He preferred not to concentrate, as his failing eyes coated his wife in an angelic fuzz that made her look not a day older than she was at their wedding.

It had been winter then as well. There was always something special about the cold season for the two ponies, and they unanimously decided to have their joining take place during it.

The location, too, had been instantly agreed upon. It is common for the bride and groom to choose a place that has personal significance to them, and there were none more significant to the couple as the oak tree.

His mother had not been able to stop crying through the entire ceremony, squeaking with a new round of sobs every few seconds as Pipsqueak and Dinky looked into each other’s eyes. A very light snow had settled on the ground around the oak tree, yet none of the guests shivered. All eyes were centred on the couple as the purple unicorn who led the joining said her lines.

Dinky had worn a shining white dress with a short trail that sparkled amongst the snow. She had jokingly told the designer, an enthusiastic white-furred mare, that she wanted to be able to climb a tree wearing the dress. Though slightly mortified, the mare had carefully crafted the dress to allow a lot of freedom to move.

For his part, Pipsqueak wore his father’s suit, a heavy black coat with a brown patch sown on one side. He had felt more than a little embarrassed to stand next to his radiant wife-to-be, as if he was unworthy. Her smile had changed that, however. As soon as she met his eyes, walking down the makeshift isle, his anxiety had dissipated like the very snow they stood on would.

Around her neck, he remembered, a little velvet pouch had hung. An exact copy had rested against his chest as well. Inside was a link to their past, small golden and round in form.

The fond memories reminded him of an important detail. “Do you have them?” he asked his wife.

Her horn glowed softly and a small worn brown bag floated out of her mane. “Always, love.” The magic wavered and the bag dropped to the ground with a clink. Pipsqueak stepped forward and picked it up with his teeth, letting Dinky lean on him for a moment.

“Are you sure you want to go?” he whispered, only realising the double meaning of his words as he spoke them.

She looked at him tiredly and smiled. “Take me to the pond, Pip.” Her voice was soft and weakened but he heard her all the same.

Together, they elderly couple walked the old path amongst the older trees. The wind was cold and biting, yet it didn’t touch them. The snow was thick and falling, yet it did not obstruct them.

The forest they had spent their lives in was granting them their last reprieve from the elements. Branches lowered subtly to guard against the gusts of air, and leaves caught crystallised water before it reached the ground.

Though their progress was slow and careful, their arrival at the little pond was inevitable.

Pipsqueak helped Dinky to the edge and placed the pouch on the ground, lightly kicking it open to spill the two coins onto the ground.

Dinky sank to the ground and Pipsqueak joined her. “It’s frozen.”

The pond had a thin sheet of ice across the top, like a pure mirror. Pipsqueak liked how it reflected everything in a strange blur. It seemed like two different ponies looked back at them as they gazed into it.

“I wanted to put the coins back where we found them,” the old stallion said, nudging one of the coins so a particular side faced upwards. He wasn’t sure if he had the strength to break the ice without hurting himself.

“This can be close enough,” Dinky assured him weakly.

The two old ponies lay next to each other and watched the pond. It glittered under the sunlight, a thousand tiny sparkles like bits scattered across a road. A beautiful mirror reflecting beauty. Pipsqueak was not much of a poet, but the sight filled him with an intense hope that even after he was gone there would be artistry for others to marvel at.

“The ice will melt,” he said, not sadly but with warmth, “Soon this pond will go back to normal.”

Dinky’s reply was barely audible and her eyes were closed. “I guess we should enjoy it while we can…”

Her breath no longer mingled with his. Silently, Dinky lay beside him, her head resting against his neck. She was warm though, the echo of life giving Pipsqueak comfort. The familiar pulsing of her heart had stopped, leaving her completely still. Not the slightest breeze disturbed the silvery strands of hair that hung across her face.

Even in the embrace of death, she was beautiful.

Pipsqueak knew he was not as weak as his wife had been. Perhaps, if he roused himself, he could go home and live for more days or weeks or years.

But those would be days and weeks and years without Dinky.

He wasn’t going anywhere.

Pipsqueak snuggled closer to his wife and nuzzled her cheek gently. Her lips were curved in a faint ghostly smile that he liked. It was almost as if she was happy to wait for him to join her. The idea flooded his chest with warmth and his heart beat stronger than it had in days.

Suddenly, it faltered and his breath hitched. The surprise of finality coursed through his every vein like little icy caresses. It was too soon... He thought he had hours for the cold to lead him gently into the dusk of life. His chest spiked with pain that was numbed by the snow beneath him. Shuddering with the next burst, Pipsqueak felt his lungs constrict. Air was short and he sucked quietly for more.

“D-Dinky...” he gasped, trying desperately to focus on his wife’s face. His old eyes provided no relief. “Please...” Pipsqueak begged softly as his chest wracked with another spasm. “Please... Let me see her...” He knew not who he was trying to speak to, be it Princess or Deity, yet his final plea was heeded.

By nature or by power, his vision cleared and the snowy forest drifted away from him. A little grey filly with great golden eyes grinned at him from atop a distant oak tree. The pain in his chest receded and he smiled back. The world was blurry except for her. The world was dark, except for her. She was bright to him.

“C’mon, Pip!” she squeaked, voice echoing in the foggy clearing. “Let’s go exploring!”

Pulling himself to his hooves, Pipsqueak felt an odd weight drop from his shoulders. Looking down, he found that he was standing between an old couple lying together with matching smiles. They looked so happy sleeping like that, so Pipsqueak was careful not to wake them when he trotted off to join Dinky.

There was no time to talk to some old ponies. He had to climb, he had to run and play.

He had to live.

Beneath the white canopy, the married couple rested.

There were no tears frozen upon their cold cheeks, nor was there sadness in their final breaths.

Because they were imbued by something more, something amazing.

Something magical.

A love so strong that even death is fleeting in comparison.

And that is eternity.

Comments ( 196 )

This is simply beautiful. I have not the skill with words to express how I really feel so I will settle for this.:pinkiesad2:

Also, first.:rainbowwild:

I just know someone will hate me for that.

137215 I must agree with you, this is one of few stories that genuinely brought tears to my eyes. not of sorrow, rather of appreciation for the spirit in which I have seen only in dreams and hopes.

I need a moment...

Congratulations, your the new My Little Dashie. I actually cried at the end of this fic. Fucking tear jerker. I really need a hug. :fluttercry::raritycry: :pinkiesad2: I think what makes this so sad is that we got to know theses characters though their whole lives. I can see why it doesn't have a tragedy tag, because Pip and Dinky are so wonderful and we know that death is a part of life. If this story doesn't bring some kind of emotion to you then you are not human. I'm sorry but I'll probably not read this chapter again b/c i want to keep some of my man cards.

Peace Out, now I'm gonna go see If I can get a hug.

I think you tugged my heartstrings right out of my chest.

137236 *gives you a hug, while sniffling away what's trying to be a tear*


Okay, I just had a thought: perhaps Dinky & Pip weren't the first couple to find these coins. And thus, the cycle begins anew, with the coins waiting to find the next friendship that will blossom into true, eternal love...

...dang it, now I need a hug! :fluttercry:

Manly tears were shed.

Both this and it's predecessor were amazing. You managed to take a character I hated and a character with no real personality and not only make them interesting, but make me love them - and the ending was perfect. Your Dinky is the real one to me, now. Well done.

Beautiful... is all I can say :fluttershysad: I was taken aback by "Pirates for a Day" and felt that when you announced this sequel, that it would end like this... yet I am not sad. I am grateful that I was able to read such a heartfelt story that showed the beauty of true love, absolute and unconditional, between two that are inseparable, even in death. Thank you, and rather that see this story off in tears, I'll see it off with a smile. :twilightsmile:

Only 2 other fanfics have made me cry like this.
Crying happy tears. Happy enough to make me feel content, Warm, and at peace.
You have writen a masterpeice here. I have no words to describe this as other then Amazeing.
If I had the money. I would pay you for makeing this. I really would.
You are a artist, Painting a picture in my mind
And I thank you for that.

Always your reader:


I honestly haven't shed a single tear in years, but this....
That is the sign of true writing skills, and that you managed to tell the story in just three chapters
Thank you!

It took 1412 words to make me tear up. I'd be a liar to say that some of this wasn't woefully cliche, but I'd be an even bigger liar to say that that lessened the immense impact of this story. In such a short story, you've delivered more than some writers can hope to in a lifetime and tens of thousands of words.


Didn't make me cry (Stories can't do that to me) but I do admit you definitely got a mental reaction out of me, if not physical. Which makes it all the more effective. Utterly spectacular story. I have no words that can fully describe it. You are a spectacular writer with a gift, do not waste that gift. Keep writing no matter what.


My god that was amazing you my good sir are a natural. :pinkiesad2:

I am crying like little babby...

this is a masterpiece of writing and a medium for the poewerful emotions which you have envoked. well done and keep writing

I can't stop crying... It's too beautiful... Bravo, you are the greatest author this site has to offer.


Damn you... STOP MAKING ME CRY LIKE A LITTLE FOAL ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE SEMESTER! I have classes to go to, you know! -breaks down-

... That was beyond beautiful... I will always remember this fic... It might be more moving than Simply Rarity, and that was, personally, my favorite piece of dramatic literature... You managed to capture the spirit of the famous Twilight and Spike video, but in words, and that makes it all the more impacting, because we saw it happen in our heads, and that just... -breaks down sobbing again-

~ Moonstone, Minstrel of Equestria

p.s. It didn't help that I was listening to this while reading...

My eyes are moist! Why are they moist!?! :raritycry:

bbbwwwwaaaaa:fluttercry::pinkiesad2: such a sad and happy ending, thank you!!!:fluttershysad:

I don't cry over sad fics, they always make me smile, but this one made me do both. Incomplete? Does that mean there's more?!

... Dear Lord, that was really deep. Your a great writer... What else can I say?

I have no words for this. It is simply beautiful. I cried and am proud to admit it. It is just as good, if not better than FlutterMac by Roygbiv, which was the last Shipfic to make me cry like this.

:pinkiesad2: :heart: That was beautiful

I was expecting something like this to happen, but not quite so beautifully. Presently I have tears in my eyes, all because of this conclusion. Thank you once again for this story. Though there were some spelling errors, it didn't detract from the ending. My god the ending... :pinkiesad2:

Much love, and happy trails :heart: :twilightsmile:

That was beautiful man. Well done you brilliant person.


Simply wonderful :fluttercry: Everyday I'm amazed by the wonders this community can produce... My tears included :raritycry::fluttercry:


I also need a hug...I sad...:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttershbad::fluttercry::fluttershbad::fluttercry::fluttershbad:

i can feel my heart breacking at the moment. thanks for macking this beuatiful work of art. :twilightsmile:

I can't believe it... you actually made me cry, literally, in front of my whole department...

Ohh strike me and scorch me... that was such a... right story. No messing with the drama, no playing about with excess events or plots... just a simple, wonderful story.

Anything I say wouldn't be enough, have my ratings and more importantly, have my thanks. I loved reading this kid.

beautiful, breathtaking, and I liked it too.

If my roommate hadn't been here when I read the last chapter, I may have ended up shedding a tear. That was just...beautiful.

Sad enough that even tears can't express my feelings:fluttercry:

I should not have read this here at work...the general manager and the cfo are eating lunch right next to me and I'm crying. You made very beautiful ending.

What a beautiful story:fluttercry: I definitely would've shed manly tears if I never had read My Little Dashie.

This... is a master piece!

Well, after reading this chapter, I can say that it has finally been proven that reading minds is possible. Because clearly you have written down the images that I - and many others, I suspect - had in minds as a perfect ending to this amazing story.

I absolutely loved all three chapters of this as well as Pirates for a Day. Thank you so much for writing them. They helped me remember some fond memories of mine and gave me some hopes for the future as well :twilightsheepish:. Keep on writing! :twilightsmile:

my god, that was just... amazing. Such a sad, yet happy story. This story... it's just... I honestly don't know. It's just simply amazing. I demand you to submit this to Equestria Daily.

I genuinely started crying at the end. Beautifully written. *runs off into corner* Many, many manly tears were shed.

Such a beautiful story! Thanks for the great read! :) :fluttercry: :heart: :pinkiesad2:

And so the old mantra again rings true. If you go far enough, all stories end with death.

This was beautiful. The pairing, the ending, everything. It was just... right. It was not a tearjerker - which it could have easily been - it didn't drag, or anything. Indeed, I can't say there is a single passage that could be easily removed and not be missed, by pacing or by content. And yet it was sad, heartwarming, and you managed to say so much with so little...

It is fanfiction like this that always renew my faith in this fandom. You have my thanks.

137436 Word. The world was drowned under the flood of manly tears.

138597 strange, though, how the end of this story seems only to be the beginning of another... :pinkiesad2:

incidentally, author, you've done fabulously. you deserve so much more than stars, but alas, thats all i can give..

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