• Published 14th Nov 2012
  • 1,929 Views, 64 Comments

Making Friends - arcum42

The Noble Sir Rocinante has been turned into a frog, and the Lady Belle and her faithful squire have gone on a quest to Frogbury Pond to save him! Or possibly Sweetie Belle is just really bored and lonely, and looking for something to do...

  • ...

Imaginary Ponies Are the Best Ponies

Making Friends

"You know, I've always wanted to visit Manehattan. A romantic candlelit dinner, alone in the Big Apple..."

"How about a trip to Prance? High culture, fine dining, museums and galleries, and some time spent with just the two of us..."

Sweetie Belle listened to her parents throwing lovey-dovey ideas for their latest vacation back and forth and wanted to gag. They were too busy planning things out to make any time for her. Worse, it sounded like they were leaving her behind yet again.

They'd suggested she go outside and play with her friends, but she wasn't really sure what she could do. It was also another sign of how much they'd been ignoring her, because she didn't actually have any friends. Not really. Making friends was something she'd never been good at. And who'd want to hang out with a useless, talentless blank flank like her anyways?

Oh, don't be so down on yourself. What about those sweet songs you've been writing?

She perked up a bit at the reminder. Given her lack of real friends, she'd ended up inventing an imaginary one instead. The two of them had spent enough time playing that by this point, she seemed as real as anypony else she'd met. Other ponies may think it was lame, but what did they know?

"Do you really think they're any good?" she asked, fishing for some extra reassurance.

Any good? They're awesome! You should really try singing them in front of somepony else someday.

Sweetie Belle shuddered at the thought of performing for a crowd of ponies. She'd forget the words, or have her voice break right in the middle of a verse, and they all start laughing. She wasn't sure she could take it.

"So what do you want to do?" she asked her imaginary friend. She knew that she was really just asking herself, but with all the time they'd had together, it didn't feel that way.

I... don't really know. Lets get out of here, anyways.

She supposed that made sense. They could figure out something to do later. She put on her saddlebags, making sure she had plenty of paper and pencils, and headed towards the door.

"Mom! Dad! I'm going outside to play!" she called out behind her.

"That's nice, dear. Don't stay out too late." She faintly heard behind her as she went through the door. Parents. She wasn't even totally sure if they'd really been paying attention, or just replied to her automatically.

Well, they acted like they heard you, anyways. So they shouldn't come back later and say they didn't know you left.

"True," Sweetie Belle replied under her breath. Now that she was outside, she didn't really want ponies making fun of her for talking to thin air.

You know, you think too much about how other ponies see you. Do you think Rainbow Dash cares what anypony thinks when she goes and tries those awesome new moves of hers?

Well, maybe not. She changed the subject. "So, where should we go?"

She could almost see her friend next to her, head cocked, considering. How about we head over to the pond?

The pond was a bit of a favorite hangout for them, as no one ever disturbed her there, or seemed to go there too much. Well, Ditzy seemed to go there fairly often, but she always seemed to know when Sweetie Belle wanted some space, and left her alone.

"All right, the pond it is!" In fact, she supposed she could make it into a quest of sorts. That could be fun.

Sure. Let's see. The Noble Sir Rocinante has been turned into a frog by an evil enchantress, and has been left in Frogbury Pond. The Lady Belle, and I, her faithful squire Rucio, have embarked on a quest to find and free him from his ensorcellment!

Sweetie Belle giggled. "Ok." She then shifted into full adventuring mode. Tail waving back and forth, she pounced on a nearby bush, and hid in it. She stealthily crept from bush to bush, and hid in the tall grass.

Once she was actually starting to get closer to the pond, she slowed down. The evil enchantress may still be lurking around, after all. Crouching behind a tree, she poked her head out, and surveyed the area around her, looking for any threats.

Lady Belle? Her squire said to her from a nearby bush, clearly getting into her role. I see a maiden lying in the clearing to your right. Perhaps she can be convinced to join your quest?

Looking in that direction, she saw a familiar grey mare stretched out in the sun. Well, the more the merrier, and maybe Ditzy would be willing to play along. She'd always seemed rather nice in the past. Sweetie Belle entered the clearing, totting out into full view of the blond mare.

"Greetings! I haight the Lady Belle of... um... El Toboso, and this is my faithful squire Rucio. We have embarked on a quest to rescue the Noble Sir Rocinante from his ensorcellment by an evil enchantress!"

Ditzy looked over at Sweetie Belle and smiled with suppressed merriment. "Oh? A worthy quest indeed. I am the Lady... Dorothea of Torte, at your service. Tell me more of your quest."

Ditzy got up, and executed an exaggerated half-bow in Sweetie Belle's direction.

Sweetie Belle smiled as well. Ditzy was going to play along with her game. With both of them and her imaginary friend involved, this would be a lot more fun.

"They say the evil enchantress worked a transmogrification spell on Sir Rocinante, turning him into a frog. I have heard both are located somewhere in the vicinity of Frogbury Pond," Sweetie Belle said, elaborating on her mission.

"I believe you are right. An enchantress in the same area has cursed me with the evil eye. I was seeking a way to free myself from its effects when you arrived," Ditzy said, quickly improvising. Given Ditzy's problems with her eyes, Sweetie Belle had to admire how easily she poked fun at it.

Then perhaps the three of us should join forces? Her friend prompted.

"Given that, perhaps we should join forces, as my squire has suggested." Sweetie Belle repeated for Ditzy's benefit.

"Indeed, your squire must be very wise," Ditzy said, giggling slightly.

Sweetie Belle could almost see her companions chest puffing out and wings extending at the complement. "She has her moments."

"So, did you have any plans for finding either this sorceress, or the enchanted noble?" Ditzy asked. "There are a lot of frogs in Frogbury Pond."

That deflated Sweetie Belle for a moment. How did one tell one frog from another, even if one of the two was enchanted?

Then something she had missed occurred to her. Weren't all quests supposed to start with an epic music number? And she thought she remembered just the right song for this quest.

"Let's worry about that when we get there," She told Ditzy firmly. "For now, we just need to ease on down the road."

"Ease on down the road?" Ditzy said blankly.

"Ease on down the road," Sweetie Belle repeated with emphasis.

At the repeated words, Ditzy brightened up, smiling as if something had just occurred to her. "Ease on down the road!"

"Right! Come on, Ditzy, don't you carry nothing that might be a load. Ease on down the road!" Sweetie Belle nudged Ditzy with one hoof, and they started walking forwards, laughing. And when Sweetie Belle started singing, Ditzy joined on in.

"Come on and ease on down, ease on down the road.
Come on, ease on down, ease on down the road.
Don't you carry nothing that might be a load.
Come on, ease on down, ease on down, down the road."

After they'd sung the chorus together, Sweetie Belle nervously started singing the first line of the first verse. This part was supposed to be a duet. Did Ditzy know the song? She thought so, given her reaction, but wasn't positive.

"Pick your left hoof up when your right one's down."

Much to her relief, Ditzy came right back with the next line, smoothly as if they'd practiced it.

"Come on, let's keep moving, don't you lose no ground."

She joined back in for the next two lines.

"You just keep on keeping on the road that you choose.
Don't you give up walking 'cause you threw a shoe."

At the last line, to Sweeties' surprise, Ditzy tossed her on her back and took off flying. They looped around the pond a few times while singing the chorus, then Ditzy put her down back on the ground, somewhat to her relief. Ditzy was cool, but she'd heard about her history of crashing into things.

Of course, Ditzy had probably had lots of practice with that particular stunt with Dinky. Come to think of it, she wondered where Dinky was. When she heard Ditzy starting the next verse, though, she snapped out of it and brought her attention back to the song.

"'Cause there may be times when you think you lost your mind."

She quickly slid in with the next line as if it had been planned that way. She was actually kinda surprised Ditzy knew the song well enough for this to work.

"And the steps you're taking leave you three or four steps behind."

She thought that was right, anyways. She did feel a lot more upbeat since she started singing, but then, this song usually had that effect on her. Ditzy started singing with her again for the next couple of lines. She actually seemed to sing pretty well.

"But the road you're walking might be long sometimes.
You just keep on stepping, and you'll be just fine."

Once they were done with the chorus, they started actually trotting over to the pond, rather than just circling around it like they had been doing, and she started in on the last verse.

"Well, there may be times when you wish you wasn't born."

Ditzy ran with the next line of the song.

"And you wake one morning just to find your courage's gone."

And they both continued on with the end of the verse.

"But you know that feeling just lasts a little while.
So just stick with us, and we'll show you how to smile."

After winding down with the chorus, the two of them couldn't help it and burst out laughing, both with exhilaration and at the sheer silliness of it all. It didn't help that in her head, she could hear her imaginary friend laughing right along with the two of them. After a few minutes, Ditzy spoke up.

"Great singing, Sweetie. I didn't realize you'd seen that musical. It's always been a favorite of mine." Ditzy smiled.

"Thanks. It's one of mine, too, which is why it came to mind. And you sing well. I don't think I've heard you sing before." Then Sweetie Belle remembered her question from earlier. "By the way, where's Dinky?"

"Oh, Dinky's visiting her father for the weekend. She'll be back on Monday, though." Looking sad for a moment, Ditzy changed the subject. "You know, I actually played in that musical once. Of course, then I was the Scarecrow, and now I seem to be Dorothy... or Dorothea, anyways." She snickered.

"Really? That must have been so cool!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. No wonder she knew the song well!

"Oh, it was a lot of fun. Though that song was really intended for four ponies. With the two of us and... your squire, that only makes three. Are we expecting somepony else?"

That had kinda bugged her. "Not really. It was just the most appropriate song that came to mind."

"Well, it was a very good one, at that." Ditzy straightened up, and shifted back into 'Lady Dorothea' mode. "Now that we're here at the pond, I was thinking about how you could find the ensorceled frog. I think we can assume the enchantress that cursed me with the evil eye was the same one that enchanted Sir Rocinante. If you or your squire can see the magic on me, they should be able to look for a frog that had the same magic."

No magic here. This one's all on you.


Sweetie's mouth quirked. "Given that my squire is a pegasus, that'd be rather difficult for her."

Ditzy laughed. "Oh, I'm sorry. The evil eye must have affected my vision more than I thought." She picked the empty air to one side of Sweetie Belle, and executed a quick bow. "My apologies, Squire Rufio."

Not a problem. It's not like she can see or hear me, anyways.

For that matter, Sweetie Belle couldn't either, really, outside of in her head. She'd just built up a pretty good mental picture of her since they'd started playing together. "No apologies necessary. You seem to be coping pretty well, considering."

"Well, you get used to it after a while, though it wrecks all sorts of havoc with my flying and coordination," Ditzy said, with a wan smile.

Oh. Yeah, having wonky vision like that must really suck.

Thinking about how many issues her eyes must cause her aside from ponies picking on her, Sweetie Belle had a sudden surge of sympathy. "That must be really difficult for you." Then, feeling uncomfortable, she shifted gears. "Right, so lets gather up frogs, and see if we can find the one linked to your curse, then see if we can break both."

Actually, the best she'd be able to do is make sparks, but for the game they were playing, that'd be good enough. Though she was tempted to try some real magic. She was tired of not really being able to do anything with her horn.

So she ran around the pond chasing frogs, and lining them up in a muddy patch, while Ditzy tried to prevent the bored frogs waiting from escaping. The frogs, nonchalant from years of being poked and prodded by young foals, croaked at her as if to tell her to get on with it, so they could get back to their lily pads.

After she'd gathered about a dozen frogs, she decided she had enough, and to move on to the next step.

"So now I have to look at the magical aura around you, and look for a frog with the same aura," she said, then stopped. "How do I do that?"

Um, frogs aren't magical. Why not just look for one that has a magical aura?

This struck her as such a good idea that she was dumbfounded for a moment. She held up a hoof as Ditzy began to speak, cutting her off.

"Actually, my squire just made a really good point. Wouldn't I just need to look for a frog that has a magic aura?" Sweetie Belle said.

Ditzy looked at her for a moment. "You know, I hadn't really thought about that," she said blankly, then hit her head with one hoof. As her tongue was sticking slightly out, and her eyes were crossed, this presented such a comical picture that Sweetie Belle had to laugh.

"I'm still not sure how to see magic auras, though," she said quickly.

"Well, I'm not a unicorn, but I've done a little bit of reading about this because of my daughter. I think you just find the magic somewhere inside of you, channel it up and through your horn outside of your body, then direct it over your eyes. Obviously I've never done it myself," Ditzy said, thinking. "I'm not sure this is such a good..."

"I've got to try this. Just give me a moment."

That description actually made a lot of sense to her. Before, she hadn't really been trying to channel anything to her horn. She'd just sort of assumed the horn generated the magic. She turned to face the frogs, and closed her eyes. She knew this was just a game, but she really wanted to be able to see magical auras.

Concentrating inside her, at first she couldn't find anything. Then, when she was about ready to give up, she detected a spark. She concentrated, making it stronger, then slowly brought it up through her horn...

Got it yet? Her imaginary friends voice suddenly came from inside her head, as if she was right in front of her. Startled, she opened her eyes. And saw nothing, of course, but she had forgotten about the stream of magic being channeled through her horn.

Instead of redirecting it to her eyes like she'd planned, it burst out in a ray right in front of her, scattering all the frogs out of the way. Panicked, and suddenly feeling exhausted, she tried to figure out what to do. She couldn't really visualize things right yet with her eyes open, so she quickly closed them, and then cut off the magical flow to her horn before passing out.


"Sweetie Belle?" Ditzy's rather scared voice drifted into her consciousness. "Sweetie Belle, are you all right?"

"Just a moment." She mumbled. Her eyelids felt really heavy, and she really only felt half there right now. After a few moments, she managed to open them, to see a concerned Ditzy right over her.

"What happened?" She managed to ask. She still felt kinda strange, and sort of empty.

"That's what I'd like to know." Something seemed wrong when her imaginary friend spoke, and thinking, she pinpointed it. Her voice no longer seemed to be just in her head.

Looking past Ditzy, she goggled at what she saw. In the mud puddle where the frogs had been lay a orange filly her age with magenta hair, covered in mud. In all aspects she resembled her imaginary friend, except one. She was actually there.

"Ditzy, look over there, and tell me if I'm seeing things," she said, getting back unsteadily to her feet, and pointing to her friend.

Ditzy looked where she was pointing, and gave a startled gasp. "Is that..."

"Probably." Trying to stand up, the orange filly slipped, and went careening into a nearby tree. "Ugh. Mud and tree sap."

While startled by her appearance, Ditzy quickly went over to her side, helping her back up and checking to see if she was hurt. "Are you all right? What's your name?"

The orange filly considered. "You know, I don't think Sweetie Belle ever got around to giving me one."

Ditzy looked back at Sweetie Belle for a moment.

She gave Ditzy a sickly grin. "Um, Lady Dorothea, meet Squire Rucio. I think."

Ditzy looked the orange filly up and down critically for a moment. "That name is fine for a squire, but won't really work for a young filly. You'll need a proper name. Do you have any hobbies or interests?"

"Well, I can do some wicked moves on my..." Her face fell with sudden realization. "... imaginary scooter."

"Hmmm... Something will have to be done about that, too. We'd better check on Sweetie Belle, though." The two of them walked back over to her side.

"How are you feeling?" Ditzy asked, sounding worried.

Sweetie Belle thought a moment. "I still feel kinda tired, and I feel sort of odd, like something's missing, but I think I'll be all right."

"I think we can assume part of you is missing, since she's on the other side of me," Ditzy said, gesturing. "I'm not sure that's reversible, or even that it should be reversed, though."

"Why reverse it? This is awesome!" the orange filly said, looking herself over. "Hooves. Wings. Really being able to touch things. Ponies being able to see me..."

"I guess... that sorta makes sense." She thought about it, then her face lit up. "This will be cool, actually. Now the two of us can hang out without worrying about other ponies thinking I'm silly for having an imaginary friend."

"Yeah, this will be great! We can totally be best friends and hang out together all the time!"

"Easy now. There's one thing the two of you may not have thought of." Ditzy cautioned.

"What's that?" Sweetie Belle said, curious.

"What do you think your parents reaction to the two of you will be?" Ditzy asked. "Especially after you tell them that you turned your imaginary friend real, and that she was going to stay with you?"

Thinking about it, Sweetie Belle shivered. "You're right. They wouldn't believe me. And even if they did, I'm not sure they'd take her in. They barely even want me there, really."

Ditzy looked at her with sympathy. "And that's why she isn't going home with you."

"I'm not?" The newly created filly next to her asked, excitement having turned to worry and confusion. "Where am I going? What should I do?"

Ditzy turned to her. "Well, how would you like to come home with me?"

She brightened. "Can I? That'd be great!" She looked back at Sweetie Belle for a moment, then at Ditzy.

"You'll... take her in?" Suddenly, she flung her arms around Ditzy. "Thank you!"

Ditzy returned her hug. "Don't worry about it. Now that Sparkler's moved out, I'm sure Dinky could use the company anyways. And it's not like I'm going to leave a young filly in trouble without doing everything I can for her."

Sweetie Belle breathed a sigh of relief. Then something occurred to her.

"You will come visit, right? Both of you?" she said plaintively. She really didn't want to go back to being all alone.

The orange filly snorted. "If you think anything's stopping us from hanging out, you've got another think coming."

"I do see you by the pond fairly often. How about we meet there again tomorrow, around the same time?" Ditzy asked.

"Sure!" Sweetie Belle replied.

"So, what can I call you, anyways? You said you like scooters. Scoots?" Ditzy asked.

"I don't know. Maybe as a nickname, for now. We can come up with something better later." She paused for a moment. "We never did finish our quest, did we?"

Ditzy laughed. "Well, that's easy enough to do."

She began narrating. "And so, as the Lady Belle worked to break the spell the evil enchantress had worked on the Noble Rocinante, her magic suddenly went wild, bathing both the enchanted frog and Dorothea in its light. To her surprise, not only did the frog turn back into Rocinante, Dorothea was suddenly transformed into his missing fiancee, Princess Micomicona, as the curse on her was broken. The two embraced, and a wedding was held not long afterwards. And they all lived happily ever after."

With a gleam in her eye, she continued. "At least, until the evil enchantress returned to take her revenge, but that is a tale for another time."

Sweetie Belle smiled, enjoying how the story had worked out. Ditzy was a pretty good storyteller, being able to come up with an ending like that out of the blue.

"With that, though, we should get going, as I need to get Scoots here cleaned up. How one filly could get this much mud and tree sap in her fur, I'll never know. So, this time tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow." They went into a three way hug, somewhat spoiled by the faces the other filly started making during it.

The hug broke up, and Sweetie Belle watched as the two of them went out of sight before heading home herself. As she walked, she found herself anticipating the coming antics of the next day, and finding herself a good deal less lonely. She had, after all, finally made some friends.

Author's Note:

With this fanfic, I'm actually trying a bit of an experiment. You see, I've actually written a fair amount of fanfiction since Taking Time, but none of it has ever made it outside of documents in my Google Docs account. So with this oneshot, I decided I'd only allow myself a revision pass or three before throwing it out there. Hopefully it doesn't suffer too much for that.

Feel free to tell me how much you don't like it, but I'd prefer constructive feedback with suggestions for improvement.

And as it says, this is set before "Call of the Cutie", and possibly even before the first episode. (Depending on whether the brief scene with the CMC in the first episode is considered canon or a storyboarding error.)

Also, my leaving a certain character out of the list of characters was deliberate, and I'd imagine the comments will contain spoilers, so I'd avoid reading them if you haven't read the story yet.

Obviously, My Little Pony is copyright Hasbro. The song "Ease On Down the Road", from "The Wiz" is by Charlie Smalls, but would undoubtedly be copyright Universal Pictures. (And I'm somehow certain Michelle Creber could do an awesome cover of it.) And imaginary friends are copyright... we'll maybe they aren't copyrighted, but I wouldn't be terribly surprised if Petriculture and sequels (by Kwakerjak) influenced this story, though I didn't really have them in mind when writing it. They're awesome anyways, so go read them.

Oh, if anyone wants context for the song used:

Edit: Fixed some errors with commas and capitalization in dialogue I'd been repeatedly making. Oh well, at least I was consistent.

Comments ( 63 )
Comment posted by arcum42 deleted Jan 29th, 2013
Comment posted by arcum42 deleted Jan 29th, 2013


Ha! She makes Scootaloo! xD
I can safely say that I didn't see that comign, lol. Nice one! :pinkiehappy:


Thanks. It was honestly one of my more bizarre Scootaloo origin stories, and I just knew I had to try writing it. It was a lot of fun trying to keep her identity from being revealed until the last minute. It also meant I got to play with double meanings on the story name and chapter title. :twilightsheepish:

I'll give this a thumb.

Actually... that wasn't bad at all.


Thanks. To be fair, my idea of minimal revision was only allowing myself two fairly thorough revision passes (or rather, I allowed myself three, but declared it ready to post after the second one.). For context, though, I have another oneshot sitting in google docs that's more then two months old, and I've revised it more then a dozen times, including some major revisions. I'd love to release it one day, but at this point, I can't even look at the thing without cringing...

That's the worst...
"There's a good story inside you somewhere, I just know it! Come out, dangit!"


Exactly. I like the idea, which focuses on 5 seconds or so of Picture Perfect Pony that bugged me. I like my mostly no-tag cast: main characters of Raindrops and Roseluck, and a supporting cast of Daisy, Lily, Doctor Stable, and Nurse Redheart. Plot isn't phenomenal, but is all right. I really like how Daisy's character turned out, even, but... I don't know, maybe if I leave it alone for a few weeks and come back to it...

The Edith Grossman translation is my favourite. :raritywink:


With an imaginary friend as her squire on an imaginary quest, it somehow totally fit as a source of names. :pinkiehappy: I really have to reread Don Quixote one of these days. I'm personally assuming Sweetie Belle read the pony equivalent sometime recently.

The funny thing is that now I'm starting to find myself thinking about the aftermath of this fanfic a bit. Don't know if anything will come of that or not.

Just as a note, there's another fanfic, The Impossible Dream, that has a major character named Tilting Windmill...


Scootaloo needs temporary governance of an island.


Tempting. Though I'd probably peg the Cutie Mark Crusaders as a whole getting temporary governance of an island later on. Or pretending such, anyways. Of course, if nothing else, she gets governance of Sparkler's old bedroom.

Though to be honest, the main reasons I'm debating about a followup are:
a) The way Ditzy's character developed interests me.
b) There are all sorts of implications to an imaginary character becoming real that would be fun to explore.

If I do a followup, the following will probably be in it in some form, though it's still a bit rough:

It's been a long time since I thought about that musical, Ditzy reflected. I'd actually auditioned for the position of Dorothy, in fact. They just stuck me with the role of the Scarecrow because they figured that the way my eyes looked and my clumsiness meant I was dumb.

Of course, she thought wryly, they totally missed that the Scarecrow was the most intelligent of them all, all along, and just didn't have a diploma.

Much like me. Maybe it had been appropriate casting, after all.


You strike me as the sort that lets an idea take you on a merry ramble. Your mental conception of Ditzy beckons you with a proffered hoof; accept it and sally forth, over hill, over dale, through bush, through briar, over park, over pale, through blood, through fire!

I always preferred to call her "Derpy," but they are merely names.


Well, I like to explore ideas a decent amount. Whether they get to fimfiction is another matter. I have, er, several unfinished fics that haven't made it over. I don't really like to start posting them till they are complete, though I've been thinking about starting to change that a bit. And then, of course, there's my weird plot idea document. (which is a scary document. Friendship is Wubs, Dobby in Equestria, Scootaloo as the Doctor's new assistant, etc...)

Let's see what I've got sitting around: 4-5 chapters of a Scootaloo adoption fic that's mostly abandoned, about one and a half chapters written about this OC, half of a mlp/Lovecraft oneshot, a completely written oneshot I'm in the process of rewriting, a 7 chapter fanfic involving a pony in a coma I'm halfway through writing, and probably other stuff I'm not thinking about. And about 500 words or so about a sequel to Making Friends, of course.

Oh, and my conception of her is that her name is Ditzy Doo, but she's acquired Derpy as a nickname along the way. She used to not like it, but she doesn't really care that much about it any more.

I was thinking about her getting Twilight's opinion of the whole imaginary friend thing, but I'm wondering if that's actually a good idea after seeing what happened to all the extra Pinkie Pies...


What Lovecraft influences were you intending to channel for the one-shot? I adore the man's work, although it must be said that the majority of them aren't noteworthy in any particular sense.

Twilight's administration of her test was rather trigger-happy. Her actions failed to discriminate between the originator and the recipient of any distractions that cropped up, despite neglecting to define what level of deviation from the task at hand would earn a one-way trip into the aether. I suppose one could argue that such information was not strictly necessary, but had I been told to simply "watch paint dry" and the being next to me began sprouting additional digits, I would probably give the spectacle a glance, too.


Innsmouth, or Innsmare, in this case. And it's yet another Scootaloo fic. For some reason, my most cracked ideas tend to be:

As I write this, on a crisp clear August night, I can still hear them faintly calling out to me. Voice carried softly by the wind, accompanied by the sound of water rushing in the distance. And I know deep in my heart that one day I will follow them and never again be seen, like my parents did before me. I should still have a long time until that day, as they were in their 60's before they started to change. Until then, though, I'll hear the voices in the wind, calling, beckoning to me:

"Scootaloo! Scoot- Scoot- Scootaloo!"

Don't laugh. Don't even laugh. I know it sounds comical on the face of it. Apple Bloom has no idea how close she came to mimicking them that day in the Everfree. She'd also have no idea what it meant if she did, and currently, I have no intention of telling her.

Haven't been back to it in a few weeks, and I'm missing most of the middle, which is where the action takes place, though.

And, yeah, it'd have been really easy for her to mistakenly hit the real Pinkie Pie, especially with how distractable she is, and everything that was going on around her. That, and staring at paint drying is pretty boring.

And I have this bad mental picture of Ditzy explaining what happened to Twilight, and her reversing the spell on the spot...


Being a seapony would indeed explain the small and stubby fin-like wings...


Right, and you never see her parents because they've already gone to the fully aquatic stage. I still like the idea. I wrote the opening up to the point of the actual trip to Innsmare, and the closing. Theoretically, at that point, I was going to reread "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" to get into the right mood for it, and get more of a feel for the town.

Unfortunately, it was a bit too close to when I'd been prereading Stolen Fire, and I decided to wait until I was in less of a mood to majorly mark up the story with comments for revision. :twilightsmile:

Things I like about the fic:
-it's sweet. Sweetie Belle remains in character throughout, Ditzy Do is fun as the adult who likes to play (which I always thought was her cutie mark's real meaning: no matter how often someone bursts your bubble, don't stop blowing them. Don't stop dreaming, don't stop having fun).

-The One Who Must Not Be Named reacts very much like you'd expect.

What I don't like:
-it's predictable, at least for chaos mage like me (look up 'Liber Aeldor' and you'll catch my drift). I knew right from the outset how it was going to turn out, and there wasn't any added twist that pushed the gimmick further. To give a comparison to my own works: in Quorum Sensing the story is about the loss of ever getting a cutie mark. The gimmick is the cause of this loss. The added twist is how they all cope with it, and the medical jargon to keep the reader sort of guessing but also adding continuity. In 'Upside to your Backside', the gimmick is obviously the cutie mark idea, the added twist is the social commentary and moral lesson that follows. My point is: you can make this story more memorable than it is at this point.

-the implications. This sort of scenario would be very common, and as such it's happened before and will happen time and time again.

So, possible improvements:
- add in a description of the imaginary friend that doesn't match how she turns out. That'll actually preserve the surprise. It also adds a nice touch by making the living thing actually living. As in: no longer connected to its creator. This type of stories invariably involves some sort of rebellion, having the imaginary friend become more and more independent up to the climax would hint more at something unique.

-after the climax, at least marginally explore the consequences. Not just living conditions, but some real questions about whether or not this is real. And more importantly: how this new life is going to be treated. Birth certificates, medical documents, not to mention the threat of suddenly ceasing to exist. Like this, for instance:

"Wait, does that mean I need to go?"

"No. I mean, it shouldn't. Where would you even go?"

The newly made filly scratched the ground with her hooves.

"I think I like it better here. I don't wanna go back, I can't feel anything there. I like feeling things."

"Well...I don't think you've got any pieces of me I really need. And if you do...maybe we could find some spares?"

Something along those lines. It doesn't have to be as deep as a Zen riddle, but not going into that kind of reasoning at all is a waste of awesome.

My two eurocents.


Thanks for the critique. This one, I really did feel I could use more feedback on. And believe me, I've very fond of how Ditzy turned out in this fanfic.

I was rather worried about predictability. It was a bit of a delicate balance, and the combination of "no friends" when we know of one, and the "Rainbow Dash" line might have been a bit much. And actually, fleshing things out more is something I need to work on.

And frankly, where things would go after this has been bouncing around in my mind ever since a few days after posting this fic. There are a lot of interesting things left to explore with this idea. Enough so, that, well, at this point, I have about 4k words written in the same universe by now, picking up right after they left Sweetie Belle.

There are a lot of questions. What long term effects will this have on Sweetie Belle, for example? And is this a common occurrence?[1] Is this something temporary that will reverse itself? I've also been thinking of how incomplete somepony that was formed in that way would be, and problems they'd run into[2]. And yeah, questions of documentation arise, and legal paperwork. And Ditzy really needs to consult with somepony who is knowledgeable about magic. The most likely pony is later known for mass slaughter of magical Pinkie Pie clones...

Admittedly, I also want to explore Ditzy's character more, and write cute scenes between them.

I'd been thinking of this mainly in terms of a sequel, though it'd obviously require reading the original. I could just turn it into a multichaptered fic, though.

I'm not really sure about adding in something that was different in the initial descriptions between the real and imaginary versions, though I can see the point. Though I suppose giving her imaginary friend a name, then having her reject the name after becoming real would have worked and made things a lot easier for me. I kept struggling with not having a name to use in descriptions for her when writing this.

I have been thinking about the likelihood of some conflict between them, and wanting to differentiate herself from the original. She's going to have very conflicted emotions about Sweetie Belle once she's gotten over the "I'm alive!" stage. Especially when Sweetie Belle doesn't meet her in the park tomorrow, though the reason will cause other things to be going through her head...

[1] Which I may handle by just giving a bunch of exposition on why it doesn't happen all the time. I've got a few ideas on that front.
[2] For example, consider the current state of her memory. Imaginary friends are only there when you're playing with them...

There's another problem with asking for help, actually. Twilight might not have arrived in Ponyville yet. The obvious answer is to look for Cheerilee and see if she has any documentation on the phenomenon.

I'm speaking as an occultist now, which means that what I'm about to say is kind of universal in all these types of stories.

-the creation always changes the more time it spends in the real world. Consumed food is a very definite sign of permanence.
-the creator doesn't expend additional energy as the creation roams around. As a matter of fact: a ritual whereby the creator forgets that they made their creation will make it stronger and more real. Like playing out a story and forgetting that it's a story. The creator could ask what the creation would want to be, in broad lines, and as the creation develops its own imagination it becomes more real and more strictly defined.
-beyond a certain point, the creation cannot be distinguished from normal real things, even by those with magical abilities. Ontological intertia is identical for them.

So what I guess would make the most sense is: Sweetie Belle gets out something like a Ouija board with Ditzy (see 'Conjuring up Philip'), and the resulting ritual wipes Sweetie Belle's memory, but also restores whatever she lost. The creation then only has memories of the story it was following, and Ditzy is the only one who knows the whole truth.

Well, that's my first thought, anyway.


Yeah, I'm tending towards making this not that long before the first episode started. Remember that one shot during the Summer Sun Celebration of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo being terrified of Nightmare Moon?

And she'll probably start with talking to Sparkler, who, having just barely moved out on her own, and not having a talent for magic, won't know much. I might still use Twilight, but it'll be even more of an unknown on how she'll react. I'm thinking an Encephalograph will be involved.

And, odd as it might sound, one of the minor details that's been running through my head is the frogs they gathered. :twilightsmile: Not to mention what I did to Princess Celestia in 'Taking Time'.

Though now you've got me wondering about the connection between the creator and creation, since I'd been thinking more one time spell then continuous effect.

Thanks for the information, btw. I do have some books about magic around, but it's been quite a while since I've referenced them, and I'm not sure any of them would cover this particular situation. I'm not sure if I want to go the wiping memories route, but it's an interesting idea. And now I'm wondering if I should move back the scene where she has her first meal...

"ensorcellment" - I learn new words every day. I am going to have to apply this to wonky code. :twilightsmile:


And, sadly, that was literally what I typed when writing that paragraph, off the top of my mind, with no reference to a dictionary, except to make sure I had the spelling right. (Google didn't have it in their spellchecker's dictionary, sadly) I read a lot, and ended up with a pretty large vocabulary, though I don't use it that often in everyday speech. Sweetie Belle must have read some epic fantasy after reading the in universe equivalent of Don Quixote. :twilightsmile:

Of course, the nice thing is I can point both to Sweetie Belle being a dictionary, and, even though "Babs Seed" came out after this, the clubhouse initiation scene. (Of course, I'm still trying to figure out how to reconcile the location of Sweetie Belle's home from there...)

And, yeah, that'd probably be a perfect place to use it. :scootangel:

/* Some ensorcellment hath bewitched this code. */


Warm fuzzies all over at the end, too - always a bonus. :twilightsmile:


Thanks. I'm rather happy with how it turned out.

And the writing side of my brain is refusing to work on anything other then a sequel. Which is a shame, in a way, since I had other fanfics I was trying to work on...

Well done! I like it. It's short, interesting, pithy and it has an amusing premise. I found it a little silly that Sweetie Belle would be able to come up with all those foreign names, but then again, her parents travel a lot. Faved and thumbed.


Thanks! And the explanation for her knowing all those names is simply that they are all from the same book. Rocinante is actually the name of Don Quixote's horse, and Rufio is the name of Sancho Panza's donkey. Ditzy's obviously read it, too, since Dorothea is from there, and the character Dorothea pretends to be Princess Micomicona at one point. :twilightsmile:

I'm not sure why she's read Don Quixote - or more likely Don Rocinante in this universe - but having a fair amount of free time and no friends could do it. Or a school assignment.

I'm working on a sequel at this point, btw (Though obviously unpublished as of yet). Mainly because I started asking myself questions about the magic involved, and what issues an imaginary pony turned real would have. And I wanted to write warm fuzzy fluff about Ditzy and Scootaloo, of course.

I enjoyed "The Assumption of Applejack -or- Appletheosis", btw, and am following the sequel with interest...

Impressive story! It's pretty original, seeing as though there's only one like it. No grammatical errors, far as I see. Excellent job bringing Scoots to life, seeing as though that'd be hard to believably make happen. 8) :pinkiehappy:


Thanks! I liked it enough that I'm in the process of writing a multi-chapter sequel. I felt like I needed to explore Scoots setting in with Ditzy, and exactly what the consequences of that magical accident were for both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. And, whenever I get there, how Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom ended up together at the Summer Solstice celebration without Apple Bloom knowing them afterwards. :applecry:

Scootaloo plus Cervantes! So Sweetie Belle actually created Scootaloo?


Yep. I like how I had orphan!Scootaloo for maybe 5 seconds in this. There are more consequences to her creation, but that's a job for a sequel. As is cute fluff with Ditzy and Scootaloo. Especially with how naive Scootaloo is.

I've actually been plotting a sequel since a day or two after posting this fanfic, because imaginary!Scootaloo is an interesting idea I felt like playing with more. I'm actually on chapter 4 at this point. I'm just trying to get a pretty good buffer of chapters up before I start posting. And chapter 4 hasn't exactly been cooperating, unfortunately. Though I posted a good bit from it on my blog...

That was fantastic! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Seriously, delightful. Thank youuuuuuu author~!


Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. I've been busily at work on a multichapter sequel, as yet unpublished. I'm actually trying to get a good backlog of chapters before I start posting it. I'm somewhere in chapter 5 at the moment.

If you want to get an idea what I'm planning, I posted an excerpt from ch. 4 over here.

Or, what's going to happen the next time Sweetie tries to talk to her imaginary friend, now that she's not imaginary anymore?


Depends if she's in the room or not. :pinkiehappy:

But the relationship between them will definitely be different. And Sweetie Belle is used to knowing everything about her imaginary friend, and never having conflicting opinions on things. That's obviously going to start to change.:scootangel:

Looks left, looks right. "Why am I alone in a pond?"


Because Sweetie Belle had been reading a ponified version of Don Quixote recently? Or Scoots had? :scootangel:

Well, that was unexpected! But I liked it. :pinkiesmile:



Maybe one of these days I'll get back to writing the sequel, starring Ditzy and Scootaloo. I got about 5 chapters into it. Ditzy letting Scootaloo choose her own name may have been a mistake, as she ends up as 'Scootaloo Daring Do' :scootangel:.


Quite true. And one of the amusing things about how I was writing it was that Scootaloo actually ends up loving the Daring Do books long before Rainbow Dash ever even finds out about them...

You had me at the Don Quixote reference.



I really really enjoyed writing this story, and I do rather like the implication that Ditzy and Sweetie Belle are both fans of both Don Quixote and the Wizard of Oz.

I did, in fact, start writing a sequel to it at one point. I actually still have around the first five chapters I wrote of it, which I never published. At this point, I'm basically figuring I'll hold off on doing anything more with it till either Just Winging It or Cubic Zirconia finishes, though.

It was going to be mainly about Ditzy and Scootaloo settling down as a family, and trying to figure out if there were any bad consequences to what happened at the end, and if the spell's likely to unravel...


How's the sequel to this coming along?


It's effectively on hiatus. Back when I was writing it, I had this idea that I'd write the whole thing and then publish once I had it finished. I got stalled out around the sixth chapter, and started writing something off the top of my head to temporarily take my mind off of it.

That became the first two chapters of Just Winging It, and most of my writing focus shifted over there. And then when rough drafts of the first couple chapters of Cubic Zirconia came around, that killed any other time I was spending with it.

I still hope to go back to it when one of the two is done, and I've been starting to think about just releasing some of what I've already written of it. I'd feel better about that if I had cover art and a proper name for it, though.

I still have an outline that says what happens basically in the rest of the fic, roughly, so it's planned out, anyways.

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