• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
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Before there was Harmony, there was Project Eclipse.

Now for the first time, all questions will be answered. You can learn... about the abominable truth behind everything. The truth that has been forgotten by everypony, even time itself.

But the real question is: can you walk away with your sanity intact?

Edited by Lazygamer313

1. This is a prequel to Rebirth of the Damned.
2. You don't have to read the first story to know what's going on here, or this one to understand what's going on there.
3. This story is planned to be shorter than Rebirth of the Damned, so I won't update this one as frequently as the other one.
4. Again, I kindly remind that english is my second languege.
5. There might be sex and gore in some chapters later on, I haven't decided yet. You have been warned.
6. Hope you like it.

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 138 )

I runned out of towns, so I had to improvise: earth pony + Austin = Eastin
Soo... what do you think?

the names listed actual names or codenames like the military use
Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle etc.
codename Metal, Hammer etc.

Great story, just getting that out of the way. The only gripe I have with this is trying to figure out who is who from the series. While some are obvious, I'm having a bit of trouble with others. If you could pose a quick message with everyone's names and who they represent than I'd be very grateful. Keep goin and stay golden^^

I mostly tried to mix few things, so they wouldn't be exact copies of the characters, but I guess it's more or less:
Director - Director
Counselor - Counselor
Crystal - Carolina
Canterlot - North Dakota
Manehatten - York
Trottingham - Wyoming
Fillydelphia - Texas
Baltimare - South Dakota
Cloudsdale - ... huh, I guess I just made her to have 10 soldiers, I don't think I based her on anybody...
Eastin - Washington (being a rookie of the team) / Theta (being VERY shy) / Delta (being smart)

For now, at least:pinkiecrazy: later few things might change :evillaugh:

Why not have cloudsdale be CT? Also thanks for clearing that up, I'll be keeping an eye out for your story.

1588766 It may seem daft, but I think Canterlot would have been a better code name for the character based on Washington considering the actual code names themselves. e.g. Caterlot is the capital of Equestria while Washington is the state that contains the capital of America. Does that make sense or am I just weird?

You have a point, and I spend some time considering that myself, but Canterlot (character) happened to be a part of this Project much longer than Eastin, so it's more logical that the name after capital was already taken.

1588922 Fair enough, that makes sense too. I like the story too. Keep it up!

1588977 If you are really a fan of him, you should have noticed...:raritywink: clue: I haven't mentioned some pony characters, didn't I?:pinkiehappy:

I was just skimming through the story, I was planning on reading it in detail later, but I will go thoroughly read the story now. Faved btw


The truth that has been forgotten by everypony, even time itself

I can't have a spy in there, if it's supposed to be forgotten. As for the just her personality, we didn't get much of the real CT, mostly we saw her winning about everybody as she was spying, and I didn't liked that fake CT.

Geez, is this the part of the series where a selected trained soldiers are going to be infused with essence of beings (case in point: silithids), to become some sort of artificial half pony and half silithid (Such as Drakonid in Cataclysm?). Either way, a familiar setting with Red vs Blue but I'm sure that you'll make it complex as how it is intriguing I'm sure. Can't wait to see more as the story develops.

1584713 Appleloosa? Los Pegasus? lol Ponyville? Dodge Junction? Hoofington? San Flanksisco/San Franciscolt (name is debatable)? Seaddle? Whinnyapolis? Saddle Arabia? Galloping Gorge? Manechester? Salt Lick City? Foaledo? Stalliongrad? Prance? Mosscow/Mooscow? Foalerado Springs? I'll keep updating whenever I remember or think up more cities.

1590461 there is Los Pegasus listed on the Leaderboard in the story, as for Appleloosa, it didn't existed then: "Appleloosa is featured in the episode Over a Barrel. Applejack's cousin Braeburn gives the ponies a tour through the town, which he says was built in less than a year"

1590488 This is set in the past, right? I know it's similar to RVB but I need to know the date so I'm reading the first one right now

Just so everybody knows, I changed Cloudsdale cutie mark, sorry for the confusion.

1597887 Fair enough, I did wonder. It seemed like one of those things that seems obvious but is a trick.

i would say since your making it a freelancer thing i would have an idea for the AI's if you planned to do them but that if you wanted to hear about it

sorry, I don't plan or having any AI-like things, or at least, they wouldn't be... intoroduced like those in Red vs Blue

"Well then." she said, surprisingly calm. "Somepony is gonna get kicked in the balls to death tomorrow."

...:twilightoops: ouch! that is going to hurt

hmmm.... me gusta

This story is cool but as of now i fail to see how it would tie in with Rebirth of the Damned besides the creatures from Azeroth being used for the augmentation process.

:pinkiecrazy:well, you just have to wait and see... :ajbemused:eh, it's gonna take me a whole year to finish both stories:ajsleepy: but trust me, it will soon make more sense:pinkiehappy:

Well at least i have something to look forward to.
And on a side note i'm currently doing catch up questing with my Hunter in Icecrown and that reminds me why Arthas is one of my favorite Characters besides Medivh (even if that bastard always cheats at that goddamm chess event in Karazahn)

You`ll be surprised to know that it also explains the background of one of your favorite MLP villains that I'm sure you are just DYING to know.

That depends on how far back in the past this whole story plays. :pinkiehappy:

cute all though it does bring to kind that eastern is meant to be like washington and filly as texas which is till cool but going back to los and E's fight i think that should have been looked at more considering how much damage wash put on the meta

For those that will skip the next chapter - chapter 7 is the last chapter of this arc, "Introductions". Now that it's over, I'm taking a long break from Project Eclipse, and I will be returning to Rebirth of the Damned. Stay tuned, everypony!:pinkiehappy:

Ugh, I still can believe I wrote this... Don't take me wrong, I like it, but still, if somebody would tell me few month ago that my very first clop chapter would be this... kinky, I would laugh.
Heck, go back in time two years ago and tell me what a clopfic is and that I'll write one, record my reaction.:rainbowlaugh:

that was... unexpected for me to believe E would actually believe she would leave him there, tied up

About halfway through this chapter, and I have finally figured out the nature of E's ability.

Looks like a spell-steal/mimic type ability, duplicates, more or less any abilities that have effected him, or possibly in a range.

The emergency teleport, doubtless handled by unicorns probably allows for the TK, teleport, and energy blast, and the other skills being stolen from the combatents, (I think, not sure about the illusion)

Lol quite, like how unexpected that Filly believed that E would be turned by sticking her hoof deep down his throat?:rainbowhuh::rainbowwild:

You have officially made clop. You may now give me the brain bleach.

Yes. Empowered by, most likely, a more higher servant of the Old Gods to which, our favorite Old God himself, will play part in the upcoming destruction and chaos . At least that's what I hope for anyways:applecry:

I would say he got augmented with an Qiraji Prophet, a higher ranking one at that. The Prophets are by all means the magic caste of the Quiraji and are, except for the twin emperors, the closest to the old god they serve
And because of a possible wibbly wobbly timey wimey ball and playing with alternate timelines and/or dimension it could be the grand Prophet Skeram himself!

Ah, well, I am not families with more recient World of Warcraft lore, only Warcraft lore, from the books and the Earlier games. I quit WOW at level 40, and never really did all of it. Also, since only a handful of people write any fanfiction on the subject (whether to retell some of the events or even referencing them in decent detail), and a lot of it is not at all covered by the books anyhow, I miss alot of things.

I saw E copying a number of abilities, and MImic/spellsteal is a well-known spell/superpower/ability

I have thoughts that C'Thun might have a hand in this

Great work, loving story and the Augmentation concept.

For his abilities I do not think E can be classified as a specific anything, his C. mark looks like The Well of Eternity before the Great Sundering.
Its not that he can Mimic/spellsteal its that those are the only one he knows about atm, we need to see what will happen when hes put in
deadly situations. If we follow lore then Green flames and red eye's are Chaos magic attribute's and/or demons/demon possession.
The creature he got his powers from who is a High Priest of the Qiraji that could tap in to the power of The Well of Eternity and see
the future, not to mention he had powers from the mad old god C'Thun. (How the bloody frozen hell did they even catch one)?

And this chapter is not that kinky considering the mental status of the pony's there (and not even strange if you read half the things on FimFic).

Now that I think about it you may need to update story tag to mature (not sure though) try contacting someone that knows the written rules,
would be a shame if you got in trouble for a technicality like that.

You know, looking back those 4 weeks ago when I wrote it, I'm surprise nobody asked what that jibberish means.:derpytongue2:

2214583 If I had to wager a guess, I think the spider thing was either this
or this.
almarsguides.com/Almar%27s%20Stuff/WoW/Instances/Ahnkahet/Elder%20Nadox.jpg From how it was described though, I think the first one is more likely.

Oh boy, I guess this is where our nigh-omnipotent 'friends' come in. This story has been great so far, going to love to see how it ties in with "Rebirth of the Damned."

1759011>>1759240*inhales deeply*


1965107Dosen't have to do with something about Cthulhu?

2319649 actually, those are all slightly modified whispers of Old Gods from Warcraft, which are based on Cthulhu. I changed them a bit so that they would fit in the dialog. What I meant was what do they actually, literaly mean, as in 'in english'.

What is this, I don't even. Are you trying to set up some kind of new world in which the Equestrian military sends tributes from everywhere to train and become better ponies? Because there is a more effective way, perhaps with some kind of prologue about the desperation of Equestria or how Celestia and Luna are creating rival teams of trained military personnel with which to do battle?

something tells me that the black stuff is not supposed to be there, and that this is where they start going crazy
EDIT: have you been watching Star Trek recently? the teleporter reminds me of a TNG transporter Pad

2422158 well, truth to be told, this is just another joke out of Red vs Blue. Whenever the charecter that I based Hoof on went through portal, teleporter or whatever, he came out covered in black stuff.

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